AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearKey Terms in Title or Summary
Mia Montoya Hammersley IN DEFENSE OF LAND AND WATER PROTECTORS: ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AND THE CRIMINALIZATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVISM 54 University of Memphis Law Review 843 (Summer, 2024) I. Preface: You're a Lawyer, Not an Activist. 843 II. Introduction: A Call to Environmental justice Lawyers. 844 III. Movement Lawyering for Environmental justice. 846 A. Foundations of the Environmental justice Movement. 846 B. Structural Discrimination. 848 C. Movement Lawyering. 852 IV. The Law of Protest and Civil Disobedience. 855 A.... 2024 Yes
Abigail E. André IN PURSUIT OF EQUITY UNDER NEPA: APALACHICOLA'S INVISIBILITY IN THE TRISTATE WATER WARS 54 University of Memphis Law Review 783 (Summer, 2024) In the presence of significant environmental impacts, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires agencies to take a hard look at community effects. However, analysis of human impacts under NEPA is generally cursory. While executive orders requiring consideration of environmental justice have raised awareness of community impacts in... 2024 Yes
Lev E. Breydo INEQUITABLE INFRASTRUCTURE: AN EMPIRICAL ASSESSMENT OF FEDERALISM, CLIMATE CHANGE, AND ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM 102 North Carolina Law Review 1035 (May, 2024) This Article explains a critical, yet unexplored issue: How are some communities like Jackson--the 80% Black capital of Mississippi--often left without water or electricity, while their mostly white neighbors are not? The Article maps uncharted territory by interrogating the underlying causes of this disparity, untangling how three seemingly... 2024 Yes
Peter Kizima IV JUSTICE DELAYED: NEW JERSEY'S BATTLE WITH ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AND A CALL FOR THE FEDS TO FOLLOW SUIT 48 Seton Hall Journal of Legislation & Public Policy 479 (2024) I. Introduction. 480 II. Background and Legislative History. 483 A. New Jersey's History of Environmental Discrimination. 484 1. Post-Civil War Era. 484 2. 19th Century Industrial Development. 485 3. Discriminatory Housing and Land Use Policy. 486 4. Sites of Early Industry Largely Coincide with Overburdened Communities Due to Discriminatory... 2024 Yes
Aashini Choksi LEAD-FREE WITH EQUITY: AN ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE-FOCUSED PROPOSAL TO ACHIEVE LEAD-FREE D.C. BY 2030 25 Vermont Journal of Environmental Law 404 (Spring, 2024) INTRODUCTION. 405 I. WHY IS THERE LEAD IN AMERICAN DRINKING WATER?. 407 A. Lead-Contaminated Water in the District of Columbia. 409 B. Disproportionate Impact of Partial Replacements on Vulnerable Communities. 410 C. Models of Successful State-Led Lead-Pipe Replacement Initiatives. 413 II. CURRENT LSL REPLACEMENT PLAN IN THE DISTRICT. 415 A. The... 2024 Yes
Donna Minha LIGHTS, CAMERA, (CLIMATE) ACTION: BRINGING CORPORATIONS INTO THE SPOTLIGHT IN HUMAN RIGHTS-BASED CLIMATE LITIGATION 60 Stanford Journal of International Law 28 (Winter, 2024) YesIn recent years, in the face of inadequate responses by governments to climate change, human rights-based climate litigation has been on the rise. Despite the heavy involvement of corporations in the climate crisis, rights-based proceedings are mainly brought against states, while corporations usually remain out of the realm of such proceedings.... 2024 Yes
Dr. Paul R. Williams , Sindija Beta NEGOTIATING ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE IN UKRAINE 56 Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law 271 (Spring, 2024) This Article examines the dynamics of negotiating environmental justice in Ukraine amid pressure from certain international actors for an Amnesty-Based Peace in Ukraine. While it is currently unclear how Russia's war in Ukraine will end, it is likely that there will be significant discussion around forms of justice, including how to address the... 2024 Yes
Bridget K. McKelvey NEW YORK FASHION WEEK'S HOTTEST TREND--THE PLANET: NEW YORK'S OPPORTUNITY TO COMBAT THE FASHION INDUSTRY'S EFFECTS ON CLIMATE CHANGE 57 Suffolk University Law Review 233 (2024) YesIf the entire country was regulated, that would be just remarkable, but that's not where we're at right now. And that's why I think New York, being the fashion leader that it is, has this opportunity to lead the way. I don't think it's hyperbolic to say that our state and our world depend on it. Forget your wallet; the environment pays the real... 2024 Yes
