AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearTypeKey Terms in Title or SummaryCase Status
  Howerton V. Henderson 88 N.C. 597, Supreme Court of North Carolina (February 01, 1883) The sole question involved in this controversy arises upon the construction of the devises in the will of James Vaughn to his surviving wife, Ann, under whom the plaintiffs derive title and claim an estate in fee in the house and lot sought to be recovered in their action. The will of the testator bears date early in January, 1816, and we suppose... 1883 Cases    
  Inhabitants of Camden V. Inhabitants of Belgrade 75 Me. 126, Supreme Judicial Court of Maine (May 03, 1883) The verdict is for the plaintiffs for the amount claimed in the writ for supplies furnished William O. Kaherl, alias Orrin S. Carle and his alleged wife, Mary O. alias Orraville M. and their children. The defendants present the case upon a motion to set aside the verdict as against law and evidence and upon exceptions to the refusal of the... 1883 Cases    
  Miller V. Ingells 4 Ky.L.Rptr. 982, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (May 01, 1883) The principal question involved in this case arises out of the claim made by Miller and wife that the appellees should be charged with the rent of the land known as a part of the Vincent farm for the period of eight years, and in support of the claim the appellants, through the administrator, produce an account in which the father of Mrs. Ingalls... 1883 Cases    
  Morgan V. State 42 Ark. 131, Supreme Court of Arkansas (November 01, 1883) Morgan was indicted in Garland County, and, upon change of venue to Hot Spring County, was convicted and sentenced to a year's imprisonment in the penitentiary. This is the indictment: The grand jury, etc., * * * accuse M. T. Morgan of the crime of false pretenses' committed as follows to wit: On the twenty-fifth day of May,... 1883 Cases    
  Pace V. State 106 U.S. 583, Supreme Court of the United States (January 29, 1883) In Error to the Supreme Court of Alabama. 1883 Cases   This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  Patton V. Coates 41 Ark. 111, Supreme Court of Arkansas (November 01, 1883) The general election law of January 23d, 1875, (p. 92, acts 1874 and 1875), makes it the duty of the county court, at the last term held more than thirty days before any general election, to appoint three jndges of election in each township, to continue in office until the next general election; and provides that the judges shall select two persons... 1883 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  People of State of New York V. Compagnie Generale Transatlantique 107 U.S. 59, Supreme Court of the United States (February 05, 1883) In Error to the Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. 1883 Cases    
  Pope V. Mathews 18 S.C. 444, Supreme Court of South Carolina (June 29, 1883) 1. A testator directed his executor to invest the proceeds of certain sales, and his cash and choses in action in bank stock or otherwise. At his death, testator held note of long standing against A., one against B. with A. as surety, and another against C. The executor permitted A. to renew his own note, and also with his own note to take up the... 1883 Cases    
  Santa Clara County V. Southern Pac. R. Co. 9 Sawy. 165, Circuit Court, D. California (September 17, 1883) At Law. 1883 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Seal V. State 2 Miss.Dec. 450, Supreme Court of Mississippi (March 05, 1883) Criminal Law - Slander - Plea of Former Conviction. A plea of former conviction to an indictment for slander, which sets out the words charged in the affidavit on which the defendant was convicted in a justice of the peace court that vary materially from the words stated in the indictment, is bad. 1883 Cases    
  Shirey V. Cumberhouse 41 Ark. 97, Supreme Court of Arkansas (May 01, 1883) This was ejectment for one hundred and sixty acres of land. The plaintiffs claim by inheritance from their father, who, it was alleged, had died seized and in possession of the premises. The defendants, who held different portions of the same tract, admitted that the father of the plaintiffs was in possession at the time of his death, but deny that... 1883 Cases    
  State of Alabama V. Wolffe 18 F. 836, Circuit Court, M.D. Alabama (January 01, 1883) Motion to Remand to State Court. 1883 Cases    
  State V. Brown 19 Fla. 563, Supreme Court of Florida (January 01, 1883) 1. The act of March 3, 1883, relating to granting licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquors, so far as it requires that an applicant for a license shall produce to the Board of County Commissioners an application signed by a majority of the registered voters in the election district in which he desires the privilege to sell, and otherwise... 1883 Cases    
  Town of Windham V. Town of Lebanon 51 Conn. 319, Supreme Court of Errors of Connecticut (October 01, 1883) The statute (Gen. Statutes, p. 199, sec. 5,) provides, with regard to the right of one town to recover of another for the support of a pauper of the latter by the former, that the selectmen of the claimant town shall give notice to those of the other of the condition of the pauper, stating his name. Held that a notice... 1883 Cases    
  U. S. V. Washington 4 Woods 349, Circuit Court, W.D. Texas (February 01, 1883) Motion to Quash Information. 1883 Cases    
  U.s. ex Rel. Warden V. Chandler 2 Mackey 527, Supreme Court, District of Columbia, Docket Number 24811 (October 15, 1883) 1. By the 18th Rule of this court all petitions for mandamus are required to be presented to a judge in Special Term or in Chambers when the case can be afterwards certified to the General Term. 2. In applications for mandamus the rule to show cause why the writ should issue is not grantable as of course; the court in the exercise of its discretion... 1883 Cases    
