AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearTypeKey Terms in Title or SummaryCase Status
  People V. Hernandez 100 Cal.App.2d 136, District Court of Appeal, Fourth District, California, Docket Number CR. 690 (10/24/1950) Steven R. Hernandez was convicted in the Superior Court of San Bernardino County, A. D. Mitchell, J., of rape, sex perversion, and kidnapping for purpose of robbery, and from the judgment of conviction and from an order denying his motion for a new trial, the defendant appealed. The District Court of Appeal, Barnard P. J., held that no reversible... 1950 Cases    
  Reiling V. Lacy 93 F.Supp. 462, United States District Court, D. Maryland, Docket Number 4508 (7/11/1950) Action by Herman T. Reiling against James J. Lacy, Comptroller of the State of Maryland, to set aside as void an assessment of Maryland income taxes. The defendant filed a motion for the dismissal of the complaint. The three judge District Court, William C. Coleman, C. J., held that the action did not involve the court's jurisdictional amount of... 1950 Cases    
  Rice V. Arnold 45 So.2d 195, Supreme Court of Florida, Special Division B (3/24/1950) Action in mandamus by Joseph Rice against H. H. Arnold, as Superintendent of the Miami Springs Country Club, to require respondent to permit relator the use of facilities of country club golf course during all of the hours in which course is usually open or to show cause before the court for its refusal to do so. The Circuit Court, Dade County,... 1950 Cases   This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  Robeson V. Fanelli 94 F.Supp. 62, United States District Court S.D. New York (11/10/1950) Paul Robeson and others sued George M. Fanelli and others to recover damages for alleged violations of the civil rights statutes. Defendants moved to dismiss the complaints. The District Court, Ryan, J., held that the complaint stated no causes of action for deprivation of constitutional and statutory rights, privileges of immunities under color of... 1950 Cases    
  Ruffin V. Crowell 253 Ala. 653, Supreme Court of Alabama, Docket Number 2 DIV. 272 (3/23/1950) Bill in equity by Vaddie Crowell and Jeff Crowell and, by amendment, by Amanda Ruffin and others, against Odessa Crowell and Marion Crowell, Jr., and others, for participation as tenants in common in redemption of realty after mortgage foreclosure, and for a sale for division. The Circuit Court, Choctaw County, Joe M. Pelham, Jr., J., entered a... 1950 Cases    
  Sei Fujii V. State 217 P.2d 481, District Court of Appeal, Second District, Division 2, California, Docket Number 17309 (4/24/1950) Action by Sei Fujii against The State of California to determine whether an escheat had occurred under provisions of the Alien Land Law, General Laws, Act 261, as to real property acquired by plaintiff in July, 1948. From a judgment of the Superior Court of Los Angeles County, Wilbur C. Curtis, J., adjudging that property described in the deed to... 1950 Cases   This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  Shade V. Shade 254 Ala. 195, Supreme Court of Alabama, Docket Number 4 DIV 601 (10/12/1950) Lillie B. Shade sued Will Shade for divorce and for other relief. The Circuit Court, Barbour County, J. S. Williams, J., entered a decree for complainant and respondent appealed. The Supreme Court, Brown, J., held that evidence did not justify granting complainant a divorce on ground of adultery of respondent or on ground of cruelty of respondent.... 1950 Cases    
  Shepherd V. State 46 So.2d 880, Supreme Court of Florida, en Banc (5/16/1950) Samuel Shepherd and Walter Irvin were convicted in the Circuit Court for Lake County, T. G. Futch, J., for the crime of rape, and they appealed. The Supreme Court, Chapman, J., held that the evidence was sufficient to establish the crime of rape. Affirmed. 1950 Cases   This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  Smith V. State 253 Ala. 365, Supreme Court of Alabama, Docket Number 6 DIV. 974 (2/2/1950) The State of Alabama brought a proceeding in equity to condemn an automobile used in illegal transportation of prohibited liquor, in the possession of Joe Morrison and others, and Ralph Smith interposed a claim. The Circuit Court, Jefferson County, Robert J. Wheeler, J., entered a decree condemning the automobile and denying the claim, and claimant... 1950 Cases    
  South V. Peters 89 F.Supp. 672, United States District Court N.D. Georgia, Atlanta Division, Docket Number CIV. 3791 (3/15/1950) Action by Benard South and Harold C. Fleming against James Peters, as Chairman of the Georgia State Democratic Executive Committee, and others to restrain operation of Georgia primary election statute providing for a rule of consolidation by county units' instead of by a majority or plurality of the entire votes cast in the primary on ground that... 1950 Cases    
