AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearEthnicity in Title or Summary
Nadine Strossen Reproducing Women's Rights: All over Again 31 Vermont Law Review 1 (Fall, 2006) Thank you so much for that kind introduction, and thank you to the audience for that warm welcome. Congratulations to the Women's Law Group (WLG) on your first quarter-century, and many happy returns for the next one and beyond! When I was a law student, I was very active in my school's Women's Law Association, which was one of the most positive...; Search Snippet: ...Vermont Law Review Vermont Law Review Fall, 2006 Speech Reproducing Women's Rights: All over Again Nadine Strossen [Fna1] [Fnd1] Copyright ©... 2006  
Kristen Boike Rethinking Gender Opportunities: Nontraditional Sports Seasons and Local Preferences 39 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 597 (Spring, 2006) In Communities for Equity v. Michigan High School Athletic Association, the Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit affirmed a district court decision, holding that the scheduling of high school girls' sports in nontraditional seasons in Michigan violated the Equal Protection Clause. The Supreme Court of the United States, granting certiorari,...; Search Snippet: ...Of Michigan Journal of Law Reform Spring, 2006 Notes Rethinking Gender Opportunities: Nontraditional Sports Seasons and Local Preferences Kristen Boike [Fna1... 2006  
Gregg Aronson Seeking a Consolidated Feminist Voice for Prostitution in the Us 3 Rutgers Journal of Law & Urban Policy 357 (2006) Liberal, social, and radical feminism are among the most predominant feminist doctrines on the issue of prostitution. The core tenets of these schools of thought are vastly different. Each focuses on what they believe to be the root causes of prostitution and each seeks to improve the quality of life for these women in different ways. Some lobby...; Search Snippet: ...Of Law & Urban Policy 2006 Student Note Seeking a Consolidated Feminist Voice for Prostitution in the Us Gregg Aronson [Fn1] Copyright... 2006  
James Allon Garland Sex as a Form of Gender and Expression after Lawrence V. Texas 15 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 297 (2006) The Supreme Court's decision in Lawrence v. Texas has been touted in many circles as a significant gay rights opinion, but it is much more than that. While it is certainly the first decision of the Court to recognize a constitutionally protected interest in same-sex intimacy, it is even more significant as the first opinion from the Court to speak...; Search Snippet: ...And Law 2006 Sexual Expression Sex as a Form of Gender and Expression after Lawrence V. Texas James Allon Garland [Fna1... 2006  
Brenda V. Smith Sexual Abuse of Women in United States Prisons: a Modern Corollary of Slavery 33 Fordham Urban Law Journal 571 (January, 2006) I initially began working on this paper in connection with a project that looked at the transatlantic abolition movement in the United States and Europe from 1830 to 1870 with a focus on early feminist efforts. In that initial effort, it became clear that sexual abuse of women in prison and the sexual abuse of female slaves shared many...; Search Snippet: ...Special Feature: Women as Perpetrators of Crime Sexual Abuse of Women in United States Prisons: a Modern Corollary of Slavery Brenda... 2006  
Tiffany Lyttle Stop the Injustice: a Protest Against the Unconstitutional Punishment of Pregnant Drug-addicted Women 9 NYU Journal of Legislation and Public Policy 781 (2005-2006) Beginning in the late 1970s, an innovative prosecutorial strategy arose: states began prosecuting pregnant women because of their criminal behavior and its effects on their unborn and newborn children. Prior to this creative use of the criminal justice system, women had never been prosecuted, let alone punished, for this behavior during pregnancy....; Search Snippet: ...A Protest Against the Unconstitutional Punishment of Pregnant Drug-addicted Women Tiffany Lyttle [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2006 New York University Journal... 2006  