Samantha Bingaman NOTHING AT STAKE BUT LIFE'S ESSENTIALS: HOW SOLE RELIANCE ON NEW TEXTUALISM ENDANGERS CLEAN WATER, ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE COMMUNITIES, AND ENVIRONMENTAL LAW (AND A JUDICIAL FRAMEWORK TO FIX IT) 83 Maryland Law Review 1313 (2024) You throw a stone into a deep pond. Splash. The sound is big, and it reverberates throughout the surrounding area. What comes out of the pond after that? All we can do is stare at the pond, holding our breath. -Haruki Murakami Water is life, as the old saying goes. We drink, we wash, we play, we swim, we travel, and we grow with water, among... 2024 Yes
Tseming Yang OLD AND NEW ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM 2024 Utah Law Review 109 (2024) Over the past five decades, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) moved from purposeful disregard of environmental racism to a public embrace of environmental justice as an organizational priority. Unfortunately, its efforts to address environmental discrimination remain a work-in-progress. This Article posits that the Agency's core... 2024 Yes
Diego Huerta ONE SEP FORWARD, TWO STEPS BACK? SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECTS, ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE, AND DETERRENCE 36 Georgetown Environmental Law Review 303 (Winter, 2024) Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEPs) are settlement conditions that the EPA includes in civil penalty settlements requiring a violator of an environmental law to undertake certain environmentally focused actions. The EPA provides violators who commit to SEPs a discount on their civil penalty in proportion to the cost of the SEP. The EPA's... 2024 Yes
Theresa Pinto, Esq. M.S., Abigail Fleming, Esq., Sabrina Payoute, M.S., Elissa Klein PUBLIC HEALTH IMPACTS AND INTRA-URBAN FORCED DISPLACEMENT DUE TO CLIMATE GENTRIFICATION IN THE GREATER MIAMI AREA--COMMUNITY LAWYERING FOR ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AND EQUITABLE DEVELOPMENT 78 University of Miami Law Review 432 (Spring, 2024) Because Miami-Dade County is ground zero for such climate effects as sea-level rise and increasingly hazardous, climate-driven Atlantic hurricanes, the coral rock ridge that runs along the Eastern coast of South Florida is a prime target for redevelopment and climate gentrification. Through a community and movement lawyering for environmental... 2024 Yes
Amanda F. Watson REMEDIATION FOR PFAS CONTAMINATION: THE ROLE OF CERCLA ENFORCEMENT IN ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 58 Georgia Law Review 803 (Winter, 2024) PFAS are a family of manufactured chemicals that are highly persistent in the environment. Most people in the U.S. have been exposed to PFAS, but different groups of people may have higher exposure due to their environments. In recent years, peer-reviewed scientific studies have shown that PFAS are linked to numerous adverse human health effects.... 2024 Yes
Lauren Cormany STANDING IN THE WAY OF ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 2024 Utah Law Review 167 (2024) In the 1980s, a groundbreaking study revealed that the most determinative factor in the location of environmental hazardous sites was not social or economic status, but race. In 2021, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published data revealing that people of color are 2.4 times more likely to be exposed to heavy pollution than White... 2024 Yes
Gregor A. MacGregor THE ACADEMY'S ROLE AT THE INTERSECTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND RESTORATIVE JUSTICE: PUTTING LAW INTO PRACTICE AT THE ACEQUIA ASSISTANCE PROJECT 51 Northern Kentucky Law Review 125 (2024) When we think of environmental justice, we often think of the movement's genesis. In the fall of 1982, black residents and their allies in Warren County, North Carolina, marched for six weeks to protest the placement of a toxic waste landfill in their community. The Warren County controversy captured national attention in a way prior controversies... 2024 Yes
Jackson Moffett THE DISPROPORTIONATE BURDEN ON VULNERABLE COMMUNITIES IN THE TRADE OF PLASTIC WASTE: HOW ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE SHOULD BE INTEGRATED INTO THE UNITED NATIONS TREATY ON PLASTIC POLLUTION 30 UC Law Environmental Journal 177 (May, 2024) The United Nations Environment Assembly passed a resolution to end plastic pollution with a legally binding treaty in response to growing international concern over the destruction of the environment and human health from plastic pollution. Plastic waste disposal is currently regulated under the Plastic Waste Amendments of the Basel Convention on... 2024 Yes
