AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearEthnicity in Title or Summary
Robert S. Chang , Adrienne D. Davis An Epistolary Exchange Making up Is Hard to Do: Race/gender/sexual Orientation in the Law School Classroom 33 Harvard Journal of Law & Gender 1 (Winter 2010) This exchange of letters picks up where Professors Adrienne Davis and Robert Chang left off in an earlier exchange that examined who speaks, who is allowed to speak, and what is remembered. Here, Professors Davis and Chang explore the dynamics of race, gender, and sexual orientation in the law school classroom. They compare the...; Search Snippet: ...An Epistolary Exchange Making up Is Hard to Do: Race/ Gender/sexual Orientation in the Law School Classroom Robert S. Chang... 2010  
Meredith Leigh Birdsall An Exploration of "The 'Wild West' of Reproductive Technology": Ethical and Feminist Perspectives on Sex-selection Practices in the United States 17 William and Mary Journal of Women and the Law 223 (Fall, 2010) Although a great many voices have been raised in the debate over ethical questions in the biotechnology arena, over the issue of sex-selection practices there is a disquieting silence in the United States. How is that silence to be accounted for? With the advent of technologies capable of profoundly expanding reproductive options and changing the...; Search Snippet: ...Exploration of the Wild West of Reproductive Technology: Ethical and Feminist Perspectives on Sex-selection Practices in the United States Meredith... 2010  
Nancy E. Dowd Asking the Man Question: Masculinities Analysis and Feminist Theory 33 Harvard Journal of Law & Gender 415 (Summer 2010) Masculinities scholarship is an essential piece of feminist analysis and of critical equality analysis. It requires that we ask the man question to further unravel inequalities. A decade ago Angela Harris urged legal scholars to ask the man question by exposing the masculinities present in the brutal sodomization of Abner Louima, a Haitian...; Search Snippet: ...Summer 2010 Article Asking the Man Question: Masculinities Analysis and Feminist Theory Nancy E. Dowd [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2010 the President... 2010  
Leslie Prentice At Risk for Incarceration : Women in Poverty, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, and Medicaid 32 Women's Rights Law Reporter 81 (Fall, 2010) Amy Bishop, a neurobiology professor seeking tenure at the University of Alabama, shot six colleagues at a faculty meeting, killing three of them. The media coverage surrounding the incident emphasized the unlikely nature of the crime and the players. For example, the Boston Herald published one article describing Bishop as an oddball and another...; Search Snippet: ...Law Reporter Fall, 2010 Note at Risk for Incarceration [Fn1] : Women in Poverty, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, and Medicaid Leslie Prentice... 2010  
Lindsay Pérez Huber Beautifully Powerful: a Latcrit Reflection on Coming to an Epistemological Consciousness and the Power of Testimonio 18 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 839 (2010) I. Introduction. 840 II. Coming to the Study. 841 III. Description of the Study. 843 IV. Coming to an Epistemological Consciousness. 844 V. The Power of Testimonio. 848 VI. Conclusion. 851; Search Snippet: ...Explored the Ways Dominant Racist and Nativist Perceptions of Undocumented Latina/o Immigrants Shaped the Educational Experiences of These Women and How They Responded to These Discourses Through Their Struggle... 2010 Hispanic/Latinx American
Angela P. Harris Beyond the Monster Factory: Gender Violence, Race, and the Liberatory Potential of Restorative Justice 25 Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice 199 (Spring 2010) Some years ago, Frank Zimring and Gordon Hawkins noted that American crime rates are similar to those of other industrialized nations in most categories of nonviolent crime - even lower, in some cases. Only when it comes to lethal violence does the United States outpace other Western nations, with homicide rates many, many times greater. Zimring...; Search Snippet: ...Law & Justice Spring 2010 Book Review Beyond the Monster Factory: Gender Violence, Race, and the Liberatory Potential of Restorative Justice Dreams... 2010  