  Study Underscores the Importance of Mentoring for Women of Color 06-7 Compensation and Benefits for Law Offices 2 (July, 2006) Next month, the ABA Commission on Women in the Profession will release the results of its much anticipated Women of Color Research Initiative at the association's annual meeting in Hawaii. Among other things, the surveyors contend that the data will examine the professional trajectory of women lawyers of color based on research in the late 1990s...; Search Snippet: ...Offices July, 2006 Study Underscores the Importance of Mentoring for Women of Color Copyright © 2006 Institute of Management and Administration Inc... 2006 Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
Julia L. Ernst The Congressional Caucus for Women's Issues: an Inside Perspective on Lawmaking by and for Women 12 Michigan Journal of Gender & Law 189 (2006) I. Introduction 190 II. The Dynamic History of the Women's Caucus 192 III. Inside Mechanics: How the Women's Caucus Worked in the 108th Congress 201 A. People Involved in the Women's Caucus 201 1. Women's Caucus Leaders 202 2. Women's Caucus Membership 205 3. Women's Caucus Staffers 215 B. Mechanisms for Action within the Women's...; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Gender & Law 2006 Article the Congressional Caucus for Women's Issues: an Inside Perspective on Lawmaking by and for Women Julia L. Ernst [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2006 University of Michigan... 2006  
Nancy D. Campbell The Construction of Pregnant Drug-using Women as Criminal Perpetrators 33 Fordham Urban Law Journal 463 (January, 2006) [W]hat the law tells us to do is not as important as what the law tells us to be. Despite clear lack of intent to harm those whom they carry, drug-using pregnant women have been constructed as de facto criminal perpetrators. When women become noticeably unable or unwilling to carry out their assigned social roles and responsibilities as parents,...; Search Snippet: ...As Perpetrators of Crime the Construction of Pregnant Drug-using Women as Criminal Perpetrators Nancy D. Campbell [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2006... 2006  
Susan Tiefenbrun The Cultural, Political, and Legal Climate Behind the Fight to Stop Trafficking in Women: William J. Clinton's Legacy to Women's Rights 12 Cardozo Journal of Law & Gender 855 (Summer 2006) Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. -- Margaret Mead Trafficking in women for the purpose of enslaving them in sex work is one of the oldest and most heinous violations of women's rights. Trafficking had never effectively been addressed until the Clinton...; Search Snippet: ...And Legal Climate Behind the Fight to Stop Trafficking in Women: William J. Clinton's Legacy to Women's Rights Susan Tiefenbrun [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2006 Yeshiva University; Susan... 2006  
K.B. Turner, Ph.D., James B. Johnson, Ph.D., Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Department of Political Science, University of Nebraska at Omaha The Effect of Gender on the Judicial Pretrial Decision of Bail Amount Set 70-JUN Federal Probation 56 (June, 2006) SCHOLARS HAVE LONG been interested in learning whether males and females are treated differently by criminal justice officials, including police, prosecutors, judges, and probation officers. Research has examined the effect of gender on police discretion. For instance, Visher (1983) found some evidence that the gender of the suspect influences...; Search Snippet: ...2163112 Federal Probation Federal Probation June, 2006 the Effect of Gender on the Judicial Pretrial Decision of Bail Amount Set K.b... 2006  
Sydney Tarzwell The Gender Lines Are Marked with Razor Wire: Addressing State Prison Policies and Practices for the Management of Transgender Prisoners 38 Columbia Human Rights Law Review 167 (Fall 2006) The dominant binary understanding of gender is a powerful coercive force: individuals are pressured to conform to cultural ideals of male or female from the moment they are assigned a sex on their birth certificate. Refusal or inability to conform to gender expectations that align with one's assigned sex can have drastic repercussions....; Search Snippet: ...Review Columbia Human Rights Law Review Fall 2006 Note the Gender Lines Are Marked with Razor Wire: Addressing State Prison Policies... 2006  
