AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearTypeKey Terms in Title or SummaryCase Status
  Carter V. Mccarthy's Cafe, Inc. Not Reported in N.W.2d, District Court of Minnesota, Fourth Judicial, Docket Number 532616 (6/29/1959) Due to the long delay in this case the Court feels that a chronological history of the proceedings might tend to clarify some of the reasons for such delay. These proceedings arose out of a... 1959 Trial Court Orders    
  Com. V. Moose Lodge 72 York 89, Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace of Pennsylvania, York County (1/1/1959) This case involves the construction of the Act of May 23, 1945, P. L. 962, 35 PS §655.1. The material portion of the statute provides as follows: From and after a period of six months after the effective date of this act, it shall be unlawful for any proprietor to conduct or operate a public eating or drinking place without first... 1959 Cases    
  Com. V. Moose Lodge 72 York 89, Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace of Pennsylvania, York County (1/1/1959) This case involves the construction of the Act of May 23, 1945, P. L. 962, 35 PS §655.1. The material portion of the statute provides as follows: From and after a period of six months after the effective date of this act, it shall be unlawful for any proprietor to conduct or operate a public eating or drinking place without first... 1959 Cases    
  Cosby V. State 269 Ala. 501, Supreme Court of Alabama, Docket Number 8 DIV. 965 (8/20/1959) Defendant was convicted in the Circuit Court, Limestone County, S. A. Lynne, J., of first-degree murder, and he appealed. The Supreme Court, Simpson, J., held that when witness testified, in response to inquiry as to whether defendant had appeared drunk, that defendant's face had turned red, and prosecutor asked: His face is kinda white now?, it... 1959 Cases    
  Cosby V. State 269 Ala. 501, Supreme Court of Alabama, Docket Number 8 DIV. 965 (8/20/1959) Defendant was convicted in the Circuit Court, Limestone County, S. A. Lynne, J., of first-degree murder, and he appealed. The Supreme Court, Simpson, J., held that when witness testified, in response to inquiry as to whether defendant had appeared drunk, that defendant's face had turned red, and prosecutor asked: His face is kinda white now?, it... 1959 Cases    
  Discretionary Appeals of District Court Interlocutory Orders: a Guided Tour Through Section 1292(b) of the Judicial Code 69 Yale Law Journal 333 (December, 1959) By enacting section 1292(b) of the Judicial Code in 1958, Congress increased the number of appealable district court interlocutory orders. Appeals may now be granted: When a district judge, in making in a civil action an order not otherwise appealable under this section, shall be of the opinion that such order involves a controlling question of law... 1959 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
  Discretionary Appeals of District Court Interlocutory Orders: a Guided Tour Through Section 1292(b) of the Judicial Code 69 Yale Law Journal 333 (December, 1959) By enacting section 1292(b) of the Judicial Code in 1958, Congress increased the number of appealable district court interlocutory orders. Appeals may now be granted: When a district judge, in making in a civil action an order not otherwise appealable under this section, shall be of the opinion that such order involves a controlling question of law... 1959 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
  Duckworth V. James 267 F.2d 224, United States Court of Appeals Fourth Circuit, Docket Number 7848 (5/18/1959) Action to enjoin enforcement of Norfolk ordinance and resolution cutting off funds for the use of certain schools and grades. From an order of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, at Norfolk, Walter E. Hoffman, J., 170 F.Supp. 342, the defendants appealed. The United States Court of Appeals, Soper, Circuit Judge,... 1959 Cases    
  Duckworth V. James 267 F.2d 224, United States Court of Appeals Fourth Circuit, Docket Number 7848 (5/18/1959) Action to enjoin enforcement of Norfolk ordinance and resolution cutting off funds for the use of certain schools and grades. From an order of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, at Norfolk, Walter E. Hoffman, J., 170 F.Supp. 342, the defendants appealed. The United States Court of Appeals, Soper, Circuit Judge,... 1959 Cases    
