AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearEthnicity in Title or Summary
Cynthia Fuchs Epstein, Abigail Kolker The Impact of the Economic Downturn on Women Lawyers in the United States 20 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 1169 (2013) Although women have made considerable inroads in the legal profession over the past four decades, a review of their distribution in various types of practice in the United States shows that, compared to their male colleagues, they have been affected disproportionately by the recent economic downturn, although not in every sphere of the profession....; Search Snippet: ...Iii: National Perspectives the Impact of the Economic Downturn on Women Lawyers in the United States Cynthia Fuchs Epstein Abigail Kolker... 2013  
Charles J. Reid, Jr. The Journey to Seneca Falls: Mary Wollstonecraft, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the Legal Emancipation of Women 10 University of Saint Thomas Law Journal 1123 (Spring, 2013) [T]he star that guides us all, President Barack Obama declared in his Second Inaugural, is our commitment to human dignity and justice. This commitment has led us through Seneca Falls and Selma and Stonewall towards the equality that we enjoy today. This Article concerns the pre-history to the Seneca Falls Convention of Women's Rights,...; Search Snippet: ...Mary Wollstonecraft, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the Legal Emancipation of Women Dr. Charles J. Reid, Jr. [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2013 University... 2013  
Lisa D. Brush The Law, Gendered Abuse, and the Limits and Possibilities of Feminist Theory 49 Tulsa Law Review 355 (Winter, 2013) Leigh Goodmark, A Troubled Marriage: Domestic Violence and the Legal System (2011). Pp. 263. Hardcover $65.00. The year 2013 marked the thirtieth anniversary of the publication of Catharine MacKinnon's Feminism, Marxism, Method, and the State: Toward Feminist Jurisprudence. Although she does not cite this essay in particular, Leigh Goodmark refers...; Search Snippet: ...The Law, Gendered Abuse, and the Limits and Possibilities of Feminist Theory Lisa D. Brush [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2013 University Of... 2013  
Cynthia Grant Bowman The Path from Feminist Legal Theory to Environmental Law and Policy 22 Cornell Journal of Law & Public Policy 641 (Spring 2013) My personal path from feminist legal theory to an interest in environmental law and policy began with my move to Ithaca, New York in 2006. For decades, I specialized in issues about women, both domestic and international, but lived and worked in a large American city. The move to a house in the country and a workplace on a campus surrounded by...; Search Snippet: ...Law & Public Policy Spring 2013 Symposium Articles the Path from Feminist Legal Theory to Environmental Law and Policy Cynthia Grant Bowman... 2013  
Terry Morehead Dworkin , Aarti Ramaswami , Cindy A. Schipani The Role of Networks, Mentors, and the Law in Overcoming Barriers to Organizational Leadership for Women with Children 20 Michigan Journal of Gender & Law 83 (2013) I. Possible Corrections through Existing Legal Remedies. 86 A. Quotas: A European Solution. 86 B. Quotas, Goals, and Affirmative Action in the United States. 87 C. Pregnancy Discrimination Act. 95 D. Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). 98 II. The Role of Mentoring and Networking. 100 III. The Pathways Study. 104 A. Theory and Research Questions....; Search Snippet: ...And the Law in Overcoming Barriers to Organizational Leadership for Women with Children [Fnd1] Terry Morehead Dworkin [Fna1] Aarti Ramaswami [Fnaa1... 2013  
Tony Mauro The Supreme Court Sotomayor and Kagan 97 Judicature 57 (July-August 2013) Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was causing a stir in the courtroom. It was February 27, 2013, and the justices were hearing oral argument in Shelby County v. Holder, a test of the constitutionality of Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli Jr. told the Court that by renewing the act in 2006 by an overwhelming...; Search Snippet: ...On the Supreme Court. With Sharp Difference in Style, Each Woman Is Taking Her Own Path to Influence on the Court... 2013  