  THE ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE IMPLICATIONS OF PFAS 54 Environmental Law Reporter (ELI) 10911 (November, 2024) On June 13, 2024, the Environmental Law Institute and its Pro Bono Clearinghouse hosted the tenth installment of the continuing legal education series Community Lawyering for Environmental justice, focusing on the environmental justice implications of forever chemicals, including per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). A panel of experts... 2024 Yes
Ricardo Torres Febre THE JURIDIFICATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 93 Revista Juridica Universidad de Puerto Rico 383 (2024) Introduction. 383 I. Environmental justice and the Judicial System. 385 II. The Phenomenon of Juridification. 388 A. Filtering: the Incompatibility of Climate Issues with the Legal Process. 390 B. Understanding: How Environmental Regulation Highlights the Political Nature of the Law. 396 C. Redressability in Juliana v. United States. 399 III.... 2024 Yes
Jonathan A. Picado UNA HERIDA ABIERTA: UTILIZING THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT AND THE INFLATION REDUCTION ACT TO ADDRESS ENVIRONMENTAL INJUSTICE ALONG THE BORDERLAND 109 Iowa Law Review 1335 (March, 2024) ABSTRACT: Circuit courts are divided as to whether Section 602 of Title VI of the 1962 Civil Rights Act creates a private right of action enforceable under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. In the past, many environmental justice groups have brought their claims under Section 602, since it is easier to prove disparate impact as opposed to direct discrimination.... 2024 Yes
Devin A. Lowell UNCAPTURED: THE CCUS BOOM, ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE, AND CANCER ALLEY 74 Washington University Journal of Law & Policy 88 (2024) This article exposes the environmental justice implications of industrialization-as-climate-mitigation strategies by focusing on their effects on minority communities in south Louisiana. Political and economic forces at the federal and state levels are advocating for increased development of carbon capture utilization and storage systems that will... 2024 Yes
Jasleen Shokar A NEW HOPE, WITH A NEW NEPA: HOW EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENTS FAIL TO PROTECT PEOPLE OF COLOR AT THE FEDERAL LEVEL 13 Arizona Journal of Environmental Law & Policy 261 (Spring, 2023) Environmental Justice is a highly complex issue which centers on the fight to ensure a healthy environment for communities of color, the effects of which have been largely ignored by the federal government. The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) contains promising mandates such as the creation of an Environmental Impact Statement wherein the... 2023 Yes
Allegra McLeod ABOLITION AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 69 UCLA Law Review 1536 (September, 2023) During the coronavirus pandemic, movements for penal abolition and racial justice achieved dramatic growth and increased visibility. While much public discussion of abolition has centered on the call to divest from criminal law enforcement, contemporary abolitionists also understand public safety in terms of building new life-sustaining... 2023 Yes
Hilary Jacobs, Kirstin Gruver ADVANCING NET-ZERO GOALS TO ACHIEVE ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 38-SUM Natural Resources & Environment 19 (Summer, 2023) The last two years have seen unprecedented levels of federal and state activity aimed at addressing historical environmental injustices prevalent in the United States. While the concept of environmental justice (EJ) as a national policy priority may seem relatively new, the recent activity is the result of decades of work by trailblazing community... 2023 Yes
A. U'ilani Tanigawa Lum AIA I WAI'OLI KE ALOHA 'INA: RE-CENTERING 'INA AND INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE FOR RESTORATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 41 UCLA Journal of Environmental Law & Policy 301 (2023) This Article explores Knaka Maoli's (Native Hawaiians') work to re-center principles of Indigenous biocultural resource management in decisionmaking to more fully realize restorative environmental justice. To do so, it contextualizes 'ina (land and natural resources) as Knaka Maoli's natural counterpart. Deploying a contextual inquiry framework... 2023 Yes
Luca Greco AN ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE ANALYSIS OF THE EXCLUSION OF FARMWORKERS FROM THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS ACT 47 Harvard Environmental Law Review 309 (2023) The exclusion of farmworkers from the National Labor Relations Act has left workers in agriculture unprotected from essential labor rights including the right to organize, bargain with employers, and engage in collective action. These workers, unable to demand safer working conditions, may in turn be exposed to toxic pesticides, extreme heat,... 2023 Yes