Anna Blackburne-Rigsby Black Women Judges: the Historical Journey of Black Women to the Nation's Highest Courts 53 Howard Law Journal 645 (Spring 2010) INTRODUCTION. 646 I. BENEFITS TO HAVING A DIVERSE APPELLATE JUDICIARY. 649 II. PLACING THE FIRST BLACK MALE JUDGES AND FIRST WHITE WOMEN JUDGES INTO HISTORICAL CONTEXT. 652 A. Reconstruction: 1865-1877. 653 B. End of Reconstruction: 1877. 654 C. The Women's Suffrage Movement: 1800-1920. 655 D. World War I: 1914-1918 (America entered the war in...; Search Snippet: ...Past and Future of Black Lawyers in America Article Black Women Judges: the Historical Journey of Black Women to the Nation's Highest Courts the Hon. Anna Blackburne-rigsby... 2010 African/Black American
Esther Canty-Barnes Comments: Rutgers School of Law -- Newark and the History of Women and the Law 31 Women's Rights Law Reporter 186 (Winter/Spring 2010) When I stepped into Rutgers, a new and different world opened up to me. As a Southerner, my life had always been viewed from the perspective and impact of the civil rights movement and being a product of a segregated society. I was pleased to see that there were people who cared, were energized and engaged in academic thought concerning injustices...; Search Snippet: ...Comments: Rutgers School of Law -- Newark and the History of Women and the Law Esther Canty-barnes [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2010... 2010  
Nicole Huberfeld Conditional Spending and Compulsory Maternity 2010 University of Illinois Law Review 751 (2010) More than forty-six million Americans are uninsured, and many more are seeking government assistance, which makes congressional spending for federal programs a significant issue. Federal funding often comes with prerequisites in the form of statutory conditions. This Article examines the impact that conditions placed on federal healthcare spending...; Search Snippet: ...And Parents. [Fn128] as of 2004, Five Percent of White Women Were Covered by Medicaid, While Twelve Percent of Hispanic Women and Fourteen Percent of African American Women Were Medicaid Enrollees. [Fn129] Conditions Placed on Use of Medicaid... 2010 Multiple Groups
Karen Musalo , Elisabeth Pellegrin , S. Shawn Roberts Crimes Without Punishment: Violence Against Women in Guatemala 21 Hastings Women's Law Journal 161 (Summer 2010) When Rody Alvarado's husband, a former soldier in the Guatemalan military, repeatedly battered and brutalized her, he rarely failed to mention that even if he killed her, no one would care. Unfortunately for Rody, and for the many thousands of Guatemalan women who are the victims of violence, her husband's words accurately describe the situation in...; Search Snippet: ...Women's Law Journal Summer 2010 Crimes Without Punishment: Violence Against Women in Guatemala Karen Musalo [Fna1] Elisabeth Pellegrin [Fnaa1] S. Shawn... 2010  
Lisa Pasko Damaged Daughters: the History of Girls' Sexuality and the Juvenile Justice System 100 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 1099 (Summer 2010) We try to give the girls the skills to make better choices and take responsibility for their actions. We tell them, It's now up to you when you leave here, but I know it's not going to work for most of them. . . . They're just too much in the life, you know? They come in here with a lot of damage. -- Therapist, girls' residential facility...; Search Snippet: ...Symposium: a Century of Criminal Justice Iii. The People Damaged Daughters: the History of Girls' Sexuality and the Juvenile Justice System Lisa Pasko [Fna1] Copyright... 2010  
Mary Z. Silverzweig Domestic Terrorism: the Debate and Gender Divides 12 Journal of Law and Family Studies 251 (2010) Domestic violence is an enormous problem in the United States. According to statistics: · Two to six million women experience violence from their male partners each year; · Twenty-five to thirty percent of women who seek emergency room treatment are there as a result of domestic violence; · In 2004, over 1000 women were murdered by their husbands...; Search Snippet: ...Family Studies 2010 Book Note Domestic Terrorism: the Debate and Gender Divides Mary Z. Silverzweig [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2010 Journal Of... 2010  
Kathryn Abrams Elusive Coalitions: Reconsidering the Politicsof Gender and Sexuality 57 UCLA Law Review 1135 (June, 2010) Introduction. 1135 I. Three Conflicts in Search of a Coalition. 1136 A. Proposition 8. 1136 B. Times Square Redevelopment. 1138 C. San Francisco's Proposition K. 1139 II. Analyzing Failures of Coalition. 1141 III. Pluralism and Solidarity in the Transgender Movement. 1145; Search Snippet: ...The Field, Envisioning the Future Elusive Coalitions: Reconsidering the Politicsof Gender and Sexuality Kathryn Abrams [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2010 Regents Of... 2010  