Elky Almaraz The Underrepresentation of Hispanic Women in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Fields: What Can Be Done to "Curie" the Problem? 16 Scholar: St. Mary's Law Review on Race and Social Justice 153 (2013) I. Introduction. 154 II. The Path That has Led to Today's Underrepresentation of Minority Women in the Sciences. 156 A. The Uphill Battle: The Legal History of Hispanics and Women in Education and Employment. 156 B. Hispanic Women in STEM Fields: Lack of Support for the Doubly Discriminated. 160 III. Analyzing the Problem: Potential Causes,...; Search Snippet: ...On Race and Social Justice 2013 Comment the Underrepresentation of Hispanic Women in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Fields: What Can... 2013 Hispanic/Latinx American
Carmen M. Cusack, J.D., Ph.D.C. To-get-her Forever: a Man Hater's Right to Same-sex Marriage 10 Rutgers Journal of Law & Public Policy 63 (Spring, 2013) Not all same-sex partners are born homosexual. Many people in same-sex relationships are born homosexual, but some choose same-sex relationships. Biologically heterosexual women can choose to live in same-sex relationships with other women: lesbians, bisexuals, transsexuals, or heterosexuals. There are many reasons why a woman might want to marry...; Search Snippet: ...Man-hater. See Genesis 3:16 (King James). Unto the Woman [God] Said, in Sorrow Thou Shalt Bring Forth Children, And... 2013  
Cynthia Noland Dunbar True Feminism: Identifying the Real Threats to Women 20 William and Mary Journal of Women and the Law 25 (Fall, 2013) Beneath the surface of every argument there is an underlying assumption. Regrettably, many of these assumptions are often lost or ignored, while the merit or substance of the transcendent argument is debated at length. This Article, which is squarely in defense of women and their unalienable right to equality with men, is an expose on the dangerous...; Search Snippet: ...Issue: Reproductive Justice True Feminism: Identifying the Real Threats to Women Cynthia Noland Dunbar [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2013 College of William... 2013  
Maryn Oyoung Until Men Bear Children, Women must Not Bear the Costs of Reproductive Capacity: Accommodating Pregnancy in the Workplace to Achieve Equal Employment Opportunities 44 McGeorge Law Review 515 (2013) I. Introduction. 515 II. History of Employment Discrimination Against Women. 519 A. Women in the Workforce Prior to Title VII. 519 B. The Enactment of Title VII. 521 III. The Pregnancy Discrimination Act. 521 A. Pre-Pregnancy Discrimination Act. 521 B. Enactment of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978. 524 IV. Insufficiency of the PDA. 525 A....; Search Snippet: ...Review Mcgeorge Law Review 2013 Comment until Men Bear Children, Women must Not Bear the Costs of Reproductive Capacity: Accommodating Pregnancy... 2013  
Jennifer Lisa Vest, PhD What Doesn't Kill You: Existential Luck, Postracial Racism, and the Subtle and Not So Subtle Ways the Academy Keeps Women of Color out 12 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 471 (Fall/Winter, 2013) The University killed me. Don't let them do this to you. - Professor Barbara Christian I was sitting on the curb, surrounded by cops, with my feet in the street when the ambulances arrived. The small Latina paramedic crouched down to take my pulse and blood pressure. She looked alarmed and signaled for the gurney. I can walk, I offered,...; Search Snippet: ...The Subtle and Not So Subtle Ways the Academy Keeps Women of Color out Jennifer Lisa Vest , Phd [Fna1] Copyright © 2013... 2013 Hispanic/Latinx American
Sally J. Kenney Wise Latinas, Strategic Minnesotans, and the Feminist Standpoint: the Backlash Against Women Judges 36 Thomas Jefferson Law Review 43 (Fall, 2013) C1-3Table of Contents I. INTRODUCTION. 43 II. BACKLASH. 44 A. Backlash Against Women Judges. 48 B. The Backlash Against Then-Judge Sotomayor. 52 C. Sotomayor's Response. 55 III. DO WOMEN JUDGE DIFFERENTLY THAN MEN?. 57 IV. ALL ARE SUSCEPTIBLE TO GENDER BIAS. 64 V. WISE LATINAS: A CLOSER LOOK. 67 A. The Actual Speech. 68 B. Hall v. Hall. 71 VI. WISE...; Search Snippet: ...The Law Conference Her Honor: Women in the Judiciary Wise Latinas, Strategic Minnesotans, and the Feminist Standpoint: the Backlash Against Women Judges Sally J. Kenney [Fna1] Copyright © 2013 by Thomas Jefferson... 2013 Hispanic/Latinx American