  U.s. V. Harris 106 U.S. 629, Supreme Court of the United States (January 22, 1883) On a Certificate of Division in Opinion between the Judges of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Western District of Tennessee. 1883 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  U.s. V. Munford 16 F. 223, Circuit Court, E.D. Virginia (April 12, 1883) Demurrer to Information. 1883 Cases    
  Veazie V. Mcgugin 40 Ohio St. 365, Supreme Court of Ohio (January 01, 1883) A testator, domiciled in Mississippi, devised his entire estate to C., his heirs and assigns, with full power to dispose of the same and apply the proceeds upon specified trusts. By subsequent clauses he named C. co-executor with two others, limiting the power to sell and convey to C. alone; and provided that if C. should die or should refuse to... 1883 Cases    
  Brief of Counsel of State of Louisiana, and of Crescent City Live Stock Landing and Slaughter House Company, Defendants in Error, the Butchers Benevolent Association of New Orleans, Plaintiffs in Error, V. the Crescent City Live-stock Landing and Slaughte Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number Nos. 60, 61, 62 (December 02, 1882) These three cases were argued together orally and in print, in January, 1872, and on the 15th April, the court ordered them to be reargued at the next term, without calling attention to any... 1882 Briefs    
  Brown V. Monroe 80 Ky. 443, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 14, 1882) After a second hearing, and careful review of all the facts and legal questions involved in this litigation, we have arrived at a conclusion, as we think, in harmony with the deed under which the church property in question is held, and within the policy and spirit of the action of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, as shown by the rules and... 1882 Cases    
  Bush V. Commonwealth 3 Ky.L.Rptr. 740, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (April 21, 1882) 1. The case was not transferred to the United States court, and the circuit court had jurisdiction. 2. There was no error in the instructions. 3. A rule which excludes a witness in a criminal case on account of his religious belief, or his disbelief in any system of religion, is in violation of the constitution and the policy of free government. 4.... 1882 Cases    
  Cass V. Cass 34 La.Ann. 611, Supreme Court of Louisiana, Docket Number 8252 (May 01, 1882) Appeal from the Civil District Court for the Parish of Orleans. Lazarus, J. 1882 Cases    
  Dabbs V. State 39 Ark. 353, Supreme Court of Arkansas (November 01, 1882) Dabbs was indicted for selling a pocket pistol, pleaded guilty, was fined and moved in arrest of judgment. His appeal questions the constitutionality of the third section of the act of April 1, 1881. The purpose of that act, as expressed in its title, was to preserve the public peace and prevent crime. The third section makes it a... 1882 Cases    
  Dickerson V. Smith 17 S.C. 289, Supreme Court of South Carolina (April 19, 1882) 1. Findings of fact by a circuit judge from conflicting testimony, partly oral and partly written, reversedthe circumstances surrounding the transactions constraining this court to different conclusions. 2. The statute of limitations does not run against legatees as to matters embraced in a partial settlement made with them by the executors... 1882 Cases    
  Downs V. Allen 78 Tenn. 652, Supreme Court of Tennessee (December 01, 1882) The bill in this case was filed June 30, 1868, by the complainant, Tempe Downs, as a free woman of color, to recover, in whole or in part, from the defendants the estate, real and personal, of one W. B. Downs, a free man of color, who died in March, 1846, at Nashville, where he had long resided. The chancellor, upon final hearing, held that the... 1882 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Du Val V. Johnson 39 Ark. 182, Supreme Court of Arkansas (November 01, 1882) The litigation in this case grows out of the proceedings in the case of Carnall v. Du Val, reported in 22 Arkansas, 136. By reference to that case it will be seen that it was a suit to foreclose a mortgage executed by three partners, of whom two had executed it in person, and the third, Johnson, by power of attorney given to one of the others, who... 1882 Cases    
  Erskine V. Whitehead 84 Ind. 357, Supreme Court of Indiana, Docket Number 8691 (November 01, 1882) The question in this case is, whether or not a bequest in the last will of Andrew Erskine constitutes a good gift to a charitable use or uses which can be upheld and administered under the law of this State. The action is by the heir at law, who claims the fund on the ground that the beneficiaries of the bequest are uncertain and incapable of being... 1882 Cases    
  Ex Parte State 71 Ala. 363, Supreme Court of Alabama (December 01, 1882) Application by Attorney-General for Mandamus to compel the Circuit Court to re-instate Criminal Cause on Docket. Application to this court by the Attorney-General for Mandamus to the Circuit Court of Lawrence county, to compel the vacation of an order striking a criminal cause from the docket, and its restoration thereon for trial. 1882 Cases    
  Green V. State 73 Ala. 26, Supreme Court of Alabama (December 01, 1882) Indictment for Murder. APPEAL from Macon Circuit Court. Tried before Hon. JAMES E. COBB. 1882 Cases    
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