AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearEthnicity in Title or Summary
James Nelson Lewis Hidden in Dodd-frank: a Look at the Office of Minority and Women Inclusion 7 Modern American 2 (Fall, 2011) An Act [t]o promote the financial stability of the United States by improving accountability and transparency in the financial system, to end too big to fail, to protect the American taxpayer by ending bailouts, to protect consumers from abusive financial services practices, and for other purposes. The Office of Minority and Women Inclusion,...; Search Snippet: ...Dodd-frank: a Look at the Office of Minority and Women Inclusion James Nelson Lewis [Fn1] Copyright © 2011 by the Modern... 2011  
Ronald Chester History's Orphan: Arthur Maclean and the Legal Education of Women 51 American Journal of Legal History 305 (April, 2011) [T]here is properly no history; only biography. Ralph Waldo Emerson, Essays: First Series Essay I: History (1841). It is never too late to honor the dead. Attributed to Toni Morrison, N.Y. Times, July 28, 2008. In the spring of 1941, Arthur Winfield MacLean, sixty-one year old Dean and founder of Boston's Portia Law School for women on Beacon...; Search Snippet: ...2011 History's Orphan: Arthur Maclean and the Legal Education of Women Ronald Chester [Fn1] Copyright © 2011 by Temple University James E... 2011  
J. Herbie DiFonzo How Marriage Became Optional: Cohabitation, Gender, and the Emerging Functional Norms 8 Rutgers Journal of Law & Public Policy 521 (Spring, 2011) In 1953, sociologist Ray E. Baber confidently asserted that the opportunity which marriage affords for constant and complete companionship with the person most loved, with the full sanction of society, is its greatest single attraction. Another mid-20th century text, Paul H. Landis' Making the Most of Marriage, referred to the long-accepted...; Search Snippet: ...Current Issues in Public Policy How Marriage Became Optional: Cohabitation, Gender, and the Emerging Functional Norms J. Herbie Difonzo [Fna1] Copyright... 2011  
Lynne A. Battaglia, Evelyn C. Lombardo Investing in the Future of Maryland Women 44-AUG Maryland Bar Journal 12 (July/August, 2011) ATTORNEYS WHO ARE FEMALE have been identified by and with their gender since their admission to the Maryland Bar in 1902. For instance, in 1907, when Baltimore Law School closed its doors to women, it was rumored in the media that male law students had petitioned the faculty for the women's exclusion, because the female students had outshone their...; Search Snippet: ...In the Legal Profession Investing in the Future of Maryland Women the Honorable Lynne A. Battaglia, Evelyn C. Lombardo [Fna1] Copyright... 2011  
Hilary Hammell Is the Right to Health a Necessary Precondition for Gender Equality? 35 New York University Review of Law and Social Change 131 (2011) I. Introduction. 132 II. International Human Rights Law Includes the Right to Health. 133 III. The Right to Health Includes the Right to an Abortion. 140 A. Pregnancy and Abortion Are Health Issues. 141 B. Foreign Countries and International Bodies Have Recognized That the Right to Health Includes the Right to a Safe Abortion. 146 1. National...; Search Snippet: ...Rights Is the Right to Health a Necessary Precondition for Gender Equality? Hilary Hammell [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2011 New York University... 2011  
Pat K. Chew Judges' Gender and Employment Discrimination Cases: Emerging Evidence-based Empirical Conclusions 14 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 359 (Spring 2011) Why did we think that women would transform institutions without simultaneously--or alternatively--being transformed by them . . .? Why did we believe that women appointed to positions of power would be representative of women as a group, rather than being those who most resemble the traditional incumbents and are thus considered least likely to...; Search Snippet: ...Intersection in Employment, Economics, and the Law Symposium Article Judges' Gender and Employment Discrimination Cases: Emerging Evidence-based Empirical Conclusions Pat... 2011  
