AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearEthnicity in Title or Summary
Mary Kathryn Nagle Abortion Post-glucksberg and Post-gonzales: Applying an Analysis That Demands Equality for Women under the Law 16 Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy 293 (August, 2009) [Abortions] are . . . disastrous to a woman's mental, moral, and physical wellbeing. Traditionally, such discrimination [against women] was rationalized by an attitude of romantic paternalism which, in practical effect, put women, not on a pedestal, but in a cage. While we find no reliable data to measure the phenomenon, it seems unexceptionable...; Search Snippet: ...And Post-gonzales: Applying an Analysis That Demands Equality for Women under the Law Mary Kathryn Nagle [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2009... 2009  
Alexandria Walden Abortion Rights for Ice Detainees: Evaluating Constitutional Challenges to Restrictions on the Right to Abortion for Women in Ice Detention 43 University of San Francisco Law Review 979 (Spring 2009) IMMIGRATION HAS BEEN a perpetual hot topic throughout American history. Debates surrounding immigration policy reform have spurred several major legislative initiatives over the last fifteen years. In 1996, Congress made significant changes to immigration law in the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing with the passage of two laws: the Illegal...; Search Snippet: ...Constitutional Challenges to Restrictions on the Right to Abortion for Women in Ice Detention Alexandria Walden [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2009 University... 2009  
Dana Harrington Conner Abuse and Discretion: Evaluating Judicial Discretion in Custody Cases Involving Violence Against Women 17 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 163 (2009) I. Introduction. 164 II. Power and Authority: A Historical Perspective. 168 A. Special Expertise. 170 B. Superior Ability to Assess Credibility. 171 C. A Tendency to Doubt the Battered Woman. 176 D. Serious Business of the Court. 179 E. Prompt and Final Resolutions. 180 F. Conflicting Testimony, Two Fit Parents & Close Cases. 181 G. Ore Tenus...; Search Snippet: ...Discretion: Evaluating Judicial Discretion in Custody Cases Involving Violence Against Women Dana Harrington Conner [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2009 American University Journal... 2009  
Katerina Shaw Barriers to Freedom: Continued Failure of U.s. Immigration Laws to Offer Equal Protection to Immigrant Battered Women 15 Cardozo Journal of Law & Gender 663 (Spring 2009) Domestic violence victims constitute a significant proportion of crime victims in the United States. Most of the victims of domestic violence are women. It has been estimated that a woman is beaten approximately every 7.4 seconds by her male partner. Among the victims of domestic violence, the most vulnerable group is immigrant battered women....; Search Snippet: ...U.s. Immigration Laws to Offer Equal Protection to Immigrant Battered Women Katerina Shaw [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2009 Yeshiva University; Katerina Shaw... 2009  
Dana Sussman Bound by Injustice: Challenging the Use of Shackles on Incarcerated Pregnant Women 15 Cardozo Journal of Law & Gender 477 (Spring 2009) The use of shackles to restrain a pregnant woman during the birthing process is a barbaric practice that needlessly inflicts excruciating pain and humiliation. It is widely condemned by members of the international community, including leading medical and public health associations. Although human rights advocates have effected significant policy...; Search Snippet: ...By Injustice: Challenging the Use of Shackles on Incarcerated Pregnant Women Dana Sussman [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2009 Yeshiva University; Dana Sussman... 2009  
