AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearKey Terms in Title or Summary
Rachel Calvert REVIVING THE ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE POTENTIAL OF TITLE VI THROUGH HEIGHTENED JUDICIAL REVIEW 90 University of Colorado Law Review 867 (Summer, 2019) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act has unrealized potential to correct the racialized distribution of environmental hazards. The disparate impact regulations implementing this sweeping statute target the institutional discrimination that characterizes environmental injustice. Agency decisions routinely deny claims that federal funds are contributing... 2019 Yes
Oliver A. Houck SHINTECH: ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AT GROUND ZERO 31 Georgetown Environmental Law Review 455 (Spring, 2019) This is a history of environmental justice in the American South, and more particularly Louisiana, where low-income communities of color are surrounded by some of the largest petro-chemical complexes in the world. It rises from a proposal to site yet another giant facility, Shintech, within a population already exposed to nation-leading volumes of... 2019 Yes
Joshua C. Gellers, Trevor J. Cheatham SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE: REALIZATION THROUGH DISAGGREGATION? 36 Wisconsin International Law Journal 276 (Spring, 2019) Introduction. 276 I. Defining Environmental Justice. 278 Figure 1: Relationship Between Elements of EJ and Cognate Forms of Justice. 287 II. Linking the SDGs to Environmental Justice. 287 Figure 2: Distribution of Environmental Justice Components Among the SDGs. 291 III. Data and Methods. 292 IV. Empirical Analysis of Voluntary National Reviews.... 2019 Yes
Alexandra McGee, Shalini Swaroop THE POWER OF POWER: DEMOCRATIZING CALIFORNIA'S ENERGY ECONOMY TO ALIGN WITH ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE PRINCIPLES THROUGH COMMUNITY CHOICE AGGREGATION 46 Ecology Law Quarterly 985 (2019) Community choice aggregation energy programs have proliferated throughout California as a tool for public municipalities to aggregate their communities' electricity demand and procure electricity for themselves. Through their community choice aggregation programs, communities have reduced their electricity-related greenhouse gas emissions in order... 2019 Yes
Brie D. Sherwin THE UPSIDE DOWN: A NEW REALITY FOR SCIENCE AT THE EPA AND ITS IMPACT ON ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 27 New York University Environmental Law Journal 57 (2019) Because of changes to EPA that began under the leadership of former Administrator Pruitt, many career scientists are arguing that science is increasingly under attack. These changes have resulted in increased secrecy within the agency, the systematic removal of academic scientists from key advisory roles, and a 60 percent reduction in enforcement.... 2019 Yes
Barry E. Hill TIME FOR A NEW AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT FOR U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL LAW AND POLICY: WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? 49 Environmental Law Reporter News & Analysis 10362 (April, 2019) The issue of environmental injustice has again come into sharp focus in the wake of the predominantly African-American community in Flint, Michigan, being exposed to lead-contaminated drinking water. To secure environmental justice for all individuals and communities, living in a clean, safe, and healthy environment in America should be considered... 2019 Yes
Jonathan Zasloff W(H)ITHER ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE? 66 UCLA Law Review Discourse 178 (2019) This Article considers Gitanjali Nain Gill's recent book Environmental Justice in India, the first comprehensive look at India's National Green Tribunal. India's environmental crisis--major international surveys highlight its severe environmental degradation--is of interest to the global public, for no progress on climate change can be made without... 2019 Yes
Matthew J. Rowe , Judson Byrd Finley , Elizabeth Baldwin ACCOUNTABILITY OR MERELY "GOOD WORDS"? AN ANALYSIS OF TribAL CONSULTATION UNDER THE NationAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT AND THE NationAL HISTORIC PRESERVATION ACT 8 Arizona Journal of Environmental Law & Policy 1 (Spring, 2018) The Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) brought issues of environmental justice, energy development, and Native American sovereignty to worldwide attention. Central to this dispute was the definition of meaningful consultation within the context of the National Environmental Policy Act (1969) and the National Historic Preservation Act (1966). Many... 2018 Yes