Ricardo Perlingeiro , Luísa Silva Schmidt An Overview of Environmental Justice in Brazil 12 British Journal of American Legal Studies 27 (Spring, 2023) This article discusses environmental conflict resolution in Brazil in both the administrative and judicial spheres, with the aim of analyzing the configuration of the bodies in charge of such adjudication, the procedural instruments at their disposal, and the main types, grounds and effects of environmental claims. An overview of the Brazilian... 2023 Yes
Liam Veazey CHEMICAL DISASTERS: AN URGENT ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE ISSUE IN TEXAS 52 Texas Environmental Law Journal 108 (Winter, 2022-2023) I. Introduction. 109 II. Chemical Disasters and Environmental Justice. 110 A. Chemical Releases and Explosions in Texas: A New Normal. 110 1. The Problem. 110 2. Recent Incidents. 112 3. Climate Change: Raising the Threat. 115 4. Why Chemical Disasters are an Environmental Justice Issue. 117 B. Important Questions for Drafting the Right Policy... 2023 Yes
Steven M. Siros, Tatjana “Tanja” Vujic, Arie Feltman-Frank, Daniel Robertson EMBRACING ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE INITIATIVES TO ADVANCE CORPORATE OBJECTIVES 39 No. 5 Practical Real Estate Lawyer 3 (9/1/2023) Earth Week 2023 brought with it two significant environmental justice developments. The week began with New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy announcing the adoption of regulations aimed at reducing pollution in historically overburdened communities and those disproportionately impacted by health and environmental stressors. President Biden then capped... 2023 Yes
Emily Brennan ENVIRONMENTAL (IN)JUSTICE: EVALUATING THE FACTORS THAT LED TO THE JACKSON WATER CRISIS & PROPOSING A SOLUTION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE IN MISSISSIPPI 41 Mississippi College Law Review 244 (2023) C1-2Table of Contents I. Introduction. 244 II. Background. 247 A. The Origins of the EJ Movement in the U.S. 247 B. Introductory Studies and Literature on EJ. 249 C. Presidential Action and Commitment to Protection. 251 III. Current Pathways Available for EJ Claims. 254 A. EJ Litigation. 254 B. Federal Agencies and Offices Addressing EJ. 256 C.... 2023 Yes
Matthew Snyder ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AND PUBLIC COMPANY DISCLOSURES: MANDATORY REPORTING FOR POLLUTING FACILITIES LOCATED IN MINORITY AND LOW-INCOME COMMUNITIES 100 University of Detroit Mercy Law Review 373 (Winter, 2023) Climate change is the existential threat of our lifetime. Sea levels, global temperatures, and catastrophic weather events are all on the rise. Global warming and its inherent dangers pose risks to individual health, physical safety, and property. Climate change also has significant financial impacts on the United States' economy, costing around... 2023 Yes
Barry E. Hill ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AND THE TRANSITION FROM FOSSIL FUELS TO RENEWABLE ENERGY 53 Environmental Law Reporter (ELI) 10317 (April, 2023) This Article explores the environmental justice, climate justice, and sustainable development implications of the recently enacted Inflation Reduction Act, which encourages domestically produced and processed minerals for the country's energy transition from fossil fuels. It examines (1) the resulting need for a resurgence of mining in Indian... 2023 Yes
Luis Cruz ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE CONSIDERATIONS IN SITING SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL DISPOSAL 91 George Washington Law Review 499 (April, 2023) There are 80,000 metric tons of uranium stranded at nuclear power plant sites throughout the United States with no clear path to permanent disposal. Although there is a consensus on using a consent-based siting process for the disposal of spent nuclear fuel, no statutory authority exists to execute such a consent-based approach. This Note analyzes... 2023 Yes
Danielle W. Mason ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE FOR ALL 59-JAN Trial 18 (January, 2023) People of color are often disproportionately impacted by environmental hazards. Trial lawyers can play a crucial role in righting this devastating imbalance. In this country, more than half of the people who live close to hazardous waste sites are people of color, and they are more likely to die of environmental causes. Communities of color are 75%... 2023 Yes
