AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearTypeKey Terms in Title or SummaryCase Status
  Texas & N. O. R. Co. V. Brotherhood of R. R. Trainmen 307 F.2d 151, United States Court of Appeals Fifth Circuit, Docket Number 19164 (7/6/1962) Action by railroad carriers to enjoin a strike called by labor organizations representing some of the railroad employees. From a judgment of the United States District Court, Southern District of Texas, Houston Division, Joe M. Ingraham, J., 197 F.Supp. 348, the plaintiffs appealed. The Court of Appeals, Rives, Circuit Judge, held inter alia, that... 1962 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
Henry G. Manne The "Higher Criticism" of the Modern Corporation 62 Columbia Law Review 399 (March, 1962) Periodically the American corporation receives a careful scrutiny from the academic community. In the early part of this century, the examination spotlighted monopoly dangers and financial manipulations. The names of Ripley and Brandeis come immediately to mind. In the early thirties, the relation between the management and the shareholders of the... 1962 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
  The Federal Courts and Integration of Southern Schools: Troubled Status of the Pupil Placement Acts 62 Columbia Law Review 1448 (December, 1962) Although probably apocryphal, Andrew Jackson's challenge to the Supreme Court John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it! points up the vast disparity between a judicial pronouncement of the Constitution's meaning and the implementation of that decision. The problem is made particularly acute when the status quo is supported... 1962 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
Benjamin F. Wright The Supreme Court Cannot Be Neutral 40 Texas Law Review 599 (May, 1962) Few essays dealing with the theory and practice of constitutional interpretation by the Supreme Court of the United States have resulted in so many and such immediate comments as Professor Hebert Wechsler's Toward Neutral Principles of Constitutional Law. Originally delivered on April 7, 1959, as the Holmes Lecture at the Harvard Law School, it... 1962 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
  Thompson V. County School Bd. Of Arlington County, Va. 204 F.Supp. 620, United States District Court E.D. Virginia, Alexandria Division, Docket Number CIV. 1341 (3/1/1962) Proceeding on a motion to dissolve an injunction, 144 F.Supp. 239. The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Lewis, J., held that evidence did not establish that school attendance areas as fixed by the county school board for designated schools were unconstitutional in that the attendance areas were defined so as to... 1962 Cases    
  U. S. ex Rel. Dukes V. Sain 297 F.2d 799, United States Court of Appeals Seventh Circuit, Docket Number 13374 (1/2/1962) Habeas corpus proceeding by state court defendant. The United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division, Julius J. Hoffman, J., denied relief, and defendant appealed. The Court of Appeals, Duffy, Circuit Judge, held that defendant was not denied constitutional rights by state's alleged use of peremptory... 1962 Cases    
  U. S. ex Rel. Noia V. Fay 300 F.2d 345, United States Court of Appeals Second Circuit, Docket Number 308, 26557 (2/7/1962) Habeas corpus proceeding by state prisoner. The United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, Cashin, J., 183 F.Supp. 222, dismissed the application, and prisoner appealed. The Court of Appeals, Waterman, Circuit Judge, held that prisoner's failure to appeal from conviction was not a ground for denial of prisoner's right to... 1962 Cases    
  U.s. V. Lynd 301 F.2d 818, United States Court of Appeals Fifth Circuit, Docket Number 19576 (4/10/1962) Action under the Civil Rights Act. The government appealed from the United States District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi, William Harold Cox, J., complaining of denial of temporary injunction, and moved for a temporary injunction pending appeal. The Court of Appeals, Tuttle, Chief Judge, held that under circumstances, and in view... 1962 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  U.s. V. Manning 206 F.Supp. 623, United States District Court W.D. Louisiana, Monroe Division, Docket Number CIV. 8257 (7/24/1962) Suit by State attacking constitutionality of Civil Rights Act and Asking for a preliminary injunction against the enforcement of its provisions. A statutory three judge District Court, Wisdom, Circuit Judge, held that the Civil Rights Act of 1960 authorizing a federal district judge to sign a certificate showing that the holder thereof is qualified... 1962 Cases    
