AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearTypeKey Terms in Title or SummaryCase Status
  Hall V. Marshall 4 Ky.L.Rptr. 502, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (December 16, 1882) By an act of the general assembly, approved 13th April, 1880, the sheriff of Ballard county was required to open a poll at each voting precinct in the county on the 2d May, 1880, to take the sense of the qualified voters upon the question of removing the county seat from Blandville to Wickliffe. The clerk in each precinct was to prepare one column,... 1882 Cases    
  In re Hall 50 Conn. 131, Supreme Court of Errors of Connecticut (May 01, 1882) The statute (Revision of 1875, p. 44, sec. 29,) provides that the Superior Court may admit as attorneys such persons as are qualified therefor agreeably to the rules established by the judges of said court. This statute has come down, with some changes, from the year 1750, and in essentially its present form, from the year 1821. Held... 1882 Cases    
  Johnson V. Burns 29 Kan. 81, Supreme Court of Kansas (July 01, 1882) Ella Burns brought an action in the district court of Bourbon county against Robert H. Johnson and Harriet E. Johnson, in which she alleged that the Johnsons were husband and wife; that Robert H. was appointed her guardian in the state of Kentucky, in the year 1870; that, as such guardian, he received of her money, on July 1, 1876, the sum of... 1882 Cases    
  Jones V. Miller 17 S.C. 380, Supreme Court of South Carolina (June 17, 1882) 1. A widow is not entitled to dower in lands of her husband, sold after marriage under the lien of a judgment obtained before marriage. 2. Judgment was obtained against an unmarried man in 1860, and after his marriage other judgments were obtained. Land and personal property were levied upon under these judgments and sold on the same day, the... 1882 Cases    
  Jones V. State 13 Tex.App. 1, Court of Appeals of Texas (October 11, 1882) APPEAL from the District Court of Smith. Tried below before the Hon. J. C. Robertson. 1882 Cases    
  Kelly V. State 72 Ala. 244, Supreme Court of Alabama (December 01, 1882) Indictment for Burglary. FROM the Circuit Court of Madison. 1882 Cases    
  Le Grand V. United States 12 F. 577, Circuit Court, E.D. Texas (July 06, 1882) Error to the District Court for the Eastern District of Texas. 1882 Cases    
  Lewis V. Hitchcock 10 F. 4, District Court, S.D. New York (January 26, 1882) Where the penalty is claimed for a denial of the privileges of an inn, under the first section of that act, the complaint will be held sufficient on demurrer if it alleges a denial of those privileges at a certain inn, to-wit, a restaurant at No. 9 Chatham street. The word restaurant has no fixed and certain legal meaning, and a place known... 1882 Cases    
  Little V. Cook 78 Tenn. 715, Supreme Court of Tennessee (December 01, 1882) This bill is filed by the children and grandchildren of Rebecca Little, formerly Rebecca Cook, to recover of A. C. Cook, as administrator, their share of the estate of Jacob Cook, deceased. Complainant in his argument rests his case entirely on the inventory of the administrator, and settlement, in which the administrator charged himself with notes... 1882 Cases    
  Loving V. Ashlin's Adm'r 76 Va. 907, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (April 06, 1882) The original bill in this cause was a creditor's bill, filed by the personal representative of Ashlin, who sued for himself and all other creditors of Stephen Johnson, who will contribute to the costs and expenses of suit. The object of the suit was to subject the real estate of said Johnson to the payment of certain judgments recovered against his... 1882 Cases    
  Mason V. Hickman 4 Ky.L.Rptr. 313, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 14, 1882) After a second hearing and careful review of all the facts and legal questions involved in this litigation we have arrived at a conclusion, as we think, in harmony with the deed under which the church property in question is held, and within the policy and spirit of the action of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, as shown by the rules and... 1882 Cases    
  Mathews V. Jarrett 20 W.Va. 415, Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia (October 28, 1882) This suit was brought in the circuit court of Greenbrier county by Allen Mathews and Oliver Jarrett to enforce the specific performance of a contract for the purchase of ten acres of land, situate on the waters of Muddy creek in said county, and on which the plaintiff Mathews then resided. The bill was filed at the April rules, 1879, and avers,... 1882 Cases    
  Matthews V. Mcdade 72 Ala. 377, Supreme Court of Alabama (December 01, 1882) Bill in Equity by Remainder-men, for Sale of Lands for Partition, and Account of Rents. APPEAL from the Chancery Court of Montgomery. Heard before the Hon. JOHN A. FOSTER. 1882 Cases    
  Moody V. Tedder 16 S.C. 557, Supreme Court of South Carolina, Docket Number 1165 (March 11, 1882) 1. Testator by his will devised and bequeathed to his wife during the term of her natural life only, all my property both real and personal, authorizing and empowering her to use and dispose of so much thereof as may be necessary for her comfortable support and maintenance in such style and manner as she may see fit and proper; and after her... 1882 Cases    
  Moore V. Giles 49 Conn. 570, Supreme Court of Errors of Connecticut (January 01, 1882) The placing a deed on record with the intent that it should pass the title to the grantee constitutes a legal delivery. The law presumes an acceptance by the grantee, where he is benefited by the deed, though his refusal to accept may be shown. The plaintiff, apprehensive of an attachment of his property, made a deed of a piece of land to M, a... 1882 Cases    