Amanda M.K. Pacheco Broken Traditions: Overcoming the Jurisdictional Maze to Protect Native American Women from Sexual Violence 11 Journal of Law & Social Challenges Challenges 1 (Spring, 2009) The rape of Native American women has been likened to the destruction of indigenous culture because both are seen as attacks on the human soul. Both, it is claimed, are a kind of spiritual death. This sentiment is explained by Andrea Smith, a Native American anti-violence rape counselor and activist, who wrote that every Native [rape] survivor...; Search Snippet: ...Spring, 2009 Broken Traditions: Overcoming the Jurisdictional Maze to Protect Native American Women from Sexual Violence Amanda M.k. Pacheco [Fna1] Copyright © 2009 By... 2009 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Rachel J. Littman Building a Sustainable Model for the Legal Industry 29 Pace Law Review 317 (Winter 2009) Sylvia Ann Hewlett's latest book, Off-Ramps and On-Ramps: Keeping Talented Women on the Road to Success (Off-Ramps), is a culmination of over two years of research with powerful allies and supporters, undertaken to spearhead a second generation of policy and practice designed to keep talented women on the road to success. If one lesson can be...; Search Snippet: ...The Legal Industry Off-ramps and On-ramps: Keeping Talented Women on the Road to Success. By Yylvia Ann Hewlett. Boston... 2009  
Ying Chen China's One-child Policy and its Violations of Women's and Children's Rights 22 New York International Law Review Rev. 1 (Winter, 2009) Forced abortion and sterilization are inhumane and unacceptable in modern society. Under the regime of the Communist Party, China was devoted to removing the burden of over-population as a means of promoting economic development, protecting the environment, and solving the problem of poverty. China's one-child policy was developed out of the ideal...; Search Snippet: ...2009 Article China's One-child Policy and its Violations of Women's and Children's Rights Ying Chen [Fna1] Copyright © 2009 by New... 2009  
Deleso Alford Washington Critical Race Feminist Bioethics: Telling Stories in Law School and Medical School in Pursuit of "Cultural Competency" 72 Albany Law Review 961 (2009) I know Sisters. I know Sisters who lived lives full enough to be stories- Her-stories untold, Carried through the heartbeat of mother's wit . . . all the time being othered by legal fictions that turn humans to chattel property; Allowing her and her-story to be created, bought and sold. I know Sisters. Sister Anarcha got a story for all to...; Search Snippet: ...Review Albany Law Review 2009 Symposium: Defining Race Critical Race Feminist Bioethics: Telling Stories in Law School and Medical School In... 2009  
Elizabeth Rapaport , Victor Streib Death Penalty for Women in North Carolina 1 Elon Law Review 65 (2009) L1-2Introduction . L365 I. National History of the Death Penalty for Women. 67 A. Executions Nationally. 67 B. Death Sentences in Current Era Nationally. 72 II. North Carolina History of the Death Penalty for Women. 76 A. Executions in North Carolina. 76 B. Death Sentences in the Current Era in North Carolina. 76 III. Analysis of the Death Penalty...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review Elon Law Review 2009 Article Death Penalty for Women in North Carolina Elizabeth Rapaport [Fna1] Victor Streib [Fnaa1] Copyright... 2009  
Kristen Cates, of the Great Falls Tribune Denise Juneau: a Long Road from Browning 34-APR Montana Lawyer 10 (April, 2009) It's a long road from Browning's Last Star Housing Project to the office of the superintendent of Montana's public schools in Helena. Along that road, Denise Juneau carried many titles: daughter, student, teacher, lawyer and basketball player. On Jan. 5 she was sworn in as the first Native American woman elected to a statewide executive office -- a...; Search Snippet: ...Attorneys Denise Juneau: a Long Road from Browning First Indian Woman in Statewide Office Has Always Carried High Expectations Kristen Cates... 2009 Multipe Groups
Vicky Lovell, Ph.D. Evaluating Policy Solutions to Sex-based Pay Discrimination: Women Workers, Lawmakers, and Cultural Change 9 University of Maryland Law Journal of Race, Religion, Gender and Class 45 (Spring 2009) Equal pay continues to be a top concern of women workers--especially those with more years on the job, who are more likely to have experienced or witnessed inequitable compensation practices. Only forty-four percent of women feel their workplace offers equal pay for equal work. More than forty years after Congress mandated equal pay for women, the...; Search Snippet: ...Circa 2027 Evaluating Policy Solutions to Sex-based Pay Discrimination: Women Workers, Lawmakers, and Cultural Change Vicky Lovell , Ph.d. [Fna1] Copyright... 2009  
Anita Bernstein Fellow-feeling and Gender in the Law of Personal Injury 18 Journal of Law & Policy 295 (2009) Whenever authorities instruct audiences about the law that American courts apply--in civics lessons, in speeches to the public, and to students in law schools, as well as in the scripted instructions written for a jury--they typically emphasize the tenet of impartiality. Impartiality underlies fairness, justice, and intelligibility in any legal...; Search Snippet: ...Policy Journal of Law & Policy 2009 Article Fellow-feeling and Gender in the Law of Personal Injury Anita Bernstein [Fna1] Copyright... 2009  