  U.s. V. Van Allen 208 F.Supp. 331, United States District Court S.D. New York (8/21/1962) Proceeding on motion to dismiss indictment and suppress all evidence taken by grand jury together with all leads and clues derived therefrom. The District Court, Cashin, J., held that utilization of registration lists as a source of prospective jurors was a permissible method of selection, and defendants were not denied their right to a... 1962 Cases   This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  U.s. V. Wenzel 311 F.2d 164, United States Court of Appeals Fourth Circuit, Docket Number 8612 (12/7/1962) Defendant was convicted in the United States District Court for the District of Maryland, at Baltimore, Edward S. Northrop, J., of conspiracy to violate statutes relating to counterfeit money and with substantive offenses and he appealed. The Court of Appeals, John Paul, District Judge, held that defendant was not entitled to disclosure of contents... 1962 Cases    
  Vaughan V. Atkinson 369 U.S. 527, Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number 323 (5/14/1962) Suit in admiralty brought by seaman to recover maintenance and cure and damages for failure to pay maintenance and cure. The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Newport News, 200 F.Supp. 802, entered judgment unsatisfactory to seaman and he appealed. The Court of Appeals, 291 F.2d 813, affirmed, and seaman petitioned... 1962 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Weir V. Leafgreen 26 Ill.2d 406, Supreme Court of Illinois, Docket Number 37338 (11/30/1962) Suit, for construction of testamentary provisions, wherein a counterclaim asserting right to exercise option to purchase real estate was interposed. The Circuit Court, Knox County, Burton A. Roeth, J., dismissed the counterclaim for want of equity, and counterclaimant appealed. The Supreme Court, Hershey, J., held that provisions of will tending to... 1962 Cases    
  Williams V. Kennedy 209 F.Supp. 282, United States District Court D. New Jersey, Docket Number CIV. 669-62 (10/2/1962) Action by which plaintiff, who had been ordered deported as an alien by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, sought a determination that he was a citizen of the United States and that he was entitled to continue to reside in the United States. The District Court, Wortendyke, J., held that imposition of six-month limitation upon statutorily... 1962 Cases    
  Wilson V. Morris 139 So.2d 93, Court of Appeal of Louisiana, Fourth Circuit, Docket Number 21625 (3/12/1962) Action by husband and wife for damages sustained in an automobile accident. The Civil District Court for the Parish of Orleans, No. 372,969, Louis H. Yarrut, J., entered judgment in favor of plaintiffs and defendants appealed. The Court of Appeal, Johnson, J., held that evidence sustained finding that plaintiff-driver was guilty of no negligence,... 1962 Cases    
  Wilson V. State 243 Miss. 859, Supreme Court of Mississippi, Docket Number 42139 (3/26/1962) Defendant was convicted in the Circuit Court, Harrison County, Leslie B. Grant, J., of rape, and he appealed. The Supreme Court, Lee, J., held that evidence as to armed robbery of rape victim, and as to taking of certain articles of property from home of rape victim was admissible for purpose of identifying accused, and to show both crimes were... 1962 Cases    
  Wiltwyck School for Boys, Inc. V. Hill 11 N.Y.2d 182, Court of Appeals of New York (4/5/1962) Proceedings by school for boys to review and annul determination of the town zoning board of appeals denying a building permit for the construction of dormitories on property in residential zone where schools were a permitted use, and to compel town building inspector to issue a building permit. The Supreme Court, Special Term, Westchester County,... 1962 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Wood V. Georgia 370 U.S. 375, Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number 369 (6/25/1962) Defendant was convicted in the Superior Court of Bibb County, Georgia, of contempt, and he brought error. The Court of Appeals, 103 Ga.App. 305, 119 S.E.2d 261, affirmed as to conviction on two counts and reserved as to one count, and certiorari was granted. The Supreme Court, Mr. Chief Justice Warren, held that out-of-court statements of a sheriff... 1962 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