Nicole Huberfeld With Liberty and Access for Some: the Aca's Disconnect for Women's Health 40 Fordham Urban Law Journal 1357 (May, 2013) Introduction. 1357 I. Historical Anachronisms. 1362 A. Abortion Is Healthcare. 1362 B. The Fragmenting Effect of Stakeholder-Oriented, Rights-Absent Healthcare. 1365 C. Non Woman-Centric Liberties. 1369 II. The Spending Amplification. 1374 A. A Quick Tour of the ACA. 1375 B. Public Insurance. 1378 C. Private Insurance. 1382 III. The Impact of NFIB...; Search Snippet: ...With Liberty and Access for Some: the Aca's Disconnect for Women's Health Nicole Huberfeld [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2013 Fordham Urban Law... 2013  
Lisa Kanti Sangoi , Lorie Smith Goshin Women and Girls' Experiences Before, During, and after Incarceration: a Narrative of Gender-based Violence, and an Analysis of the Criminal Justice Laws and Policies That Perpetuate this Narrative 20 UCLA Women's Law Journal 137 (Fall, 2013) Women and girls involved with the United States' (U.S.) criminal justice system experience gender-based violence (GBV) at rates that far exceed the general population. Their experiences with GBV often start in childhood or early adolescence, and may continue through adulthood, producing lifelong histories of abuse. These violent experiences can...; Search Snippet: ...Women7ds Law Journal Ucla Women's Law Journal Fall, 2013 Article Women and Girls' Experiences Before, During, and after Incarceration: a Narrative of Gender-based Violence, and an Analysis of the Criminal Justice Laws... 2013  
Jill Elaine Hasday Women's Exclusion from the Constitutional Canon 2013 University of Illinois Law Review 1715 (2013) This Essay asks why sex equality is outside the constitutional canon. While race discrimination is a canonical concern of constitutional law, the story of America's struggles over and against sex discrimination is not widely taken to be a central, organizing part of our constitutional tradition--a defining narrative that exemplifies and expresses...; Search Snippet: ...Review 2013 Symposium: Constitutional Traditions: Akhil Amar's America's Unwritten Constitution Women's Exclusion from the Constitutional Canon Jill Elaine Hasday [Fna1] Copyright... 2013  
Aya Gruber A "Neo-feminist" Assessment of Rape and Domestic Violence Law Reform 15 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 583 (Spring 2012) For the past several decades, the slogan The personal is political has been the widespread rallying cry of U.S. feminists. Regarding my own beliefs on the state of women's subordination, the personal really became the political after I practiced as a public defender in a specialized domestic violence court. Prior to that, I believed that women...; Search Snippet: ...In Employment, Economics, and the Law Symposium Article a Neo- Feminist Assessment of Rape and Domestic Violence Law Reform Aya Gruber... 2012  
Gloria J. Browne-Marshall A Cautionary Tale: Black Women, Criminal Justice, and Hiv 19 Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy 407 (Spring 2012) For two decades, the face of HIV/AIDS was a White gay male. Now, in its third decade, the face of the HIV/AIDS epidemic is African-American. AIDS was first recognized by the Centers of Disease Control (CDC) in June of 1981. HIV is the virus by which AIDS is transmitted. Although Black men are disproportionately infected with HIV, the infection rate...; Search Snippet: ...Gender and Criminal Law & Policy Article a Cautionary Tale: Black Women, Criminal Justice, and Hiv Gloria J. Browne-marshall [Fna1] Copyright... 2012 African/Black American
Melody Finnemore A Century of Suffrage 73-NOV Oregon State Bar Bulletin 29 (November, 2012) The sixth time was the charm for Oregon suffragists who worked tirelessly for decades to see women's right to vote written into law. As historian Kimberly Jensen writes in the Oregon Encyclopedia, efforts to pass the law in 1884, 1900, 1906, 1908, 1910 and 1912 earned Oregon the distinction of putting the issue up for a vote more times than any...; Search Snippet: ...Bar Bulletin November, 2012 Feature a Century of Suffrage How Women's Right to Vote Changed the Law, the Profession and Politics... 2012  
Cynthia Hathaway A Patent Extension Proposal to End the Underrepresentation of Women in Clinical Trials and Secure Meaningful Drug Guidance for Women 67 Food & Drug Law Journal 143 (2012) Before the founding of the United States, Abigail Adams wrote in a letter to her revolutionary husband and President-to-be, John Adams: I long to hear that you have declared an independency. And, by the way, in the new code of laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make, I desire you would Remember the Ladies and be more generous and...; Search Snippet: ...2012 a Patent Extension Proposal to End the Underrepresentation of Women in Clinical Trials and Secure Meaningful Drug Guidance for Women Cynthia Hathaway Copyright © 2012 by the Food and Drug Law... 2012  
