AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearKey Terms in Title or Summary
Clifford J. Villa A NEW DAY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AT THE U.S. EPA 54 University of Memphis Law Review 867 (Summer, 2024) On February 16, 2024, Cliff Villa, the Environmental Protection Agency Office of Land and Emergency Management Deputy Assistant Administrator presented at The University of Memphis Law Review Volume 54 Annual Symposium. Here, he spoke to students, lawyers, activists, and community members about environmental justice at the EPA. Our symposium was... 2024 Yes
Elena Mak ADDRESSING SPACE TOURISM'S ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS: MARINE ENVIRONMENT REGULATIONS AS A BASIS FOR REGULATING ORBITAL SPACE DEBRIS 89 Journal of Air Law and Commerce 477 (Summer, 2024) YesWith the success of private suborbital space flight, the space industry is now facing unprecedented growth as billionaires strive to accomplish the task of sending astrotourists into space. However, given the novelty of this objective, the current domestic and international legal regimes governing outer space and space travel are both confusing and... 2024 Yes
Vanessa Springer AFFORDABLE HOUSING IN HEALTHY COMMUNITIES: INTEGRATING ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE INTO THE APPLICATION CRITERIA FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING TAX CREDITS IN NEW MEXICO 54 New Mexico Law Review 623 (Summer, 2024) In Bernalillo County, New Mexico, communities of color and people living below the poverty line are more likely to live in areas with high exposure to pollution and associated health risks. Similar trends are echoed throughout the country. These data trends and experiences form the basis for the environmental justice movement, or the movement for a... 2024 Yes
Baine P. Kerr ALL NECESSARY MEASURES: CLIMATE LAW FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING 64 Virginia Journal of International Law 523 (Spring, 2024) YesInternational shipping is one of the largest sources of climate pollution. The conventional view is that, despite some ambiguities in the climate treaties, international law only requires states to implement global rules adopted by the International Maritime Organization. This overlooks the important and timely question of whether other sources of... 2024 Yes
Oday Salim ARE RACE-BASED ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE POLICIES SAFE? 50 Human Rights 40 (October, 2024) In recent years, we have seen a significant volume of federal and state environmental justice policy with attorneys general developing enforcement plans focused on environmental justice. Environmental and conservation agencies have adopted limited English proficiency (LEP) plans to ensure that LEP individuals are not left out of decision-making... 2024 Yes
Alexandra Dapolito Dunn AT THE INTERSECTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AND SUSTAINABILITY LIES A MORE EQUITABLE, HEALTHY FUTURE FOR U.S. COMMUNITIES 92 UMKC Law Review 773 (Summer, 2024) When major societal movements come together, the result is progress, learning, and significant change. The movements at focus in this Article are first, environmental justice, which grew out of the civil rights movement in the late 1960s and which is, at this moment, at its peak of influence over federal, state, and local policy. Second, the... 2024 Yes
Megan Resener Garofalo BATTLING ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM IN CANCER ALLEY: A LEGISLATIVE APPROACH 52 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 196 (Spring, 2024) Keywords: Environmental, Racism, Cancer, Alley, Petrochemical Abstract: This Paper argues that to protect at-risk communities--and all Americans--from the deadly effects of environmental racism, Congress must pass the Environmental justice for All Act. The Act is intended to restore, reaffirm, and reconcile environmental justice and civil rights.... 2024 Yes
Barry E. Hill CHEVRON'S DEMISE AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 54 Environmental Law Reporter (ELI) 10933 (November, 2024) The Supreme Court of the United States has had at various times a troubling history in American jurisprudence. Among other things, the Court infamously defended the institution of slavery, holding that African Americans, whether freed men or slaves, could not be considered citizens, and could not enjoy the rights and privileges the U.S.... 2024 Yes
