AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearEthnicity in Title or Summary
Lisa Pilnik Six Steps to Address Rising Stis in Teen Girls 27 No. 3 Child Law Practice 47 (May, 2008) Do you talk to adolescents you work with about their health? Talking about sexual health is not always easy. New research showing a high incidence of sexually transmitted infections among teen girls makes these conversations even more critical. More than one in four teenage girls has at least one STI according to a new study from the Centers for...; Search Snippet: ...Health Matters Six Steps to Address Rising Stis in Teen Girls Lisa Pilnik [Fna1] Copyright © 2008 by American Bar Association; Lisa... 2008  
Bernie D. Jones Southern Free Women of Color in the Antebellum North: Race, Class, and a "New Women's Legal History" 41 Akron Law Review 763 (2008) I. Configuring Race, Gender, and Class in American Legal History. 763 II. African-American Women in the Antebellum United States: Enslaved and Free Women Facing the Law. 772 III. Formulating an Abolitionist Law Practice: John Jolliffe. 788 IV. Conclusion. 794; Search Snippet: ...Akron Law Review 2008 40th Anniversary Edition Article Southern Free Women of Color in the Antebellum North: Race, Class, and a New Women's Legal History Bernie D. Jones [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2008 Akron... 2008 African/Black American
  Striving for Diversity in Adr & Why it Matters: an Interview with the Hon. Timothy K. Lewis 63-APR Dispute Resolution Journal 20 (February-April, 2008) Judge Lewis: My name is Tim Lewis. I am a former U.S. Circuit Court judge and a former United States District Court judge. I served eight years on the Third Circuit. Before that, I was a judge on the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania. I am a native of Pittsburgh, Pa. I still live in Pittsburgh, but I now practice in the...; Search Snippet: ...In the Decision Making Professions, and Why Allowing Minorities and Women an Opportunity to Participate Is So Vitally Important Copyright © 2008... 2008  
Phyra M. McCandless The Fallacy of Mandating Contraceptive Equity: Why Laws That Protect Women with Health Insurance Deepen Institutional Discrimination 42 University of San Francisco Law Review 1115 (Spring 2008) THE RIGHT TO ACCESS CONTRACEPTIVES was cemented by the United States Supreme Court in Eisenstadt v. Baird, which held that states cannot prohibit the distribution of contraceptives to individuals, as such prohibition fundamentally affect[s] . . . the decision whether to bear or beget a child. Although Eisenstadt motivated reproductive rights...; Search Snippet: ...The Fallacy of Mandating Contraceptive Equity: Why Laws That Protect Women with Health Insurance Deepen Institutional Discrimination Phyra M. Mccandless [Fna1... 2008  
Berta Esperanza Hernandez-Truyol The Gender Bend: Culture, Sex, and Sexuality-a Latcritical Human Rights Map of Latina/o Border Crossings 83 Indiana Law Journal 1283 (Fall, 2008) [C]ultures provide specific plots for lives. Away, she went away but each place she went pushed her to the other side, al otro lado. [j]Mejor puta que pata. Mejor ladrón que maricón. In the course of studying and theorizing about Latinas/os and their location in law and culture, critical theory has been simultaneously liberating and restraining,...; Search Snippet: ...Epicenter of Contemporary Legal Discourses Gender and Human Rights the Gender Bend: Culture, Sex, and Sexuality-a Latcritical Human Rights Map of Latina/o Border Crossings Berta Esperanza Hernandez-truyol [Fna1] Copyright ©... 2008 Hispanic/Latinx American
Lorraine H. Weber The History of Gender, Racial, and Ethnic Initiatives in Michigan-where We Have Been, Where We Hope to Go, and Why it Is Important 25 Thomas M. Cooley Law Review 139 (2008) Good afternoon, I am both proud and a little amazed at the opportunity that I had early on in Michigan to be a part of this movement, and, as you might have gleaned from my introduction, I regret to say that I am indeed old enough to have been there pretty much from the beginning. As I look around this room, I see the faces of some who were there...; Search Snippet: ...To Equality: Are We There Yet? Transcript the History of Gender, Racial, and Ethnic Initiatives in Michigan-where We Have Been... 2008  
