AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearEthnicity in Title or Summary
Joan MacLeod Heminway , Sarah White Wanted: Female Corporate Directors 29 Pace Law Review 249 (Winter 2009) Each year, increasing numbers of women enroll in top law schools and MBA programs, with matriculation rates for women in law schools nearing fifty percent of each new class. Increases in female enrollment in MBA programs have been slower, with matriculation rates hovering around thirty-five percent, but the trend exists nonetheless. With more and...; Search Snippet: ...Of Books Related to Women and the Law Reviews Wanted: Female Corporate Directors No Seat at the Table: How Governance and Law Keep Women out of the Boardroom. By Douglas M. Branson. New York... 2009  
John C. Brittain , Kenneth W. Chandler II What Was Key to Becoming a Judge? A Survey of Minorities and Women on the Bench 48 No. 4 Judges' Journal 10 (Fall, 2009) Justice Thurgood Marshall once stated that mere access to the court-house doors does not by itself assure a proper functioning of the adversary process. Implicit in that statement is the idea that judges should have the background to appreciate the circumstances of those who appear before them. A new empirical study on judicial diversity asked...; Search Snippet: ...Key to Becoming a Judge? A Survey of Minorities and Women on the Bench John C. Brittain [Fna1] Kenneth W. Chandler... 2009  
David H. Kaye , Joseph L. Gastwirth Where Have All the Women Gone? The Gender Gap in Supreme Court Clerkships 49 Jurimetrics Journal 411 (Summer, 2009) In the world of American law, a Supreme Court clerkship is a position desired by many but attained by few, particularly when it comes to women and minorities. Although women make up nearly half of all law students, they constitute only about a third of all Supreme Court clerks. This article examines the flow of aspiring clerks from law...; Search Snippet: ...Journal Jurimetrics Journal Summer, 2009 Article Where Have All the Women Gone? The Gender Gap in Supreme Court Clerkships David H. Kaye [Fna1] Joseph... 2009  
Kathleen A. Portuan Miller Who Says Muslim Women Don't Have the Right to Divorce?--a Comparison Between Anglo-american Law and Islamic Law 22 New York International Law Review 201 (Winter, 2009) After living in Morocco for four years, I became interested in Islamic law, and how that law affected women's rights. I wrote this article because I have heard Americans say that Muslim women do not have any right to divorce. However, I found the opposite to be true. This article will seek to dispel many of those common misunderstandings that...; Search Snippet: ...York International Law Review Winter, 2009 Article Who Says Muslim Women Don't Have the Right to Divorce?--a Comparison Between Anglo... 2009  
Elizabeth Kaigh Whores and Other Sex Slaves: Why the Equation of Prostitution with Sex Trafficking in the William Wilberforce Reauthorization Act of 2008 Promotes Gender Discrimination 12 Scholar: St. Mary's Law Review on Minority Issues 139 (Fall 2009) I. Introduction. 139 II. Legal Background. 144 III. Analysis. 151 A. VTVPA and its Reauthorization Plan Too Broadly Generalize and Punish Prostitutes. 152 B. Strengthening Prostitution Laws Would Exacerbate the Existing Discrimination Present in State Prostitution Laws and Enforcement. 158 C. Decriminalizing Prostitution Could Aid Enforcement of...; Search Snippet: ...Trafficking in the William Wilberforce Reauthorization Act of 2008 Promotes Gender Discrimination Elizabeth Kaigh [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2009 the Scholar: St... 2009  
Cynthia Grant Bowman Women in the Legal Profession from the 1920s to the 1970s: What Can We Learn from Their Experience about Law and Social Change? 61 Maine Law Review 1 (2009) I work in a law school building that is named for Jane M.G. Foster, who donated the money for its construction. It's a lovely building, and my office overlooks a gorge so that I can hear the water fall as I write. So I'm grateful to Jane Foster. And curious. Who was she? Jane Foster graduated from Cornell Law School in 1918, having served as an...; Search Snippet: ...Wl 1456538 Maine Law Review Maine Law Review 2009 Articles Women in the Legal Profession from the 1920s to the 1970s... 2009  
