AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearTypeKey Terms in Title or SummaryCase Status
  Taylor V. Leonard 30 N.J.Super. 116, Superior Court of New Jersey. Chancery Division, Docket Number C-1836 (3/8/1954) Action to enjoin public housing authority and its officers from continuing policy of using racial quota system for admissions to the housing project and of segregating those admitted according to race. The Superior Court, Chancery Division, Union County, Sullivan, J.S.C., held that such policy was discriminatory and violative of Federal and State... 1954 Cases Yes  
Albert M. Sacks The Supreme Court, 1953 Term 68 Harvard Law Review 96 (November, 1954) On May 17, 1954, the Supreme Court brought to an end a long period of uncertainty in the area where problems of race relations impinge upon public education. The Court handed down two opinions in what will surely become known as the Segregation Cases. Judicial developments during the period had probably been followed by more people, both lawyers... 1954 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  U.s. V. Forest 118 F.Supp. 504, United States District Court, E.D. Missouri, Eastern Division, Docket Number 27236 (1/22/1954) Defendants made a motion to quash venire and jury list and to dismiss petit panels drawn therefrom for trial, on ground that jury officials intentionally and systematically limited representation of manual workers to a mere token representation, on ground that jury officials intentionally and systematically limited representation of Negroes on jury... 1954 Cases Yes  
  United Life Ins. Co. V. United Ins. Co. 70 So.2d 310, Supreme Court of Florida, Special Division A (2/2/1954) Action by Florida life insurance company insuring whites against Illinois life, health, and accident insurance company insuring colored persons to enjoin Illinois company from doing business in Florida because of similarity in names. The Circuit Court for Leon County, W. May Walker, J., entered decree adverse to Florida company, and Florida company... 1954 Cases Yes  
  Additional Brief of the American Federation of Teachers as Amicus Curiae, Oliver Brown, et Al., Appellants, V. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, Etc., et Al. Appellees. Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number No. 1 (12/5/1953) ??Missing Page 1?? does the actual work of teaching the children of the nation, is committed to a practice of complete equality between teachers and children of every race. This principle... 1953 Briefs Yes  
  Becks V. State 158 Tex.Crim. 204, Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas, Docket Number 26161 (1/28/1953) Defendant was convicted of murder with malice. The District Court, Navarro County, A. P. Mays, J., entered judgment and defendant appealed. The Court of Criminal Appeals, Graves, P. J., held that where motion to quash indictment because of race discrimination in selection of grand jury was made and parties agreed to examine county records for past... 1953 Cases Yes  
  Board of Sup'rs of Louisiana State University and Agr. And Mechanical College V. Tureaud 207 F.2d 807, United States Court of Appeals Fifth Circuit, Docket Number 14752 (10/28/1953) Action against board of supervisors of state university and others for injunction requiring admittance of plaintiff and other similarly situated Negro citizens to the combined six year arts and sciences and law course at state university. The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, J. Skelly Wright, J., 116 F.Supp. 248,... 1953 Cases Yes This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  Brown V. Allen 344 U.S. 443, Supreme Court of the United States, 22, 20, Docket Number 32 (2/9/1953) Habeas corpus proceeding brought by state convicts, contending that such convictions were invalid because, inter alia, of discrimination in selection of juries. The United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina, Raleigh Division, 98 F.Supp. 866,99 F.Supp. 92, 208, Don Gilliam, J., denied the writs, and the petitioners... 1953 Cases Yes This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  Bruce V. Stilwell 206 F.2d 554, United States Court of Appeals Fifth Circuit, Docket Number 14240 (7/10/1953) Action by negro students seeking admission to a Texas junior college for a declaratory judgment and an injunction. The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas dismissed the complaint for lack of jurisdiction on ground that students had instituted action before exhausting administrative remedies and students appealed. The... 1953 Cases Yes This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Carolina Coach Co. V. Williams 207 F.2d 408, United States Court of Appeals Fourth Circuit, Docket Number 6612 (10/14/1953) Action by Negro passenger in interstate bus for damages resulting when he was removed from the bus and arrested for refusal to change his seat for one which became vacant to the rear of the bus. The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, at Richmond, Sterling Hutcheson, J., 111 F.Supp. 329, entered judgment for... 1953 Cases Yes  
