AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearTypeKey Terms in Title or SummaryCase Status
  Nobles V. Hogg 36 S.C. 322, Supreme Court of South Carolina (April 30, 1892) Appeal from common pleas circuit court of Barnwell county; IZLAR, Judge. Suit by Mary A. Nobles against George M. Hogg, trustee under the will of John Hogg, deceased, for an accounting, etc. From a decree for complainant, defendant appeals. Modified. 1892 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  People ex Rel. Carter V. Rice 90 Sickels 473, Court of Appeals of New York (October 13, 1892) Application by the people, on the relation of George C. Carter, for a writ of mandamus to compel Frank Rice, secretary of state, to issue election notices under the apportionment law of 1879, and to enjoin him from filing election returns, or performing any act, under the apportionment law of 1892. From an order of the general term of the supreme... 1892 Cases    
Amasa M. Eaton Recent State Constitutions 6 Harvard Law Review 53 (May 25, 1892) TO the American statesman and jurist there is no more important subject than the manner in which we make and change our organic law, our constitutions. We have abundant material for such a study; for although but little more than a century of our national history has run, we have already held two hundred constitutional conventions. There has thus... 1892 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
  Rinehart V. Niles 3 Ind.App. 553, Appellate Court of Indiana (February 16, 1892) Appeal from circuit court, White county; A. W. REYNOLDS, Judge. Action by William Niles against William A. Rinehart and another on a note. Judgment for plaintiff. Defendants appeal. Affirmed. 1892 Cases    
  Samuels V. Guin's Estate 49 Mo.App. 8, Kansas City Court of Appeals, Missouri (April 04, 1892) In the summer of 1890 the deceased Guin sold to the plaintiff Samuels a horse which was warranted by Guin to be sound in every respect, particularly warranting that the horse's eyes were sound. At the time the negotiation was had, and when the horse was being examined, something was said as to an apparent defect in the horse's eyes. Thereupon Guin... 1892 Cases    
  State V. Casey 44 La.Ann. 969, Supreme Court of Louisiana, Docket Number 324 (October 20, 1892) Appeal from district court, parish of Red River; W. P. HALL, Judge. Buck Casey was convicted of manslaughter, and appeals. Affirmed. (1) Witnesses are to be examined only as to matters of fact, except where the conclusion is an inference of skill or judgment. 1 Greenl. Ev. § 434; 21 La. Ann. 726; 15 La. Ann. 415; 13 La. Ann. 45. (2) A list... 1892 Cases    
  State V. Hicks 44 La.Ann. 770, Supreme Court of Louisiana, 11, Docket Number057 (May 25, 1892) Prosecution against W. C. Abbott for an alleged violation of an act relating to the carrying of passengers on railway trains. He appeared, and filed a plea to the jurisdiction, and moved to quash the information. A demurrer was sustained to his plea and motion. Defendant applied for writs of prohibition and certiorari to A. W. O. Hicks, judge of... 1892 Cases    
  State V. Jackson 36 S.C. 487, Supreme Court of South Carolina (June 28, 1892) Appeal from general sessions circuit court of Orangeburg county; KERSHAW, Judge. Toby Jackson was convicted of murder, and appeals. Affirmed. 1892 Cases   This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
J. B. Ames The Failure of the "Tilden Trust." 5 Harvard Law Review 389 (March 15, 1892) MELANCHOLY the spectacle must always be, when covetous relatives seek to convert to their own use the fortune which a testator has plainly devoted to a great public benefaction. But society is powerless, in a given case, so long as the forms of law are observed. When, however, charitable bequests have been repeatedly defeated, under cover of law,... 1892 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
  Thomas' Adm'r V. Lewis 89 Va. 1, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (June 16, 1892) Appeal from chancery court of Richmond; W. J. LEAKE, Chancellor. Bill by John H. Lewis and Bettie, his wife, against Legh R. Page, administrator of William A. Thomas, deceased, to establish a gift causa mortis. From a decree for plaintiffs, defendant appeals. Affirmed. 1892 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Tyler V. State 69 Miss. 395, Supreme Court of Mississippi (February 29, 1892) Appeal from circuit court, Lincoln county; J. B. CHRISMAN, Judge. Not to be officially reported. Indictment against Ira W. Tyler for selling intoxicating liquors. Defendant was convicted, and appeals. Reversed. 1892 Cases    
  U.s. V. Late Corporation of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 8 Utah 310, Supreme Court of the Territory of Utah (November 12, 1892) Proceedings were instituted by the United States under Act Cong. Feb. 19, 1887, against the Late Corporation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and others for a decree of dissolution and annulment of the charter of the corporation, and for the appointment of a receiver, etc. A decree was entered, (Utah; 15 Pac. Rep. 473,) which... 1892 Cases   This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