Wendy Parker Juries, Race, and Gender: a Story of Today's Inequality 46 Wake Forest Law Review 209 (Summer 2011) The Civil Rights Act of 1991 (Act or 1991 Act) was thought to be a victory for employment discrimination plaintiffs--a dramatic expansion of their rights. Twenty years later, however, we are told that the news for employment discrimination plaintiffs has gone from bad to worse. Employment discrimination plaintiffs should expect defendants...; Search Snippet: ...Wake Forest Law Review Summer 2011 Article Juries, Race, and Gender: a Story of Today's Inequality Wendy Parker [Fna1] Copyright ©... 2011  
Eve M. Grina Mainstreaming Gender in Rule of Law Initiatives in Post-conflict Settings 17 William and Mary Journal of Women and the Law 435 (Winter, 2011) Gender inequality is a pandemic, both in the developing world and in developed countries. In an attempt to address the situation, the United Nations (U.N.) has called on its subsidiary agencies and all Member States to mainstream a gender approach in all programming. Although the mandate is vague concerning implementation, the clear goal is gender...; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Women and the Law Winter, 2011 Notes Mainstreaming Gender in Rule of Law Initiatives in Post-conflict Settings Eve... 2011  
Allison M. Blackman Manufactured Home Displacement and its Disparate Impact on Low-income Females: a Violation of the Fair Housing Act in Boise, Idaho? 4 the crit: a Critical Studies Journal 67 (Winter, 2011) C1-3TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction 68 II. The History Of Manufactured Home Displacement In Boise, Idaho 73 III. Potential Legal Frameworks 77 A. Non-Existence Of Constitutional Remedies 77 B. Other Federal Frameworks 79 1. The Fair Housing Act 79 2. Disparate Impact Theory 82 C. Problematic Idaho Law 86 IV. The Violations 87 A. HUD's Own...; Search Snippet: ...Manufactured Home Displacement and its Disparate Impact on Low-income Females: a Violation of the Fair Housing Act in Boise, Idaho... 2011  
Joan C. Williams , Veta Richardson New Millennium, Same Glass Ceiling? The Impact of Law Firm Compensation Systems on Women 62 Hastings Law Journal 597 (February, 2011) This Article reports on a survey of 694 law firm partners, virtually all women, who filled out an online survey about the impact of law firm compensation systems on women. The results were analyzed through the lens of thirty-five years of experimental social psychology studies of gender bias. Survey results showed considerable dissatisfaction among...; Search Snippet: ...Glass Ceiling? The Impact of Law Firm Compensation Systems on Women [Fnd1] Joan C. Williams [Fna1] Veta Richardson [Fnaa1] Copyright ©... 2011  
Sheldon Goldman, Elliot Slotnick, Sara Schiavoni Obama's Judiciary at Midterm: the Confirmation Drama Continues 94 Judicature 262 (May-June 2011) When Barack Obama assumed the presidency on January 20, 2009, he inherited a country struggling with an economy on the brink of reprising the Great Depression of the 1930s, two middle-eastern wars, crushing deficits, a lopsided tax policy that favored the wealthy and deprived the country of badly needed tax revenue, a health care crisis, and myriad...; Search Snippet: ...The Confirmation Drama Continues Barack Obama's Stunning Achievement of Promoting Gender, Ethnic, and Racial Diversity on the Federal Bench, Including Two... 2011  
Vincent R. Johnson On Race, Gender, and Radical Tort Reform: a Review of Martha Chamallas & Jennifer B. Wriggins, the Measure of Injury: Race, Gender, and Tort Law 17 William and Mary Journal of Women and the Law 591 (Spring, 2011) I. A Radical Challenge to Existing Tort Law A. Identity-Based Scholarship B. Prioritizing Emotional Harm and Relationships II. Centrality of Race and Gender A. Refining the Argument B. Selective Perception and Related Risks C. The Difficulties of Historical Analysis III. The Victim's Perspective IV. Appealing Arguments and Interesting Questions A....; Search Snippet: ...Women and the Law Spring, 2011 Book Review on Race, Gender, and Radical Tort Reform: a Review of Martha Chamallas & Jennifer B. Wriggins, the Measure of Injury: Race, Gender, and Tort Law Vincent R. Johnson [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2011... 2011  