Elizabeth Hubertz CLIMATE CHANGE AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE: INTRODUCTION 74 Washington University Journal of Law & Policy I (2024) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency defines environmental justice as the just treatment and meaningful involvement of all people in the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws. That is not the system we have. People of color and people living in poverty around the world experience more than their fair share of negative... 2024 Yes
Madison M. Schettler CLOSING THE RENTER-SIZED GAP IN THE INFLATION REDUCTION ACT: HOW HOUSING POLICY CAN HELP CLIMATE LEGISLATION ACHIEVE ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 56 Connecticut Law Review 605 (January, 2024) The passage of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) in August 2022 was an important step forward in American climate policy. The Act is essential to the United States' goal of effective climate change mitigation efforts, and other countries have even begun to use it as a model for climate mitigation. The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) provides the... 2024 Yes
Professor Steven Ferrey CRYPTOCURRENCY--LEGALLY NAVIGATING THE "HIGHWAY TO CLIMATE HELL" 30 UC Law Environmental Journal 25 (January, 2024) YesThe U.S. electric system is regarded as history's greatest engineering achievement and the second most important invention in history. This Article analyzes the provocative legal dark side of crypto currency now compromising the sustainability and resiliency of the U.S. electric system. Crypto currency miners have migrated in mass during the... 2024 Yes
Madeleine J. Lewis DEFINING ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 38-WTR Natural Resources & Environment 9 (Winter, 2024) The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) have energized ambitions to transform the United States' energy grid, placing the federal government at the helm of the transition away from carbon-intensive fossil fuel sources toward sources such as nuclear, hydrogen, wind, and solar. The Biden administration's... 2024 Yes
Joshua M. Alpert DISABILITY ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE: HOW § 504 OF THE REHABILITATION ACT CAN BE USED FOR ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE LITIGATION 59 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 401 (Spring, 2024) One of the largest problems facing environmental justice litigation is the lack of a private right of action for disparate impact discrimination under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. This absence of a private right of action has effectively rendered federal anti-discrimination law a dead letter in remedying the inequitable distribution of... 2024 Yes
Trey Wilkins-Luton DO RE MI: WORKERS' INCLUSION IN ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 54 Environmental Law 461 (Spring, 2024) As environmental justice gains momentum in the United States, scholars and advocates alike have considered how environmental justice interacts with different groups and interests across different social dimensions. The recent broadening of the environmental justice movement has, however, generally overlooked labor considerations. Workers deserve... 2024 Yes
John H. Knox , Nicole Tronolone ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AS ENVIRONMENTAL HUMAN RIGHTS 57 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 153 (January, 2024) For many years, the environmental justice movement in the United States and the evolution of international human rights law concerning the environment have pursued parallel but separate paths, only occasionally noting that they share common concerns. This Article seeks to build a stronger bridge between them, in three ways. First, it presents the... 2024 Yes
John Leiner ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AS HOUSING JUSTICE: HUD, LAND USE, AND THE CASE FOR THE FAIR HOUSING ACT'S APPLICATION TO DISCRIMINATORY SITING CLAIMS 42 Minnesota Journal of Law & Inequality 1 (Summer, 2024) This community cannot and should not take more chemical pollution, said Deborah Hawley, director at St. Francis Prayer Center in Genesee Township, Michigan. St. Francis is one of the complainants seeking to block the siting, or placement, of the Ajax hot-mix asphalt plant in the same community the Flint Water Crisis ravaged less than a decade... 2024 Yes
