AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearEthnicity in Title or Summary
Neoshia R. Roemer THE INDIAN CHILD WELFARE ACT AS REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE 103 Boston University Law Review 55 (February, 2023) Federal Indian policy is rooted in family regulation. Here, family regulation is twofold, comprising: (1) the idea that American Indian families should be curated to be more like their non-Indian counterparts; and (2) the child welfare system, as Dorothy Roberts notes. Overall, family regulation was part of an Indian assimilation project. Since the... 2023 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Serena Mayeri THE INTERSECTIONAL ORIGINS OF MODERN FEMINIST LEGAL ADVOCACY 34 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 6 (2023) Intersectionality, reproductive justice, abolitionism, LGBTQ+ liberation, and democracy defense have moved to the center of twenty-first century feminist legal thought and advocacy, with feminists of color and queer scholars and activists at the forefront. But it wasn't always so. Or was it? We often have imagined the trajectory of late... 2023  
Kathy Rong Zhou THE LAST BLACK TOBACCO UNION: LOCAL 208, SEGREGATED SENIORITY, AND THE INTEGRATING SOUTH 73 Duke Law Journal 209 (October, 2023) After federal reforms in the 1930s protected the right to organize, the Tobacco Workers International Union made quick work of mobilizing the American South. Its unions, though segregated, made strides. Yet Black unions' collective bargaining gains could not transcend one of the South's most oppressive employment practices: segregated systems for... 2023 African/Black American
Rose Holden Vacanti Gilroy THE LAW OF ASSISTED REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR LGBTQ+ PARENTS: A RECOGNITION REGIME OF FAMILY LAW BUILT IN OPPOSITION TO THE REGULATORY REGIME 38 Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice 109 (2023) Introduction. 109 I. Parentage in Opposition. 115 A. Race, Racism, and Parentage. 115 B. Wealthy Parents vs. Impoverished Parents. 119 C. Children as Success vs. Children as Failure. 122 D. Married Parents vs. Unmarried Parents. 124 II. Intended Parents and the Weaponization of Parentage. 126 A. Intent-Based Parentage Through Voluntary... 2023  
Mark S. Brodin THE LEGACY OF TRAYVON MARTIN--NEIGHBORHOOD WATCHES, VIGILANTES, RACE, AND OUR LAW OF SELF-DEFENSE 106 Marquette Law Review 593 (Spring, 2023) White people go around, it seems to me, with a very carefully suppressed terror of Black people--a tremendous uneasiness. They don't know what the Black face hides. They're sure it's hiding something. What it's hiding is American history. What it's hiding is what White people know they have done, and what they like doing. --James Baldwin Trayvon... 2023 African/Black American
Hardeep Dhillon , American Bar Foundation, Chicago, IL, USA, Email: THE MAKING OF MODERN US CITIZENSHIP AND ALIENAGE: THE HISTORY OF ASIAN IMMIGRATION, RACIAL CAPITAL, AND US LAW 41 Law and History Review 1 (February, 2023) This article unravels an important historical conjuncture in the making of modern US citizenship and alienage by drawing on the state's regulation of naturalization as it relates to Asian immigration in the early twentieth century. My primary concern is to examine the socio-legal formations that constructed the thick distinctions between the modern... 2023 Asian American
Megan Buechler THE NEVER-ENDING DROUGHT FOR BLACK FARMERS: THE LASTING EFFECTS OF PIGFORD AND THE CONTINUANCE OF USDA DISCRIMINATION 61 University of Louisville Law Review 223 (Spring, 2023) The government may have admitted guilt and wrote a check but that is not what these farmers wanted. They wanted to be heard. They wanted their stories to be told, they wanted to protect future generations, Black and White, from ever letting this happen again. --Greg A. Francis Forty acres and a mule--William Sherman promised this redistribution... 2023 African/Black American
Daniel Jefferson THE ROOTS OF THE PROBLEM: HOW THE CROWN ACT COULD REMEDY THE INADEQUACIES OF TITLE VII HAIR DISCRIMINATION PROTECTIONS IN THE ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY 17 Florida A & M University Law Review 185 (Spring, 2023) C1-2Table of Contents Introduction. 185 I. Historical Background: Fighting Hair Discrimination Through the Eras. 187 A. The History of Hair Discrimination. 187 B. Hair Discrimination in the Entertainment Industry. 188 C. Title VII Unwrapped. 190 D. The Origin of the Crown Act. 194 II. Analysis: How the Crown Act Will Provide Additional Protections... 2023  