Bruce A. Kimball, Brian S. Shull The Ironical Exclusion of Women from Harvard Law School, 1870-1900 58 Journal of Legal Education 3 (March, 2008) In the final three decades of the nineteenth century, Harvard Law School (HLS) introduced and established the model of professional education that became normative in the United States during the twentieth century. That development resulted chiefly from the work of C. C. Langdell, who served as dean of Harvard Law School from 1870 to 1895 and who...; Search Snippet: ...March, 2008 History of Legal Education the Ironical Exclusion of Women from Harvard Law School, 1870-1900 Bruce A. Kimball Brian... 2008  
Ariela Migdal, Emily J. Martin, Mie Lewis, Lenora M. Lapidus The Need to Address Equal Educational Opportunities for Women and Girls 35-SUM Human Rights 16 (Summer, 2008) While all students are vulnerable to assaults on their rights, girls and women face a distinct set of challenges. This article examines three trends illustrating obstacles to an equal education for girls and women. The first section addresses the current popularity of sex-segregated programs in public schools, in which boys and girls are taught...; Search Snippet: ...Summer, 2008 the Need to Address Equal Educational Opportunities for Women and Girls Ariela Migdal Emily J. Martin Mie Lewis Lenora M. Lapidus... 2008  
Dana Neaçsu The Red Booklet on Feminist Equality. Instead of a Manifesto. 30 Women's Rights Law Reporter 106 (Fall 2008) If feminist legal theory were to face its legacy today, it would see that its tremendous value rests in its means more than in its ends. True, it has produced palpable results for its promoters domestically. It satisfied many feminists' discrete incremental requests, from Women's History Month to a limited right to bear or beget. While feminism...; Search Snippet: ...Rights Law Reporter Fall 2008 Articles the Red Booklet on Feminist Equality. Instead of a Manifesto. Dana Neaçsu [Fna1] Copyright ©... 2008  
Anders Walker Things Cannot Go on as They Are: Contextualizing Herbert Wechsler's Critique of the School Segregation Cases 52 Saint Louis University Law Journal 1211 (Summer 2008) This morning, constitutional scholar David Strauss asked us to reconsider Herbert Wechsler's 1959 critique of Brown v. Board of Education in Toward Neutral Principles of Constitutional Law. Read outside its historical context, Wechsler's charge that Brown failed to establish a neutral legal principle for invalidating segregation, and that...; Search Snippet: ...A White Central High Student, Assaulted Another One of the African American Girls at the School, Prompting Holloway's Suspension. [Fn20] over the Course... 2008 African/Black American
Barbara Ann White Traversing 2 and 3 Waves: Feminist Legal Theory Moving Forward 39 University of Baltimore Law Forum L.F. I (Fall, 2008) The difference between 2 and 3 wave is experiential -- not chronological -- Gloria Steinem As a 3 wave feminist asking you, a 2 wave feminist . where should we go from here? . what do you want us to accomplish? Query to Steinem by young woman during Q & A. I just want you to go . It's up to you [what you want to accomplish .] -- Ms. Steinem's...; Search Snippet: ...Law Forum Fall, 2008 Foreword Traversing 2 Nd and 3 Rd Waves: Feminist Legal Theory Moving Forward Barbara Ann White [Fna1] Copyright © 2008... 2008  
X. Brian Edwards True Donative Freedom: Using Mediation to Resolve the Disparate Impact Current Succession Law Has on Committed Same-gender Loving Couples 23 Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution 715 (2008) In recent years the national discussion concerning what rights same-gender loving Americans do or do not have has been thrust to the forefront of American political debate. The issues of same-sex marriage, same-gender loving adoption rights, and civil unions have sparked heated debate between both ends of the political spectrum. Moreover, this...; Search Snippet: ...The Disparate Impact Current Succession Law Has on Committed Same- Gender Loving Couples [Fn1] X. Brian Edwards [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2008... 2008  
