AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearEthnicity in Title or Summary
Kim Shayo Buchanan Our Prisons, Ourselves: Race, Gender and the Rule of Law 29 Yale Law and Policy Review 1 (Fall 2010) Introduction. 2 I. The Prison Rape Narrative. 12 II. Real Men vs. Sissies: The Heterosexual Defense. 23 A. The Legal Response to Sexual Abuse in Prison. 23 1. Underenforcement. 25 2. Be a man. Stand up and fight. . 29 3. You're gay. You must have liked it. . 32 B. Dominance and Sexuality: Making Men. 37 1. Masculinities and the Social Meaning...; Search Snippet: ...And Policy Review Fall 2010 Article Our Prisons, Ourselves: Race, Gender and the Rule of Law Kim Shayo Buchanan [Fna1] Copyright... 2010  
Kamille Wolff Out of Many, One People; E Pluribus Unum: an Analysis of Self-identity in the Context of Race, Ethnicity, and Culture 18 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 747 (2010) I. Introduction. 748 II. Self-Identity and Ethnicity. 750 A. Self-Identity Viewed Through the Immigrant Lens. 750 B. Self-Identity and Nationality. 752 C. Self-Identity in the Shape of Ethnic Consciousness. 756 III. Self-Identity and Culture. 764 A. Music as Cultural Expression. 764 1. Reggae and Reggaetón. 764 2. The Hip Hop Movement. 768 IV....; Search Snippet: ...Describing the Jamaican Coat of Arms as a Male and Female Flanking a Shield). See Generally Helen I. Safa, Popular Culture... 2010  
Meera E. Deo , Maria Woodruff , Rican Vue , Thomas Jefferson School of Law, UCLA, UCLA Paint by Number? How the Race and Gender of Law School Faculty Affect the First-year Curriculum 29 Chicana/o-Latina/o Law Review Rev. 1 (2010) While there is a relatively standard first-year curriculum at all ABA-accredited law schools in the U.S., no two classrooms are identical. This article examines how the race and gender of law school faculty affect both what is taught in the first year and how that material is taught. Using focus group data from a national, longitudinal,...; Search Snippet: ...Review 2010 Articles Paint by Number? How the Race and Gender of Law School Faculty Affect the First-year Curriculum Meera... 2010  
Maia Goodell Physical-strength Rationales for De Jure Exclusion of Women from Military Combat Positions 34 Seattle University Law Review 17 (Fall, 2010) In his first State of the Union Address, President Obama pledged, This year, I will work with Congress and our military to finally repeal the law that denies gay Americans the right to serve the country they love because of who they are. It's the right thing to do. Since its foundation, our country has struggled with the legal and social...; Search Snippet: ...2010 Article Physical-strength Rationales for De Jure Exclusion of Women from Military Combat Positions Maia Goodell [Fnd1] Copyright © 2010 By... 2010  
Angela Mae Kupenda , Letitia Simmons Johnson , Ramona Seabron-Williams Political Invisibility of Black Women: Still Suspect but No Suspect Class 50 Washburn Law Journal 109 (Fall 2010) All paradises, all utopias are designed by who is not there, by the people who are not allowed in. Black women have been doubly victimized by scholarly neglect and racist assumptions. Belonging as they do to two groups which have traditionally been treated as inferiors by American society--Blacks and women--they have been doubly invisible. History...; Search Snippet: ...Washburn Law Journal Fall 2010 Article Political Invisibility of Black Women: Still Suspect but No Suspect Class Angela Mae Kupenda [Fna1... 2010 African/Black American
Rachel J. Anderson Promoting Distributional Equality for Women: Some Thoughts on Gender and Global Corporate Citizenship in Foreign Direct Investment 32 Women's Rights Law Reporter 1 (Fall, 2010) This essay applies a legal theory of global corporate citizenship to the question of women's distributional equality in foreign direct investment (FDI). It proposes ways that a legal theory of mandatory global corporate citizenship can expand the ways we think about regulating transnational corporations and promoting gender equality. Gender...; Search Snippet: ...Presentations: Women, Law, and the Economy Promoting Distributional Equality for Women: Some Thoughts on Gender and Global Corporate Citizenship in Foreign Direct Investment Rachel J... 2010  
