AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearTypeKey Terms in Title or SummaryCase Status
  People V. Bruce 344 Ill.App. 114, Appellate Court of Illinois, Second District, Docket Number 10465 (7/12/1951) Nora Belle Bruce was convicted in the Circuit Court of Stephenson County, Harry E. Wheat, J., of assault with a deadly weapon, and she brought error. The Appellate Court, Dove, J., held that evidence sustained conviction. Judgment affirmed. 1951 Cases    
  People V. Davis 303 N.Y. 235, Court of Appeals of New York (10/18/1951) James Davis was convicted in the City Court of the City of Glen Cove, Cosgrove, Acting City Judge, sitting as a Court of Special Sessions, of violating section 244 and subdivision 1 of section 722 of the Penal Law, and the judgment was affirmed by the judgment of the Nassau County Court, entered November 8, 1950, and defendant appealed by... 1951 Cases    
  People V. Douglas 409 Ill. 230, Supreme Court of Illinois, Docket Number 31730 (5/24/1951) James Douglas was convicted in the Circuit Court, Sangamon County, DeWitt S. Crow, J., and he brought error. The Supreme Court, Fulton, J., held that the record failed to support defendant's contention that the court had no jurisdiction to try him. Judgment affirmed. 1951 Cases    
  People V. Harris 108 Cal.App.2d 84, District Court of Appeal, Second District, Division 2, California, Docket Number CR 4701 (12/7/1951) Daniel M. Harris was convicted in the Superior Court of Los Angeles County, Otto J. Emme, J., of copulating his mouth with the sexual organ of the prosecutrix and of rape on the same person by the exercise of force and violence, and the defendant appealed. The District Court of Appeal, Moore, P. J., held that evidence sustained convictions on both... 1951 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  People V. White Circle League of America 408 Ill. 564, Supreme Court of Illinois, Docket Number 31720 (3/22/1951) Quo warranto proceeding by the people of the state of Illinois on the relation of the Attorney General against the White Circle League of America to require defendant to show cause why it should not be ousted of its rights to exercise a corporation franchise. The Circuit Court, Cook County, Edward F. Baries, J., rendered judgment that the defendant... 1951 Cases    
  Petition for Moy Jeung Dun 101 F.Supp. 203, United States District Court, D. New Jersey, Docket Number 5475 (11/26/1951) Proceedings in the matter of the petition for naturalization of Moy Jeung Dun in which recommendations were made by Department of Immigration and Naturalization and the Naturalization Examiner against granting naturalization. The District Court, Madden, J., held that 1943 amendment to Nationality Act of 1940 which permitted naturalization of... 1951 Cases    
  Petitioner's Reply Brief, Beauharnais V. the People of the State of Illinois Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 118 (12/5/1951) Petitioner's conviction was in violation of the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution because it was for speech in the absence of a finding of a clear and present danger by... 1951 Briefs    
Jerre Stockton Williams Picketing and Free Speech-a Texas Primer 30 Texas Law Review 206 (December, 1951) The seeker for understanding of the constitutional protections surrounding picketing is bewildered by the din of wordsliterally millions of words. Even were the seeker to limit himself to the printed words of court opinions, he would find himself in an almost hopeless state of confusion. While admittedly adding to the words, this inquiry will be... 1951 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
  Reply Brief for Petitioners., Broth of R.r. Trainmen V. Howard. Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 458 (10/1/1951) The theory upon which the Court of Appeals reversed the judgment of the District Court is completely abandoned by Respondent. In his brief he makes no effort whatsoever to sustain this... 1951 Briefs    
  Respondent's Brief, Beauharnais V. the People of the State of Illinois Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 118 (11/23/1951) The opinion has been reported and is cited as The People of the State of Illinois, Appellee v. Joseph Beauharnais, Appellant, 408 Ill. 512. Although petitioner's brief refers to petitioner... 1951 Briefs    
  Respondent's Brief, Fouquette V. State Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 156 (11/21/1951) The petitioner heretofore petitioned this Court in Case No. 438, Misc., October Term, 1950, for a Writ of Certiorari to review the final judgment of the Supreme Court of Nevada, the highest... 1951 Briefs    
  Respondents' Brief., Garner V. Bd. Of Public Works of the City of Los Angeles Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 453 (4/20/1951) On March 5, 1951, this Court granted certiorari to the District Court of Appeal of the State of California, Second Appellate District. The opinion of the District Court of Appeal is... 1951 Briefs    
  Rice V. Arnold 54 So.2d 114, Supreme Court of Florida, en Banc (8/31/1951) Action in mandamus by Joseph Rice against H. H. Arnold, as Superintendent of the Miami Springs Country Club, to require respondent to permit relator the use of facilities of the County Club golf course during all of the hours in which course was usually open to the public or to show cause for his refusal to do so. The Circuit Court, Dade County,... 1951 Cases    
  Robinette V. Chicago Land Clearance Commission 115 F.Supp. 669, United States District Court, N.D. Illinois, Eastern Division, Docket Number 50 C 68 (6/26/1951) Action to have Illinois Blighted Areas Redevelopment Act declared unconstitutional and its enforcement by city land commission and state housing board enjoined and for damages under Civil Rights Act. The District Court, Campbell, J., held, inter alia, that where city land commission and state housing board proposed the condemnation of certain... 1951 Cases    