Adrien Katherine Wing Twenty-first-century Loving: Nationality, Gender, and Religion in the Muslim World 76 Fordham Law Review 2895 (May, 2008) It scarcely seems possible that the Loving v. Virginia decision is now forty years old. In that case, decided more than ten years after the historic Brown v. Board of Education school desegregation decision, Virginia was one of many states that forbade intermarriage between whites and blacks. It took the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn a racist law...; Search Snippet: ...On Race, Sex, and Family Twenty-first-century Loving: Nationality, Gender, and Religion in the Muslim World Adrien Katherine Wing [Fna1... 2008 African/Black American
Barbara L. Bernier Unholy Troika: Gender, Race and Religiosity in the 2008 Presidential Contest 15 Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy 275 (August, 2008) B.C. Thy Husband Shall Rule Over Thee [Genesis, Old Testament] A.D. Let wives be subject to their husbands as to the Lord; because a husband is head of the wife just as Christ is head of the Church. . .just as the Church is subject to Christ, so also let wives be subject to their husbands in all things. [St. Paul, Epistle to the Ephesians 5, New...; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Gender Law & Policy August, 2008 Article Unholy Troika: Gender, Race and Religiosity in the 2008 Presidential Contest Barbara L... 2008  
Carrie Acus Love Unrepeatable Harms: Female Genital Mutilation and Involuntary Sterilization in U.s. Asylum Law 40 Columbia Human Rights Law Review 173 (Fall 2008) As a citizen of the People's Republic of China, Ms. X chose to have three children with her husband. In doing so she violated China's one couple, one child family planning policy. Although she allowed another family to raise her second child and went into hiding herself, the government authorities eventually found her, arrested her, and forcibly...; Search Snippet: ...Human Rights Institute at Columbia Law School Note Unrepeatable Harms: Female Genital Mutilation and Involuntary Sterilization in U.s. Asylum Law Carrie... 2008  
Marcia D. Greenberger , Jocelyn F. Samuels What Women Need: a Policy Agenda for the New Administration 35-FALL Human Rights 16 (Fall, 2008) The statistics are alarming. One in four girls drops out of high school, resulting in an average annual income that falls $9,100 below even the low wages earned by male high school dropouts. More than four decades after enactment of the Equal Pay Act, women working full time still earn about 78 cents, on average, for every dollar paid to men. More...; Search Snippet: ...Human Rights Human Rights Fall, 2008 President Barack Obama What Women Need: a Policy Agenda for the New Administration Marcia D... 2008  
Leigh Goodmark When Is a Battered Woman Not a Battered Woman? When She Fights Back 20 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 75 (2008) Introduction. 76 I. The Importance of Narrative. 78 A. Narratives and the Law. 81 II. The Paradigmatic Victim and her Silenced Sisters. 82 A. The Paradigmatic Victim Is Passive. 82 B. The Paradigmatic Victim Is White. 85 C. The Paradigmatic Victim Is Straight. 90 III. The Stories of Women Who Fight Back. 92 A. African American Women Who Fight Back....; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Law & Feminism 2008 Article When Is a Battered Woman Not a Battered Woman? When She Fights Back Leigh Goodmark [Fnd1] Copyright (C) 2008... 2008 African/Black American
Sunny Woan White Sexual Imperialism: a Theory of Asian Feminist Jurisprudence 14 Washington and Lee Journal of Civil Rights and Social Justice 275 (Spring, 2008) This Article studies the intersection of race and gender, examining it through the lens of Western imperialism. Even though both critical race and feminist scholarship have addressed this intersection, few if any offer a precise theory for understanding the imperialized experience. This Article seeks to fill that void. The social inequality...; Search Snippet: ...Spring, 2008 Article White Sexual Imperialism: a Theory of Asian Feminist Jurisprudence Sunny Woan [Fna1] Copyright © 2008 by Washington and Lee... 2008 Asian American
Samuel Josephs Whose Revolution Is This? Gender's Divisive Role in the Black Panther Party 9 Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law 403 (2008) I. Calling All Men: Background and Context of Gender's Role Early On. 404 A. Early Recruitment. 408 B. Women Gain Interest. 410 C. Women Join the Party. 412 II. The Federal, State, and Local Attack on The Black Panther Party. 413 III. Gender's Divide. 416 A. The Visibility of Panther Women: Gender Discussed on the Front Pages. 416 B. Gender as an...; Search Snippet: ...Of Gender and Sexuality Law Note Whose Revolution Is This? Gender's Divisive Role in the Black Panther Party Samuel Josephs [Fna1... 2008 African/Black American
