AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearKey Terms in Title or Summary
Jaclyn Lopez EPA'S OPPORTUNITY TO REVERSE THE FERTILIZER INDUSTRY'S ENVIRONMENTAL INJUSTICES 52 Environmental Law Reporter (ELI) 10125 (February, 2022) Seventy phosphogypsum stacks are scattered throughout the United States, concentrated in low-wealth and Black, indigenous, and people of color communities. These radioactive waste heaps have a long history of failures, and present a substantial hazard and unreasonable risk of harm. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) should swiftly move... 2022  
João Figueiredo, Nova Law School, Nova University of Lisbon ESCLAVOS Y TIERRAS ENTRE POSESIÓN Y TÍTULOS LA CONSTRUCCIÓN SOCIAL DEL DERECHO DE PROPIEDAD EN BRASIL (SIGLO XIX) [SLAVES AND LANDS FROM POSSESSION TO TITLE-OWNING. THE SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION OF PROPERTY LAWS IN BRAZIL (19TH CENTURY)], MARIANA ARMOND DIAS PA 45 PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review 1 (November, 2022) Esclavos y tierras entre posesión y títulos is a ground-breaking historical account of the early development of liberal property laws in Brazil. In this stimulating volume, Mariana Armond Dias Paes uses data collected from 74 randomly sampled legal proceedings of the Court of Appeals of Rio de Janeiro to ground a bottom-up interpretation of legal... 2022  
Monica K. Mahal EXPANDING ENVIRONMENTAL HUMAN RIGHTS BEYOND WESTERN LEGAL ETHICS: AN ANALYSIS OF INDIA'S ENVIRONMENTAL JURISPRUDENCE 31 Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal 539 (Spring, 2022) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) of 1948 is one of the most formative statements of ethics and serves as a guideline for international human rights, including the right to a healthy environment. The UDHR carries unparalleled influence, as evidenced by its translation into 360 languages--making it the most translated document in... 2022  
Kevin K. Washburn FACILITATING TRIBAL CO-MANAGEMENT OF FEDERAL PUBLIC LANDS 2022 Wisconsin Law Review 263 (2022) Each year Native American tribal nations enter hundreds of federal contracts worth billions of dollars to run federal Indian programs. By substituting tribal governments for federal agencies, these self-determination contracts have been enormously successful in improving the effective delivery of federal programs on Indian reservations. Tribal... 2022  
Melissa K. Scanlan , Misbah Husain FEDERAL FUNDING AND WISCONSIN'S WATER INFRASTRUCTURE 95-DEC Wisconsin Lawyer 8 (December, 2022) People throughout the United States increasingly are at risk for diminished drinking water quality, extreme flooding, property damage, and more. In Wisconsin, as in other states, these negative consequences are unequally distributed, with low-income and minority communities disproportionately affected by such harms. Among efforts to protect the... 2022  
Michael C. Blumm, Kacey J. Hovden, Gregory A. Allen FEDERAL GRAZING LANDS AS "CONSERVATION LANDS" IN THE 30 BY 30 PROGRAM 52 Environmental Law Reporter (ELI) 10279 (April, 2022) On January 28, 2021, President Joseph Biden issued Executive Order No. 14008 initiating the 30 by 30 program to conserve 30% of the nation's lands and waters by 2030. The Administration proceeded to produce the America the Beautiful report in May 2021, which laid out some principles for the conservation effort but did little to clarify the... 2022  
Sara A. Colangelo FORGING COMPLETE JUSTICE: EQUITABLE RELIEF IN ENVIRONMENTAL ENFORCEMENT 46 Harvard Environmental Law Review 315 (2022) Fifty years after the rise of modern environmental law and its robust enforcement regime, there persists a disproportionate distribution of environmental burdens in the United States. Many underserved communities suffer from legacy pollution, siting of undesirable land uses, failing infrastructure, and attendant epidemiological and ecological... 2022  
Gabriella Mickel GENTRIFICATION AND THE CYCLE OF (IN)EQUITY--USING LAND USE AUTHORITY TO COMBAT DISPLACEMENT 51 Urban Lawyer 477 (October, 2022) In the wake of recent social justice movements, local governments are starting to address historical inequities in their communities. Unfortunately, in addressing these inequities, local governments can trigger gentrification, resulting in further injustice in the form of displacement and, thus, creating the need for another equity-motivated... 2022  
