AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearTypeKey Terms in Title or SummaryCase Status
  Arrington V. State 253 Ala. 178, Supreme Court of Alabama, Docket Number 4 DIV. 553 (12/22/1949) James (alias Jim, alias Brady) Arrington (alias Brady), was convicted in the Circuit Court, Crenshaw County, A. E. Gamble, J., of rape and he appealed from a judgment of conviction. The Supreme Court, Lawson, J., held that evidence was sufficient to sustain the conviction, that in the absence of any objection in the court below or anything in the... 1949 Cases    
  Bailey V. State 215 Ark. 53, Supreme Court of Arkansas, Docket Number 4553 (4/11/1949) Appeal from Circuit Court, Pulaski County, First Division; Gus Fulk, Judge. John Bailey was convicted of rape, and he appeals. Affirmed. 1949 Cases    
  Baltimore Radio Show V. State 193 Md. 300, Court of Appeals of Maryland, Docket Number 170-172 (6/9/1949) Appeal from Criminal Court of Baltimore City; John B. Gray, Jr., Judge. The Baltimore Radio Show, Inc., WFBR; the Baltimore Broadcasting Corporation, WCBM; and Maryland Broadcasting Company, WITH, and another, were found guilty of contempt for broadcasting over local radio stations news dispatches relating to a person in custody of the police on a... 1949 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Bibb Mfg. Co. 82 NLRB No. 38, N.L.R.B, Docket Number Cases Nos. 10-C-1995 and 10-C- (3/24/1949)   1949 Administrative Decisions & Guidance   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Bowman V. Bowman 205 Ga. 796, Supreme Court of Georgia, Docket Number 16731 (9/16/1949) Fred E. Bowman applied to Court of Ordinary, Fulton County, for probate in solemn form of will of Frank K. Bowman, deceased, and Joanne W. Bowman, widow of deceased, filed a caveat to will. The Superior Court, Fulton County, Virlyn B. Moore, J., directed a verdict against caveatrix on appeal of caveatrix from judgment of Court of Ordinary admitting... 1949 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Branch V. Board of Educ. Of Robeson County 230 N.C. 505, Supreme Court of North Carolina, Docket Number 665 (5/25/1949) Appeal from Superior Court, Robeson County; Q. K. Nimocks, Jr., Judge. Suit by G. F. Branch and others, individually and as taxpayers of Robeson County, North Carolina, and on behalf of said county against Board of Education of Robeson County and others for a mandatory injunction with respect to moneys allegedly in the hands of the defendant... 1949 Cases    
  Brief Contra Petitioner, Gibbs V. Burke Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 418 (4/19/1949) The record involves no jurisdictional questions. It is conceded that the matter is properly before this court for determination. The Sixth Amendment provides: In all criminal prosecutions,... 1949 Briefs    
  Brief for Appellee, American Communications Ass'n C. I. O. V. Douds Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 10 (1/12/1949) The opinions of the statutory three-judge court (R. 18-21) are reported at 79 F. Supp. 563. The order of the court below, denying a motion for a temporary injunction and dismissing the... 1949 Briefs    
  Brief for Elmer W. Henderson., Henderson V. U.s. Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 25 (9/8/1949) The opinions of the United States District Court for the District of Maryland are reported in 63 F. Supp. 906 and 80 F. Supp. 32 and appear in the record at pages 63 and 248. The appellant... 1949 Briefs    
  Brief for Petitioner, Lee Cassell, Cassell V. Texas Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 46 (10/21/1949) Note: Table of Authorities page numbers missing in original document The opinion of the Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas is officially reported in . Also see 216 S. W. (2d) 813. It... 1949 Briefs    
  Brief for Petitioner, Watts V. Indiana Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 610 (4/12/1949) The opinion of the Supreme Court of Indiana has not been reported officially but appears at Pages 37 to 43 of the printed record. Petition for rehearing was denied on the 11th day of... 1949 Briefs    
  Brief for Petitioners, Graham V. Broth. Of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 16 (9/21/1949) The opinion of the district court granting petitioners a preliminary injunction is reported in 74 F. Supp. 663 and may be found at pages 62 to 66 of the record. The opinion of the court of... 1949 Briefs    
  Brief for Petitioners., Parker V. Co. Of Los Angeles Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 49 (10/1/1949) On certiorari to the District Court of Appeal, Second Appellate District, of the State of California to review the decision of that Court rendered November 12, 1948 (P. 47) affirming the... 1949 Briefs    
  Brief for Respondent, Watts V. Indiana Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 610 (4/20/1949) The judgment of the Supreme Court of Indiana to be reviewed in this case was entered December 29, 1948. Petition for rehearing denied January 11, 1949. The petition for a writ of certiorari... 1949 Briefs    
  Brief for Respondent, Zimmerman V. Maryland Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 429 (1/5/1949) The opinion of the Court of Appeals of Maryland has not yet been reported officially. It may be found, however, in 59 A. (2d) 675, at pages 194-206 of the Transcript of Record, and. at... 1949 Briefs    
  Brief for Respondent., Graham V. Broth of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 16 (10/3/1949) The opinion of the District Court granting the preliminary injunction is reported in 74 F. Supp. 663. It appears also in the record, pp. 62-6. The opinion of the Court of Appeals has not... 1949 Briefs    
