AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearTypeKey Terms in Title or SummaryCase Status
  Homer V. Com. 15 W.N.C. 337, Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (April 04, 1884) 1. An Act of Assembly cannot be repealed by non-user. It can be repealed only by express provision of a subsequent law, or by a clause of such subsequent law so positively repugnant to its provisions that the two cannot stand together, or be consistently reconciled. 2. The portion of the Act of August 26, 1721, section 4 (1 Cary & B. L., 157),... 1884 Cases    
  Horn V. Star Foundry Co. 23 W.Va. 522, Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia (March 15, 1884) The law question involved in this cause is, whether when two parties enter into a contract the purpose and effect of which is, that something by the terms of the contract is to be done which is contrary to public policy or is fraudulent, and both of the parties to such contract are equally guilty, will a court either of law or of equity enforce... 1884 Cases    
  In re Look Tin Sing 10 Sawy. 353, Circuit Court, D. California (September 29, 1884) On Habeas Corpus. 1884 Cases    
  Louisville, N. & G. S. R. Co. V. Fleming 82 Tenn. 128, Supreme Court of Tennessee (December 01, 1884) This is an action brought by Fleming against the railroad company to recover damages for an alleged wrongful ejection from the company's train of cars while traveling from the town of Franklin to the city of Nashville. The verdict and judgment below were in favor of Fleming, and the company appealed in error. The Referees have reported that the... 1884 Cases    
  Olmstead V. Dunn 72 Ga. 850, Supreme Court of Georgia (June 10, 1884) [These cases were argued at the last term, and the decision reserved.] 1. Certain forms are necessary in order for a testator to put down his intention on paper, so that the courts may reasonably be assured that he made and published the paper as his will, such as a certain attestation, signature, etc. But when that assurance is had, and the... 1884 Cases    
  Pannill's Adm'r V. Calloway's Committee 78 Va. 387, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (January 31, 1884) In 1847, upon an inquisition of lunacy, the circuit court of Henry appointed John Calloway a committee for his son, George H. Calloway. Subsequently, in the year 1853, George Pannill, by order of the county court of Henry, was appointed committee for the same lunatic, so far as his interest in the estate of Robert Hairston was concerned, who,... 1884 Cases    
  Rucker V. Missouri Pac. Ry. Co. 61 Tex. 499, Supreme Court of Texas, Docket Number 4962 (May 06, 1884) After a careful consideration of this record, we have reached the conclusion that there is no material or serious error contained in it, and that the judgment should be affirmed. The attending physician of appellant, who had fair opportunities of judging of his mental capacity and intelligence, testified that appellant had the ordinary intelligence... 1884 Cases    
  Springer V. State 16 Tex.App. 591, Court of Appeals of Texas (June 27, 1884) APPEAL from the County Court of Uvalde. Tried below before the Hon. T. S. Spencer, County Judge. 1884 Cases    
  State V. Mills 91 N.C. 581, Supreme Court of North Carolina (October 01, 1884) We have examined the record in this case with that care which is due to the consideration of the serious crime with which the prisoner is charged. He has filed a great many exceptions, some of which are perfectly frivolous, but to such as are worthy of consideration we proceed to give the conclusions to which we have been led. 1. The exception to... 1884 Cases    
  The Ku Klux Cases 110 U.S. 651, Supreme Court of the United States (March 03, 1884) Petition for Writs of Habeas Corpus and Certiorari. 1884 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Thurston's Adm'r V. Sinclair 79 Va. 101, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (May 05, 1884) The controversy in this case is as to the liability of the estate of Dr. William S. Thurston, executor of Robert Thurston, for a legacy of $1,250 to the appellees under the will of their grandfather, the said Robert Thurston, late of Gloucester. The facts are as follows: Robert Thurston died in the county of Gloucester early in the year 1857, the... 1884 Cases    
  Wallamet Iron-bridge Co. V. Hatch 9 Sawy. 643, Circuit Court, D. Oregon (March 03, 1884) Bill of Review. 1884 Cases   This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  Allen V. Mcveigh 107 U.S. 433, Supreme Court of the United States (April 16, 1883) In Error to the Supreme Court of Appeals of the State of Virginia. 1883 Cases    
  Anderson V. Smith 2 Mackey 275, Supreme Court, District of Columbia, Docket Number 26636 (March 05, 1883) 1. In ejectment in this District the general rule is that in making proof of record title the plaintiff must go back to the original source and show a grant either from the State of Maryland or the United States, and then, if there should be a hiatus in the chain of title, twenty years possession in conformity with the deeds will raise a... 1883 Cases    
  Ballentyne V. Wickersham 75 Ala. 533, Supreme Court of Alabama (December 01, 1883) Action for Malicious Prosecution. APPEAL from Mobile Circuit Court. The name of the presiding judge not disclosed by the record. 1883 Cases    