Yvette N.A. Pappoe THE SCARLET LETTER "E": HOW TENANCY SCREENING POLICIES EXACERBATE HOUSING INEQUITY FOR EVICTED BLACK WOMEN 103 Boston University Law Review 269 (February, 2023) The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in an unprecedented health and economic crisis in the United States. In addition to more than nine hundred thousand deaths in the United States and counting, another kind of crisis emerged from the pandemic: an eviction crisis. In August 2020, an estimated thirty to forty million people in America were at risk of... 2023 African/Black American
Heather Swadley THE STRUCTURAL HARMS OF PROVIDING MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES THROUGH THE BIPARTISAN SAFER COMMUNITIES ACT 102 Nebraska Law Review 52 (2023) Many have proclaimed that the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act is the most sweeping gun control legislation to be passed in decades. However, the bill is not primarily a gun control bill--instead, much of the Act seeks to improve mental health services in hopes of preventing gun violence. Such a move is not rooted in established evidence, which... 2023  
Amanda Trau THE SUPERFICIAL APPLICATION OF ORIGINALISM IN DOBBS: COULD A MORE COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH PROTECT ABORTION RIGHTS? 50 Fordham Urban Law Journal 867 (April, 2023) Introduction. 868 I. Relevant Background. 873 A. Abortion Jurisprudence Through History. 873 1. Roe v. Wade. 874 2. Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey. 876 3. Gonzales v. Carhart. 877 B. Originalism's Origin and Purpose. 879 II. Results-Oriented Originalism. 881 A. Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization. 882 B.... 2023  
  THE TRUTHS OF THE MATTER 111 Illinois Bar Journal 20 (February, 2023) Illinois attorneys and judges reflect on race within the context of their careers. IN COMMEMORATION OF BLACK HISTORY MONTH, THE ILLINOIS BAR JOURNAL asked several leaders in the ISBA and Illinois legal community to contribute mini essay focusing on a topic of their choosing pertaining to race and the law. As for topics, the IBJ listed several... 2023 African/Black American
Emily Suski THE TWO TITLE IXS 101 North Carolina Law Review 403 (January, 2023) Title IX, a law that mandates equality, operates unequally. Title IX prohibits sex discrimination of all forms, including sexual harassment, in public schools. When students assert Title IX sexual harassment claims, one standard exists for determining Title IX's violation. The Supreme Court held that schools violate Title IX when they respond with... 2023  
Lisa Avalos THE UNDER-POLICING OF CRIMES AGAINST BLACK WOMEN 73 Case Western Reserve Law Review 795 (Spring, 2023) It is well known that over-policing has a severe adverse impact on communities of color. What is less well known is that over-policing is accompanied by a corollary--a pervasive and systemic under-policing of violence against women of color. The refusal to see women of color as victims of crime who are worthy recipients of justice, and the tendency... 2023 African/Black American
Evangelic Nicolette-Lovelei Schuhmeier THE WEIGHT OF A LEADER WITH A HEART MADE OF GOLD: AUTHOR'S NOTE & POEM 44 University of La Verne Law Review 10 (Fall, 2023) The inspiration behind my poem, The Weight of a Leader with a Heart Made of Gold, comes from my experiences as a Black woman in leadership. It is not uncommon for Black women to feel as if they must make others comfortable when in a group setting. As a young Black woman, I struggled with speaking my truth and being a true advocate in a society... 2023 African/Black American
Darren Lenard Hutchinson THINLY ROOTED: DOBBS, TRADITION, AND REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE 65 Arizona Law Review 385 (Summer, 2023) In Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, the Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey. These two cases held that the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment encompassed a right of women to terminate a pregnancy. Roe reflected over 60 years of substantive due process precedent... 2023  