Courtenay W. Daum Feminism and Pornography in the Twenty-first Century: the Internet's Impact on the Feminist Pornography Debate 30 Women's Rights Law Reporter 543 (Spring/Summer 2009) Despite the protections provided by the First Amendment, unconventional speakers are often limited in their ability to promote such speech in the marketplace by the costs or logistics of reaching the masses, hence, the adage that freedom of press is limited to those who own one. In the medium of cyberspace, however, anyone can build a soap box out...; Search Snippet: ...In the Twenty-first Century: the Internet's Impact on the Feminist Pornography Debate Courtenay W. Daum [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2009 Women's... 2009  
Mary Anne Case Feminist Fundamentalism on the Frontier Between Government and Family Responsibility for Children 11 Journal of Law and Family Studies 333 (2009) I. Introduction. 334 II. Sex Equality Is a Particular as Well as a Universal Value. 335 III. The U.S. Supreme Court's Articulation of Sex Equality as a Priority. 337 IV. Feminist Fundamentalism in Educational Programs. 345 V. Sex Equality in Educational Programs Is Linked to Equality for Gays and Lesbians. 346 VI. Feminist Fundamentalism in Child...; Search Snippet: ...Family Studies 2009 Symposium New Frontiers in Family Law Article Feminist Fundamentalism on the Frontier Between Government and Family Responsibility For... 2009  
Aeyal Gross Gender Outlaws Before the Law: the Courts of the Borderland 32 Harvard Journal of Law & Gender 165 (Winter 2009) This Article considers four trials held in the United States, United Kingdom, and Israel, in which gender outlaws were accused and convicted in a criminal court for fraudulent gender presentations. These trials raise questions at a number of junctures that touch on the regulation and politics of sex, gender, and sexuality. I argue that these cases...; Search Snippet: ...Law and Gender Harvard Journal of Law & Gender Winter 2009 Gender Outlaws Before the Law: the Courts of the Borderland [Fna1... 2009  
Elvia R. Arriola Gender, Globalization and Women's Issues in Panama City: a Comparative Inquiry 41 University of Miami Inter-American Law Review 19 (Fall 2009) I traveled to Panama City for the inaugural Study Space program, an outgrowth of the LatCrit scholarship movement I joined more than a decade ago, with a completely open mind as to what I, a Latina feminist critical scholar, might learn about globalization and its effects in South America. Before this winter 2008 trip, I had been drawn to the...; Search Snippet: ...Inter-american Law Review Fall 2009 Study Space Symposium Articles Gender, Globalization and Women's Issues in Panama City: a Comparative Inquiry Elvia R. Arriola... 2009 Hispanic/Latinx American
Neomi Rao Gender, Race, and Individual Dignity: Evaluating Justice Ginsburg's Equality Jurisprudence 70 Ohio State Law Journal 1053 (2009) American equal protection jurisprudence reflects various competing conceptions of equality. This Article will compare Justice Ginsburg's treatment of gender and racial classifications. When considering constitutional challenges to gender classifications, Justice Ginsburg has focused closely on individual merit and eliminating barriers that deny...; Search Snippet: ...Discussion of Fifteen Years on the U.s. Supreme Court Articles Gender, Race, and Individual Dignity: Evaluating Justice Ginsburg's Equality Jurisprudence Neomi... 2009  
Michèle Alexandre Girls Gone Wild and Rape Law: Revising the Contractual Concept of Consent & Ensuring an Unbiased Application of "Reasonable Doubt" When the Victim Is Non-traditional 17 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 41 (2009) I. Introduction. 43 II. Criticism of the Current Contractual Standard and Exploration of a Continuum-Based Standard of Consent. 48 A. The Detrimental Influence of the Contractual Standard of Consent. 48 B. The Continuum-Based Consent Standard Defined. 55 III. The Rape Shield Statute. 59 IV. Detrimental Influence of the Contractual Standard in...; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 2009 Articles Girls Gone Wild [Fna1] and Rape Law: Revising the Contractual Concept... 2009  
