AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearEthnicity in Title or Summary
Donna J. King The War on Women's Fundamental Rights: Connecting U.s. Supreme Court Originalism to Rightwing, Conservative Extremism in American Politics 19 Cardozo Journal of Law & Gender 99 (Fall 2012) It is rather for us, the living, we here be dedicated to the great task remaining before us--that, from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they here, gave the last full measure of devotion--that we here highly resolve these dead shall not have died in vain; that the nation, shall have a new birth of freedom, and...; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Law & Gender Fall 2012 Article the War on Women's Fundamental Rights: Connecting U.s. Supreme Court Originalism to Rightwing, Conservative... 2012  
Angela J. Hattery They Play like Girls: Gender and Race (In) Equity in Ncaa Sports 2 Wake Forest Journal of Law and Policy 247 (2012) It has been a long time coming--39 years, to be exact--but women's tennis players will receive equal prize money to the men at Wimbledon this year. - Christopher Clarey In the 60s, we were always together .. But when the men formed the ATP (Association of Tennis Professionals), I said, You're going to include the women aren't you? They said no....; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Law and Policy 2012 Article They Play like Girls: Gender and Race (In) Equity in Ncaa Sports Angela J. Hattery... 2012  
Brenda V. Smith Uncomfortable Places, Close Spaces: Female Correctional Workers' Sexual Interactions with Men and Boys in Custody 59 UCLA Law Review 1690 (August, 2012) It is well known that sexual abuse occurs within the correctional system. That female correctional staff commit a significant proportion of that sexual abuse is met with discomfort bordering on disbelief. This discomfort has limited the discourse about female correctional workers who abuse men or boys under their care. Scant scholarship exists that...; Search Snippet: ...Race, Gender, and Conditions of Confinement Uncomfortable Places, Close Spaces: Female Correctional Workers' Sexual Interactions with Men and Boys in Custody... 2012  
Alyse Faye Haugen When it Rains, it Pours: the Violence Against Women Act's Failure to Provide Shelter from the Storm of Domestic Violence 14 Scholar: St. Mary's Law Review on Minority Issues 1035 (Spring 2012) I. Introduction. 1036 II. 1994: The Outcry Against Domestic Violence. 1043 A. The Accepted Abuse of Women. 1043 B. Changing Perspectives and the Birth of the Violence Against Women Act. 1046 III. The Implications and Impact of The Violence Against Women Act. 1049 A. 42 U.S.C. Section 13981: VAWA's Failed Civil Remedy. 1052 B. False Accusations: The...; Search Snippet: ...2012 Comment When it Rains, it Pours: the Violence Against Women Act's Failure to Provide Shelter from the Storm of Domestic... 2012  
Michael Ulrich With Child, Without Rights?: Restoring a Pregnant Woman's Right to Refuse Medical Treatment Through the Hiv Lens 24 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 303 (2012) In Doe v. Division of Youth & Family Services, a hospital employee sought state intervention when an HIV-positive woman refused to comply with treatment recommendations during her pregnancy that would drastically reduce the chances of mother-to-child-transmission (MTCT), eventually triggering a lawsuit against the hospital. With an...; Search Snippet: ...Feminism 2012 Article with Child, Without Rights?: Restoring a Pregnant Woman's Right to Refuse Medical Treatment Through the Hiv Lens Michael... 2012  
Paul Stam, J.D. Woman's Right to Know Act: a Legislative History 28 Issues in Law and Medicine Med. 3 (Summer, 2012) This article provides a comprehensive legislative history of North Carolina's Woman's Right to Know Act of 2011. The Act requires informed consent and a mandatory twenty-four hour waiting period for abortion, thus protecting a woman's right to make an informed choice. Informed consent provisions and mandatory waiting periods give...; Search Snippet: ...And Medicine Issues in Law and Medicine Summer, 2012 Article Woman's Right to Know Act: a Legislative History the Honorable Paul... 2012  
