AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearTypeKey Terms in Title or SummaryCase Status
  State Control over Political Organizations: First Amendment Checks on Powers of Regulation 66 Yale Law Journal 545 (February, 1957) The extensive regulatory powers of states over corporations and unincorporated associations provide an instrument of untested constitutionality for restraining the advocacy of ideas. A state's control may take the form of denying corporate charters to associations, of keeping corporations chartered elsewhere from functioning within its borders, and... 1957 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
  State V. Clein 93 So.2d 876, Supreme Court of Florida, Special Division B (3/27/1957) Prosecution for printing and distributing a paper containing obscene written descriptions. The Criminal Court of Rec ord, Dade County, Ben C. Willard, J., granted defendant's motion to quash the indictment and the state appealed. The Supreme Court, O'Connell, J., held that question of whether article described in indictment was obscene, and whether... 1957 Cases    
  State V. Clein 93 So.2d 876, Supreme Court of Florida, Special Division B (3/27/1957) Prosecution for printing and distributing a paper containing obscene written descriptions. The Criminal Court of Rec ord, Dade County, Ben C. Willard, J., granted defendant's motion to quash the indictment and the state appealed. The Supreme Court, O'Connell, J., held that question of whether article described in indictment was obscene, and whether... 1957 Cases    
  State V. Edwards 232 La. 577, Supreme Court of Louisiana, Docket Number 43315 (4/1/1957) Defendant was convicted of aggravated rape and from a judgment of the First Judicial District Court, Parish of Caddo, James U. Galloway, J., the defendant appealed. The Supreme Court, Hamlin, Justice ad hoc, held that objections to jurors were properly overruled, that evidence established that the confession of defendant was voluntary and that the... 1957 Cases    
  State V. Edwards 232 La. 577, Supreme Court of Louisiana, Docket Number 43315 (4/1/1957) Defendant was convicted of aggravated rape and from a judgment of the First Judicial District Court, Parish of Caddo, James U. Galloway, J., the defendant appealed. The Supreme Court, Hamlin, Justice ad hoc, held that objections to jurors were properly overruled, that evidence established that the confession of defendant was voluntary and that the... 1957 Cases    
  State V. Fong 211 Or. 1, Supreme Court of Oregon (7/9/1957) Prosecution for homicide. The Circuit Court, Multnomah County, Alfred P. Dobson, J., entered judgment of conviction and defendant appealed. The Supreme Court, Lusk, J., held that reversible error was committed in allowing introduction of extraneous evidence concerning narcotic activities of other persons. Reversed and remanded. 1957 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  State V. Fong 211 Or. 1, Supreme Court of Oregon (7/9/1957) Prosecution for homicide. The Circuit Court, Multnomah County, Alfred P. Dobson, J., entered judgment of conviction and defendant appealed. The Supreme Court, Lusk, J., held that reversible error was committed in allowing introduction of extraneous evidence concerning narcotic activities of other persons. Reversed and remanded. 1957 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  State V. Lopez 182 Kan. 46, Supreme Court of Kansas, Docket Number 40615 (12/7/1957) Defendant was convicted in the Geary District Court, James P. Coleman, J., of larceny of merchandise exceeding $20 in value, and he appealed. The Supreme Court, Fatzer, J., held that evidence sustained the conviction. Affirmed. 1957 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  State V. Lopez 182 Kan. 46, Supreme Court of Kansas, Docket Number 40615 (12/7/1957) Defendant was convicted in the Geary District Court, James P. Coleman, J., of larceny of merchandise exceeding $20 in value, and he appealed. The Supreme Court, Fatzer, J., held that evidence sustained the conviction. Affirmed. 1957 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  State V. Mouzon 231 S.C. 655, Supreme Court of South Carolina, Docket Number 17343 (8/27/1957) Prosecutions resulting, as to one defendant, in a convinction for murder with recommendation to mercy and as to other defendant in conviction of accessory after the fact of murder after a pedestrian was struck and killed by automobile in which both defendants were riding but there was dispute as to which defendant was driving. The General Sessions... 1957 Cases    