Morgan Geller Every Woman Deserves Her Own Pair of Genes: the Constitutionality of Patenting the Brca Genes in Association for Molecular Pathology V. U.s. Patent & Trademark Office 34 Nova Law Review 765 (Summer, 2010) I. Introduction. 766 II. History and Constitutional Principles of Patent Law, DNA, and the BRCA Genes. 769 A. Defining and Interpreting Genes and Patentable Subject Matter. 769 B. Myriad Problems. 771 C. Impeding the Progress of Science and the Useful Arts. 773 1. The Need for Dynamic Constitutional Interpretation. 776 III. Novel Legal Challenges:...; Search Snippet: ...Review Nova Law Review Summer, 2010 Note and Comment Every Woman Deserves Her Own Pair of Genes: the Constitutionality of Patenting... 2010  
Leah M. Provost Excavating from the Inside: Race, Gender, and Peremptory Challenges 45 Valparaiso University Law Review 307 (Fall, 2010) Class, race, sexuality, gender-and all other categories by which we categorize and dismiss each other-need to be excavated from the inside. The attorney begins by asking Juror Number Four, a white male, questions about his background. Do you have any legal training? No, Juror Number Four replies. Please tell me your present occupation. I...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review Fall, 2010 Notes Excavating from the Inside: Race, Gender, and Peremptory Challenges Leah M. Provost [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2010... 2010  
Rosalind Dixon Female Justices, Feminism, and the Politics of Judicial Appointment: a Re-examination 21 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 297 (2010) The question should not be whether Justice O'Connor's seat ought to be filled by a woman but why half of the nine justices are not women . . . . We're asking for another woman. -- Feminist Majority Foundation, 2005 NOW urges President Obama to nominate a woman to join [Justice Ginsburg on the Court] . . . . We want two women (and three and four...; Search Snippet: ...Law and Feminism Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 2010 Article Female Justices, Feminism, and the Politics of Judicial Appointment: a Re... 2010  
Sarah Hinger Finding the Fundamental: Shaping Identity in Gender and Sexual Orientation Based Asylum Claims 19 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 367 (2010) Within the United States and globally, gender and sexual orientation form the basis of an increasing number of rights claims and protections. Both grounds, which reflect the expanding notions and challenges of identity-based rights, have been incorporated into United States asylum law with varying success. The extension of asylum to include some...; Search Snippet: ...Gender and Law 2010 Finding the Fundamental: Shaping Identity in Gender and Sexual Orientation Based Asylum Claims Sarah Hinger [Fna1] Copyright... 2010  
Paige W. Eager, Ph.D. From Freedom Fighters to Terrorists: Exploring Women and Political Violence 31 Women's Rights Law Reporter 268 (Winter/Spring 2010) Throughout human history, both men and women have utilized political violence and terrorism to achieve their political objectives. However, engaging in political violence and terrorism has largely been deemed a man's world. Females who perpetrate both tacitly and explicitly support political violence, and harbor those who commit political violence...; Search Snippet: ...Gender Dimensions of Terrorism from Freedom Fighters to Terrorists: Exploring Women and Political Violence Paige W. Eager , Ph.d. [Fna1] Copyright ©... 2010  
Christine Sgarlata Chung From Lily Bart to the Boom-boom Room: How Wall Street's Social and Cultural Response to Women Has Shaped Securities Regulation 33 Harvard Journal of Law & Gender 175 (Winter 2010) Introduction. 176 Part I: The Pre-Twentieth Century Paradigm: A Fool and Her Money (and Virtue) Are Soon Parted. 183 British Antecedents: Harlots and Wither'd Maids. 183 Early National United States: Where Are Women's Stories?. 185 Part II: Turn of the Century to World War II: New Women Begin Buying and Selling Securities, but They Are Not...; Search Snippet: ...Boom Room: How Wall Street's Social and Cultural Response to Women Has Shaped Securities Regulation Christine Sgarlata Chung [Fna1] Copyright ©... 2010  