Carissa Byrne Hessick Race and Gender as Explicit Sentencing Factors 14 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 127 (Fall 2010) Most modern sentencing systems in the United States express an explicit commitment to ensuring that a defendant's sentence is not affected by the defendant's race or gender. This commitment to keeping criminal sentencing free of race and gender considerations is consistent with the wider legal trend of eradicating race and gender discrimination...; Search Snippet: ...And the Law Criminal Sentencing Guidelines Conference Articles Race and Gender as Explicit Sentencing Factors Carissa Byrne Hessick [Fna1] Copyright ©... 2010  
Sarah Deer Relocation Revisited: Sex Trafficking of Native Women in the United States 36 William Mitchell Law Review 621 (2010) I. Introduction. 622 II. Historical Overview: Preliminary Notes on Context. 630 III. Enslavement. 632 A. Pre-Colonial Human Captivity. 633 B. Indian Slavery under Spanish and Portuguese Law. 636 C. Indian Slavery under English Law. 638 D. Indian Slavery under French Law. 639 E. Indian Slavery in the United States. 640 IV. Exploitation. 640 A....; Search Snippet: ...Review 2010 Indian Law Relocation Revisited: Sex Trafficking of Native Women in the United States Sarah Deer [Fnd1] Copyright (C) 2010... 2010 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Margareth Etienne Sentencing Women: Reassessing the Claims of Disparity 14 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 73 (Fall 2010) Despite its title, this Article is perhaps as much about sentencing men as it is about sentencing women. Any account of how courts sentence female defendants is incomplete without some understanding of how courts sentence male defendants. This is so in part because one of the most intractable puzzles in sentencing law is the notable disparity...; Search Snippet: ...Economics, and the Law Criminal Sentencing Guidelines Conference Articles Sentencing Women: Reassessing the Claims of Disparity Margareth Etienne [Fna1] Copyright ©... 2010  
Amanda Kloer Sex Trafficking and Hiv/aids a Deadly Junction for Women and Girls 37-SPG Human Rights 8 (Spring, 2010) A way out of no way, it's flesh out of flesh, it's courage that cries out at night; A way out of no way, it's flesh out of flesh, it's bravery kept out of sight; A way out of no way, it's too much to ask, it's too much of a task for any one woman.--Oughta Be A Woman, by Sweet Honey in the Rock The nexus of the global epidemics of sex...; Search Snippet: ...2010 Sex Trafficking and Hiv/aids a Deadly Junction for Women and Girls Amanda Kloer [Fna1] Copyright © 2010 by American Bar Association; Amanda... 2010  
William N. Eskridge, Jr. Sexual and Gender Variation in American Public Law: from Malignant to Benign to Productive 57 UCLA Law Review 1333 (June, 2010) Sexuality, gender, and the law now constitutes an important field of legal inquiry and scholarship. This Article traces the evolution of the big idea in this area: Contrary to natural law assumptions, the nation is moving decisively toward the norm that sexual and gender variation are typically benign and not malignant. Today, this liberal norm...; Search Snippet: ...Gender Law: Assessing the Field, Envisioning the Future Sexual and Gender Variation in American Public Law: from Malignant to Benign To... 2010  
Marisa Rothstein Sharing the Stage: Using Title Vii to End Discrimination Against Female Playwrights on Broadway 17 Cardozo Journal of Law & Gender 171 (2010) It's time to hear both sides, to hear all voices, to build a culture where stories are told by both men and women. That is the way the planet is going to survive, and it's the way we are going to survive. - Theresa Rebeck, American playwright In the 2008-2009 season, women wrote only ten of the seventy-eight shows produced on Broadway. This...; Search Snippet: ...Sharing the Stage: Using Title Vii to End Discrimination Against Female Playwrights on Broadway Marisa Rothstein [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2010 Yeshiva... 2010  
Adele M. Morrison Straightening Up: Black Women Law Professors, Interracial Relationships, and Academic Fit(ting) in 33 Harvard Journal of Law & Gender 85 (Winter 2010) In Making Up Is Hard to Do: Race/Gender/Sexual Orientation in the Law School Classroom, Professors Robert Chang and Adrienne Davis write of the tools that people of color, women, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons use in order to fit into the role of law professor. They further explore how those same groups are perceived,...; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Law & Gender Winter 2010 Article Straightening Up: Black Women Law Professors, Interracial Relationships, and Academic Fit(ting) in Adele... 2010 African/Black American