  State V. Mouzon 231 S.C. 655, Supreme Court of South Carolina, Docket Number 17343 (8/27/1957) Prosecutions resulting, as to one defendant, in a convinction for murder with recommendation to mercy and as to other defendant in conviction of accessory after the fact of murder after a pedestrian was struck and killed by automobile in which both defendants were riding but there was dispute as to which defendant was driving. The General Sessions... 1957 Cases    
  State V. Palmer 232 La. 468, Supreme Court of Louisiana, Docket Number 43227 (2/25/1957) Defendant was convicted of murder. The Criminal District Court, Parish of Orleans, Section D, J. Cleveland Fruge, J., rendered judgment, and defendant appealed. The Supreme Court, Hawthorne, J., held that testimony as to inculpatory statements concerning homicide, allegedly made by defendant to witness, was inadmissible, though... 1957 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  State V. Palmer 232 La. 468, Supreme Court of Louisiana, Docket Number 43227 (2/25/1957) Defendant was convicted of murder. The Criminal District Court, Parish of Orleans, Section D, J. Cleveland Fruge, J., rendered judgment, and defendant appealed. The Supreme Court, Hawthorne, J., held that testimony as to inculpatory statements concerning homicide, allegedly made by defendant to witness, was inadmissible, though... 1957 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  State V. Sullivan 24 N.J. 18, Supreme Court of New Jersey, Docket Number A-75 (4/1/1957) Prosecution for perjury and false swearing. The Mercer County Court, Law Division, entered judgment of conviction on seven of the eight counts in the perjury indictment, and defendant appealed. The Supreme Court, Wachenfeld, J., held that evidence was sufficient to sustain conviction as to three counts of perjury indictment, but was insufficient to... 1957 Cases    
  State V. Sullivan 24 N.J. 18, Supreme Court of New Jersey, Docket Number A-75 (4/1/1957) Prosecution for perjury and false swearing. The Mercer County Court, Law Division, entered judgment of conviction on seven of the eight counts in the perjury indictment, and defendant appealed. The Supreme Court, Wachenfeld, J., held that evidence was sufficient to sustain conviction as to three counts of perjury indictment, but was insufficient to... 1957 Cases    
  Succession of Moore 232 La. 556, Supreme Court of Louisiana, Docket Number 42905 (4/1/1957) Action by testator's collateral relatives to have bequest to universal legatee of all testator's property set aside on ground that the donation mortis causa was void because testator and universal legatee had lived together in open concubinage. The Civil District Court, Parish of Orleans, Walter B. Hamlin, J., set aside the bequest in its entirety,... 1957 Cases    
  Succession of Moore 232 La. 556, Supreme Court of Louisiana, Docket Number 42905 (4/1/1957) Action by testator's collateral relatives to have bequest to universal legatee of all testator's property set aside on ground that the donation mortis causa was void because testator and universal legatee had lived together in open concubinage. The Civil District Court, Parish of Orleans, Walter B. Hamlin, J., set aside the bequest in its entirety,... 1957 Cases    
James P. Hart The Bill of Rights: Safeguard of Individual Liberty 35 Texas Law Review 919 (October, 1957) Alexander Hamilton once argued that a bill of rights was not necessary in a constitution founded upon the power of the people. His argument did not then prevail, however, and few thoughtful Americans today would question the wisdom of placing constitutional limitations upon the powers of governments. Majorities can be as ruthless as monarchs in... 1957 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
James P. Hart The Bill of Rights: Safeguard of Individual Liberty 35 Texas Law Review 919 (October, 1957) Alexander Hamilton once argued that a bill of rights was not necessary in a constitution founded upon the power of the people. His argument did not then prevail, however, and few thoughtful Americans today would question the wisdom of placing constitutional limitations upon the powers of governments. Majorities can be as ruthless as monarchs in... 1957 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
Fagan Dickson The Poll Tax and Voter Registration 35 Texas Law Review 1031 (October, 1957) The poll tax is the only system of state-wide voter registration now possible under the Texas constitution. Although four other states still retain a poll tax, Texas is the only one of the forty-eight states which does not provide another method of general registration. Consequently, two important issues should be considered in any revision of the... 1957 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
