AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearTypeKey Terms in Title or SummaryCase Status
  Nash V. Sharper 229 S.C. 451, Supreme Court of South Carolina, Docket Number 17175 (6/18/1956) Action was brought for damages for alleged libel. The Common Pleas Court of Sumter County, William H. Grimball, J., entered a judgment overruling a demurrer to the petition, and the defendants appealed. The Supreme Court, Stukes, C. J., held that petition alleging that petitions were filed for admission of Negro children to white schools in certain... 1956 Cases Yes  
  Nash V. Sharper 229 S.C. 451, Supreme Court of South Carolina, Docket Number 17175 (6/18/1956) Action was brought for damages for alleged libel. The Common Pleas Court of Sumter County, William H. Grimball, J., entered a judgment overruling a demurrer to the petition, and the defendants appealed. The Supreme Court, Stukes, C. J., held that petition alleging that petitions were filed for admission of Negro children to white schools in certain... 1956 Cases Yes  
  Obstacles to Federal Jurisdiction: New Barriers to Non-segregated Public Education in Old Forms 104 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 974 (May, 1956) Two years ago the Supreme Court ruled that separate educational facilities according to race are inherently unequal, and that such segregation is a deprivation of the equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the fourteenth amendment. The result of this decision was to render legally inoperative the long-existent public school segregation laws of... 1956 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Obstacles to Federal Jurisdiction: New Barriers to Non-segregated Public Education in Old Forms 104 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 974 (May, 1956) Two years ago the Supreme Court ruled that separate educational facilities according to race are inherently unequal, and that such segregation is a deprivation of the equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the fourteenth amendment. The result of this decision was to render legally inoperative the long-existent public school segregation laws of... 1956 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Pennington V. Missouri Pac. R. Co. 239 F.2d 332, United States Court of Appeals Eighth Circuit, Docket Number 15619 (12/21/1956) Proceeding for reorganization of a railroad company. From an order of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, George H. Moore, J., denying an application by a retired Negro train porter for leave to file an intervening petition and claim against the company and its trustee in nature of class action for declaratory... 1956 Cases Yes  
  Pennington V. Missouri Pac. R. Co. 239 F.2d 332, United States Court of Appeals Eighth Circuit, Docket Number 15619 (12/21/1956) Proceeding for reorganization of a railroad company. From an order of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, George H. Moore, J., denying an application by a retired Negro train porter for leave to file an intervening petition and claim against the company and its trustee in nature of class action for declaratory... 1956 Cases Yes  
Quintin Johnstone Politics, Planning, and the Public Interest: the Case of Public Housing in Chicago. By Martin Meyerson and Edward C. Banfield. Glen-coe, Illinois: the Free Press, 1955. Pp. 353. $5.00 65 Yale Law Journal 755 (April, 1956) It is common knowledge that racial segregation is not restricted to the South. Every major industrial city in the North has a separate all-Negro community characterized by high population density, a very heavy percentage of slum dwellings, and steady expansion into whatever contiguous areas it can penetrate. The Northern pattern of segregation is... 1956 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
Quintin Johnstone Politics, Planning, and the Public Interest: the Case of Public Housing in Chicago. By Martin Meyerson and Edward C. Banfield. Glen-coe, Illinois: the Free Press, 1955. Pp. 353. $5.00 65 Yale Law Journal 755 (April, 1956) It is common knowledge that racial segregation is not restricted to the South. Every major industrial city in the North has a separate all-Negro community characterized by high population density, a very heavy percentage of slum dwellings, and steady expansion into whatever contiguous areas it can penetrate. The Northern pattern of segregation is... 1956 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Reeves V. State 264 Ala. 476, Supreme Court of Alabama, Docket Number 3 DIV. 751 (6/21/1956) Defendant was convicted in the Circuit Court, Montgomery County, James J. Carter, Special Judge, of rape, and he appealed. The Supreme Court, Stakely, J., held that on facts presented, including showing (1) that board of jury supervisors had obtained lists of names from, among other sources, Negro organizations and (2) that there had been no way of... 1956 Cases Yes This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Reeves V. State 264 Ala. 476, Supreme Court of Alabama, Docket Number 3 DIV. 751 (6/21/1956) Defendant was convicted in the Circuit Court, Montgomery County, James J. Carter, Special Judge, of rape, and he appealed. The Supreme Court, Stakely, J., held that on facts presented, including showing (1) that board of jury supervisors had obtained lists of names from, among other sources, Negro organizations and (2) that there had been no way of... 1956 Cases Yes This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Richardson V. Texas & N. O. R. Co. 140 F.Supp. 215, United States District Court S.D. Texas, Houston Division, Docket Number CIV. 9240 (3/28/1956) Class suit by yardmen against unions and railroad to obtain redress for violation of rights vouchsafed to them by Railway Labor Act. Upon motions to dismiss, the District Court, Ingraham, J., held that where plaintiffs claimed that labor agreement incorporating former practice of filling vacancies in engine foreman classification was discriminatory... 