AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearTypeKey Terms in Title or SummaryCase Status
  First Presbyterian Church of Louisville V. Wilson 14 Bush 252, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (October 19, 1878) In the summer and autumn of 1874 certain differences arose between the pastor, the Rev. S. R. Wilson, D. D., and seven of the ten ruling elders of the First Presbyterian Church in the city of Louisville, which were carried into the Presbytery of Louisville, of which the First Church was a constituent, and thence into the General Assembly of the... 1878 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  George V. Amacker 30 La.Ann. 390, Supreme Court of Louisiana, Docket Number 5945 (February 01, 1878) Appeal from the Sixth Judicial District Court, parish of Tangipahoa. Kemp, J. Trial by jury. 1878 Cases    
  Herring V. Skaggs 62 Ala. 180, Supreme Court of Alabama (December 01, 1878) Action for Breach of Warranty. APPEAL from Talladega Circuit Court. Tried before Hon. JOHN HENDERSON. 1878 Cases    
  Hoke V. Hoke 12 W.Va. 427, Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia (March 30, 1878) In April, 1867, Christopher Hoke brought suit on the chancery side of the circuit court of Greenbrier county, against Eli Rogers and his wife and others. Afterwards, at the June rules, 1867, of said court, the plaintiff filed his bill in said cause, in which he alleges substantially, that on the -- day of May, 1863, Christopher Hoke, Sr., died, he... 1878 Cases    
  Hughey V. Eichelberger 11 S.C. 36, Supreme Court of South Carolina, Docket Number 611 (July 31, 1878) 1. Under the proviso to Section 415 of the code of procedure, a witness in interest is not incompetent to testify to communications and transactions had between a person deceased and some third person. Roe v. Harrison, 9 S. C. 279. 2. The rule that the decision of the court below upon a question of fact is conclusive, except where there is no... 1878 Cases    
  Hunt V. Gaines 33 Ark. 267, Supreme Court of Arkansas (November 01, 1878) On the 4th day of December, 1858, Frances M. Terry, her trustee, Abner Gaines, and her husband, George G. Terry, sold and conveyed to William F. Smith and Daniel W. Adams, for $20,000 in cash, and a balance secured by notes, a plantation designated as the Vaucluse Place, with all the stock, corn, fodder, hogs, horses, thirty average mules,... 1878 Cases    
  In re Ah Yup 5 Sawy. 155, Circuit Court, D. California (April 29, 1878) Application for naturalization by a native of China. 1878 Cases    
  Logan V. Herbert 30 La.Ann. 727, Supreme Court of Louisiana, Docket Number 7038 (April 01, 1878) Appeal from the Fifth Judicial District Court, parish of East Feliciana. Wedge, judge ad hoc. Trial by jury. 1878 Cases    
  Miller V. Voss 62 Ala. 122, Supreme Court of Alabama (December 01, 1878) Bill in Equity to foreclose Mortgage. APPEAL from Mobile Chancery Court. Heard before Hon. H. AUSTILL. 1878 Cases    
  Perry V. Michaux 79 N.C. 94, Supreme Court of North Carolina (June 01, 1878) If upon the hearing of an answer the statements are such as to leave upon the mind of the Court a reasonable doubt whether the plaintiff's equity is sufficiently negatived, the injunction will not be dissolved, but be continued to the hearing. Munroe v. McIntyre, 6 Ire. Eq., 65; Miller v. Washburn, 3 Ire. Eq., 161. But it is also a well settled... 1878 Cases    
  Ritch V. Morris 78 N.C. 377, Supreme Court of North Carolina (January 01, 1878) After a bequest of five hundred dollars to a grandson, to be paid out of his personal estate, the testator proceeds thus: Item 9. I give and bequeath and direct to be divided as follows, (subject to the payment of debts and incidental expenses of administration) to wit, to my grand daughter William Eliza Johnston, one half of the undivided fourth... 1878 Cases    
  Roberts V. Johns 10 S.C. 101, Supreme Court of South Carolina (May 11, 1878) In an action by the administrator of a distributee of an intestate against the administrator of such intestate, a distributee of the distributee is not a proper party plaintiff, the whole interest being represented by the administrator of the distributee. An action lies in the Court of Common Pleas by an administrator of a distributee of an... 1878 Cases    
  Singleton V. Lowndes 9 S.C. 465, Supreme Court of South Carolina (March 30, 1878) It is a breach of trust to invest trust funds upon the security of encumbered property where it is probable that the trust estate will be called upon to redeem. Investment of trust funds in personal security merely can only be sustained by proof of the necessity and prudence of such investment. An investment of trust funds upon the security of a... 1878 Cases    
  Snider V. Robertson 9 S.C. 213, Supreme Court of South Carolina (February 04, 1878) Testator having a brother H. who was an alien, and the chief object of his bounty, devised certain real estate to R. G. in trust and for the use and benefit of my brother H. if alive at my death, the legal title to remain and be vested in the said R. G. until such time as the said H., now an alien, shall become duly qualified, according to Acts of... 1878 Cases    
  Stark V. Alford & Veal 49 Tex. 260, Supreme Court of Texas (January 01, 1878) On the 26th of April, 1871, the appellant, J. R. Stark, purchased of the Washington Iron Works, a corporation of the State of New York, through their agent, E. S. Blizard, machinery for erecting a saw and grist mill, for which he was to pay said Washington Iron Works $3,066. Of this sum, appellant agreed and paid to said Blizard, agent for said... 1878 Cases    
