AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearTypeKey Terms in Title or SummaryCase Status
  Carr V. Corning 182 F.2d 14, United States Court of Appeals District of Columbia Circuit, Docket Number 9878, 9796 (2/14/1950) Actions by Marguerite Daisy Carr, an infant, by her father and next friend, James C. Carr, Sr., in her own behalf and on behalf of all others similarly situated against Hobart M. Corning, as Superintendent of Public Schools, and others, and action by the Browne Junion High School Parent-Teacher Association, and others, against Elvira Z.... 1950 Cases    
  Christopher Hutchins. Tax Court of the United States, Docket Number DOCKET NO. 21584 (1/10/1950) Exemptions allowed taxpayer for mother and father. 1950 Cases    
  Daniels V. Johnson 216 Ark. 374, Supreme Court of Arkansas, Docket Number 4-9001 (1/9/1950) Proceeding in the matter of the estate of J. W. Edwards, deceased, for determination of heirship, involving opposing claims of Lossie Daniels and others and Mary Johnson and others. The Probate Court, Union County, W. A. Speer, J., entered a judgment and order determining heirship and Lossie Daniels and others appealed. The Supreme Court, Leflar,... 1950 Cases    
  Dummermuth V. Hykes 95 N.E.2d 32, Court of Common Pleas of Ohio, Tuscarawas County, Docket Number 29778 (7/19/1950) Action by Jacob E. Dummermuth and David A. Horn, doing business as the D. & H. Electric Company, against Orren Hykes and others, to enjoin the defendants from interfering in any manner with persons of plaintiff or its employees or from patrolling or picketing certain premises on which plaintiff and its employees were employed, and for other... 1950 Cases    
  Dummermuth V. Hykes 95 N.E.2d 32, Court of Common Pleas of Ohio, Tuscarawas, Docket Number 29778 (7/19/1950) Action by Jacob E. Dummermuth and David A. Horn, doing business as the D. & H. Electric Company, against Orren Hykes and others, to enjoin the defendants from interfering in any manner with... 1950 Trial Court Orders    
  Edwards V. Commonwealth 191 Va. 272, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (9/6/1950) Robert Edwards and Willie Savage, Jr., were convicted in the Corporation Court of the City of Norfolk, Part two, J. Sydney Smith, Jr., J., of unlawful picketing, and they brought error. The Supreme Court of Appeals, Buchanan, J., held that the part of the picketing statute which makes it unlawful for any person who is not a bona fide employee of... 1950 Cases    
Archibald Cox , Marshall J. Seidman Federalism and Labor Relations 64 Harvard Law Review 211 (12/1/1950) THE increase in government regulation of labor relations has given rise to troublesome problems of supremacy and accommodation between state and federal laws. Prior to 1935 there was little labor relations law other than the judge-made law of strikes and picketing. The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 guaranteed employees the rights of... 1950 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
  Freedom to Contract-a New Civil Right 59 Yale Law Journal 1167 (May, 1950) When the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments were adopted, they each contained an enabling clause giving Congress the power to enforce the rights which the Amendments guaranteed. Pursuant to these clauses, Congress in the decade after the Civil War passed a series of laws known today as the Civil Rights Acts. These Acts recognized the right of all... 1950 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
  Gilbert V. U.s. 182 F.2d 316, United States Court of Appeals Fifth Circuit, Docket Number 13038 (5/29/1950) L. Q. Gilbert was convicted in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Mississippi, Allen Cox, J., for violation of the statute making it a crime to mail threatening communications, and he appealed. The Court of Appeals, McCord, Circuit Judge, held that the evidence supported the conviction. Judgment affirmed. 1950 Cases    
  Gillespie V. Lake Shore Golf Club 91 N.E.2d 290, Court of Appeals of Ohio, Eighth District, Cuyahoga County, Docket Number 21568 (1/23/1950) Action by Chester K. Gillespie and others against the Lake Shore Golf Club, Inc., for a mandatory injunction. From a judgment and decree for defendant, plaintiffs appealed on questions of law and fact. The Court of Appeals, Skeel, P. J., held that character of public golf course had not been changed to a private club the use of which could be... 1950 Cases    