James P. Andrews, LL.B., of the Hartford Bar Unconstitutional Trade Legislation 1 Yale Law Journal 253 (June, 1892) One of the most beneficial and effective clauses in the Federal Constitutionthat granting to Congress the authority to regulate foreign and interState commercewas the result of a compromise in the convention between the representatives of three of the New England States and those of South Carolina and Georgia. Few provisions in this instrument... 1892 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
  West V. Commonwealth 13 Ky.L.Rptr. 856, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (March 05, 1892) Appeal from circuit court, Fayette county. Not to be officially reported. Indictment of John West for maliciously shooting and wounding Mose Anderson. Defendant was convicted, and appeals. Affirmed. 1892 Cases    
  Younger V. Judah 111 Mo. 303, Supreme Court of Missouri, Division No. 1 (July 02, 1892) Appeal from circuit court, Jackson county; R. H. Field, Judge. Action by Simpson C. Younger against A. Judah. A demurrer was sustained to the complaint, and plaintiff appeals. Affirmed. 1892 Cases    
  Board of Trustees of Morganfield Public School V. Thomas 12 Ky.L.Rptr. 832, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (February 24, 1891) Appeal from circuit court, Union county. 1891 Cases    
  Burbage V. Windley's Ex'rs 108 N.C. 357, Supreme Court of North Carolina (February 16, 1891) Appeal from superior court, Beaufort county. The complaint alleges, in substance, that in the year 1883, R. C. Windley, now deceased, the testator of the defendants, at different times specified, applied to three several insurance companies, and obtained from each of them an insurance policy, granted and made payable to him and for his own benefit,... 1891 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Burke V. Taylor 94 Ala. 530, Supreme Court of Alabama (November 04, 1891) Appeal from chancery court, Montgomery county; John A. Foster, Chancellor. Affirmed. Bill in equity by Nancy Taylor against Michael Burke praying for the cancellation of a deed from plaintiff to defendant. Prayer of plaintiff granted. Defendant appeals. 1891 Cases    
  De Jarnette V. Mcdaniel 93 Ala. 215, Supreme Court of Alabama (June 24, 1891) Appeal from circuit court, Jefferson county; James B. Head, Judge. This was a statutory action of ejectment, brought by the appellants against the appellees to recover the possession of certain lands specifically described in the complaint, and was commenced on April 26, 1884. The plaintiffs rested their claim to the lands in controversy upon the... 1891 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Ex Parte Mcknight 48 Ohio St. 588, Supreme Court of Ohio (November 17, 1891) Habeas corpus. Upon the application of Hiram P. McKnight, a prisoner in the Ohio penitentiary, who claims he is there unlawfully deprived of his liberty, a writ of habeas corpus was issued to inquire into the cause of such deprivation. The warden, to whom the writ was directed, in his return sets forth at large the cause of the imprisonment, and... 1891 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Farabow V. Green 108 N.C. 339, Supreme Court of North Carolina (March 17, 1891) Civil action tried at September term, 1890, of Granville superior court, before ARMFIELD, Judge. 1891 Cases    
  In re Boggs 45 F. 475, Circuit Court, D. Kentucky (February 02, 1891) Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus. 1891 Cases    
  In re Thomas 45 F. 784, District Court, D. South Carolina (April 11, 1891) In Bankruptcy. 1891 Cases    
  Irvin V. Gregory 86 Ga. 605, Supreme Court of Georgia (February 07, 1891) Error from superior court, Stewart county; Fort, Judge. 1891 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Lehew V. Brummell 103 Mo. 546, Supreme Court of Missouri, Division No. 1 (March 09, 1891) Appeal from circuit court, Grundy county; G. D. BURGESS, Judge. 1891 Cases    
  Pinder V. State 27 Fla. 370, Supreme Court of Florida (March 14, 1891) Error to circuit court, Clay county; W. B. YOUNG, Judge. 1891 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Potter V. Couch 141 U.S. 296, Supreme Court of the United States (May 25, 1891) Appeals from the circuit court of the United States for the northern district of Illinois. 1891 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Reynolds V. Reynolds' Ex'r 88 Va. 149, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (July 02, 1891) Appeal from circuit court, Floyd county; Henry E. Blair, Judge. Lacy, J., dissenting 1891 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Saunders V. Saunders 108 N.C. 327, Supreme Court of North Carolina (February 24, 1891) Appeal from superior court, Nash county; E. T. BOYKIN, Judge. Plaintiffs are heirs at law of Sion Saunders, and claim to be co-tenants with defendant. Defendant claims to own the land under a devise to him from the purchaser (also an heir at law) at administrator's sale under the will of Sion Saunders. This special proceeding is brought to compel... 1891 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Scott V. Raub 88 Va. 721, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (December 10, 1891) Suit by Sarah E. Raub against Robert Scott to recover an interest in certain real estate. Decree for plaintiff. Defendant appeals. Affirmed. 1891 Cases    
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