Brenda Oppermann The Impact of Legal Pluralism on Women's Status: an Examination of Marriage Laws in Egypt, South Africa, and the United States 17 Hastings Women's Law Journal 65 (Winter 2006) The concept of the rule of law becomes muddied when a government recognizes more than one body of law. Nowhere is this more apparent than in legally pluralistic countries where traditional law and national law exist side by side. Because these bodies of law grew out of culturally distinct customs and practices, their coexistence frequently results...; Search Snippet: ...Journal Winter 2006 Article the Impact of Legal Pluralism on Women's Status: an Examination of Marriage Laws in Egypt, South Africa... 2006  
Kevin R. Johnson The Legacy of Jim Crow: the Enduring Taboo of Black-white Romance 84 Texas Law Review 739 (February, 2006) Over the last one hundred years, racial equality has made momentous strides in the United States. State-enforced segregation ended. Slowly but surely, the nation dismantled Jim Crow. As part of that dismantling, the Supreme Court struck down bans on interracial marriage, which were popular in many states. Interracial relationships have increased...; Search Snippet: ...Of Black-white Romance Dear Senator: a Memoir by the Daughter of Strom Thurmond. By Essie Mae Washington-williams & William Stadiem... 2006 African/Black American
Meredith Render The Man, the State and You: the Role of the State in Regulating Gender Hierarchies 14 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 73 (2006) 73 Introduction: Women are Still Treated Differently at Work, But the Assimilation Model Has Helped Us to Stop Caring. 74 I. Conceptualizing Equality in a Hierarchical Schema. 82 A. The Current Gender Schematic: Cherry-Picking and Trickle-Down. 84 B. If to Schema is Human, then Whether to Schema is not the Question. 98 C. Discrimination...; Search Snippet: ...State and You: the Role of the State in Regulating Gender Hierarchies Meredith Render [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2006 American University Journal... 2006  
Linda C. Fentiman The New "Fetal Protection": the Wrong Answer to the Crisis of Inadequate Health Care for Women and Children 84 Denver University Law Review 537 (2006) In 1999, Regina McKnight, a homeless, mentally retarded woman who was pregnant and addicted to cocaine, was charged with murder when her child was stillborn. The South Carolina Supreme Court affirmed her murder conviction and upheld the twenty-year sentence imposed. In 2002, a severely mentally disabled woman became pregnant after being raped by...; Search Snippet: ...Wrong Answer to the Crisis of Inadequate Health Care for Women and Children Linda C. Fentiman [Fnd1] Copyright © 2006 Denver University... 2006  
Maneesha Deckha The Salience of Species Difference for Feminist Theory 17 Hastings Women's Law Journal L.J. 1 (Winter 2006) The internationally renowned celebrity Pamela Anderson is a spokesperson for the organization, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). A Canadian by origin, she recently called for a boycott of Kentucky Fried Chicken Canada (KFC Canada). In a video asking Canadians to stop supporting the company, Anderson informs viewers that KFC...; Search Snippet: ...Journal Winter 2006 Article the Salience of Species Difference for Feminist Theory Maneesha Deckha [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2006 Uc Hastings College... 2006  
I. Bennett Capers The Trial of Bigger Thomas: Race, Gender, and Trespass 31 New York University Review of Law and Social Change 1 (2006) Richard Wright's Native Son, the first novel by an African American to be featured as a main selection of the Book-of-the-Month Club, was nothing short of groundbreaking in the annals of American literature. The novel opens with the sound of an alarm going off--Richard Wright's wake-up call to America to open its eyes and address issues of race and...; Search Snippet: ...Social Change 2006 Articles the Trial of Bigger Thomas: Race, Gender, and Trespass I. Bennett Capers [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2006 New... 2006 African/Black American
Ronnie Wade Robertson Tilting at Windmills: the Relationship Between Men's Non-revenue Sports and Women's Sports 76 Mississippi Law Journal 297 (Fall, 2006) Because they spend much of their time and energy fighting each other for scraps left over from men's revenue sports, proponents of men's non-revenue sports and women's sports are overlooking the fact that they could be valuable allies in shaping the evolution of Title IX in college athletics. The struggle between men's non-revenue sports and...; Search Snippet: ...At Windmills: the Relationship Between Men's Non-revenue Sports and Women's Sports Ronnie Wade Robertson Copyright © 2006 Mississippi Law Journal, Inc... 2006  