Marcy L. Karin, Naomi Cahn, Elizabeth B. Cooper, Bridget J. Crawford, Margaret E. Johnson, Emily Gold Waldman TITLE IX AND "MENSTRUATION OR RELATED CONDITIONS" 30 Michigan Journal of Gender & Law 25 (2023) Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 (Title IX) prohibits sex discrimination in educational programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance. Neither the statute nor its implementing regulations explicitly define sex to include discrimination on the basis of menstruation or related conditions such as perimenopause and... 2023  
Regina Margarita Castillo TITLE IX PROTECTION: ON THE BASIS OF PRIVILEGE 26 Harvard Latin American Law Review 69 (Spring, 2023) Sexual discrimination in institutions of higher education is a public health and public safety issue with far-reaching consequences. Despite the passage of Title IX in 1972, there currently exists an epidemic of genderbased violence on college campuses, with approximately 26.4% of women experiencing some form of sexual assault during their time in... 2023  
Elena S. Meth TITLE VII'S FAILURES: A HISTORY OF OVERLOOKED INDIFFERENCE 121 Michigan Law Review 1417 (June, 2023) Nearly sixty years after the adoption of Title VII and over thirty since intersectionality theory was brought into legal discourse by Professor KimberlĂ© Crenshaw, the U.S. Supreme Court has consistently failed to meaningfully implement intersectionality into its decisionmaking. While there is certainly no shortage of scholarship on... 2023  
Andrew Foltiny TRANSPARENCY AS A PREREQUISITE TO DIVERSITY IN THE SKILLED TRADES 54 Seton Hall Law Review 241 (2023) In September 2022, New Jersey's Division on Civil Rights (DCR) issued a finding of probable cause that Ironworkers Local 11, a construction trade labor union, violated the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination. This finding followed a complaint by a Black union member alleging a series of discriminatory practices: (1) assigning preferential job... 2023 African/Black American
Ainsley C. Bandrowski TWISTED UP: THE ELEVENTH CIRCUIT STANDARD FOR IMMUTABILITY IN EEOC v. CATASTROPHE MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS 64 Boston College Law Review E-Supplement 34 (4/6/2023) Abstract: On December 13, 2016, in EEOC v. Catastrophe Management Solutions, the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit held that discrimination on the basis of hairstyle is not actionable under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, even if that hairstyle is closely associated with a particular race. In doing so, the Court... 2023  
Tamara Kuennen UNCHARTED VIOLENCE: RECLAIMING STRUCTURAL CAUSES IN THE POWER AND CONTROL WHEEL 55 Arizona State Law Journal 561 (Summer, 2023) Introduction. 562 I. The Ubiquity of the Wheel and Oblivion of the Chart. 565 II. The History of the Wheel and Chart. 569 A. Duluth, Minnesota: 1976-1978. 570 B. Ellen Pence. 573 C. The Domestic Abuse Intervention Project--1980. 575 D. The Women's Curriculum: In Our Best Interest. 578 1. The Creation of a Women's Curriculum. 578 2. The Wheel-Chart... 2023  
Laquala C. Dixon, Ph.D. UNDERSTANDING THE INTERLOCKING OPPRESSIVE SYSTEMS WITHIN HIGHER EDUCATION RESTRICTING THE PROFESSIONAL PROGRESSION OF BLACK WOMEN 20 Hastings Race and Poverty Law Journal 135 (Spring, 2023) Ransford and Miller suggested that feelings towards women continue to be greatly impacted by racial oppression both past and current. In a study by Parker and Ogilvy, women of color reported that the greatest barrier to their opportunities within dominant cultural organizations was racism rather than sexism. As workplaces uphold white male... 2023 African/Black American
Laquala C. Dixon, Ph.D. UNDERSTANDING THE INTERLOCKING OPPRESSIVE SYSTEMS WITHIN HIGHER EDUCATION RESTRICTING THE PROFESSIONAL PROGRESSION OF BLACK WOMEN 34 Hastings Journal on Gender and the Law 135 (Spring, 2023) Ransford and Miller suggested that feelings towards women continue to be greatly impacted by racial oppression both past and current. In a study by Parker and Ogilvy, women of color reported that the greatest barrier to their opportunities within dominant cultural organizations was racism rather than sexism. As workplaces uphold white male... 2023 African/Black American
Muhammad Hamza Habib UNDER-TREATMENT OF PAIN IN BLACK PATIENTS: A HISTORICAL OVERVIEW, CASE-BASED ANALYSIS, AND LEGALITIES AS EXPLORED THROUGH THE TENETS OF CRITICAL RACE THEORY 20 Indiana Health Law Review 63 (2023) Pain, also called the fifth vital sign is an important topic in healthcare settings. It requires urgent attention and treatment to minimize agony and discomfort. Unfortunately, multiple clinical studies conducted over the last few decades have repeatedly shown disparately inferior pain management in Black patients in medical settings when... 2023 African/Black American