Deborah L. Rhode Women and the Path to Leadership 2012 Michigan State Law Review 1439 (2012) Introduction. 1439 I. The Historical Context. 1440 II. The Gap Between Principles and Practice. 1448 III. Stereotypes. 1451 IV. In-Group Favoritism. 1454 V. Workplace Structures and Gender Roles. 1457 VI. The Limits of Law. 1460 VII. The Case for Diversity. 1463 VIII. Strategies for Aspiring Leaders. 1465 IX. Strategies for Organizations and Their...; Search Snippet: ...8718470 Michigan State Law Review Michigan State Law Review 2012 Women and the Path to Leadership Deborah L. Rhode [Fna1] Copyright... 2012  
Marina Angel Women in Legal Education Iii 80 UMKC Law Review 711 (Spring, 2012) WLE Chair-1986 I chaired the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Women in Legal Education during the 1986-87 academic year. The first part of this article will talk about my experience with the Section prior to becoming Chair. The next section will discuss my experiences directly related to chairing the Section. The final...; Search Snippet: ...In Legal Education: Stories from Four Decades of Section Chairs Women in Legal Education Iii Marina Angel [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2012... 2012  
Mary Jane Mossman Women Lawyers and Women's Legal Equality: Reflections on Women Lawyers at the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago 87 Chicago-Kent Law Review 503 (2012) The woman lawyer is largely a development of the last twenty-five years and of this country. . . . No other country has half as many women in the legal profession. As this comment in Leslie's Illustrated Weekly proclaimed in 1896, women in the United States were the first to successfully challenge their exclusion from the legal profession in the...; Search Snippet: ...Women's Legal History: a Global Perspective Symposium Editor Felice Batlan Women Lawyers and Women's Legal Equality: Reflections on Women Lawyers at the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago Mary... 2012  
Adriana M. Paris Women Meet the State: Protection for Domestic Workers in the United States 24 Florida Journal of International Law 213 (April, 2012) I. Introduction. 214 II. Federal Labor Laws. 218 A. Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). 218 B. National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). 220 C. William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (WWTVPRA). 222 1. New Protections for Domestic Workers at Consular Offices. 222 2. Protection for Domestic Workers Accompanying Diplomats. 224...; Search Snippet: ...International Law Florida Journal of International Law April, 2012 Note Women Meet the State: Protection for Domestic Workers in the United... 2012  
Dimetria A. Jackson Women's History Month California's Legal Pioneers 54-MAR Orange County Lawyer 6 (March, 2012) The purpose of women's history is not to idealize women. On the contrary, the stories of women's achievements present a full view of the complexity and contradiction of living a full and purposeful life .. We know from research and from anecdotal studies that learning the stories of women's success, talent, and accomplishments expands a sense of...; Search Snippet: ...County Lawyer Orange County Lawyer March, 2012 Column President's Page Women's History Month California's Legal Pioneers Dimetria A. Jackson [Fna1] Copyright... 2012  
Ann Piccard Women's Rights Are Human Rights Redux: Ain't I a Human? 26 Journal of Civil Rights & Economic Development 753 (Spring 2012) As an American, I want to speak up for women in my own country, women who are raising children on the minimum wage, women who can't afford health care or child care, women whose lives are threatened by violence, including violence in their own homes. Over fifteen years ago, then--First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton asked the world to acknowledge...; Search Snippet: ...Development Journal of Civil Rights & Economic Development Spring 2012 Article Women's Rights Are Human Rights Redux: Ain't I a Human? [Fn1... 2012  
Julie C. Suk Work-family Conflict and the Pipeline to Power: Lessons from European Gender Quotas 2012 Michigan State Law Review 1797 (2012) I. Leaky Pipeline: Gender Disparities at the Top of the Legal Profession. 1797 II. Gender Quotas: An Emerging European Trend. 1802 III. Completing the Revolution in Social Reproduction. 1805 IV. Critical Insights for the United States. 1811 Conclusion. 1814 Despite the fact that women have entered law school in roughly equal numbers to men for two...; Search Snippet: ...Family Conflict and the Pipeline to Power: Lessons from European Gender Quotas Julie C. Suk [Fna1] Copyright © 2012 Michigan State University... 2012  