Bridgette Baldwin Stratification of the Welfare Poor: Intersections of Gender, Race, & "Worthiness" in Poverty Discourse and Policy 6 Modern American 4 (Spring, 2010) On average, we black women have bigger, better problems than any other women alive. We bear the burden of being seen as pretenders to the thrones of both femininity and masculinity, endlessly mocked by the ambiguously gendered crown-of-thorns imagery of queen Madame Queen, snap queen, welfare queen, quota queen, Queenie Queen, Queen Queen Queen....; Search Snippet: ...American Spring, 2010 Stratification of the Welfare Poor: Intersections of Gender, Race, & Worthiness in Poverty Discourse and Policy Bridgette Baldwin [Fn1... 2010 African/Black American
Congresswoman Rosa L. DeLauro Successes and Further Goals for Women in the Workforce 37-SUM Human Rights 9 (Summer, 2010) The fifteenth anniversary of the Beijing Conference on Women, explored in this issue of Human Rights, marks an important milestone. And, like all milestones, it represents an occasion for us to pause and reflect on women's long national journey toward full equality--both in how far we have come, and how much further we still need to go. In terms of...; Search Snippet: ...Rights Human Rights Summer, 2010 Successes and Further Goals for Women in the Workforce Congresswoman Rosa L. Delauro [Fna1] Copyright © 2010... 2010  
Jeanine DeBor Suffragists, Unite!: Remembering the Struggle for Women's Suffrage 12 No. 5 Lawyers Journal J. 7 (2/26/2010) Constitutional Amendment XIX, passed by Congress on June 4, 1919 and ratified Aug. 18, 1920, states that The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. As we look toward the 90th anniversary of women's right to vote, a brief history of the long and painful...; Search Snippet: ...The Law Division Page Suffragists, Unite!: Remembering the Struggle for Women's Suffrage Jeanine Debor [Fna1] Copyright © 2010 by Allegheny County Bar... 2010  
Nancy E. Dowd The "F" Factor: Fineman as Method and Substance 59 Emory Law Journal 1191 (2010) Martha Fineman's latest volume continues her long tradition of challenging, unraveling, and moving forward the dialogue of equality and justice. In this latest volume to emerge from the Feminism and Legal Theory Project (FLTP), Fineman, together with her co-editors, Jack Jackson and Adam Romero, has gathered an extraordinary group of scholars who...; Search Snippet: ...The F Factor: Fineman as Method and Substance Review of Feminist and Queer Legal Theory: Intimate Encounters, Uncomfortable Conversations, Edited By... 2010  
Asmara M. Tekle The "Non-maternal Wall" and Women of Color in High Governmental Office 35 Thurgood Marshall Law Review 169 (Spring, 2010) Former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice and Justice Sonia Sotomayor are renowned and to be admired for their ascendance to the heights of American government, a feat that few individuals, let alone women of color, have achieved. What these highly accomplished women are less well known for, however, is their ability to balance motherhood and a...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review Spring, 2010 Articles the Non-maternal Wall and Women of Color in High Governmental Office Asmara M. Tekle [Fna1... 2010  
Felice Batlan The Birth of Legal Aid: Gender Ideologies, Women, and the Bar in New York City, 1863-1910 28 Law and History Review 931 (November, 2010) At the New York Legal Aid Society's twenty-fifth anniversary banquet in 1901, Arthur von Briesen, the Society's longtime president, ended the evening with the following acknowledgement: Before we separate I beg to be permitted to say a few words on . the valuable aid which the Society has received from the women of New York. I want you to...; Search Snippet: ...History Review November, 2010 Article the Birth of Legal Aid: Gender Ideologies, Women, and the Bar in New York City, 1863-1910 Felice... 2010  
