AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearTypeKey Terms in Title or SummaryCase Status
  Matlock V. Board of County Com'rs of Wagoner County 281 P.2d 169, Supreme Court of Oklahoma, Docket Number 36608 (2/15/1955) Taxpayer's action contesting legality of bond issue for improvement of separate schools. The District Court, Wagoner County, E. A. Summers, J., sustained demurrer to petition. Taxpayers appealed. The Supreme Court, Jackson, J., held that since repeal of statutes providing for segregation of races in schools would not make repair and maintenance of... 1955 Cases Yes  
  Matlock V. Board of County Com'rs of Wagoner County 281 P.2d 169, Supreme Court of Oklahoma, Docket Number 36608 (2/15/1955) Taxpayer's action contesting legality of bond issue for improvement of separate schools. The District Court, Wagoner County, E. A. Summers, J., sustained demurrer to petition. Taxpayers appealed. The Supreme Court, Jackson, J., held that since repeal of statutes providing for segregation of races in schools would not make repair and maintenance of... 1955 Cases Yes  
  Matthews V. Launius 134 F.Supp. 684, United States District Court W.D. Arkansas, El Dorado Division, Docket Number CIV. 570 (10/4/1955) Action for judgment declaring Arkansas school segregation statute unconstitutional and that policy of denying equal facilities to school children of Negro race is unconstitutional. Plaintiff moved for summary judgment. The District Court, John E. Miller, J., held that under the circumstances, including circumstance that school authorities were... 1955 Cases Yes  
  Matthews V. Launius 134 F.Supp. 684, United States District Court W.D. Arkansas, El Dorado Division, Docket Number CIV. 570 (10/4/1955) Action for judgment declaring Arkansas school segregation statute unconstitutional and that policy of denying equal facilities to school children of Negro race is unconstitutional. Plaintiff moved for summary judgment. The District Court, John E. Miller, J., held that under the circumstances, including circumstance that school authorities were... 1955 Cases Yes  
  Mcdonald V. Key 224 F.2d 608, United States Court of Appeals Tenth Circuit, Docket Number 5048 (7/21/1955) Negro brought action against State Election Board of the State of Oklahoma to recover damages because of alleged violation of the Fourteenth Amendment by the board which placed in parentheses after Negro's name on ballot the word Negro in election for office of United States Senator on the Democratic ticket, as required by Oklahoma statute, on... 1955 Cases Yes  
  Mcdonald V. Key 224 F.2d 608, United States Court of Appeals Tenth Circuit, Docket Number 5048 (7/21/1955) Negro brought action against State Election Board of the State of Oklahoma to recover damages because of alleged violation of the Fourteenth Amendment by the board which placed in parentheses after Negro's name on ballot the word Negro in election for office of United States Senator on the Democratic ticket, as required by Oklahoma statute, on... 1955 Cases Yes  
  Mckinney V. Blankenship 154 Tex. 632, Supreme Court of Texas, Docket Number A-5483 (10/12/1955) Action for declaratory judgment and injunction to restrain allocation or expenditure of public school funds contrary to constitutional and statutory provisions requiring segregation. The Court in Howard County denied injunction and declared certain constitutional and statutory provisions invalid and certain statutory provisions valid and... 1955 Cases Yes  
  Mckinney V. Blankenship 154 Tex. 632, Supreme Court of Texas, Docket Number A-5483 (10/12/1955) Action for declaratory judgment and injunction to restrain allocation or expenditure of public school funds contrary to constitutional and statutory provisions requiring segregation. The Court in Howard County denied injunction and declared certain constitutional and statutory provisions invalid and certain statutory provisions valid and... 1955 Cases Yes  
  Morton V. City Com'rs of Parsons 178 Kan. 282, Supreme Court of Kansas, Docket Number 38913 (7/6/1955) Original proceeding for writ of mandamus. The Supreme Court, Wertz, J., issued peremptory writ of mandamus ordering municipality to desist from refusing petitioner's admittance to municipal swimming pool on ground, solely, that he was of African descent. Writ of mandamus issued. 1955 Cases Yes  
  Morton V. City Com'rs of Parsons 178 Kan. 282, Supreme Court of Kansas, Docket Number 38913 (7/6/1955) Original proceeding for writ of mandamus. The Supreme Court, Wertz, J., issued peremptory writ of mandamus ordering municipality to desist from refusing petitioner's admittance to municipal swimming pool on ground, solely, that he was of African descent. Writ of mandamus issued. 1955 Cases Yes  