Harry Greenlee, Esq. , Shelia P. Greenlee, Ph.D. Women and the Death Penalty: Racial Disparities and Differences 14 William and Mary Journal of Women and the Law 319 (Winter, 2008) The death penalty in America has been studied, discussed, and written about extensively. The vast majority of researchers, however, have focused their study of the death penalty, or capital punishment, on male prisoners. This article examines the data related to women on death row since 1973, with particular attention to similar problems that have...; Search Snippet: ...The Law Winter, 2008 2007 Symposium: Women in Prisons Article Women and the Death Penalty: Racial Disparities and Differences Harry Greenlee... 2008  
Arianne Renan Barzilay Women at Work: Towards an Inclusive Narrative of the Rise of the Regulatory State 31 Harvard Journal of Law & Gender 169 (Winter 2008) Our aim is not to denounce the fictitiousness of other discourses but to induce them, so far as possible, to take into consideration what they have allowed themselves to overlook. - Jacques Donzelot This Article seeks to enrich what we know about the establishment of the regulatory state. It focuses on women's contribution to the rise of...; Search Snippet: ...Law and Gender Harvard Journal of Law & Gender Winter 2008 Women at Work: Towards an Inclusive Narrative of the Rise Of... 2008  
Carmen D. Hernandez , 717 D Street NW Suite 310 Washington, DC 20004 202-628-0090 Fax 202-628-2881 E-mail Women Behind Bars - No Dignity, No Hope 32-APR Champion Champion 5 (April, 2008) According to a recent report by a study group of the Pew Charitable Trusts, more than 1 in 100 Americans is currently behind bars. When the figures are broken down by age, sex and race, the statistics are as stunning as a slap in the face: 1 in 9 black males aged 20 to 34 is incarcerated. One in 72 of all males is in jail or prison. One in 96 of...; Search Snippet: ...Wl 1892688 Champion Champion April, 2008 Column from the President Women Behind Bars No Dignity, No Hope Carmen D. Hernandez [Fna1... 2008 African/Black American
Guadalupe T. Luna Women in Blue Jeans: Connecting the past with Agricultural Transformations in the Present 23 Wisconsin Journal of Law, Gender & Society 313 (Fall 2008) A lot of us are getting into farming later, as we get older . . .. We're willing to toss insanity to the winds. It's just a different focus for women. The systemic and ongoing demise of independent farm operations is well documented and lamented. The confluence of globalization and rising production costs in the present are further jeopardizing...; Search Snippet: ...Society Wisconsin Journal of Law, Gender & Society Fall 2008 Articles Women in Blue Jeans: Connecting the past with Agricultural Transformations In... 2008  
Kim White Women in Federal Prison: Pathways In, Programs out 14 William and Mary Journal of Women and the Law 305 (Winter, 2008) One of the fastest growing populations in most correctional systems is female offenders and the impact of these rising numbers is significant. The author speaks to the rising female population numbers, the types of crimes and behaviors that lead to their incarceration, the characteristics of female offenders, the impact their incarceration has on...; Search Snippet: ...The Law Winter, 2008 2007 Symposium: Women in Prisons Article Women in Federal Prison: Pathways In, Programs out Kim White [Fna1... 2008  
Jenni Gainsborough Women in Prison: International Problems and Human Rights Based Approaches to Reform 14 William and Mary Journal of Women and the Law 271 (Winter, 2008) The growth in prison populations is a world-wide phenomenon, and within the overall growth rate, many countries are seeing a disproportionate rate of increase among women. Despite differences in culture and resources, women everywhere face similar problems in prison systems, which have been designed primarily by and for men. These include sexual...; Search Snippet: ...The Law Winter, 2008 2007 Symposium: Women in Prisons Article Women in Prison: International Problems and Human Rights Based Approaches To... 2008  