Bridget J. Crawford The Currency of White Women's Hair in a down Economy 32 Women's Rights Law Reporter 45 (Fall, 2010) Women want choices, especially when it comes to their hair. At just about any suburban drugstore, a woman of moderate means can buy hundreds of different hair dyes, gels, sprays, oils, shampoos, and conditioning treatments. On sale are hair combs, brushes, clips, rollers, bows, crimpers, irons, and even extensions, just an aisle or two away from...; Search Snippet: ...Presentations: Women, Law, and the Economy the Currency of White Women's Hair in a down Economy Bridget J. Crawford [Fna1] Copyright... 2010  
John Sarto The Disproportionate Representation of Women in Subprime Lending: Cause, Effect, and Remedies 31 Women's Rights Law Reporter 337 (Winter/Spring 2010) Home ownership is an American obsession which explains why most Americans are willing to make dramatic sacrifices in order to own a home. Because it has given many more people the ability to purchase homes, it is not a surprise that subprime lending has become pervasive in the last decade. Recently, however, subprime lending has contributed to...; Search Snippet: ...Winter/spring 2010 December 2010 Note the Disproportionate Representation of Women in Subprime Lending: Cause, Effect, and Remedies John Sarto [Fna1... 2010  
Jillian T. Weiss The First Amendment Right to Free Exercise of Religion, Nondiscrimination Statutes Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, and the Free Exercise Claims of Non-church-related Employers 12 Florida Coastal Law Review 15 (Fall 2010) In a number of recent political issue campaigns regarding the enactment of employment protections law based on sexual orientation and gender identity, opponents of such laws have often raised concerns about the infringement on the religious freedoms of business owners. While there are often legislative exemptions for churches and other religious...; Search Snippet: ...Exercise of Religion, Nondiscrimination Statutes Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, and the Free Exercise Claims of Non-church-related... 2010  
Leeron Avnery The Gender Gap: a Persistent Problem That Congress Has Yet to Address 16 William and Mary Journal of Women and the Law 395 (Winter, 2010) It is a well-known fact that women are noticeably outnumbered in the workplace when it comes to careers in math, engineering, and the sciences. This is what is known as a gender gap: a disproportionate difference or disparity between the sexes. What may not be as familiar to many is the concept of a gender gap in middle schools and high schools...; Search Snippet: ...Protecting Women's Privacy in the Most Important Places Notes the Gender Gap: a Persistent Problem That Congress Has Yet to Address... 2010  
Elizabeth J. Kennedy The Invisible Corner: Expanding Workplace Rights for Female Day Laborers 31 Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law 126 (2010) Governmental approaches to regulating day labor markets have focused principally on industries such as construction, landscaping and agriculture, in which day labor is performed almost exclusively by men. Legal and social science scholarship regarding day labor has largely ignored the significant numbers of women working in domestic industries like...; Search Snippet: ...Law 2010 Articles the Invisible Corner: Expanding Workplace Rights for Female Day Laborers Elizabeth J. Kennedy [Fnd1] Copyright (C) 2010 The... 2010  
Carrie Griffin Basas The New Boys: Women with Disabilities and the Legal Profession 25 Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice 32 (Spring 2010) This essay fuses the fields of law, feminist theory, and cultural studies to examine the status of women attorneys with disabilities. It is the first study of its kind in the United States. The author conducted an empirical, qualitative, and ethnographic study of thirty-eight women attorneys with disabilities in the United States. Their...; Search Snippet: ...Of Gender, Law & Justice Spring 2010 Article the New Boys: Women with Disabilities and the Legal Profession Carrie Griffin Basas [Fnd1... 2010  