Maryam Hatcher , Ben Wilson ACHIEVING THE "JUSTICE" IN ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE: WHY DIVERSITY IN ENVIRONMENTAL LAW IS VITAL 23-APR NBA National Bar Association Magazine 16 (April, 2018) Environmental Law impacts other people is a refrain we have heard throughout the years from law students and young attorneys of color questioning the value of pursuing a career in Environmental Law. The idea that environmental issues are unimportant to the Black community or other communities of color has been touted as one of the reasons why... 2018 Yes
Erin E. Mette ENVIRONMENTAL INJUSTICE IN MICHIGAN AIR PERMITTING 63 Wayne Law Review 385 (Winter, 2018) I. Introduction. 385 II. Background. 387 A. Sources of Air Pollution in Southeast Michigan. 388 B. Health and Environmental Concerns for Residents. 390 C Environmental Racism and Injustice. 392 D. Current Structure of Air Pollution Regulations in Michigan. 394 1. Federal Regulations. 395 2. State and Local Regulations. 395 III. Analysis. 397 A.... 2018 Yes
Jeremy Orr ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE ACT OF 2017: A FIGHTING CHANCE FOR FRONTLINE COMMUNITIES 24 Hastings Environmental Law Journal 303 (Summer, 2018) Since the release of the United Church of Christ's landmark Toxic Wastes and Race in the United States report in 1987 and the 1992 release of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Reducing Risk for All Communities report, our Federal Government has been well aware that the health of communities of color and the poor are... 2018 Yes
Mary Kathryn Nagle ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AND TribAL SOVEREIGNTY: LESSONS FROM STANDING ROCK 127 Yale Law Journal Forum 667 (January 20, 2018) The environmental movement in the 1970s secured many landmark victories, including the passage of important legislation and the establishment of the EPA. However, these activists, while identifying critical environmental problems, failed fully to consider their cause. In particular, the environmental movement ignored the longstanding... 2018 Yes
Tamar Meshel ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE IN THE UNITED STATES: THE HUMAN RIGHT TO WATER 8 Washington Journal of Environmental Law & Policy 264 (July, 2018) Many low-income communities, communities of color, and indigenous communities in the United States are suffering from unequal access to safe and affordable water. This is partially the result of an ineffective and fragmented legal framework governing water issues in the country. In addition, the notion of a human right to water and sanitation,... 2018 Yes
Eric Jantz ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM WITH A FAINT GREEN GLOW 58 Natural Resources Journal 247 (Summer, 2018) For the last thirty years, environmental justice, that is, the equitable distribution of environmental pollution among all members of society, has informed environmental decision-making at every level of government. While most Federal agencies responsible for environmental regulation have taken meaningful steps to address the disparate impacts of... 2018 Yes
Sumudu Atapattu EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRIES AND INEQUALITY: INTERSECTIONS OF ENVIRONMENTAL LAW, HUMAN RIGHTS, AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 50 Arizona State Law Journal 431 (Summer, 2018) From Shell Oil in Ogoniland, Nigeria to Chevron in Ecuador, and from Bhopal, India to Freeport-McMoRan in Indonesia, the world is replete with examples of corporate excesses and impunity. Time and time again we hear of gross human rights violations and severe environmental degradation associated with multinational corporations operating in... 2018 Yes
Stephanie H. Jones GREATER THAN THE SUM OF ITS PARTS: THE INTEGRATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE ADVOCACY AND ECONOMIC POLICY ANALYSIS 26 New York University Environmental Law Journal 402 (2018) Introduction. 403 I. Development of the Role of Cost-Benefit Analysis in Environmental Policymaking. 405 A. Overview of Cost-Benefit Analysis Methodology. 405 B. Development of the Role of Cost-Benefit Analysis in U.S. Regulatory Policymaking. 408 C. Development of Cost-Benefit Analysis with Respect to Environmental Policy Specifically. 410 II. The... 2018 Yes
Brigham Daniels , Michalyn Steele , Lisa Grow Sun JUST ENVIRONMENTALISM 37 Yale Law and Policy Review 1 (Fall, 2018) Thirty years ago, the environmental justice movement emerged as a powerful critique of traditional environmentalism, which had largely ignored the distribution of environmental harms and the ways in which those harms were concentrated on the poor and communities of color. This Article calls for a similarly groundbreaking reimagination of both... 2018 Yes