Fiona Kay , Elizabeth Gorman Women in the Legal Profession 4 Annual Review of Law and Social Science 299 (2008) gender, law practice, careers, mobility, earnings, discrimination In recent years, the legal profession has undergone significant change, with rapidly rising numbers of women among its membership. Scholars of legal history, sociology, economics, organizational behavior, and law have examined various dimensions of the feminization of the legal...; Search Snippet: ...Social Science Annual Review of Law and Social Science 2008 Women in the Legal Profession Fiona Kay [Fn1] Elizabeth Gorman [Fn2... 2008  
Carmelyn P. Malalis, Linda A. Neilan A Crackdown on Caregiver Discrimination 43-AUG Trial 32 (August, 2007) Last year, along with the American Civil Liberties Union and the New York Civil Liberties Union, we represented six women police officers who sued their employer, claiming that its policy barring officers from light-duty assignments--like working a desk job--while they were pregnant violated the federal Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) and New...; Search Snippet: ...Pregnancy and Family Leave Can Manifest as Discrimination--against Both Women and Men Carmelyn P. Malalis Linda A. Neilan [Fna1] Copyright... 2007  
Laura M. Padilla A Gendered Update on Women Law Deans: Who, Where, Why, and Why Not? 15 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 443 (2007) Introduction. 444 I. What Does a Law Dean Do, and How Do You Become One Anyway?. 447 A. A Job Description for Law Deans. 448 B. The Path to a Law Deanship. 454 II. Empirical Information. 460 A. Who Are Uur Law Deans, and What Are Their Demographics?. 460 B. A Twenty Year Overview of Women Law Deans, Focusing on 1984-1985, 1994-1995, and 2004-2005....; Search Snippet: ...Policy and the Law 2007 Articles a Gendered Update on Women Law Deans: Who, Where, Why, and Why Not? Laura M... 2007  
  A Symposium with Women Chiefs 13 Cardozo Journal of Law & Gender 305 (Spring 2007) MS. BONNIE STEINGART: This is a very special event for Cardozo Women and Cardozo Law School. We have with us today Chief Justices from four of our highest state courts. We have Judge Judith Kaye, who is Chief in New York; we have Justice Deborah Poritz, who is Chief in New Jersey; we have Justice Jean Toal, who is Chief in South Carolina, and...; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Law & Gender Spring 2007 Transcript a Symposium with Women Chiefs April 7, 2006 at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School... 2007  
Constantine N. Katsoris A Tribute to the Fordham Judiciary: a Century of Service 75 Fordham Law Review 2303 (April, 2007) On September 28, 2005, Fordham Law School began its year-long Centennial Celebration commemorating its one hundredth anniversary. From the beginning, the phrase associated with Fordham Law School has been In the Service of Others. Fordham graduates earn this phrase not only by demonstrating the highest standards of excellence and ethics in their...; Search Snippet: ...The Top of Her Class, And, Thereafter Became the First African- American Woman Admitted to the State Bars of New York and North... 2007 African/Black American
  Aba Announces Nominations 93-APR ABA Journal 63 (April, 2007) THE ABA TOOK ANOTHER IMPORtant step toward achieving greater diversity in its leadership ranks in February when the Nominating Committee of the House of Delegates announced this year's slate of candidates for president-elect, two other officer positions and nine seats on the Board of Governors. The House of Delegates will vote on the nominees in...; Search Snippet: ...April, 2007 Your Aba Aba Announces Nominations Slate Includes First Woman of Color Chosen to Serve as an Officer of The... 2007  
Elvia R. Arriola Accountability for Murder in the Maquiladoras: Linking Corporate Indifference to Gender Violence at the U.s.-mexico Border 5 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 603 (Spring/Summer, 2007) Claudia Ivette-González might still be alive if her employers had not turned her away. The 20-year-old resident of Ciudad Juárezthe Mexican city abutting El Paso, Texasarrived at her assembly plant job four minutes late one day in October 2001. After management refused to let her into the factory, she started home on foot. A month later, her...; Search Snippet: ...Accountability for Murder in the Maquiladoras: Linking Corporate Indifference to Gender Violence at the U.s.-mexico Border Elvia R. Arriola [Fn1... 2007  