Alison I. Stein Women Lawyers Blog for Workplace Equality: Blogging as a Feminist Legal Method 20 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 357 (2009) Legal scholars and academic commentators have long written about the ways in which close-knit communities of people employ extralegal or nonlegal methods to structure conflict, resolve disputes, and advocate for their rights and interests. From cattle ranchers to diamond merchants to Third Wave feminists, scholars emphasize how groups of...; Search Snippet: ...Law and Feminism Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 2009 Article Women Lawyers Blog for Workplace Equality: Blogging as a Feminist Legal Method Alison I. Stein [Fnd1] Copyright (C) 2009 Yale... 2009  
Amy Fettig Women Prisoners Altering the Cycle of Abuse 36-SPG Human Rights 2 (Spring, 2009) Being a prisoner is the lowest you can be in life. Being a female prisoner is so much worse. --Toni Bunton Toni Bunton is one of over 500 women in Michigan prisons who claim they were repeatedly sexually assaulted by guards and that prison officials either ignored or dismissed evidence of systemic sexual abuse in the state's women's correctional...; Search Snippet: ...2 2009 Wl 2221303 Human Rights Human Rights Spring, 2009 Women Prisoners Altering the Cycle of Abuse Amy Fettig [Fna1] Copyright... 2009  
Carolyn M. Byerly Women, the Economy and News: Analysis of the 2008 U.s. Primary Coverage 24 Saint John's Journal of Legal Commentary 387 (Fall 2009) The issue is whether . . . as critics suggest, media coverage of women in America reinforces rather than challenges the dominant culture, and thereby contributes to women's marginalization in public life.Pippa Norris (1997) Months before the collapse of major financial institutions in September 2008, there was already considerable national angst...; Search Snippet: ...Commentary Saint John's Journal of Legal Commentary Fall 2009 Article Women, the Economy and News: Analysis of the 2008 U.s. Primary... 2009  
C.J. Griffin Workplace Restroom Policies in Light of New Jersey's Gender Identity Protection 61 Rutgers Law Review 409 (Winter 2009) Always use the one that says WHITES ONLY, as she pointed to the sign on the water fountain. . . . The same went for restrooms, except it was even more confusing: aside from whether or not the sign read WHITE or COLORED, I had to make sure it read LADIES' instead of MEN. It seemed like an awful lot to keep up with, when all I wanted was a...; Search Snippet: ...2009 Notes Workplace Restroom Policies in Light of New Jersey's Gender Identity Protection C.j. Griffin [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2009 Rutgers University... 2009  
Lane Wood, Esq , Haynes and Boone, LLP, Dallas, TX A Young Vaccine for Young Girls: Should the Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Be Mandatory for Public School Attendance? 20 No. 5 Health Lawyer 30 (June, 2008) On February 2, 2007, Texas Governor Rick Perry bypassed the state legislature and issued an executive order that would require all girls entering the sixth grade in 2008 be vaccinated against the human papillomavirus (HPV), the most commonly sexually transmitted virus. The order initiated a national debate about mandating the newly approved HPV...; Search Snippet: ...Lawyer Health Lawyer June, 2008 a Young Vaccine for Young Girls: Should the Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Be Mandatory for Public School... 2008  
A. Jerome Dees Access or Interest: Why Brown Has Benefited African-american Women More than Title Ix 76 UMKC Law Review 625 (Spring, 2008) In May 1954, the United States Supreme Court ruled in Brown v. Board of Education that separate but equal doctrine was an inherently disparate and unconstitutional means of delivering education to African-American children. Less than twenty years later, Congress legislated that women should have the same educational opportunities afforded to men...; Search Snippet: ...And Professional Sports Access or Interest: Why Brown Has Benefited African- American Women More than Title Ix A. Jerome Dees [Fna1] Copyright ©... 2008 African/Black American
Marc Edelman , C. Keith Harrison Analyzing the Wnba's Mandatory Age/education Policy from a Legal, Cultural, and Ethical Perspective: Women, Men, and the Professional Sports Landscape 3 Northwestern Journal of Law & Social Policy 1 (Winter, 2008) During the 2006-07 college basketball season, two young centers dominated their respective competition. At Ohio State University, Greg Oden, a 70, 257-pound freshman, born January 22, 1988, burst onto the scene, averaging 15.5 points and 9.7 rebounds per game. After leading Ohio State University to the national championship game, Oden declared...; Search Snippet: ...Age/education Policy from a Legal, Cultural, and Ethical Perspective: Women, Men, and the Professional Sports Landscape Marc Edelman [Fna1] C... 2008  
