AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearTypeKey Terms in Title or SummaryCase Status
  Jones V. Jones 232 La. 102, Supreme Court of Louisiana, Docket Number 42039 (2/25/1957) Husband's suit for absolute divorce on statutory ground of having lived apart for more than two years. Wife reconvened for alimony and to be recognized as the owner of and placed in possession of one-half of the community property and for attorneys' fees. The First Judicial District Court, Parish of Caddo, William F. Woods, Jr., J., rendered... 1957 Cases    
  Lamkin V. State 165 Tex.Crim. 11, Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas, Docket Number 28762 (2/20/1957) Defendant was convicted of murder. The 22nd Judicial District Court, Caldwell County, J. R. Fuches, J., entered judgment on verdict, and defendant appealed. The Court of Criminal Appeals, Dice, C., held that failure of juror to disclose on voir dire examination fact that his wife, who was subpoenaed as witness in case but was not called, had told... 1957 Cases    
  Lamkin V. State 165 Tex.Crim. 11, Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas, Docket Number 28762 (2/20/1957) Defendant was convicted of murder. The 22nd Judicial District Court, Caldwell County, J. R. Fuches, J., entered judgment on verdict, and defendant appealed. The Court of Criminal Appeals, Dice, C., held that failure of juror to disclose on voir dire examination fact that his wife, who was subpoenaed as witness in case but was not called, had told... 1957 Cases    
  Lassiter V. Taylor 152 F.Supp. 295, United States District Court E.D. North Carolina, Raleigh Division, Docket Number 1019 (6/10/1957) Action for declaratory and injunctive relief. The District Court, per curiam, held that before it would take any action, with respect to allegedly unconstitutional statute prescribing literacy test for voters, administrative remedies provided by statute would have to be exhausted and statute would have to be interpreted by highest state court in... 1957 Cases    
  Lassiter V. Taylor 152 F.Supp. 295, United States District Court E.D. North Carolina, Raleigh Division, Docket Number 1019 (6/10/1957) Action for declaratory and injunctive relief. The District Court, per curiam, held that before it would take any action, with respect to allegedly unconstitutional statute prescribing literacy test for voters, administrative remedies provided by statute would have to be exhausted and statute would have to be interpreted by highest state court in... 1957 Cases    
Alexander M. Bickel , Harry H. Wellington Legislative Purpose and the Judicial Process: the Lincoln Mills Case 71 Harvard Law Review 1 (November, 1957) Section 301 of the Taft-Hartley Act, contend the authors, confers upon the federal courts responsibilities which are beyond the normal institutional capacities of those courts. Thus the proper disposition of Textile Workers Union v. Lincoln Mills, decided last term, was to remand the case to Congress for further consideration of this broad... 1957 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
Alexander M. Bickel , Harry H. Wellington Legislative Purpose and the Judicial Process: the Lincoln Mills Case 71 Harvard Law Review 1 (November, 1957) Section 301 of the Taft-Hartley Act, contend the authors, confers upon the federal courts responsibilities which are beyond the normal institutional capacities of those courts. Thus the proper disposition of Textile Workers Union v. Lincoln Mills, decided last term, was to remand the case to Congress for further consideration of this broad... 1957 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
Sanford H. Kadish Methodology and Criteria in Due Process Adjudication-a Survey and Criticism 66 Yale Law Journal 319 (January, 1957) The apparently chaotic array of Supreme Court decisions on the due process requirements of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments presents an imposing challenge to anyone who would formulate a unifying rationale. It is difficult, for example, to imagine what general, systematic principle of law could be deduced from the following conclusions: a... 1957 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
Sanford H. Kadish Methodology and Criteria in Due Process Adjudication-a Survey and Criticism 66 Yale Law Journal 319 (January, 1957) The apparently chaotic array of Supreme Court decisions on the due process requirements of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments presents an imposing challenge to anyone who would formulate a unifying rationale. It is difficult, for example, to imagine what general, systematic principle of law could be deduced from the following conclusions: a... 1957 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
  Mine Workers (Boone County Coal Corp.) 117 NLRB No. 154, N.L.R.B, Docket Number Case No. 9-CB-271 (4/12/1957)   1957 Administrative Decisions & Guidance   This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  Mine Workers (Boone County Coal Corp.) 117 NLRB No. 154, N.L.R.B, Docket Number Case No. 9-CB-271 (4/12/1957)   1957 Administrative Decisions & Guidance   This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  Motion and Brief of Amici Curiae, N.a.a.c.p. V. Alabama Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 91 (10/7/1957) The undersigned, as counsel for American Jewish Congress; American Baptist Convention, Commission on Christian Social Progress; American Civil Liberties Union; American Friends Service... 1957 Briefs    
  Motion and Brief of Amici Curiae, N.a.a.c.p. V. Alabama Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 91 (10/7/1957) The undersigned, as counsel for American Jewish Congress; American Baptist Convention, Commission on Christian Social Progress; American Civil Liberties Union; American Friends Service... 1957 Briefs    
Louis H. Pollak Mr. Justice Frankfurter: Judgment and the Fourteenth Amendment 67 Yale Law Journal 304 (December, 1957) The gleaming bayonets are ugly, and the cause for their presence is enough to grieve the heart of a nation. But they carry a proud and beautiful message. They say what too long was unsaid before, that ours is a government of law, that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land, that the Supreme Court is the final interpreter of the... 1957 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