Cheryl L. Wade Transforming Discriminatory Corporate Cultures: this Is Not Just Women's Work 65 Maryland Law Review 346 (2006) The Symposium on Women and the New Corporate Governance began with an opening address by Sheila Wellington, the President of Catalyst. Don't change women, she said, change corporations. I agree with Ms Wellington, but I would go one step further by observing that companies will change only if men change. The overwhelming majority of the...; Search Snippet: ...Corporate Governance Transforming Discriminatory Corporate Cultures: this Is Not Just Women's Work Cheryl L. Wade [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2006 Maryland Law... 2006  
Angie Perone Unchain My Heart: Slavery as a Defense to the Dismantling of the Violence Against Women Act 17 Hastings Women's Law Journal 115 (Winter 2006) Violence against women is a pervasive societal problem whose importance has consistently been ignored or belittled by the courts. Courts have historically minimized the effect of violence against women and continue to do so. Attempts to protect women from gender-motivated violence have been held unconstitutional. Despite persuasive congressional...; Search Snippet: ...As a Defense to the Dismantling of the Violence Against Women Act Angie Perone [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2006 Uc Hastings College... 2006  
Leila Abolfazli Violence Against Women Act (Vawa) 7 Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law 863 (2006) I. Historical Treatment of Domestic Violence. 864 II. Federal Criminal Laws Relating to Violence Against Women. 868 A. Section 2261: Forcing Victim Across Interstate Lines. 868 B. Section 2262: Federalizing Protection Orders. 871 C. Immigration Cases. 872 III. Funding Initiatives. 873 IV. Gaps Left by Previous VAWA Legislation and VAWA III Changes....; Search Snippet: ...Of Gender and Sexuality Law Criminal Law Chapter Violence Against Women Act (Vawa) Leila Abolfazli Copyright © 2006 by the Georgetown Journal... 2006  
Sheila Dauer Violence Against Women: an Obstacle to Equality 6 University of Maryland Law Journal of Race, Religion, Gender and Class 281 (Fall 2006) Violence against women is the human rights scandal of our times. The underlying cause is discrimination, which denies women equality with men in all areas of life. In 1991, the United Nations (U.N.) committee that monitors the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) issued General Recommendation 19, which...; Search Snippet: ...Global Advancement of Women: Barriers and Best Practices Violence Against Women: an Obstacle to Equality [Fna1] Sheila Dauer [Fnaa1] Copyright ©... 2006  
Sari Bashi , Maryana Iskander Why Legal Education Is Failing Women 18 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 389 (2006) In this Article, Ms. Bashi and Ms. Iskander report and analyze the results of a comprehensive study of the way Yale Law School educates female and male students. This research is distinctive for its attention to faculty observations and its robust use of quantitative and qualitative data to map women's experiences throughout law school....; Search Snippet: ...Of Law & Feminism 2006 Article Why Legal Education Is Failing Women Sari Bashi [Fnd1] Maryana Iskander [Fndd1] Copyright (C) 2006 Yale... 2006  
Cindy A. Schipani , Terry Morehead Dworkin , Angel Kwolek-Folland , Virginia Maurer , Marina v.N. Whitman Women and the New Corporate Governance: Pathways for Obtaining Positions of Corporate Leadership 65 Maryland Law Review 504 (2006) Evidence abounds in the business press that women have stormed the bastions of the economic elite, at least in developed nations. Unfortunately, relatively few women have scaled the walls successfully and climbed over them onto major board directorships and top executive positions. Women corporate officers hold only 9.9% of line jobs -- those...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review 2006 Symposium Women and the New Corporate Governance Women and the New Corporate Governance: Pathways for Obtaining Positions Of... 2006  