Elizabeth Loeb As "Every Schoolboy Knows": Gender, Land, and Native Title in the United States 32 New York University Review of Law and Social Change 253 (2008) This article begins with an obvious but necessary premise: the U.S. state has historically produced itself as sovereign over a specific territorial mass through the violent conquest and continuing occupation of lands to which Native Americans also lay and have laid sovereign claim. At its core, this article seeks to ask how a Liberal conception of...; Search Snippet: ...Law and Social Change 2008 Article as Every Schoolboy Knows: Gender, Land, and Native Title in the United States Elizabeth Loeb... 2008 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Jamie Rene Abrams, Daniela Kraiem Banding Together: Reflections on the Role of the Women's Bar Association of the District of Columbia and the Washington College of Law in Promoting Women's Rights 4 Modern American 42 (Fall, 2008) Incorporation, Washington College of Law (1898). The Washington College of Law and the Women's Bar Association of the District of Columbia share an important historical connection; Ellen Spencer Mussey and Emma Gillett founded both...; Search Snippet: ...Herstory Too Banding Together: Reflections on the Role of the Women's Bar Association of the District of Columbia and the Washington College of Law in Promoting Women's Rights Jamie Rene Abrams Daniela Kraiem [Fna1] Copyright © 2006 By...; Search Snippet: The Number of Immigrants Living in the U.s. Has Steadily Increased in the Last Fifteen Years. In 2014, over 42 2008  
Theresa M. Beiner Book Review: Why Smart Men Marry Smart Women by Christine B. Whelan 19 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 533 (2008) Introduction. 534 I. SWANS and Marriage Prospects. 535 A. How Should SWANS Find Mates?. 537 B. Children and Family Time. 543 II. Debunking the Myth. 547 A. Issues Whelan Skirts. 548 1. Should SWANS Marry?. 550 2. Children. 554 3. What About Divorce?. 559 B. Marriage Demographics and Societal Implications. 561 Conclusion. 565; Search Snippet: ...Feminism 2008 Review Book Review: Why Smart Men Marry Smart Women by Christine B. Whelan Comforting Insights into What Should Be... 2008  
Julie B. Ehrlich Breaking the Law by Giving Birth: the War on Drugs, the War on Reproductive Rights, and the War on Women 32 New York University Review of Law and Social Change 381 (2008) The distinction between benefits and burdens is more than one of semantics. In the United States, women's reproductive capabilities have been used both to exalt and to oppress women. Women's unique role in reproduction has been used to refuse women the power to secure employment, to bar women from practicing in their chosen profession, and to...; Search Snippet: ...Drugs, the War on Reproductive Rights, and the War on Women Julie B. Ehrlich [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2008 New York University... 2008  
Barbara Palmer, Dennis Simon Breaking the Political Glass Ceiling: Incumbency, Redistricting, and the Success of Women Candidates 31 Thomas Jefferson Law Review 29 (Fall 2008) On January 5, 2007, after being sworn in as the new Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Representative Nancy Pelosi announced, [T]oday, we have broken the marble ceiling. However, she presides over a House that is only sixteen percent female. In the 110th Congress (2008 session), there are 16 women in the Senate and 71 women in the...; Search Snippet: ...The Political Glass Ceiling: Incumbency, Redistricting, and the Success of Women Candidates Barbara Palmer Dennis Simon [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2008 Thomas... 2008  
Alfreda S. Diamond Butterfly Effects from the Life of a Little Girl: a Book Review Essay of Equal Justice: the Courage of Ada Sipuel 29 Women's Rights Law Reporter 167 (Winter/Spring 2007-2008) Law students are usually introduced to Ada Lois Sipuel in the context of several pre- Brown v. Board of Education cases decided by the United States Supreme Court. In these cases: State of Missouri ex rel Gaines v. Canada, Sipuel v. Board of Regents of University of Oklahoma, Sweatt v. Painter, and McLaurin v. Oklahoma State Regents for Higher...; Search Snippet: ...Book Review Butterfly Effects from the Life of a Little Girl: a Book Review Essay of Equal Justice: the Courage Of... 2008  