Louis H. Pollak Mr. Justice Frankfurter: Judgment and the Fourteenth Amendment 67 Yale Law Journal 304 (December, 1957) The gleaming bayonets are ugly, and the cause for their presence is enough to grieve the heart of a nation. But they carry a proud and beautiful message. They say what too long was unsaid before, that ours is a government of law, that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land, that the Supreme Court is the final interpreter of the... 1957 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
  Payne V. State of Arkansas. 353 U.S. 929, Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number 610, MISC (4/8/1957) Facts and opinion, 295 S.W.2d 312. 1957 Cases    
  Payne V. State of Arkansas. 353 U.S. 929, Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number 610, MISC (4/8/1957) Facts and opinion, 295 S.W.2d 312. 1957 Cases    
  Petitioner's Brief on the Merits, Cent. Of Georgia Railway Co. V. Broth. Of R.r. Trainmen Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 84 (1/2/1957) Comes Now Petitioner, Central of Georgia Railway Company, and within the time permitted by the rules of this Court, respectfully submits this, its brief, on the merits of the case. The... 1957 Briefs    
  Petitioner's Brief on the Merits, Cent. Of Georgia Railway Co. V. Broth. Of R.r. Trainmen Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 84 (1/2/1957) Comes Now Petitioner, Central of Georgia Railway Company, and within the time permitted by the rules of this Court, respectfully submits this, its brief, on the merits of the case. The... 1957 Briefs    
  Petitioner's Brief, Conley V. Gibson Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 7 (8/26/1957) The opinion of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas was filed March 16, 1955, and appears on page 19 of the Transcript of Record. The per curiam opinion of... 1957 Briefs    
  Petitioner's Brief, Conley V. Gibson Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 7 (8/26/1957) The opinion of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas was filed March 16, 1955, and appears on page 19 of the Transcript of Record. The per curiam opinion of... 1957 Briefs    
  Reply Brief for the Panama Canal Company, Panama Canal Co. V. Grace Line, Inc. Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number Nos. 251, 252 (10/1/1957) Respondents' answering brief containing 196 pages and an Appendix of 50 pages was served on petitioner on March 23, 1958, i. e., ten days before this case was to be reached for argument in... 1957 Briefs    
  Reply Brief for the Panama Canal Company, Panama Canal Co. V. Grace Line, Inc. Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number Nos. 251, 252 (10/1/1957) Respondents' answering brief containing 196 pages and an Appendix of 50 pages was served on petitioner on March 23, 1958, i. e., ten days before this case was to be reached for argument in... 1957 Briefs    
  Respondent's Reply to Application for Writ of Certiorari, Lowe V. Jacobs Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 14 (6/22/1957) The United States Court of Appeals affirmed the action of the United States District Court in granting a preliminary injunction restraining Petitioners (plaintiffs and their attorneys... 1957 Briefs    
  Respondent's Reply to Application for Writ of Certiorari, Lowe V. Jacobs Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 14 (6/22/1957) The United States Court of Appeals affirmed the action of the United States District Court in granting a preliminary injunction restraining Petitioners (plaintiffs and their attorneys... 1957 Briefs    
  Ross V. Ebert 275 Wis. 523, Supreme Court of Wisconsin (4/9/1957) Action to compel union to accept plaintiffs as members. From a judgment of the Circuit Court, Milwaukee County, Robert C. Cannon, J., the plaintiffs appealed. The Supreme Court, Brown, J., held that labor union has a legal right to determine eligibility of its membership and court cannot compel the union to take in applicants who are unacceptable... 1957 Cases   This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  Ross V. Ebert 275 Wis. 523, Supreme Court of Wisconsin (4/9/1957) Action to compel union to accept plaintiffs as members. From a judgment of the Circuit Court, Milwaukee County, Robert C. Cannon, J., the plaintiffs appealed. The Supreme Court, Brown, J., held that labor union has a legal right to determine eligibility of its membership and court cannot compel the union to take in applicants who are unacceptable... 1957 Cases   This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  Sinclair Pipe Line Co. V. Carpentier 10 Ill.2d 300, Supreme Court of Illinois, Docket Number 34160 (1/24/1957) Foreign corporation brought action against the Illinois Secretary of State and others seeking a refund of franchise tax and additional license fees paid under protest, and seeking an order compelling the Secretary of State to issue a certificate of withdrawal. The Circuit Court of Sangamon County, DeWitt S. Crow, J., entered a decree dismissing the... 1957 Cases   Overruling Risk
  Sinclair Pipe Line Co. V. Carpentier 10 Ill.2d 300, Supreme Court of Illinois, Docket Number 34160 (1/24/1957) Foreign corporation brought action against the Illinois Secretary of State and others seeking a refund of franchise tax and additional license fees paid under protest, and seeking an order compelling the Secretary of State to issue a certificate of withdrawal. The Circuit Court of Sangamon County, DeWitt S. Crow, J., entered a decree dismissing the... 1957 Cases   Overruling Risk
  State Control over Political Organizations: First Amendment Checks on Powers of Regulation 66 Yale Law Journal 545 (February, 1957) The extensive regulatory powers of states over corporations and unincorporated associations provide an instrument of untested constitutionality for restraining the advocacy of ideas. A state's control may take the form of denying corporate charters to associations, of keeping corporations chartered elsewhere from functioning within its borders, and... 1957 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
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