Gwen Hoerr Jordan Horror of a Woman: Myra Bradwell, the 14th Amendment, and the Gendered Origins of Sociological Jurisprudence 42 Akron Law Review 1201 (2009) On June 14, 1873, Myra Bradwell reprinted a short article from the St. Louis Republican in the Chicago Legal News announcing the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in her case. The article glossed over the import of the Supreme Court's interpretation of the new Fourteenth Amendment and focused instead on the Illinois court's underlying decision to deny...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review Akron Law Review 2009 Articles Horror of a Woman : Myra Bradwell, the 14th Amendment, and the Gendered Origins Of... 2009  
Taylor Flynn Instant (Gender) Messaging: Expression-based Challenges to State Enforcement of Gender Norms 18 Temple Political & Civil Rights Law Review 465 (Spring 2009) Statements of identity, without more, have long been a potent form of demand for inclusion and equal treatment. Consider the signs carried by workers, most of whom were African American, during the 1968 Memphis sanitation strike during which Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was assassinated. They read, quite simply, I AM A MAN. Or, consider the...; Search Snippet: ...2009 Symposium: Intersections of Transgender Lives and the Law Instant ( Gender) Messaging: Expression-based Challenges to State Enforcement of Gender Norms Taylor Flynn [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2009 Temple Political & Civil... 2009 African/Black American
Danielle Keats Citron Law's Expressive Value in Combating Cyber Gender Harassment 108 Michigan Law Review 373 (December, 2009) The online harassment of women exemplifies twenty-first century behavior that profoundly harms women yet too often remains overlooked and even trivialized. This harassment includes rape threats, doctored photographs portraying women being strangled, postings of women's home addresses alongside suggestions that they are interested in anonymous sex,...; Search Snippet: ...Review December, 2009 Essay Law's Expressive Value in Combating Cyber Gender Harassment Danielle Keats Citron [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2009 Michigan Law... 2009  
Giovanna Shay Locked Up, Overlooked 29 Pace Law Review 377 (Winter 2009) In the late 1990s, an official of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) office in Washington, D.C. told me that VAWA funding was not available for programs for incarcerated women who were survivors of abuse. VAWA funds, she explained, were not meant for offenders, and a woman could not be both a victim and an offender. It did not matter, in her...; Search Snippet: ...Related to Women and the Law Reviews Locked Up, Overlooked Women Behind Bars: the Crisis of Women in the U.s. Prison System. By Silja J.a. Talvi. Berkeley... 2009  
Kenneth G. Dau-Schmidt , Marc S. Galanter , Kaushik Mukhopadhaya , Kathleen E. Hull Men and Women of the Bar: the Impact of Gender on Legal Careers 16 Michigan Journal of Gender & Law 49 (2009) I. Introduction 50 II. Analysis of the Data 52 A. Description of the Data Set 52 B. The Personal Characteristics of the Participants in the Surveys: What Type of People Become Lawyers and How Do Their Personal Characteristics Vary By Gender? 53 C. The Family Characteristics of the Participants in the Surveys: What are the Family Situations...; Search Snippet: ...Law Michigan Journal of Gender & Law 2009 Article Men and Women of the Bar: the Impact of Gender on Legal Careers [Fnd1] Kenneth G. Dau-schmidt [Fna1] Marc... 2009  
Gregory S. Parks , Quinetta M. Roberson Michelle Obama: a Contemporary Analysis of Race and Gender Discrimination Through the Lens of Title Vii 20 Hastings Women's Law Journal L.J. 3 (Winter 2009) Meet the new political wife. She has a career; she has opinions--a partner in every way. . . . And now, she's become controversial. - Ted Koppel The 2008 presidential campaign is historic given the presence of a Black candidate (Barack Obama) and a woman candidate (Hillary Clinton). Not only is it historic that Americans had a real opportunity to...; Search Snippet: ...Winter 2009 Michelle Obama: a Contemporary Analysis of Race and Gender Discrimination Through the Lens of Title Vii Gregory S. Parks... 2009 African/Black American