  Standard Oil Co. Of Ohio (Toledo, Ohio) 92 NLRB No. 63, N.L.R.B, Docket Number Case No. 8-CA-332 (11/27/1950)   1950 Administrative Decisions & Guidance    
  State ex Rel. Brewton V. Board of Ed. Of City of St. Louis 361 Mo. 86, Supreme Court of Missouri, Division No. 1, Docket Number 41828 (11/13/1950) Mandamus action by the State of Missouri at the relation of Wesley Hopkins Brewton, a minor, and others to require the Board of Education of the City of St. Louis, a corporation, and others to admit relators to the Hadley Technical High School to take the course in aeromechanics. The Circuit Court of the City of St. Louis, Robert Aronson, J.,... 1950 Cases    
  State ex Rel. Finley V. Board of Control 47 So.2d 620, Supreme Court of Florida, en Banc (8/1/1950) Original mandamus proceeding by the State, on the relation of Benjamin F. Finley, against the Board of Control and others, to compel admission of relator to the graduate school of the University of Florida. The Supreme Court, Sebring, J., held that proposed establishment of a graduate school of agriculture met equal protection of the laws... 1950 Cases    
  State ex Rel. Romero V. Viator 217 La. 239, Supreme Court of Louisiana, Docket Number 39310 (4/24/1950) Mandamus proceeding by the State, on the relation of Gilbert Romero, against P. Armand Viator, Mayor of City of New Iberia, to compel the issuance of a building permit. The Sixteenth Judicial District Court, Parish of Iberia, James D. Simon, J., issued the writ as prayed and the mayor appealed. The Supreme Court, McCaleb, J., held that where city... 1950 Cases    
  State V. Dean 134 W.Va. 257, Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia, Docket Number 10167 (4/4/1950) Matilene Dean was convicted in the Circuit Court of Logan County of first-degree murder, without recommendation, and she brought error. The Supreme Court of Appeals, Riley, J., held that whether killing was premeditated was for jury, that jury had right under evidence to disregard any theory of self-defense, that admission in evidence of shotgun... 1950 Cases   Overruling Risk
  State V. Honeycutt 218 La. 362, Supreme Court of Louisiana, Docket Number 40020 (11/6/1950) Edward (W. T.) Honeycutt was convicted in the Twenty-Seventh Judicial District Court, Parish of St. Landry, Lessley P. Gardiner, J., for aggravated rape, and he appealed. The Supreme Court, Hawthorne, J., held that there was nothing before the court for review because of defendant's failure to perfect his bills of exception to the trial judge's... 1950 Cases    
  State V. Speller 231 N.C. 549, Supreme Court of North Carolina, Docket Number 145 (3/8/1950) Raleigh Speller was convicted in the Superior Court for Bertie County, W. I. Halstead, Special Judge, for rape, and he appealed. The Supreme Court, Stacy, C. J., held that defendant's challenge to the array was properly overruled, and that the evidence supported the conviction. No error. 1950 Cases    
  State V. Wilson 217 La. 470, Supreme Court of Louisiana, Docket Number 39761 (4/24/1950) Milton Harold Wilson was convicted in the Twenty-fourth Judicial District Court, St. Charles Parish, Leo W. McCune, J., for murder, and he appealed. The Supreme Court, Ponder, J., held that the evidence showed that defendant's confessions were free and voluntary and that no force or promise was used to secure them, so that they were properly... 1950 Cases    
  Sweatt V. Painter 339 U.S. 629, Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number 44 (6/5/1950) Suit by Heman Marion Sweatt, relator, against Theophilis Shickel Painter and others, members of the board of regents, Dean of School of Law and Registrar of University of Texas, for mandamus to compel admission of the relator to the school of law of the University of Texas. Judgment of the District Court, 126th Judicial District, Travis County,... 1950 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Taylor V. City of Birmingham 35 Ala.App. 133, Court of Appeals of Alabama, Docket Number 6 DIV. 843 (1/10/1950) Glen H. Taylor was convicted in the Recorder's Court of disorderly conduct in violation of an ordinance of the City of Birmingham and he appealed. The Circuit Court, Jefferson County, Geo. Lewis Bailes, J., adjudged defendant guilty and imposed a fine and sentence and defendant appealed. The Court of Appeals, Bricken, P. J., held that there was no... 1950 Cases    
  Taylor V. Turner 45 So.2d 107, Court of Appeal of Louisiana, Second Circuit, Docket Number 7467 (3/8/1950) Slander of title suit by Will Taylor against Thelma Turner, W. W. Lincoln and Byron H. Schaff, wherein the last two defendants filed an answer. The Second Judicial District Court, Parish of Claiborne, Enos C. McClendon, J., rendered an adverse judgment, and the plaintiff appealed. The Court of Appeal, Taliaferro, J., held that the last two... 1950 Cases    