1956 Cases Yes This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  Richardson V. Texas & N. O. R. Co. 140 F.Supp. 215, United States District Court S.D. Texas, Houston Division, Docket Number CIV. 9240 (3/28/1956) Class suit by yardmen against unions and railroad to obtain redress for violation of rights vouchsafed to them by Railway Labor Act. Upon motions to dismiss, the District Court, Ingraham, J., held that where plaintiffs claimed that labor agreement incorporating former practice of filling vacancies in engine foreman classification was discriminatory... 1956 Cases Yes This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  Robinson V. Board of Ed. Of St. Mary's County 143 F.Supp. 481, United States District Court, D. Maryland, Docket Number CIV. 8780 (7/9/1956) Class action, under Civil Rights Acts, for declaratory judgment and injunction relating to racial segregation in public schools in St. Mary's County, Maryland. On motion for dismissal of the complaint, the District Court, Thomsen, Chief Judge, held that it was not appropriate for the federal District Court to issue an injunction against the County... 1956 Cases Yes  
  Robinson V. Board of Ed. Of St. Mary's County 143 F.Supp. 481, United States District Court, D. Maryland, Docket Number CIV. 8780 (7/9/1956) Class action, under Civil Rights Acts, for declaratory judgment and injunction relating to racial segregation in public schools in St. Mary's County, Maryland. On motion for dismissal of the complaint, the District Court, Thomsen, Chief Judge, held that it was not appropriate for the federal District Court to issue an injunction against the County... 1956 Cases Yes  
  Roy V. Brittain 5 McCanless 140, Supreme Court of Tennessee (10/5/1956) Proceedings by residents of county to enjoin high school principal and members of county board of education from integrating high school in violation of state segregation laws. The Chancery Court, Anderson County, Joe M. Carden, Chancellor, denied relief sought and complainants petitioned Supreme Court for writs of certiorari and supersedeas. The... 1956 Cases Yes  
  Roy V. Brittain 5 McCanless 140, Supreme Court of Tennessee (10/5/1956) Proceedings by residents of county to enjoin high school principal and members of county board of education from integrating high school in violation of state segregation laws. The Chancery Court, Anderson County, Joe M. Carden, Chancellor, denied relief sought and complainants petitioned Supreme Court for writs of certiorari and supersedeas. The... 1956 Cases Yes  
  School Bd. Of City of Charlottesville, Va. V. Allen 240 F.2d 59, United States Court of Appeals Fourth Circuit, Docket Number 7310, 7303 (12/31/1956) Actions in behalf of Negro school children to enjoin school boards and division superintendents of schools from enforcing racial segregation. The United States District Court for the Western District of Virginia, at Charlottesville, John Paul, Chief Judge, and the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, at Alexandria,... 1956 Cases Yes  
  School Bd. Of City of Charlottesville, Va. V. Allen 240 F.2d 59, United States Court of Appeals Fourth Circuit, Docket Number 7310, 7303 (12/31/1956) Actions in behalf of Negro school children to enjoin school boards and division superintendents of schools from enforcing racial segregation. The United States District Court for the Western District of Virginia, at Charlottesville, John Paul, Chief Judge, and the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, at Alexandria,... 1956 Cases Yes  
  State of Fla. Ex Rel. Hawkins V. Board of Control 350 U.S. 413, Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number 624 (3/12/1956) Original proceeding for mandamus to compel state university to admit to graduate professional school an applicant who had been refused admission solely because he was Negro. The Supreme Court of Florida, 60 So.2d 162, dismissed the cause. The United States Supreme Court, 347 U.S. 971, 74 S.Ct. 783, 98 L.Ed. 1112, granted certiorari, vacated the... 1956 Cases Yes  
  State of Fla. Ex Rel. Hawkins V. Board of Control 350 U.S. 413, Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number 624 (3/12/1956) Original proceeding for mandamus to compel state university to admit to graduate professional school an applicant who had been refused admission solely because he was Negro. The Supreme Court of Florida, 60 So.2d 162, dismissed the cause. The United States Supreme Court, 347 U.S. 971, 74 S.Ct. 783, 98 L.Ed. 1112, granted certiorari, vacated the... 1956 Cases Yes  