Andrea L. Johnson A Perfect Storm: the U.s. Anti-trafficking Regime's Failure to Stop the Sex Trafficking of American Indian Women and Girls 43 Columbia Human Rights Law Review 617 (Spring, 2012) In 2001, the United States Department of State ceremoniously revealed its inaugural Trafficking In Persons (TIP) Report, nine months after the passage of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA)--the first comprehensive federal law to address human trafficking. The introduction to the statutorily mandated report included a bold statement: The...; Search Snippet: ...Anti-trafficking Regime's Failure to Stop the Sex Trafficking of American Indian Women and Girls Andrea L. Johnson [Fna1] Copyright © 2012 by the Columbia Human... 2012 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Rhonda McMillion A Third Life Earned 98-JAN ABA Journal 62 (January, 2012) The violence against women act was a critical response by Congress in 1994 to the devastating effects of domestic and sexual violence. The act has evolved from a small criminal justice initiative to a multidisciplinary federal effort to address the needs of women, men and children threatened by domestic and sexual violence. Policies and programs...; Search Snippet: ...Once Again, the Aba Urges Reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act Rhonda Mcmillion [Fna2] Copyright © 2012 by the American Bar... 2012  
Richard L. Barnes A Woman of the West, but Not the Tribes: Justice Sandra Day O'connor and the State-tribe Relationship 58 Loyola Law Review 39 (Spring 2012) Sandra Day O'Connor was the first woman appointed to the United States Supreme Court. As a first-in-category appointee to the Court, her historical role is assured. This Article examines one piece of that legacy: Is it plausible to find some of her character as a first in her opinions for the Court in Indian cases? Specifically, does a legacy of...; Search Snippet: ...Loyola Law Review Loyola Law Review Spring 2012 Article a Woman of the West, but Not the Tribes: Justice Sandra Day... 2012 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Danné L. Johnson Aals Section on Women in Legal Education Reflections: 2002-2011 80 UMKC Law Review 827 (Spring, 2012) WLE Chair-2011 I had the honor of being the Chair of the AALS Section on Women in Legal Education in 2011. I am a forty-something, African American, mother of two, wife, and native of Detroit, Michigan. These descriptives define me as a professor and leader. As I reflect on my time in the academy and with the Section, I have as many questions as...; Search Snippet: ...Stories from Four Decades of Section Chairs Aals Section on Women in Legal Education Reflections: 2002-2011 Danné L. Johnson [Fna1... 2012 African/Black American
Lisa C. Ikemoto Abortion, Contraception and the Aca: the Realignment of Women's Health 55 Howard Law Journal 731 (Spring 2012) INTRODUCTION. 732 I. WOMEN'S HEALTH. 734 A. The Women's Health Movement. 735 B. Autonomy and Equality. 737 C. Shifts in Women's Health . 738 1. Women's Health as Reproductive Health. 738 2. Reproductive Health: Rights Versus Social Control. 739 II. Health Disparities and Women's Health. 740 A. The Abortion Wars. 740 B. Health Disparities. 742 C....; Search Snippet: ...It? Article Abortion, Contraception and the Aca: the Realignment of Women's Health Lisa C. Ikemoto [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2012 Howard University... 2012  
Angela Rollins Act like a Lady!: Reconsidering Gender Stereotypes & the Exclusion of Women from Combat in Light of Challenges to "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" 36 Southern Illinois University Law Journal 355 (Winter, 2012) Gender now shuts the door for me, explained Heidi Brown, a brigadier general in the U.S. Army, in an interview with National Public Radio. Brown is the only woman to command a combat arms brigade when she did so in 2003, during an invasion of Iraq. She has been a member of the U.S. Army for over thirty years, serving in Air Defense Artillery--one...; Search Snippet: ...Law Journal Winter, 2012 Comment Act like a Lady!: Reconsidering Gender Stereotypes & the Exclusion of Women from Combat in Light of Challenges to Don't Ask, Don't... 2012  