Christopher Smith Polarized Circuits: Party Affiliation of Appointing Presidents, Ideology, and Circuit Court Voting in Race and Gender Civil Rights Cases 22 Hastings Women's Law Journal 157 (Winter 2011) Empty federal judicial benches, long Senate confirmation delays, highly partisan Senate judiciary confirmation hearings, and Kabuki theater characterize the polarizing environment that is the federal judiciary branch. Such an atmosphere raises the question of whether the partisanship and politicization within the confirmation process affects how...; Search Snippet: ...Appointing Presidents, Ideology, and Circuit Court Voting in Race and Gender Civil Rights Cases Christopher Smith [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2011 Uc... 2011  
Kirsten Gallacher Protecting Women from Deception: the Constitutionality of Disclosure Requirements in Pregnancy Centers 33 Women's Rights Law Reporter 113 (Fall 2011) Warna Lewis thought she was pregnant and wanted an abortion. She looked in the phone book under Abortion Information and Services and found a facility that offered Pregnancy-Abortion Info, including free pregnancy tests. She called the facility and spoke with a staff member. Warna explained that she thought she might be pregnant and in her...; Search Snippet: ...Law Reporter Women's Rights Law Reporter Fall 2011 Note Protecting Women from Deception: the Constitutionality of Disclosure Requirements in Pregnancy Centers... 2011  
Anita Bernstein , Hans Dieter Seibel Reparations, Microfinance, and Gender: a Plan, with Strategies for Implementation 44 Cornell International Law Journal 75 (Winter 2011) Introduction. 76 I. The Strategy. 79 A. Engaging Microfinance Institutions to Effect Reparations. 79 1. Terminology. 79 2. The Plan in Brief: Transfer Payments to, and Shares in, Microfinance Institutions. 80 3. Upgrading and Linking to Larger Financial Institutions. 81 4. Options for the Reparations Plan. 85 B. Extending the Microfinance Record....; Search Snippet: ...Cornell International Law Journal Winter 2011 Article Reparations, Microfinance, and Gender: a Plan, with Strategies for Implementation Anita Bernstein [Fnd1] , Hans... 2011  
Women Chief Justices Second Annual Golden Gate University School of Law Chief Justice Ronald M. George Distinguished Lecture Women Chief Justices 41 Golden Gate University Law Review 153 (Winter 2011) Welcome Drucilla Stender Ramey Dean, Golden Gate University School of Law Dan Angel President, Golden Gate University Chief Justice Ronald M. George Supreme Court of California Lecture Introduction Justice Morgan Christen Alaska Supreme Court Lecture Justice Dana Fabe Former chief justice, Alaska Supreme Court President, National Association of...; Search Snippet: ...School of Law Chief Justice Ronald M. George Distinguished Lecture Women Chief Justices Women Chief Justices Copyright (C) 2011 Golden Gate... 2011 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Rayvon Fouché , Sharra Vostral Selling Women: Lillian Gilbreth, Gender Translation, and Intellectual Property 19 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 825 (2011) I. Introduction. 825 II. Women's Bodies, Vernacular Knowledge, and Intellectual Property. 831 III. The Gilbreth Report: Extracting, Commodifying, and Packaging. 835 IV. Gender Translation. 844; Search Snippet: ...The Connections Washington, Dc; April 16, 2010 Symposium Article Selling Women: Lillian Gilbreth, Gender Translation, and Intellectual Property Rayvon Fouché [Fna1] Sharra Vostral [Fnd1... 2011  
Leslie C. Griffin Smith and Women's Equality 32 Cardozo Law Review 1831 (May, 2011) S.D. filed for a restraining order against her husband in New Jersey because he had beaten her and forced her to have sexual intercourse against her will due to his dissatisfaction with her inability to cook acceptable meals for his houseguests. The couple was wed in an arranged marriage in Morocco in July 2008, when the bride was seventeen years...; Search Snippet: ...Exercise of Religion and How it Changed History Smith and Women's Equality Leslie C. Griffin [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2011 Yeshiva University... 2011  
Theresa M. Beiner Some Thoughts on the State of Women Lawyers and Why Title Vii Has Not Worked for Them 44 Indiana Law Review 685 (2011) I graduated from law school in 1989-over twenty years ago. At the time I graduated, my law school class was close to 50% female, which was a fairly common phenomenon at the time across the country. Today, first-year law school classes also generally consist of roughly half female and half male students. When I graduated, I thought that with such...; Search Snippet: ...Mary Harter Mitchell Articles Some Thoughts on the State of Women Lawyers and Why Title Vii Has Not Worked for Them... 2011  