Alexandra Guillot ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE IN POLLUTION HOTSPOTS AND SECTIONS 7 & 15 OF THE CHARTER: THE CASE OF THE AAMJIWNAANG COMMUNITY IN "CHEMICAL VALLEY" 53 Environmental Law 273 (Spring, 2023) Chemical Valley in Sarnia, Ontario, the site of almost half of Canada's chemical industry, is one of the most polluted areas in the country. It is also home to the Aamjiwnaang First Nation, whose community members, as a result of their proximity to this cluster of polluting facilities, experience much higher risk and actual harm to their health... 2023 Yes
Wade C. Foster , Krista K. McIntyre ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE: ONE KEY TO CORPORATE SUSTAINABILITY 66-MAY Advocate 22 (May, 2023) Consider these three statements: I experience odor or discoloration in my tap water, English is not the primary language spoken in my home, and I live near industrial activity. Now, consider these statements: The organization that I work for can access environmental subject matter experts, the organization that I work for has influence in the... 2023 Yes
  FEDERAL ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE LEGISLATION AND REGULATIONS 53 Environmental Law Reporter (ELI) 10527 (July, 2023) With passage of the Inflation Reduction Act and Water Resources Development Act of 2022, the statutory landscape has changed to reflect the Biden Administration's emphasis on environmental justice. On February 27, 2023, the Environmental Law Institute (ELI) and ELI's Pro Bono Clearinghouse co-hosted a panel of experts who explored how communities... 2023 Yes
Paige Bellamy FREE, PRIOR INFORMED CONSENT AND EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRY: INDIGENOUS ACTION IS THE PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE OF GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 13 Barry University Environmental and Earth Law Journal 105 (Summer, 2023) The fight for control of land and what lies within the earth has shaped, and continues to shape, much of human history. As Australian historian Patrick Wolfe stated: Land is life--or, at least, land is necessary for life. Thus, contests for land can be--indeed, often are--contests for life. Often at the center of these conflicts, Indigenous... 2023 Yes
Gwen Keyes Fleming , Lawrence K. Pittman IMPLEMENTING ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE--THE ABA EJ TASK FORCE 54 No. 3 ABA Trends 16 (January/February, 2023) Martin Luther King Jr. declared that injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. This declaration could not be truer today. King's last stand for civil rights was advocating for the working... 2023 Yes
Alexandra Dapolito Dunn , Irma S. Russell INCLUSIVENESS: ADVANCING ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE IN A DIVERSE DEMOCRACY 62 No. 4 Judges' Journal 6 (Fall, 2023) Today, environmental justice (EJ) is more than a significant and meaningful social movement. EJ has now emerged--after at least five decades--as a major initiative for the federal government and for many state governments. Since the beginnings of the EJ movement, its proponents have sought redress for the disproportionate and negative impacts of... 2023 Yes
Michael Damasco MEPA AT 50 80-AUG Bench and Bar of Minnesota 28 (August, 2023) As the Minnesota Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) turns 50 this year, it's an opportune time to reexamine its place in a world increasingly invested in environmental justice. MEPA, Minnesota's environmental review statute, is an information-gathering tool used to determine the environmental impacts of development projects. Highly publicized... 2023 Yes
Hailey Droogan, Erin Flannery Keith NEW ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE EXECUTIVE ACTION 38-FALL Natural Resources & Environment 57 (Fall, 2023) On April 21, 2023, President Joseph R. Biden signed Executive Order 14096, Revitalizing Our Nation's Commitment to Environmental Justice for All. 88 Fed. Reg 25251 (Apr. 26, 2023) (E.O. 14096). Drawing on 29 years of federal agencies' experience implementing President William J. Clinton's Executive Order 12898, Federal Actions to Address... 2023 Yes
Naima Fifita STEPS TOWARD A "DIGNIFIED" CLIMATE-MIGRATION FOR PACIFIC PEOPLES 24 Asian-Pacific Law and Policy Journal 53 (Spring, 2023) I. Introduction. 53 II. What Are We Fighting For?. 59 A. The Environmental Wrong. 59 B. Existing Refugee Framework and its Inadequacy in the Face of Climate Migration. 62 III. A Values-Based Analytical Framework. 65 A. Tu Tokotasi: Self-Determination and Environmental Justice in the Context of Climate Change and Climate-Induced Migration. 67 1.... 2023 Yes