Beth Caldwell Addressing Intersectionality in the Lives of Women in Poverty: Incorporating Core Components of a Social Work Program into Legal Education 20 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 823 (2012) Introduction. 823 I. Legal Critiques. 825 A. Serving Two Masters . 826 B. False Empathy. 827 C. Unconscious Bias/Racism. 828 D. Need for Additional Training in Professional Skills and Ethics. 830 II. Lessons from Social Work Education. 831 A. Social Work Values. 832 B. A Critical Race Theory Paradigm of Education. 835 C. Empathy and Empathic...; Search Snippet: ...In Reducing Women's Poverty Addressing Intersectionality in the Lives of Women in Poverty: Incorporating Core Components of a Social Work Program... 2012  
Geneva Brown Ain't I a Victim? The Intersectionality of Race, Class, and Gender in Domestic Violence and the Courtroom 19 Cardozo Journal of Law & Gender 147 (Fall 2012) African American women who seek protection from law enforcement and the courts encounter a legal system that has fixed notions of African Americans as more susceptible and amenable to violence. Race and gender stereotyping affect how successfully African American women can avail themselves of the full panoply of services and protections offered to...; Search Snippet: ...Ain't I a Victim? The Intersectionality of Race, Class, and Gender in Domestic Violence and the Courtroom Geneva Brown [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2012 Yeshiva University; Geneva Brown Introduction African American Women Who Seek Protection from Law Enforcement and the Courts Encounter a Legal System That Has Fixed 2012 African/Black American
Fallon Speaker An Endless Battle: the Rise of Anti-abortion Legislation and Decline of the Woman's Fundamental Right to Reproductive Privacy 6 Southern Region Black Law Students Association Law Journal 161 (Spring 2012) Imagine a young woman walking into a reproductive health or family planning clinic. This is her first pregnancy and she did not plan it. She is struggling to make ends meet as a college student by working two jobs and has come to the conclusion that if she carries this pregnancy to term, she will be fully dependent on the federal government for...; Search Snippet: ...The Rise of Anti-abortion Legislation and Decline of the Woman's Fundamental Right to Reproductive Privacy Fallon Speaker [Fna1] Copyright ©... 2012  
Mariel Murray As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap: Granting Maya Women Land Rights to Gain Maya Land Rights 18 William and Mary Journal of Women and the Law 651 (Spring, 2012) Introduction I. The Term Indigenous and Its Implications II. The History of Indigenous Rights Law III. A Brief History of the Belize Maya IV. Maya Land Distribution and Management V. History of the Belize Maya Movement A. Political Representation B. The Pan-Maya Identity/Movement VI. The Evolution of Maya Land Rights VII. Granting Maya Women Land...; Search Snippet: ...Notes as Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap: Granting Maya Women Land Rights to Gain Maya Land Rights [Fn1] Mariel Murray... 2012  
Carolyn A. Dubay Beyond Critical Mass: a Comparative Perspective on Judicial Design and Gender Equality in Iraq and Afghanistan 24 Florida Journal of International Law 163 (April, 2012) Introduction. 164 Part I: The Development of Constitutional Quota Systems to Secure Women's Participation in Government. 170 Part II: The Quota Systems Adopted in the Constitutional Building Processes in Afghanistan and Iraq: Solving only Part of the Problem. 178 A. Afghanistan. 180 1. The Constitutional Drafting Process. 180 2. Specific Provisions...; Search Snippet: ...Beyond Critical Mass: a Comparative Perspective on Judicial Design and Gender Equality in Iraq and Afghanistan Carolyn A. Dubay [Fna1] Copyright... 2012  
Allison S. Hartry Birthright Justice: the Attack on Birthright Citizenship and Immigrant Women of Color 36 New York University Review of Law and Social Change 57 (2012) Anti-immigrant sentiment in the United States is increasingly focused on restricting women of color's access to reproductive justice. Rhetoric surrounding anchor babies and an invasion by birth canal shows how the debate over immigration plays out on the bodies of immigrant women of color. This Article begins by describing the history of...; Search Snippet: ...Article Birthright Justice: the Attack on Birthright Citizenship and Immigrant Women of Color Allison S. Hartry [Fnd1] [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2012... 2012  