Terri Nilliasca Some Women's Work: Domestic Work, Class, Race, Heteropatriarchy, and the Limits of Legal Reform 16 Michigan Journal of Race and Law 377 (Spring 2011) This Note employs Critical Race, feminist, Marxist, and queer theory to analyze the underlying reasons for the exclusion of domestic workers from legal and regulatory systems. The Note begins with a discussion of the role of legal and regulatory systems in upholding and replicating White supremacy within the employer and domestic worker...; Search Snippet: ...Michigan Journal of Race and Law Spring 2011 Notes Some Women's Work: Domestic Work, Class, Race, Heteropatriarchy, and the Limits Of... 2011  
Suzianne D. Painter-Thorne Tangled up in Knots: How Continued Federal Jurisdiction over Sexual Predators on Indian Reservations Hobbles Effective Law Enforcement to the Detriment of Indian Women 41 New Mexico Law Review 239 (Spring 2011) In February 2003, twenty-year-old Leslie Ironroad lapsed into a coma and died after being held captive in a bathroom, then beaten and repeatedly raped by a group of men on the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in South Dakota. Desperate to stop the assault, Ironroad had taken diabetes pills she found in the bathroom's medicine cabinet, hoping that...; Search Snippet: ...Reservations Hobbles Effective Law Enforcement to the Detriment of Indian Women Suzianne D. Painter-thorne [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2011 New Mexico... 2011 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Cheryl L. Wade Teaching Gender as a Core Value in Business Organizations Class 36 Oklahoma City University Law Review 545 (Summer 2011) I teach a business organizations course that is typically a large class with up to ninety students. At some point in the first week of each semester, I talk about public companies and the men who lead them. I point out to my students that while it is appropriate in most contexts to use gender-neutral language, it would be inaccurate to do so when...; Search Snippet: ...In the Classroom: Teaching Gender as a Core Value Teaching Gender as a Core Value in Business Organizations Class Cheryl L... 2011  
Melissa Murray Teaching Gender as a Core Value: the Softer Side of Criminal Law 36 Oklahoma City University Law Review 525 (Summer 2011) This is my fifth year teaching family law and criminal law at the University of California, Berkeley. In many ways, incorporating issues of gender into the traditional family-law curriculum is a no-brainer. From Bradwell v. Illinois to more recent cases like In re Baby M, the family-law canon is replete with examples of how gender shapes the...; Search Snippet: ...In the Classroom: Teaching Gender as a Core Value Teaching Gender as a Core Value: the Softer Side of Criminal Law... 2011  
Mildred Wigfall Robinson The Current Economic Situation and its Impact on Gender, Race, and Class: the Legacy of Raced (And Gendered) Employment 14 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 431 (Spring 2011) In November 2009, American joblessness soared to 10.2%, the highest unemployment rate reported in a quarter century. The present unemployment rate continues to hover near 10%. More than 15 million Americans are encompassed within this percentage. Moreover, available data suggest that the number of unemployed is actually significantly higher than 15...; Search Snippet: ...Symposium Article the Current Economic Situation and its Impact on Gender, Race, and Class: the Legacy of Raced (And Gendered) Employment... 2011  
Erin E. Buzuvis The Feminist Case for the Ncaa's Recognition of Competitive Cheer as an Emerging Sport for Women 52 Boston College Law Review 439 (March, 2011) This Article examines whether a university can count opportunities in competitive cheer to demonstrate compliance with Title IX. A federal court in Connecticut recently considered this question for the first time. Although it held that the sport as it currently exists is not sufficiently similar to other varsity sports to qualify for Tide...; Search Snippet: ...Boston College Law Review March, 2011 Symposium Issue Article the Feminist Case for the Ncaa's Recognition of Competitive Cheer as an Emerging Sport for Women Erin E. Buzuvis [Fna1] Copyright © 2011 by Boston College Law... 2011  