  Brief for Respondent., Hughes V. Superior Court of the State of California Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 61 (10/28/1949) Ever since Thornhill v. Alabama, 310 U.S. 88 (1939), this Court has been troubled with the problem of the extent to which labor picketing is protected against state regulation by the First... 1949 Briefs    
  Brief for Southern Railway Company, Henderson V. U.s. Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 25 (10/10/1949) The opinion of the specially constituted three-judge United States District Court, for the District of Maryland, in Number 3829, Henderson v. United States of America, et al., appears in... 1949 Briefs    
  Brief for the American Civil Liberties Union, Amicus Curiae, Hughes V. Superior Court in and for the Co. Of Contra Costa Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 61 (11/7/1949) This brief, amicus curiae, is filed by the American Civil Liberties Union, a nationwide organization of individuals interested in protecting the rights of Americans by legal action and in... 1949 Briefs    
  Brief for the Government of Puerto Rico, Petitioner in No. 32, Respondent in No. 27., Government of Puerto Rico V. the Secretary of Agriculture Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number Nos. 32, 27 (9/27/1949) To the Honorable, the Chief Justice and the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States: Your petitioner, the Government of Puerto Rico, a party to the proceedings below by... 1949 Briefs    
  Brief for the Interstate Commerce Commission, Henderson V. U.s. Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 25 (10/1/1949) The opinion of the specially constituted District Court (R. 248) is reported in 80 F. Supp. 32. The reports of the Interstate Commerce Commission involved (R. 4, 184) are reported 269 I. C.... 1949 Briefs    
  Brief for the State of Texas, Respondent, Cassell V. Texas Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 46 (11/4/1949) FN1. Petition For Writ of Certiorari and Brief in Support Thereof, p. 8. Because this appeal is in forma pauperis, and in the interest of brevity, the portion of the Trial Court's record... 1949 Briefs    
  Brief for the United States, Henderson V. U.s. Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 25 (10/5/1949) This proceeding was brought by appellant to set aside an order of the Interstate Commerce Commission. As required by statute, the United States was named as a defendant. The case is here on... 1949 Briefs    
  Brief of American Veterans Committee (Avc) Amicus Curiae, Sweatt V. Theophilis Shickel Painter Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 44 (5/26/1949) The American Veterans Committee, Inc. (AVC), as amicus curiae respectfully requests this Court to (1) grant Sweatt's petition for certiorari, (2) specifically request argument with respect... 1949 Briefs    
  Brief of Amicus Curiae on Behalf of the California State Federation of Labor., Superior Court of the State of California V. Lillefloren Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 191 (12/24/1949) This amicus curiae California State Federation of Labor respectfully suggests to this Court: (1) hat no constitutional issue was ever presented to the Supreme Court of California by... 1949 Briefs    
  Brief of Sam Hobbs as Amicus Curiae, Henderson V. U.s. Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 25 (12/6/1949) MAY IT PLEASE THE COURT: The undersigned, a Member of the Bar of this Honorable Court and of the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives of the United States, at the... 1949 Briefs    
  Brooks V. Chicago, R.i. & P.r. Co. 177 F.2d 385, United States Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit, Docket Number 13964 (11/10/1949) Action by Alonzo W. Brooks against Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad Company for reinstatement in employment with full rights and seniority together with back pay for time lost following allegedly illegal suspension and discharge. The United States District Court for the Southern District of Iowa, Charles A. Dewey, J., dismissed the action,... 1949 Cases    
  Carroll V. Socony-vacuum Oil Co. 136 Conn. 49, Supreme Court of Errors of Connecticut (8/23/1949) William T. Carroll, State Treasurer, sued the Socony-Vacuum Oil Company, Inc., to recover an amount retained by the defendant from the tax on gasoline sold by it under the terms of a repealed statute. The case was reserved by the Superior Court in Hartford County, Murphy, J., for the advice of the Supreme Court of Errors. The Supreme Court of... 1949 Cases    
  Com. Ex Rel. Children's Aid Soc. V. Gard 362 Pa. 85, Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (5/23/1949) Appeal No. 48, March term, 1949, from the Judgment of the Superior Court of Pennsylvania at No. 95, April term, 1948, reversing the Order of the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County at No. 74, October term, 1947; John S. Fine and Russell H. Adams, Judges. Habeas corpus proceedings by the Commonwealth, on the relation of the Children's Aid... 1949 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Com. V. Lee 324 Mass. 714, Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, Suffolk (11/7/1949) Edward H. Lee was convicted in the Superior Court, Suffolk County, O'Brien, J., of murder in the first degree, and he appealed. The Supreme Judicial Court, Ronan, J., held that the verdict was not against the law or the evidence and that justice did not require a new trial, and affirmed the judgment. 1949 Cases    
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