  Napier V. System Federation No. 91, Railway Emp. Dept., American Federation of Labor 127 F.Supp. 874, United States District Court, W.D. Kentucky, at Louisville, Docket Number CIV. 2300 (1/22/1955) Suit between employees and railroad involving the validity of collective bargaining agreement respecting the seniority of laborers in the railroad shops. The District Court of the United States for the Western District of Kentucky at Louisville, Shelbourne, C.J., held that the agreement was not shown to be discriminatory nor in violation of law or... 1955 Cases Yes This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Napier V. System Federation No. 91, Railway Emp. Dept., American Federation of Labor 127 F.Supp. 874, United States District Court, W.D. Kentucky, at Louisville, Docket Number CIV. 2300 (1/22/1955) Suit between employees and railroad involving the validity of collective bargaining agreement respecting the seniority of laborers in the railroad shops. The District Court of the United States for the Western District of Kentucky at Louisville, Shelbourne, C.J., held that the agreement was not shown to be discriminatory nor in violation of law or... 1955 Cases Yes This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Plummer V. Casey 148 F.Supp. 326, United States District Court, S.D. Texas, Houston Division, Docket Number CIV. 7662 (12/29/1955) Action by Negroes against acting County Judge, members of Commissioners' Court of County, and lessee and operator of Courthouse cafeteria to obtain judgment declaring that practice of excluding Negroes from the cafeteria facilities constitutes a denial of equal protection of the laws to plaintiffs, who were excluded when they sought to buy and... 1955 Cases Yes  
  Plummer V. Casey 148 F.Supp. 326, United States District Court, S.D. Texas, Houston Division, Docket Number CIV. 7662 (12/29/1955) Action by Negroes against acting County Judge, members of Commissioners' Court of County, and lessee and operator of Courthouse cafeteria to obtain judgment declaring that practice of excluding Negroes from the cafeteria facilities constitutes a denial of equal protection of the laws to plaintiffs, who were excluded when they sought to buy and... 1955 Cases Yes  
  Reece V. State 211 Ga. 339, Supreme Court of Georgia, Docket Number 18780 (1/10/1955) To review an adverse judgment of Superior Court, Cobb County, defendant brought error. The Supreme Court, Duckworth, C. J., held that allegations of the plea or motion to quash indictment, that only six persons of Negro race whose names appeared in jury boxes of the county, that three of them were 80 years of age or older, that no Negro had ever... 1955 Cases Yes This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  Reece V. State 211 Ga. 339, Supreme Court of Georgia, Docket Number 18780 (1/10/1955) To review an adverse judgment of Superior Court, Cobb County, defendant brought error. The Supreme Court, Duckworth, C. J., held that allegations of the plea or motion to quash indictment, that only six persons of Negro race whose names appeared in jury boxes of the county, that three of them were 80 years of age or older, that no Negro had ever... 1955 Cases Yes This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  Romero V. Weakley 131 F.Supp. 818, United States District Court, S.D. California, 1712-SD, Docket Number 1713-SD (5/5/1955) Class actions brought on behalf of Mexican and Negro children charging that rules, regulations, et cetera adopted by school authorities resulted in segregation of Negro and Mexican children in violation of Fourteenth Amendment. On motion by school authorities to dismiss or in the alternative to stay, the District Court, Peirson M. Hall, J., held... 1955 Cases Yes This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  Romero V. Weakley 131 F.Supp. 818, United States District Court, S.D. California, Docket Number 1712-SD, 1713-SD (5/5/1955) Class actions brought on behalf of Mexican and Negro children charging that rules, regulations, et cetera adopted by school authorities resulted in segregation of Negro and Mexican children in violation of Fourteenth Amendment. On motion by school authorities to dismiss or in the alternative to stay, the District Court, Peirson M. Hall, J., held... 1955 Cases Yes This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  Romero V. Weakley 226 F.2d 399, United States Court of Appeals Ninth Circuit, Docket Number 14807 (10/10/1955) Cross action attacking alleged racial segregation in schools. The United States District Court for the Southern District of California, Southern Division, Peirson M. Hall, J., 131 F.Supp. 818, ordered a stay, and plaintiffs appealed. The Court of Appeals, Denman, Chief Judge, held that where complaints under Civil Rights Act and Fourteenth... 1955 Cases Yes  
  Romero V. Weakley 226 F.2d 399, United States Court of Appeals Ninth Circuit, Docket Number 14807 (10/10/1955) Cross action attacking alleged racial segregation in schools. The United States District Court for the Southern District of California, Southern Division, Peirson M. Hall, J., 131 F.Supp. 818, ordered a stay, and plaintiffs appealed. The Court of Appeals, Denman, Chief Judge, held that where complaints under Civil Rights Act and Fourteenth... 1955 Cases Yes  