Danielle Pelfrey Duryea , Peggy Maisel , Kelley Saia, MD UN-ERASING RACE IN A MEDICAL-LEGAL PARTNERSHIP: ANTIRACIST HEALTH JUSTICE ADVOCACY BY DESIGN 70 Washington University Journal of Law & Policy 97 (2023) [I]t is only by naming racism, asking the question How is racism operating here? and then mobilizing with others to actually confront the system and dismantle it that we can have any significant or lasting impacts on the pervasive racial health disparities that have plagued this country for centuries. --Camara Phyllis Jones, MD, MPH, PhD This... 2023  
Jocelyn Getgen Kestenbaum , Caroline Bishop LaPorte UNSETTLING HUMAN RIGHTS CLINICAL PEDAGOGY AND PRACTICE IN SETTLER COLONIAL CONTEXTS 31 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 441 (2023) Abstract. 442 I. Introduction. 443 II. Critiques of International Human Rights Law, Pedagogy & Practice. 453 A. International Human Rights Law. 454 B. Law School Pedagogy & Practice. 462 III. Incorporating Indigenous Values in Human Rights Clinical Pedagogy & Practice. 466 A. Prioritize Process as Successful Human Rights Practice. 466 B. Reject... 2023 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Dov Fox , Jill Wieber Lens VALUING REPRODUCTIVE LOSS 112 Georgetown Law Journal 61 (October, 2023) Our legal system characterizes the unborn in a multiplicity of conflicting ways--from persons to property, from body parts to medical investments. The law of civil wrongs is instructive. It weighs in when misconduct deprives aspiring parents of the child they had hoped to have, whether the transgression takes place during pregnancy or before it.... 2023  
Heather Tanana VOICES OF THE RIVER: THE RISE OF INDIGENOUS WOMEN LEADERS IN THE COLORADO RIVER BASIN 34 Colorado Environmental Law Journal 265 (Spring, 2023) Climate change is one of the leading challenges facing tribes today. Traditionally, Indigenous women played significant roles in tribal decisionmaking and governance. However, European contact and colonization shifted gender dynamics, imposing male-dominated leadership. Recently, Native American women are reclaiming leadership positions--formally... 2023 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Catherine Powell WAR ON COVID: WARFARE AND ITS DISCONTENTS 70 UCLA Law Review Discourse 2 (2023) L1-2TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction. 4 I. Wartime Framework: Presidential Overreach and Underreach. 10 A. Presidential Rhetoric: Using a War Framing for the COVID-19 Crisis. 10 B. Presidential Power and Legal Authority. 12 C. Executive Underreach and Overreach. 14 D. Executive Underreach and Overreach during the Trump Administration. 15 E. Executive... 2023  
Hon. John G. Browning, Dannielle Thompson WHAT'S PAST IS PROLOGUE: POSTHUMOUS BAR ADMISSIONS AND RESTORATIVE JUSTICE S. 17 Southern Journal of Policy and Justice 18 Just. (Spring, 2023) On January 5, 2022, Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards took the historic step of issuing a posthumous pardon to Homer Plessy, the Black man whose conviction for challenging the state's Separate Car Act of 1890 set the stage for the U.S. Supreme Court's infamous 1896 separate but equal decision in Plessy v. Ferguson. Although that holding and its... 2023 African/Black American
Alexis Hoag-Fordjour WHITE IS RIGHT: THE RACIAL CONSTRUCTION OF EFFECTIVE ASSISTANCE OF COUNSEL 98 New York University Law Review 770 (June, 2023) The legal profession is and has always been white. Whiteness shaped the profession's values, culture, and practice norms. These norms helped define the profession's understanding of reasonable conduct and competency. In turn, they made their way into constitutional jurisprudence. This Article interrogates the role whiteness plays in determining... 2023  