Rangita de Silva de Alwis Mining the Intersections: Advancing the Rights of Women and Children with Disabilities Within an Interrelated Web of Human Rights 18 Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 293 (January, 2009) This article argues that disability rights are a powerful lens through which to address the multiple forms of discrimination and subordination that women and children with disabilities face. A shift in the human rights paradigm that enables the different human rights treaties affecting women and children with disabilities to be...; Search Snippet: ...January, 2009 Symposium Mining the Intersections: Advancing the Rights of Women and Children with Disabilities Within an Interrelated Web of Human... 2009  
Hillary Jo Baker No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Protecting Gender Discrimination Named Plaintiffs from Employer Attacks 20 Hastings Women's Law Journal 83 (Winter 2009) I don't believe anyone ever wants to sue their employer, and I, while I believed that this company would be sued for sexual harassment, I did not believe it was going to be me. There just seemed to be no choice other than to quit or be forced to quit a job that paid well and had great benefits. First, I did it for myself, keeping the other women...; Search Snippet: ...Law Journal Winter 2009 No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Protecting Gender Discrimination Named Plaintiffs from Employer Attacks Hillary Jo Baker [Fna1... 2009  
Felice Batlan, PhD, Kelly Hradsky, Kristen Jeschke, LaVonne Meyer, Jill Roberts Not Our Mother's Law School?: a Third-wave Feminist Study of Women's Experiences in Law School 39 University of Baltimore Law Forum 124 (Spring 2009) This article is about a journey and a process as much as it is about a product. In spring 2007, as part of our Gender and the Law class at Chicago-Kent College of Law, we read portions of Lani Guinier's Becoming Gentlemen: Women, Law School, and Institutional Change, as well as more recent studies regarding women's experiences in law school....; Search Snippet: ...2009 Articles Not Our Mother's Law School?: a Third-wave Feminist Study of Women's Experiences in Law School [Fn1] Felice Batlan , Phd, Kelly Hradsky... 2009  
Joanna E. Saul Of Sexual Bondage: the 'Legitimate Penological Interest' in Restricting Sexual Expression in Women's Prisons 15 Michigan Journal of Gender & Law 349 (2009) I. Introduction 350 II. Causes of Same-Sex Sexual Behavior in Female Prisons 354 III. Legal Framework: Turner v. Safley 358 IV. Benefits of Relationships Between Female Inmates 360 A. Protection 361 B. Emotional Support 362 C. Stability of Relationships 364 V. The Problems of Prison Sexual Expression 367 A. Public Health Concerns ...; Search Snippet: ...Bondage: the Legitimate Penological Interest in Restricting Sexual Expression in Women's Prisons Joanna E. Saul [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2009 University Of... 2009  
Tamara R. Piety Onslaught: Commercial Speech and Gender Inequality 60 Case Western Reserve Law Review 47 (Fall, 2009) Utilizing Dove's infamous Onslaught viral ad, this Article explores the ways commercial speech constructs images of and attitudes toward women that interfere with full equality for women. Advertising and marketing contribute to creating a social reality in which it is taken for granted that women must spend a great deal of time on appearance and...; Search Snippet: ...Reserve Law Review Fall, 2009 Article Onslaught: Commercial Speech and Gender Inequality Tamara R. Piety [Fnd1] Copyright © 2009 Case Western Reserve... 2009  
Frank Rudy Cooper Our First Unisex President?: Black Masculinity and Obama's Feminine Side 86 Denver University Law Review 633 (2009) People often talk about the significance of Barack Obama's status as our first black President. During the 2008 Presidential campaign, however, a newspaper columnist declared, If Bill Clinton was once considered America's first black president, Obama may one day be viewed as our first woman president. That statement epitomized a large media...; Search Snippet: ...2009 Article Our First Unisex President?: Black Masculinity and Obama's Feminine Side Frank Rudy Cooper [Fnd1] Copyright © 2009 by the Denver... 2009 African/Black American
Elizabeth R. Sheyn Putting an End to an Unconstitutional Result: Equal Protection and Due Process Analyses of the Requirement That Female Immigrants Receive the Gardasil Vaccine Prior to Becoming Permanent Residents of the United States 44 Valparaiso University Law Review Rev. 1 (Fall, 2009) Imagine that you are a twenty-four-year-old woman who has, despite all the odds, been allowed to emigrate to the United States with your husband. Perhaps you have been granted asylum or have been labeled a refugee. Now imagine that you would like to have the right to work in the United States and to be protected by this country's laws. In order to...; Search Snippet: ...Equal Protection and Due Process Analyses of the Requirement That Female Immigrants Receive the Gardasil Vaccine Prior to Becoming Permanent Residents... 2009  