Margaret V. Sachs Women in Corporate Law Teaching: a Tale of Two Generations 65 Maryland Law Review 666 (2006) For many law professors, law school courses have gendered identities. Corporations and commercial law, for example, are seen as rigorous and technical and thereby male. Family law and trusts and estates, on the other hand, are seen as soft and personal-relationship oriented and thus female. As a corporations teacher for more than twenty years,...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review 2006 Symposium Women and the New Corporate Governance Women in Corporate Law Teaching: a Tale of Two Generations Margaret... 2006  
Michael Selmi, Naomi Cahn Women in the Workplace: Which Women, Which Agenda? 13 Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy Pol'y 7 (Spring 2006) When we talk about women in the workplace, there is a tendency to speak in broad generalizations, and frequently our own experiences deeply influence those generalizations. This has been particularly true of the work and family literature that has blossomed in the last decade. That literature has brought greater attention to the difficulty so many...; Search Snippet: ...Gender Law & Policy Spring 2006 Women in the Workplace Article Women in the Workplace: Which Women, Which Agenda? Michael Selmi Naomi Cahn [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2006... 2006  
Camille S. Williams Women, Equality, and the Federal Marriage Amendment 20 BYU Journal of Public Law 487 (2006) Marriage and the marital family are arguably the only important social institutions in which women have always been necessary participants. The marital alliance is fundamentally a reproductive alliance: [r]ecognized marriage has invariably been restricted to heterosexual couples, and the relationship categories that proscribe marriage in any...; Search Snippet: ...Of Public Law Byu Journal of Public Law 2006 Article Women, Equality, and the Federal Marriage Amendment Camille S. Williams [Fna1... 2006  
Andra Nahal Behrouz Women?s Rebellion: Towards a New Understanding of Domestic Violence in Islamic Law 5 UCLA Journal of Islamic and Near Eastern Law 153 (2005-2006) The struggle against domestic violence in Muslim communities is ultimately a confrontation with jurisprudence, history, and power. This confrontation compels modern Muslim thinkers to engage with the unchanged, often unexamined, inherited assumptions and methodologies that have been used to interpret the religious texts. Islamic feminist-scholars...; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Islamic and near Eastern Law 2005-2006 Comment Women S Rebellion: Towards a New Understanding of Domestic Violence In... 2006  
Vicki Lens Work Sanctions under Welfare Reform: Are They Helping Women Achieve Self-sufficiency? 13 Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy 255 (Spring 2006) The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity and Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996 radically reshaped the landscape of welfare for women. The changes transformed a program designed to meet the material needs of poor women and their families into one primarily focused on preventing dependency through promoting work. PRWORA includes an array of...; Search Snippet: ...Workplace Article Work Sanctions under Welfare Reform: Are They Helping Women Achieve Self-sufficiency? Vicki Lens [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2006 Duke... 2006  
Shefali Milczarek-Desai (Re)locating Other/third World Women: an Alternative Approach to Santa Clara Pueblo V. Martinez's Construction of Gender, Culture and Identity 13 UCLA Women's Law Journal 235 (Spring 2005) The stereotypical image conjured by invocation of the contrast between universalism and [relativism] is that of the dichotomy between Western liberal individualism and non-Western forms of communalism. . . . On the one hand, we have the liberal individual who is committed to constitutional democracy; on the other, the tightly knit non-Western...; Search Snippet: ...Women's Law Journal Spring 2005 Essay (Re)locating Other/third World Women: an Alternative Approach to Santa Clara Pueblo V. Martinez's Construction of Gender, Culture and Identity Shefali Milczarek-desai [Fn1] Copyright (C) 2005... 2005  
  11 Lawyers on the List of Women Who Shaped Las Vegas 13-JUN Nevada Lawyer 29 (June, 2005) Women of Diversity Productions, Inc., in collaboration with other organizations, developed a 2005 program for the Las Vegas Centennial Celebration. The program is entitled 100 Years of Influence: Women Who Shaped Las Vegas. 11 of the nearly 300 Las Vegas women on the list are practicing lawyers, judges or hold law degrees. The focus of the Women...; Search Snippet: ...Feature Las Vegas Centennial 11 Lawyers on the List of Women Who Shaped Las Vegas Copyright © 2005 by State Bar Of... 2005  