Luis González SUGGESTIONS: ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE POLICY MODELS FOR RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 44 University of La Verne Law Review 101 (Fall, 2023) Introduction. 102 Background. 103 Analysis. 105 Environmental Justice Review Process. 107 The Purpose of an Environmental Justice Review Process. 107 The Current State of Riverside. 108 The Shortcomings of Riverside's Existing Programs. 109 Recommendations and Policy Suggestions on Implementing an Environmental Justice Review Process. 112 Green... 2023 Yes
Blake Welborn THE ENERGY CAPITAL OF THE WORLD AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE: CITIZEN SUITS IN HOUSTON 53 Texas Environmental Law Journal 195 (Winter/Spring, 2023) I. Introduction. 196 II. Houston and the Environmental Justice Movement. 196 A. Demographics. 196 B. A City With No Zoning. 197 C. An Introduction to Environmental Justice. 199 D. The Energy Capital of the World. 200 E. Double Jeopardy in Houston. 201 III. Environmental Citizen Suits and Standing. 202 A. Citizen Suits. 202 B. Standing. 204 1.... 2023 Yes
  THE ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE IMPACTS OF PLASTIC POLLUTION 53 Environmental Law Reporter (ELI) 10791 (October, 2023) Plastic pollution is a global environmental problem with a disproportionate impact on marginalized communities and other vulnerable groups. On June 27, 2023, the Environmental Law Institute (ELI), ELI's Women in Environmental Law & Leadership initiative, the Monterey Bay Aquarium, and WilmerHale co-hosted a panel of experts who explored the... 2023 Yes
Frank D. LoMonte , Daniel Delgado THE IMPORTANCE OF ACCESSIBLE GOVERNMENT DATA IN ADVANCING ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 47 William and Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review 827 (Spring, 2023) In 2021, investigative journalists with the nonprofit news service ProPublica drew on federal data to create what ProPublica's reporting team called an unparalleled view of how toxic air blooms around industrial facilities and spreads into nearby neighborhoods. A package of articles and graphics visually dramatized the problem of sacrifice... 2023 Yes
Kelly Hanna THE INTERSECTION OF REASON AND RISK: HOW ARTICLE I, SECTION 27 OF THE PENNSYLVANIA CONSTITUTION CAN PROTECT ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE COMMUNITIES FROM STATE-SANCTIONED POLLUTION AND CUMULATIVE IMPACTS 15 Drexel Law Review 621 (2023) In 1970, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ratified an amendment in Article I, Section 27 of its state constitution. Coined the Environmental Rights Amendment, Section 27 outlined two public rights for Pennsylvania citizens: the individual right to clean air, pure water, and the preservation of environmental values, and the right to ownership of... 2023 Yes
Frederick H. Turner TOXIC DEBT: AN ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE HISTORY OF DETROIT, JOSIAH RECTOR, THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA PRESS, 2022 37-WTR Natural Resources & Environment 60 (Winter, 2023) Every once in a while a book comes along that reorients the way in which we see the environment. Toxic Debt is one of those books. Josiah Rector's account of environmental injustice in Detroit transcends the traditional boundaries between historical fields; he brings together environmental, legal, labor, economic, and urban history. Rector's method... 2023 Yes
Katherine Wilkin USE WITH NO REVIEW: HOW SPECIAL USE PERMITS IN MUNICIPAL ZONING PERPETUATE ENVIRONMENTAL INJUSTICE IN FOSSIL FUEL INFRASTRUCTURE SITING 54 Columbia Human Rights Law Review 952 (Spring, 2023) C1-2Table of Contents Introduction. 954 I. The Limited Assessment of Special Use Permits and Their Role in Environmental Justice. 956 A. A Brief Overview of Environmental Justice in the United States. 957 B. Role of Land Use Planning in Environmental Justice. 959 C. Special Use Permits as a Mechanism of Municipal Zoning. 962 D. Lack of Scholarship... 2023 Yes
Samantha Newman WHAT A WASTE! AN EVALUATION OF FEDERAL AND STATE MEDICAL AND BIOHAZARD WASTE REGULATIONS DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC AND THEIR IMPACT ON ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 34 Villanova Environmental Law Journal 57 (2023) Scientists first reported the novel human coronavirus (COVID-19) disease in late 2019. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic, meaning it is a disease that is prevalent across the globe. COVID-19 is one of only five documented pandemics since the 1918 flu. Understanding the COVID-19 virus and its global... 2023 Yes
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