Margaret E. Johnson Avoiding Harm Otherwise: Reframing Women Employees' Responses to the Harms of Sexual Harassment 80 Temple Law Review 743 (Fall 2007) This Article concerns the concepts of employee harm and harm avoidance within the liability framework for hostile work environment sexual harassment by a supervisor. Whether an employer is liable for supervisor sexual harassment depends in part on whether the employee avoids her harm or mitigates her damages resulting from the sexual harassment....; Search Snippet: ...Temple Law Review Fall 2007 Article Avoiding Harm Otherwise: Reframing Women Employees' Responses to the Harms of Sexual Harassment Margaret E... 2007  
Kathleen A. Ward Before and after the White Man: Indian Women, Property, Progress, and Power 6 Connecticut Public Interest Law Journal 245 (Spring/Summer, 2007) Native America has been, and in many ways still is, more diverse than the entire continent of Europe. While all Indian tribes have an underlying consciousness and world view, each tribe has its own language, religion, customs, governance structure, judicial system, and history. Thus, when writing an article about the Native American experience, it...; Search Snippet: ...Summer, 2007 Articles Before and after the White Man: Indian Women, Property, Progress, and Power Kathleen A. Ward [Fnd1] Copyright ©... 2007 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Adam P. Romero Book Review: Split Decisions: How and Why to Take a Break from Feminism by Janet Halley 19 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 227 (2007) Introduction. 227 I. Halley's Arguments. 229 II. Feminist Methods. 236 A. Feminist Methodology, or, Is Halley Saying Anything New?. 237 B. Halley's Project Is Possible Without Taking a Break From Feminism: An Example. 242 III. Queer and Feminist Divisions and Domains. 246 A. What Is Queer Legal Theory?. 247 B. Is a Queer Break from Feminism...; Search Snippet: ...Take a Break from Feminism by Janet Halley Methodological Descriptions: Feminist and Queer Legal Theories Adam P. Romero [Fnd1] Copyright ©... 2007  
Parag Khandhar Building a New Paradigm for the Women's Movement: Spotlight on Kiran Ahuja 3 Modern American 25 (Summer-Fall, 2007) Only in her mid-thirties, Ms. Kiran Ahuja, Executive Director of the National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum (NAPAWF), has had a long, distinguished public interest career as an attorney, an advocate for immigrant communities, and a mentor and advisor to countless law students and young activists. I caught up with her for a little while to...; Search Snippet: ...American Summer-fall, 2007 Building a New Paradigm for the Women's Movement: Spotlight on Kiran Ahuja [Fna1] Parag Khandhar [Fnaa1] Copyright... 2007 Asian American
Kate Hannaher Caring for Invisible Patients: Challenges and Opportunities in Healthcare for Incarcerated Women 29 Hamline Journal of Public Law and Policy 161 (Fall 2007) Women jail and prison inmates arguably form the highest-risk population in American public health. . . . These are women for whom the mainstream health system has failed or been inadequate, both from the standpoints of prevention and treatment. . . . The prison environment is a unique opportunity to provide healthy lifestyle information for...; Search Snippet: ...For Invisible Patients: Challenges and Opportunities in Healthcare for Incarcerated Women Kate Hannaher [Fn1] Copyright (C) 2007 Hamline Journal of Public... 2007  
Russell Powell Catharine Mackinnon May Not Be Enough: Legal Change and Religion in Catholic and Sunni Jurisprudence 8 Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law 1 (2007) I. Introduction. 2 A. Changed Narrative. 5 B. Perspective. 6 C. Historical and Theoretical Context. 8 II. Methodology. 9 III. Hermeneutical Approaches: The Role of Text in Scriptural Religions. 12 A. Hanafi Hermeneutics in Pakistan. 13 1. Qur'an. 14 2. Sunna. 16 3. Classical Hanafi Position. 18 4. Contemporary Hanafi Position. 19 5. The Voices of...; Search Snippet: ...Aquino Is a Noted Theologian and a Key Shaper of Latina Feminist Theology, Which She Considers to Be an Outgrowth of the Plural Movements for Liberation That Gave Rise to Latina/chicana Feminism. [Fn175] Latina Feminist Theology Is Anti-essentialist in Rejecting Sex as the Only... 2007 Hispanic/Latinx American
