AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearKey Terms in Title or Summary
Richard J. Lazarus , Libby Dimenstein STEWART'S PARADOXES OF LIBERTY, INTEGRITY, AND FRATERNITY: SOBERING LESSONS FROM COVID-19 FOR ENVIRONMENTAL LAW 29 New York University Environmental Law Journal 543 (2021) Introduction. 543 I. Economic Collapse Is Disastrous for Environmental Protection. 547 II. Strong, Aggressive National Leadership Is Necessary for Environmental Protection. 553 III. Environmental Justice Is Necessary for Environmental Protection. 561 Conclusion. 566 2021 Yes
Emily Bergeron THE ENVIRONMENT IN THE NEXT FOUR YEARS 46 Human Rights 22 (2021) In the next four years, we must not only bring back eliminated rules, but enact better laws; create a more concrete climate response; enact more specific environmental justice legislation; and consider the broader implications of environmental law on indigenous populations. In 1995, after a 70-year absence, biologists reintroduced wolves into... 2021 Yes
Christina Giordanella THE RECENT FEDERAL WITHDRAWAL OF LIMITATIONS ON SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECTS AND IMPORTANCE TO ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE INITIATIVES 27 Cardozo Journal of Equal Rights & Social Justice 323 (Spring, 2021) C1-2Table of Contents I. Introduction. 324 II. Background. 326 A. Supplemental Environmental Projects. 326 1. Case Studies. 328 B. Environmental Justice. 332 III. Arguments Against the Use of SEPs. 336 A. 2018 Memo. 336 B. The 2019 Memo's Limitation on SEPs. 338 IV. Legal Support for the Department of Justice and the Environmental Protection... 2021 Yes
Lindsay Heck WHEN ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM, A PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS, AND AN EDUCATIONAL EMERGENCY COLLIDE 46 Human Rights 18 (2021) Flint, Michigan, is ground zero for the four major crises that have afflicted the nation over the past year. In Flint, a catastrophic public health crisis collided with an economic downturn, systemic racism, and a burgeoning environmental crisis years before the COVID-19 pandemic unleashed, or exacerbated, such forces on a nationwide scale. In... 2021 Yes
Lia Cattaneo WRINKLING CITIZEN SUITS: CALIFORNIA v. EPA (9TH CIR. 2020) AND CLEAN AIR ACT UNDERENFORCEMENT 45 Harvard Environmental Law Review 503 (2021) C1-2Table of Contents Introduction I. The Clean Air Act's Citizen Suit Provision. 505 II. California v. EPA. 509 A. Regulation of Landfill Emissions. 509 B. The Citizen Suit in District Court. 511 C. Ninth Circuit's Rule 60(b) Holding. 512 III. The Consequence of Limiting Equitable Discretion. 513 A. The Real-World and Environmental Justice Impacts... 2021 Yes
Jeff Todd A "SENSE OF EQUITY" IN ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE LITIGATION 44 Harvard Environmental Law Review 169 (2020) C1-2TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction. 169 I. The Story of Environmental Justice Litigation. 176 A. Distributive Injustice: The Roots of Environmental Justice. 178 B. Corrective Injustice: The Challenges of Environmental Justice Litigation. 181 C. Procedural Injustice--or Merely a Hurdle?: The Motion to Dismiss. 185 1. Justiciability Doctrines:... 2020 Yes
Jeff Todd A FIGHTING STANCE IN ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE LITIGATION 50 Environmental Law 557 (Summer, 2020) The poor, persons of color, and indigenous peoples often turn to the courts to correct the injustice of companies and governments causing environmental harms in their communities. Existing interpretations of tort, statutory, and constitutional law do not adequately fit the situations faced by environmental justice plaintiffs, however, so defendants... 2020 Yes
Charles Lee A GAME CHANGER IN THE MAKING? LESSONS FROM STATES ADVANCING ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE THROUGH MAPPING AND CUMULATIVE IMPACT STRATEGIES 50 Environmental Law Reporter (ELI) 10203 (March, 2020) This Article focuses on lessons learned from state practice in environmental justice (EJ) mapping and screening, and their relationship to the central issue of cumulative impacts--the reality that EJ communities typically suffer from a concentration of pollution sources and negative land uses as well as health and social vulnerabilities. These... 2020 Yes
