AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearTypeKey Terms in Title or SummaryCase Status
  Meriwether V. U.s. 13 Ct.Cl. 259, United States Court of Claims (December 01, 1877) A husband conveys to his wife real property in Tennessee. It is in the possession of his tenants, holding under previous leases. After the capture of Memphis in 1862, the Quartermaster Department seizes the property as abondoned, collects the rents, and pays them into the Treasury. The wife brings suit to recover them. Her husband joins as... 1877 Cases    
  Miller V. Gosnell Court of Appeals of Kentucky (February 07, 1877) This is an appeal from a judgment of the lower court on the petition of the appellees to compel appellants to levy a school tax of eight cents on the $100 worth of property of the taxpayers of the city of Louisville, by virtue of an act of the legislature of this state passed February 1, 1876. The first section of the act provides that for... 1877 Cases    
  Moore V. Commonwealth Court of Appeals of Kentucky (November 22, 1877) The confessions made by the accused were clearly incompetent and should have been excluded from the jury. Gentis, who was a constable of the county and one of the guard, having the appellant in custody, charged with the offense of which the accused was found guilty, says that nearly all of the guard made efforts to induce appellant to confess, and... 1877 Cases    
  Preston V. Mcmillan 58 Ala. 84, Supreme Court of Alabama (December 01, 1877) Bill in Equity by Wife to enforce Resulting Trust in Lands purchased with Money of her Statutory Estate and conveyed to her Husband. APPEAL from the Chancery Court of Monroe. Heard before Hon. CHARLES TURNER. 1877 Cases    
  Scoggins V. State 32 Ark. 205, Supreme Court of Arkansas (November 01, 1877) On the 28th of September, 1876, Peter Scoggin was indicted for bigamy in the Circuit Court of Howard County, as follows: The Grand Jury of Howard County, in the name, etc., accuse Peter Scoggin of the crime of bigamy, committed as follows, to-wit: That said Peter Scoggin, in the County of Howard, on or about the 15th day of July, A. D. 1868,... 1877 Cases    
  Smith V. Fellows 58 Ala. 467, Supreme Court of Alabama (December 01, 1877) Action against Administrator for Money had and received by Intestate. APPEAL from the City Court of Selma. Tried before the Hon. JONATHAN HARALSON. 1877 Cases    
  Speiden V. State 3 Tex.App. 156, Court of Appeals of Texas (January 01, 1877) In the view we have taken of this case, it is unnecessary to discuss the many interesting questions presented in the record, as they are not likely to arise upon a subsequent trial. Most of the errors complained of have reference to the charge of the court and the refusal of instructions asked by defendant. The points we propose to examine are (1)... 1877 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  State ex Rel. Jumel V. Johnson 29 La.Ann. 399, Supreme Court of Louisiana, Docket Number 6656 (May 01, 1877) Appeal from the Fourth District Court, parish of Orleans. Houston, J. 1877 Cases    
  State V. Strauder 11 W.Va. 745, Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia (November 17, 1877) 1. Taylor Strauder was indicted for murder in the circuit court of Ohio county, on the 20th day of May, 1872, within one month after he was arrested. The case was continued several times upon his motion, but never on the motion of the State. He was tried and convicted at the July term, 1873. He then applied for and obtained a writ of error to the... 1877 Cases   This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  Sullivan V. State 32 Ark. 187, Supreme Court of Arkansas (November 01, 1877) The appellant was convicted in the Lonoke Circuit Court, upon an indictment, which charged him and one Laura Durham with cohabiting together as husband and wife without being married, and fined $100. The evidence for the State was as follows: W. H. Frazier, testified: That he frequently staid all night with the defendant, at his father's house in... 1877 Cases    
  U.s. V. Butler 1 Hughes 457, Circuit Court, D. South Carolina (April 01, 1877) This was an indictment for conspiracy against one David Bush to prevent him from giving his support in favor of the election of one Robert Smalls as a member of congress, etc. The indictment was drawn under the provisions of sections 5508 and 5520 of the Revised Statutes of the United States. It consisted of five counts as originally drawn, but the... 1877 Cases    
  U.s. V. Dodge 25 F.Cas. 882, District Court, W.D. Texas (October 03, 1877) The information filed in this case charges that W. E. Dodge, as president, W. R. Baker, as vice president, and J. Durand, as superintendent, of the Houston & Texas Central Railway Company, together with John Burdisch, an employé of said company, being in control and managing the cars of said road, did on the 26th of April, 1876, with an unlawful... 1877 Cases    
  U.s. V. White 2 Cin.Law. Bul. 27, District Court, S.D. Ohio (January 01, 1877) This was an indictment against James White upon the charge of violating section 5511 of the Revised Statutes. 1877 Cases    
  American Tract Soc. V. Atwater 30 Ohio St. 77, Supreme Court of Ohio (December 01, 1876) A testator makes a bequest in trust for the benefit of his parents during their lives, and proceeds: It is my will and desire that upon the death of both of my said parents the trust shall expire, and my said trustee shall distribute the funds as follows, to wit: As to the remaining sum of three thousand dollars, the balance of said trust fund, my... 1876 Cases    