Sonia M. Suter , The George Washington University Law School, Washington, DC, USA WHY REASON-BASED ABORTION BANS ARE NOT A REMEDY AGAINST EUGENICS: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY 10 Journal of Law & the Biosciences 1 (January-June, 2023) In Box v Planned Parenthood, Justice Thomas wrote an impassioned concurrence describing abortions based on sex, disability or race as a form of modern-day eugenics'. He defended the challenged Indiana reason-based abortion (RBA) ban as a necessary antidote to these practices. Inspired by this concurrence, legislatures have increasingly enacted... 2023 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Logan K. Jackson WILLFUL DISREGARD: HOW IGNORING STRUCTURAL RACISM IN MATERNAL MORTALITY HAS LED BLACK WOMEN TO BECOME INVISIBLE IN THEIR OWN CRISIS 38 Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice 131 (2023) Indeed, in important respects, if the general discourse that surrounds racial disparities in maternal mortality is impoverished, then we should expect that the solutions that observers propose to this problem will be impoverished as well. Introduction. 132 I. The Historical Legacy of Slavery on Black Women's Reproductive Health and Autonomy. 134 A.... 2023 African/Black American
Keith D. Yamauchi WITHOUT DUE PROCESS: THE EAGLE AND THE BEAVER THE PAST, THE PRESENT 30 Asian American Law Journal 3 (2023) This Article considers the racism that persons of East Asian ancestry faced when they arrived in North America. The racism was systemic. It was legislated, and courts frequently upheld the legislation. This discrimination led to the evacuation and internment of Canadians and Americans of Japanese ancestry during World War II. Was this the... 2023 Asian American
Mary Saade WOMEN & WHISTLEBLOWING 34 Hastings Journal on Gender and the Law 43 (Winter, 2023) As more women in the United States take on leadership positions in the public and private sector, we have seen an influx of women whistleblowers. This Note examines whistleblower laws through a gender lens and offers insight to reveal why women blow the whistle, how women approach whistleblowing situations, and the effect current whistleblower laws... 2023 African/Black American
Sonia M. Gipson Rankin WOULD YOU MAKE IT TO THE FUTURE? TEACHING RACE IN AN ASSISTED REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND THE LAW CLASSROOM 56 Family Law Quarterly 1 (2022-2023) Would you make it to the future? For the last five years, I have started my Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) lecture in Family Law with this question. Students take the query seriously. They ponder their lived experiences such as home training, medical history, education, financial well-being, personality traits, work ethic, and social graces... 2023  
J. Ryann Peyton YOU AREN'T THE PROBLEM; YOUR BURNOUT IS 52-MAY Colorado Lawyer 4 (May, 2023) Well, it's been three years--a full 1,095 days since our world was thrust into a new normal of mask wearing, booster shots, home schooling, remote working, global anxiety, and economic instability. I'm tired. Honestly, I'm exhausted. While the early days of the pandemic now feel like some fictional, dystopian drama to be binge watched on Netflix,... 2023 African/Black American
Taa Grays, Clotelle Drakeford, Mirna Santiago, Mishka Woodley , Members of the Task Force on Racism, Social Equity and the Law #METOO: BUILDING INCLUSION TO BREAK DOWN BARRIERS 94-APR New York State Bar Journal 14 (March/April, 2022) The #MeToo movement has had a seismic impact on raising awareness of how women are victimized by more powerful men, particularly in the workplace. Yet, the movement has not effectively served as a platform for women of color who are also victims of sexual harassment. This concept of two different diverse identities not being recognized under the... 2022  
Shayna Medley [MIS]INTERPRETING TITLE IX: HOW OPPONENTS OF TRANSGENDER EQUALITY ARE TWISTING THE MEANING OF SEX DISCRIMINATION IN SCHOOL SPORTS 45 New York University Review of Law and Social Change 673 (2022) Anti-trans advocates have created a smokescreen--painting transgender people as a threat to cisgender women and girls--in order to push their latest legislation targeting trans students' participation in school sports. This Article rebuts the argument that there are competing sex discrimination interests when it comes to school athletics and... 2022  
Jessica Dixon Weaver A CRITICAL RACE THEORY APPROACH TO CHILDREN'S RIGHTS 71 American University Law Review 1855 (June, 2022) This Article uses critical race theory to analyze the impact of corporal punishment and physical child abuse on African American children's rights in the United States. From an international perspective, the banning of corporal punishment is consistent with multidisciplinary research about the negative effects of physical discipline on children.... 2022 African/Black American