Gary Ford The New Jim Crow: Male and Female, South and North, from Cradle to Grave, Perception and Reality: Racial Disparity and Bias in America's Criminal Justice System 11 Rutgers Race & the Law Review 323 (2010) The new Jim Crow is the criminal justice system and its impact on poor people in general and people of colour in particular. Desre'e Watson, a six year-old black girl was arrested and charged with a felony for disruption of her kindergarten class. Shaquanda Cotton, a fifteen-year old black girl with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review 2010 Article the New Jim Crow: Male and Female, South and North, from Cradle to Grave, Perception and Reality... 2010 African/Black American
Diane Crothers The Origins of the Women's Rights Law Reporter in the Civil Rights and Women's Liberation Movements 31 Women's Rights Law Reporter 190 (Winter/Spring 2010) First, I want to thank Professor Suzanne Kim for initiating this Symposium and to thank Rutgers Law School for, once again, supporting women's efforts to reshape the law and the world. Although I am Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg's Deputy Commissioner for Equal Employment Opportunity for New York City, this article is written in my personal capacity. I...; Search Snippet: ...History of Women and the Law the Origins of the Women's Rights Law Reporter in the Civil Rights and Women's Liberation Movements Diane Crothers Copyright (C) 2010 Women's Rights Law... 2010  
Cynthia Fuchs Epstein, Hella Winston The Salience of Gender in the Choice of Law Careers in the Public Interest 18 Buffalo Journal of Gender, Law & Social Policy 21 (2009-2010) Contrary to the popular belief that women prefer to engage in work that is in the caring sector of the workplace, most women law students, like their male counterparts, choose legal careers in commercial practice rather than in the do-good, not-for-profit sphere of the law. Indeed, women have made choices contrary to this stereotype in other...; Search Snippet: ...Gender, Law & Social Policy 2009-2010 Articles the Salience of Gender in the Choice of Law Careers in the Public Interest... 2010  
Leslie M. Rose The Supreme Court and Gender-neutral Language: Setting the Standard or Lagging Behind? 17 Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy 81 (January, 2010) [T]he law lives through language and we must be very careful about the language we use. Law students learn the law and the language of the law from casebooks - casebooks filled with Supreme Court opinions. So, for example, when students begin Constitutional Law they will read Chief Justice John Marshall's influential 1803 opinion in Marbury v....; Search Snippet: ...Gender Law & Policy January, 2010 Articles the Supreme Court and Gender-neutral Language: Setting the Standard or Lagging Behind? Leslie M... 2010  
Deborah Dinner The Universal Childcare Debate: Rights Mobilization, Social Policy, and the Dynamics of Feminist Activism, 1966-1974 28 Law and History Review 577 (August, 2010) Beginning in the late 1960s, diverse strands of the modern women's movement-- liberal, radical, and African American feminists--envisioned childcare as a right. In movement tracts, organizational newsletters, and underground journals, feminists theorized women and children's rights to universal childcare, the state's obligation to provide funding...; Search Snippet: ...Childcare Debate: Rights Mobilization, Social Policy, and the Dynamics of Feminist Activism, 1966-1974 Deborah Dinner [Fna1] Copyright © 2010 by The... 2010 African/Black American
Karla Mari McKanders The Unspoken Voices of Indigenous Women in Immigration Raids 14 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice Just. 1 (Fall 2010) Like the canary's distress, which alerted miners to poison in the air, issues of race point to conditions in American society that endanger us all. --Lani Guinier, The Miner's Canary Like the canary in the mine, the voices of indigenous Guatemalan women detained in immigration raids signal conditions within the immigration system in need of change....; Search Snippet: ...And the Law Symposium Article the Unspoken Voices of Indigenous Women in Immigration Raids Karla Mari Mckanders [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2010... 2010  
John Stogner The War on Whiskey in the Womb: Assessing the Merit of Challenges to Statutes Restricting the Alcohol Intake of Pregnant Women 7 Rutgers Journal of Law & Public Policy 259 (Spring, 2010) I. Introduction. 260 II. The Concerns over Drinking While Pregnant. 261 III. The Statutes in Question. 266 IV. Debunking the Arguments Against Restricting Alcohol Use in Pregnancy. 272 A. Addressing Privacy Concerns. 273 B. Equal Protection Concerns. 278 i. The Gender Argument. 278 ii. The Pregnancy Status Argument. 281 iii. The Socioeconomic...; Search Snippet: ...Of Challenges to Statutes Restricting the Alcohol Intake of Pregnant Women John Stogner [Fn1] Copyright © 2010 by Rutgers University School Of... 2010  