Gregory Ablavsky GETTING PUBLIC RIGHTS WRONG: THE LOST HISTORY OF THE PRIVATE LAND CLAIMS 74 Stanford Law Review 277 (February, 2022) Abstract. Black-letter constitutional law distinguishes private rights, which must be litigated before an Article III tribunal, from public rights, which Congress may resolve through administrative adjudication. Yet both scholars and the Supreme Court have long struggled to define this distinction. Recently, many have turned to history for... 2022  
Grace Gibson, Staff Editor HAWAI'I'S RED HILL WATER CRISIS ISN'T OVER 4/28/2022 Georgetown Environmental Law Review Online 1 (28-Apr-22) On November 20th, 2021, the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility in Honolulu leaked 14,000 gallons of water and fuel. The facility, constructed in the early 1940s, holds over 100 million gallons of fuel a mere 100 feet above the Southern O'ahu Basal Aquifer, the primary source of drinking water for over 400,000 people. The Navy claimed that the... 2022  
Paloma Wu , D. Korbin Felder HELL AND HIGH WATER: HOW CLIMATE CHANGE CAN HARM PRISON RESIDENTS AND JAIL RESIDENTS, AND WHY COVID-19 CONDITIONS LITIGATION SUGGESTS MOST FEDERAL COURTS WILL WAIT-AND-SEE WHEN ASKED TO INTERVENE 49 Fordham Urban Law Journal 259 (February, 2022) Introduction. 261 I. Three Ways That Climate Change Can Harm Prison and Jail Residents and, By Extension, Home Communities. 261 A. Understaffing. 264 B. Deadlier Facilities. 267 C. Racial Disparities. 275 i. Examples of Racial Disparities in Imprisonment. 278 ii. Racial Disparities in Imprisonment Due to Poverty Resulting from Structural and... 2022  
Martha F. Davis HIDDEN BURDENS: HOUSEHOLD WATER BILLS, "HARD-TO REACH" RENTERS, AND SYSTEMIC RACISM 52 Seton Hall Law Review 1461 (2022) I. Introduction. 1462 II. Water Unaffordability: Impacts and Policy Responses. 1470 A. Water and Sanitation Costs Are Rising Significantly. 1470 B. Utilities' Efforts to Address Unaffordability. 1475 1. Customer Assistance Plans. 1475 i. Lifeline Programs. 1475 ii. Charitable Programs. 1476 iii. Flexible Payment Plans. 1478 iv. Temporary... 2022  
Olivia Stevens HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT: THE DANGERS OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS WAIVERS 97 Indiana Law Journal 785 (Winter, 2022) When enacting both statutory and regulatory environmental protections, Congress and various agencies have recognized that emergency situations could arise that would require flexibility in the application and enforcement of those protections. Incorporating waivers into such protections provides that flexibility. However, the current state of... 2022  
Gregory A. Allen HOW CLEARLY DOES CONGRESS NEED TO WAIVE SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY? ENVIRONMENTAL IMPLICATIONS OF THE CLEAR STATEMENT RULE 52 Environmental Law 585 (Summer, 2022) The English fiction that the king can do no wrong is clearly wrong, yet according to long-standing Supreme Court precedent, courts must narrowly construe waivers of sovereign immunity in favor of the sovereign. This can shield the government from liability if the statutory text is not crystal-clear, even where congressional intent of waiver is... 2022  
Madison Hinkle, Jesse Richardson HOW ENVIRONMENTAL LITIGATION HAS TURNED PIPELINES INTO PIPE DREAMS 52 Environmental Law Reporter (ELI) 10558 (July, 2022) Proposed oil and gas pipelines have faced a myriad of legal challenges in the past several years. Even where pipeline proponents have prevailed, the cost and delay of protracted litigation has often caused cancellation of pipeline projects. In addition, presidential transitions have led to abrupt reversals of pipeline policies, which courts have... 2022  
Jillian Greene IDAHO PUBLIC LAND ACCESS: AMENDING ROAD LAWS TO ENSURE PUBLIC LAND REMAINS ACCESSIBLE 58 Idaho Law Review 133 (2022) Public land access issues regularly arise across the West because of the unique landscape of federally owned public land, state owned public land, and private property. In Idaho, and other western states, there is a trend of private parties purchasing large landholdings and subsequently closing off roads that have historically been used to access... 2022  