Logan Judy LIBERTY AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE FOR ALL? AN EMPIRICAL APPROACH TO ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM 53 Wake Forest Law Review 739 (Fall, 2018) The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was created to serve the public interest by shielding the environment from the byproducts of industrialization and development. The EPA exercises some discretion in its enforcement decisions, and this Study examines whether racial minority populations are disproportionately impacted by environmental... 2018 Yes
Emily Bergeron LOCAL JUSTICE: HOW CITIES CAN PROTECT AND PROMOTE ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE IN A HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT 32-WTR Natural Resources & Environment 8 (Winter, 2018) On June 2, 2017, in an act that the left and the right, as well as the global community, cautioned against and strongly criticized, President Donald Trump determined that the United States would no longer be party to the Paris Climate Accord (Paris Agreement). Immediately, cities across the country, from Pittsburgh to Portland, reacted. Mayors for... 2018 Yes
Kevin Tongg POISONS IN OUR COMMUNITIES: ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE'S ROLE IN REGULatinG HAWAI'I'S BIOTECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY 40 University of Hawaii Law Review 155 (Summer, 2018) I. INTRODUCTION. 156 II. ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK: ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE. 161 III. BACKGROUND: THE HISTORY OF HAWAI'I'S AGRICULTURE. 163 A. Western Contact. 163 B. The Rise of the Sugar Industry. 164 C. The Seed Industry Takes Root. 166 IV. LEGAL FRAMEWORK. 169 A. Kaua'i Ordinance 960. 169 B. Syngenta Seeds, Inc. v. Cty. of Kaua'i, No. 14-00014 BMK,... 2018 Yes
Xochitl Rodriguez POVERTY'S POISON: CONTAMINATED DRINKING WATER, ITS EFFECT ON IMPOVERISHED YOUTH AND MEDICAID'S ROLE 28 Annals of Health Law Advance Directive 235 (Fall, 2018) Environmental racism is structural violence promulgated by the exploitation of those without resources by those in economic and political power. The United States' legacy of racism and discrimination promotes inequalities by ensuring that minority and economically destitute populations remain stereotyped and locked in poverty. These stereotypes... 2018 Yes
  RCRA AS A TOOL FOR ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE COMMUNITIES AND OTHERS TO COMPEL CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION 131 Harvard Law Review 2409 (June, 2018) The spate of natural disasters in 2017 palpably illustrated how ill-prepared the United States is for climate change. And though all Americans have contributed to greenhouse gas emissions driving this phenomenon, they will not equitably share the effects of climate change--related disasters. Many communities--particularly low-income communities and... 2018 Yes
Mehmet K. Konar-Steenberg ROOT AND BRANCH: THE THIRTEENTH AMENDMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 19 Nevada Law Journal 509 (Winter 2018) [The Thirteenth Amendment] abolishes slavery . root and branch. It abolishes it in the general and the particular .. Any other interpretation belittles the great amendment and allows slavery still to linger among us in some of its insufferable pretensions. C1-2Table of Contents Introduction. 510 I. Environmental Justice and Traditional... 2018 Yes
Lindsey Dillon THE BREATHERS OF BAYVIEW HILL: REDEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE IN SOUTHEAST SAN FRANCISCO 24 Hastings Environmental Law Journal 227 (Summer, 2018) The bus idled on a hilly residential street overlooking the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard--an irregularly shaped expanse of largely man-made land, extending into the San Francisco Bay from the southeastern edge of the city. It was a clear day in February 2015. Staff members from the city of San Francisco's environmental, health, and public works... 2018 Yes
Jedediah Purdy THE LONG ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE MOVEMENT 44 Ecology Law Quarterly 809 (2018) The standpoint of environmental justice has become integral to environmental law in the last thirty years. Environmental justice criticizes mainstream environmental law and advocacy institutions on three main fronts: for paying too little attention to the distributive effects of environmental policy; for emphasizing elite and professional advocacy... 2018 Yes