Daniel Gordon Gender, Race and Limiting the Constitutional Privilege of Religion as a Haven for Bias: the Bridge Back to the Twentieth Century 31 Women's Rights Law Reporter 369 (Summer 2010) In 2008, a United States District Court found that a school of theology could terminate the employment of a female assistant professor because she was a female. The District Court rejected the professor's claim that under Title VII she possessed the right to be free of gender discrimination. The right to be free from gender discrimination acceded...; Search Snippet: ...Rights Law Reporter Women's Rights Law Reporter Summer 2010 Articles Gender, Race and Limiting the Constitutional Privilege of Religion as A... 2010  
Michael Correll Getting Fat on Government Cheese: the Connection Between Social Welfare Participation, Gender, and Obesity in America 18 Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy 45 (Fall 2010) The dramatic increase in obese and overweight Americans over the last two decades has produced enormous scholarly interest. New theories as to the causes, medical consequences, and legal implications of obesity abound. Despite this increase in obesity scholarship, medical, legal, and social science understandings of this topic largely remain...; Search Snippet: ...Fat on Government Cheese: the Connection Between Social Welfare Participation, Gender, and Obesity in America Michael Correll [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2010... 2010  
Shaun Ossei-Owusu Gimme Some More: Centering Gender and Inequality in Criminal Justice and Discretion Discourse 18 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 607 (2010) I. Introduction. 608 II. Understanding Discretion. 612 A. Discretion as Discreetness. 612 B. Widening Our Lens. 613 III. Sites and Stages of Discretion. 614 A. Understanding Institutional Fields and Bureaucratic Patriarchy. 614 B. Police Practices and Preemptive Investigations. 616 C. Arrests. 619 D. Charging. 620 IV. Conclusion. 622; Search Snippet: ...To Help End the Status Quo Gimme Some More: Centering Gender and Inequality in Criminal Justice and Discretion Discourse Shaun Ossei... 2010  
Bethany Swaton Girls Can Play, Too: Has the Lack of Female Leadership in Ncaa Athletics Become an Afterthought? 20 Seton Hall Journal of Sports and Entertainment Law L. 1 (2010) Introduction. 2 II. The Failure of Title IX to Achieve Gender Equality. 5 A. Where are the Women?. 5 B. Title IX Is Not Working. 8 C. Commercialization of College Athletics. 15 D. Benefits of Female Leadership. 18 III. The Minority Coaching Issue. 25 A. Racial Problem and Adoption of the Rooney Rule. 25 B. NCAA. 31 IV. Parallels Between the Racial...; Search Snippet: ...Seton Hall Journal of Sports and Entertainment Law 2010 Article Girls Can Play, Too: Has the Lack of Female Leadership in Ncaa Athletics Become an Afterthought? Bethany Swaton [Fna1... 2010  
Mark Allan Herzberg Girls Get in Free: a Legal Analysis of the Gender-based Door Entry Policies 19 Southern California Review of Law & Social Justice 47 (Summer 2010) The peaceful mining town of Prescott, Arizona, was burgeoning in 1906. Lucrative capital investments in livestock operations afforded a comfortable lifestyle for many families. While the women of the town were at home for an early bedtime, the men-only saloons along Whiskey Row were lit up with raucous gambling and drinking. However, for one...; Search Snippet: ...Southern California Review of Law & Social Justice Summer 2010 Notes Girls Get in Free: a Legal Analysis of the Gender-based Door Entry Policies Mark Allan Herzberg Copyright (C) 2010... 2010  
Eli Wald Glass Ceilings and Dead Ends: Professional Ideologies, Gender Stereotypes, and the Future of Women Lawyers at Large Law Firms 78 Fordham Law Review 2245 (April, 2010) Large law firms are experiencing a shift in professional ideology. Competitive meritocracy, an ideology that rose to prominence in the 1960s and 1970s and has come to dominate large law firm thinking since the 1980s, is in decline and is gradually being replaced by a hypercompetitive professional ideology. The consequences of this ideological...; Search Snippet: ...Large Law Firms Glass Ceilings and Dead Ends: Professional Ideologies, Gender Stereotypes, and the Future of Women Lawyers at Large Law Firms Eli Wald [Fna1] Copyright ©... 2010  