Secretary Deb Haaland ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE IS A CIVIL RIGHTS ISSUE 54 New Mexico Law Review 1 (Winter, 2024) Thank you so much for that lovely introduction, Dean Carey, and for your exemplary leadership. I also want to recognize my dear friend and mentor Professor Carol Suzuki, who I met the summer before my first semester, on the first day of the Pre-Law Summer Institute, and we have been friends ever since. She has been instrumental in all I have... 2024 Yes
Secretary Deb Haaland ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE IS A CIVIL RIGHTS ISSUE 64 Natural Resources Journal 117 (Winter, 2024) Thank you so much for that lovely introduction, Dean Carey, and for your exemplary leadership. I also want to recognize my dear friend and mentor Professor Carol Suzuki, who I met the summer before my first semester, on the first day of the Pre-Law Summer Institute, and we have been friends ever since. She has been instrumental in all I have... 2024 Yes
Roberta Mann ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE, PLASTIC, AND TAX 50 Human Rights 26 (October, 2024) The theme of Earth Day 2024 was Planet vs. Plastics, which is a big hint about the impact of plastic production on the planet and its communities. Plastics can hardly be avoided in our day-to-day lives. Plastic is a term that encompasses dozens of chemical compounds. Its uses range from everyday household items to highly technical instruments used... 2024 Yes
Craig Anthony (Tony) Arnold , Resilience Justice Project Researchers ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE, RESILIENCE JUSTICE, AND WATERSHED PLANNING 48 William and Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review 553 (Spring, 2024) Watershed planning is an increasingly used governance tool for addressing environmental problems at ecosystem scales of watersheds, which are areas of land that drain to a common body of water. In recent years, watershed planning in the United States has been undergoing an equity evolution: watershed planners have begun integrating environmental... 2024 Yes
Mahatab Uddin EQUITY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT UNDER CLIMATE REGIME OF BANGLADESH 25 San Diego International Law Journal 49 (2023-2024) YesC1-2Table of Contents Abstract. 50 I. Introduction. 50 II. Equity and Sustainable Development. 51 A. Equity. 51 B. Sustainable Development. 52 III. National Climate Change Regime of Bangladesh. 54 IV. Equity and Sustainable Development Under Climate Regime of Bangladesh. 59 A. Equity and Sustainable Development Under National Executive Instruments.... 2024 Yes
Mia Petrucci FORCED TO BEAR THE BURDEN AND NOW THE CHILDREN: THE DOBBS DECISION AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE COMMUNITIES 14 Washington Journal of Social & Environmental Justice 86 (March, 2024) On June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court decided Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization. In Dobbs, the Court held that there is no constitutional right to abortion in America, overturning almost half a century of legal precedent. The Court relied on textualist arguments to find that the Fourteenth Amendment['s guarantee of liberty] clearly does... 2024 Yes
James R. May , Quentin Pair , Nadia B. Ahmad FROM THE COURTROOM TO THE FRONTLINES: A ROADMAP FOR ADVANCING ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 50 Human Rights 2 (October, 2024) For years, the American Bar Association (ABA) has been a stalwart champion in the fight for environmental justice. Recognizing the disproportionate harm suffered by communities of color, low-income populations, and Indigenous communities from environmental hazards, the ABA has consistently used its platform to push for change. Now, with the passage... 2024 Yes
James O'Reilly FROM THE ENVIRONMENT 52 Real Estate Law Journal 177 (Spring, 2024) Yes, you have turned the page of Real Estate Law Journal and no, you have not spun out into pages of Psychology Today or Environment Future. This brief article asks: How will 2024 be emotionally affecting those federal employees whom you have come to deal with over years of red tape jungle efforts for permit applicants? What will be 2024's impact... 2024 Yes
Brendan Hennessey, Amanda Schermer MacVey, Laszlo von Lazar GETTING TO NET-ZERO: HOW CLIMATE CHANGE INITIATIVES ARE CHANGING BUSINESS IN THE INFRASTRUCTURE SECTOR 43 Construction Lawyer 46 (Fall, 2024) YesNo longer are climate change initiatives only the concern of the environmental specialist. Rather, they present challenges--and opportunities--for estimators, project managers, executives, and attorneys in the infrastructure sector. Simply knowing the landscape of climate change initiatives can be the first stumbling block, as recent legislation... 2024 Yes