  State V. Higgs 143 Conn. 138, Supreme Court of Errors of Connecticut (1/24/1956) Prosecution of Negro for rape of white woman. A jury in the Superior Court, Fairfield County, Cornell, J., returned a verdict of guilty and judgment was entered accordingly. Defendant appealed. The Supreme Court of Errors, Inglis, C. J., held that rulings excluding from examination of prospective jurors all questions concerning race prejudice were... 1956 Cases Yes This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  State V. Higgs 143 Conn. 138, Supreme Court of Errors of Connecticut (1/24/1956) Prosecution of Negro for rape of white woman. A jury in the Superior Court, Fairfield County, Cornell, J., returned a verdict of guilty and judgment was entered accordingly. Defendant appealed. The Supreme Court of Errors, Inglis, C. J., held that rulings excluding from examination of prospective jurors all questions concerning race prejudice were... 1956 Cases Yes This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  The Jurisdictional Statement, the Notice of Appeal, and the Record on Appeal from the United States District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma (Judges Murrah, Rizley and Wallace, Presiding)to the Supreme Court of the United States, Radford V. Gar Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 652 (12/26/1956) Appellant commenced by complaint in the United States District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma his action to redress the discriminatory apportionment of the State of Oklahoma for... 1956 Briefs Yes  
  The Jurisdictional Statement, the Notice of Appeal, and the Record on Appeal from the United States District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma (Judges Murrah, Rizley and Wallace, Presiding)to the Supreme Court of the United States, Radford V. Gar Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 652 (12/26/1956) Appellant commenced by complaint in the United States District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma his action to redress the discriminatory apportionment of the State of Oklahoma for... 1956 Briefs Yes  
James M. House The Strange Career of Jim Crow 34 Texas Law Review 500 (February, 1956) As its title indicates, this book is about the segregation of the Negro in our southern states. In it Professor Woodward, a historian, has presented the first historical account of the development of segregation and the Jim Crow laws in this region. He traces its development from 1877, when the carpet baggers were overthrown and the federal... 1956 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
James M. House The Strange Career of Jim Crow 34 Texas Law Review 500 (February, 1956) As its title indicates, this book is about the segregation of the Negro in our southern states. In it Professor Woodward, a historian, has presented the first historical account of the development of segregation and the Jim Crow laws in this region. He traces its development from 1877, when the carpet baggers were overthrown and the federal... 1956 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Thompson V. County School Bd. Of Arlington County 144 F.Supp. 239, United States District Court E.D. Virginia, Alexandria Division, Docket Number CIV. 1341 (7/31/1956) Suit was brought to restrain county school board and county superintendent of schools from refusing, on account of race or color, to admit or educate Negro children in certain schools. The District Court, Bryan, J., held that summary judgment should be granted the plaintiffs in absence of any genuine issue as to any material fact. Judgment for... 1956 Cases Yes This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Thompson V. County School Bd. Of Arlington County 144 F.Supp. 239, United States District Court E.D. Virginia, Alexandria Division, Docket Number CIV. 1341 (7/31/1956) Suit was brought to restrain county school board and county superintendent of schools from refusing, on account of race or color, to admit or educate Negro children in certain schools. The District Court, Bryan, J., held that summary judgment should be granted the plaintiffs in absence of any genuine issue as to any material fact. Judgment for... 1956 Cases Yes This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Williams V. Deer's Head Inn, Inc. 4 Misc.2d 281, Supreme Court, Essex County, New York, Trial Term (12/13/1956) Action to recover damages because of alleged discrimination based on claim of plaintiff, a colored person, that defendant refused to serve him in its dining room. The Supreme Court, Herlihy, J., held that the evidence did not justify judgment for plaintiff. Complaint dismissed and judgment entered in favor of the defendant. 1956 Cases Yes  
  Williams V. Deer's Head Inn, Inc. 4 Misc.2d 281, Supreme Court, Essex County, New York, Trial Term (12/13/1956) Action to recover damages because of alleged discrimination based on claim of plaintiff, a colored person, that defendant refused to serve him in its dining room. The Supreme Court, Herlihy, J., held that the evidence did not justify judgment for plaintiff. Complaint dismissed and judgment entered in favor of the defendant. 1956 Cases Yes  
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