Sarah Mazzochi A New Twist on an Old Idea: How Year-round Schooling and Revamped Out-of-school Care Can Improve the Lives of Women in Washington, D.c. 19 Virginia Journal of Social Policy and the Law 109 (Fall 2011) Much has been said about year-round schooling, but its effect on low-income working women has been relatively overlooked by feminists and educational activists alike. This Comment seeks to change that by proposing that Washington, D.C. should implement year-round schooling and improve its afterschool care program to help women, particularly...; Search Snippet: ...Revamped Out-of-school Care Can Improve the Lives of Women in Washington, D.c. Sarah Mazzochi [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2011 Virginia... 2011  
Heather S. Dixon A Temporary Ban on Pornography: a First Amendment-friendly Stride Toward Gender Equality 20 Southern California Review of Law & Social Justice 433 (Summer 2011) [I]f true equality between male and female persons is to be achieved, we cannot ignore the threat to equality resulting from exposure to . . . [m]aterials portraying women . . . as objects for sexual exploitation and abuse. Previous attempts to protect women and their enjoyment of constitutional liberties from the detrimental effects of pornography...; Search Snippet: ...Temporary Ban on Pornography: a First Amendment-friendly Stride Toward Gender Equality Heather S. Dixon [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2011 University Of... 2011  
Drew Hardman Acba Combines Diversity, Gender Equality Positions 13 No. 21 Lawyers Journal J. 8 (10/21/2011) As the Allegheny County Bar Association's new Director of Diversity and Gender Equality, veteran attorney Alysia Mercedes Keating will make use of a lifetime of experience to further diversity efforts in the Pittsburgh legal community and continue the work of the ACBA Institute for Gender Equality, addressing the gender barrier in the legal...; Search Snippet: ...Lawyers Journal Lawyers Journal October 21, 2011 Acba Combines Diversity, Gender Equality Positions Drew Hardman Copyright © 2011 by Allegheny County Bar... 2011  
Gail Heriot , Alison Somin Affirmative Action for Men? Strange Silences and Strange Bedfellows in the Public Debate over Discrimination Against Women in College Admissions 12 Engage: The Journal of the Federalist Society Practice Groups 14 (11/1/2011) While some news reports indicate that discrimination against women on the basis of sex in college admissions is increasingly common, there has been relatively little public discussion about it--especially compared to the much more heated public debate concerning race-based affirmative action. Not surprisingly, therefore, there have been few...; Search Snippet: ...And Strange Bedfellows in the Public Debate over Discrimination Against Women in College Admissions Gail Heriot [Fna1] Alison Somin [Fna1] Copyright... 2011  
Jessica Dixon Weaver African-american Grandmothers: Does the Gender-entrapment Theory Apply? Essay Response to Professor Beth Richie 37 Washington University Journal of Law & Policy 153 (2011) First, I would like to extend my appreciation to Dean Appell and Vice-Provost Davis for inviting me to discuss how my research on the African-American family intersects with Professor Richie's work in the anti-violence black feminist movement area. My focus on the black family deals with how the family has been historically structured, how law and...; Search Snippet: ...Justice: Mass Incarceration and Masculinity Through a Black Feminist Lens African- American Grandmothers: Does the Gender-entrapment Theory Apply? Essay Response to Professor Beth Richie Jessica... 2011 African/Black American
  Appendix 47 Criminal Law Bulletin 3 (2011) Shane W. Kraus is a clinical-community doctoral candidate in the psychology department at Bowling Green State University. His research interests include the assessment and treatment of addictive behaviors, recovery-oriented mental health practices, and the psychological and cognitive aspects of jury decision making. He received his M.A. in forensic...; Search Snippet: ...Bulletin Volume 47, Issue 2 Spring 2011 Criminal Law Bulletin Gender, Jury Instructions, and Homophobia: What Influence Do These Factors Have... 2011  