Peter L. Reich GREENING THE GHETTO REVISITED: THREE DECADES OF ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE LAW 51 Northern Kentucky Law Review 117 (2024) This essay is dedicated to the memory of Luke W. Cole (1962-2009), lawyer-activist, mentor, and friend. Greening the Ghetto was one of the first law review articles to explore the phenomenon of environmental racism or, in its affirmative phrasing, environmental justice (abbreviated hereinafter as EJ). In that essay I defined environmental racism as... 2024 Yes
Lawrence Pittman HIS-TORY OF REDLINING AND THE ENVIRONMENTAL LEGACY INHERITED 50 Human Rights 42 (October, 2024) On April 21, 2023, President Joe Biden issued the Executive Order on Revitalizing Our Nation's Commitment to Environmental justice for All (E.O. 14096), which states, To fulfill our Nation's promises of justice, liberty, and equality, every person must have clean air to breathe; clean water to drink; safe and healthy foods to eat; and an... 2024 Yes
Hannah Perls HOW DURABLE IS PRESIDENT BIDEN'S ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AGENDA? 50 Human Rights 37 (October, 2024) The Biden administration is the first in U.S. history to prioritize environmental and climate justice across all federal agencies. Now, less than four years later, those agencies have invested billions in communities to address environmental justice (EJ) concerns and issued more protective regulations to address longstanding disparities in public... 2024 Yes
Zoe Zingale IF IT CAN MAKE IT THERE, IT CAN MAKE IT ANYWHERE: HOW NEW YORK'S "GREEN AMENDMENT" IS CATALYZING ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRESS IN LIGHT OF FEDERAL FAILURES 30 Cardozo Journal of Equal Rights & Social Justice 511 (Winter, 2024) C1-2Table of Contents Introduction. 512 I. Background. 520 A. Title VI's History and Its Applicability to Environmental justice Lawsuits. 520 B. Navigating Environmental justice Plaintiffs' Current Path to Legal Redress Under Federal Law. 524 II. Analysis. 526 A. Environmental justice Plaintiffs' Ability to Bring Disparate Impact Claims Under the... 2024 Yes
Mia Montoya Hammersley IN DEFENSE OF LAND AND WATER PROTECTORS: ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AND THE CRIMINALIZATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVISM 54 University of Memphis Law Review 843 (Summer, 2024) I. Preface: You're a Lawyer, Not an Activist. 843 II. Introduction: A Call to Environmental justice Lawyers. 844 III. Movement Lawyering for Environmental justice. 846 A. Foundations of the Environmental justice Movement. 846 B. Structural Discrimination. 848 C. Movement Lawyering. 852 IV. The Law of Protest and Civil Disobedience. 855 A.... 2024 Yes
Abigail E. André IN PURSUIT OF EQUITY UNDER NEPA: APALACHICOLA'S INVISIBILITY IN THE TRISTATE WATER WARS 54 University of Memphis Law Review 783 (Summer, 2024) In the presence of significant environmental impacts, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires agencies to take a hard look at community effects. However, analysis of human impacts under NEPA is generally cursory. While executive orders requiring consideration of environmental justice have raised awareness of community impacts in... 2024 Yes
Lev E. Breydo INEQUITABLE INFRASTRUCTURE: AN EMPIRICAL ASSESSMENT OF FEDERALISM, CLIMATE CHANGE, AND ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM 102 North Carolina Law Review 1035 (May, 2024) This Article explains a critical, yet unexplored issue: How are some communities like Jackson--the 80% Black capital of Mississippi--often left without water or electricity, while their mostly white neighbors are not? The Article maps uncharted territory by interrogating the underlying causes of this disparity, untangling how three seemingly... 2024 Yes
Peter Kizima IV JUSTICE DELAYED: NEW JERSEY'S BATTLE WITH ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AND A CALL FOR THE FEDS TO FOLLOW SUIT 48 Seton Hall Journal of Legislation & Public Policy 479 (2024) I. Introduction. 480 II. Background and Legislative History. 483 A. New Jersey's History of Environmental Discrimination. 484 1. Post-Civil War Era. 484 2. 19th Century Industrial Development. 485 3. Discriminatory Housing and Land Use Policy. 486 4. Sites of Early Industry Largely Coincide with Overburdened Communities Due to Discriminatory... 2024 Yes
