AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearTypeKey Terms in Title or SummaryCase Status
  U.s. V. Banning U.S. Army Board of Review, Docket Number CM 346016 (11/9/1951) Sentence adjudged 2 February 1951. Approved sentence: Dismissal, total forfeiture, confinement for five years, $90,000 fine, and further confinement until fine paid but not to exceed four years. 1951 Cases    
  U.s. V. Frankfeld 101 F.Supp. 449, United States District Court, D. Maryland, Docket Number CRIM. 22209 (11/30/1951) Prosecution by the United States of America against Philip Frankfeld, also known as Phil Frankfeld, and others, for violating the Smith Act which prohibits conspiracy to advocate overthrow of givernment by force or violence, and defendants filed motion to dismiss the indictment, and motion for inspection of documentary evidence, and motion for... 1951 Cases    
Donald G. Agger Undermining the Constitution; a History of Lawless Government. By Thomas James Norton: New York: the Devin-adair Company, 1950. Pp. Xiv, 351. Distributed Without Charge by the Committee for Constitutional Government 60 Yale Law Journal 1064 (June, 1951) This book is the work of a bitter man. The gloom of Mr. Norton's ideas, is matched only by the sweep of his lamentations, and the disorder of his style. Here is a fairly typical sample: As big a thing as the great American Republic could not have been put on the skids without years of steady work. Beginning with 1933, Socialism (control by... 1951 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
  Walker V. State 94 Okla.Crim. 323, Criminal Court of Appeals of Oklahoma, Docket Number A-11380 (9/12/1951) Peter Walker was convicted in the District Court of Pontotoc County, Hoyt Driskill, J., of the crime of manslaughter in the first degree and sentenced to serve 12 years imprisonment in the state penitentiary, and he appealed. The Criminal Court of Appeals, Jones, J., held that where a witness was present when the defendant made statements partially... 1951 Cases    
  Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. 96 NLRB No. 58, N.L.R.B, Docket Number Case No. 6-CA-234 (9/26/1951)   1951 Administrative Decisions & Guidance   This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
Fowler V. Harper , Edwin D. Etherington What the Supreme Court Did Not Do During the 1950 Term 100 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 354 (December, 1951) This article is an encore to last year's survey of the denials of certiorari over the preceding term--not so much because of the applause, but because it is thought that the by-product of the Court's work may be as significant for the national interest as the work itself. It is, of course, misleading to contrast the 114 cases decided by the... 1951 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
  Administrative Jurisdiction 64 Harvard Law Review 114 (11/1/1950) Broad and bold interpretation of congressional enactments continued to be a dominant trend in administrative law decisions during the past term. One example was the extension, in the Slocum and Southern Ry. cases, of the primary jurisdiction doctrine which requires that the litigant resort in the first instance to the administrative tribunal rather... 1950 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
  Appellants' Brief in Opposition to Appellees' Statement Making Against Jurisdiction or in the Alternative Appellees' Motion to Dismiss or Affirm., Miller V. City of Spokane Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 608 (2/27/1950) (c) This is an appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States from a final judgment of the Supreme Court of the State of Washington, reversing a judgment of the Superior Court of Spokane... 1950 Briefs    
  Bennett V. Denver & R.g.w.r. Co. 117 Utah 57, Supreme Court of Utah, Docket Number 7287 (1/3/1950) Charles L. Bennett sued the Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad Company to recover under Federal Employers' Liability Act for injuries suffered by plaintiff while he was employed by defendant as a brakeman. The Third Judicial District Court, Salt Lake County, J. Allen Crockett, J., entered a judgment for plaintiff in the amount of $50,000, which... 1950 Cases    
  Bishop V. Bailey 209 Miss. 892, Supreme Court of Mississippi, Division A, Docket Number 37633 (11/13/1950) Proceedings by Mrs. Thomas L. Bailey, State Tax Collector, against Edna Bishop to recover tax or penalty provided for sale of intoxicating liquor and to secure injunctive relief against an alleged nuisance and for other purposes. The Chancery Court, Jones County, Roy P. Noble, Chancellor, entered a decree for the complainant and the defendant... 1950 Cases    
  Brief Amicus Curiae on Behalf of the Civil Rights Committee of the National Bar Association., Henderson V. U.s. Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 25 (2/4/1950) Now comes The National Bar Association, Inc., by Joseph R. Booker, president; Lucia T. Thomas, assistant secretary; Richard E. Westbrooks, chairman of the Civil Rights Committee of The... 1950 Briefs    
  Brief for Appellant., Mclaurin V. Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Educ. Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 34 (2/27/1950) No opinion was filed by the court below. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law were filed at the close of the first hearing (R. 31-34). Journal entry of Judgment for this hearing was... 1950 Briefs    
  Brief for Petitioner., Sweatt V. Theophilus Shickel Painter Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 44 (2/25/1950) The Texas Court of Civil Appeals remanded this cause without prejudice, then affirmed the judgment of the court below and finally denied petitioner's motion for rehearing. These decisions... 1950 Briefs    
  Brief for Petitioners, Dennis V. U.s. Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 336 (11/20/1950) The opinion of the Court of Appeals (20R. 15809-15878) is reported at 183 F. 2d 201. The opinion of Mr. Justice JACKSON as Circuit Justice of the Second Circuit continuing bail fixed by the... 1950 Briefs    