A. R. Stout The Examination of Prospective Jurors in Capital Cases 29 Texas Law Review 34 (November, 1950) The questions permitted by the trial court to be asked of prospective jurors in capital cases, and the rulings by the trial court on challenges for cause advanced by the state or the defendant, are two of the main steps in the selection of the jury to try a capital case. What limitations, if any, the trial judge may place on the subject matter of... 1950 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
  U.s. V. Dennis 183 F.2d 201, United States Court of Appeals Second Circuit, Docket Number 21538, 242 (8/1/1950) Eugene Dennis and others were convicted in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York on an indictment for violation of Section 3 of the Smith Act, 18 U.S.C.A. 2385, in that the defendants, conspired to organize the Communist party of the United States as a group to teach and advocate the overthrow of the government of... 1950 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  U.s. V. Tomlinson 94 F.Supp. 854, United States District Court E.D. Pennsylvania, Docket Number CRIM 15385 (12/29/1950) DeVreaux Tomlinson was indicted under the Selective Service Act for knowingly and unlawfully failing and neglecting to appear and present himself for induction into the armed forces, and after he was found guilty, he filed a motion for a judgment of acquittal or in the alternative or a new trial. The District Court, Clary, J., held that where... 1950 Cases    
  United States V. Sacher 182 F.2d 416, United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit, Docket Number 21537 (4/5/1950) Contempt proceedings by the United States against Harry Sacher and others. From orders of the District Court for the Southern District of New York, 9 F.R.D. 394, summarily adjudging the defendants severally guilty of contempt and sentencing them to imprisonment, each of them appealed. The Court of Appeals, Augustus N. Hand, Circuit Judge, held that... 1950 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Use of Vagrancy-type Laws for Arrest and Detention of Suspicious Persons 59 Yale Law Journal 1351 (June, 1950) Individual liberty and the competing demands of crime prevention in the modern, highly-mobile community are often hard to reconcile. Faced with increasing crime as urban development becomes more complex, munici-palities often find law enforcement seriously hampered by traditional restrictions on the power to arrest without a warrant. As a... 1950 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
  Washington V. Mcgrath 182 F.2d 375, United States Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit, Docket Number 10413 (4/17/1950) Action by Bertram Alexander Washington and others, employees of the Post Office Department, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated, against J. Howard McGrath, Attorney General, and others, to restrain enforcement of executive order prescribing procedures for administration of employee loyalty program in executive branch of... 1950 Cases    
  Wright V. Cartier 10 F.R.D. 21, United States District Court D. Massachusetts, Docket Number CIV. 50-11 (3/10/1950) Oscar Wright brought habeas corpus proceedings against Arthur J. B. Cartier, United States Marshal for the District of Massachusetts, and filed a petition for the assemblage of a three judge court to determine the constitutionality of the Fugitive Felon Act which the petitioner was charged with having violated. The District Court, Sweeney, C. J.,... 1950 Cases    
  Young Men's Christian Ass'n of Los Angeles V. Los Angeles County 35 Cal.2d 760, Supreme Court of California, in Bank, Docket Number L.A. 21208 (8/18/1950) The Young Men's Christian Association of Los Angeles sued the County of Los Angeles and the City of Los Angeles to recover taxes and assessments paid by plaintiff under protest for the taxable years 1946-1947. The Superior Court, Los Angeles County, W. Turney Fox, J., allowed plaintiff a refund of tax payments and disallowed recovery of flood... 1950 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
Kenneth Culp Davis Administrative Law Doctrines of Exhaustion of Remedies, Ripeness for Review, and Primary Juristiction: 1 28 Texas Law Review 168 (December, 1949) Division of functions between courts and administrative agencies inevitably creates problems of determining which tribunal may take initial action and at what stage of administrative action an aggrieved party may go to court. These problems are governed by three main doctrines. That of exhaustion of administrative remedies is designed primarily to... 1949 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
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