AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearTypeKey Terms in Title or SummaryCase Status
  Tyner V. Fenner 72 Tenn. 469, Supreme Court of Tennessee (April 01, 1880) In February, 1862, Lucy M. Fenner departed this life intestate, and the defendant, Thomas B. Fenner, one of her children, was appointed early in the succeeding month administrator of her estate, and qualified as such. Her heirs and distributees consisted of five children and a grandchild, the son of a deceased daughter, whose husband also survived.... 1880 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Brooks V. Brooks 12 S.C. 422, Supreme Court of South Carolina, Docket Number 763 (October 03, 1879) 1. A testator, by his last will, declared: All and singular the rest and residue of my estate, both real and personal, of every description, I give devise and bequeath to my beloved wife, M., for and during the term of her natural life; and, after her death, it is my will and desire that the same shall be sold and the proceeds thereof... 1879 Cases    
  Brooks V. Francis 3 MacArth. 109, Supreme Court, District of Columbia, Docket Number 4314 (September 01, 1879) I. The testimony of a married woman as to statements made to her by the husband, concerning his pedigree, should be excluded, although he is dead at the time of the trial. II. A widow whose husband was illegitimate is his sole heir at law, in case there are no children by the marriage. The bill herein was filed for settlement of title and... 1879 Cases    
  Carter V. State 63 Ala. 52, Supreme Court of Alabama (December 01, 1879) Indictment for Carnal Abuse of Female Child. FROM the Circuit Court of Butler. Tried before the Hon. JOHN K. HENRY. 1879 Cases    
  Cason V. Walton 62 Ga. 427, Supreme Court of Georgia (February 01, 1879) [JACKSON, Justice, being related to the parties litigant, Hon. John W. H. Underwood, Judge of the Superior Court of the Rome Circuit, was designated by the Governor to preside in his place.] 1. A court and jury, upon the trial of a divorce case, have not the province to dispose of property that does not belong to the husband or wife, or which... 1879 Cases    
  Commonwealth of Virginia V. Rives 100 U.S. 313, Supreme Court of the United States (October 01, 1879) PETITION for mandamus. The facts are stated in the opinion of the court. @1. Sect. 641 of the Revised Statutes, which provides for the removal into the Federal court of any civil suit or prosecution commenced in any State court, for any cause whatsoever, against any person who is denied or cannot enforce in the judicial tribunals of the State, or... 1879 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Commonwealth V. Munson 127 Mass. 459, Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts (January 01, 1879) A ceremony, performed by a man and woman in good faith as a marriage rite, no third person participating, and no magistrate or minister, nor any person believed to be such, being present, and neither party being a Friend or Quaker, does not constitute a valid marriage under the laws of this Commonwealth. The mere fact of cohabitation, under an... 1879 Cases    
  Ex Parte Clarke 100 U.S. 399, Supreme Court of the United States (October 01, 1879) PETITION for writ of habeas corpus. The facts are stated in the opinion of the court. 1. An officer of election, at an election for a representative to Congress in the city of Cincinnati, was convicted of a misdemeanor in the Circuit Court of the United States, under sect. 5515 of the Revised Statutes, for a violation of the law of Ohio, in not... 1879 Cases    
  Ex Parte Commonwealth of Virginia 100 U.S. 339, Supreme Court of the United States (October 01, 1879) PETITION for a writ of habeas corpus. The facts are stated in the opinion of the court. 1. A., a judge of a county court in Virginia, charged by the law of that State with the selection of jurors to serve for the year 1878 in the circuit and county courts of his county, was, in the District Court of the United States for the Western District of... 1879 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Ex Parte Reynolds 5 Dill. 394, Circuit Court, W.D. Arkansas (January 01, 1879) Application for habeas corpus for the discharge of James E. Reynolds, committed for murder. 1879 Cases    
  Ex Parte Siebold 100 U.S. 371, Supreme Court of the United States (October 01, 1879) PETITION for writ of habeas corpus. 1879 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  First Nat. Bank V. Boyce 78 Ky. 42, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (September 09, 1879) APPEAL FROM JEFFERSON COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. 1. The judgment is erroneous, because of the provisions of the warehouse act. 2. Independent of that act, upon the principles of common law the appellant is entitled to a reversal. 3. Before the appellee can recover, he must tender to appellant, as pledgee, the $2,994 due by him to Smyser, Milton & Co.,... 1879 Cases    
  Green V. City of Bridgeton, the 20 Alb. L.J. 257, District Court, S.D. Georgia (May 01, 1879) In admiralty. 1879 Cases    
  Hamer V. Bethea 11 S.C. 416, Supreme Court of South Carolina, Docket Number 709 (April 14, 1879) 1. Under proceedings in partition the lands were assigned to A, who was charged with the payment of half their assessed value to the distributees of B, who at his death intestate was a joint tenant with A. Held, that a payment of this amount to the administrators of B was not a satisfaction of the decree. 2. So far as administrators are concerned,... 1879 Cases    
  Hemphill V. Moody 64 Ala. 468, Supreme Court of Alabama (December 01, 1879) Bill in Equity by Administrator to enforce Equitable Set-off, and for Settlement of Estate. APPEAL from the Chancery Court of Tuskaloosa. Heard before the Hon. CHARLES TURNER. 1879 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Parrott V. Edmondson 64 Ga. 332, Supreme Court of Georgia (September 01, 1879) 1. The will of testatrix contained the following devise: I give and bequeath to my nephew, Sterling G. Barrow, and my niece, Mary Jane Barrow, wife of said Sterling G. Barrow, for and during their natural life, lot of land number 259, in the 13th district of Houston county, containing 202 1/2 acres, with the right and privilege to sell the... 1879 Cases    