Kayla Race A PERFECT STORM: ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AND AIR QUALITY IMPACTS OF OFFSHORE OIL AND GAS DEVELOPMENT IN THE ARCTIC OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF 38 UCLA Journal of Environmental Law & Policy 105 (2020) The Arctic Outer Continental Shelf is the next great legal battleground over oil and gas resources, environmental protection, and environmental justice. The Arctic is home to an array of sensitive ecological resources and a large Native Alaskan population that relies heavily on the natural environment for food and supplies. The Arctic Ocean also... 2020 Yes
Jayesh Patel , Steph Tai A SCAFFOLDING APPROACH TO ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 97 University of Detroit Mercy Law Review 471 (Spring, 2020) 471 Introduction. 472 I. The Scaffolding Approach in Community-Based Organizing. 473 A. Creation of Opportunities for Storytelling and Engagement in the Political Process. 475 B. Focus on Visible Rallying and Polarizing Points For Movements. 476 C. Use of Structures and Deadlines for Galvanizing Nascent Campaigns Post-Litigation. 477 II.... 2020 Yes
Russell Armstrong A SILVER BULLET: COULD DATA LINKING URBAN HEAT ISLANDS TO HOUSING DISCRIMINation CURTAIL ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM? 20 Sustainable Development Law & Policy 22 (Spring, 2020) [A]ll things share the same breath--the beast, the tree, the man . the air shares its spirit with all the life it supports. Google Chief Seattle and you will likely find that quote. We now know it is a work of fiction after several misinterpretations and fabrications of Dr. Henry Smith's original translation. We also know now that all people,... 2020 Yes
Wyatt G. Sassman CRITICAL QUESTIONS IN ENVIRONMENTAL LAW 97 University of Detroit Mercy Law Review 487 (Spring, 2020) I. Introduction. 487 II. Critical Questions in Environmental Law. 491 A. Shaky Foundations. 491 B. Environmental Justice. 493 C. Climate Change. 497 III. Critical Movements and Law's Role. 501 A. CLS's Influences. 501 B. Law and Reform After CLS. 503 IV. Lessons for Environmental Law. 505 V. Conclusion. 507 2020 Yes
Barry Yeoman ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AND THE DISPARATE IMPACT OF NORTH CAROLINA INDUSTRIAL-SCALE HOG FARMING ON MINORITY COMMUNITIES (ADAPTED TRANSCRIPTION) 14 University of St. Thomas Journal of Law & Public Policy 82 (December, 2020) Charles Reid reached out to me after I wrote a series of articles about the impact of industrial-scale hog farming in North Carolina. He felt it was important to look at rural environmental-justice struggles, partly as a reminder that poverty is not simply an urban issue. To appreciate what is happening right now in rural Eastern North Carolina, I... 2020 Yes
Charles Isaacs ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE IN LITTLE VILLAGE: A CASE FOR REFORMING CHICAGO'S ZONING LAW 15 Northwestern Journal of Law & Social Policy 357 (Spring, 2020) Chicago's Little Village community bears the heavy burden of environmental injustice and racism. The residents are mostly immigrants and people of color who live with low levels of income, limited access to healthcare, and disproportionate levels of dangerous air pollution. Before its retirement, Little Village's Crawford coal-burning power plant... 2020 Yes
Eli Woods ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM IN THE AGE OF COVID-19 26 Public Interest Law Reporter 94 (Fall, 2020) As the COVID-19 pandemic has swept the world leaving millions infected, hundreds of thousands dead, and most economies in tatters, a question that has gone largely unanswered is whether toxic air pollution has been a culprit in helping spread the virus. What effects, if any, have high levels of toxic air pollution in communities of color had on the... 2020 Yes
Elena D. Gartner FROM CIVIL RIGHTS TO HUMAN RIGHTS: THE PANDEMIC'S AFTERMATH REQUIRES ENVIRONMENTAL AND REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE MECHANISMS TO REINFORCE GLOBAL PUBLIC HEALTH 24 Human Rights Brief 42 (Summer, 2020) C1-2Table of Contents Introduction. 43 I. There Are Shared Strategic Interests Between Environmental and Reproductive Justice Movements.. 44 II. The Reproductive and Environmental Justice Movements Breathe Life into International Environmental Legal Efforts.. 46 III. Tackling Global Health, Environmental, and Reproductive Injustice Is Possible... 2020 Yes
Diana Stanley HATCHING A PLAN FOR LOCAL COMMUNITIES: ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE IN POULTRY SITING DECISIONS 10 Washington Journal of Environmental Law & Policy 32 (June, 2020) One of the implementation problems for environmental justice is reconciling the need to protect public health with the economic realities of struggling communities. This article explores that tension through the lens of siting decisions for large scale poultry operations in rural communities. Poultry siting decisions have major economic and... 2020 Yes