  Baltimore & O.r. Co. V. Allen 17 F. 171, Circuit Court, W.D. Virginia (May 15, 1883) HUGHES, J. dissents. In Equity. On motion for a preliminary injunction. 1883 Cases    
  Bertles V. Nunan 47 Sickels 152, Court of Appeals of New York (January 01, 1883) On August 1, 1868, certain land which is the subject of this controversy was conveyed by deed to Cornelius Day and Hannah Day his wife and to their heirs and assigns; and the sole question for our determination is whether the grantees took the land as tenants in common or whether each took and became seized of the entirety. By the common law when... 1883 Cases    
  Britton V. Atlanta & C.a.l. Ry. Co. 88 N.C. 536, Supreme Court of North Carolina (February 01, 1883) The court has found no difficulty in concurring in many, if not all, of the propositions propounded in the charge of His Honor to the jury, or in the positions assumed by counsel at this bar. No sort of doubt is entertained as to the right, and, in some cases, the duty, of carriers, who undertake to convey passengers for hire, to establish and... 1883 Cases    
  Burke V. Adair 23 W.Va. 139, Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia (December 08, 1883) ( SNYDER, JUDGE, Absent.) If a tract of land is conveyed to a trustee as security for a debt with authority to sell the tract of land at public auction, after advertising it in a specified manner, and the trustee makes such sale and conveys the land to a purchaser, who has his deed duly recorded, and a suit is then brought by the grantor or one... 1883 Cases    
  Bush V. Commonwealth of Kentucky 107 U.S. 110, Supreme Court of the United States (January 29, 1883) In Error to the Court of Appeals of Kentucky. WAITE, C. J., FIELD and GRAY, JJ., dissenting. 1883 Cases    
  Cavitt V. State 15 Tex.App. 190, Court of Appeals of Texas (December 01, 1883) APPEAL from the District Court of Brazos. Tried below before the Hon. W. E. Collard. 1883 Cases    
  Central R.r. V. Brinson 70 Ga. 207, Supreme Court of Georgia (August 27, 1883) [Two justices presiding. Argued at the last term, and decision reserved. The head-notes below report the views of Justice Hall and Chief Justice Jackson, respectively.] HALL, J. 1. Railroads, for the benefits and privileges conferred upon them, owe important duties to the public, which they are strictly enjoined to perform; and to enable them to... 1883 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Civil Rights Cases 109 U.S. 3, Supreme Court of the United States (October 15, 1883) HARLAN, J., dissents. 1883 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Claybrook V. City of Owensboro 4 Ky.L.Rptr. 876, District Court, D. Kentucky (January 01, 1883) Motion for Injunction. 1883 Cases    
  Coit V. Comstock 51 Conn. 352, Supreme Court of Errors of Connecticut (October 01, 1883) A testator made a bequest to his executors upon a trust stated in the will as follows: to hold, manage and receive the income thereof until an act of incorporation can be obtained from the General Assembly of this state, by the name of the Smith Memorial Home, and with such powers as may be necessary to carry into full effect the object of... 1883 Cases    
  Dingle V. Mitchell 20 S.C. 202, Supreme Court of South Carolina (November 22, 1883) 1. If copy-deeds are received in evidence without objection, they become competent testimony in the cause, and proof of loss of the originals is dispensed with. 2. There being evidence of possession for more than twenty years by those through whom the plaintiff claims title to the land in dispute, and also evidence of plaintiff's title from a... 1883 Cases    
  Eans' Adm'r V. Eans 79 Mo. 53, Supreme Court of Missouri (October 01, 1883) This is a proceeding begun in 1878, in the probate court of Cole county, by the administrator of the estate of Wm. H. Eans, against the widow of said Eans, to recover certain assets of the estate, and is based on the following sections of Wagner's Statutes, page 85: Section 7. If the executor or administrator, or other person interested in any... 1883 Cases    
  Fairfield V. Lawson 50 Conn. 501, Supreme Court of Errors of Connecticut (January 01, 1883) A testator gave certain property to a trustee, for the use of his widow during her life, and after her death the income to be devoted to the education of the freedmen, and paid over annually to the proper officers of the Freedmen's Association for that purpose by the trustee. The term freedmen was one generally applied... 1883 Cases    
  Foote V. State 59 Md. 264, Court of Appeals of Maryland (January 26, 1883) This case comes before us upon a writ of error from the Criminal Court of Baltimore City. The plaintiff in error, Foote, was indicted in that Court under the Act of 1882, ch. 120, for brutally assaulting and beating his wife, found guilty and sentenced to imprisonment in jail for sixty days, and to be whipped seven lashes by the sheriff. He assigns... 1883 Cases    
  Hill V. Umberger 77 Va. 653, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (July 26, 1883) This is a contest between the wards of a foreign guardian, who was their father, and the heirs at law of the surety of a domestic guardian, in which the former, the appellants here, and plaintiffs below, seek to recover from the latter money alleged to be due, and unaccounted for by said domestic guardian. The circumstances are these: On the 23d... 1883 Cases    
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