Kristin A. Collins Go West, Young Woman! The Mercer Girls and Legal Historiography 63 Vanderbilt Law Review En Banc 77 (7/2/2010) I. Into a Space Beyond the Bounds of Civilization. 79 II. Bring a Suitable Wife. 82; Search Snippet: ...Review En Banc July 2, 2010 Response Go West, Young Woman! The Mercer Girls and Legal Historiography Kristin A. Collins [Fna1] Copyright © 2010 Vanderbilt... 2010  
Rachel M. Zahorsky Great Strides for Female Lawyers 96-SEP ABA Journal 63 (September, 2010) ON THE SAME WEEKEND THAT Elena Kagan was sworn in as the fourth female justice to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court, five other female lawyers were honored at the ABA Annual Meeting for their commitment to the equal participation of women in the profession and justice system. The recipients of the Margaret Brent Women Lawyers of Achievement Award,...; Search Snippet: ...Aba Edited by James Podgers / Great Strides for Female Lawyers Rachel M. Zahorsky Copyright © 2010 by the American Bar... 2010  
Emily C. Rutledge Healing Jurisprudential "Bruises": a Critique of the Failure of Due Process to Account for the Intersection of Race, Class, and Gender in the Post-castle Rock Era 53 Howard Law Journal 421 (Winter 2010) Interaction of the justice system, especially police [and the courts], with communities of color is a major factor contributing to a dynamic that cannot be ignored in understanding the broad picture of domestic violence as it pertains to women of color. The United States Supreme Court in Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales delivered a troubling, yet...; Search Snippet: ...Process to Account for the Intersection of Race, Class, and Gender in the Post-castle Rock Era Emily C. Rutledge [Fna1... 2010  
Lynn Hecht Schafran History of Women in the Legal Profession: Edited Transcript 31 Women's Rights Law Reporter 211 (Winter/Spring 2010) Good afternoon, I am Lynn Hecht Schafran, Director of the National Judicial Education Program at Legal Momentum. If some of you don't know that name, we used to be NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund. We changed our name in 2004. For this panel I am wearing two hats. I'm your moderator and I'm also going to be a panelist. We are going to be...; Search Snippet: ...And the History of Women and the Law History of Women in the Legal Profession: Edited Transcript Lynn Hecht Schafran Copyright... 2010  
Stacy Calhoun, Nena Messina, Jerome Cartier, Stephanie Torres, Integrated Substance Abuse Programs University of California, Los Angeles Implementing Gender-responsive Treatment for Women in Prison: Client and Staff Perspectives 74-DEC Federal Probation 27 (December, 2010) OVER THE PAST TWO decades, the overall number of female prisoners in the United States has grown substantially. While the number of women in prison remains lower than the number of men, women are entering prisons at a faster rate than men. From 1995 to 2005, the total number of female prisoners increased 57 percent compared with a 34 percent...; Search Snippet: ...2010 Wl 5627230 Federal Probation Federal Probation December, 2010 Implementing Gender-responsive Treatment for Women in Prison: Client and Staff Perspectives Stacy Calhoun Nena Messina... 2010  
Rebecca Tsosie Indigenous Women and International Human Rights Law: the Challenges of Colonialism, Cultural Survival, and Self-determination 15 UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs 187 (Spring 2010) As indigenous peoples move toward full realization of their right to self-determination, as affirmed by the text of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, some have queried whether this will promote the ability of indigenous groups to violate the rights of vulnerable members, particularly women. International human...; Search Snippet: ...Of International Law and Foreign Affairs Spring 2010 Article Indigenous Women and International Human Rights Law: the Challenges of Colonialism, Cultural... 2010  
Amy Farrell , Geoff Ward, Danielle Rousseau Intersections of Gender and Race in Federal Sentencing: Examining Court Contexts and the Effects of Representative Court Authorities 14 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 85 (Fall 2010) Decades of research confirm that women receive less-severe sanctions than men across all phases of the criminal justice system. In fact, leniency toward women has become an almost accepted phenomenon among scholars studying criminal case processing. Sex disparities are particularly evident in the sentencing practices of the federal courts, where...; Search Snippet: ...And the Law Criminal Sentencing Guidelines Conference Articles Intersections of Gender and Race in Federal Sentencing: Examining Court Contexts and The... 2010  