  Eslin V. Collins 108 So.2d 889, Supreme Court of Florida (1/21/1959) Suit to test the constitutionality of 1957 amendment of the Naturopathy Act, F.S.A. s 462.01 et seq. The Circuit Court for Duval County, W. A. Stanly, J., rendered a decree dismissing complaint, and plaintiff appealed. The Supreme Court, Roberts, J., held that amendment is invalid in its entirety by reason of arbitrary and unreasonable... 1959 Cases    
  Eslin V. Collins 108 So.2d 889, Supreme Court of Florida (1/21/1959) Suit to test the constitutionality of 1957 amendment of the Naturopathy Act, F.S.A. s 462.01 et seq. The Circuit Court for Duval County, W. A. Stanly, J., rendered a decree dismissing complaint, and plaintiff appealed. The Supreme Court, Roberts, J., held that amendment is invalid in its entirety by reason of arbitrary and unreasonable... 1959 Cases    
  Fagan V. Pennsylvania R. Co. 173 F.Supp. 465, United States District Court M.D. Pennsylvania, Docket Number CIV. 5968 (5/15/1959) Action by railway employees against railroad and brotherhood to set aside agreement of railroad and brotherhood revising seniority rights. The railroad moved for judgment on the pleadings, and the brotherhood moved to dismiss the complaint or in the alternative for summary judgment. The District Court, Follmer, J., held that where collective... 1959 Cases    
  Fagan V. Pennsylvania R. Co. 173 F.Supp. 465, United States District Court M.D. Pennsylvania, Docket Number CIV. 5968 (5/15/1959) Action by railway employees against railroad and brotherhood to set aside agreement of railroad and brotherhood revising seniority rights. The railroad moved for judgment on the pleadings, and the brotherhood moved to dismiss the complaint or in the alternative for summary judgment. The District Court, Follmer, J., held that where collective... 1959 Cases    
Henry M. Hart, Jr. Foreword: the Time Chart of the Justices 73 Harvard Law Review 84 (November, 1959) This Foreword departs from the pattern of most of its predecessors by addressing itself not to any especially noteworthy decisions or events of the past term but rather to problems of the Court's administration which are common to every term problems of the volume of the Court's business and of the ways in which the business is done. An effort... 1959 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
Henry M. Hart, Jr. Foreword: the Time Chart of the Justices 73 Harvard Law Review 84 (November, 1959) This Foreword departs from the pattern of most of its predecessors by addressing itself not to any especially noteworthy decisions or events of the past term but rather to problems of the Court's administration which are common to every term problems of the volume of the Court's business and of the ways in which the business is done. An effort... 1959 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
  Frasier V. U.s. 267 F.2d 62, United States Court of Appeals First Circuit, Docket Number 5407 (5/22/1959) The defendant was convicted for making false statements, in his Loyalty Certificate for Personnel of the Armed Forces', that he had not been a member of the Communist Party and that he had not attended formal or informal meetings or gatherings of the Communist Party. The United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts, Francis J. W.... 1959 Cases    
  Frasier V. U.s. 267 F.2d 62, United States Court of Appeals First Circuit, Docket Number 5407 (5/22/1959) The defendant was convicted for making false statements, in his Loyalty Certificate for Personnel of the Armed Forces', that he had not been a member of the Communist Party and that he had not attended formal or informal meetings or gatherings of the Communist Party. The United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts, Francis J. W.... 1959 Cases    
  Garrett V. Faubus 230 Ark. 445, Supreme Court of Arkansas, Docket Number 5-1824 (4/27/1959) Suit by citizen and taxpayer attacking constitutionality of statute giving Governor right to close any school or schools in any particular school district whenever he determined there was actual or impending domestic violence endangering lives or property, federal troops were stationed in or about public school, or that an efficient educational... 1959 Cases    
  Garrett V. Faubus 230 Ark. 445, Supreme Court of Arkansas, Docket Number 5-1824 (4/27/1959) Suit by citizen and taxpayer attacking constitutionality of statute giving Governor right to close any school or schools in any particular school district whenever he determined there was actual or impending domestic violence endangering lives or property, federal troops were stationed in or about public school, or that an efficient educational... 1959 Cases    