Shirley Tang Challenges of Policy and Practice in Under-resourced Asian American Communities: Analyzing Public Education, Health, and Development Issues with Cambodian American Women 15 Asian American Law Journal 153 (May, 2008) According to the U.S. Census Bureau's most recent American Community Survey (ACS), the growth of the Asian American population has outpaced that of all other racial groups in Massachusetts. From 2000 to 2005, the Asian American population increased by 23%; meanwhile, the Latino and Black populations grew by 14.5% and 6% respectively, and the...; Search Snippet: ...2008 Article Challenges of Policy and Practice in Under-resourced Asian American Communities: Analyzing Public Education, Health, and Development Issues with Cambodian American Women Shirley Tang [Fnd1] Copyright (C) 2008 Regents of the University... 2008 Multipe Groups
Megan Ryan Comments from the Spring 2007 Harvard Journal of Law & Gender Conference 31 Harvard Journal of Law & Gender 378 (Summer 2008) Even after thirty-five years in existence, Title IX is still widely misunderstood. We hope this Conference sheds some light on how Title IX is actually implemented in practice and how it has had an impact on people's lives. Inspired by Deborah Brake's article, Revisiting Title IX's Feminist Legacy, we decided to focus on a larger theme for this...; Search Snippet: ...Articles Comments from the Spring 2007 Harvard Journal of Law & Gender Conference Held at Harvard Law School Edited and Abridged By... 2008  
Susan Ekberg Stiritz Cultural Cliteracy: Exposing the Contexts of Women's Not Coming 23 Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice 243 (Fall 2008) Cultural cliteracy denotes what an adequately educated person should know about the clitoris. This paper elaborates three ways to enlarge understandings of the clitoris. The first looks at the clitoris as a target of male aggression, a significant and persistent theme in Western history. The second describes an expanded anatomy of the clitoris, one...; Search Snippet: ...Justice Fall 2008 Commentary Cultural Cliteracy: Exposing the Contexts of Women's Not Coming Susan Ekberg Stiritz [Fnd1] Copyright (C) 2008 Regents... 2008  
Taunya Lovell Banks Dangerous Woman: Elizabeth Key's Freedom Suit - Subjecthood and Racialized Identity in Seventeenth Century Colonial Virginia 41 Akron Law Review 799 (2008) I. Introduction. 799 II. English Subjecthood in the Sixteenth and Early Seventeen Century. 804 III. Elizabeth's Legal Theories. 809 A. Introduction. 809 B. Status of the Child Follows the Father (partus sequitur partem). 812 C. Indentured Servant versus Slave. 820 D. Christianity as a Marker of Free Status. 824 IV. Reflections on the Disposition of...; Search Snippet: ...Review Akron Law Review 2008 40th Anniversary Edition Article Dangerous Woman: Elizabeth Key's Freedom Suit - Subjecthood and Racialized Identity in Seventeenth... 2008  
Dana Harrington Conner Do No Harm: an Analysis of the Legal and Social Consequences of Child Visitation Determinations for Incarcerated Perpetrators of Extreme Acts of Violence Against Women 17 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 163 (2008) When the events are natural disasters or acts of God, those who bear witness sympathize readily with the victim. But when the traumatic events are of human design, those who bear witness are caught in the conflict between victim and perpetrator. It is morally impossible to remain neutral in this conflict. The bystander is forced to take sides. It...; Search Snippet: ...Determinations for Incarcerated Perpetrators of Extreme Acts of Violence Against Women Dana Harrington Conner [Fna1] Copyright © 2008 by the Columbia Journal... 2008  
Dean Spade Documenting Gender 59 Hastings Law Journal 731 (March, 2008) We are witnessing a period of great controversy and law reform about issues of identity documentation and identity verification. In the last few years, both the passage of the Real ID Act and the implementation of new data comparison practices between administrative agencies such as departments of motor vehicles (DMVs) and the Social Security...; Search Snippet: ...Hastings Law Journal Hastings Law Journal March, 2008 Articles Documenting Gender Dean Spade [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2008 Uc Hastings College Of... 2008  