Khiara M. Bridges Quasi-colonial Bodies: an Analysis of the Reproductive Lives of Poor Black and Racially Subjugated Women 18 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 609 (2009) This Article analyzes the relationship between the struggle for the recognition of Black women's reproductive rights in the United States and the fight for racial justice. Specifically, it argues that the problematization of poor Black women's fertility--evidenced by the depiction of single Black motherhood as a national crisis, the condemnation of...; Search Snippet: ...Of the Reproductive Lives of Poor Black and Racially Subjugated Women Khiara M. Bridges [Fna1] Copyright © 2009 by the Columbia Journal... 2009 African/Black American
Iris Halpern Rape, Incest, and Harper Lee's to Kill a Mockingbird: on Alabama's Legal Construction of Gender and Sexuality in the Context of Racial Subordination 18 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 743 (2009) In 1960, To Kill a Mockingbird was published to significant popular acclaim: a reception that has proved enduring. Mockingbird remains one of the most widely circulated works in United States history. Curiously enough, however, the nonpareil American novel known for its condemnation of racism has proven itself a more venerable object in the heart...; Search Snippet: ...Lee's to Kill a Mockingbird: on Alabama's Legal Construction of Gender and Sexuality in the Context of Racial Subordination Iris Halpern... 2009  
Julie Goldscheid Reconsidering Domestic Violence Services and Advocacy 29 Pace Law Review 227 (Winter 2009) Lisa A. Goodman and Deborah Epstein's book, Listening to Battered Women: A Survivor-Centered Approach to Advocacy, Mental Health and Justice (Listening to Battered Women), makes an important and powerful contribution to the literature on domestic violence. It addresses the vexing question of why battered women's circumstances have not changed...; Search Snippet: ...Reviews Reconsidering Domestic Violence Services and Advocacy Listening to Battered Women: a Survivor-centered Approach to Advocacy, Mental Health and Justice... 2009  
Joan C. Williams Reconstructive Feminism: Changing the Way We Talk about Gender and Work Thirty Years after the Pda 21 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 79 (2009) This Article seeks to challenge and change the way that we talk about gender--ways that make it difficult to progress on the work/family front. In the thirty years since the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) was passed in 1979, while the roles of men and women have changed dramatically, the American workplace has changed only...; Search Snippet: ...Symposium Article Reconstructive Feminism: Changing the Way We Talk about Gender and Work Thirty Years after the Pda Joan C. Williams... 2009  
Introduction by Dean Elena Kagan Remarks Commemorating Celebration 55: the Women's Leadership Summit 32 Harvard Journal of Law & Gender 233 (Summer 2009) Good morning everybody. Good morning. It's wonderful to see you all here. Thank you again for coming to Celebration 55 and to this most special part of Celebration 55, which is a conversation with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Justice Ginsburg is going to make a few remarks after I introduce her about Belva Lockwood. Some of you might be thinking...; Search Snippet: ...Of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Remarks Commemorating Celebration 55: the Women's Leadership Summit [Fna1] Introduction by Dean Elena Kagan [Fn1] Copyright... 2009  
Jacquelyn Bridgeman , Gracie Lawson-Borders , Margaret Zamudio Representative Democracy in Rural America: Race, Gender, and Class Through a Localism Lens 8 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 81 (Fall/Winter 2009) Political history is often made during presidential election cycles. For example, in 1861 President Abraham Lincoln not only became the sixteenth president of the United States, but he was also thrust into a nation-changing social and political maelstrom centered on slavery, secession, and preservation of the Union that would etch him into history....; Search Snippet: ...Place, Identity, and Politics Representative Democracy in Rural America: Race, Gender, and Class Through a Localism Lens Jacquelyn Bridgeman [Fn1] Gracie... 2009  