  Goodman V. Goodman 168 Neb. 841, Supreme Court of Nebraska, Docket Number 34580 (7/3/1959) Action by wife for a divorce, wherein husband filed a cross petition, which was dismissed without prejudice at his request. The District Court, Sarpy County, Dierks, J., dismissed the petition for divorce, and wife appealed. The Supreme Court, Simmons, C. J., held, inter alia, that charge as to improper conduct of wife, made by husband in cross... 1959 Cases    
  Goodman V. Goodman 168 Neb. 841, Supreme Court of Nebraska, Docket Number 34580 (7/3/1959) Action by wife for a divorce, wherein husband filed a cross petition, which was dismissed without prejudice at his request. The District Court, Sarpy County, Dierks, J., dismissed the petition for divorce, and wife appealed. The Supreme Court, Simmons, C. J., held, inter alia, that charge as to improper conduct of wife, made by husband in cross... 1959 Cases    
  Grant V. C.i.r. T.C. Memo. 1959-137, Tax Court of the United States, Docket Number 62989 (6/30/1959) Held: 1. In the return for 1950 and for 1951 petitioners omitted from gross income an amount of includible income which was in excess of 25 per cent of the gross income reported; therefore, under section 275(c), the 5-year period of limitation applies and deficiencies for those years are not barred. 2. Earnings of a corporation which are... 1959 Cases    
  Grant V. C.i.r. T.C. Memo. 1959-137, Tax Court of the United States, Docket Number 62989 (6/30/1959) Held: 1. In the return for 1950 and for 1951 petitioners omitted from gross income an amount of includible income which was in excess of 25 per cent of the gross income reported; therefore, under section 275(c), the 5-year period of limitation applies and deficiencies for those years are not barred. 2. Earnings of a corporation which are... 1959 Cases    
  Guyton V. Yancey 115 So.2d 622, Court of Appeal of Louisiana, Second Circuit, Docket Number 9087 (10/30/1959) Suit to restrain threatened violation of a building restriction. From a judgment of the First Judicial District Court, Parish of Caddo, Henry F. Turner, J., the defendant appealed. The Court of Appeal, Gladney, J., held, inter alia, that evidence established that general scheme of development which required an 80-foot setback for construction had... 1959 Cases    
  Guyton V. Yancey 115 So.2d 622, Court of Appeal of Louisiana, Second Circuit, Docket Number 9087 (10/30/1959) Suit to restrain threatened violation of a building restriction. From a judgment of the First Judicial District Court, Parish of Caddo, Henry F. Turner, J., the defendant appealed. The Court of Appeal, Gladney, J., held, inter alia, that evidence established that general scheme of development which required an 80-foot setback for construction had... 1959 Cases    
  Honorable Ralph Drake 1960 S.C. Op. Atty. Gen. 285, S.C.A.G, Docket Number Opinion No. 138 (11/4/1959)   1959 Administrative Decisions & Guidance    
  Honorable Ralph Drake 1960 S.C. Op. Atty. Gen. 285, S.C.A.G, Docket Number Opinion No. 138 (11/4/1959)   1959 Administrative Decisions & Guidance    
  Hughes V. Heinze 268 F.2d 864, United States Court of Appeals Ninth Circuit, Docket Number 16242 (6/29/1959) Habeas corpus proceeding by state prisoner against state prison warden. The United States District Court for the Northern District of California, Northern Division, Sherrill Halbert, J., denied petition for habeas corpus, and state prisoner appealed. The Court of Appeals, Hamlin, Circuit Judge, held, inter alia, that absence of affirmative proof... 1959 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Hughes V. Heinze 268 F.2d 864, United States Court of Appeals Ninth Circuit, Docket Number 16242 (6/29/1959) Habeas corpus proceeding by state prisoner against state prison warden. The United States District Court for the Northern District of California, Northern Division, Sherrill Halbert, J., denied petition for habeas corpus, and state prisoner appealed. The Court of Appeals, Hamlin, Circuit Judge, held, inter alia, that absence of affirmative proof... 1959 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  In re Complaint under Fairness Doctrine Requirements. 40 F.C.C. 479, F.C.C, Docket Number FCC 59-651 (7/1/1959)   1959 Administrative Decisions & Guidance    
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