Aashini Choksi LEAD-FREE WITH EQUITY: AN ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE-FOCUSED PROPOSAL TO ACHIEVE LEAD-FREE D.C. BY 2030 25 Vermont Journal of Environmental Law 404 (Spring, 2024) INTRODUCTION. 405 I. WHY IS THERE LEAD IN AMERICAN DRINKING WATER?. 407 A. Lead-Contaminated Water in the District of Columbia. 409 B. Disproportionate Impact of Partial Replacements on Vulnerable Communities. 410 C. Models of Successful State-Led Lead-Pipe Replacement Initiatives. 413 II. CURRENT LSL REPLACEMENT PLAN IN THE DISTRICT. 415 A. The... 2024 Yes
Donna Minha LIGHTS, CAMERA, (CLIMATE) ACTION: BRINGING CORPORATIONS INTO THE SPOTLIGHT IN HUMAN RIGHTS-BASED CLIMATE LITIGATION 60 Stanford Journal of International Law 28 (Winter, 2024) YesIn recent years, in the face of inadequate responses by governments to climate change, human rights-based climate litigation has been on the rise. Despite the heavy involvement of corporations in the climate crisis, rights-based proceedings are mainly brought against states, while corporations usually remain out of the realm of such proceedings.... 2024 Yes
Dr. Paul R. Williams , Sindija Beta NEGOTIATING ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE IN UKRAINE 56 Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law 271 (Spring, 2024) This Article examines the dynamics of negotiating environmental justice in Ukraine amid pressure from certain international actors for an Amnesty-Based Peace in Ukraine. While it is currently unclear how Russia's war in Ukraine will end, it is likely that there will be significant discussion around forms of justice, including how to address the... 2024 Yes
Bridget K. McKelvey NEW YORK FASHION WEEK'S HOTTEST TREND--THE PLANET: NEW YORK'S OPPORTUNITY TO COMBAT THE FASHION INDUSTRY'S EFFECTS ON CLIMATE CHANGE 57 Suffolk University Law Review 233 (2024) YesIf the entire country was regulated, that would be just remarkable, but that's not where we're at right now. And that's why I think New York, being the fashion leader that it is, has this opportunity to lead the way. I don't think it's hyperbolic to say that our state and our world depend on it. Forget your wallet; the environment pays the real... 2024 Yes
Samantha Bingaman NOTHING AT STAKE BUT LIFE'S ESSENTIALS: HOW SOLE RELIANCE ON NEW TEXTUALISM ENDANGERS CLEAN WATER, ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE COMMUNITIES, AND ENVIRONMENTAL LAW (AND A JUDICIAL FRAMEWORK TO FIX IT) 83 Maryland Law Review 1313 (2024) You throw a stone into a deep pond. Splash. The sound is big, and it reverberates throughout the surrounding area. What comes out of the pond after that? All we can do is stare at the pond, holding our breath. -Haruki Murakami Water is life, as the old saying goes. We drink, we wash, we play, we swim, we travel, and we grow with water, among... 2024 Yes
Tseming Yang OLD AND NEW ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM 2024 Utah Law Review 109 (2024) Over the past five decades, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) moved from purposeful disregard of environmental racism to a public embrace of environmental justice as an organizational priority. Unfortunately, its efforts to address environmental discrimination remain a work-in-progress. This Article posits that the Agency's core... 2024 Yes
Diego Huerta ONE SEP FORWARD, TWO STEPS BACK? SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECTS, ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE, AND DETERRENCE 36 Georgetown Environmental Law Review 303 (Winter, 2024) Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEPs) are settlement conditions that the EPA includes in civil penalty settlements requiring a violator of an environmental law to undertake certain environmentally focused actions. The EPA provides violators who commit to SEPs a discount on their civil penalty in proportion to the cost of the SEP. The EPA's... 2024 Yes
Theresa Pinto, Esq. M.S., Abigail Fleming, Esq., Sabrina Payoute, M.S., Elissa Klein PUBLIC HEALTH IMPACTS AND INTRA-URBAN FORCED DISPLACEMENT DUE TO CLIMATE GENTRIFICATION IN THE GREATER MIAMI AREA--COMMUNITY LAWYERING FOR ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AND EQUITABLE DEVELOPMENT 78 University of Miami Law Review 432 (Spring, 2024) Because Miami-Dade County is ground zero for such climate effects as sea-level rise and increasingly hazardous, climate-driven Atlantic hurricanes, the coral rock ridge that runs along the Eastern coast of South Florida is a prime target for redevelopment and climate gentrification. Through a community and movement lawyering for environmental... 2024 Yes
