AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearTypeKey Terms in Title or SummaryCase Status
  Woodward V. Blue 107 N.C. 407, Supreme Court of North Carolina (December 22, 1890) Appeal from superior court, Burke county. 1890 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Wysinger V. Crookshank 82 Cal. 588, Supreme Court of California, 13, Docket Number287 (January 27, 1890) Commissioners' decision. Department 1. Appeal from superior court, Tulare county; WILLIAM W. CROSS, Judge. 1890 Cases    
  Alsop V. Southern Exp. Co. 104 N.C. 278, Supreme Court of North Carolina (November 25, 1889) Civil action, brought in the court of a justice of the peace, to recover a penalty of $50, under the provision of section 1964 of the Code, and heard on appeal to the superior court of Halifax, before MACRAE, J., on the following case agreed: (1) The defendant is a common carrier and transportation company, duly chartered, and doing business... 1889 Cases    
  Baylies V. Curry 128 Ill. 287, Supreme Court of Illinois (May 16, 1889) Appeal from appellate court, First district. Action by Josephine M. Curry against Josiah Baylies, impleaded, etc., for a statutory penalty for refusing plaintiff the privileges of a theater. Judgment for plaintiff, and defendant appeals. 1889 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Branch V. Walker 102 N.C. 34, Supreme Court of North Carolina (February 25, 1889) Appeal from superior court, Bertie county; GUDGER, Judge. Ejectment by Branch and others against Walker and others. Verdict and judgment for plaintiffs. Defendants appeal. 1889 Cases    
  Choctaw and Chickasaw Treaty of 1866. 19 U.S. Op. Atty. Gen. 389, U.S.A.G (August 28, 1889)   1889 Administrative Decisions & Guidance    
  Cooper V. Cooper 30 Ill.App. 532, Appellate Court of Illinois, Second District (May 25, 1889) This is an action of trover brought by the appellee to recover the value of a number of horses and colts to which appellee claims ownership, and which it is claimed appellant, prior to the commencement of this suit, converted to his own use. The appellee is the widow of John W. Cooper, deceased, and the step-mother of the appellant. It was claimed... 1889 Cases    
  George V. Braddock 45 N.J. Eq. 757, Court of Errors and Appeals of New Jersey (December 12, 1889) Lastly. All the rest and residue of my estate, of any and every form, kind, and description whatsoever, I hereby give, devise, and bequeath, under the name of the Hutchins' Fund, to Henry George, the well-known author of Progress and Poverty, his heirs, executors, and administrators, in sacred trust, for the... 1889 Cases    
  Heirs of Mcgehee V. Mcgehee 41 La.Ann. 657, Supreme Court of Louisiana (June 14, 1889) Appeal from district court, parish of Ouachita. 1889 Cases    
  In re Bush's Will 1 Conn.Surr. 330, Surrogate's Court, New York County, New York (January 22, 1889) Application by James Monroe Richardson for the probate of the will of Catherine L. Bush. Frank Bush, contestant. 1889 Cases    
  In re Bush's Will 1 Conn.Surr. 330, Surrogate's Court, New York County, New York (January 22, 1889) Application by James Monroe Richardson for the probate of the will of Catherine L. Bush. Frank Bush, contestant. 1889 Trial Court Orders    
  In re Jessup 81 Cal. 408, Supreme Court of California, 12, Docket Number941 (November 30, 1889) In bank. On rehearing. For former report, see 21 Pac. Rep. 976. BEATTY, C. J., and PATERSON and WORKS, JJ., dissenting. 1889 Cases   This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  In re Kanaka Nian 6 Utah 259, Supreme Court of the Territory of Utah (June 07, 1889) S. W. Kanaka Nian applied to the court to admit him to citizenship, which was resisted on the double ground that he was a Mongolian, and hence not eligible to citizenship, and because he was not sufficiently intelligent as to the principles of the government of the United States. 1889 Cases    
  In re Neagle 14 Sawy. 232, Circuit Court, N.D. California (September 16, 1889) Habeas Corpus. 1889 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Johnson V. Reading 36 Mo.App. 306, St. Louis Court of Appeals, Missouri (May 14, 1889) The plaintiff's petition charges in substance, that in 1875 he, together with four other persons, leased from one Block several thousand acres of pasture land in Pike county, Missouri, for a period of ten years, at an annual rental of five hundred dollars per year, each of said lessees to pay one hundred dollars; that they took possession of said... 1889 Cases    
  Lee V. Simpson 39 F. 235, Circuit Court, D. South Carolina (May 18, 1889) In Equity. On final hearing. 1889 Cases    