Lauren E. Bartlett HUMAN RIGHTS GUIDANCE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE ATTORNEYS 97 University of Detroit Mercy Law Review 373 (Spring, 2020) I. Introduction. 374 II. Historical Context. 378 i. Environmental Justice Movement. 379 ii. Movement for Environmental Human Rights. 386 III. Environmental Human Rights Law: An Overview. 392 i. Treaties. 394 ii. Customary International Law. 397 iii. Constitutions and Statutes. 399 iv. Case Law. 404 1. Inter-American Human Rights System. 405 2.... 2020 Yes
Joshua Ozymy , Melissa L. Jarrell OF SEX CRIMES AND FENCELINES: HOW RECOGNITION OF ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE COMMUNITIES AS CRIME VICTIMS UNDER STATE AND FEDERAL LAW CAN HELP SECURE ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 38 Pace Environmental Law Review 109 (Fall, 2020) Environmental justice communities throughout the United States continue to face disproportionate health burdens from living near industrial sources of pollution. Such burdens were caused by historically racist public policies and continue to be perpetuated by inadequate regulatory responses at the federal and state level. State and federal law has... 2020 Yes
Michael Chachura OLD PIPES IN BRICK CITY: EQUAL PROTECTIONS & THE NEWARK WATER CRISIS 22 Rutgers Race & the Law Review 123 (2020) This note addresses the current water crisis in Newark, New Jersey and the unique ways in which the crisis can be solved. Residents of Newark have been harmed by the crisis and can employ environmental justice and constitutional principles to seek relief. These environmental justice principles could also be applied to other cities when this... 2020 Yes
Sacred B. Huff OVERCOMING ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM: A LESSON FROM THE VOTING RIGHTS ACT OF 1965 11 George Washington Journal of Energy & Environmental Law 22 (Summer, 2020) By March 2016, the Flint, Michigan Water Crisis dominated national news. Headlines describing how the city's drinking water had become lead-contaminated after local officials switched the city's water source to save money sparked a new round of conversation about the regulation of pollution. Yet, environmental justice advocates maintain that... 2020 Yes
Leora Friedman RECOMMENDING JUDICIAL RECONSTRUCTION OF TITLE VI TO CURB ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM: A RECKLESSNESS-BASED THEORY OF DISCRIMINATORY INTENT 32 Georgetown Environmental Law Review 421 (Winter, 2020) Environmental racism involves the federal government's sponsorship or licensing of private entities that discharge environmental hazards (such as air pollution flowing from nuclear power plants) in communities largely comprised of minority races or ethnicities. It also includes federal funding of state agencies involved with these private projects.... 2020 Yes
D. Lee Miller , Ryke Longest RECONCILING ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE WITH CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION: A CASE STUDY OF NC SWINE CAFOS 21 Vermont Journal of Environmental Law 523 (Spring, 2020) Introduction: the Big Pig Problem. 523 Chapter I: Rise of the Resistance. 526 Chapter II: New Actors Change Strategic Landscape. 532 Title VI Complaint. 532 Nuisance Suits. 533 Corporate Sustainability. 536 Chapter III: Reconciling Climate Change Mitigation with Environmental Justice. 539 Conclusion. 542 2020 Yes
Clifford J. Villa REMAKING ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 66 Loyola Law Review 469 (Summer, 2020) From movements for civil rights in the 1960s and environmental protection in the 1970s, the environmental justice movement emerged in the 1980s and 1990s to highlight the disparate impacts of pollution, principally upon people of color and low-income communities. Over time, the scope of environmental justice expanded to address concerns for other... 2020 Yes
Rebecca Bratspies RENEWABLE RIKERS: A PLAN FOR RESTORATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 66 Loyola Law Review 371 (Summer, 2020) These bills could represent the dawn of a new era for millions of New Yorkers and also a blueprint on how a green and sustainable city could operate in the twenty-first century, This paper makes the case that the City of New York should use the closure of its Rikers Island jail as a moment for restorative environmental justice. The very name... 2020 Yes