Emma Easley IMPROVING INTERSTATE WATER COMPACTS ONE ADR PROVISION AT A TIME 37 Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution 369 (2022) I. Introduction II. History of Water Scarcity and Disputes A. Global Water Availability B. American Water Availability C. Water Compacts Overview III. Effectiveness and Problems with Interstate Water Compacts A. Water Compact Benefits B. Water Compact Drawbacks IV. The Great Lakes Compact: A Case Study A. Great Lakes Overview B. History of the... 2022  
Leonardo Figueroa Helland INDIGENOUS PATHWAYS BEYOND THE "ANTHROPOCENE": BIOCULTURAL CLIMATE JUSTICE THROUGH DECOLONIZATION AND LAND REMATRIATION 30 New York University Environmental Law Journal 347 (2022) I. The Spiritual Basis of Sacred Indigenous Relations to Land and Mother Earth. 350 II. To Nurture or Destroy Diversity? Indigenous Biocultures vs. Desacralizing Violences. 358 III. A Climate Crisis or a Problem of Colonialism? Defending Mother Earth at a High Cost. 372 IV. The Colonial Traps of Global Environmental Policy. 382 V. The Treacherous... 2022  
Katrina Fischer Kuh INFORMATIONAL REGULATION, THE ENVIRONMENT, AND THE PUBLIC 105 Marquette Law Review 603 (Spring, 2022) Informational Regulation, the Environment, and the Public generates a typology to analyze how public disclosure functions in informational regulation. In the environmental context, informational regulation compels the public disclosure of environmental information without mandating substantive environmental outcomes in the expectation that... 2022  
  INTERNATIONAL LAW AND THE ENVIRONMENT: SUSTAINABILITY, JUSTICE, AND CLIMATE CHANGE AROUND THE WORLD 32 Indiana International & Comparative Law Review 191 (2022) Good morning and welcome to the annual Indiana International and Comparative Law Review Symposium. We are pleased to see so many of you virtually here with us. We hoped this year we would be able to meet in person, but with ongoing COVID-19 concerns, we decided a virtual forum would be the best option for this year. Thank you for joining remotely,... 2022  
Alexander Toke LAND, LEGACY, AND LAW: AMENDING CERCLA TO ACCOUNT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION OF TRIBAL CULTURAL RESOURCES 28 Cardozo Journal of Equal Rights & Social Justice 333 (Winter, 2022) C1-2Table of Contents I. Introduction. 335 II. Background Information. 337 A. Treaties. 337 B. The Relationship Between the Federal Government and the Tribes. 340 C. Natural Resources Damages and CERCLA. 343 III. Challenges Faced by Tribes in Recovering for Injuries to Cultural Resources. 346 A. Tribal Lands are Disproportionately Affected by... 2022  
Maggie Lohmann LAW OF THE LAND: THE CONTINUING LEGACY OF INDIAN LAW'S RACIST ROOTS AND ITS IMPACT ON NATIVE AMERICAN LAND RIGHTS 125 West Virginia Law Review 329 (Fall, 2022) Throughout American history, inhumane treatment of Native nations has been legalized through treaties, court cases, and legislation. Confiscating Native land, treating Native Americans as second-class citizens, and breaking government promises to Native nations has been justified with racist stereotypes about Native Americans. Although some may... 2022  
Alveena Shah LEASING THE RAIN: WATER, PRIVATIZATION, AND HUMAN RIGHTS 26 UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs 89 (Fall/Winter, 2022) The 1990s saw the unprecedented emergence of corporate engagement in national water systems. Before 1990, international funding went exclusively to public entities. By 2001, ninety-three countries had private sector involvement in their water systems. This shift, supported by international business and trade law, created a regulatory framework... 2022  
Genevieve (Jenny) Zook LEGAL RESOURCES: RESEARCHING WISCONSIN WATER LAW 95-MAY Wisconsin Lawyer 45 (May, 2022) For some lawyers, finding resources on specific legal topics might seem as challenging as finding a cool drink in a desert. This article makes the process of researching water law much easier. Because of a megadrought in the western United States, water has become such a scarce commodity that neighbors fight over irrigation ditches, and water cops... 2022  
Laura E. Jarvis LESSONS FROM LAND TO SEA: AN INFORMED APPROACH TO OFFSHORE AQUACULTURE REGULATION 102 Boston University Law Review 1083 (April, 2022) As traditional capture fisheries run into sustainability issues, including those brought on by climate change and overfishing, and the demand for seafood continues to increase, aquaculture operations and policymakers in the United States are looking toward the potentially lucrative frontier that is offshore aquaculture. Aquaculture operations do... 2022  
