AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearTypeKey Terms in Title or SummaryCase Status
  Home Friendly Soc. V. Berry 94 Ga. 606, Supreme Court of Georgia (June 30, 1894) Error from city court of Atlanta; Howard Van Epps, Judge. Action by Laura Berry against the Home Friendly Society. Plaintiff had judgment, and defendant brings error. Reversed. 1894 Cases    
  In re Po 7 Misc. 471, City Court, City of Albany, New York (March 01, 1894) Application by San C. Po for naturalization under the laws of the United States. Denied. 1894 Cases    
  In re Saito 62 F. 126, Circuit Court, D. Massachusetts (June 27, 1894) Application by Shebata Saito for naturalization. 1894 Cases    
  International & G.n. Ry. Co. V. Miller 9 Tex.Civ.App. 104, Court of Civil Appeals of Texas (October 11, 1894) Appeal from district court, Brazoria county. Action by Lucy Miller and another against the International & Great Northern Railway Company. There was a judgment for plaintiffs, and defendant appeals. Affirmed. 1894 Cases    
  Knox V. Moore 41 S.C. 355, Supreme Court of South Carolina (April 25, 1894) Appeal from common pleas circuit court of Abbeville county; J. J. Norton, Judge. Action by John N. Knox, administrator of the estate of Thornton Moore, deceased, against Viney Moore, Rindy Moore, and others, for the sale of land to pay debts. The question whether Viney or Rindy was the wife of deceased was considered, and from a judgment of the... 1894 Cases    
  Mccown V. Terrell 9 Tex.Civ.App. 66, Court of Civil Appeals of Texas (November 21, 1894) Appeal from district court, Hill county; J. M. Hall, Judge. Action by Isabella I. McCown and others against W. T. Terrell and others. From a judgment for defendants, plaintiffs appeal. Reversed. 1894 Cases    
  Moore V. Tate 102 Ala. 320, Supreme Court of Alabama (February 01, 1894) Appeal from chancery court, Lauderdale county; Thomas Cobbs, Chancellor. Bill by John S. Tate and others to enjoin H. McVay Moore and others from the prosecution of an ejectment suit against complainants, and for the reformation of a written agreement entered into between H. W. McVay and the other heirs of Hugh McVay, deceased. There was a decree... 1894 Cases    
  Pacific Gas Imp. Co. V. Ellert 64 F. 421, Circuit Court, N.D. California (October 15, 1894) In Equity. Suit by the Pacific Gas Improvement Company against L. R. Ellert, mayor of the city and county of San Francisco, and others, for injunction. Order to show cause why injunction should not be continued, discharged. 1894 Cases    
  Perry V. Bowman 151 Ill. 25, Supreme Court of Illinois (June 16, 1894) Appeal from circuit court, Greene county; George W. Herdman, Judge. Ejectment by Alvin C. Bowman against Mary B. Perry and Thomas Lanham. Plaintiff obtained judgment. Defendant Perry appeals. Affirmed. 1894 Cases    
  Roberts V. Louisville School Board 16 Ky.L.Rptr. 181, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (May 31, 1894) Appeal from chancery court, Jefferson county. Not to be officially reported. Suit by William Roberts and others against the Louisville school board for injunction. Injunction dissolved. Plaintiffs appeal. Affirmed. 1894 Cases    
  Security Inv. Co. V. Garrett 3 App.D.C. 69, Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Docket Number 222 (April 02, 1894) The bill was filed by the appellants, The Security Investment Company, and McLachlen and White, trustees, against the appellee, David Garrett, for the purpose of fixing a lien upon the property of the latter and compelling him to refund to the plaintiffs the purchase money that had been paid by them for a portion of a lot of ground, No. 11, in... 1894 Cases    
  State V. Brown 119 Mo. 527, Supreme Court of Missouri, Division No. 2 (January 31, 1894) Appeal from circuit court, Cole county; D. W. Shackleford, Judge. Jacob Brown was convicted of murder in the first degree, and appeals. Affirmed. The other facts fully appear in the following statement by SHERWOOD, J.: On the 3d day of August, 1892, Francis Mackin was foreman in the tannery department of the Strauss Saddlery Company, in the... 1894 Cases    
  State V. Ragsdale 59 Mo.App. 590, Kansas City Court of Appeals, Missouri (December 03, 1894) The defendant, who, being mayor of the city of Moberly, was tried and convicted on an information based on section 3732, Revised Statutes, charging him with willful and malicious oppression in office, and which is as follows: Wm. Palmer, prosecuting attorney within and for the county of Randolph, state of Missouri, informs the court upon the... 1894 Cases    
  Wolf V. Spence 39 W.Va. 491, Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia (November 17, 1894) Error to circuit court, Ohio county. Action by Theodore Wolf and others against L. Spence. There was a judgment for plaintiffs, and defendant brings error. Reversed. 1894 Cases    
  Attorney-general. 20 U.S. Op. Atty. Gen. 536, U.S.A.G (February 24, 1893)   1893 Administrative Decisions & Guidance    
  Berry V. Berry's Adm'r 15 Ky.L.Rptr. 865, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (June 01, 1893) Appeal from court of common pleas, Bath county. Action by Johnson Berry and others, devisees under the will of John Berry, against the administrator, to recover money bequeathed them by testator and for services performed for the executor of such will. The petition was dismissed, and plaintiffs appeal. Affirmed. 1893 Cases    