Hannah Lustman SICK UNCERTAINTY: HOW EXECUTIVE THREATS TO EPA PROGRAMS FOR THE U.S.-MEXICO BORDER THREATEN ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 10 Arizona Journal of Environmental Law & Policy 465 (Summer, 2020) The U.S.-Mexico Border is in the midst of a decades-long environmental health crisis. Unsafe and discriminatory land use practices, pollution, and lacking infrastructure are among the problems causing Border residents to become sick. They suffer from third world health afflictions in the Southwest corner of the first world. Because residents of... 2020 Yes
Nicholas J. Schroeck THE FLINT WATER CRISIS, DRINKING WATER REGULATIONS AND GAPS IN LEAD, COPPER, AND LEGIONELLA PROTECTIONS 97 University of Detroit Mercy Law Review 509 (Spring, 2020) The Flint Water Crisis was an entirely preventable environmental and public health disaster. The City of Flint is majority African American and nearly half the population lives below the federal poverty line. Because of these demographics, Flint is considered an environmental justice community. Environmental justice communities are characterized as... 2020 Yes
Brie Sherwin AFTER THE STORM: THE IMPORTANCE OF ACKNOWLEDGING ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE IN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND DISASTER PREPAREDNESS 29 Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum 273 (Spring, 2019) The past decade has brought on some of the worst cases of flooding due to natural disasters and the resulting leaching of some of the most hazardous environmental contaminants back into nearby, often low-income, communities. Natural disasters are not great equalizers when it comes to recovery. Lower-income individuals are more likely to live in... 2019 Yes
Alexis Zendejas DESERVING A PLACE AT THE TABLE: EFFECTING CHANGE IN SUBSTANTIVE ENVIRONMENTAL PROCEDURES IN Indian COUNTRY 9 Arizona Journal of Environmental Law & Policy 90 (Spring, 2019) This note explores how tribal-federal relations have impacted environmental justice efforts in domestic pipeline construction in and around Indian Country. The impact these poor relations have had on indigenous peoples has the potential to adversely affect indigenous people and their reservation and ancestral lands. This note discusses how the... 2019 Yes
Judge Bernice B. Donald , Emily P. Linehan DIGNITY RIGHTS AND THE ENVIRONMENT: AFFIRMING HUMAN DIGNITY THROUGH ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 25 Widener Law Review 153 (2019) What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another. --Chris Maser, Forest Primeval: The Natural History of an Ancient Forest Throughout history, we have been spurred to action after tragic events we did not foresee or did not act quickly enough to prevent. As we have... 2019 Yes
Bethany Sullivan ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE IN Indian COUNTRY 55-APR Arizona Attorney 22 (April, 2019) The term environmental justice is evocative but elusive, subject to a broad array of interpretations and rallying cries. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency defines environmental justice as the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income, with respect to the development,... 2019 Yes
Maia Dombey ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM: HOW GOVERNMENTS ARE SYSTEMATICALLY POISONING IndigenOUS COMMUNITIES & THE U.N.'S ROLE 27 University of Miami International and Comparative Law Review 131 (Fall, 2019) This note examines the practice of toxic waste dumping on indigenous lands and how it fits within the broader concept of environmental racism. It further evaluates the international human rights framework and how the United Nations and other international bodies interact with this concept and provide means for protection against this illicit... 2019 Yes
Machara Mccall, Esquire ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM: THE U.S. EPA'S INEFFECTIVE ENFORCEMENT OF TITLE VI OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 13 Southern Journal of Policy and Justice 49 (Fall, 2019) African-Americans have often been regarded as being less--less protected, less educated, and lesser than their counterparts. Through this ideology emerged practices and policies of disenfranchisement and disparity. Environmental racism is a conspicuous part of the American sociopolitical system and, as a result, black people in particular, and... 2019 Yes