  Guest V. Guest 235 S.W.2d 710, Court of Civil Appeals of Texas, Fort Worth, Docket Number 15171 (11/10/1950) Will contest by Robert Guest opposed by Adlanta L. Guest, involving the will of George M. Guest, deceased. The will was admitted to probate and contestant appealed and trial was had and the District Court for Lamar County, Elisha Myers, J., and from the decree rendered, the contestant appealed. The Court of Civil Appeals, Speer, A. J., held that... 1950 Cases    
  Hampton V. Commonwealth 190 Va. 531, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (3/13/1950) Joe Henry Hampton, Frank Hairston, Jr., Howard Hairston, Francis DeSales Grayson, John Clabon Taylor, James Luther Hairston and Booker T. Millner were convicted in the Circuit Court, City of Martinsville, Kennon C. Whittle J., of rape, and their punishment fixed by the jury at death and they brought error. The Supreme Court of Appeals, Hudgins, C.... 1950 Cases    
  Harris V. State 209 Miss. 141, Supreme Court of Mississippi, in Banc, Docket Number 37548 (5/8/1950) L. T. Harris was convicted in the Circuit Court, Calhoun County, T. H. McElroy, J., of manslaughter, and he appealed. The Supreme Court, Smith, J., held that the evidence was insufficient to sustain the conviction. Judgment reversed and case remanded for a new trial. 1950 Cases    
  Hartfield V. State 209 Miss. 787, Supreme Court of Mississippi, Division B, Docket Number 37655 (11/6/1950) Armal Hartfield was convicted in Circuit Court, Greene County, Jesse H. Graham, J., for assault and battery upon the sheriff of Greene County, with intent to kill him, and she appealed. The sheriff had arrested the defendant without a warrant for the possession of whiskey. The Supreme Court, Roberds, P. J., held that the arrest was unlawful and... 1950 Cases    
  Henderson V. U.s. 339 U.S. 816, Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number 25 (6/5/1950) Proceeding by Elmer W. Henderson against the United States and the Interstate Commerce Commission to set aside an order of the Commission with respect to dining car service on the Southern Railway, wherein the Southern Railway Company was granted leave to intervene as a party defendant. The District Court for the district of Maryland, sitting as a... 1950 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Hudson Bus Transp Co V. Us 90 F.Supp. 742, United States District Court, D. New Jersey, Docket Number CIV. 11566, CIV. 11460 (5/24/1950) The Hudson Bus Transportation Co., Inc., and Asbury Park-New York Transit Corporation and others, sued the United States of America, Interstate Commerce Commission, and Keansburg Steamboat Company, to annul portions of an order of the Interstate Commerce Commission granting defendant Keansburg Steamboat Company a certificate of public convenience... 1950 Cases    
  Hughes V. Superior Court of Cal. In and for Contra Costa County 339 U.S. 460, Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number 61 (5/8/1950) Proceeding by John Hughes and another for writ of certiorari to review judgment of the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Contra Costa, adjudging petitioners to be guilty of contempt for violating a preliminary injunction against picketing a certain store. The Supreme Court of the State of California, Schauer, J.,... 1950 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  In re Applications of Roy Hofheinz and W. N. Hooper, D/b as Texas Star Broadcasting Co., Dallas, Tex. Ktrh Broadcasting Co., (Ktrh), Houston, Tex. 14 F.C.C. 588, F.C.C, Docket Number 8258, 8753 (1/27/1950)   1950 Administrative Decisions & Guidance    
  Jones V. Medlock 180 F.2d 658, United States Court of Appeals Tenth Circuit, 3970, Docket Number 4000 (2/21/1950) Bertha Jones, an incompetent, by her guardian, Bessie Ruth Jones, and others sued Alice C. Medlock and others, and Ira D. Hall and another sued John D. Hubbard and others, for declaratory judgments determining the parties' rights and relations and their interests in certain lots. From judgments of the District Court for the Western District of... 1950 Cases    
  Kirk V. Spur Distributing Co 95 F.Supp. 428, United States District Court, D. Delaware, Docket Number CIV. 1306 (11/8/1950) Paul Kirk brought action against Spur Distributing Company, Inc., for false arrest and imprisonment allegedly caused by defendant's employee in Mississippi and Arkansas and growing out of charge that plaintiff had fraudulently passed counterfeit money. On defendant's motion to transfer the case to the Eastern Division of the United States District... 1950 Cases    