Ellen M. Weber Child Welfare Interventions for Drug-dependent Pregnant Women: Limitations of a Non-public Health Response 75 UMKC Law Review 789 (Spring, 2007) National drug policy, medical practice and the child welfare system have not kept pace with scientific research that points to effective health interventions to address alcoholism and drug dependence among pregnant women. In its 2003 amendments to the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, Congress adopted a policy requiring physicians to report...; Search Snippet: ...Spring, 2007 Article Child Welfare Interventions for Drug-dependent Pregnant Women: Limitations of a Non-public Health Response Ellen M. Weber... 2007  
Margaret Moore Jackson Confronting "Unwelcomeness" from the Outside: Using Case Theory to Tell the Stories of Sexually-harassed Women 14 Cardozo Journal of Law & Gender 61 (Fall 2007) The recognition of sexual harassment as employment discrimination was a striking departure from the status quo. Feminists propelled this development in the law to create change in the workplace and corresponding progress in societal attitudes. However, acceptance of sexual harassment prohibitions has been slow. Thirty years after the claim was...; Search Snippet: ...Using Case Theory to Tell the Stories of Sexually-harassed Women Margaret Moore Jackson [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2007 Yeshiva University; Margaret... 2007  
Penelope Andrews Democracy Stops at My Front Door : Obstacles to Gender Equality in South Africa 5 Loyola University Chicago International Law Review 15 (Fall/Winter 2007) Faced with an ever-increasing prevalence of rape and other forms of violence against women in South Africa, we are challenged like never before to revisit deeply buried stereotypes that inform our views of women in relation to men... in the same way we confront our hidden view of blacks in relation to Whites... Just as racism increases the...; Search Snippet: ...Article Democracy Stops at My Front Door [Fn1] : Obstacles to Gender Equality in South Africa Penelope Andrews [Fnd1] Copyright (C) 2007... 2007 African/Black American
Doug Jones Domestic Violence Against Women with Disabilities: a Feminist Legal Theory Analysis 2 Florida A & M University Law Review 207 (Fall 2007) I. Introduction. 207 II. Domestic Violence Legal Scholarship has Overlooked Women with Disabilities. 212 III. Unique myths, unique experiences, and unique Barriers. 215 IV. Proposals and Theory. 218 A. Domestic Violence Service Infrastructure Reforms. 218 B. Education and Non-Legal Advocacy. 223 C. Courtroom Accommodations. 227 D. Allowing Women...; Search Snippet: ...M University Law Review Fall 2007 Comment Domestic Violence Against Women with Disabilities: a Feminist Legal Theory Analysis Doug Jones [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2007 Florida... 2007  
Adina S. Greiner Elementary and Secondary Education: Amend Part 3 of Article 16 of Chapter 2 of Title 20 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, Relating to Student Health in Elementary and Secondary Education, So as to Require Immunization Against the Human Papillomav 24 Georgia State University Law Review 143 (Fall, 2007) Code Section: O.C.G.A. § 20-2-771(c) (amended) Bill Number: SB 155 Summary: The bill would have required all female students entering sixth grade to be vaccinated against the human papillomavirus. Exceptions were provided for children whose parents objected on religious grounds. The bill would have also suspended the vaccination requirement in...; Search Snippet: ...So as to Require Immunization Against the Human Papillomavirus for Female Students Entering the Sixth Grade; Provide for a Beginning Date... 2007  
Emily Albrink Hartigan Engaged Surrender in the Void: Post-secularist "Human" Rights Discourse and Muslim Feminists [Sic] 22 Journal of Law and Religion 131 (2006-2007) Human rights discourse is inherently multicultural, and multicultural discourse is messy. The academese for that goes something like this: I am an agnostic and ambivalent subject of a double, decentered multicultural choice (see the following quotations) and my text comes from a minority stance in a different context. [A]ffirmative...; Search Snippet: ...In the Void: Post-secularist Human Rights Discourse and Muslim Feminists [Sic] [Fnd1] Emily Albrink Hartigan [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2006-2007... 2007  