Julia Mizutani IN THE BACKYARD OF SEGREGATED NEIGHBORHOODS: AN ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE CASE STUDY OF LOUISIANA 31 Georgetown Environmental Law Review 363 (Winter, 2019) America's history of Jim Crow segregation, redlining, and exclusionary zoning in combination with its present-day zoning laws and siting processes have created toxic communities in predominately black and poor neighborhoods. Existing policies and laws that are meant to remedy such disparities all have flaws which render them too weak to repair the... 2019 Yes
Nadia B. Ahmad MASK OFF --THE COLONIALITY OF ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 25 Widener Law Review 195 (2019) Justice is the foremost virtue of the civilizing races. It subdues the barbarous nations, while injustice arouses the weakest. --José Rizal His writings sparked the Philippine Revolution. Officials in the Spanish colonial government would execute him for the crime of rebellion. Even though he did not partake in the planning of the revolution, he... 2019 Yes
Marianne Engelman Lado NO MORE EXCUSES: BUILDING A NEW VISION OF CIVIL RIGHTS ENFORCEMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 22 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Law and Social Change 281 (2019) INTRODUCTION. 282 I. RACIAL INEQUALITY IN EXPOSURE TO HEALTH HAZARDS. 286 II. THE APPLICABILITY OF CIVIL RIGHTS LAW TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE CONTEXT. 288 A. Enforcement of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 288 B. Why Environmental Laws Are Inadequate to Address Racial Disparities. 291 III. A GAPING HOLE: EPA'S POOR RECORD OF CIVIL... 2019 Yes
Candice Youngblood PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE THEIR MOUTH IS: ACTUALIZING ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE BY AMPLIFYING COMMUNITY VOICES 46 Ecology Law Quarterly 455 (2019) This Note seeks to paint a picture of what working toward environmental justice should look like. Focusing on the demands that environmental justice communities voiced through the Principles of Environmental Justice, it posits that three key components are necessary to comprehensively achieve environmental justice: distributive justice,... 2019 Yes
Charles E. Murphy REMIXING RIVERSIDE: ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM AND HIP HOP AS A MIRROR OF SOCIETY 42 North Carolina Central Law Review 97 (2019) Hurricane Katrina struck the coasts of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama in the early hours of August 29, 2005. Many New Orleans residents could not afford to evacuate the city, so they remained in their homes or sought shelter in the Superdome football stadium and New Orleans Convention Center. By 11:00 a.m., Hurricane Katrina's strongest winds... 2019 Yes
Uma Outka , Elizabeth Kronk Warner REVERSING COURSE ON ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE UNDER THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION 54 Wake Forest Law Review 393 (Spring, 2019) This Article traces how policy reversals in the first years of the Trump Administration implicate protections for diverse, low-income communities in the context of environmental pollution and climate change. The environmental justice movement has drawn critical attention to the persistent inequality in exposure to environmental harms, tracking... 2019 Yes
Rachel Calvert REVIVING THE ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE POTENTIAL OF TITLE VI THROUGH HEIGHTENED JUDICIAL REVIEW 90 University of Colorado Law Review 867 (Summer, 2019) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act has unrealized potential to correct the racialized distribution of environmental hazards. The disparate impact regulations implementing this sweeping statute target the institutional discrimination that characterizes environmental injustice. Agency decisions routinely deny claims that federal funds are contributing... 2019 Yes
Oliver A. Houck SHINTECH: ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AT GROUND ZERO 31 Georgetown Environmental Law Review 455 (Spring, 2019) This is a history of environmental justice in the American South, and more particularly Louisiana, where low-income communities of color are surrounded by some of the largest petro-chemical complexes in the world. It rises from a proposal to site yet another giant facility, Shintech, within a population already exposed to nation-leading volumes of... 2019 Yes