  Bennett V. Brown 56 Ga. 216, Supreme Court of Georgia (January 01, 1876) 1. A bill of review will be sustained where the whole scope and object of the original bill was to charge certain defendants against whom no decree passed, and where it would be a great strain of language to construe the original bill as contemplating or warranting any such relief as was granted, separately, against another defendant, the only one... 1876 Cases    
  Bowen V. State 68 Tenn. 45, Supreme Court of Tennessee (April 01, 1876) The substantial averments of the indictment are: The plaintiff in error represented himself to be a practicing physician; that he had restored sight to Ned Williams, a blind man; that he represented to the prosecutor his house and residence were infected with poison; that poison was in the bed occupied by the grand-daughter of the... 1876 Cases    
  Brown V. Mcgee 12 Bush 428, Court of Appeals of Kentucky (December 02, 1876) Jeff. McGee, a free man of color, died in the city of Lexington in the year 1872, leaving surviving him his widow, Huldah, and six children, and also the appellant Mary Brown, who claims to be a child of Jeff. by his first wife. He died intestate and the owner of real estate valued at about $2,000. In January, 1873, Mary, who had intermarried with... 1876 Cases    
  Cantelou V. Doe ex Dem. Hood 56 Ala. 519, Supreme Court of Alabama (December 01, 1876) Ejectment by Children, against Sister of Deceased Freedman. APPEAL from the Circuit Court of Montgomery. Tried before the Hon. JAMES Q. SMITH. 1876 Cases    
  Chandler V. Deaton Court of Appeals of Texas (October 20, 1876) APPEAL from Cherokee County. 1876 Cases    
  Chapman V. Toy Long 4 Sawy. 28, Circuit Court, D. Oregon (July 31, 1876) In equity. Motion for a provisional injunction. 1876 Cases    
  Cox V. Edwards 8 S.C. 1, Supreme Court of South Carolina (May 08, 1876) Where a debt, secured by bond and mortgage, was levied on and sold by the Sheriff, the condition of the bond stipulating that the first installment of the debt shall be paid at the sealing and delivery of this bond, and the Sheriff's advertisement was silent as to the payment thereof: Held, That the purchaser was liable for his bid,... 1876 Cases    
  Craig V. Secrist 54 Ind. 419, Supreme Court of Indiana (November 01, 1876) This was an action, commenced by appellees, as plaintiffs, against the appellant, Alexander Craig, in his personal and not his representative character, as sole defendant, in the court below, for the recovery of certain real estate in Owen county, Indiana. Appellees' complaint was in the ordinary form in such cases, and it was alleged therein that... 1876 Cases    
  Cranford V. Brewster 57 Ga. 226, Supreme Court of Georgia (July 01, 1876) This was an action brought by the plaintiff against the defendants on a guardian's bond, alleging a breach thereof by the guardian in the mismanagement of his wards' estate. On the trial of the case, the jury, under the charge of the court, found a verdict in favor of the plaintiff for the sum of $1,600 00. The defendants made a motion for a new... 1876 Cases    
  Foscue V. Lyon 55 Ala. 440, Supreme Court of Alabama (December 01, 1876) Bill in Equity for Account and Settlement of Trust Estate. APPEAL from the Chancery Court of Marengo. Heard before the Hon. A. W. DILLARD. 1876 Cases    
  Joseph V. Bidwell 28 La.Ann. 382, Supreme Court of Louisiana, Docket Number 5419 (April 01, 1876) Appeal from the Fourth District Court, parish of Orleans. Lynch, J. 1876 Cases   This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Lake V. Hardee 55 Ga. 667, Supreme Court of Georgia (January 01, 1876) 1. Where objections arising upon the face of the verdict are urged against the making of a decree and are overruled, the same matters, if appropriate to a motion for a new trial, may be included, with other, in such motion subsequently made during the term. The prior decision on the objections will be considered as rendered subject to a more formal... 1876 Cases    
  Mt. Moriah Cemetery Ass'n V. Com. Ex Rel. Boileau 81 Pa. 235, Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (February 28, 1876) Error to the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, No. 3: No. 108, to January Term 1873. This was a mandamus by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, on the relation of William H. Boileau and Margaret Jones, against the Mount Moriah Cemetery Association. The defendants were incorporated by Act of Assembly of March 27th 1855 (Pamph. L. of 1857, p.... 1876 Cases    
  Peeples V. Stolla 57 Ala. 53, Supreme Court of Alabama (December 01, 1876) Bill in Equity to cancel Deeds, &c. APPEAL from Chancery Court of Mobile. Heard before Hon. HURIOSCO AUSTILL. 1876 Cases    
  Pinson V. Gilbert 57 Ala. 35, Supreme Court of Alabama (December 01, 1876) Action for Money had and received. APPEAL from Circuit Court of Sumter. Tried before Hon. GEORGE H. CRAIG. 1876 Cases    
  Roberts V. Schultz 45 Tex. 184, Supreme Court of Texas (January 01, 1876) At the February Term, 1860, of the County Court of Harris county, John S. Allen was appointed guardian of the person and estate of appellee, Alexine Shultz, (then Alexine Smith,) a minor about some sixteen years of age, and gave bond as such guardian, with appellant George H. Roberts and William Mitchell as his sureties. In August of the same year,... 1876 Cases    
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