Geneva Brown The Wind Cries Mary--the Intersectionality of Race, Gender, and Reentry: Challenges for African-american Women 24 Saint John's Journal of Legal Commentary 625 (Summer 2010) To deliver up bodies destined for profitable punishment, the political economy of prisons relies on racialized assumptions of criminality--such as images of black welfare mothers reproducing criminal children--and on racist practices in arrest, conviction, and sentencing patterns. Angela Davis warned of the impending growth of the prison industrial...; Search Snippet: ...2010 Article the Wind Cries Mary--the Intersectionality of Race, Gender, and Reentry: Challenges for African- American Women Geneva Brown [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2010 St. John's University; Geneva... 2010 African/Black American
Sara Manzano-Díaz The Women's Bureau 37-SUM Human Rights 12 (Summer, 2010) The Work of this Bureau lies not in discovering the statistics, but in making the statistics human, so that we can know the public opinion based upon facts and that is what we do not have and what we need very much. --Mary E. McDowell, head of the University of Chicago Settlement, March 4, 1920 Ninety years ago, in 1920, Congress created the...; Search Snippet: ...2010 Wl 5820196 Human Rights Human Rights Summer, 2010 the Women's Bureau a Continuous Fight Against Inequality Sara Manzano-díaz [Fna1... 2010  
Arline Jolles Lotman Three Women Justices All at the Same Time: Have Women's Rights and Equality Really Gone Too Far?(!) 32-DEC Pennsylvania Lawyer 52 (November/December, 2010) Well, that liberal U.S. Senate did it again -- and with some votes from those wild-eyed progressive Republicans. Elena Kagan's appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court was confirmed almost one year to the day after the Senate confirmed Justice Sonia Sotomayor. They now sit with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who joined the court in 1993. Doesn't anyone...; Search Snippet: ...Pennsylvania Lawyer November/december, 2010 Special Technology Report Commentary Three Women Justices All at the Same Time: Have Women's Rights and Equality Really Gone Too Far?(!) Arline Jolles Lotman... 2010  
Taunya Lovell Banks Thurgood Marshall, the Race Man, and Gender Equality in the Courts 18 Virginia Journal of Social Policy and the Law 15 (Fall 2010) Renowned civil rights advocate and race man Thurgood Marshall came of age as a lawyer during the black protest movement in the 1930s. He represented civil rights protesters, albeit reluctantly, but was ambivalent about post-Brown mass protests. Although Marshall recognized law's limitations, he felt more comfortable using litigation as a tool for...; Search Snippet: ...The Law Fall 2010 Thurgood Marshall, the Race Man, and Gender Equality in the Courts Taunya Lovell Banks [Fna1] Copyright ©... 2010 African/Black American
Mark Curriden Tipping the Scales 96-JUL ABA Journal 37 (July, 2010) Once a year, the chief justices of the Southern state supreme courts gather to share experiences, learn from judicial educators, discuss trends that are common in the court systems of the Deep South and seek solutions. Last year, when the elite group of jurists gathered in Nashville, Tenn., they recognized that they themselves are a trend: Eight of...; Search Snippet: ...Journal July, 2010 Feature Tipping the Scales in the South, Women Have Made Huge Strides in the State Judiciaries Mark Curriden... 2010  
Rhacel Salazar Parreñas Transnational Mothering: a Source of Gender Conflicts in the Family 88 North Carolina Law Review 1825 (June, 2010) Migration destabilizes families or what we think families should look like, as it forces the transformation of households from nuclear to transnational structures, challenges the traditional gender division of labor, and imposes the barrier of geographical distance on marital and intergenerational relations. Looking at the case of migration from...; Search Snippet: ...3: Families and Global Migration Transnational Mothering: a Source of Gender Conflicts in the Family [Fna1] Rhacel Salazar Parreñas [Fnaa1] Copyright... 2010  