Joshua C. Gellers, Trevor J. Cheatham SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE: REALIZATION THROUGH DISAGGREGATION? 36 Wisconsin International Law Journal 276 (Spring, 2019) Introduction. 276 I. Defining Environmental Justice. 278 Figure 1: Relationship Between Elements of EJ and Cognate Forms of Justice. 287 II. Linking the SDGs to Environmental Justice. 287 Figure 2: Distribution of Environmental Justice Components Among the SDGs. 291 III. Data and Methods. 292 IV. Empirical Analysis of Voluntary National Reviews.... 2019 Yes
Alexandra McGee, Shalini Swaroop THE POWER OF POWER: DEMOCRATIZING CALIFORNIA'S ENERGY ECONOMY TO ALIGN WITH ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE PRINCIPLES THROUGH COMMUNITY CHOICE AGGREGATION 46 Ecology Law Quarterly 985 (2019) Community choice aggregation energy programs have proliferated throughout California as a tool for public municipalities to aggregate their communities' electricity demand and procure electricity for themselves. Through their community choice aggregation programs, communities have reduced their electricity-related greenhouse gas emissions in order... 2019 Yes
Brie D. Sherwin THE UPSIDE DOWN: A NEW REALITY FOR SCIENCE AT THE EPA AND ITS IMPACT ON ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 27 New York University Environmental Law Journal 57 (2019) Because of changes to EPA that began under the leadership of former Administrator Pruitt, many career scientists are arguing that science is increasingly under attack. These changes have resulted in increased secrecy within the agency, the systematic removal of academic scientists from key advisory roles, and a 60 percent reduction in enforcement.... 2019 Yes
Barry E. Hill TIME FOR A NEW AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT FOR U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL LAW AND POLICY: WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? 49 Environmental Law Reporter News & Analysis 10362 (April, 2019) The issue of environmental injustice has again come into sharp focus in the wake of the predominantly African-American community in Flint, Michigan, being exposed to lead-contaminated drinking water. To secure environmental justice for all individuals and communities, living in a clean, safe, and healthy environment in America should be considered... 2019 Yes
Jonathan Zasloff W(H)ITHER ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE? 66 UCLA Law Review Discourse 178 (2019) This Article considers Gitanjali Nain Gill's recent book Environmental Justice in India, the first comprehensive look at India's National Green Tribunal. India's environmental crisis--major international surveys highlight its severe environmental degradation--is of interest to the global public, for no progress on climate change can be made without... 2019 Yes
Matthew J. Rowe , Judson Byrd Finley , Elizabeth Baldwin ACCOUNTABILITY OR MERELY "GOOD WORDS"? AN ANALYSIS OF TribAL CONSULTATION UNDER THE NationAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT AND THE NationAL HISTORIC PRESERVATION ACT 8 Arizona Journal of Environmental Law & Policy 1 (Spring, 2018) The Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) brought issues of environmental justice, energy development, and Native American sovereignty to worldwide attention. Central to this dispute was the definition of meaningful consultation within the context of the National Environmental Policy Act (1969) and the National Historic Preservation Act (1966). Many... 2018 Yes
Maryam Hatcher , Ben Wilson ACHIEVING THE "JUSTICE" IN ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE: WHY DIVERSITY IN ENVIRONMENTAL LAW IS VITAL 23-APR NBA National Bar Association Magazine 16 (April, 2018) Environmental Law impacts other people is a refrain we have heard throughout the years from law students and young attorneys of color questioning the value of pursuing a career in Environmental Law. The idea that environmental issues are unimportant to the Black community or other communities of color has been touted as one of the reasons why... 2018 Yes
Erin E. Mette ENVIRONMENTAL INJUSTICE IN MICHIGAN AIR PERMITTING 63 Wayne Law Review 385 (Winter, 2018) I. Introduction. 385 II. Background. 387 A. Sources of Air Pollution in Southeast Michigan. 388 B. Health and Environmental Concerns for Residents. 390 C Environmental Racism and Injustice. 392 D. Current Structure of Air Pollution Regulations in Michigan. 394 1. Federal Regulations. 395 2. State and Local Regulations. 395 III. Analysis. 397 A.... 2018 Yes
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