Wendy Kerner MAKING ENVIRONMENTAL WRONGS ENVIRONMENTAL RIGHTS: A CONSTITUTIONAL APPROACH 41 Stanford Environmental Law Journal 83 (February, 2022) I. Introduction. 84 II. Imagine a Green Amendment: Structural Legal Implications. 87 III. Current Legal Paradigms Allow for Compromised Air Quality. 93 A. Elyria-Swansea, the Most Polluted City in the Country. 94 B. Colorado's Oil and Gas Policies Promote Pollution. 98 IV. There Is Not Pure Water for All. 102 A. Coloradans Suffer from Exposure to... 2022  
Karen Bradshaw , Caitlin Doak MAKING RECREATION ON PUBLIC LANDS MORE ACCESSIBLE 97 Notre Dame Law Review 35 (January, 2022) This Article reflects upon Professor John Copeland Nagle's scholarship on public land with an emphasis on how his work might extend to the issue of accessibility. Professor John Copeland Nagle was a talented yet humble man of deep kindness and religious convictions. In addition to being a fabulous human being, John was a wonderful scholar. John's... 2022  
Karen Bradshaw , Caitlin Doak MAKING RECREATION ON PUBLIC LANDS MORE ACCESSIBLE 97 Notre Dame Law Review Reflection 35 (2022) This Article reflects upon Professor John Copeland Nagle's scholarship on public land with an emphasis on how his work might extend to the issue of accessibility. Professor John Copeland Nagle was a talented yet humble man of deep kindness and religious convictions. In addition to being a fabulous human being, John was a wonderful scholar. John's... 2022  
John W. Head, Emily Otte MORE THAN FRIENDS? U.S.-CANADA COOPERATIVE FRAMEWORKS ON AGRICULTURE AND THE ENVIRONMENT 70 University of Kansas Law Review 447 (March, 2022) Sharing a long and relatively peaceful border, Canada and the United States have built several cooperative frameworks to address issues of environmental protection and agricultural development. Some of these cooperative frameworks show the potential for the two countries to become more than friends in addressing these issues of common concern.... 2022  
Nicholas S. Bryner NEVER LOOK BACK: NON-REGRESSION IN ENVIRONMENTAL LAW 43 University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law 555 (Spring, 2022) Deregulatory advocates often frame environmental protection and economic well-being as a zero-sum tradeoff. During times of economic crisis, including the long-term fallout from the global Covid-19 pandemic, policymakers may seek to withdraw or roll back environmental laws and regulations in an attempt to accelerate economic recovery. In order to... 2022  
Danielle Clifford NINTH CIRCUIT MUDDIES THE WATERS OF TRIBAL SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY AND THE CLEAN WATER ACT IN DESCHUTES RIVER ALLIANCE v. PORTLAND GE 12 Washington Journal of Social & Environmental Justice 45 (May, 2022) Throughout 2011 and 2012, members of the Deschutes River community who fish in the Lower Deschutes River in Oregon noticed a slew of significant changes to their natural environment. The Deschutes River Alliance attributed the changes to the operation of the Pelton Round Butte Hydraulic Project, which is co-owned and operated by Portland General... 2022  
Bina R. Reddy NO ACCOUNTING FOR ACCOUNTABILITY? A COMMENT ON ENVIRONMENTAL CITIZEN SUITS AND THE INEQUITIES OF RACES TO THE TOP 52 Environmental Law Reporter (ELI) 10619 (August, 2022) Citizen suits elicit strong opinions but the discourse around their relative merits and deficits is often woefully lacking in supporting data. In Environmental Citizen Suits and the Inequities of Races to the Top, David E. Adelman and Jori Reilly-Diakun step into this void and provide a cogent empirical analysis of citizen suits aimed at assessing... 2022  
Frederick H. Turner OAK FLAT: A FIGHT FOR SACRED LAND IN THE AMERICAN WEST: LAUREN REDNISS, RANDOM HOUSE, 2020 37-FALL Natural Resources & Environment 60 (Fall, 2022) Early in this vibrant narrative, Lauren Redniss describes driving toward a series of desert mesas known as Oak Flat, near the small mining town of Superior, Arizona, and just east of Phoenix. On the approach, one can see Apache Leap--cliffs that drop like a stone curtain behind the town--and then you burst out of [a] tunnel to face brilliant... 2022  