Shirley Darby Howell Domestic Violence, Flawed Interpretations of 42 U.s.c. § 1437(d)(L)(6), Sexual Harassment in Public Housing, and Municipal Violations of the Eighth Amendment: Making Women Homeless and Keeping Them Homeless 13 Jones Law Review Rev. 1 (Fall, 2008) Homeless women accompanied by at least one child comprise the fastest growing segment of America's homeless population. This article examines the great poverty that has befallen so many women in America, focusing specifically upon the links between domestic violence, the Department of Housing and Urban Development v. Rucker decision interpreting 42...; Search Snippet: ...Public Housing, and Municipal Violations of the Eighth Amendment: Making Women Homeless and Keeping Them Homeless Shirley Darby Howell [Fna1] Copyright... 2008  
Patricia A. Broussard Female Genital Mutilation: Exploring Strategies for Ending Ritualized Torture; Shaming, Blaming, and Utilizing the Convention Against Torture 15 Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy 19 (January, 2008) A student related to me that she had a conversation with a Nigerian, male friend in which she told him that she was very excited that her professor was writing an article on female genital mutilation. She reported that the he became enraged and shouted, How dare this American woman characterize a custom of my culture as mutilation, and further,...; Search Snippet: ...Policy Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy January, 2008 Articles Female Genital Mutilation: Exploring Strategies for Ending Ritualized Torture; Shaming, Blaming... 2008  
Rosalind Dixon Feminist Disagreement (Comparatively) Recast 31 Harvard Journal of Law & Gender 277 (Summer 2008) Critical issues of gender justice are frequently analyzed in the American legal academy without meaningful attention to the insights of newer feminist theories. To some degree this is understandable, as newer feminisms have added substantially to the overall complexity of feminist scholarship and have employed a less accessible argumentative style...; Search Snippet: ...Gender Harvard Journal of Law & Gender Summer 2008 Main Articles Feminist Disagreement (Comparatively) Recast Rosalind Dixon [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2008 By... 2008  
Jill Elaine Hasday Fighting Women: the Military, Sex, and Extrajudicial Constitutional Change 93 Minnesota Law Review 96 (November, 2008) Americans often celebrate military service as a badge of honor and an emblem of full citizenship. Though potentially dangerous and difficult, even brief service in the armed forces offers valuable training, employment benefits, and reputational advantages, opening doors to civilian careers. Yet for generations Congress, the executive branch, the...; Search Snippet: ...Minnesota Law Review Minnesota Law Review November, 2008 Article Fighting Women: the Military, Sex, and Extrajudicial Constitutional Change Jill Elaine Hasday... 2008  
Christine J. Hung For Those Who Had No Voice: the Multifaceted Fight for Redress by and for the "Comfort Women" 15 Asian American Law Journal 177 (May, 2008) These days I hum a song, Katusa, putting my own words to the tune: I am so miserable; return my youth to me; apologize . . . . You dragged us off against our own will. You trod on us. Apologize . . . --Lee Yong-soo, former Korean comfort woman, testifying in the U.S. House of Representatives in February 2007 For the Asian women who were...; Search Snippet: ...The Multifaceted Fight for Redress by and for the Comfort Women Christine J. Hung [Fnd1] Copyright (C) 2008 Regents of The... 2008 Asian American
Julie Goldscheid Gender Violence and Work: Reckoning with the Boundaries of Sex Discrimination Law 18 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 61 (2008) It is uncontroverted . that Hossack was terminated because management feared her husband's threats and that he might very well cause workplace disruption in the future . [consequently] no reasonable jury could find that the defendant terminated [her] employment because she is a woman. Workplace inequality based on sex, as well as discrimination...; Search Snippet: ...Gender and Law Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 2008 Gender Violence and Work: Reckoning with the Boundaries of Sex Discrimination... 2008  