  Rogers V. State 155 Tex.Crim. 423, Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas, Docket Number 25108 (1/31/1951) Victor F. Rogers, alias Jack Rogers was convicted in the District Court, Dawson County, Louis B. Reed, J., of murder, and he appealed. The Court of Criminal Appeals, Davidson, C., held that trial judge had erred in failing to change venue of the case. Judgment reversed and cause remanded. 1951 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Shepherd V. State of Florida 341 U.S. 50, Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number 420 (4/9/1951) Samuel Shepherd and Walter Irvin were convicted in the Circuit Court for Lake County, Florida, for the crime of rape, and they appealed. The Supreme Court of Florida, 46 So.2d 880, affirmed the judgment of conviction, and Samuel Shepherd and Walter Irvin brought certiorari. The Supreme Court, Per Curiam, held that where the method of jury selection... 1951 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Smith V. State 218 Ark. 725, Supreme Court of Arkansas, Docket Number 4654 (4/9/1951) Aubrey Smith was convicted in the Circuit Court, Phillips County, Elmo Taylor, J., of murder in the first degree, and he appealed. The Supreme Court, Millwee, J., held that evidence supported the conviction. Judgment affirmed. 1951 Cases    
Robert L. Hale Some Basic Constitutional Rights of Economic Significance 51 Columbia Law Review 271 (March, 1951) The Constitution cannot guarantee absolute liberty to every individual. We are all restricted in our actions by numerous legal obligations imposed upon us by law and enforced by the government, as well as by economic and other pressures exerted by other individuals. At the same time we can each exert some pressures on others and thus enlarge our... 1951 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
  Speller V. Allen 192 F.2d 477, United States Court of Appeals Fourth Circuit, Docket Number 6332, 6331 (11/5/1951) Habeas corpus proceedings by Raleigh Speller and Clyde Brown against Robert A. Allen, Warden, Central Prison of the State of North Carolina, Raleigh, North Carolina. The United States District Court, Eastern District of North Carolina, at Raleigh, 98 F.Supp. 866, 99 F.Supp. 92, Don Gilliam J., denied the writs and the defendants appealed. The Court... 1951 Cases    
  State ex Rel. Hawkins V. Board of Control 53 So.2d 116, Supreme Court of Florida, en Banc, Docket Number 21138 (6/15/1951) Original proceedings in mandamus by the State on the relation of Virgil D. Hawkins to require the Board of Control of Florida to allow the relator to enroll as a law student at the University of Florida. The relator moved for the issuance of a peremptory writ, the return notwithstanding. The Supreme Court, Sebring, C. J., held that the relator had... 1951 Cases    
  State V. Brown 233 N.C. 202, Supreme Court of North Carolina, Docket Number 721 (2/2/1951) Clyde Brown was convicted in the Superior Court, Forsyth County, Don K. Moore, J., for rape, and he appealed. The Supreme Court, Stacy, C. J., held that the evidence was sufficient to show that the confession was voluntary so as to be admissible in evidence. No error. 1951 Cases    
  State V. Storm 125 Mont. 346, Supreme Court of Montana, Docket Number 9033 (12/15/1951) John Loy Storm was convicted in the Sixteenth Judicial Court, Rosebud County, W. R. Flachsenhar, J., of murder in the second degree, and he appealed. The Supreme Court, Adair, J., on petition of rehearing, held that testimony as to results obtained by use of bloodhounds for trailing scent from scene of crime is conclusion of witness and hearsay,... 1951 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Statement as to Jurisdiction, Briggs V. Elliott Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 273 (8/24/1951) In compliance with Rule 12 of the Rules of the Supreme Court of the United States, as amended, plaintiffs-appellants submit herewith their statement particularly disclosing the basis upon... 1951 Briefs    
  Statement as to Jurisdiction, Brown V. Bd. Of Educ. Of Topeka Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 1 (11/19/1951) In compliance with Rule 12 of the Rules of the Supreme Court of the United States, as amended, plaintiffs-appellants submit herewith their statement particularly disclosing the basis upon... 1951 Briefs    
  Statement as to Jurisdiction, Butler V. Thompson Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 713 (5/2/1951) In compliance with Rule 12 of the Rules of the Supreme Court of the United States, as amended, appellant submits herewith her statement, particularly disclosing the basis upon which the... 1951 Briefs    
  Statement as to Jurisdiction, Gray V. the Bd. Of Trustees of the University of Tennessee Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 120 (6/15/1951) In compliance with Rule 12 of the Rules of the Supreme Court of the United States, plaintiffs-appellants submit herewith their statement particularly disclosing the basis upon which the... 1951 Briefs    
  Statement as to Jurisdiction, Remmey V. Smith Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 503 (10/1/1951) Note: Table of Contents page numbers missing in original document Note: Table of Authorities page numbers missing in original document The plaintiffs, Robert H. Remmey, Jr., Clarence E.... 1951 Briefs    
Mathew O. Tobriner The Organizational Picket Line 3 Stanford Law Review 423 (April, 1951) If today, we are to re-examine the decisions of the Supreme Court of California upholding the right of peaceful picketing for the purpose of organizing a nonunion plant or obtaining a union shop contract, we must see the problem in the form of a social prism, not merely an opaque legal syllogism, because it is many-sided and refracted. To overlook... 1951 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
  Thomas V. State 255 Ala. 632, Supreme Court of Alabama, Docket Number 6 DIV. 177 (6/14/1951) Alfred Thomas was convicted in the circuit court, Tuscaloosa county, W. C. Warren, J., of murder in the second degree and he appealed. The Supreme Court, Brown, J., held that evidence did not sufficiently show that at time deceased made statement to police in regard to the shooting he was under a consciousness of approaching death and therefore... 1951 Cases    
  Tri-state Culvert & Mfg. Co. 96 NLRB No. 190, N.L.R.B, Docket Number Case No. 10-RC-1429 (10/31/1951)   1951 Administrative Decisions & Guidance    
107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124