  Shoates V. Howery 130 F.Supp. 879, United States District Court E.D. Oklahoma, Docket Number CIV. 3832 (4/9/1955) Negroes brought suit against County Superintendent and others for judicial declaration that attempted dissolution of dependent school district and annexation of the territory thereof to independent school district deprived Negroes of guaranteed federal constitutional rights. The District Court, Wallace, J., held that where gist of grievance of... 1955 Cases Yes  
  Shoates V. Howery 130 F.Supp. 879, United States District Court E.D. Oklahoma, Docket Number CIV. 3832 (4/9/1955) Negroes brought suit against County Superintendent and others for judicial declaration that attempted dissolution of dependent school district and annexation of the territory thereof to independent school district deprived Negroes of guaranteed federal constitutional rights. The District Court, Wallace, J., held that where gist of grievance of... 1955 Cases Yes  
  Spears V. Transcontinental Bus System 226 F.2d 94, United States Court of Appeals Ninth Circuit, Docket Number 14532 (9/21/1955) Negro bus passenger, who was segregated from white passengers on bus of subsidiary bus company, brought action against parent bus company, which had sold him bus ticket, to recover damages for alleged violation of his civil rights. The United States District Court for the Southern District of California, Central Division, Leon R. Yankwich, Chief... 1955 Cases Yes  
  Spears V. Transcontinental Bus System 226 F.2d 94, United States Court of Appeals Ninth Circuit, Docket Number 14532 (9/21/1955) Negro bus passenger, who was segregated from white passengers on bus of subsidiary bus company, brought action against parent bus company, which had sold him bus ticket, to recover damages for alleged violation of his civil rights. The United States District Court for the Southern District of California, Central Division, Leon R. Yankwich, Chief... 1955 Cases Yes  
  State ex Rel. Hawkins V. Board of Control 83 So.2d 20, Supreme Court of Florida, En Banc (10/19/1955) Original proceeding for mandamus to compel state university to admit to college of law an applicant who had been refused admission solely because he was a member of Negro race. The Supreme Court, Roberts, J., held that under mandate of United States Supreme Court in segregation cases, directing that inferior courts implement Supreme Court's... 1955 Cases Yes  
  State ex Rel. Hawkins V. Board of Control 83 So.2d 20, Supreme Court of Florida, En Banc (10/19/1955) Original proceeding for mandamus to compel state university to admit to college of law an applicant who had been refused admission solely because he was a member of Negro race. The Supreme Court, Roberts, J., held that under mandate of United States Supreme Court in segregation cases, directing that inferior courts implement Supreme Court's... 1955 Cases Yes  
  State ex Rel. Wayne V. Sims 141 W.Va. 302, Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia, Docket Number 10759 (11/22/1955) Original proceeding for mandamus to compel auditor to honor relator's requisitions for salary allegedly due for serving as Director of Bureau of Negro Welfare and Statistics. The Supreme Court, Browning, J., held that where vacancy existed in statutory office, and governor made recess appointment but failed to submit appointment to Senate, which... 1955 Cases Yes  
  State ex Rel. Wayne V. Sims 141 W.Va. 302, Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia, Docket Number 10759 (11/22/1955) Original proceeding for mandamus to compel auditor to honor relator's requisitions for salary allegedly due for serving as Director of Bureau of Negro Welfare and Statistics. The Supreme Court, Browning, J., held that where vacancy existed in statutory office, and governor made recess appointment but failed to submit appointment to Senate, which... 1955 Cases Yes  
  Steiner V. Simmons 35 Del.Ch. 83, Supreme Court of Delaware (2/8/1955) Suit by Negro students against members of district board of education to restrain board from denying Negroes their rights to attend high school. The Court of Chancery, William Marvell, Vice Chancellor, 108 A.2d 173, granted preliminary mandatory injunction, and board appealed. The Supreme Court, Southerland, C. J., held that where United States... 1955 Cases Yes  
  Steiner V. Simmons 35 Del.Ch. 83, Supreme Court of Delaware (2/8/1955) Suit by Negro students against members of district board of education to restrain board from denying Negroes their rights to attend high school. The Court of Chancery, William Marvell, Vice Chancellor, 108 A.2d 173, granted preliminary mandatory injunction, and board appealed. The Supreme Court, Southerland, C. J., held that where United States... 1955 Cases Yes  
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