D. Kapua'ala Sproat WAI THROUGH KNWAI: WATER FOR HAWAI'I'S STREAMS AND JUSTICE FOR HAWAIIAN COMMUNITIES 95 Marquette Law Review 127 (Fall 2011) Kaulana N Wai Eh: Famous are the Four Great Waters of Waihee River, and Waiehu, ao, and Waikap Streams in the heart of Central Maui. Since time immemorial, Knaka Maoli (Native Hawaiians) revered the abundance of fresh water in Hawaii's rivers and streams, including N Wai Eh, as a physical embodiment of Kneikawaiola, a gift from the... 2011
Armen H. Merjian WASHINGTON PARK LEAD COMMITTEE, INC. V. UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY: HELEN PERSON AND THE LANDMARK STRUGGLE AGAINST ENVIRONMENTAL INJUSTICE 30 Chicana/o-Latina/o Law Review 65 (2011) When it comes to enforcing the rights of poor people and people of color in the United States, government officials often look the other way. Too often they must be prodded to enforce environmental and civil rights laws and regulations without regard to race, color, national origin, and socioeconomic background. Laws, regulations, and executive... 2011
Hong Lan , Michael A. Livermore , Craig A. Wenner WATER POLLUTION AND REGULATORY COOPERATION IN CHINA 44 Cornell International Law Journal 349 (Spring 2011) 350 Introduction. 350 I. Subnational Autonomy and the Post-Reform Economic Expansion. 354 A. Decentralization. 354 B. The Market-Preserving Federalism Hypothesis. 356 C. The Bureaucratic Incentive Hypothesis. 357 II. Center-Local Dynamics in the Chinese Water Pollution Context. 359 A. Decentralization of Water Pollution Authority. 359... 2011
Rebecca H. Hiers WATER: A HUMAN RIGHT OR A HUMAN RESPONSIBILITY? 47 Willamette Law Review 467 (Spring 2011) In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly declared that access to clean water and sanitation is a basic human right. This declaration, though, does not expressly address the issue of ecosystem protection. So, should the Human Right to Water include protection of water quality, essential ecosystem functions, and biodiversity? An... 2011
Joseph Norris WATER: BEYOND DAMS AND DIVERSIONS 14 University of Denver Water Law Review 428 (Spring, 2011) [A Panel Session Sponsored by the University of Denver Water Law Review] As moderator for the panel discussion, Peter Pollock of the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy posed the question of how we get beyond the current solutions to water management and land use in the West when there is such a poor link between the two. Water conservation, new... 2011
Neil H. Buchanan WHAT KIND OF ENVIRONMENT DO WE OWE FUTURE GENERATIONS? 15 Lewis & Clark Law Review 339 (Summer 2011) Despite widely held beliefs that current generations bear heavy obligations to look out for the welfare of future generations, the philosophical case in support of such intergenerational obligations is surprisingly tentative. Moreover, quantifying any such obligations is subject to even greater uncertainty. Even so, current generations bring future... 2011
Robert J. Tepper , Craig G. White WORKPLACE HARASSMENT IN THE ACADEMIC ENVIRONMENT 56 Saint Louis University Law Journal 81 (Fall 2011) Over the last decade, claims of workplace harassment have received greater attention. Sometimes called workplace bullying, such harassment is commonly defined as behavior by a perpetrator that may involve repeated verbal abuse, offensive conduct that may threaten, humiliate, or intimidate a target, or efforts to sabotage a target's performance.... 2011
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