Ann C. McGinley Reproducing Gender on Law School Faculties 2009 Brigham Young University Law Review 99 (2009) This Article demonstrates that there is a gender divide on law school faculties. Women work in inferior sex-segregated jobs and teach a disproportionate percentage of female-identified courses; more than eighty percent of law school deans are men. Men teach the more prestigious male-identified courses. Women suffer from differential expectations...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review Brigham Young University Law Review 2009 Article Reproducing Gender on Law School Faculties Ann C. Mcginley [Fna1] Copyright ©... 2009  
Gabriel Arkles Safety and Solidarity Across Gender Lines: Rethinking Segregation of Transgender People in Detention 18 Temple Political & Civil Rights Law Review 515 (Spring 2009) The correctional officers are the ones who are the most violent. They're the ones to be scared of. . . . I'm raped on a daily basis, I've made complaint after complaint, but no response. No success. I'm scared to push forward with my complaints against officers for beating me up and raping me. I was in full restraints when the correctional officers...; Search Snippet: ...Of Transgender Lives and the Law Safety and Solidarity Across Gender Lines: Rethinking Segregation of Transgender People in Detention Gabriel Arkles... 2009  
Angela Clements Sexual Orientation, Gender Nonconformity, and Trait-based Discrimination: Cautionary Tales from Title Vii & an Argument for Inclusion 24 Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice 166 (Fall 2009) Introduction. 167 I. Overview of Trait-Based Discrimination Under Title VII: Race, National Origin, and Sex. 172 A. Race and National Origin Trait Discrimination. 172 1. Race. 172 2. National Origin. 173 3. The Puzzle of Immutability in Race and National Origin Cases. 174 B. Sex-Based Trait Discrimination. 175 1. Initial Conceptual Confusion about...; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Gender, Law & Justice Fall 2009 Article Sexual Orientation, Gender Nonconformity, and Trait-based Discrimination: Cautionary Tales from Title Vii... 2009  
  Taking the Heat: Gender Discrimination in Firefighting 17 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 713 (2009) PROCEEDINGS: DANIELA KRAIEM: Good afternoon everyone. My name is Daniela Kraiem, I'm the Associate Director of the Women in the Law Program, and I am thrilled to be able to bring you this program today. We're working in conjunction with the Program on Law and Government and with Professor Richard Ugelow. I'm going to ask everybody to fill in over...; Search Snippet: ...Taking the Heat: Gender Discrimination in Firefighting Taking the Heat: Gender Discrimination in Firefighting [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2009 American University Journal... 2009  
Joanna Lian Pearson, Donna Rouner The 2008 Elections and the Role of Gender among Young Voters 24 Saint John's Journal of Legal Commentary 343 (Fall 2009) The presidential election process of 2008 was a study in conflict diversity, the understanding of how different groups exist in a hierarchy of inequality. This study looks at how gender schemas exist in the minds of first-time voters to determine whether they could elect a woman for president of the United States and the reason(s) why or why not....; Search Snippet: ...Fall 2009 Article the 2008 Elections and the Role of Gender among Young Voters Joanna Lian Pearson Donna Rouner [Fna1] Copyright... 2009  
Deleso Alford Washington The Anatomy of a "Pantsuit": Performance, Proxy and Presence for Women of Color in Legal Education 30 Hamline Journal of Public Law and Policy 605 (Spring 2009) I am a Good Sister! I have earthed many students with my wisdom and spiritual insight I have run a good race with mental strength and physical might; all while lecturing, during both day and night I am nothing but the Truth! I am a Good Sister! I have withstood historical lies told about me; My light so bright, those who were blind could not help...; Search Snippet: ...The Anatomy of a Pantsuit: Performance, Proxy and Presence for Women of Color in Legal Education Deleso Alford Washington [Fn1] Copyright... 2009  