Jennifer M. Chacón The Mercer Girls Guide to Immigration 64 Vanderbilt Law Review En Banc 15 (2/22/2011) I. The Payoffs (and Limitations) of Reconceiving Immigration History. 18 A. Reframing Settlement. 19 B. Reframing Immigration Law. 21 C. Expanding Immigration Law. 22 D. Understanding the Role of Marriage in Immigration History. 25 E. Gender and Family Structure in Immigration Law. 27 II. Conclusion. 28; Search Snippet: ...Law Review En Banc February 22, 2011 Response the Mercer Girls Guide to Immigration Jennifer M. Chacón [Fna1] Copyright © 2011 Vanderbilt... 2011  
Caroline Bermeo Newcombe The Origin and Civil Law Foundation of the Community Property System, Why California Adopted It, and Why Community Property Principles Benefit Women 11 University of Maryland Law Journal of Race, Religion, Gender and Class Class 1 (Spring 2011) Development of the community property law of the western states has gone hand in hand with the general emancipation of women from the economic bonds which have so long burdened them. When a California wife scared hogs out of her mud kitchen in 1832, she had some things in common with a Visigothic wife living in fifth century Spain. Both women...; Search Snippet: ...Why California Adopted It, and Why Community Property Principles Benefit Women Caroline Bermeo Newcombe [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2011 University of Maryland... 2011  
Rosalind S. Simson The Title Ix Athletic Regulations and the Ideal of a Gender-free Society 2011 Denver University Sports and Entertainment Law Journal L.J. 3 (Fall, 2011) Some philosophers and political theorists have argued that to achieve a just society we must eliminate gender roles. Few would dispute that many of the reductions in the influence of gender over the last fifty or so years have increased justice in the U.S. Whether justice requires that our society become entirely gender-free, however, is more...; Search Snippet: ...The Title Ix Athletic Regulations and the Ideal of a Gender-free Society Rosalind S. Simson [Fn1] Copyright © 2011 Sturm College... 2011  
Barbara Stark The Women's Convention, Reproductive Rights, and the Reproduction of Gender 18 Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy 261 (Spring 2011) Traditionalists, whether working within a religious or a scientific framework, have regarded women's subordination as universal, God-given, or natural, hence immutable . . . . The traditionalist explanation focuses on women's reproductive capacity and sees in motherhood woman's chief goal in life . . . . Thus the sexual division of labor based on...; Search Snippet: ...Policy Spring 2011 the Changing Face of Families Article the Women's Convention, Reproductive Rights, and the Reproduction of Gender Barbara Stark [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2011 Duke Journal of Gender... 2011  
Michael J. Higdon To Lynch a Child: Bullying and Gender Nonconformity in Our Nation's Schools 86 Indiana Law Journal 827 (Summer, 2011) Introduction. 827 I. Bullying and Its Gendered Roots. 833 A. The Bully as Gender Enforcer. 836 B. Beyond the Bully: The Complicity of Educators. 843 II. The Harms of Chronic Bullying: A Psychological and Spiritual Lynching. 847 A. Physical Effects: A Growing Body Count. 851 B. Emotional Effects: First they bully you, then you bully yourself.. 855...; Search Snippet: ...Journal Summer, 2011 Article to Lynch a Child: Bullying and Gender Nonconformity in Our Nation's Schools [Fnd1] Michael J. Higdon [Fna1... 2011  
Copyright Catharine A. MacKinnon 2009, 2010, 2011 Trafficking, Prostitution, and Inequality 46 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 271 (Summer 2011) ROMEO [F]amine is in thy cheeks, Need and oppression starveth in thine eyes, Contempt and beggary hangs upon thy back; The world is not thy friend nor the world's law; The world affords no law to make thee rich; Then be not poor, but break it, and take this. APOTHECARY My poverty, but not my will, consents. ROMEO I pay thy poverty, and not thy...; Search Snippet: ...On Jan. 5, 2009, in Bihar, India. Many of the Women Whose Situations Are Evoked in it Attended; Some Spoke As... 2011  