  Mullins V. Commonwealth 3 Ky.L.Rptr. 686, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (March 04, 1882) James Mullins, James Raines and James White were jointly indicted for the offense of murder alleged to have been committed by shooting and killing George Adams. A separate trial was awarded the appellant, Mullins, and he was tried and found guilty of the offense of manslaughter and sentenced to the penitentiary for the period of twelve years. By... 1882 Cases    
  Partee V. Thomas 11 F. 769, Circuit Court, W.D. Tennessee (April 24, 1882) In Equity. On demurrer. 1882 Cases    
  Railroad Tax Cases 8 Sawy. 238, Circuit Court, D. California (September 25, 1882) This action is brought to recover of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, a corporation formed under the laws of California, certain state and county taxes levied upon its property for the fiscal year of 1881 and 1882, alleged to be due to the plaintiff, with 5 per cent. added for their non-payment, and interest. It was commenced in one of the... 1882 Cases    
  Rizer V. Perry 58 Md. 112, Court of Appeals of Maryland (March 03, 1882) There are two appeals in this case taken by different parties in antagonistic interests, and both claiming against the heirs-at-law of Mrs. Mary Hoye, in whose favor the decree of the Court below was passed. The case therefore presents a tripartite contest. The trustees of The Mary Hoye School House insist that the Court below was in... 1882 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Rogers V. State 11 Tex.App. 608, Court of Appeals of Texas (January 01, 1882) APPEAL from the District Court of Travis. Tried below before the Hon. A. S. WALKER. 1882 Cases    
  San Mateo County V. Southern Pac. R. Co. 7 Sawy. 517, Circuit Court, D. California (January 01, 1882) This is an action to recover of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, a corporation created under the laws of California, certain state and county taxes levied upon its property for the fiscal year of 1880 and 1881, and alleged to be due to the plaintiff, with an additional 5 per cent. for their non-payment and interest. It was commenced in the... 1882 Cases    
  Savage V. State 18 Fla. 909, Supreme Court of Florida (January 01, 1882) 1. It is necessary that all criminal prosecutions shall be conducted in the name and by the authority of the State, but it is not essential that an indictment shall recite those or equivalent words. It is enough that the record shows that the prosecution is so conducted. 2. It is within the discretion of the court to... 1882 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  U. S. V. Buntin 3 Ky.L.Rptr. 630, Circuit Court, S.D. Ohio, Western Division (February 01, 1882) State v. McCann, 21 Ohio St. 198, followed. Indictment for Deprivation of Civil Rights. It charged that one John Buntin deprived James H. Vines and others, children of Jacob H. Vines, of a right secured by the constitution and laws of the United States, to-wit, the right to attend the only public school situated in a certain subdistrict in... 1882 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  U.s. V. Lee 106 U.S. 196, Supreme Court of the United States (December 04, 1882) In Error to the Circuit Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Virginia. 1882 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Villars V. Faivre 34 La.Ann. 198, Supreme Court of Louisiana, Docket Number 7195 (March 01, 1882) Appeal from the Second Judicial District Court, Parish of Jefferson. Pardee, J. 1882 Cases    
  Wilson V. State 69 Ga. 224, Supreme Court of Georgia (October 31, 1882) 1. Where a defendant was indicted under the name of Doc. Wilson, a plea of misnomer to the effect that such was not his name nor had ever been, but that his name was and had always been Harrison L. Wilson, was fatally defective in not alleging that the defendant had never been known or called by any other name. An indictment which... 1882 Cases    
  Cannon V. Barry 59 Miss. 289, Supreme Court of Mississippi (October 01, 1881) 1. LIMITATION OF ESTATES. Shifting use. Contingent remainder. A conveyance for the use of a person for life, and at his death for the use of his children, as they become of age or marry, vests a life-estate in the first usee, with the remainder in fee for his children, contingent upon the happening of the specified events. 2. SAME. Rule in... 1881 Cases    
  Ex Parte Houghton 7 F. 657, District Court, D. Vermont (June 14, 1881) This is a motion by the relator for a discharge, on habeas corpus, from imprisonment in a prison of the state, under sentence of a court of the state for passing counterfeited national bills, on the ground that the state court had no jurisdiction over this offence, and that the imprisonment is contrary to the constitution and laws of the United... 1881 Cases    
  Ex Parte Houghton 8 F. 897, District Court, D. Vermont (June 14, 1881) Habeas corpus proceeding to release the relator, Houghton, who was convicted and sentenced by a state court to imprisonment upon an indictment for passing a counterfeit national bank note. The opinion states the case. 1881 Cases    
  Fennell V. Henry 70 Ala. 484, Supreme Court of Alabama (December 01, 1881) Bill in Equity for Settlement and Distribution of Decedent's Estate. APPEAL from the Chancery Court of Marshall. Heard before the Hon. H. C. SPEAKE. 1881 Cases    
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