Blewett H. Lee, Leipzig Limitations Imposed by the Federal Constitution on the Right of the States to Enact Quarantine Laws 2 Harvard Law Review 267 (January 15, 1889) THE subject will be treated in the following order: (1.) The nature of quarantine laws, and their classification in our constitutional law. This involves (2.) The nature of the police power, and its distribution in our system of government. (3.) The limitations imposed by the Constitution upon the police power of the States, applicable to... 1889 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
  Mcguinn V. Forbes, D.c. 37 F. 639, District Court, D. Maryland (January 24, 1889) In Admiralty. Libel for damages. 1889 Cases    
  Messenger V. State 25 Neb. 674, Supreme Court of Nebraska (January 30, 1889) Error to district court, Lancaster county; FIELD, Judge. 1889 Cases    
  Miller V. Fleming 7 Mackey 139, Supreme Court, District of Columbia, Docket Number 10422 (January 01, 1889) 1. A limitation in a deed, mediately or immediately, to the right heirs of the grantor, is void, for a man cannot convey to his heirs by deed. 2. Nor does it make any difference that the conveyance is to trustees to the use of another for life and afterwards to the use of his heirs; the last use will be a resulting use to himself in fee, and he... 1889 Cases    
  Miller V. Neff's Adm'r 33 W.Va. 197, Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia (November 18, 1889) Appeal from circuit court, Berkeley county. 1889 Cases    
  People V. Budd 72 Sickels 1, Court of Appeals of New York (October 08, 1889) Appeal from supreme court, general term, fifth department. 1889 Cases    
  People V. Mcdonnell 80 Cal. 285, Supreme Court of California, Docket Number 20,509 (September 02, 1889) Commissioners' decision. In bank. Appeal from superior court, city and county of San Francisco; D. J. MURPHY, Judge. Information against McDonnell for having counterfeiting tools in his possession. Pen. Code Cal. § 959, subd. 6, provides that the information is sufficient if it shows that the act or omission charged as the offense is... 1889 Cases    
  Salem Tp. V. Cook 6 Pa.C.C. 624, Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace of Pennsylvania, Wayne County (July 01, 1889) This was a proceeding under s 25 of the Act of June 13, 1836, Purd. 1347, pl. 48, in which an order was made requiring the defendant to pay certain moneys for the support of his daughter. The single question now presented, and which we are requested to determine, without reference to the regularity of the manner in which it is raised, is, do costs... 1889 Cases    
  State V. Powers 51 N.J.L. 432, Supreme Court of New Jersey (June 10, 1889) Certiorari to court of common pleas, Essex county; KIRKPATRICK, BUTTNER, and LEDWITH, Judges. An appeal in an action of debt, begun in a court for the trial of small causes, came on for trial in the Essex common pleas. The plaintiff, whose administratrix is now the defendant in certiorari, was sworn as a witness on his own behalf, and subsequently... 1889 Cases    
E. Irving Smith, Harvard Law School The Legal Aspect of the Southern Question 2 Harvard Law Review 358 (March 15, 1889) IT is my purpose briefly to present certain points of law, most of them well settled, involved in a discussion of the Southern Question. Even before the time of the present Constitution the country divided naturally into a North and a South. In addition to the fact that the people of the two sections seemed to differ instinctively in their... 1889 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
  West V. Jones 85 Va. 616, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (January 10, 1889) Appeal from circuit court, Halifax county. 1889 Cases    
  Wilson V. Pearson 102 N.C. 290, Supreme Court of North Carolina (May 18, 1889) Civil action, tried before BOYKIN, J., at August term, 1887, of the superior court of Burke county, and heard upon the report of the referee (to whom the cause had been referred) and exceptions thereto. There was judgment confirming the report, and the defendant Richmond Pearson, executor, etc., appealed. 1889 Cases    
  Woodard V. Blue 103 N.C. 109, Supreme Court of North Carolina (April 22, 1889) Appeal from superior court, Burke county; ARMFIELD, Judge. Action by Durant Woodard and Emily, his wife, and Mourning Criss, against David Blue and others. Defendants appeal. 1889 Cases    
  Assumpsit - Work and Labor by Wife for Supposed Husband - Mistake of Fact 2 Harvard Law Review 186 (November 15, 1888) A woman married a man and lived with him till his death. She afterwards learned that he had a former wife, still living, from whom he had not been divorced. Held, that she could not recover from his administrator for work and labor in keeping house for him during his life. Cooper v. Cooper, 17 N. E. Rep. 892 (Mass.); s. c. 16 Mass. Law Rep. (No.... 1888 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources    
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