G. Kristian Miccio A House Divided: Mandatory Arrest, Domestic Violence, and the Conservatization of the Battered Women's Movement 42 Houston Law Review 237 (Summer 2005) I. Introduction. 238 II. Remembering Our Roots--The Battered Women's Movement of the 1970s-80s. 238 A. Mapping the Contours of Women's Oppression: Developing a Feminist Ideology. 248 B. Locating the Contours of Women's Oppression: The Methodology of a Movement. 256 C. Mapping the Contours of Women's Oppression: The Nexus Between Ideology and...; Search Snippet: ...Mandatory Arrest, Domestic Violence, and the Conservatization of the Battered Women's Movement [Fna1] G. Kristian Miccio [Fnaa1] Copyright (C) 2005 Houston... 2005  
Celestial S.D. Cassman , Lisa R. Pruitt A Kinder, Gentler Law School? Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Legal Education at King Hall 38 U.C. Davis Law Review 1209 (April, 2005) I. Studies of Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Legal Education. 1218 A. Gender. 1219 B. Race and Ethnicity. 1222 II. A Profile of King Hall. 1224 A. A Kinder, Gentler Law School: Reputation, Rhetoric, Reality?. 1225 B. Curriculum and Public Academic Environment. 1229 C. Demographics. 1231 III. The King Hall Law Student Survey. 1234 A. Survey Design....; Search Snippet: ...April, 2005 Article a Kinder, Gentler Law School? Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Legal Education at King Hall [Fnd1] Celestial S.d. Cassman... 2005  
Myrna S. Raeder A Primer on Gender-related Issues That Affect Female Offenders 20-SPG Criminal Justice Just. 4 (Spring, 2005) Despite the increasing influx of women into the criminal justice system, their numbers still pale in comparison to males. Thus, it is still easy to overlook gender-related differences that may play a role in evaluating why a woman commits a crime, what is important to her once arrested, and the collateral consequences of her incarceration. This...; Search Snippet: ...Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Spring, 2005 Feature a Primer on Gender-related Issues That Affect Female Offenders Myrna S. Raeder [Fna1] Copyright © 2005 by American Bar... 2005  
Sarah Miller Little, Esq. A Woman of Property: from Being it to Controlling It. A Bicentennial Perspective on Women and Ohio Property Law, 1803 to 2003 16 Hastings Women's Law Journal 177 (Summer 2005) Women today have legal rights that they did not possess when Ohio became a state in 1803. This Article will review the right of a married woman to own and control her real property in Ohio, from pre-statehood to the present. In particular, this Article will focus on the women's movement and Ohio laws known as the Married Women's Property Acts...; Search Snippet: ...Law Journal Hastings Women's Law Journal Summer 2005 Article a Woman of Property: from Being it to Controlling It. A Bicentennial Perspective on Women and Ohio Property Law, 1803 to 2003 Sarah Miller Little... 2005  
Joan H. Robinson Another Woman's Body Found Outside Juárez : Applying Velásquez Rodríguez for Women's Human Rights 20 Wisconsin Women's Law Journal 167 (Spring 2005) Susana Flores, 13, was found dead in outlying scrubland in December, 1996. She had been repeatedly raped, stabbed and shot. An autopsy showed she suffered four heart attacks from terror before she died. [S]tay in your place or be afraid. Contrary to the arguments that such violence is only personal or cultural, it is profoundly political. It...; Search Snippet: ...Wisconsin Women's Law Journal Spring 2005 Twentieth Anniversary Celebration Another Woman's Body Found Outside Juárez [Fna1] : Applying Velásquez Rodríguez for Women's Human Rights Joan H. Robinson [Fnaa1] Copyright (C) 2005 Wisconsin... 2005  
Linda C. McClain Bend it like Beckham and Real Women Have Curves: Constructing Identity in Multicultural Coming-of-age Stories 54 DePaul Law Review 701 (Spring 2005) Of course, neither the picture in which there is just an authentic nugget of selfhood, the core that is distinctively me, waiting to be dug out, nor the notion that I can simply make up any self I choose, should tempt us. We make up selves from a tool kit of options made available by our culture and society . . . We do make choices, but we don't...; Search Snippet: ...And Protecting Personhood Articles Bend it like Beckham and Real Women Have Curves: Constructing Identity in Multicultural Coming-of-age Stories... 2005  