Rebecca D. Gill, Sylvia R. Lazos, Mallory M. Waters Are Judicial Performance Evaluations Fair to Women and Minorities? A Cautionary Tale from Clark County, Nevada 45 Law and Society Review 731 (September, 2011) Because voters rely on judicial performance evaluations when casting their ballots, policymakers should work diligently to compile valid, reliable, and unbiased information about our sitting judges. Although some claim that judicial performance evaluations are fair, the systematic research needed to establish such a proposition has not been done....; Search Snippet: ...Review September, 2011 Article Are Judicial Performance Evaluations Fair to Women and Minorities? A Cautionary Tale from Clark County, Nevada Rebecca... 2011  
Adrienne D. Davis Bad Girls of Art and Law: Abjection, Power, and Sexuality Exceptionalism in (Kara Walker's) Art and (Janet Halley's) Law 23 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism Feminism 1 (2011) This Article draws some connections between legal theorist Janet Halley and contemporary artist Kara Walker. It compares their recent oeuvre to show how both reject understandings of the interplay of sex, power, and subordination proffered by conventional justice projects--specifically civil rights' and feminism's articulations of...; Search Snippet: ...And Feminism Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 2011 Article Bad Girls of Art and Law: Abjection, Power, and Sexuality Exceptionalism In... 2011  
LaJuana Davis Beyond Xenophobia: the Role of Race and Gender Expectations Behind the Lpga's English Language Policy 2 William Mitchell Law Raza Journal J. 1 (Spring 2011) In 2007, a young South Korean woman, Eun-Hee Ji, became an unwitting catalyst for one of the oldest professional women's sporting organizations, the Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA), to adopt an English-language policy. Ji, after winning the Wegmans Tournament in Rochester, NY, spoke in Korean during her acceptance speech, which a...; Search Snippet: ...Journal Spring 2011 Beyond Xenophobia: the Role of Race and Gender Expectations Behind the Lpga's English Language Policy Lajuana Davis [Fn1... 2011  
D. Wendy Greene Black Women Can't Have Blonde Hair . . . in the Workplace 14 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 405 (Spring 2011) Paulette Caldwell's pioneering hair piece situated Black women's hairstyle choices and the constraints placed upon them in making these choices within much needed historical and contemporary social context. Professor Caldwell presented a compelling appraisal of the infamous braids case, Rogers v. American Airlines, and in doing so, offered a...; Search Snippet: ...Intersection in Employment, Economics, and the Law Symposium Article Black Women Can't Have Blonde Hair . . . in the Workplace D. Wendy Greene... 2011 African/Black American
Anna Blackburne-Rigsby, Melissa Roca Black Women Judges: Three Decade Journey to Maryland Appellate Courts 44-AUG Maryland Bar Journal 20 (July/August, 2011) IN COMMEMORATION OF THE National Bar Association's annual convention which will be held in Baltimore this summer, Judge Marcella A. Holland, the first African-American woman Circuit Administrative Judge in the State of Maryland (Circuit Court for Baltimroe City, 8th Judicial Circuit,) asked me to write an article focusing on minorities in the...; Search Snippet: ...July/august, 2011 Feature Diversity in the Legal Profession Black Women Judges: Three Decade Journey to Maryland Appellate Courts the Honorable... 2011 African/Black American
Christina M. Tenuta Can You Really Be a Good Role Model to Your Child If You Can't Braid Her Hair? The Unconstitutionality of Factoring Gender and Sexuality into Custody Determinations 14 CUNY Law Review 351 (Summer 2011) The best way to defend your constitutional rights as a parent may be to enroll in beauty school. One trial court implied that the ability of a parent to style a child's hair is a relevant consideration in the determination of a child custody dispute. While family courts make decisions about what traits children should learn from their parents with...; Search Snippet: ...If You Can't Braid Her Hair? The Unconstitutionality of Factoring Gender and Sexuality into Custody Determinations Christina M. Tenuta [Fnd1] Copyright... 2011  