Becky L. Jacobs Unbound by Theory and Naming: Survival Feminism and the Women of the South African Victoria Mxenge Housing and Development Association 26 Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice 19 (Winter 2011) The emergence of a uniquely African formulation of feminism is one of the most energizing developments in feminist theory and discourse in recent history. As African women confront unprecedented economic and political challenges, they also are questioning, and, in some instances, redefining, individual and societal orthodoxies of gender and family...; Search Snippet: ...Article Unbound by Theory and Naming: Survival Feminism and the Women of the South African Victoria Mxenge Housing and Development Association... 2011 African/Black American
Shelley D. Hayes, Bambi W. Gaddist, Andre W. Rawls Universal Access and Human Rights: for Women and Girls, Too 28 No. 2 GPSolo 32 (March, 2011) HIV is the leading cause of death and disease in women of reproductive age around the world. Culture, history, and laws combine to deny women and girls equal access to HIV prevention and care. The first chapter of this story is told in the numbers. The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) estimates that in 2007 one-half of the...; Search Snippet: ...Individual Rights and Responsibilities Universal Access and Human Rights: for Women and Girls, Too Shelley D. Hayes Bambi W. Gaddist Andre W. Rawls... 2011  
June Carbone Unpacking Inequality and Class: Family, Gender and the Reconstruction of Class Barriers 45 New England Law Review 527 (Spring 2011) The changing economy and evolution of political ideas have led to a resurgence of the idea of class in American discourse. Relatively little of that discourse, however, acknowledges the role of greater inequality as a critical force remaking the family along class lines. The political right exploits class resentments in championing family values...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review Spring 2011 Article Unpacking Inequality and Class: Family, Gender and the Reconstruction of Class Barriers June Carbone [Fna1] Copyright... 2011  
Darren Rosenblum Unsex Cedaw, or What's Wrong with Women's Rights 20 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 98 (2011) Before I go on, I want to tell a story. During high school, I had an English teacher who often wore a pendant from the National Organization of Women. I asked her about it and we began a conversation that continued for years as she fed my voracious mind with Gloria Steinem, Alice Walker and other feminist literature. One day, on my way home from a...; Search Snippet: ...Gender and Law 2011 Unsex Cedaw, or What's Wrong with Women's Rights Darren Rosenblum [Fna1] Copyright © 2011 by the Columbia Journal... 2011  
Patricia Viseur Sellers Wartime Female Slavery: Enslavement? 44 Cornell International Law Journal 115 (Winter 2011) Introduction. 115 I. Wartime Female Slavery. 117 A. World War II and the Comfort Women . 117 B. The Former Yugoslavia and the Foca Case. 125 C. Forced Marriage in the Sierra Leone Conflict. 128 II. Revisiting Female Wartime Slavery. 135 Conclusion. 143; Search Snippet: ...Law Journal Cornell International Law Journal Winter 2011 Article Wartime Female Slavery: Enslavement? Patricia Viseur Sellers [Fnd1] Copyright (C) 2011 Cornell... 2011  
Kathryn Smith What Do 1.5 Million Wal-mart Women Have in Common?: Dukes V. Wal-mart Class Action Certification 52 Boston College Law Review E-Supplement 149 (2011) On April 26, 2010, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, sitting en banc in Dukes v. Wal-Mart, held that Rule 23 commonality and typicality existed among 1.5 million female employees of Wal-Mart claiming gender discrimination in the company's hiring and promotion practices. This Comment addresses the commonality prong and...; Search Snippet: ...Case Ninth Circuit What Do 1.5 Million Wal-mart Women Have in Common?: Dukes V. Wal-mart Class Action Certification... 2011  
Amy T. Pedagno Who Are the Parents? In Loco Parentis, Parens Patriae, and Abortion Decision-making for Pregnant Girls in Foster Care 10 Ave Maria Law Review 171 (Fall 2011) A fourteen-year-old resident of the State of Arizona was accompanied by a Planned Parenthood volunteer as she flew from her home state to Wichita, Kansas. She was twenty-eight weeks pregnant. The young girl, known to the courts as Jackie Doe, was not only a ward of the State of Arizona, but also a juvenile detainee. Too pregnant to obtain a legal...; Search Snippet: ...Loco Parentis, Parens Patriae, and Abortion Decision-making for Pregnant Girls in Foster Care Amy T. Pedagno [Fnd1] Copyright (C) 2011... 2011  