Jyoti Nanda Blind Discretion: Girls of Color & Delinquency in the Juvenile Justice System 59 UCLA Law Review 1502 (August, 2012) The juvenile justice system was designed to empower its decisionmakers with a wide grant of discretion in hopes of better addressing youth in a more individualistic and holistic, and therefore more effective, manner. Unfortunately for girls of color in the system, this discretionary charter given to police, probation officers, and especially judges...; Search Snippet: ...Crime, Punishment, and the Management of Racial Marginality Blind Discretion: Girls of Color & Delinquency in the Juvenile Justice System Jyoti Nanda... 2012  
Gwen Hoerr Jordan, University of Illinois-Springfield Cheryl D. Hicks, Talk with You like a Woman: African American Women, Justice, and Reform in New York, 1890-1935, Chapel Hill: the University of North Carolina Press, 2010. Pp. 372. $65 Cloth, $24.95 Paper (Isbn 978-0-8078-7162-1) 30 Law and History Review 285 (February, 2012) White and black women reformers living in the United States urban North during the era of Jim Crow predominately sought to instill standards of respectability in working-class immigrant and black migrant women in their communities. Black women reformers, who were working to establish their own place of respectability in the social order, employed...; Search Snippet: ...Book Review Cheryl D. Hicks, Talk with You like a Woman: African American Women, Justice, and Reform in New York, 1890-1935, Chapel Hill... 2012 African/Black American
Steven F. Shatz , Naomi R. Shatz Chivalry Is Not Dead: Murder, Gender, and the Death Penalty* 27 Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice 64 (Winter 2012) Chivalry--that set of values and code of conduct for the medieval knightly class--has long influenced American law, from Supreme Court decisions to substantive criminal law doctrines and the administration of criminal justice. The chivalrous knight was enjoined to seek honor and defend it through violence and, in a society that enforced strict...; Search Snippet: ...Law & Justice Winter 2012 Article Chivalry Is Not Dead: Murder, Gender, and the Death Penalty* Steven F. Shatz [Fnd1] Naomi R... 2012  
Sally J. Kenney Choosing Judges: a Bumpy Road to Women's Equality and a Long Way to Go 2012 Michigan State Law Review 1499 (2012) Introduction: Key Concepts. 1500 I. How Judges Are Selected: A Non-Merit System That Favors Men. 1509 II. President Carter Puts Gender on the Agenda. 1512 III. Feminists Working Inside and Out: The Work of Outsiders. 1513 IV. Comparing Presidential Records. 1516 V. Women on State Courts. 1517 VI. Do Women Judge in a Different Voice?. 1523 Why do...; Search Snippet: ...State Law Review 2012 Choosing Judges: a Bumpy Road to Women's Equality and a Long Way to Go Sally J. Kenney... 2012  
Caroline Joan (“Kay”) S. Picart Colloquium Proceedings: Critical Pedagogy, Race/gender & Intellectual Property 48 California Western Law Review 493 (Spring 2012) The vantage point from which I engage LatCrit XVI's emphases on Global Justice: Theories, Histories, Futures is rooted personally, as a body and entity marked by multiple hybridities, but also as a trained philosopher concerned with metaphysical and ethical questions of truth in relation to the generation of narratives. In other words, I engage...; Search Snippet: ...Improving Legal and Latino Education Colloquium Proceedings: Critical Pedagogy, Race/ Gender & Intellectual Property Caroline Joan (Kay) S. Picart [Fna1] Copyright ©... 2012 Hispanic/Latinx American
Gabriel Arkles Correcting Race and Gender: Prison Regulation of Social Hierarchy Through Dress 87 New York University Law Review 859 (October, 2012) This Article examines the enforcement of racialized gender norms through the regulation of dress in prisons. Dress, including hair and clothing, is central to the ways government and other institutions enforce hierarchical social norms. These norms are based on the intersection of race and gender, as well as religion, sexuality, class, age, and...; Search Snippet: ...York University Law Review October, 2012 Articles Correcting Race and Gender: Prison Regulation of Social Hierarchy Through Dress Gabriel Arkles [Fna1... 2012  