Lynne Marie Kohm , Diane J. Chandler , Doris Gomez Christianity, Feminism, and the Paradox of Female Happiness 17 Trinity Law Review 191 (Fall, 2011) I. Introduction. 191 II. A Historical Look at the Successes and Failures of Religious Christianity Regarding Gender Equality. 194 A. Successes. 195 B. Failures. 205 III. A Historical Look at the Successes and Failures of Feminist Philosophy in Gender Equality. 210 A. Successes. 212 B. Failures. 217 IV. Successes and Failures in Contemporary Women's...; Search Snippet: ...Review Fall, 2011 Article Christianity, Feminism, and the Paradox of Female Happiness Lynne Marie Kohm [Fna1] Diane J. Chandler [Fnaa1] Doris... 2011  
Marcia L. McCormick Consensus, Dissensus, and Enforcement: Legal Protection of Working Women from the Time of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire to Today 14 NYU Journal of Legislation and Public Policy 645 (2011) Introduction. 646 I. The Progressive Era Social Movements and Women's Work. 647 A. Women, Work, and Labor Laws in the Progressive Era. 649 B. Factory Conditions, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, and Reactions. 654 II. The Shift to Individual Rights and Anti-Discrimination Laws. 659 III. Dissensus and the Failure of Enforcement. 674 Conclusion....; Search Snippet: ...2011 Article Consensus, Dissensus, and Enforcement: Legal Protection of Working Women from the Time of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire To... 2011  
Roy G. Spece, Jr. Constitutional Attacks Against the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act's "Mandating" That Certain Individuals and Employers Purchase Insurance While Restricting Purchase by Undocumented Immigrants and Women Seeking Abortion Coverage 38 Northern Kentucky Law Review 489 (2011) I. Introduction: Four Contexts for Constitutional Analysis 490 II. Certain Historical Events, Situations and Processes that Preceded the PPACA 499 III. A Brief Description of Parts of the PPACA 508 A. Assumptions for Purposes of Analysis 508 B. A Global Overview 508 C. Additional Info about the PPACA Provisions Most Relevant Here 513 1. Exchanges...; Search Snippet: ...Employers Purchase Insurance While Restricting Purchase by Undocumented Immigrants and Women Seeking Abortion Coverage Roy G. Spece, Jr. [Fna1] Copyright ©... 2011  
Frank Dobbin , Jiwook Jung Corporate Board Gender Diversity and Stock Performance: the Competence Gap or Institutional Investor Bias? 89 North Carolina Law Review 809 (March, 2011) Introduction. 809 I. Theories of Group Composition and Efficacy. 813 A. Theories Suggesting Advantages of Group Diversity. 814 B. Theories Suggesting Disadvantages of Group Diversity. 815 II. Research on Board Diversity and Performance. 817 III. Institutional Investor Activism, Institutional Investor Bias. 820 IV. Data and Methods. 825 A. Sample....; Search Snippet: ...Diversity and Corporate Performance: Filling in the Gaps Corporate Board Gender Diversity and Stock Performance: the Competence Gap or Institutional Investor... 2011  
Lisa Lindquist Dorr, University of Alabama Crystal N. Feimster, Southern Horrors: Women and the Politics of Rape and Lynching, Cambridge, Ma: Harvard University Press, 2009. Pp. 314. $35.00 (Isbn 978-0-674-03562-1) 29 Law and History Review 912 (August, 2011) To students of southern history, Ida B. Wells-Barnett and Rebecca Latimer Felton are familiar figures. Both women lent their voices to public debates about the racial implications of sexual violence. Crystal Feimster, in Southern Horrors, places these two women; their ideological understandings of race, sex, and politics; and the culture of...; Search Snippet: ...Review August, 2011 Book Review Crystal N. Feimster, Southern Horrors: Women and the Politics of Rape and Lynching, Cambridge, Ma: Harvard... 2011  
Joy E. Sanders Daughters of the River Huong by Uyen Nicole Duong Amazonencore, 2011 49-OCT Houston Lawyer 42 (September/October, 2011) Mi mi mi mi. The word symbolizes a Vietnamese princess from the Hung era, a time of peace and harmony predating border wars and long periods of conflict in Vietnam. Simone Mi Uyen, the fourth generation daughter of the River Huong and modern voice of the novel, describes the sound mi as a pure, vibrating sound that is formed when the lips are...; Search Snippet: ...Houston Lawyer Houston Lawyer September/october, 2011 Department Media Review Daughters of the River Huong by Uyen Nicole Duong Amazonencore, 2011... 2011  