Aileen Sprague Women and the Law: the Symbolism and the Reality 16 Roger Williams University Law Review 260 (Spring 2011) Justice is justly represented Blind, because she sees no Difference in the Parties concerned. She has but one Scale and Weight, for Rich and Poor, Great and Small. Her sentence is not guided by the Person, but the Cause. In light of the fact that it was only in the early decades of the twentieth century that women were allowed to enter the...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review Roger Williams University Law Review Spring 2011 Articles Women and the Law: the Symbolism and the Reality Aileen Sprague... 2011  
Mildred Woryk Women in Corporate Governance: a Cinderella Story 37 University of Dayton Law Review 21 (Fall, 2011) I. Introduction and Summary. 21 II. Current Status and Catalysts for Change. 22 A. Profit Analysis. 25 B. Legislation. 26 C. Corporate Social Responsibility. 29 D. Cultural & Demographic Trends. 33 III. Conclusion. 37; Search Snippet: ...Perspectives on Gender and Business Ethics: Women in Corporate Governance Women in Corporate Governance: a Cinderella [Fn1] Story Mildred Woryk [Fn2... 2011  
Hidemi Chen Women on Probation and Parole: a Feminsit Critique of Community Programs and Services, by Merry Morash. Lebanon, New Hampshire: Northeastern University Press, 2010. 192 Pp. $24.95 Paperback. 26 Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice 191 (Winter 2011) In Women on Probation and Parole, Merry Morash compares two adjacent counties in a northwestern U.S. state with different systems of probation and parole. Gender Responsive County differs from Traditional County by incorporating gender-specific aspects in its supervision system: an emphasis on needs and feelings common to women, supervising...; Search Snippet: ...Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice Winter 2011 Books Received Women on Probation and Parole: a Feminsit Critique of Community Programs... 2011  
Ajmel Quereshi 287(g) and Women: the Family Values of Local Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law 25 Wisconsin Journal of Law, Gender & Society 261 (Fall 2010) Introduction. 261 I. The History of INA § 287(g). 263 II. The Impact of 287(g) Agreements on Minority Communities.. 265 A. The Prevalence of Racial Profiling. 266 B. The Program's Disproportionate Focus on Traffic Offenses and Misdemeanors.. 273 C. Lack of Adequate Federal Oversight. 276 D. Lack of Adequate Data Collection. 279 III. The Impact of...; Search Snippet: ...Of Law, Gender & Society Fall 2010 Articles 287(g) and Women: the Family Values of Local Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law... 2010  
Mary Shivanandan A Civilization of Vows and the Dignity of Women 8 Ave Maria Law Review 375 (Spring 2010) The inimitable G.K. Chesterton in The Superstition of Divorce characterizes the Christian Middle Ages as the age of vows and skeptical modernity as the age of contracts--contracts that are all too easily broken. In his usual paradoxical way, Chesterton says, It began with divorce for a king; and it is now ending in divorces for a whole...; Search Snippet: ...Ii Article a Civilization of Vows and the Dignity of Women Mary Shivanandan [Fnd1] Copyright (C) 2010 Ave Maria Law Review... 2010  
Nancy Cook A Few Words about Women in the Discourse of Criminal Law upon Reading Martha Grace Duncan's Essay, Beauty in the Dark of Night 59 Emory Law Journal 1245 (2010) One key idea in Martha Grace Duncan's essay, Beauty in the Dark of Night: The Pleasures of Form in Criminal Law, is that in our justice system, criminal law represents the juncture where state and individual interact in the most dramatic way; the point at which the state goes furthest in exerting its authority over the citizen. This intersecting...; Search Snippet: ...Journal Emory Law Journal 2010 Essay a Few Words about Women in the Discourse of Criminal Law upon Reading Martha Grace... 2010  