  Kordewick V. Brotherhood of R.r. Trainmen 181 F.2d 963, United States Court of Appeals Seventh Circuit, Docket Number 9964 (5/3/1950) Action by W. G. Kordewick and others against the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, an unincorporated association, and others, for damages arising out of a settlement of a dispute of plaintiffs with railroad with respect to yardmen in switching operations. From a judgment of dismissal of the United States District Court for the Northern District of... 1950 Cases    
  Mccready V. Byrd 195 Md. 131, Court of Appeals of Maryland, Docket Number 139 (4/14/1950) Esther McCready, a minor, by Elizabeth McCready, her next friend and parent, filed a petition for mandamus to require Harry C. Byrd, president, and others, the governing board of the University of Maryland, to consider and act upon petitioner's application for admission to the university's school of nursing. The Baltimore City Court, W. Conwell... 1950 Cases    
  Mitchell V. Gulf, M. & O. R. Co. 91 F.Supp. 175, United States District Court, N.D. Alabama, Western Division, Docket Number CIV. 537 (5/2/1950) Action by Matt Mitchell, James Harris, George Sams and others, for and in behalf of themselves and others similarly situated against the Gulf, Mobile, and Ohio Railroad Company, a corporation; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, an unincorporated association; Local Lodge No. 769, Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, an... 1950 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Montgomery Ward & Co., Inc. (Chicago, Ill.) 90 NLRB No. 180, N.L.R.B, Docket Number Case Nos. 13-C-2704, 13-C-2728, (7/25/1950)   1950 Administrative Decisions & Guidance    
Tad R. Smith National Labor Relations Act-limitations on Company's Private Property Interests in a Company-owned Town.-national Labor Relations Board V. Stowe Spinning Company, 336 U.s. 226 (1949) 28 Texas Law Review 593 (April, 1950) The company refused to give the use of the only available meeting hall in its company-owned town to a labor organizer, though, it had been given freely to others of the community. The Board found the refusal under the circumstances to be an unfair labor practice within the meaning of the NLRA, 61 Stat, 140 (1947), 29 U.S.C. § 158 (Supp. 1947). It... 1950 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
  Oliver V. State 155 Tex.Crim. 461, Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas, Docket Number 24984 (12/13/1950) Emma Oliver was convicted for murder with malice in the Criminal District Court, Bexar County, W. W. McCrory, J., and she appealed. The Court of Criminal Appeals, Woodley, J., held that the evidence warranted the conviction. Judgment affirmed. 1950 Cases    
  Parker V. University of Delaware 31 Del.Ch. 381, Court of Chancery of Delaware, New Castle County (8/9/1950) Brooks M. Parker and others, for themselves and as members and representatives of a class, brought action against the University of Delaware, a corporation existing under the Laws of the State of Delaware, Elbert N. Carvel and others, members of the Board of Trustees of the University of Delaware, and others, for a permanent injunction restraining... 1950 Cases    
  Parker V. University of Delaware 31 Del.Ch. 381, Court of Chancery of Delaware, New Castle (8/9/1950) Brooks M. Parker and others, for themselves and as members and representatives of a class, brought action against the University of Delaware, a corporation existing under the Laws of the... 1950 Trial Court Orders    
  Pennington V Commissioner Tax Court of the United States (10/31/1950) Cost of moving family to place of employment held nondeductible personal expenseliving expenses at duty post of civilian employee of Navy held nondeductible personal expensesexpenditures for cost and maintenance of work clothes held nondeductible. The cost to petitioner of moving his family from Memphis, Tennessee, to Vallejo,... 1950 Cases    
  People V. Curry 97 Cal.App.2d 537, District Court of Appeal, First District, Division 1, California, Docket Number CR. 2636 (5/16/1950) Dan Curry and Daniel L. Jones were convicted in the Superior Court, in and for the City and County of San Francisco, Albert C. Wollenberg, J., of assault by means of force likely to produce great bodily injury, and of robbery in the first degree, and they appealed. The District Court of Appeal, Bray, J., held that evidence sustained defendants'... 1950 Cases   This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
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