Nicky Sheats ACHIEVING EMISSIONS REDUCTIONS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE COMMUNITIES THROUGH CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION POLICY 41 William and Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review 377 (Winter, 2017) The Clean Power Plan rule is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) regulatory method of reducing the nation's carbon dioxide emissions and, by doing so, of fighting climate change. There was very little in the original Clean Power Plan proposal that addressed environmental justice (EJ) using section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act as... 2017 Yes
David A. Dana , Deborah Tuerkheimer AFTER FLINT: ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AS EQUAL PROTECTION 111 Northwestern University Law Review Online 93 (January 17, 2017) The lead crisis in Flint, Michigan has captivated the nation, prompting calls for reform. For its part, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently reaffirmed that environmental justice is a priority. Even so, the discourse surrounding Flint's aftermath has been surprisingly unimaginative. We offer a somewhat different way of... 2017 Yes
David A. Dana, Deborah Tuerkheimer AFTER FLINT: ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AS EQUAL PROTECTION 111 Northwestern University Law Review 879 (2017) This Essay conceptualizes the Flint water crisis as an archetypical case of underenforcement--that is, a denial of the equal protection of laws guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. Viewed as such, the inadequacy of environmental regulation can be understood as a failure that extends beyond the confines of Flint; a failure that demands a... 2017 Yes
Richard A. Marcantonio, Aaron Golub, Alex Karner, Louise Nelson Dyble CONFRONTING INEQUALITY IN METROPOLITAN REGIONS: REALIZING THE PROMISE OF CIVIL RIGHTS AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE IN METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION PLANNING 44 Fordham Urban Law Journal 1017 (August, 2017) Introduction. 1018 I. The Metropolitan Region and Regional Inequity. 1022 A. Early Suburbanization. 1023 B. White Flight, Subsidized Post-War Suburbanization, and Effects on Central Cities. 1024 1. Federal Transportation Policy Accelerates Suburbanization and Wreaks Urban Destruction. 1026 2. Increasing Citizen Participation and the Emergence of... 2017 Yes
Andrea C. Armstrong DEATH ROW CONDITIONS THROUGH AN ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE LENS 70 Arkansas Law Review 203 (2017) Glenn Ford lived on death row at Louisiana State Penitentiary for twenty-nine years, three months and five days. Typically, he was confined in his cell for at least twenty-three hours of a given day, seven days a week. Glenn was convicted of the armed robbery and murder of Isadore Rozeman. After prosecutors Martin Stroud and Carey Schimpf used six... 2017 Yes
Joshua V. Berliner ENVIRONMENTAL INJUSTICE/RACISM IN FLINT, MICHIGAN: AN ANALYSIS OF THE BODILY INTEGRITY CLAIM IN MAYS v. SNYDER AS COMPARED TO OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE CASES 35 Pace Environmental Law Review 108 (Fall, 2017) L1-2TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction 109 II. Summary of Alleged Facts from the Complaint 112 III. The Case Law on Bodily Integrity Claims 115 A. 42 U.S.C. ยง 1983 and Bodily Integrity Generally 115 B. Bodily Integrity Claims in the Environmental Justice Context 116 IV. The Flint Residents' Bodily Integrity Claim 118 V. Applying the Case Law to... 2017 Yes
Cecilia Martinez ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AND THE CLEAN POWER PLAN: THE CASE OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY 41 William and Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review 605 (Spring, 2017) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued the Clean Power Plan (CPP) in August 2015, and is the first major federal regulation to address climate change. The CPP is a landmark rule, setting carbon dioxide (CO2) standards on existing power plants in the U.S. The promise of the CPP is to reduce CO2 by 32% from 2005 levels in 2030.... 2017 Yes
Elizabeth Ann Kronk Warner ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE: A NECESSARY LENS TO EFFECTIVELY VIEW ENVIRONMENTAL THREATS TO IndigenOUS SURVIVAL 26 Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 343 (Summer, 2017) I. Introduction. 343 II. Environmental Justice and Indigenous Communities. 344 A. Tribal Sovereignty. 346 B. Federal Trust Relationship with Native Nations. 348 C. Unique Tribal Connection to the Land and Environment. 350 D. International Considerations. 351 III. Case Study: Protest of the Dakota Access Pipeline. 355 IV. Case Study: Negative... 2017 Yes