  Brief for Petitioners., City of Paducah V. Shelbourne Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 415 (10/1/1950) Fred A. Wilson, Jr., and Henry L. Powell filed a Civil action against the petitioners, the purpose of which was to obtain, by injunction, admittance to Paducah Junior College. They alleged... 1950 Briefs    
  Brief for Respondents, Sweatt V. Theophilus Shickel Painter Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 44 (3/27/1950) FN1. Sections 7 and 14 of Article VII and related statutory provisions set out in Appendix to Respondents' original brief at page 109. To distinguish it from this brief, the brief filled by... 1950 Briefs    
  Brief for the Congress of Industrial Organizations as Amicus Curiae, Mclaurin V. Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Educ. Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 34 (3/24/1950) 1. This brief amicus curiae is submitted by the Congress of. Industrial Organizations with the consent of the parties. It is not submitted by the CIO only because the CIO is an organization... 1950 Briefs    
  Brief for the Petitioner, Order of Railway Conductors of America V. Southern Railway Co. Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 438 (1/23/1950) The first opinion of the Supreme Court of South Carolina is reported in 210 S. C. 121, 41 S. E. 2d 774, and appears at Record 31-43. The second opinion is reported in 215 S. C. 280, 54 S.... 1950 Briefs    
  Brief for the Petitioners., Amalgamated Ass'n of Street V. Wisconsin Employment Relations Bd. Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 329 (10/1/1950) This action was commenced by the filing of a complaint in the Circuit Court for Milwaukee County by the respondent Wisconsin Employment Relations Board, it being alleged that petitioners... 1950 Briefs    
  Brief for the United States, U.s. V. Williams Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 26 (12/22/1950) The opinions in the Court of Appeals (R. 378-394) are reported at 179 F. 2d 644. The judgment of the Court of Appeals was entered on January 10, 1950 (R. 394). On February 8, 1950, by order... 1950 Briefs    
  Brief of American Civil Liberties Union, as Amicus Curiae, Mclaurin V. Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Educ. Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 34 (4/4/1950) The American Civil Liberties Union, which is devoted to the furtherance of the civil rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States, submits this brief in the belief that... 1950 Briefs    
  Brief of American Veterans Committee Inc. (Avc) Amicus Curiae, Mclaurin V. Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Educ. Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 34 (1/27/1950) Preliminary Statement. This case, and the case of Sweatt v. Painter (No. 44, this Term), squarely raise the issue, for the first time, whether it is constitutional for a State to refuse to... 1950 Briefs    
  Brief of Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioner, Sweatt V. Theophilus Shickel Painter Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 44 (1/1/1950) This is a brief of amici curiae in support of petitioner on a writ of certiorari to review the judgment of the Texas Court of Civil Appeals (R. 465) affirming a judgment of the District... 1950 Briefs    
  Brief of Appellee Milwaukee Gas Light Company, John V. Wisconsin Employment Relations Bd. Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 302 (12/30/1950) This is an appeal from a judgment entered on June 14, 1950 in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, Circuit Judge F. Ryan Duffy and District Judges Patrick... 1950 Briefs    
  Brief of Appellees, Mclaurin V. Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Educ. Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 34 (3/21/1950) The above-mentioned findings and conclusions (R. 39 to 42), including a preliminary statement, were handed down by the three-judge Federal district court (Circuit Judge Murrah and District... 1950 Briefs    
  Brief of Defendants-appellants in Opposition to Motions of Appellee to Dismiss or Affirm, Bd. Of Sup'rs of Louisiana State University V. Wilson Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 436 (12/6/1950) May It Please the Court: The Appellee filed herein motions to dismiss or affirm pursuant to Paragraph 3 of Rule 12 of the Rules of the Supreme Court in response to the jurisdictional... 1950 Briefs    
  Brief of the Japanese American Citizens League, Amicus Curiae, Mclaurin V. Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Educ. Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 34 (3/25/1950) The Japanese American Citizens League, hereinafter referred to as JACL, as amicus curiae, files this brief pursuant to the Court's Rule 27(9) and upon the written consent of the parties.... 1950 Briefs    
  Brief on Behalf of American Jewish Committee and B'nai B'rith (Anti-defamation League) as Amici Curiae, Sweatt V. Theophilis Shickel Painter Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 44 (4/1/1950) FN* The Appendix contains a description of the organizations appearing as amici curiae. This brief is filed, with the consent of both parties, on behalf of the American Jewish Committee,... 1950 Briefs    
  Butler V. Thompson 184 F.2d 526, United States Court of Appeals Fourth Circuit, Docket Number 6154 (10/16/1950) Action by Jessie Butler against Mary A. Thompson and others to enjoin the election officials of the State of Virginia from denying plaintiff, the right to register and vote on ground of nonpayment of poll tax and for damages. The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, at Alexandria, Albert V. Bryan, J., refused... 1950 Cases    
  Cacciatore V. State 49 So.2d 588, Supreme Court of Florida, en Banc (12/22/1950) Phillip Cacciatore, Bennie Calderone and Salvatore T. Tarallo were convicted in the Circuit Court for Citrus County, F. R. Hocker, J., of stealing a calf, and they appealed. The Supreme Court, Per Curiam, affirmed the judgment as to the defendant Cacciatore and reversed the judgment for new trial as to defendants Tarallo and Calderone. Judgment... 1950 Cases    
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