Felix Frankfurter A Legal Triptych 74 Harvard Law Review 433 (January, 1961) Young men considering careers in the law have often asked Mr. Justice Frankfurter what experiences they may expect and what services they may perform in the legal profession. In partial fulfillment of those requests he offers these brief portraits of three of his friends and associates whose careers exemplify three of the varied courses a lawyer's... 1961 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
Alan T. Nolan A. Lincoln, Prairie Lawyer. By John J. Duff. New York: Rinehart & Co. 1960. Vii + 433 Pages. $7.50 13 Stanford Law Review 442 (March, 1961) In 1906, Frederick Trevor Hill wrote Lincoln The Lawyer, a study of Lincoln's period at the bar and the legal aspects of his later career. In 1936, on the eve of the centennial of Lincoln's admission to the bar, Albert A. Woldman published a second full-scale analysis. Numerous reminiscences, articles, and pamphlets have also appeared, concerned... 1961 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
Joseph H. Smith Administrative Control of the Courts of the American Plantations 61 Columbia Law Review 1210 (November, 1961) Studies of the imperial control of the administration of justice in the American plantations in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries have tended to concentrate on the appellate jurisdiction of the King in Council or the Privy Council over the various colonial courtscommon law, chancery, probate, and admiralty. Yet an important adjunct to the... 1961 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
  Allen V. New York Cent. R. Co. 116 Ohio App. 430, Court of Appeals of Ohio, Sixth District, Lucas County (1/23/1961) Action by former railroad employee for wrongful discharge and breach of an employment contract. The Court of Common Pleas entered judgment for railroad on the pleadings and former employee appealed on questions of law. The Court of Appeals, Deeds, J., held that the action, arising out of former employee's discharge for noncompliance with union shop... 1961 Cases    
  Appeal of Watson Laundry and Cleaners 61-1 BCA P 3016, A.S.B.C.A (4/14/1961)   1961 Administrative Decisions & Guidance    
  Appellant's Reply Brief, Burton V. the Wilmington Parking Authority Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 164 (2/17/1961) Since neither appellee takes issue with the statement of the facts as contained in appellant's opening brief, no further development of the facts is occasioned. However, to avoid seeming to... 1961 Briefs    
  Appellee the Wilmington Parking Authority's Brief., Burton V. the Wilmington Parking Authority Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 164 (1/27/1961) Appellee, The Wilmington Parking Authority, hereinafter called Authority, pursuant to Rule 16 of the Revised Rules of the Supreme Court of the United States, has heretofore moved that the... 1961 Briefs    
  Baker Hotel of Dallas, Inc. 134 NLRB No. 51, N.L.R.B, Docket Number Case No. 16-CA-1382 (11/21/1961)   1961 Administrative Decisions & Guidance    
  Black V. Gettys 238 S.C. 167, Supreme Court of South Carolina, Docket Number 17767 (4/14/1961) Action to have item of will declared invalid, wherein the executor cross-petitioned to compel the plaintiff-widow to perform under a contract. The Common Pleas Court, York County, George T. Gregory, Jr., J., entered a decree from which an appeal was taken. The Supreme Court, Oxner, J., held that testamentary trust whereunder trustee was to deliver... 1961 Cases    
  Boman V. Birmingham Transit Co. 292 F.2d 4, United States Court of Appeals Fifth Circuit, Docket Number 18187 (4/14/1961)   1961 Cases    
  Borders V. Rippy 195 F.Supp. 732, United States District Court N.D. Texas, Dallas Division, Docket Number CIV.6165 (6/27/1961) Action respecting school integration plan. The District Court, Davidson, J., held that a mandate requiring integration of public schools would be entered in accordance with Court of Appeals' mandate. Judgment accordingly. See also 188 F.Supp. 231. 1961 Cases    
  Braden V. U.s. 365 U.S. 431, Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number 54 (2/27/1961) Prosecution for refusal to answer questions put to the defendant at a hearing of a subcommittee of the House Un-American Activities Committee which was investigating Communist infiltration into basic southern industry and Communist Party propaganda activities in the southern part of the United States. From an adverse judgment of the United States... 1961 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
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