Carmen G. Gonzalez ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM, AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM, AND COLD WAR HUMAN RIGHTS 26 Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 281 (Summer, 2017) I. International Law in U.S. Courts Before World War II. 285 II. Cold War Human Rights. 288 A. International Human Rights at the United Nations: The U.N. Human Rights Petitions. 290 B. International Human Rights Law in the United States. 294 III. The Mossville Case Study. 298 A. U.S. Environmental and Antidiscrimination Law. 301 B. The Mossville... 2017 Yes
Tracy-Lynn Humby EVALUATING THE VALUE OF TWAIL, ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE, AND DECOLONIZATION DISCOURSES AS FRAMING LENSES FOR INTERNationAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW 26 Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 317 (Summer, 2017) Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL) and environmental justice have been used as lenses to critique and reform international law and international environmental law. This contribution examines the analytical value of these framing lenses alongside the value of the discourse of decolonization and Fallism associated with South... 2017 Yes
Uma Outka FAIRNESS IN THE LOW-CARBON SHIFT: LEARNING FROM ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 82 Brooklyn Law Review 789 (Winter, 2017) The environmental justice movement in the United States forged a pivotal connection among concerns for social justice, civil rights, and environmental protection. At a time when the federal environmental statutes enacted in the early 1970s were beginning to mature, the movement drew critical attention to the disproportionate environmental harm... 2017 Yes
Clifford J. Villa FIGHTING FOR ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE: THE LIFE AND WORK OF PROFESSOR EILEEN GAUNA 57 Natural Resources Journal 519 (Summer, 2017) Among the many fans of Emerita Professor Eileen Gauna, I probably have one of the thinnest claims to the honor of composing this tribute, having only spent one year with Professor Gauna before her official retirement from the University of New Mexico (UNM) law faculty in 2016. And yet, I would not be here on the UNM law faculty were it not for... 2017 Yes
R. Shea Diaz GETTING TO THE ROOT OF ENVIRONMENTAL INJUSTICE: EVALUATING CLAIMS, CAUSES, AND SOLUTIONS 29 Georgetown Environmental Law Review 767 (Summer, 2017) The Environmental Justice (EJ) Movement fights to remedy the disproportionate toxic exposure experienced by low-income and minority communities. This Note investigates three questions arising from the EJ Movement's basic claim: (I) What empirical research, if any, evidences environmental injustice; (II) What causal theories are most supported by... 2017 Yes
Carmen G. Gonzalez , Sumudu Atapattu INTERNationAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW, ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE, AND THE GLOBAL SOUTH 26 Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 229 (Summer, 2017) On October 28, 2016, the student editors of the Journal of Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems (TLCP) hosted a symposium to honor the late Professor Burns Weston, to celebrate the publication of International Environmental Law and the Global South, and to use the book as the foundation for further scholarly inquiry. The symposium featured... 2017 Yes
Benjamin F. Wilson IT'S NOT "JUST" ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AND LAND USE 49 Urban Lawyer 717 (Fall, 2017) Environmental justice issues receive national attention on a regular basis. Today, many law schools have entire courses and even environmental law clinics dedicated to environmental justice, and academics, practitioners, and government agencies devote resources and attention to addressing the issue. Several law schools, including Vermont Law... 2017 Yes
Patrice L. Simms LEVERAGING SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECTS: TOWARD AN INTEGRATED STRATEGY FOR EMPOWERING ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE COMMUNITIES 47 Environmental Law Reporter News & Analysis 10511 (June, 2017) Environmental justice communities are especially disadvantaged when it comes to direct community intervention in matters critical to their well-being. Opportunities may exist, however, to institutionalize resources for those communities' benefit. In particular, environmental enforcement actions could prove a reliable and effective conduit to access... 2017 Yes
David M. Ong PROSPECTS FOR TRANSITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE IN THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC RECONSTRUCTION OF KOSOVO 30 Tulane Environmental Law Journal 217 (Summer, 2017) Environmental justice is arguably a neglected aspect in the pursuit of transitional justice within post-conflict societies. The international and European institutional and legal frameworks that are currently applicable within Kosovo present a suitable backdrop against which to examine the different legal pathways towards providing for... 2017 Yes