Shana S. Brouwers A Guy Walks into a Bar: Gender Discriminatory Pricing and Admission Policies in Las Vegas Establishments 11 Nevada Law Journal 201 (Fall 2010) In a city whose advertising slogan winks and purrs to potential tourists worldwide that What Happens Here Stays Here, it comes as no surprise that many visitors arrive in Las Vegas expecting to indulge their forbidden desires. For a large number of these visitors, the self-gratification includes attending one or more of the famed Las Vegas...; Search Snippet: ...Journal Fall 2010 Note a Guy Walks into a Bar: Gender Discriminatory Pricing and Admission Policies in Las Vegas Establishments Shana... 2010  
Emily Chaloner A Story of Her Own: a Feminist Critique of Copyright Law 6 I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society 221 (Summer, 2010) This comment explores the ways in which women are using new digital technologies to subvert dominant, male-centered mass media. This comment posits that, although women have more spaces to create due to new technologies, their works are stifled by modern copyright law because it discourages re-imaginings of already existing works. This...; Search Snippet: ...Society Summer, 2010 Articles a Story of Her Own: a Feminist Critique of Copyright Law Emily Chaloner [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2010... 2010  
Cheryl Brown Wattley Ada Lois Sipuel Fisher: How a "Skinny Little Girl" Took on the University of Oklahoma and Helped Pave the Road to Brown V. Board of Education 62 Oklahoma Law Review 449 (Spring, 2010) In January 1946, Ada Lois Sipuel Fisher applied for admission to the University of Oklahoma School of Law (OU Law). That application marked a frontal assault on the Oklahoma Constitution and the statutes that required separation of the races in educational institutions. It also represented a critical step in the National Association for the...; Search Snippet: ...2010 Article Ada Lois Sipuel Fisher: How a Skinny Little Girl Took on the University of Oklahoma and Helped Pave The... 2010  
Sacha M. Coupet Ain't I a Parent?: the Exclusion of Kinship Caregivers from the Debate over Expansions of Parenthood 34 New York University Review of Law and Social Change 595 (2010) Kinship caregivers--a group disproportionately populated by persons of color, particularly black grandmothers--have historically assumed parental roles, often together with a legal parent. Yet even as kin have increasingly assumed substantial parental responsibilities over the past few decades, they continue to have limited opportunities to carry...; Search Snippet: ...Illusory. . the Title References Soujourner Truth's Ain't I a Woman? Speech, Which She Gave Extemporaneously at a Woman's Rights Convention in Akron, Ohio in 1851. Sojourner Truth, Ain't I a Woman (Dec. 1851), Available at Http:// In this Speech, Truth Challenged the Exclusion of Black women's voices, experiences and viewpoints from the women's suffrage movement. Id. Truth argued that the women's... 2010 African/Black American
Edieth Y. Wu American Women -- the Struggle Continues 12 Journal of Law & Social Challenges 13 (Spring 2010) All over the world, especially over the last century, women have made significant strides . . . This feminist transformation of society has been especially apparent in the United States where, in 2008, America was in a unique position to elect its first female president. Many hoped that the statistical majority of women would flock to the...; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Law & Social Challenges Spring 2010 Short Essay American Women -- the Struggle Continues Edieth Y. Wu [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2010... 2010  
Elizabeth R. Sheyn An Accidental Violation: How Required Gardasil Vaccinations for Female Immigrants to the United States Contravene International Law 88 Nebraska Law Review 524 (2010) I. Introduction. 525 II. The Gardasil Vaccine--Development, Use, Problems, and Criticism. 526 A. An Overview of Cervical Cancer: Causes and Preventative Measures. 527 B. The Gardasil Vaccine. 528 C. Medical Issues Resulting from the Use of the Gardasil Vaccine. 530 D. Criticism of the Gardasil Vaccine. 532 1. General Criticism. 532 2. Criticism in...; Search Snippet: ...2010 Article an Accidental Violation: How Required Gardasil Vaccinations for Female Immigrants to the United States Contravene International Law Elizabeth R... 2010  
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