Beverley Baines Is Constitutionalism Bad for Intersectional Feminists? 28 Penn State International Law Review 427 (Winter 2010) Introduction. 428 Charter Constitutionalism. 431 State Action. 432 The Crime of Polygamy. 432 The Ban on Faith-based Family Arbitration. 434 The Limit on Accommodation of Cultural Differences. 435 Rights Violations. 437 Criminalizing Polygamy. 437 Banning Faith-based Family Arbitrations. 437 Limiting Accommodation of Cultural Differences. 438...; Search Snippet: ...Gentili Iii. Gender and Constitution Is Constitutionalism Bad for Intersectional Feminists? Beverley Baines [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2010 Dickinson School of Law... 2010  
Thomas D. Russell Keep Negroes out of Most Classes Where There Are a Large Number of Girls: the Unseen Power of the Ku Klux Klan and Standardized Testing at the University of Texas, 1899-1999 52 South Texas Law Review 1 (Fall 2010) I. Introduction: Response to Brown. 1 II. William Stewart Simkins: Klansman and Law Professor. 2 III. Jim Crow Education in Texas. 4 IV. Colonel Simkins Becomes Professor Simkins. 5 V. Separate but Equal . 6 VI. Sweatt v. Painter. 11 VII. Colonel Simkins and his Unseen Power . 12 VIII. Heman Sweatt Goes to Law School. 13 IX. Professor Simkins...; Search Snippet: ...Of Most Classes Where There Are a Large Number of Girls : the Unseen Power of the Ku Klux Klan and Standardized... 2010  
David S. Cohen Keeping Men "Men" and Women Down: Sex Segregation, Anti-essentialism, and Masculinity 33 Harvard Journal of Law & Gender 509 (Summer 2010) Introduction. 509 I. The Stubborn Persistence of Sex Segregation. 513 II. Gender, Antiessentialism, and Masculinities. 517 A. Gender and Antiessentialism. 517 B. Multiple Masculinities. 521 III. Hegemonic Masculinity. 522 A. Not Feminine. 525 B. Heterosexual. 528 C. Physically Aggressive. 532 IV. The Hegemony of Men. 535 A. The Category of Men ....; Search Snippet: ...Of Law & Gender Summer 2010 Article Keeping Men Men and Women Down: Sex Segregation, Anti-essentialism, and Masculinity David S. Cohen... 2010  
Beth Caldwell Latinas' Experiences in Relation to Gangs: Intersectionality of Race, Class, Gender, and the State 2 Georgetown Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives 19 (Spring, 2010) Women involved with gangs face gender bias and oppression at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels: within themselves and their families, within the gang subculture, at the community level, and through the state, as enacted by the law and its systems of enforcement. Gang-involved women face multiple experiences of victimization that occur within these...; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives Spring, 2010 Article Latinas' Experiences in Relation to Gangs: Intersectionality of Race, Class, Gender, and the State Beth Caldwell [Fna1] Copyright © 2010 by Beth... 2010 Hispanic/Latinx American
Sally Engle Merry, Peggy Levitt, Mihaela Şerban Rosen, Diana H. Yoon Law from Below: Women's Human Rights and Social Movements in New York City 44 Law and Society Review 101 (March, 2010) Despite the ambivalent history of the domestic application of human rights in the United States, human rights increasingly offer important resources for American grassroots activists. Within the constraints of U.S. policy toward human rights, they provide social movements a kind of global law from below: a form of cosmopolitan law that subalterns...; Search Snippet: ...Law and Society Review March, 2010 Article Law from Below: Women's Human Rights and Social Movements in New York City Sally... 2010  