  Phillips V. Ash 63 Ala. 414, Supreme Court of Alabama (December 01, 1879) Bill in Equity by Judgment Creditor to Enforce Lien of Attachment on Lands against Heirs. APPEAL from the Chancery Court of St. Clair. Heard before the Hon. H. C. SPEAKE. 1879 Cases    
  Siron V. Ruleman's Ex'r 32 Gratt. 215, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia (September 25, 1879) This case, among other matters, involves the construction of the will of Christian Ruleman, deceased. It would seem that the will was not written by the testator. This is to be inferred from the fact, that his signature thereto was written by some other person, and that he adopted it by making his mark. It was attested and proved by three... 1879 Cases    
  State of Missouri V. Lewis 101 U.S. 22, Supreme Court of the United States (October 01, 1879) ERROR to the Supreme Court of the State of Missouri. This writ of error was brought by the State of Missouri, on the relation of Frank J. Bowman, to reverse the judgment of the Supreme Court of Missouri refusing to issue a mandamus to Edward A. Lewis, Charles S. Hayden, and Robert A. Bakewell, judges of the Saint Louis Court of Appeals. The object... 1879 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  State to Use of Lyell V. Hammond 70 Tenn. 378, Supreme Court of Tennessee (April 01, 1879) John Randolph died in Shelby county in the latter part of the year 1859, having first made and published his will, by which he disposed of his estate, and appointing defendant Hammond, together with his wife Statira, now Mrs. Moore, to execute the same. By said will he made the following provision, on which the present contest stands,--Having sold... 1879 Cases    
  State V. Shackleford 56 Miss. 648, Supreme Court of Mississippi (April 01, 1879) 1. BOND. Of guardian. Retrospective operation. Liability of sureties. Where a guardian's bond does not plainly express the intention that it shall have a retrospective operation, the sureties thereon are not liable for the value of property of the ward which the guardian had sold and converted to his own use before the execution of the bond. 2.... 1879 Cases    
  Trevigne V. School Bd. 31 La.Ann. 105, Supreme Court of Louisiana, Docket Number 6832 (January 01, 1879) Appeal from the Sixth District Court, parish of Orleans. Rightor, J. 1879 Cases    
  Turbeville V. State 56 Miss. 793, Supreme Court of Mississippi (April 01, 1879) 1. FORGERY. Book of accounts. Assessment-roll. A city assessment-roll is a book of accounts, within sect. 2582 of the Code of 1871, which makes it forgery to fraudulently alter an entry in any book of accounts kept in a public office. 2. CRIMINAL LAW. Trial. Absence of judge. Argument. The circuit judge's absence from the bench during the argument... 1879 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Yates V. Yates 81 N.C. 397, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1879) In this action the plaintiff seeks to recover land on a claim of ownership and title in himself, and the defendants defend on two grounds: 1st. They deny title in the plaintiff and aver title in themselves; and 2nd, They show forth by way of special plea as an estoppel, that the plaintiff before the institution of the present action, had a suit... 1879 Cases    
  Bertonneau V. Board of Directors of City Schools 3 Woods 177, Circuit Court, D. Louisiana (November 01, 1878) In equity. The bill was filed [by Arnold Bertonneau] against the board of directors of city schools of the city of New Orleans, a corporation created by the state of Louisiana, Wm. O. Rogers, chief superintendent of the public schools of New Orleans, and George H. Gordon, principal teacher of the school known as the Fillmore school, in the third... 1878 Cases    
  Bescher V. State 63 Ind. 302, Supreme Court of Indiana (November 01, 1878) Suit by the appellee, against the appellant, upon a guardian's bond. The complaint is as follows: The State of Indiana, on the relation of Charles Hammann, plaintiff herein, complains of Anton Bescher, the defendant herein, and says, that, on the 1st day of February, 1867, the defendant, together with one Albert Schnurr, made and delivered... 1878 Cases    
  Blount V. Parker 78 N.C. 128, Supreme Court of North Carolina (January 01, 1878) The only question before us is as to the application of the statute to the facts of this case, and whether its operation was suspended during the time the plaintiff remained ignorant of the possession and conversion of the bonds by the defendant, and began to run only at the date of discovery. Several cases, very briefly reported in 1 Haywood, were... 1878 Cases    
  Campbell's Adm'r V. White 14 W.Va. 122, Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia (November 16, 1878) (Absent, GREEN, PRESIDENT.) 1. A bill having been filed against an administrator to surcharge and falsify the ex parte settlement of his administration account; and an order of reference being made therein to a commissioner to take, state and settle said account, but said order remains unexecuted, and the suit was not further prosecuted until... 1878 Cases    
  Coatney V. Hopkins 14 W.Va. 338, Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia (December 14, 1878) 1. At common law the husband jure mariti is entitled absolutely to all of his wife's personal property, which shall come into his possession, unless his right thereto is restrained by the deed of the wife before the marriage, or by the instrument that confers the property upon her. 2. A deed of marriage settlement may be so framed, as to deprive... 1878 Cases    
  Ex Parte Reynolds 3 Hughes 559, Circuit Court, W.D. Virginia (November 01, 1878) At the April term of the circuit court of Patrick county, Virginia, Burwell Reynolds and Lee Reynolds, under the age of 21, were arraigned and led to the bar for trial under an indictment charging them with the murder of one Aaron C. Shelton. Thereupon they, by counsel, in the language of the record, moved the court that the venire in this cause,... 1878 Cases    
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