Valorie K. Vojdik Beyond Stereotyping in Equal Protection Doctrine: Reframing the Exclusion of Women from Combat 57 Alabama Law Review 303 (Winter 2005) In United States v. Virginia (Virginia), the United States Supreme Court held that Virginia could not exclude qualified women from the Virginia Military Institute (VMI) based upon generalizations about the abilities of women, even if such generalizations are true for most women. Writing for the majority, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg explained that...; Search Snippet: ...Beyond Stereotyping in Equal Protection Doctrine: Reframing the Exclusion of Women from Combat Valorie K. Vojdik [Fna1] Copyright © 2005 by The... 2005  
Dorothy E. Roberts Black Club Women and Child Welfare: Lessons for Modern Reform 32 Florida State University Law Review 957 (Spring, 2005) Last year I discovered a chapter in the history of U.S. child welfare policy that is overlooked in most accounts of the child welfare system. An editor for Darlene Clark Hine's Black Women in America: An Historical Encyclopedia asked me to write the entry about child welfare. As I began the project, I realized that I had written an entire book and...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review Spring, 2005 2004 Mason Ladd Lecture Black Club Women and Child Welfare: Lessons for Modern Reform Dorothy E. Roberts... 2005 African/Black American
Catherine F. Klein , Leslye E. Orloff , Hema Sarangapani Border Crossings: Understanding the Civil, Criminal, and Immigration Implications for Battered Women Fleeing Across State Lines with Their Children 39 Family Law Quarterly 109 (Spring, 2005) The period immediately following an individual's decision to leave her abusive partner is often accompanied by a significant escalation in danger to the safety and welfare of the survivor and her children. While some survivors are able to navigate legal and social services systems to access basic legal protection, shelter and other emergency...; Search Snippet: ...Crossings: Understanding the Civil, Criminal, and Immigration Implications for Battered Women Fleeing Across State Lines with Their Children Catherine F. Klein... 2005  
Terrance R. Kelly Canaanites, Catholics and the Constitution Developing Church Doctrine, Secular Law and Women Priests 7 Rutgers Journal of Law & Religion 3 (12/15/2005) INTRODUCTION THE CANAANITE WOMAN AN EQUAL PROTECTION METHODOLOGY I. THE DEVELOPMENT OF SECULAR LAW AND CHURCH DOCTRINE A. THE CONNECTIONS BETWEEN SECULAR LAW AND CHURCH DOCTRINE B. THE TRADITIONAL ROLE OF SECULAR LAW IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHURCH DOCTRINE 1. Newman, Noonan and Doctrinal Developments a. Usury b. Marriage and Adultery c. Slavery d....; Search Snippet: ...Catholics and the Constitution Developing Church Doctrine, Secular Law and Women Priests [Fna1] Terrance R. Kelly [Fnd1] Copyright © 2005 Rutgers Journal... 2005  
Martha Chamallas Civil Rights in Ordinary Tort Cases: Race, Gender, and the Calculation of Economic Loss 38 Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 1435 (Spring 2005) These days tort reform has become a code word for initiatives that seek to limit liability and reduce the amount or type of damages plaintiffs receive. It is a one way street that promises few benefits for injured parties or consumers. Tort reform has not always had this meaning. Prior to the 1980s, it was more frequently linked to measures, such...; Search Snippet: ...Civil Justice System? Civil Rights in Ordinary Tort Cases: Race, Gender, and the Calculation of Economic Loss Martha Chamallas [Fna1] Copyright... 2005  
Jenny Rivera Creating an Intimate Partner Violence Against Women Legal Theory 8 New York City Law Review 495 (Fall 2005) Thank you. It is a pleasure to speak on this panel and to participate in this symposium. Professor Robson's work has had tremendous impact in many areas of critical legal analysis, and has challenged us to think in nontraditional ways about the law and legal jurisprudence. It is thus appropriate that we honor her work today by actively engaging in...; Search Snippet: ...Professor Ruthann Robson Equality Creating an Intimate Partner Violence Against Women Legal Theory [Fna1] Jenny Rivera [Fnaa1] Copyright (C) 2005 New... 2005  