Jessica E. Jay OPPORTUNITIES FOR REFORM AND REIMAGINING IN CONSERVATION EASEMENT AND LAND USE LAW: A TO-DO LIST FOR SUSTAINABLE, PERPETUAL LAND CONSERVATION 46 Vermont Law Review 387 (Spring, 2022) I. Historic Reforms and Support Achieved Through Adaptive Legal Regimes. 388 II. The To-Do List. 387 A. Immediate, Imminent, Urgent Needs within the Existing Legal Framework. 388 1. Pass the Conservation Integrity Act to Immediately Curtail Abuse of the Conservation Easement Incentive. 391 2. Establish Gatekeeping of the Conservation Easement... 2022  
William B. Davis PERPETUATED IN RIGHTEOUSNESS: PROPOSALS FOR STRENGTHENING HAWAI'I'S "CEDED LAND" PROTECTIONS 45-SPG Environs Environmental Law and Policy Journal 185 (Spring, 2022) I. Introduction. 186 II. Background. 188 A. Pre-Mhele. 189 B. The Great Mhele. 190 1. Crown and Government Lands. 191 C. Overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom. 192 1. Republic of Hawai'i. 194 2. Territory of Hawai'i. 195 3. Lili'uokalani v. United States. 196 D. Admission to the Union. 197 III. Road to the Current Law. 200 A. Halting the Sale of... 2022  
Rachael E. Salcido PLASTIC ACTIVISM AND THE CLEAN WATER ACT 52 Environmental Law 307 (Summer, 2022) Scientists have been sounding the alarm about the health and environmental dangers of plastics. We have been slow to pay attention. Plastic production causes a range of environmental harms. Furthermore, larger plastic items break down over time into smaller and smaller pieces--microplastics. Much of the plastic waste in our environment originates... 2022  
Samantha Hepburn PRIVATE CLIMATE GOVERNANCE IN AUSTRALIA: INDIGENOUS LAND USE AGREEMENTS AND THE MAJORITY DEFAULT RULE 39 Wisconsin International Law Journal 431 (Spring, 2022) The right to control and determine decision-making mechanisms is central to all legal systems including traditional legal systems .. This article examines the majority default rule as a consent mechanism for area Indigenous land use agreements (ILUAs) in Australia. The area ILUA is a well-established long-term land use transaction entered into... 2022  
Katrina M. Wyman , Adalene Minelli PROPERTIZING ENVIRONMENTAL ATTRIBUTES 39 Yale Journal on Regulation 1391 (Summer, 2022) Tangible environmental resources such as land and water have been the object of property rights and traded in markets for millennia. In a development largely unnoticed by legal scholars, technology now allows a new class of environmental resources that are much harder to see and touch to be measured and potentially sold--environmental attributes.... 2022  
Shawn D. Ren PROTECTING OUR AT-RISK COMMUNITIES FROM THE GROUND(WATER) UP: CAFOS, THE CLEAN WATER ACT, AND A FRAMEWORK FOR OFFERING CLARITY TO AN IMPRECISE MAUI TEST 71 Emory Law Journal 563 (2022) For rural communities across the country, the problems associated with concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) are nothing new. These industrial-sized operations emit a tremendous amount of waste, polluting the surrounding air, land, and water. In many regions, minority, indigent, and uneducated groups disproportionately bear the ill-effects... 2022  
Reid Peyton Chambers PROTECTION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF INDIAN RESERVED WATER RIGHTS AS A NECESSARY CONDITION FOR TRIBAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 2022 Wisconsin Law Review 383 (2022) Introduction. 383 I. Legal Framework of Federally Reserved Indian Water Rights. 385 A. Winters Case. 385 B. Repeated Failures of the United States to Implement Winters for the First Five Decades After the Decision. 386 C. Arizona v. California. 389 II. Adjudications Involving Indian Water Rights Subsequent to Arizona v. California. 391 A. Wyoming... 2022  
Akilah M. Browne, A. Mychal Johnson PUBLIC LAND FOR PUBLIC GOOD: A CALL FOR A REPARATIVE APPLICATION OF THE PUBLIC TRUST DOCTRINE IN NEW YORK 30 New York University Environmental Law Journal 303 (2022) Introduction. 304 I. The Racially Discriminatory History of American Property Law. 311 II. New York's Interpretation and Application of the Public Trust Doctrine. 313 III. An Expansive and Reparative Application of the Public Trust Doctrine. 317 Conclusion. 322 2022  