H. Weaver Constitutional Law-equal Protection of the Laws-juries-exclusion of Citizens of Latin-american Extraction from Grand and Petit Juries.-hernandez V. State, 251 S.w.2d 531 ( 1952) 31 Texas Law Review 581 (May, 1953) The defendant, a Texas citizen of Latin-American or Mexican extraction, was convicted of murder. He sought to quash the indictment and the petit jury panel on grounds of discrimination and deprivation of equal protection of the laws. No person with a Mexican or Latin-American name had served on a jury commission, grand jury, or petit jury in the... 1953 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
Robert E. Hall Constitutional Law-freedom of Speech-freedom of the Press-"Group Libel" Statute Constitutional.-beauharnais V. Illinois, 343 U.s. 250 (1952) 31 Texas Law Review 330 (February, 1953) The defendant, a publisher of an anti-Negro petition to the Mayor of Chicago, appealed from a conviction for violation of an Illinois group libel law which prohibits any publication or exhibition portraying depravity, criminality, unchastity, or lack of virtue of a class of citizens, of any race, color, creed or religion exposing them to... 1953 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Constitutional Law-group Libel Statute Held No Infringement on Freedom of Speech 101 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 870 (April, 1953) Petitioner published and caused to be distributed on the streets of Chicago a protest, in the form of a petition to the Mayor, in which he decried the mongrelization of the white race by the constant encroachment of negroes into white neighborhoods. Contained in the protest was a plea that if persuasion will not unite the white race then the... 1953 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Cooper V. Beauregard 69 So.2d 606, Court of Appeal of Louisiana, Second Circuit, Docket Number 8037 (12/29/1953) Suit for injunction preventing Registrar of Voters from maintaining segregated system of registering electors, and for declaratory judgment determining such practices to be in violation of United States Constitution. The Ninth Judicial District Court, Parish of Rapides, Allen V. Hundley, J., entered judgment for plaintiffs and Registrar appealed.... 1953 Cases Yes  
  District of Columbia V. John R. Thompson Co. 346 U.S. 100, Supreme Court of the United States, Docket Number 617 (6/8/1953) Prosecution on information in four counts charging refusal to serve members of Negro race in restaurant in District of Columbia in violation of 1872 and 1873 Acts of Legislative Assembly of the District. The Municipal Court for the District of Columbia, Criminal Division, quashed the information, and District of Columbia appealed. The Municipal... 1953 Cases Yes This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Easterly V. Dempster 112 F.Supp. 214, United States District Court, E.D. Tennessee, Northern Division, Docket Number 1950 (5/5/1953) Action by members of Negro race for declaration that they have right to use facilities of certain municipal golf course, for order directing city officials to permit members to exercise right, and for damages. Members filed motion for summary judgment. The District Court, Robert L. Taylor, J., held, inter alia, that where course was leased to... 1953 Cases Yes  
  Equality by Statute 53 Columbia Law Review 594 (April, 1953) Is morality a proper subject for legislation; can tolerance be enforced by law? Mr. Berger's clear and unambiguous answer to these questions is that law is an efficient means of controlling prejudice and discrimination and can and should be developed to buttress the principles of equal rights for all people. His book, dealing with discrimination... 1953 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Green V. State 222 Ark. 222, Supreme Court of Arkansas, Docket Number 4724 (5/25/1953) An accused was convicted in the Circuit Court, Drew County, of grand larceny, and he appealed. The Supreme Court, Ward, J., held that systematic exclusion from jury service of Negroes in county for many years was not cured and that accused was entitled to reversal of judgment. Judgment reversed. 1953 Cases Yes  
  International Broth. Of Elec. Workers Local 35 V. Commission on Civil Rights 140 Conn. 537, Supreme Court of Errors of Connecticut (12/29/1953) Proceeding, tried to court, on appeal from commission on civil rights' hearing tribunal's order that certain union cease and desist from excluding Negro applicant from full membership rights because of his race and from failing or refusing to act upon Negro's application for membership. The Superior Court, Hartford County, Bordon, J., entered... 1953 Cases Yes  
  Irvin V. State 66 So.2d 288, Supreme Court of Florida, en Banc (6/23/1953) Prosecution of colored defendant for alleged rape of white woman. The Circuit Court, Marion County, T. G. Futch, J., entered judgment of conviction, and defendant appealed. The Supreme Court, Thomas, J., held that although remark of state attorney, to effect that defense counsel had stopped him from proving that defense witness had grudge against... 1953 Cases Yes This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Kansas City, Mo. V. Williams 205 F.2d 47, United States Court of Appeals Eighth Circuit, Docket Number 14664, 14666 (6/10/1953) Action against city and its board of park commissioners by three Negroes, individually and representatively, for declaratory and injunctive relief to eliminate alleged racial discrimination in use of swimming pool in city park. The United States District Court for the Western District of Missouri, Albert A. Ridge, J., 104 F.Supp. 848, entered... 1953 Cases Yes  