Laura E. Pisarello Lawless by Design: Jurisdiction, Gender and Justice in Indian Country 59 Emory Law Journal 1515 (2010) [O]ur method of dealing with [murder] was Crow Dog should go take care of Spotted Tail's family, and if he didn't do that we'd banish him from the tribe. But that was considered too barbaric . . . so they passed the Major Crimes Act that said we don't know how to handle murderers and they were going to show us. [I]f you want to rape or kill...; Search Snippet: ...Journal Emory Law Journal 2010 Comment Lawless by Design: Jurisdiction, Gender and Justice in Indian Country Laura E. Pisarello [Fna1] Copyright... 2010 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Pooja Nair, J.D. Candidate, Harvard Law School 2011. Litigating Against the Forced Sterilization of Hiv-positive Women: Recent Developments in Chile and Namibia 23 Harvard Human Rights Journal 223 (Spring 2010) In response to rising Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-infection rates, poverty, and overpopulation, some nations have resorted to a policy of forcibly sterilizing HIV-positive women in order to prevent the transmission of HIV during childbirth. Such forced sterilization violates a woman's fundamental right to control her own body and her right...; Search Snippet: ...Recent Development Litigating Against the Forced Sterilization of Hiv-positive Women: Recent Developments in Chile and Namibia Pooja Nair J.d. Candidate... 2010  
Leslye E. Orloff , Kathryn C. Isom , Edmundo Saballos Mandatory U-visa Certification Unnecessarily Undermines the Purpose of the Violence Against Women Act's Immigration Protections and its "Any Credible Evidence" Rules--a Call for Consistency 11 Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law 619 (2010) I. Background and Legislative History of VAWA's Any Credible Evidence Standard of Proof Provisions 622 A. From Coverture to the Immigration Act of 1990's Battered Spouse Waiver 622 B. The Immigration and Naturalization Service's Implementation of the Battered Spouse Waiver 624 C. The Violence Against Women Act of 1994's Response: Any Credible...; Search Snippet: ...Visa Certification Unnecessarily Undermines the Purpose of the Violence Against Women Act's Immigration Protections and its Any Credible Evidence Rules--a... 2010  
Ellen Dannin Marriage and Law Reform: Lessons from the Nineteenth-century Michigan Married Women's Property Acts 20 Texas Journal of Women and the Law L. 1 (Fall 2010) I. INTRODUCTION. 3 II. THE STUDY. 9 A. The Motivation for the Study. 9 B. Theories to be Tested. 10 C. Background Information on the Deeds Examined. 11 D. Data From the First Deeds Study. 12 E. Data From the Second Deeds Study. 21 III. DO THE RESULTS FIT WITH THEORIES AS TO WHY THE MICHIGAN MWPA WAS ENACTED?. 22 A. Debtor Relief. 23 B. Women's...; Search Snippet: ...And Law Reform: Lessons from the Nineteenth-century Michigan Married Women's Property Acts Ellen Dannin [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2010 Texas Journal... 2010  
Richard Collier Masculinities, Law, and Personal Life: Towards a New Framework for Understanding Men, Law, and Gender 33 Harvard Journal of Law & Gender 431 (Summer 2010) I. Introduction. 431 II. Contexts: The Masculinity Turn in Legal Scholarship. 434 A. Men, Masculinities, and Feminist Legal Studies. 435 III. The Critical Study of Men, Masculinities, and Law. 444 A. Background: The Pro-Feminist Study of Masculinities. 444 B. On the Man of Law: Legal Texts, Practices, Experiences, and Policy. 446 C. Law,...; Search Snippet: ...Life: Towards a New Framework for Understanding Men, Law, and Gender Richard Collier [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2010 the President and Fellows... 2010  
Dean Spade, Gabriel Arkles, Phil Duran, Pooja Gehi, Huy Nguyen, Introduction Author and Interview Facilitator, Transgender Advocates Medicaid Policy & Gender-confirming Healthcare for Trans People: an Interview with Advocates 8 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 497 (Spring/Summer, 2010) Access to healthcare is a significant issue in the United States, especially for populations facing disproportionate poverty, medical abuse, and discriminatory denial of treatment. Trans people live at a complex crossroads-- the law defines us through medical norms by requiring medical evidence of our gender at every turn, yet many laws and...; Search Snippet: ...Spring/summer, 2010 Transgender Issues and the Law Medicaid Policy & Gender-confirming Healthcare for Trans People: an Interview with Advocates Dean... 2010  
Mary Vasaly Men in Black: Gender Diversity and the Eighth Circuit Bench 36 William Mitchell Law Review 1703 (2010) I. Introduction. 1703 II. Why is the Eighth Circuit Important?. 1705 III. Why Gender Diversity is Central to the Concept of Equal Justice for All. 1706 IV. History of Efforts to Increase Diversity in the Eighth Circuit. 1712 V. Why is it Harder to Achieve Diversity in the Federal System?. 1713 VI. What We are Doing About It. 1716 VII. Conclusion....; Search Snippet: ...Mitchell Law Review 2010 the Eighth Circuit Men in Black: Gender Diversity and the Eighth Circuit Bench Mary Vasaly [Fnd1] Copyright... 2010 African/Black American