Kara Beth Stein Female Refugees: Re-victimized by the Material Support to Terrorism Bar 38 McGeorge Law Review 815 (2007) I. Introduction. 816 II. Refugee Provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act. 818 A. Defining Terms: Refugees and Asylum Seekers. 818 B. Historic Development of Refugee Law. 819 C. The Refugee Act of 1980. 820 D. Terrorism Provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act. 821 1. Congressional Intent: Excluding Those Who Seek to Harm the...; Search Snippet: ...Wl 2899726 Mcgeorge Law Review Mcgeorge Law Review 2007 Comment Female Refugees: Re-victimized by the Material Support to Terrorism Bar... 2007  
Rachelle Cassman Fighting to Make the Cut: Female Genital Cutting Studied Within the Context of Cultural Relativism 6 Northwestern Journal of International Human Rights 128 (Fall, 2007) This comment is focused on a discussion of female genital cutting (FGC) within the context of cultural relativism. Regardless of how FGC conflicts with American sensibilities, international movement toward an elimination of its existence is unlikely without thorough regard and understanding for the cultural, religious, and ethnic rationales that...; Search Snippet: ...Fall, 2007 Note and Comment Fighting to Make the Cut: Female Genital Cutting Studied Within the Context of Cultural Relativism Rachelle... 2007  
Nekima Levy-Pounds From the Frying Pan into the Fire: How Poor Women of Color and Children Are Affected by Sentencing Guidelines and Mandatory Minimums 47 Santa Clara Law Review 285 (2007) Through a string of recent decisions, the U.S. Supreme Court has drawn attention to the adverse consequences that flow from the enforcement of harsh federal sentencing guidelines and mandatory minimums used to punish drug offenders. In United States v. Booker, the Court drastically altered the strictures of these guidelines by pronouncing them to...; Search Snippet: ...Article from the Frying Pan into the Fire: How Poor Women of Color and Children Are Affected by Sentencing Guidelines And... 2007  
Paula A. Monopoli Gender and Justice: Parity and the United States Supreme Court 8 Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law 43 (2007) There is a deep concern among many American women that only one woman remains on the United States Supreme Court. When Justice Sandra Day O'Connor was sworn in on September 25, 1981, most people never imagined that twenty-five years later there would still be only one woman on the Court. The assumption that progress would steadily continue until...; Search Snippet: ...2007 Eighth General Issue of Gender and Sexuality Law Article Gender and Justice: Parity and the United States Supreme Court Paula... 2007  
Lucille M. Ponte , Jennifer L. Gillan Gender Performance over Job Performance: Body Art Work Rules and the Continuing Subordination of the Feminine 14 Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy 319 (January, 2007) I. Socio-Historical Overview of Social Constructions of Body Modification. 325 II. Social Constructions of Protected Classes and Body Art Work Rules. 333 A. Rejecting Racial and Ethnic Performance in Body Art Work Rules Cases. 333 B. Limited Accommodation of Religious Performance in Body Art Work Rules Cases. 339 C. Gender Performance and Body Art...; Search Snippet: ...Policy January, 2007 Symposium Issue Makeup, Identity Performance & Discrimination Article Gender Performance over Job Performance: Body Art Work Rules and the Continuing Subordination of the Feminine Lucille M. Ponte [Fna1] Jennifer L. Gillan [Fnaa1] Copyright ©... 2007  
Susan Frelich Appleton Gender, Abortion, and Travel after Roe's End 51 Saint Louis University Law Journal 655 (Spring 2007) This Essay responds to Professor Richard Fallon's If Roe Were Overruled: Abortion and the Constitution in a Post-Roe World. Professor Fallon's Article exposes as fallacies four popular beliefs about the legal landscape after the end of Roe v. Wade, including the belief that states restricting abortion will and can reach conduct only within their...; Search Snippet: ...Law Journal Saint Louis University Law Journal Spring 2007 Respondents Gender, Abortion, and Travel after Roe's End Susan Frelich Appleton [Fna1... 2007  
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