  Kent Products, Inc. V. Hoegh 245 Iowa 205, Supreme Court of Iowa, Docket Number 48392 (12/15/1953) Action against attorney general, secretary of agriculture, and county attorney of Polk County, for temporary injunction against enforcement of statutory provision requiring that colored oleomargarine be imprinted with words designating the substance as oleomargarine, and for other relief. The Polk District Court, Dring D. Needham, J., entered an... 1953 Cases Yes  
  Lange V. Rancher 262 Wis. 625, Supreme Court of Wisconsin (1/6/1953) Action for a declaratory judgment construing St.1951, § 210.05, providing for the State Life Fund, wherein defendant filed a counterclaim. From adverse portions of a judgment of the Circuit Court for Dane County, Herman W. Sachtjen, J., defendant appealed. The Supreme Court, Broadfoot, J., held that applications by Negro residents for insurance in... 1953 Cases Yes  
  Miller V. State 237 N.C. 29, Supreme Court of North Carolina, Docket Number 1 (1/30/1953) Proceeding under Post-Conviction Hearing Act by Negro under sentence of death for murder. The Superior Court, Beaufort County, Clawson L. Williams, J., entered judgment adverse to petitioner, and the Supreme Court granted certiorari. The Supreme Court, Ervin, J., held that petitioner, acting through his original attorneys, waived his alleged... 1953 Cases Yes  
  Monopsony in Manpower: Organized Baseball Meets the Antitrust Laws 62 Yale Law Journal 576 (March, 1953) For over sixty years professional baseball clubs have disregarded with impunity the mandate of the Sherman Act that competition, not combination should be the law of trade. By agreeing not to compete for players' services and by blacklisting those players who turn to higher bidders, a combination of 335 clubs, known as organized baseball, has... 1953 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Muir V. Louisville, Park Theatrical Ass'n 202 F.2d 275, United States Court of Appeals Sixth Circuit, Docket Number 11668 (2/20/1953) Action involving question of unlawful discrimination in violation of Fourteenth Amendment. The United States District Court for the Western District of Kentucky, Roy M. Shelbourne, J., entered judgment, 102 F.Supp. 525, from which plaintiff appealed. The Court of Appeals, Per Curiam, held that when theatrical association had leased amphitheater in... 1953 Cases Yes This is no longer good law for at least one of the points of law it contains.
  Pellicer V. Brotherhood of Ry. & S. S. Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express & Station Emp. 118 F.Supp. 254, United States District Court S.D. Florida, Jacksonville Division, Docket Number CIV. 2591-J (11/16/1953) Action by railway agency employee seeking to have amendment to bargaining agreement modifying seniority rights by integration of colored employees on seniority list with other employees enjoined as unlawful as for sole benefit of colored employees. The action was instituted in state court and was removed to federal District Court. The District... 1953 Cases Yes  
Will Maslow, Director of the Commission on Law and Social Action of the American Jewish Congress Political and Civil Rights in the United States-a Collection of Legal and Related Materials 53 Columbia Law Review 290 (February, 1953) The ever-increasing interest in civil rights in the United States has prompted this pioneer case book for a pioneer class in the subject at Yale Law School. Professors Emerson and Haber have with great skill and thoroughness assembled an unparalleled collection of materials dealing with such problems as security of the person, Negro suffrage,... 1953 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources Yes  
  Rice V. Sioux City Memorial Park Cemetery 245 Iowa 147, Supreme Court of Iowa, Docket Number 48304 (9/22/1953) Action at law for damages for private cemetery's refusal to permit burial of plaintiff's alleged non-Caucasian husband in a burial lot purchased by plaintiff under a contract restricting burial privileges to members of the Caucasian race. On motion by both parties for adjudication of points of law, the Woodbury District Court, Ralph C. Pritchard... 1953 Cases Yes This has some negative history but hasn’t been reversed or overruled.
  Salsburg V. State 201 Md. 212, Court of Appeals of Maryland, Docket Number 49 (2/5/1953) Defendant was convicted in the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County, Benjamin Michaelson, J., of bookmaking on horse races, and he appealed. The Court of Appeals, Delaplaine, J., held that the amendment, excepting certain counties from the statutory rule making illegally procured evidence inadmissible, was valid. Affirmed. 1953 Cases Yes  
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