Ann Varley Modest Expectations: Gender and Property Rights in Urban Mexico 44 Law and Society Review 67 (March, 2010) This article examines gender and property in Guadalajara, Mexico, in the light of debates that oppose formal title to the social embeddedness of rights in customary law and assert that titling is bad for women. The article focuses on urban homes, private property, and civil law but finds that qualities regarded as characterizing customary property...; Search Snippet: ...Review Law and Society Review March, 2010 Article Modest Expectations: Gender and Property Rights in Urban Mexico Ann Varley [Fna1] Copyright... 2010  
Kelly Lynn Anders , Washburn University, Movies with Women Lawyers as Leading Characters 79-JUN Journal of the Kansas Bar Association 11 (June, 2010) My wife is a lawyer, and she loves television shows about lawyers. If it involves the law, lawyers, or law firms, she'll watch it. She especially enjoys shows with minority female lawyer characters. I think it's probably helpful for her to see these images because she sometimes feels isolated. She is the only lawyer in our family, and we don't have...; Search Snippet: ...Association June, 2010 Regular Feature the Diversity Corner Movies with Women Lawyers as Leading Characters Kelly Lynn Anders [Fna1] Washburn University... 2010  
Rebecca A. Hart No Exceptions Made: Sexual Assault Against Native American Women and the Denial of Reproductive Healthcare Services 25 Wisconsin Journal of Law, Gender & Society 209 (Fall 2010) Introduction. 211 I. Sexual Assault in Indian Country. 216 A. The Epidemic of Sexual Assault in Indian Country. 216 B. The Federal Trust Relationship and Criminal Jurisdiction in Indian Country. 217 i. Federal and Tribal Criminal Jurisdiction over Sexual Assault Committed by a Native American. 218 ii. Federal and Tribal Criminal Jurisdiction over...; Search Snippet: ...Society Fall 2010 Articles No Exceptions Made: Sexual Assault Against Native American Women and the Denial of Reproductive Healthcare Services Rebecca A. Hart... 2010 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Dionne L. Koller Not Just One of the Boys: a Post-feminist Critique of Title Ix's Vision for Gender Equity in Sports 43 Connecticut Law Review 401 (December, 2010) Title IX as applied to athletics is a high-profile, controversial public policy effort that has opened up the world of athletics to millions of girls and women. Yet as it is both celebrated for the opportunities it has created for women, and decried as going too far at the expense of men, a reality persists that women do not pursue or remain...; Search Snippet: ...2010 Article Not Just One of the Boys: a Post- Feminist Critique of Title Ix's Vision for Gender Equity in Sports Dionne L. Koller [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2011... 2010  
Danielle Sollars Note: Gender Balance in the Judiciary: Why Does it Matter? 36 William Mitchell Law Review 1721 (2010) I. Introduction. 1722 II. Background. 1723 A. The Minnesota Task Force for Gender Fairness in the Courts. 1723 B. Gender Balance on the Eighth Circuit and the Supreme Court. 1725 1. Women (Woman) and the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals. 1725 2. Women and the United States Supreme Court. 1728 III. Do Men and Women Decide Cases Differently?. 1729 A....; Search Snippet: ...The Courts Student Writing Competition Winner: Courtroom Environment Category Note: Gender Balance in the Judiciary: Why Does it Matter? Danielle Sollars... 2010  
Joanne Belknap Offending Women: a Double Entendre 100 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 1061 (Summer 2010) Two of the most significant contributions of feminist criminology since the 1970s are the documentation of (1) the significant amount of violence against women and girls perpetrated by men and boys; and (2) how girls' and women's victimizations and trauma, often at the hands of abusive men, are risk factors for their subsequent offending or...; Search Snippet: ...Symposium: a Century of Criminal Justice Iii. The People Offending Women : a Double Entendre Joanne Belknap [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2010 Northwestern... 2010  
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