Shelley D. Hayes, Bambi W. Gaddist, Andre W. Rawls Universal Access and Human Rights for Women and Girls, Too 37-SPG Human Rights Rts. 4 (Spring, 2010) HIV is the leading cause of death and disease in women of reproductive age around the world. Thus it is that the 2009 World AIDS Day Theme, Universal Access and Human Rights, was particularly applicable to the plight of women and girls in resource-rich and resource-limited countries alike. Below we hope to illustrate some of the ways in which...; Search Snippet: ...Human Rights Spring, 2010 Universal Access and Human Rights for Women and Girls, Too Shelley D. Hayes Bambi W. Gaddist Andre W. Rawls... 2010  
Elizabeth Alexander Unshackling Shawanna: the Battle over Chaining Women Prisoners During Labor and Delivery 32 University of Arkansas at Little Rock Law Review 435 (Summer, 2010) On October 2, 2009, in Nelson v. Correctional Medical Services, the en banc United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit issued a historic decision, becoming the first federal appellate court to hold that the law is clearly established that shackling a woman prisoner during labor and delivery, in the absence of a clear security...; Search Snippet: ...Convicted and Forgotten Article Unshackling Shawanna: the Battle over Chaining Women Prisoners During Labor and Delivery Elizabeth Alexander [Fna1] Copyright © 2010... 2010  
Shirley Kohsin Wang Violence & Hiv/aids: Violence Against Women and Girls as a Cause and Consequence of Hiv/aids 17 Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy 313 (May, 2010) The worldwide HIV/AIDS epidemic has had and continues to have negative effects on human development. In parts of the world that have been most affected by HIV infections, such as sub-Saharan Africa, the epidemic has had the devastating effects of reducing life expectancy, reducing productivity, deepening poverty, decimating populations, increasing...; Search Snippet: ...Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence Violence & Hiv/aids: Violence Against Women and Girls as a Cause and Consequence of Hiv/aids Shirley Kohsin... 2010  
Heather Joy Baker We Don't Want to Scare the Ladies: an Investigation of Maternal Rights and Informed Consent Throughout the Birth Process 31 Women's Rights Law Reporter 538 (Summer 2010) The protection of reproductive rights. . . is not a matter of some vague or generalized notion of privacy but of a woman's autonomy to decide for herself her life's course, and thus to enjoy equal citizenship stature. - Ruth Bader Ginsburg (2007) Although stigmatized by its frequent employment in the abortion debate, a woman's right to...; Search Snippet: ...How a Broken Maternity System must Be Fixed to Put Women and Children First 56 (2006). At a Meeting in Texas... 2010  
Angela Irvine, Ph.D. We've Had Three of Them: Addressing the Invisibility of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Gender Non-conforming Youths in the Juvenile Justice System 19 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 675 (2010) Two researchers were speaking to a high-ranking probation officer from a large city, trying to convince her to participate in a project on lesbian, gay, bisexual and questioning (LGB), and gender non-conforming youths. Her first response was, I've worked in this system for twenty-five years and in all of that time I think we've had three of...; Search Snippet: ...Of Them: Addressing the Invisibility of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Gender Non-conforming Youths in the Juvenile Justice System Angela Irvine... 2010  
Andrea Kupfer Schneider, Sandra Cheldelin, Deborah Kolb What Travels: Teaching Gender in Cross Cultural Negotiation Classrooms 31 Hamline Journal of Public Law and Policy 531 (Spring 2010) I am not hindered by my gender; I use it to my advantage--being cute, young and naïve--to get better deals for my clients. (Israeli lawyer) The likeability-competence stereotype doesn't fit the Turkish experience-- the choice of competence is not one women can even consider--all leadership positions are held by men. (Turkish psychologist) How do we...; Search Snippet: ...Policy Spring 2010 Rethinking Negotiation Teaching Project What Travels: Teaching Gender in Cross Cultural Negotiation Classrooms Andrea Kupfer Schneider Sandra Cheldelin... 2010  