Julie Goldscheid Disparate Impact's Impact: the Gender Violence Lens 90 Oregon Law Review 33 (2011) I. Introduction. 34 A. Disparate Impact: A Theory of Limits or Untapped Potential?. 36 B. Context: Domestic Violence. 38 II. Disparate Impact: Testing Theory and Doctrine. 42 A. Theory. 42 B. Doctrine. 45 1. Statutory Requirements. 45 2. Single Decision Cases. 48 C. Establishing Impact. 59 D. Impact of Impact Analysis. 65 Conclusion. 66; Search Snippet: ...Review Oregon Law Review 2011 Articles Disparate Impact's Impact: the Gender Violence Lens Julie Goldscheid [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2011 University Of... 2011  
Dan Subotnik Do Law Schools Mistreat Women Faculty? Or, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 44 Akron Law Review 867 (2011) I. Introduction. 868 II. Initial Hiring Practices. 872 A. Initial Appointments. 872 B. Non-Prestigious Fields. 873 C. Legal Writing. 876 D. Emphasis on Scholarship. 881 III. Retention. 882 A. Inferior Teaching Evaluations. 882 B. Promotion and Tenure. 883 C. Service Work. 885 IV. Deanships. 886 V. Conclusion. 890; Search Snippet: ...Review Akron Law Review Articles 2011 Do Law Schools Mistreat Women Faculty? Or, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Dan Subotnik [Fna1... 2011  
Bernard Duhaime, Josée-Anne Riverin Double Discrimination and Equality Rights of Indigenous Women in Quebec 65 University of Miami Law Review 903 (Spring 2011) I. Introduction. 903 II. Indigenous Women Face Double Discrimination. 905 III. Why Address Equality Rights of Indigenous Women from an Intersectional Approach?. 909 IV. Overview of Three Situations of Double Discrimination Faced by Indigenous Women in Quebec. 912 A. The Transmission of Indigenous Women's Indian Status Under the Federal Indian Act....; Search Snippet: ...The Americas Essays Double Discrimination and Equality Rights of Indigenous Women in Quebec Bernard Duhaime Josée-anne Riverin [Fna1] Copyright ©... 2011 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Erin Liotta Double Victims: Ending the Incarceration of California's Battered Women 26 Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice 253 (Summer 2011) This Comment focuses on the plight of incarcerated survivors of domestic violence--specifically, women who are eligible for habeas corpus relief under California Penal Code section 1473.5. Taking the position that these women should be released from prison, the author examines the range of relief potentially available before focusing on the...; Search Snippet: ...2011 Commentary Double Victims: Ending the Incarceration of California's Battered Women Erin Liotta [Fnd1] Copyright (C) 2011 Regents of the University... 2011  
Shlomit Yanisky-Ravid Eligible Patent Matter--gender Analysis of Patent Law: International and Comparative Perspectives 19 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 851 (2011) I. Introduction. 852 A. The Differences Between Genders: A New Outlook. 852 B. Gender Analysis of Patent Law: A New Approach. 855 II. Exclusion of Women Inventors by the Narrow Definition of a Patentable Invention. 858 A. Eligible Patent Matter (EPM) as a Filtering Factor. 858 B. The Narrow Approach: The Technological Definition of Invention in the...; Search Snippet: ...Washington, Dc; April 16, 2010 Symposium Article Eligible Patent Matter-- Gender Analysis of Patent Law: International and Comparative Perspectives Dr. Shlomit... 2011  
Ryan Elias Newby Evil Women and Innocent Victims: the Effect of Gender on California Sentences for Domestic Homicide 22 Hastings Women's Law Journal 113 (Winter 2011) Karen Provencio is serving fifty years to life in prison for killing her husband in their Temecula home in December of 1998. She insisted his death was an accident, caused by a gun going off in her hand when she removed it from their bed for safekeeping. She and her husband fought the night he died, and their children reported he was crying...; Search Snippet: ...Law Journal Hastings Women's Law Journal Winter 2011 Note Evil Women and Innocent Victims: the Effect of Gender on California Sentences for Domestic Homicide Ryan Elias Newby [Fna1... 2011  