Amanda F. Watson REMEDIATION FOR PFAS CONTAMINATION: THE ROLE OF CERCLA ENFORCEMENT IN ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 58 Georgia Law Review 803 (Winter, 2024) PFAS are a family of manufactured chemicals that are highly persistent in the environment. Most people in the U.S. have been exposed to PFAS, but different groups of people may have higher exposure due to their environments. In recent years, peer-reviewed scientific studies have shown that PFAS are linked to numerous adverse human health effects.... 2024 Yes
Lauren Cormany STANDING IN THE WAY OF ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 2024 Utah Law Review 167 (2024) In the 1980s, a groundbreaking study revealed that the most determinative factor in the location of environmental hazardous sites was not social or economic status, but race. In 2021, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published data revealing that people of color are 2.4 times more likely to be exposed to heavy pollution than White... 2024 Yes
Gregor A. MacGregor THE ACADEMY'S ROLE AT THE INTERSECTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND RESTORATIVE JUSTICE: PUTTING LAW INTO PRACTICE AT THE ACEQUIA ASSISTANCE PROJECT 51 Northern Kentucky Law Review 125 (2024) When we think of environmental justice, we often think of the movement's genesis. In the fall of 1982, black residents and their allies in Warren County, North Carolina, marched for six weeks to protest the placement of a toxic waste landfill in their community. The Warren County controversy captured national attention in a way prior controversies... 2024 Yes
Jackson Moffett THE DISPROPORTIONATE BURDEN ON VULNERABLE COMMUNITIES IN THE TRADE OF PLASTIC WASTE: HOW ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE SHOULD BE INTEGRATED INTO THE UNITED NATIONS TREATY ON PLASTIC POLLUTION 30 UC Law Environmental Journal 177 (May, 2024) The United Nations Environment Assembly passed a resolution to end plastic pollution with a legally binding treaty in response to growing international concern over the destruction of the environment and human health from plastic pollution. Plastic waste disposal is currently regulated under the Plastic Waste Amendments of the Basel Convention on... 2024 Yes
  THE ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE IMPLICATIONS OF PFAS 54 Environmental Law Reporter (ELI) 10911 (November, 2024) On June 13, 2024, the Environmental Law Institute and its Pro Bono Clearinghouse hosted the tenth installment of the continuing legal education series Community Lawyering for Environmental justice, focusing on the environmental justice implications of forever chemicals, including per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). A panel of experts... 2024 Yes
Ricardo Torres Febre THE JURIDIFICATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 93 Revista Juridica Universidad de Puerto Rico 383 (2024) Introduction. 383 I. Environmental justice and the Judicial System. 385 II. The Phenomenon of Juridification. 388 A. Filtering: the Incompatibility of Climate Issues with the Legal Process. 390 B. Understanding: How Environmental Regulation Highlights the Political Nature of the Law. 396 C. Redressability in Juliana v. United States. 399 III.... 2024 Yes
Jonathan A. Picado UNA HERIDA ABIERTA: UTILIZING THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT AND THE INFLATION REDUCTION ACT TO ADDRESS ENVIRONMENTAL INJUSTICE ALONG THE BORDERLAND 109 Iowa Law Review 1335 (March, 2024) ABSTRACT: Circuit courts are divided as to whether Section 602 of Title VI of the 1962 Civil Rights Act creates a private right of action enforceable under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. In the past, many environmental justice groups have brought their claims under Section 602, since it is easier to prove disparate impact as opposed to direct discrimination.... 2024 Yes
Devin A. Lowell UNCAPTURED: THE CCUS BOOM, ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE, AND CANCER ALLEY 74 Washington University Journal of Law & Policy 88 (2024) This article exposes the environmental justice implications of industrialization-as-climate-mitigation strategies by focusing on their effects on minority communities in south Louisiana. Political and economic forces at the federal and state levels are advocating for increased development of carbon capture utilization and storage systems that will... 2024 Yes
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