Susan Ayres, Prema Manjunath Denial and Concealment of Unwanted Pregnancy: "A Film Hollywood Dared Not Do." 26 Journal of Civil Rights & Economic Development 197 (Winter 2012) When five women in France killed their newborns over a period of seven years, the country perceived an epidemic of neonaticide. One of the women, Dominique Cottrez, buried eight newborns in her garden; another, Véronique Courjault, hid two bodies in her freezer and burned a third in her fireplace. These shocking French accounts involved older...; Search Snippet: ...Film Presents a Black Feminist Perspective. [Fn40] in Just Another Girl on the I.r.t., [Fn41] Chantel Mitchel (Ariyan Johnson), a Seventeen-year-old African- American Student, Plans to Get out of the Projects and Become... 2012 African/Black American
Sheila I. Vélez Martínez Desde Quisqueya Hacia Borinquena: Experiences and Visibility of Immigrant Dominican Women in Puerto Rico: Violence, Lucha and Hope in Their Own Voices 18 ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law 683 (Summer, 2012) I. Introduction. 683 II. Methodology. 685 III. Dominican migration: feminine and transnational. 689 IV. The shaping and reshaping of identities. 697 V. On Visibility. 702 VI. Conclusion. 705; Search Snippet: ...Desde Quisqueya Hacia Borinquena: Experiences and Visibility of Immigrant Dominican Women in Puerto Rico: Violence, Lucha and Hope in Their Own... 2012  
Amber Fricke , Angela Onwuachi-Willig Do Female "Firsts" Still Matter? Why They Do for Female Judges of Color 2012 Michigan State Law Review 1529 (2012) Introduction. 1529 I. Women in the Judiciary: A History of Challenges and Progress. 1532 A. The State of Gender in the Federal Judiciary. 1532 B. The Continued Challenges and Difficulties of Being a Female Judge. 1533 II. A Bleaker Landscape for Women of Color Judges. 1536 III. The Need for More Women of Color in the Federal Judiciary (Without...; Search Snippet: ...Michigan State Law Review Michigan State Law Review 2012 Do Female Firsts Still Matter? Why They Do for Female Judges of Color Amber Fricke [Fna1] Angela Onwuachi-willig [Fnd1... 2012  
Rehan Abeyratne, Dipika Jain Domestic Violence Legislation in India: the Pitfalls of a Human Rights Approach to Gender Equality 21 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 333 (2012) I. Introduction. 334 A. Background. 334 B. Domestic Violence in India. 336 II. History of Domestic Violence Legislation in India. 338 A. Anti-dowry and Criminal Provisions. 338 B. The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act. 343 III. Negative Consequences of the Protection of Women Against Domestic Violence Act. 346 A. Victimization of Male...; Search Snippet: ...In India: the Pitfalls of a Human Rights Approach to Gender Equality Rehan Abeyratne Dipika Jain [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2012 American... 2012  
Saru M. Matambanadzo Embodying Vulnerability: a Feminist Theory of the Person 20 Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy 45 (Fall 2012) Law is the social, economic, political and personal struggle that determines who counts as a member of the community. This struggle also determines how we should take account of the diverse interests of members of the community. Which entities, individuals or collectives do we consider members of the legal community? Of those entities, individuals...; Search Snippet: ...Of Gender Law & Policy Fall 2012 Article Embodying Vulnerability: a Feminist Theory of the Person Saru M. Matambanadzo [Fna1] Copyright ©... 2012  
Elizabeth J. Chen Equal Protection: Why the Hpv Vaccine Should Be Mandated for Both Boys and Girls 38 Washington University Journal of Law & Policy 289 (2012) Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the United States. If left untreated, it can cause cervical, penile, anal, mouth, and throat cancers, as well as genital warts. The new HPV vaccines eliminate two of the most common strains of the virus, which are known to cause 70% of cervical cancers. Cervical cancer is...; Search Snippet: ...The Hpv Vaccine Should Be Mandated for Both Boys and Girls Elizabeth J. Chen [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2012 Washington University; Elizabeth... 2012  