Deborah L. Rhode From Platitudes to Priorities: Diversity and Gender Equity in Law Firms 24 Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics 1041 (Fall, 2011) One irony of this nation's continuing struggle for diversity and gender equity in employment is that the profession leading the struggle has failed to set an example in its own workplaces. In principle, the bar is deeply committed to equal opportunity and social justice. In practice, it lags behind other occupations in leveling the playing field....; Search Snippet: ...Ethics Fall, 2011 Article from Platitudes to Priorities: Diversity and Gender Equity in Law Firms Deborah L. Rhode [Fna1] Copyright © 2011... 2011  
Elaine Bucklo From Women's Rights Advocate to Supreme Court Justice: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Speaks 37 No. 2 Litigation 8 (Winter, 2011) Last August, I was privileged to interview U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in her chambers. In large part, the interview concerned the important decisions of the Supreme Court from 1971 through 1993 that fundamentally altered the rights of women in the United States. Until November 1971, states could enact with impunity almost any...; Search Snippet: ...1618133 Litigation Litigation Winter, 2011 Rule to Live by from Women's Rights Advocate to Supreme Court Justice: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Speaks... 2011  
Diane S. Sykes Gender and Judging 94 Marquette Law Review 1381 (Summer 2011) On Monday, October 4, 2010, Elena Kagan heard her first case as the 112th Justice of the United States Supreme Court, replacing Justice John Paul Stevens, who retired in June after an extraordinary thirty-four-year tenure on the Court. It was often noted when she was nominated, and was emphasized again when she took the bench, that Justice Kagan is...; Search Snippet: ...4383274 Marquette Law Review Marquette Law Review Summer 2011 Speech Gender and Judging the Honorable Diane S. Sykes [Fna1] Copyright ©... 2011  
Emily A. Leskinen, Lilia M. Cortina, Dana B. Kabat Gender Harassment: Broadening Our Understanding of Sex-based Harassment at Work 35 Law and Human Behavior 25 (February, 2011) This study challenges the common legal and organizational practice of privileging sexual advance forms of sex-based harassment, while neglecting gender harassment. Survey data came from women working in two male-dominated contexts: the military and the legal profession. Their responses to the Sexual Experiences Questionnaire (SEQ) revealed...; Search Snippet: ...Human Behavior Law and Human Behavior February, 2011 Original Article Gender Harassment: Broadening Our Understanding of Sex-based Harassment at Work... 2011  
Danielle R. Dale Gender Identity Protection: the Inadequacy of Shareholder Action to Amend Corporate Employment Discrimination Policies 36 Journal of Corporation Law 469 (Winter 2011) I. Introduction. 470 II. Background. 471 A. Gender Identity Disorder. 471 B. Title VII. 471 C. Interpretation of Title VII in Cases. 472 1. Ulane v. Eastern Airlines and the Interpretation That Sex Does Not Encompass Gender Identity and Does Not Protect Transsexuals. 472 2. Sex Stereotyping and Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins. 473 3. Smith v. City of...; Search Snippet: ...Of Corporation Law Journal of Corporation Law Winter 2011 Note Gender Identity Protection: the Inadequacy of Shareholder Action to Amend Corporate... 2011  
Julie Goldscheid Gender Violence and Work in the United States and South Africa: the Parallel Processes of Legal and Cultural Change 19 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 921 (2011) Introduction. 922 I. Context. 924 A. Prevalence of Abuse. 924 B. Women's Labor Market Participation. 928 II. Reform Projects and Critiques. 931 III. Gender Violence and Work. 937 IV. Opportunities for Law Reform. 944 A. South Africa's Constitutional and Statutory Anti-Discrimination Laws. 944 B. Unjust Dismissal Law. 946 C. Limitations in the...; Search Snippet: ...Invention: Mapping the Connections Washington, Dc; April 16, 2010 Article Gender Violence and Work in the United States and South Africa... 2011  
SpearIt Gender Violence in Prison & Hyper-masculinities in the 'Hood: Cycles of Destructive Masculinity 37 Washington University Journal of Law & Policy 89 (2011) C1-2Table of Contents I. Introduction to the Problem 90 A. Gender Norms in Society 95 1. Pornography & Prostitution 99 2. Hate Language 103 B. Prison Reproductions of Destructive Masculinity 106 II. Documenting Destructive Masculinity 107 A. Prisoner on Prisoner 108 1. Rape and Turning Out 111 2. Forced Families, Prostitution & Slavery 116 B. Guard...; Search Snippet: ...Justice: Mass Incarceration and Masculinity Through a Black Feminist Lens Gender Violence in Prison & Hyper-masculinities in the 'Hood: Cycles Of... 2011 African/Black American