  Board of Education of Topeka V. Welch 51 Kan. 792, Supreme Court of Kansas (July 08, 1893) 1. The corporate functions of the board of education of a city of the first class are granted to assist in carrying out the general common-school system adopted by the state. 2. The boards of education of cities of the first class are vested with large discretion in all matters pertaining to the management of the schools under their control. What... 1893 Cases    
  Chrisman V. Town of Brookhaven 70 Miss. 477, Supreme Court of Mississippi (January 30, 1893) Appeal from chancery court, Lincoln county; H. C. Conn, Chancellor. Suit by C. C. Chrisman and others, as taxpayers of Brookhaven, against the board of mayor and aldermen of the town of Brookhaven, to enjoin the collection of a tax levied to pay the interest on bonds issued by defendant, under authority of Act Feb. 17, 1890, (An act to amend... 1893 Cases    
  Comer V. Comer 91 Ga. 314, Supreme Court of Georgia (March 03, 1893) Error from superior court, Bibb county; A. L. Miller, Judge. Action between Ann Comer and Eliza Comer. From the judgment rendered, Ann Comer brings error. Affirmed. 1893 Cases    
  Comer V. Comer 92 Ga. 569, Supreme Court of Georgia (June 26, 1893) Error from superior court, Bibb county; C. L. Bartlett, Judge. Petition by Ann Comer against Eliza Comer for the appointment of a receiver and for an injunction. There was judgment for petitioner, and defendant brings error. Affirmed. 1893 Cases    
  Diggs V. Wormley Supreme Court, District of Columbia, Docket Number 13285 (January 16, 1893) The bill and allowed amendments in this case show that one Larkin Johnson died in 1885, intestate, seized and possessed of lots 16 and 19 in section 9 of the sub-division of St. Elizabeth, called Barry Farm, leaving surviving him the complainant and defendants, George, Benjamin and David Johnson, together with Annie E. Hackett, child of a deceased... 1893 Cases    
  Gadsden V. Desportes 39 S.C. 131, Supreme Court of South Carolina (April 18, 1893) Appeal from common pleas circuit court of Fairfield county; James F. Izlar, Judge. Action by Francis M. Gadsden and another against Ulysse G. Desportes and others to recover land. There was a decree for plaintiffs, and Desportes appeals. Affirmed. 1893 Cases    
  Gardner V. Stratton's Adm'r 89 Va. 900, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (April 20, 1893) Appeal from circuit court, Nelson county. Bill by Stratton's administrator against John F. Gardner and others to subject certain land to the payment of a debt owing to plaintiff's intestate by defendant Gardner. From a decree in complainant's favor, defendants appeal. Reversed. 1893 Cases    
  Hare V. Board of Educ., Gates County 113 N.C. 9, Supreme Court of North Carolina (October 10, 1893) Appeal from superior court, Gates county; Bynum, Judge. Action by James R. Hare against the board of education of Gates county for a writ of mandamus to compel defendant to admit plaintiff's children to the white school of his district, in such county. From a judgment entered on the verdict of a jury in favor of defendant, plaintiff appeals.... 1893 Cases    
  Herndon V. Gibson 38 S.C. 357, Supreme Court of South Carolina (February 23, 1893) Appeal from common pleas circuit court of Oconee county; T. B. Fraser, Judge. Action by Edmund L. Herndon, as receiver of Adger College, against Margaret I. Gibson, Mrs. C. H. Biemann, and Joseph W. Holleman, as master of Oconee county, to set aside a foreclosure sale. From a judgment for defendants, plaintiff appeals. Reversed. The following is... 1893 Cases    
  In re Lewis' Estate 152 Pa. 477, Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (January 23, 1893) Appeal from orphans' court, Philadelphia county; WILLIAM ASHMAN, Judge. The first account of William H. Brown et al., executors of John D. Lewis, deceased, having been filed in the orphans' court, upon the audit of the same, the Union Trust Company, guardian of Richard and Louisa Lewis, children of John D. Lewis, contended that a gift in the will... 1893 Cases    
  Jackson V. State 91 Ga. 322, Supreme Court of Georgia (March 03, 1893) Error from superior court, Decatur county; B. B. Bower, Judge. Major Jackson was convicted of assault with intent to rape, and brings error. Affirmed. 1893 Cases   This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  Jenkins V. State 31 Fla. 196, Supreme Court of Florida (March 27, 1893) Error to circuit court, Leon county; John W. Malone, Judge. Israel Jenkins was convicted of maliciously burning a mill in the nighttime, and brings error. Affirmed. 1893 Cases    
  Journeycake V. Cherokee Nation 28 Ct.Cl. 281, United States Court of Claims, Docket Number 16837 (April 24, 1893) In 1867 the Delawares become members of the Cherokee Nation by virtue of an agreement or treaty. They thereby acquire 157,600 acres of land, for which they pay $157,600. They also contribute in proportion to their numbers to the national fund. Subsequently the Nation sells a part of its public domain and distributes $600,000 of the proceeds, per... 1893 Cases    
  Lanham V. Lanham 38 S.C. 129, Supreme Court of South Carolina (January 23, 1893) Appeal from common pleas circuit court of Edgefield county; L. B. FRASER, Judge. Two actions, the first by Thomas Lanham and Susan A. Lanham against George B. Lanham, Emma Nixon, Frances Foreman, Mamie Thomas, Susan Lanham, John Q. Lanham, Rezin Bates, Burrell Bates, John Bates, Sr., John Bates, Jr., Horace Bates, Lorena Bates, Endora Bates, Eula... 1893 Cases    
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