Rhonda Copelon Gender Violence as Torture: the Contribution of Cat General Comment No. 2 11 New York City Law Review 229 (Summer 2008) Violence against women persists in every country in the world as a pervasive violation of human rights and a major impediment to achieving gender equality. Such violence is unacceptable, whether perpetrated by the State and its agents or by family members or strangers, in the public or private sphere, in peacetime or in times of conflict. The...; Search Snippet: ...And Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment Remarks Gender Violence as Torture: the Contribution of Cat General Comment No... 2008  
Lisa R. Pruitt 2008 Gender, Geography & Rural Justice 23 Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice 338 (Fall 2008) This Article argues that a more grounded and nuanced understanding of women's lived realities requires legal scholars to engage geography. Because spatial aspects of women's lives implicate inequality and moral agency, they have direct relevance to an array of legal issues. The Article thus deploys the tools of critical geographers--space, place,...; Search Snippet: ...Justice Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice Fall 2008 Article Gender, Geography & Rural Justice Lisa R. Pruitt 2008 [Fnd1] Copyright ©... 2008  
Mary Romero Go after the Women: Mothers Against Illegal Aliens' Campaign Against Mexican Immigrant Women and Their Children 83 Indiana Law Journal 1355 (Fall, 2008) Protect Our Children, Secure Our Borders! is the rallying cry adopted by Mothers Against Illegal Aliens (MAIA), an Arizona-based women's anti-immigration group founded by Michelle Dallacroce in January 2006. Like other race-based nativist groups emerging in the United States, MAIA targets immigrants as the reason for overcrowded and low-achieving...; Search Snippet: ...Contemporary Legal Discourses Gender and Human Rights Go after the Women : Mothers Against Illegal Aliens' Campaign Against Mexican Immigrant Women and Their Children Mary Romero [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2008 Trustees... 2008  
Christiana Ochoa Guatemala's Gender Equality Reforms: Cil in the Making 83 Indiana Law Journal 1333 (Fall, 2008) Attaining legitimacy and maintaining integral coherence are among the persistent goals of international law. My previous work on customary international law (CIL) has attended to these goals, specifically in relation to proscription. I have argued, together with others, that individuals should have a recognized role in the CIL formation process....; Search Snippet: ...Epicenter of Contemporary Legal Discourses Gender and Human Rights Guatemala's Gender Equality Reforms: Cil in the Making Christiana Ochoa [Fna1] Copyright... 2008  
Taunya Lovell Banks Here Comes the Judge! Gender Distortion on Tv Reality Court Shows 39 University of Baltimore Law Forum 38 (Fall 2008) [W]e are seeing a shift from . . . the failed representation of the real . . . to . . . the impenetrable commingling of fiction and reality . . . representations no longer need to be rooted in reality. It is sufficient for images simply to reflect other images. Law has become . . . entertainment law. In 2000, television reality court shows replaced...; Search Snippet: ...Baltimore Law Forum Fall 2008 Article Here Comes the Judge! Gender Distortion on Tv Reality Court Shows Taunya Lovell Banks [Fna1... 2008  
Rebecca A. Hart , M. Alexander Lowther Honoring Sovereignty: Aiding Tribal Efforts to Protect Native American Women from Domestic Violence 96 California Law Review 185 (February, 2008) Each year more than 4 million women are the victims of domestic violence at the hands of their partners--this is an epidemic from which Native American women are not immune. The obstacles to leaving an abusive relationship are numerous: women often need medical help, may lack the financial resources to support themselves and their families, and...; Search Snippet: ...February, 2008 Comment Honoring Sovereignty: Aiding Tribal Efforts to Protect Native American Women from Domestic Violence Rebecca A. Hart [Fnd1] M. Alexander Lowther... 2008 American Indian/Alaskan Native
K.J. Greene Intellectual Property at the Intersection of Race and Gender: Lady Sings the Blues 16 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 365 (2008) I. The Emergence of Race in Legal Analysis. 367 A. Intellectual Property, Innovation and African-Americans. 368 B. Blacks and Copyright Law. 370 C. Blacks and Trademark Law. 374 II. The Emerging Feminist Critique of Intellecual Property. 378 A. African-American Women and IP. 380 III. Traditional Knowledge/Indigenous Peoples and Intellectual...; Search Snippet: ...2008 Article Intellectual Property at the Intersection of Race and Gender: Lady Sings the Blues K.j. Greene [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2008... 2008 African/Black American