Fagan Dickson The Poll Tax and Voter Registration 35 Texas Law Review 1031 (October, 1957) The poll tax is the only system of state-wide voter registration now possible under the Texas constitution. Although four other states still retain a poll tax, Texas is the only one of the forty-eight states which does not provide another method of general registration. Consequently, two important issues should be considered in any revision of the... 1957 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
  The Supreme Court, 1956 Term 71 Harvard Law Review 94 (November, 1957) The statistics in Tables I through IV reflect features of the Court's activity which have been covered by the tables accompanying the Review's analyses of the Court's business during the 1948 through 1955 Terms. These tables together with Table V, which appeared in the Review for the first time last year, provide a basis for comparing the work of... 1957 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
  The Supreme Court, 1956 Term 71 Harvard Law Review 94 (November, 1957) The statistics in Tables I through IV reflect features of the Court's activity which have been covered by the tables accompanying the Review's analyses of the Court's business during the 1948 through 1955 Terms. These tables together with Table V, which appeared in the Review for the first time last year, provide a basis for comparing the work of... 1957 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
  The Use of Ad Hoc Experimental Evidence in Litigation 104 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1064 (June, 1957) When counsel needs to establish some fact or proposition and satisfactory proof is non-existent or otherwise unobtainable, he may and often should develop evidence by experimentation in court or by testimony concerning the results of experiments conducted before trial. The experimenter may be an expert, as in Hopkins v. E. I. Du Pont De Nemours &... 1957 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
  The Use of Ad Hoc Experimental Evidence in Litigation 104 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1064 (June, 1957) When counsel needs to establish some fact or proposition and satisfactory proof is non-existent or otherwise unobtainable, he may and often should develop evidence by experimentation in court or by testimony concerning the results of experiments conducted before trial. The experimenter may be an expert, as in Hopkins v. E. I. Du Pont De Nemours &... 1957 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
  Thurston V. C.i.r. 28 T.C. 350, Tax Court of the United States, Docket Number 44674, 44675, 44676, 44677 (5/8/1957) Held, respondent's determinations that deficiencies in income tax for the years 1941-1950, inclusive, were due to fraud with intent to evade tax not sustained where the evidence shows only ignorance and negligence on the part of the taxpayer. 1957 Cases    
  Thurston V. C.i.r. 28 T.C. 350, Tax Court of the United States, Docket Number 44674, 44675, 44676, 44677 (5/8/1957) Held, respondent's determinations that deficiencies in income tax for the years 1941-1950, inclusive, were due to fraud with intent to evade tax not sustained where the evidence shows only ignorance and negligence on the part of the taxpayer. 1957 Cases    
  U. S. ex Rel. Goldsby V. Harpole 249 F.2d 417, United States Court of Appeals Fifth Circuit, Docket Number 16481 (11/20/1957) Habeas corpus proceeding. The United States District Court for the Northern District of Mississippi, Allen Cox, J., dismissed the application without a hearing, and the applicant appealed. The Court of Appeals, John R. Brown, Circuit Judge, held that averments in habeas corpus application were sufficient to entitle applicant to hearing on question... 1957 Cases    
  U. S. ex Rel. Goldsby V. Harpole 249 F.2d 417, United States Court of Appeals Fifth Circuit, Docket Number 16481 (11/20/1957) Habeas corpus proceeding. The United States District Court for the Northern District of Mississippi, Allen Cox, J., dismissed the application without a hearing, and the applicant appealed. The Court of Appeals, John R. Brown, Circuit Judge, held that averments in habeas corpus application were sufficient to entitle applicant to hearing on question... 1957 Cases    
  U.s. V. Maine Lobster Co. 160 F.Supp. 122, United States District Court, D. Maine, Southern Division, Docket Number CRIM. 57-36 (12/20/1957) Prosecution for conspiring to unreasonably restrain interstate trade and commerce in live Maine lobsters. On defendants' motion to dismiss the indictment, the District Court, Gignoux, J., held that where adequate cause existed for excusing grand juror from further duty, defendants, thereafter indicted by such grand jury, for conspiracy to... 1957 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102