Dara E. Purvis Female Law Students, Gendered Self-evaluation, and the Promise of Positive Psychology 2012 Michigan State Law Review 1693 (2012) Introduction. 1693 I. The Experience of Female Law Students. 1694 II. Existing Reform Proposals. 1703 III. Exceptions to the Rule. 1706 IV. Positive Psychology's Lessons. 1710 Conclusion. 1715 Despite the ranks of women entering law school every year, a significant proportion of them seem to consider legal education a uniquely difficult experience...; Search Snippet: ...8718479 Michigan State Law Review Michigan State Law Review 2012 Female Law Students, Gendered Self-evaluation, and the Promise of Positive... 2012  
Julia C. Oparah Feminism and the (Trans)gender Entrapment of Gender Nonconforming Prisoners 18 UCLA Women's Law Journal 239 (Winter 2012) I. Introduction. 239 II. Defining Transgender: An Intersectional Analysis. 244 III. Feminist Encounters with the Other(ed) Woman. 249 IV. Gender Policing and Racialized Punishment. 256 V. Gender Violence Behind the Walls. 260 VI. Post-Incarceration Sentences. 265 VII. Rethinking Feminist Responses to Gender Violence. 269 [So ] you have male and...; Search Snippet: ...Journal Winter 2012 Article Feminism and the (Trans)gender Entrapment of Gender Nonconforming Prisoners Julia C. Oparah [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2012 Regents... 2012  
Mae C. Quinn Feminist Legal Realism 35 Harvard Journal of Law & Gender Gender 1 (Winter 2012) Introduction. 1 I. The Standard Legal Realist Story: A Genealogy. 5 A. A History of Elite Men Searching for a Practical Jurisprudence. 6 B. The Unfolding of the Traditional Male-Centered Tale. 13 1. Law and Society Movement. 13 2. Critical Legal Studies. 16 C. Women and Feminist Jurisprudence: The Turn Away From (and Toward) Legal Realism. 18 II....; Search Snippet: ...And Gender Harvard Journal of Law & Gender Winter 2012 Article Feminist Legal Realism Mae C. Quinn [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2012 The... 2012  
Kimberlé W. Crenshaw From Private Violence to Mass Incarceration: Thinking Intersectionally about Women, Race, and Social Control 59 UCLA Law Review 1418 (August, 2012) The structural and political dimensions of gender violence and mass incarceration are linked in multiple ways. The myriad causes and consequences of mass incarceration discussed herein call for increased attention to the interface between the dynamics that constitute race, gender, and class power, as well as to the way these dynamics converge and...; Search Snippet: ...Framework from Private Violence to Mass Incarceration: Thinking Intersectionally about Women, Race, and Social Control Kimberlé W. Crenshaw Copyright (C) 2012... 2012  
Sahar F. Aziz From the Oppressed to the Terrorist: Muslim-american Women in the Crosshairs of Intersectionality 9 Hastings Race and Poverty Law Journal 191 (Summer 2012) We should never pass judgment on barrels and barrels of apples just because one of them may be rotten. -- Justice John Paul Stevens In the post-9/11 era, Muslim women donning a headscarf in America find themselves caught at the intersection of bias against Islam, the racialized Muslim, and women. In contrast to their male counterparts, Muslim...; Search Snippet: ...2012 Article from the Oppressed to the Terrorist: Muslim-american Women in the Crosshairs of Intersectionality Sahar F. Aziz [Fna1] Copyright... 2012  
Kolleen Duley Gender and Criminality 18 UCLA Women's Law Journal 273 (Winter 2012) I. Introduction. 273 II. Women's Prison Reform Movement: Scholarly Reviews. 275 III. Early Literature on Gender and Criminality. 281 IV. Law Enforcement Violence. 291 V. Gender Essentialism and Female Policing. 293 VI. Globalization and Imprisonment. 296 VII. Conclusion. 299; Search Snippet: ...Law Journal Ucla Women's Law Journal Winter 2012 Student Scholarship Gender and Criminality Kolleen Duley [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2012 Regents Of... 2012  
Hannah Brenner, Renee Newman Knake Gender and the Legal Profession's Pipeline to Power 2012 Michigan State Law Review 1419 (2012) Introduction. 1420 I. Background and Inspiration: Our Supreme Court Nominee Media Study. 1420 II. Symposium Overview. 1422 A. Race, Gender, and the Judiciary. 1424 B. Gender Equality: From the Boardroom to the Electorate. 1426 C. The Roots of Gender Inequality: An Examination of the Law School Experience. 1427 D. Rethinking Our Understanding of...; Search Snippet: ...8718468 Michigan State Law Review Michigan State Law Review 2012 Gender and the Legal Profession's Pipeline to Power Hannah Brenner Renee... 2012  
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