AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearTypeKey Terms in Title or SummaryCase Status
  Robson V. du Bose 79 Ga. 721, Supreme Court of Georgia, 78 Ga. 413, Supreme Court of Georgia (November 22, 1887) Error from superior court, Hancock county; BOYNTON, Judge. C. W. Du Bose and T. J. Worthen, executors of David Dickson, deceased, brought a bill of interpleader against the tax collectors of Washington and Hancock counties, to determine to whom they should pay the taxes on the estate. The chancellor decided in favor of Hancock county, and the tax... 1887 Cases    
  Russell V. Marchbanks 4 S.W. 200, Supreme Court of Arkansas (April 29, 1887) Appeal from circuit court, Lee county. In chancery. 1887 Cases    
  Sanger V. Nightingale 122 U.S. 176, Supreme Court of the United States (May 23, 1887) Appeal from the Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia. 1887 Cases    
  Shodden V. Mcelwee 86 Tenn. 146, Supreme Court of Tennessee (November 01, 1887) Error from circuit court, Roane county; S. A. ROGERS, Judge. 1887 Cases    
  Simonton V. Cornelius 98 N.C. 433, Supreme Court of North Carolina (November 28, 1887) Appeal from superior court, Iredell county; GILMER, Judge. 1887 Cases    
  Smith V. Dubose 78 Ga. 668, Supreme Court of Georgia (June 13, 1887) Appeal from superior court, Hancock county; LUMPKIN, Judge. 1887 Cases    
  Tucker V. Bellamy 98 N.C. 31, Supreme Court of North Carolina (November 28, 1887) Appeal from supreme court, New Hanover county; PHILIPS, Judge. 1887 Cases    
  Waller V. Johnson 82 Va. 966, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (February 24, 1887) Appeal from circuit court of city of Norfolk. 1887 Cases    
  Wilson V. Holt 83 Ala. 528, Supreme Court of Alabama (December 21, 1887) Appeal from chancery court, Montgomery county; John A. Foster, Chancellor. Bill in equity by heir of husband, claiming under marriage contract, to establish his interest in wife's lands, with account of rents, and for partition. The bill in this case was filed on the twentyninth January, 1883, by Waldo P. Wilson, only surviving child and... 1887 Cases    
  Adams V. Smith 19 Nev. 259, Supreme Court of Nevada (January 20, 1886) Appeal from a judgment of the Second judicial district court, Ormsby county, entered in favor of the plaintiff. The opinion fully states the facts. 1886 Cases    
  Allen V. Wyckoff 48 N.J.L. 90, Supreme Court of New Jersey (February 18, 1886) The prosecutor was sued for the penalty of $50 prescribed for non-residents of this state who kill quail without complying with the by-laws of the game protective societies, according to An act for the protection of game and game-fish, approved April 4, 1878. P.L.1878, p. 293. At the trial he took the ground that the... 1886 Cases    
  Argument of Hall Mcallister, L. H. Van Shaick and D. L. Smoot, for Appellant and Plaintiff in Error, Yick Wo, Plaintiff in Error, V. Peter Hopkins, Sheriff of the City and County of San Francisco, Defendant in Error. (No. 1280) Wo Lee, Appellant, V. Peter Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number Nos. 1280, 1281 (April 06, 1886) By written agreement of counsel and the permission of the court, these cases are heard together, because they involve the same questions. The petition of Yick Wo was filed in the supreme... 1886 Briefs    
  Battelle V. Youngstown Rolling Mill Co. 84 Tenn. 355, Supreme Court of Tennessee (April 01, 1886) This is an original attachment bill filed against defendants, the corporation known as Youngstown Rolling Mill Company, as non-residents, and the First National Bank of Memphis, a corporation doing business in that city. The bill claims a debt of over $4,000, due by reason of a breach of contract to deliver certain hoop iron, as per contract set... 1886 Cases   This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  Beardsley V. Selectmen of Bridgeport 53 Conn. 489, Supreme Court of Errors of Connecticut (February 13, 1886) Appeal from superior court, Fairfax county. 1886 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Criss V. Criss 28 W.Va. 388, Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia (September 18, 1886) Omitting for the present any consideration of the pleadings or the manner, in which the point in controversy is presented to us, the only question substantially in this cause to be decided by us is, whether the court of equity in 1876 should have permitted Aaron Criss to enforce by sale a deed of trust dated and duly recorded September 22, 1845,... 1886 Cases    