Phyliss Craig-Taylor Lifting the Veil: the Intersectionality of Ethics, Culture, and Gender Bias in Domestic Violence Cases 32 Rutgers Law Record 31 (Spring, 2008) This article will explore both theoretical and pragmatic questions which arise out of deconstructing the term objective and competent representation inside the paradigm of zealous representation, when viewed through the lens of domestic violence cases. These cases invoke highly problematic issues when examined in a homogeneous, rather than a...; Search Snippet: ...2008 Lifting the Veil: the Intersectionality of Ethics, Culture, and Gender Bias in Domestic Violence Cases Phyliss Craig-taylor [Fna1] Copyright... 2008  
Rose Ernst Localizing the "Welfare Queen" Ten Years Later: Race, Gender, Place, and Welfare Rights 11 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 181 (Winter 2008) Mysheda Autry sits on a linoleum floor, watching her three children play with toys from a nearby milk crate. She is pregnant. This photo, featured in The New York Times, marked the tenth anniversary of welfare reform. The caption beneath the photo reads, Today is the 10th anniversary of the law intended to wean poor women off welfare. But Mysheda...; Search Snippet: ...Contemporary America Localizing the Welfare Queen Ten Years Later: Race, Gender, Place, and Welfare Rights Rose Ernst [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2008... 2008  
Shirley Darby Howell Making Women Homeless and Keeping Them Homeless Domestic Violence, Flawed Interpretations of 42 U.s.c. §1437d(l)(6), Sexual Harassment in Public Housing, and Municipal Violations of the Eighth Amendment 65 Guild Practitioner 77 (Summer, 2008) Homeless women accompanied by at least one child comprise the fastest growing segment of America's homeless population. This article examines the great poverty that has befallen so many women in America, focusing specifically upon the links between domestic violence, the Department of Housing and Urban Development v. Rucker decision interpreting 42...; Search Snippet: ...2008 Wl 7644709 Guild Practitioner Guild Practitioner Summer, 2008 Making Women Homeless and Keeping Them Homeless Domestic Violence, Flawed Interpretations Of... 2008  
Krystyna M. Cloutier Marching Toward War: Reconnoitering the Use of All Female Platoons 40 Connecticut Law Review 1531 (July, 2008) Throughout America's history women have played an active role in the military. Since the advent of the All Volunteer Force in 1973 the overall numbers of women in the military have increased. Additionally, the roles women have played in the military have also multiplied and today about ninety percent of the military occupational specialties are...; Search Snippet: ...2008 Note Marching Toward War: Reconnoitering the Use of All Female Platoons Krystyna M. Cloutier [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2008 Connecticut Law... 2008  
Nancy E. Dowd Masculinities and Feminist Legal Theory 23 Wisconsin Journal of Law, Gender & Society 201 (Fall 2008) Feminist theory has examined men, patriarchy, and masculine characteristics predominantly as sources of power, domination, inequality, and subordination. Various theories of inequality developed by feminists challenge and reveal structures and discourses that reinforce explicitly or implicitly the centrality of men and the male identity of a...; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Law, Gender & Society Fall 2008 Articles Masculinities and Feminist Legal Theory [Fna1] Nancy E. Dowd [Fnaa1] Copyright (C) 2008... 2008  
Martha K. Plante Protecting Women's Health: How Gonzales V. Carhart Endangers Women's Health and Women's Equal Right to Personhood under the Constitution 16 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 387 (2008) I. Introduction. 389 II. Abortion's Legal History in America Suggests That, as Knowledge About Abortion Has Increased, and Advances in Medical Technology Have Been Made, the Law's Recognition of a Woman's Right to Protect Her Health and Know Best What Is Right For Her Own Body Has Declined. 390 A. Pre-Industrial American Abortion Laws Reflected...; Search Snippet: ...Gender, Social Policy and the Law 2008 Current Events Protecting Women's Health: How Gonzales V. Carhart Endangers Women's Health and Women's Equal Right to Personhood under the Constitution Martha K. Plante... 2008  