  Data Suggest Firms Revisit Retention of Minorities & Women 05-1 Compensation and Benefits for Law Offices 2 (January, 2005) New research from NALP (Washington, D.C.; 202-835-1001; indicates yet again that relative to the attorney population as a whole and to the demographic composition of law school enrollment, women attorneys and attorneys of color continue to be under-represented in the partnership ranks at large law firms. According to data culled from...; Search Snippet: ...Offices January, 2005 Data Suggest Firms Revisit Retention of Minorities & Women Copyright © 2005 Institute of Management and Administration Inc. Westlaw Lawprac... 2005  
Kathryn M. Stanchi Dealing with Hate in the Feminist Classroom: Re-thinking the Balance 11 Michigan Journal of Gender & Law 173 (2005) I. Introduction 173 II. The Facts 176 III. The Problem with Student Hate Speech in the Law School Classroom 182 A. The Problem Is Not the Principle 184 B. The Uneven Application of Free Speech and Academic Freedom Principles in the Legal Academy 188 C. What About Time, Place, and Manner Regulation? 199 D. The Devaluation of the Impact...; Search Snippet: ...Of Gender & Law 2005 Article Dealing with Hate in the Feminist Classroom: Re-thinking the Balance Kathryn M. Stanchi [Fna1] Copyright... 2005  
Larry Catá Backer Director Independence and the Duty of Loyalty: Race, Gender, Class, and the Disney-ovitz Litigation 79 Saint John's Law Review 1011 (Fall 2005) Just as the 85,000-ton cruise ships Disney Magic and Disney Wonder are forced by science to obey the same laws of buoyancy as Disneyland's significantly smaller Jungle Cruise ships, so is a corporate board's extraordinary decision to award a $140 million severance package governed by the same corporate law principles as its everyday decision to...; Search Snippet: ...Public Corporation Director Independence and the Duty of Loyalty: Race, Gender, Class, and the Disney-ovitz Litigation Larry Catá Backer [Fnd1... 2005  
Ayelet Lichtash Earning Dignity: Indirect Discrimination Against Women at Part-time Jobs, Comparative View 26 Women's Rights Law Reporter 13 (Winter 2005) Part-time workers are far less likely than full-time workers to receive fringe benefits. Statutes that confer benefits exclude most part-time workers, and only a small percentage of those part-time workers enjoy the coverage of health and pension plans provided by their employers. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Annual...; Search Snippet: ...Law Reporter Winter 2005 Article Earning Dignity: Indirect Discrimination Against Women at Part-time Jobs, Comparative View Ayelet Lichtash [Fna1] Copyright... 2005  
Ronald Adrine, Michael W. Runner, Cleveland (Ohio) Municipal Court, Family Violence Prevention Fund (San Francisco) Engaging Men and Boys in Domestic Violence Prevention Strategies 6 Journal of the Center for Families, Children and the Courts 175 (2005) In California as well as nationwide, thousands of judges, court staff, attorneys, domestic violence advocates, law enforcement personnel, and other professionals engage daily in the battle to intervene after domestic violence, helping to protect the victims and their children, to hold perpetrators accountable, and to prevent future incidents of...; Search Snippet: ...The Successes of Intervention Efforts in Reaching and Assisting Battered Women, Domestic Violence Continues to Be Entrenched in Society. A Growing... 2005  
Deleso Alford Washington Every Shut Eye, Ain't Sleep: Exploring the Impact of Crack Cocaine Sentencing and the Illusion of Reproductive Rights for Black Women from a Critical Race Feminist Perspective 13 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 123 (2005) Introduction. 124 I. Black Women Standing at the Intersection of Race, Class, and Gender. 125 A. Critical Race Feminist Perspective. 126 B. Her-storical Lens. 126 II. Crack Cocaine Sentencing of Black Mothers and its Intergenerational Impact. 126 Conclusion. 126; Search Snippet: ...Cocaine Sentencing and the Illusion of Reproductive Rights for Black Women from a Critical Race Feminist Perspective Deleso Alford Washington [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2005 American University... 2005 African/Black American
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