Carol Necole Brown Women and Subprime Lending: an Essay Advocating Self-regulation of the Mortgage Lending Industry 43 Indiana Law Review 1217 (2010) Amidst the subprime debacle, one question is difficult to ask and answer-Why would people who could qualify for prime mortgage loans end up with subprime loans? This is a particularly relevant question because market-based theories suggest that robust competition will provide better products and yet, there is persistent evidence of steering women...; Search Snippet: ...Wl 3441925 Indiana Law Review Indiana Law Review 2010 Symposium Women and Subprime Lending: an Essay Advocating Self-regulation of The... 2010 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Rafael Efrat Women Entrepreneurs in Bankruptcy 45 Tulsa Law Review 527 (Spring 2010) Women are a significant and an emerging part of the American small business community. Some have described this development as one of the most striking trends in the U.S. labor market. Female-owned businesses generate almost a trillion dollars in revenues every year and employ more than seven million workers. Women represent one of the fastest...; Search Snippet: ...Regulation and Recession: Causes, Effects, and Solutions for Financial Crises Women Entrepreneurs in Bankruptcy Rafael Efrat [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2010 University... 2010  
Terra L. Gearhart-Serna Women's Work, Women's Knowing: Intellectual Property and the Recognition of Women's Traditional Knowledge 21 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 372 (2010) This Comment inserts a new question into the intellectual property academy's dialogue on traditional knowledge: Where are the women? Political scientist Cynthia Enloe insists that this is the crucial question for any feminist examination of global law and politics, and it is taken up here in order to apply a gendered lens to traditional...; Search Snippet: ...Law and Feminism Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 2010 Comment Women's Work, Women's Knowing: Intellectual Property and the Recognition of Women's Traditional Knowledge Terra L. Gearhart-serna [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2010... 2010  
G. Kristian Miccio A Cruel Deception: Castle Rock, Constitutional Protection, and Conceptions of State Accountability 10 Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law 87 (2009) I. In the Beginning G-d Created the Battered Women's Movement 90 A. A Brief Initiation to the Battered Women's Movement 90 B. The Rise of Mandated Arrest: Antidote to Systemic Misogyny? 91 II. Castle Rock, Burella, and the Lies They Construct 94 A. Castle Rock and Burella: The Facts 95 1. The Castle Rock Case 95 2. The Pennsylvania Case 96 B. The...; Search Snippet: ...Died May 7, 2008. Vita Was an Amazing Sister, Courageous Feminist, Teacher, and Guide. She Is Part of Me--in My... 2009  
Maureen A. Sanders A Woman for Her Time and Our Future 39 New Mexico Law Review 29 (Winter, 2009) Justice Pamela Burgy Minzner's legal career from 1965, when she first entered Harvard Law School, to her death in August 2007, spanned an interesting time in the legal landscape of the United States and New Mexico. During that time women began entering the legal profession in much greater numbers than had been the case historically. Her entry into...; Search Snippet: ...For What She Accomplished, Loved for Who She Was a Woman for Her Time and Our Future Maureen A. Sanders [Fna1... 2009  
Ummni Khan A Woman's Right to Be Spanked: Testing the Limits of Tolerance of Sm in the Socio-legal Imaginary 18 Law and Sexuality: A Review of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Legal Issues 79 (2009) I. Introduction. 80 II. Bottoms Up! Shifting Perceptions of SM from 9 1/2 Weeks to Secretary. 84 A. Contrasting Heroines: Victim of Passion versus Agent of Desire. 86 B. Contrasting Heroes: Alpha Male versus Repressed Man. 88 C. Contrasting Legal Aspects: Illicit Activities versus Law Office Romance. 89 D. Contrasting Consequences: Slippery Slopes...; Search Snippet: ...Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Legal Issues 2009 Article a Woman's Right to Be Spanked: Testing the Limits of Tolerance Of... 2009  
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