Rosalie Berger Levinson Gender-based Affirmative Action and Reverse Gender Bias: Beyond Gratz, Parents Involved, and Ricci 34 Harvard Journal of Law & Gender Gender 1 (Winter 2011) I. Introduction. 1 II. History Behind the Affirmative Action Race/Gender Anomaly. 3 III. The Circuit Split on the Race/Gender Conundrum. 13 IV. Analogy to Race-Based Affirmative Action. 19 A. Remedial Purpose as a Justification for Affirmative Action. 20 B. The Diversity Rationale. 24 C. The Arguments Against Affirmative Action. 31 V. Conclusion....; Search Snippet: ...And Gender Harvard Journal of Law & Gender Winter 2011 Article Gender-based Affirmative Action and Reverse Gender Bias: Beyond Gratz, Parents Involved, and Ricci Rosalie Berger Levinson... 2011  
Shabnam Javdani, Naomi Sadeh, Edelyn Verona , University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Gendered Social Forces 17 Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 161 (May, 2011) Increasing arrest rates for girls and women have been documented both nationally and internationally and have propelled the development of promising theories of female antisocial behavior and crime. Nonetheless, many psychological theories focus exclusively on individual characteristics of women that promote criminality. Fewer theorists incorporate...; Search Snippet: ...Fna1] a Review of the Impact of Institutionalized Factors on Women and Girls' Criminal Justice Trajectories Shabnam Javdani Naomi Sadeh Edelyn Verona [Fna2... 2011  
  Girls and the Juvenile Court: an Historical Examination of the Treatment of Girls 47 Criminal Law Bulletin 5 (2011) Assistant Professor, Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Southern Oregon University. Professor Burke's primary interests are juvenile delinquency, gender and justice, delinquency prevention, juvenile justice.; Search Snippet: ...Bulletin Volume 47, Issue 1 Winter 2011 Criminal Law Bulletin Girls and the Juvenile Court: an Historical Examination of the Treatment of Girls Alison S. Burke[ * Introduction in Recent Years, The... 2011  
Thaddeus Matthew Lenkiewicz Green Jackets in Men's Sizes Only: Gender Discrimination at Private Country Clubs 44 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 777 (May, 2011) On November 3, 2009, the Supreme Court of Ireland held that the Portmarnock Golf Club could maintain its rule prohibiting female membership free from the sanctions of Ireland's antidiscrimination laws. Portmarnock is representative of the numerous private golf clubs that continue to promote discrimination against women. Despite significant advances...; Search Snippet: ...Law May, 2011 Notes Green Jackets in Men's Sizes Only: Gender Discrimination at Private Country Clubs Thaddeus Matthew Lenkiewicz [Fna1] Copyright... 2011  
Nicole Moody Health Reform and the Plight of the Uninsured Pregnant Woman 90 Oregon Law Review 643 (2011) Introduction. 644 I. Pre-Health-Reform State of Affairs for the Underinsured and the Uninsured. 657 A. Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance. 658 B. Individually Purchased Insurance. 661 C. Medicaid. 663 1. California's Medicaid Program: Medi-Cal. 665 2. Oregon's Medicaid Program: Oregon Health Plan (OHP). 668 3. Conclusions About Medicaid as a...; Search Snippet: ...Comment Health Reform and the Plight of the Uninsured Pregnant Woman [Fn1] Nicole Moody [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2011 University of Oregon... 2011  
Angela P. Harris Heteropatriarchy Kills: Challenging Gender Violence in a Prison Nation 37 Washington University Journal of Law & Policy 13 (2011) We need an analysis that furthers neither the conservative project of sequestering millions of men of color in accordance with the contemporary dictates of globalized capital and its prison industrial complex, nor the equally conservative project of abandoning poor women of color to a continuum of violence that extends from the sweatshops through...; Search Snippet: ...And Masculinity Through a Black Feminist Lens Heteropatriarchy Kills: Challenging Gender Violence in a Prison Nation Angela P. Harris [Fna1] Copyright... 2011 African/Black American
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