Elaine Y. Lee, Athena G. Rutherford QUICKER BUT LESS DIRTY: THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION BOTH STREAMLINES AND SEEKS TO EXPAND NEPA ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 41-SPG Construction Lawyer 17 (Spring, 2022) Any construction project associated with a federal agency such as the Department of Transportation or Federal Transit Administration must comply with the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). With the surge of new and upcoming infrastructure projects funded by the federal government, contractors pursuing and working on... 2022  
Frances Baillon , Michelle Gibbons RACE-BASED HOSTILE WORK ENVIRONMENT CLAIMS IN FEDERAL AND MINNESOTA COURTS: A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE "SEVERE OR PERVASIVE" STANDARD 48 Mitchell Hamline Law Review 863 (May, 2022) I. Introduction. 864 II. Statutory Measures Addressing Race Harassment. 865 A. State Statute--The Minnesota Human Rights Act. 865 B. Federal Statute--Title VII. 866 III. The History of Race Harassment Claims and the Origins of the Federal Severe or Pervasive Standard. 867 A. Early Federal Decisions Apply an Expansive View of Title VII and... 2022  
Maria Antonia Tigre , Natalia Urzola , Victoria Lichet REFRAMING GLOBAL BIODIVERSITY PROTECTION AFTER COVID-19: IS INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW UP TO THE TASK? 23 Vermont Journal of Environmental Law 124 (Winter, 2022) Introduction. 125 I. Regulation of Wildlife Trade and Deforestation: A Pathway to Reduce Biodiversity Loss?. 126 A. Deforestation and Land-Use Changes as Primary Drivers of Biodiversity Loss. 128 B. Wildlife Trade and Zoonotic Diseases. 130 C. Possible Responses to Biodiversity Loss: Protected Areas and Wildlife Trade International Regulation. 132... 2022  
Rachel Chambers , Jena Martin REIMAGINING CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY: MOVING BEYOND HUMAN RIGHTS DUE DILIGENCE 18 NYU Journal of Law & Business 773 (Summer, 2022) The global movement towards the adoption of human rights due diligence laws is gaining momentum. Starting in France, moving to Germany, and now at the European Union level, lawmakers are heeding the call to mandate that companies conduct human rights due diligence throughout their global operations. The situation in the United States is very... 2022  
Tyler Demetriou REINVIGORATING THE VIRGINIA CONSTITUTION'S ENVIRONMENTAL PROVISION 40 Virginia Environmental Law Journal 66 (2022) Fifty years ago, Virginia enacted a new constitution. The constitution's framers, recognizing that environmental threats would be among the most significant problems facing Virginia in future decades, included Article XI, the state's first comprehensive environmental constitutional provision. Article XI made natural resource conservation a stated... 2022  
Ada C. Montague , Samuel J. Panarella , Peter Yould RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT ON STATE TRUST LANDS 32 Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum 177 (Spring, 2022) The installed capacity of renewable energy projects in the United States is growing at a rapid pace, forcing renewable energy developers to look further afield to find lands suitable for new solar and wind projects. In this search, state trust lands, which have been underutilized to date for renewable energy development, offer an attractive... 2022  
Ben Mayer, Endre Szalay, Elizabeth Crouse, Bart Freedman RENEWABLE ENERGY ON TRIBAL LANDS: NATIVE AMERICAN TRIBES ARE WELL POSITIONED TO PLAY A KEY ROLE IN THE CLEAN ENERGY TRANSITION 69-APR Federal Lawyer 42 (March/April, 2022) Demand for renewable energy projects is at an all-time high and trending up. As part of this acceleration, there has been a push for renewable energy projects with positive social impacts and benefits for traditionally marginalized communities. Indeed, some of the most significant consumers and supporters of renewable and carbon-free power have... 2022  
Craig Anthony (Tony) Arnold , Resilience Justice Project Researchers RESILIENCE JUSTICE AND URBAN WATER PLANNING 52 Seton Hall Law Review 1399 (2022) I. Introduction. 1400 II. Urban Water Planning And Institutions. 1405 A. Urban Water Planning. 1405 B. Local Water Institutions. 1408 C. State Water Institutions. 1409 D. Federal Water Institutions. 1414 III. Resilience Justice. 1417 IV. Case Studies: Fresno and Sacramento. 1423 A. Overview. 1423 B. Fresno Case Study. 1425 C. Sacramento Case Study.... 2022  
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