JoEllen Lind The Clinton/palin Phenomenon and Young Women Voters 30 Hamline Journal of Public Law and Policy 513 (Spring 2009) Clearly, the recent presidential election was historic for women. Hillary Clinton almost became the presidential nominee of a major party; Sarah Palin was tapped to be Vice President by the McCain campaign. However, their historic roles trace to stunningly different origins. Clinton's prominence stemmed from the popular vote of some eighteen...; Search Snippet: ...In Legal Education Panel the Clinton/palin Phenomenon and Young Women Voters Joellen Lind [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2009 Hamline Journal Of... 2009  
Rucker C. Johnson , Steven Raphael , University of California, Berkeley, University of California, Berkeley The Effects of Male Incarceration Dynamics on Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Infection Rates among African American Women and Men 52 Journal of Law & Economics 251 (May, 2009) This paper investigates the connection between incarceration dynamics and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) infection rates, with particular emphasis on the black-white AIDS rate disparity. Using case-level U.S. data spanning 1982-96, we model the dynamic relationship between AIDS infection rates and the proportion of men in the age-,...; Search Snippet: ...Incarceration Dynamics on Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Infection Rates among African American Women and Men Rucker C. Johnson [Fna1] University of California, Berkeley... 2009 African/Black American
Robin E. Shea, Charles M. Louderback, Philip S. Mortensen, Esq., C. R. Wright, Geoffrey S. Sheldon The Impact of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009: an Immediate Look at the Legal, Governmental, and Economic Ramifications of New Legislation Regarding Equal Pay Based on Gender 2009 Aspatore Special Report 17 (6/1/2009) President Barack Obama, in the first such act of his term, signed into law the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, Pub. L. No. 111-2, 123 Stat. 5 (2009), which will dramatically lengthen the statute of limitations in certain discrimination cases. The Ledbetter Act amends Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e (2009), et seq.; the...; Search Snippet: ...Economic Ramifications of New Legislation Regarding Equal Pay Based on Gender Robin E. Shea [Fna1] Charles M. Louderback [Fna1... 2009  
Craig M. Kabatchnick The Tbi Impact: the Truth about Traumatic Brain Injuries and Their Indeterminate Effects on Elderly, Minority, and Female Veterans of All Wars 11 Marquette Elder's Advisor 81 (Fall 2009) As we express our gratitude, we must never forget That the highest appreciation is not to utter words, But to live by them. - John Fitzgerald Kennedy Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a condition caused by a head injury that results in lasting damage to the brain. TBI is a recognized neurological disorder occurring as the result of a blow or jolt...; Search Snippet: ...Brain Injuries and Their Indeterminate Effects on Elderly, Minority, and Female Veterans of All Wars Craig M. Kabatchnick [Fna1] Copyright ©... 2009  
Margaret Ryznar To Work, or Not to Work? The Immortal Tax Disincentives for Married Women 13 Lewis & Clark Law Review 921 (Winter 2009) Among the most fundamental barriers to the aggressive participation of many married women in the work force are the disincentives for secondary income earners embedded in the federal tax code. Specifically, the current code contains a marriage penalty, which is aggravated by the progressive nature of taxation and any potential increases in income...; Search Snippet: ...Or Not to Work? The Immortal Tax Disincentives for Married Women Margaret Ryznar [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2009 Lewis & Clark Law School... 2009  
Sonia Goltz, Roger Reinsch, Joel Tuoriniemi University Women's Experiences in Bringing Second Generation Sex Discrimination Claims: Further Support for Adoption of a Structural Approach 18 Texas Journal of Women and the Law 145 (Spring 2009) I. INTRODUCTION. 146 II. THE DIFFICULTY IN BRINGING SECOND GENERATION DISCRIMINATION CLAIMS. 147 A. First Generation Versus Second Generation Discrimination Claims. 147 B. The Role of the Courts and Judges. 152 C. The Workplace. 152 D. The Intermediaries. 154 E. The Lawyers. 155 III. THE DIFFICULTY IN BRINGING SECOND GENERATION SEX DISCRIMINATION...; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Women and the Law Spring 2009 Article University Women's Experiences in Bringing Second Generation Sex Discrimination Claims: Further Support... 2009  
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