Jacquelyn H. Slotkin Rabenmutter and the Glass Ceiling : an Analysis of Role Conflict Experienced by Women Lawyers in Germany Compared with Women Lawyers in the United States 38 California Western International Law Journal 287 (Spring 2008) Can women lawyers do it all--practice law, maintain a satisfying marriage or partnership, and have a family? German women lawyers answered that question with these comments: Successful women lawyers are only the exception. We [women lawyers] need a forty-eight-hour day. Society does not accept women lawyers practicing business law. Law...; Search Snippet: ...Glass Ceiling [Fn2] : an Analysis of Role Conflict Experienced by Women Lawyers in Germany Compared with Women Lawyers in the United States Jacquelyn H. Slotkin [Fna1] Copyright... 2008  
Felicia Kornbluh Redistribution, Recognition, and Good China: Administrative Justice for Women Welfare Recipients Before Goldberg V. Kelly 20 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 165 (2008) Introduction. 165 I. Fair Hearings and Poverty Law Scholarship: The Need for New Categories. 169 II. Who Brought Fair Hearings and How?. 173 III. Why Women Brought Fair Hearings. 176 IV. Consumer Citizenship and Welfare Justice. 179 V. How Fair the Hearing?. 182 VI. Bargaining in the Shadow of the Hearing: Redistribution. 183 VII. Achieving...; Search Snippet: ...Welfare Rights Redistribution, Recognition, and Good China: Administrative Justice for Women Welfare Recipients Before Goldberg V. Kelly Felicia Kornbluh [Fnd1] Copyright... 2008  
Joanne E. Brosh , Monica K. Miller Regulating Pregnancy Behaviors: How the Constitutional Rights of Minority Women Are Disproportionately Compromised 16 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 437 (2008) I. Regulation of Pregnancy Behaviors and Violation of Rights. 439 A. Regulation of Pregnancy Behaviors. 440 1. HIV Testing and Treatment. 440 2. Illegal Drug Use. 441 3. Doctors' Orders. 443 B. Violation of Rights. 444 II. Disproportionate Harm to Minority Women. 447 A. Health Decision-Making. 448 B. Differences in the Level of Trust Women Have in...; Search Snippet: ...Article Regulating Pregnancy Behaviors: How the Constitutional Rights of Minority Women Are Disproportionately Compromised Joanne E. Brosh [Fna1] Monica K. Miller... 2008  
Lorna Fox Re-possessing "Home": a Re-analysis of Gender, Homeownership and Debtor Default for Feminist Legal Theory 14 William and Mary Journal of Women and the Law 423 (Spring, 2008) The current credit crisis has brought the subject of subprime and other problematic debt to the forefront of many agendas - both political and personal. This article explores some of the underlying legal, theoretical, economic, and phenomenological issues associated with default and foreclosure, particularly as they affect women homeowners. The...; Search Snippet: ...Spring, 2008 Articles Re-possessing Home: a Re-analysis of Gender, Homeownership and Debtor Default for Feminist Legal Theory Lorna Fox [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2008 College Of... 2008  
Priscilla J. Smith Responsibility for Life: How Abortion Serves Women's Interests in Motherhood 17 Journal of Law & Policy 97 (2008) Introduction. 98 I. The Importance of Motherhood and Other Reasons Women Choose Abortion. 103 A. Pregnancy and Abortion: the Data. 103 B. Why Women Have Abortions. 106 C. Special Reasons Women Have Abortions in the Second Trimester. 109 1. Medical Factors, including Fetal Anomalies, and Women's Health Conditions. 110 2. Delay in Obtaining...; Search Snippet: ...Of Law & Policy 2008 Responsibility for Life: How Abortion Serves Women's Interests in Motherhood Priscilla J. Smith [Fna1] Copyright © 2008 By... 2008  
Suzanne Koepplinger Sex Trafficking of American Indian Women and Girls in Minnesota 6 University of Saint Thomas Law Journal 129 (Fall 2008) The views represented in this article are those of the author. The terms American Indian, Native American, and Indian will be used interchangeably. The Minnesota Indian Women's Resource Center (MIWRC), in partnership with several culturally based non-profit service providers in the state, recently began investigating anecdotal reports of...; Search Snippet: ...Trafficking Victims: a Host of Unresolved Issues Sex Trafficking of American Indian Women and Girls in Minnesota Suzanne Koepplinger [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2009 University Of... 2008 American Indian/Alaskan Native
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