AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearTypeKey Terms in Title or SummaryCase Status
  Barksdale V. Sampson County Com'rs 93 N.C. 472, Supreme Court of North Carolina (October 01, 1885) The General Assembly shall levy a capitation tax on every male inhabitant of the State over twenty-one, and under fifty years of age, which shall be equal on each to the tax on property valued at three hundred dollars in cash. The commissioners of the several counties may exempt from capitation tax in special cases, on account of poverty and... 1885 Cases   This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  Beatty V. Benton 169 Ga. 400, Supreme Court of Georgia (January 06, 1885) 1. A deed, made in 1854, conveying a lot in the city of Augusta to a white person for the use of certain free persons of color, was void. 2. Where a free person of color, in possession of such a lot in 1854, having erected two houses upon it, left one moiety in possession of his wife and one in possession of his daughter, and the state never... 1885 Cases    
  Campbell V. Holt 115 U.S. 620, Supreme Court of the United States (December 07, 1885) In Error to the Supreme Court of the State of Texas. BRADLEY and HARLAN, JJ., dissenting. 1885 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Cooper V. State 64 Md. 40, Court of Appeals of Maryland (June 23, 1885) Appeal, as upon writ of error, from criminal court of Baltimore city. 1885 Cases    
  Eubank V. Eubank 7 Ky.L.Rptr. 291, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 15, 1885) Washington Eubank, before his marriage to the appellant, Amanda Eubank, in part gave and in part sold by parol to his son by a former marriage, the appellee, John Eubank, a small portion of a town lot and put him in possession of it. The latter improved it by building a small house upon it and otherwise, the father promising frequently to convey it... 1885 Cases    
  Farr V. Gilreath 23 S.C. 502, Supreme Court of South Carolina (October 23, 1885) 1. A testator by his will declared: I give unto my son R., in trust for my daughter M., the lots that I live on in the town of G. If my daughter M. should die leaving no child, it is my wish that her trustee should sell the property in his hands and divide the proceeds of the same equally between my surviving children, or the heirs of their... 1885 Cases    
  Greenhow V. James' Ex'r 80 Va. 636, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (April 16, 1885) Sometime in the year 1830, or 1831, one Mary James, of the county of Stafford, departed this life, having first made her will, which was duly probated and recorded. This will, along with the records of the county, was destroyed during the late war; but that portion of it which bears upon this case has been set up and established to the thorough... 1885 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Hanawalt V. State 64 Wis. 84, Supreme Court of Wisconsin (September 22, 1885) Error to circuit court, Waupaca county. 1885 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Jones V. Hudson 23 S.C. 494, Supreme Court of South Carolina (October 23, 1885) 1. Where, in a cause, with all parties in interest before the court, a person is recognized as trustee of land under a lost deed, and is authorized to make sale of any portion of such land, and reinvest the proceeds for the same uses, and he accordingly makes sale and conveyance, for value, of a part of this land, the cestuis que trust cannot... 1885 Cases    
  Murphy V. Western & A. R. R. 23 F. 637, Circuit Court, E.D. Tennessee, Southern Division (April 01, 1885) Charge to Jury. 1885 Cases    
  Parish V. Alston 65 Tex. 194, Supreme Court of Texas, Docket Number 1757 (December 18, 1885) By the terms of the statute then in force, the marriage of appellant, Alice Parish, terminated the guardianship. Pas. Dig., art. 6928. It also rendered her, in legal contemplation, of full age, although a minor. Thompson v. Craig, 24 Tex., 582. From the allegations in the petition, it appears that the acts of waste, conversion, etc., complained of,... 1885 Cases    
  Purcelly V. Carter 45 Ark. 299, Supreme Court of Arkansas (May 01, 1885) The bill charges that James Purcelly died in the year 1859, leaving a will, which was admitted to probate, and six children, to whom he bequeathed the residue of his estate after the payment of debts and certain specific legacies; that the testator named no executor, wherefore the probate court granted administration with the will annexed to his... 1885 Cases    
  Sharon V. Hill 11 Sawy. 290, Circuit Court, D. California (December 26, 1885) In Equity. 1885 Cases    
  Smith V. Perry 80 Va. 563, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (June 18, 1885) The appellant instituted his suit in the circuit court of Wythe county, against the appellee as the administrator of one Edmond Smith, dec'd, for an account and distribution of the said estate, claiming to be entitled to the same as the father and heir at law of the said Edmond Smith, dec'd, and against the appellees, Johnson and Clark. That the... 1885 Cases    
  State V. Rogers 93 N.C. 523, Supreme Court of North Carolina (October 01, 1885) There was no error in this ruling. It is founded on a principle too well and too long settled, to admit of a question. This was the only instruction asked by the prisoner before the case was submitted to the jury, but after the verdict, his counsel filed a number of exceptions to the charge of his Honor, nearly all of which were taken too late, but... 1885 Cases    