Brian W. Jewett , Heather E. Campbell SUCCESSES AND FAILURES OF FEDERAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY: REVIEWING FEDERAL ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT AND FEDERAL APPROACHES TO ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 52 Tulsa Law Review 427 (Spring, 2017) James R. Skillen, Federal Ecosystem Management: Its Rise, Fall, and Afterlife (University Press of Kansas 2015). Pp. 272. Hardcover $45.00.. David M. Konisky, ed., Failed Promises: Evaluating the Federal Government's Response to Environmental Justice (The MIT Press 2015). Pp. 296. Hardcover $53.00. Paperback $30.00.. The 1970s was a watershed... 2017 Yes
Deepa Badrinarayana THE "RIGHT" RIGHT TO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: WHAT WE CAN DISCERN FROM THE AMERICAN AND Indian CONSTITUTIONAL EXPERIENCE 43 Brooklyn Journal of International Law 75 (2017) Introduction. 76 I. Environmental Protection and the U.S. Constitution. 83 A. Understanding the Environmental Justice Problem. 83 B. Constitutional Law and Environmental Justice. 86 II. Environmental Protection and the Indian Constitution. 96 A. Constitutional Law and Environmental Protection in India. 97 1. The Supreme Court's Interpretation of... 2017 Yes
Pearl Kan, William Parkin THE STRUGGLE CONTINUES: ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE DURING CHANGING TIMES 48 No. 5 ABA Trends 15 (May/June, 2017) On March 8, 2017, long-time senior environmental justice advisor to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Mustafa Santiago Ali, tendered his resignation to the recently appointed EPA administrator, Scott Pruitt. On the heels of Mr. Ali's resignation, President Trump released his budget blueprint, which called for reducing the EPA's budget... 2017 Yes
Marianne Engelman Lado TOWARD CIVIL RIGHTS ENFORCEMENT IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE CONTEXT: STEP ONE: ACKNOWLEDGING THE PROBLEM 29 Fordham Environmental Law Review 1 (Symposium, 2017) In 2016, the Flint Water Advisory Task Force, a group appointed by Governor Rick Snyder to review the contamination of drinking water in Flint, Michigan, reached the inescapable conclusion that the Flint water crisis was a case of environmental justice. The Task Force reported, Flint residents, who are majority Black or African American and... 2017 Yes
Jeff Todd TRADE TREATIES, CITIZEN SUBMISSIONS, AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 44 Ecology Law Quarterly 89 (2017) The history of the U.S. environmental justice movement reveals that successful campaigns are seldom waged solely through litigation. Instead, communities have employed litigation and administrative actions as part of a broader grassroots struggle to achieve short- and long-term change. Even when not successful on the merits, such actions can... 2017 Yes
Jonathon Lubrano WATER, LEAD, AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE: EASING THE FLINT WATER CRISIS WITH A PUBLIC WATER CONTAMINation LIABILITY FUND 42 William and Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review 331 (Fall, 2017) On April 25, 2014, the city of Flint, Michigan switched water sources from the Detroit Water and Sewage Department to the Flint River. By the next month, residents were already complaining about color and smell. It wasn't until August 2014, four months after the switch, that high levels of dangerous bacteria were detected, requiring residents to... 2017 Yes
Nicholas J. Schroeck A CHANGING ENVIRONMENT IN CHINA: THE RIPE OPPORTUNITY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL LAW CLINICS TO INCREASE PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND TO SHAPE LAW AND POLICY 18 Vermont Journal of Environmental Law 1 (Fall, 2016) Introduction. 1 I. Environmental Pollution and Fundamental Changes to Chinese Environmental Law. 2 China's Revised Environmental Protection Law. 3 II. Environmental Policy and the Essential Role of Environmental Law Clinics. 5 United States Environmental Law Clinics Working for Environmental Justice. 8 III. United States Environmental Law Clinics... 2016 Yes
Suzi Ruhl, Jonathan Ostar ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 33 No. 3 GPSolo 42 (May/June, 2016) Over the past 50 years, the United States has made great strides in protecting the environment and public health while also ensuring fair treatment under the law. Environmental laws and regulations generally require increased scrutiny and consideration of environmental and health impacts in environmental decision making, while civil rights laws and... 2016 Yes
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