  Succession of Pearce 30 La.Ann. 1168, Supreme Court of Louisiana, Docket Number 801 (July 01, 1878) Appeal from the Parish Court of Morehouse. Norwood, J. 1878 Cases    
  Trimmier V. Thomson 10 S.C. 164, Supreme Court of South Carolina (September 14, 1878) A joint action upon a joint and several bond, given by two obligors, may be maintained against the surviving obligor and the executors of the deceased obligor. Where the nature of the case so demands, separate judgments may be entered against several defendants; as, for instance, where the action is against a surviving obligor and the executors of... 1878 Cases    
  Williams V. Worthington 49 Md. 572, Court of Appeals of Maryland (July 24, 1878) The bill of complaint in this case was filed by the appellees, claiming as devisees and legatees under the will of their late father, Brice T. B. Worthington, for the purpose of enforcing an alleged trust, in favor of their testator, under the will of Dr. Asa Anderson, deceased. The appellants, respondents below, who claim as executor, devisees and... 1878 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Bourne V. Maybin 3 Woods 724, Circuit Court, S.D. Mississippi (November 01, 1877) In bankruptcy. Appeal from [an unreported] decree of the district court, allowing claim of Mary L. Bourne against bankrupt estate. [Decree affirmed.] On December 30, 1868, Joseph W. Maybin was adjudged a bankrupt. On January 24, 1877, the bankrupt estate being still unsettled, Mary L. Bourne, with Joshua W. Bourne, her husband, filed for allowance... 1877 Cases    
  Clay V. Mccally 4 Woods 605, Circuit Court, N.D. Alabama (October 01, 1877) In equity. Heard for final decree on the pleadings and evidence. The facts were as follows: On May 15, 1866 [the defendant] Thomas S. McCally, by his deed of that date, conveyed to his mother-in-law, the defendant Ann E. Langford, certain real estate, to wit: Nineteen acres and the undivided fourth of one hundred and thirteen and one-half acres in... 1877 Cases    
  Green V. State 59 Ala. 68, Supreme Court of Alabama (December 01, 1877) Indictment for Fornication or Adultery. APPEAL from the Circuit Court of Butler. Tried before the Hon. JOHN K. HENRY. 1877 Cases    
  Hall V. De Cuir 95 U.S. 485, Supreme Court of the United States (October 01, 1877) The Supreme Court of Louisiana having decided that an act of the General Assembly, approved Feb. 23, 1869, entitled An Act to enforce the thirteenth article of the Constitution of this State, and to regulate the licenses mentioned in said thirteenth article, requires those engaged in the transportation of passengers among the States to give all... 1877 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Harris V. Reed 47 Tex. 523, Supreme Court of Texas (January 01, 1877) This is a suit for a partition of an estate, there being, at the time the suit was brought, no administration, and it was alleged that there was no necessity for one. John B. and Elizabeth Reed moved to Texas in 1850, then being man and wife. John B. Reed died on the 8th of November, 1871. He left surviving him his widow, Elizabeth, and ten... 1877 Cases    
  Holberg V. Town of Macon 55 Miss. 112, Supreme Court of Mississippi (October 01, 1877) 1. CERTIORARI. To municipal corporation. Common-law remedy. The Circuit Court has, by the common law, jurisdiction, upon certiorari, to examine and reverse judicial proceedings had before the mayor of a municipal corporation, although there be no statute providing for a certiorari in such case. 2. PRIVILEGE TAX. Power of municipal corporation to... 1877 Cases    
  Hutton V. Williams 60 Ala. 107, Supreme Court of Alabama (December 01, 1877) Bill in Equity for Settlement of Guardianship and Administration. APPEAL from the Chancery Court of Greene. Heard before the Hon. A. W. DILLARD. 1877 Cases    
  Hutton V. Williams 60 Ala. 133, Supreme Court of Alabama (December 01, 1877) Bill in Equity by Ward, for Settlement of Guardian's Accounts. APPEAL from the Chancery Court of Greene. Heard before the Hon. A. W. DILLARD. 1877 Cases    
  In re Taylor 48 Md. 28, Court of Appeals of Maryland (December 20, 1877) The mode of admitting attorneys in the Courts of this State, and the qualifications required, are regulated and prescribed by the Acts of Assembly. The provisions on this subject are found in the Code, Art. 11. The first section declares that no attorney, or other person shall practice the law in any of the Courts of this State, without being... 1877 Cases    
  Jordan V. Mcclure 85 Pa. 495, Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (November 17, 1877) Error to the Court of Common Pleas of Beaver county: Of October and November Term 1876, No. 262. This was originally an action of ejectment in the court below, between Joshua R. G. Jordan, Emanuel Patterson, Ruth Ann Patterson, Martha M. Jordan, and Mary E. Jordan, plaintiffs, and William McClure, defendant, in which the parties agreed upon the... 1877 Cases    
  Kelly V. State 1 Tex.App. 628, Court of Appeals of Texas (January 01, 1877) The appellants were jointly indicted for the theft of a hog, charged to be the property of Isaac Mann, and of the value of $10. The indictment alleges the theft to have been committed on the 4th day of December, 1874. The defendants, in the court below, moved to have the case transferred to the county court on the ground that the value of the... 1877 Cases    
  Lyon V. Foscue 60 Ala. 468, Supreme Court of Alabama (December 01, 1877) Bill in Equity for Account and Settlement of Trust Estate. APPEAL from the Chancery Court of Marengo. Heard before the Hon. A. W. DILLARD. 1877 Cases    
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