  State V. Stair 87 Mo. 268, Supreme Court of Missouri (October 01, 1885) The defendants were jointly indicted and tried, the defendant, Henry S. Stair, for killing Jacob Sewell, and Nannettie for being present, aiding and abetting in the murder. They were both found guilty and sentenced to be hanged. The evidence as to the killing is circumstantial only. Jacob Sewell, the deceased, was advanced in years, and he and his... 1885 Cases    
  Succession of Le Blanc 37 La.Ann. 546, Supreme Court of Louisiana, Docket Number 9315 (May 01, 1885) Appeal from the Civil District Court for the Parish of Orleans. Houston, J. 1885 Cases    
  The Sue, D.c. 22 F. 843, District Court, D. Maryland (February 02, 1885) In Admiralty. Libel in rem. 1885 Cases    
  Augusta Factory V. Barnes 72 Ga. 217, Supreme Court of Georgia (April 08, 1884) 1. An action by a father for the loss of services resulting from injury to his minor child, caused by the negligence of the agent at a factory where she was employed, is not a case for vindictive or exemplary damages, and a charge to that effect was error; but the amount found by the verdict did not exceed the actual loss proved, and the error in... 1884 Cases    
  Barfield V. Barfield 72 Ga. 668, Supreme Court of Georgia (March 18, 1884) 1. It would require a very strong case, supported by clear and convincing proofs from witnesses entitled to credit and uninfluenced by passion or prejudice, to authorize a court of equity to wrest from the father and head of a family a homestead which has been carved out of his estate, and on which he has lived and has raised to majority all of his... 1884 Cases    
  Barnum V. City of Baltimore 62 Md. 275, Court of Appeals of Maryland (June 18, 1884) The bill in this case was filed by Samuel H. Tagart, executor and trustee appointed by the will of Zenus Barnum, deceased, for the purpose of having the rights of parties declared in respect to a large portion of the estate of the deceased, which is claimed by his heirs-at-law and next of kin as against the disposition thereof made by the will. The... 1884 Cases    
  Bryant V. State 76 Ala. 33, Supreme Court of Alabama (December 01, 1884) Indictment for Living in Adultery or Fornication. FROM the Circuit Court of Chilton. Tried before the Hon. JAS. E. COBB. 1884 Cases    
  Claybrook V. City of Owensboro 23 F. 634, Circuit Court, D. Kentucky (March 08, 1884) In Equity. 1884 Cases    
  Covington V. Morton 6 Ky.L.Rptr. 352, Superior Court of Kentucky (September 22, 1884) These two cases depend, for the most part, on the same question, and will be considered together, and the questions affecting the second and not the first, which, in the opinion of counsel, are important will be afterwards referred to. These suits were instituted on the 28th day of May, 1881, by appellant to recover from each of the appellees the... 1884 Cases    
  Dawson V. Lee 6 Ky.L.Rptr. 413, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (May 27, 1884) This is an action by appellant Dawson and appellees Hill and Greenwell, to subject a tract of land owned by J. A. Lee to the payment of $_, one-third of which they each, as alleged sureties in a revenue bond given by J. H. Hays, sheriff of Bullitt county, paid into the Treasury of the State. Upon final hearing, personal judgment was rendered in... 1884 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Deihl V. Ottenville 82 Tenn. 191, Supreme Court of Tennessee (December 01, 1884) Defendant in error brought suit against plaintiffs in error in the circuit court of Davidson county for conversion and destruction of a large number of beer boxes and bottles. Verdict and judgment for $1,115 were rendered in favor of plaintiff below, and the defendants have appealed in error to this court. The Referees have reported in favor of the... 1884 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Edmunds' Adm'r V. Scott 78 Va. 720, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (March 20, 1884) The following state of facts appears from the records of these causes: Thomas E. Watkins, of the county of Charlotte, died in November, 1861, leaving his will, which was duly probated at the December term of the county court, 1861, of the said county, and at the same term of the said court, Joel Watkins, his brother, and Joel W. Marshall, his... 1884 Cases    
  Elk V. Wilkins 112 U.S. 94, Supreme Court of the United States (November 03, 1884) In Error to the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Nebraska. ARLAN and WOODS, JJ., dissenting. 1884 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Elliott's Adm'r V. Howell 78 Va. 297, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (January 17, 1884) This is an appeal from a decree of the circuit court of Elizabeth City county, pronounced at the April term thereof, 1879. The facts, so far as necessary to be stated, are these: Bailey T. Elliott, late of York county, departed this life about the year 1844, intestate, leaving, surviving him, a widow, Susan, and three children, namely: Isabella,... 1884 Cases    
  Gosson V. Ladd 77 Ala. 223, Supreme Court of Alabama (December 01, 1884) Ejectment by Remainder-men, against Purchasers from Trustee and Life-Tenants. APPEAL from the Circuit Court of Mobile. Tried before the Hon. WM. E. CLARKE. 1884 Cases    
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