  Grant V. Reese 94 N.C. 720, Supreme Court of North Carolina (February 01, 1886) The alleged errors are imperfectly assigned, and we find it difficult to determine the meaning and application of some of them. Such as apply to alleged erroneous findings of fact, we cannot correct, if, indeed, they exist, because this is simply an action at law, and we have not jurisdiction to review the findings of fact. We can only correct... 1886 Cases    
  Graves V. Pinchback 47 Ark. 470, Supreme Court of Arkansas (October 16, 1886) Appeal from circuit court, Lincoln county. In chancery. 1886 Cases    
  Home Ins. Co. V. City of New York 119 U.S. 129, Supreme Court of the United States (November 15, 1886) Error to the Supreme Court of the State of New York. 1886 Cases    
  In re Sah Quah 31 F. 327, District Court, District of Alaska (May 08, 1886) Habeas Corpus. 1886 Cases    
  Kent's Adm'r V. Kent's Adm'r 82 Va. 205, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (July 01, 1886) This is a controversy between the administrators of two brothers who were the joint administrators of a deceased brother. In February, 1850, David F. Kent, of Pulaski county, died intestate, leaving a widow and children, and besides being seized and possessed in his own right of some real estate in the counties of Wythe and Pulaski, and a very... 1886 Cases    
  Kirch V. Sanderson 69 Wis. 52, Supreme Court of Wisconsin (May 15, 1886) Appeal from circuit court, Dane county. 1886 Cases    
  Missouri Pac. Ry. Co. V. Christman 65 Tex. 369, Supreme Court of Texas, Docket Number 2073 (January 29, 1886) There is no controversy as to the general principles of law applicable to this case, and they need not now be discussed. The appellee was an employe of the appellant at the time he was injured, and, to entitle him to recover, it was necessary for him to establish, by sufficient evidence, the facts: 1. That his injury resulted from the negligence of... 1886 Cases    
  People ex Rel. V. Mcfall 26 Ill.App. 319, Appellate Court of Illinois, Third District (November 01, 1886) On the 25th day of September, of the September term, A. D. 1886, there was filed in the Circuit Court for Adams County, a petition in the name of the Attorney General, verified by the oath of Samuel Jonson, J. W. Monroe, Garrett Douglass and David Jones, for leave to file an information in the nature of a quo warranto against the appellees, who are... 1886 Cases    
  People V. Hampton 4 Utah 258, Supreme Court of the Territory of Utah (February 06, 1886) A peculiar state of facts is shown by the record in this case. It would seem that lewd women were employed to open houses of ill fame in the city of Salt Lake. It is claimed that men who had not sufficient selfrespect or morality to resist such allurements were beguiled therein, and that the unholy practices with the women were watched from... 1886 Cases    
  Ricks V. Pulliam 94 N.C. 225, Supreme Court of North Carolina (February 01, 1886) We are of opinion that both the deeds in question contained words of inheritance sufficiently expressed, and that they each passed the fee simple. It is very manifest from their purpose, scope and terms, although confusedly expressed, that the parties to them respectively, intended to pass the fee. And if the Court can give them any reasonable... 1886 Cases    
  Smith V. Smith 24 S.C. 304, Supreme Court of South Carolina (March 03, 1886) 1. The decision of the Circuit Judge on a question of location approved; and the courses of a deed, which purported to convey 150 acres, held not to include an adjoining tract of 1,100 acres. 2. Under a devise to W. in trust for the use of S., to permit S. to have the rents and profits for the term of his natural life, and then to hold for the... 1886 Cases    
  State of Kansas V. Walruff 26 F. 178, Circuit Court, D. Kansas (January 22, 1886) On Motion by Plaintiff to Remand Case to State Court. The opinion states the facts. 1886 Cases    
  State V. Burdon 38 La.Ann. 357, Supreme Court of Louisiana, Docket Number 9634 (April 01, 1886) Appeal from the Criminal District Court for the Parish of Orleans. Baker, J. 1886 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Taubenhan V. Dunz 20 Ill.App. 262, Appellate Court of Illinois, First District (October 01, 1886) The question for determination is, what is the correct construction of the words in the last clause of the will, and all other property of every kind. Appellant's contention is, that those words are to be construed as bequeathing only property ejusdem generis with loose property in, on and around the homestead, and that as to such portion of his... 1886 Cases    
  U.s. V. Rauscher 119 U.S. 407, Supreme Court of the United States (December 06, 1886) WAITE, C. J., dissenting. 1886 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
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