Thalia González , Alexis Etow , Cesar De La Vega A HEALTH JUSTICE RESPONSE TO SCHOOL DISCIPLINE AND POLICING 71 American University Law Review 1927 (June, 2022) Inequities in school discipline and policing have been long documented by researchers and advocates. Longitudinal data is clear that Black, Indigenous, people of color (BIPOC) students are punished and policed at higher rates than their white classmates. For students who have disabilities, especially those with intersectional identities, the impact... 2022 Multiple Groups
Ande Davis A PREPONDERANCE OF BIAS: WHY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SHOULD BE QUALIFIED IMMUNITY'S FATAL FLAW 61 Washburn Law Journal 565 (Spring, 2022) In the wake of the 2020 police killings of Breonna Taylor in Louisville, Kentucky, and George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the public discussion of criminal accountability for law enforcement was accompanied by a related discussion around civil remedies for victims. This secondary discussion brought new public attention to the impediments posed... 2022  
David S. Cohen, Kelcie Ouillette, Jessica Tyrrell ABORTION AT THE CROSSROADS: REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS AND JUSTICE ON THE PRECIPICE OF ROE'S DEMISE 14 Drexel Law Review 787 (2022) Nearly fifty years after the Supreme Court recognized abortion as a constitutional right in the United States, the fate of Roe v. Wade hangs in the balance. This Article, written based on remarks delivered at the end of the Drexel Law Review's October 2021 symposium on COVID-19, reproductive rights, and the law (and thus before the Court's decision... 2022  
Caitlin Ramiro AFTER ATLANTA: REVISITING THE LEGAL SYSTEM'S DEADLY STEREOTYPES OF ASIAN AMERICAN WOMEN 29 Asian American Law Journal 90 (2022) Introduction. 91 I. Stereotypes of Asian American women. 93 A. General Stereotypes of All Asians: The Model Minority and Yellow Peril. 93 B. Sexualized Stereotypes of Asian American Women. 94 1. Lotus Blossom. 95 2. Dragon Lady. 96 a. Popular Cultural Depictions of Dragon Ladies. 96 b. 22 Lewd Chinese Women/Chy Lung v. Freeman. 97 c. Tokyo Rose and... 2022 Asian American
Christopher L. Mathis AN ACCESS AND EQUITY RANKING OF PUBLIC LAW SCHOOLS 74 Rutgers University Law Review 677 (Winter, 2022) Over the past few decades, several comprehensive ranking systems, including the influential U.S. News and World Report's Best Law Schools rankings, have emerged to provide useful information to prospective law students seeking to enroll in law school. These ranking systems have defined what is measured as quality and what outcomes law schools... 2022  
Elizabeth Tobin Tyler BLACK MOTHERS MATTER: THE SOCIAL, POLITICAL AND LEGAL DETERMINANTS OF BLACK MATERNAL HEALTH ACROSS THE LIFESPAN 25 Journal of Health Care Law and Policy 49 (2022) Black maternal health disparities have existed for decades. But with America's recent racial reckoning the public health and medical communities are increasingly focused on understanding the pathways that lead to higher rates of Black maternal morbidity and mortality, and policymakers are exploring legal and policy approaches to reducing... 2022 African/Black American
Mari Cheney , Mandy Lee , Anna Lawless-Collins BOLSTERING THE ASIAN AMERICAN LAW LIBRARY COLLECTION: A COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT GUIDE 114 Law Library Journal 285 (2022) An increase in Asian American hate crimes has compelled law librarians to consider their collection development decisions due to a gap in Asian American law library collections. Guidance for increasing Asian American--related materials, however, is sparse. This article aims to fill this gap by discussing the importance of representation, tips on... 2022 Asian American
Neelam Salman , Golda Philip , Sarah Williams BRIDGING HEALTH EQUITY AND CIVIL RIGHTS: HOW FEDERAL FUNDING AGENCIES CAN REDUCE DISPARITIES AND DISCRIMINATION IN HEALTHCARE USING CIVIL RIGHTS MECHANISMS 21 Connecticut Public Interest Law Journal 1 (Spring, 2022) Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health is the most shocking and the most inhuman because it often results in physical death. I see no alternative to direct action [in order to] raise the conscience of the nation. The civil rights movement was a social, legal, and political struggle by communities that are underserved to achieve... 2022  
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