AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearEthnicity in Title or Summary
Nancy E. Dowd Race, Gender, and Work/family Policy 15 Washington University Journal of Law and Policy 219 (2004) Family leave is not an end in itself, but rather is part of a much bigger picture: work/family policy. The goal of work/family policy is to achieve a good society by supporting families. Ideally, families enable children to develop to their fullest capacity and to contribute to their communities and society. Families are critical to children's...; Search Snippet: ...Medical Leave Act of 1993: Ten Years of Experience Race, Gender, and Work/family Policy Nancy E. Dowd [Fna1] Copyright ©... 2004  
Danielle Elyce Hirsch Recognizing Race in Women's Programming: a Critique of a Women's Law Society 19 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 106 (2004) Including women of all races as active participants in law school programming enriches the experience of all students. Regrettably, law schools and their organizations often fail to include, or to evaluate whether they are including, various and complex perspectives when developing programming for women. The Myra Bradwell Association for Women Law...; Search Snippet: ...Journal Berkeley Women's Law Journal 2004 Articles Recognizing Race in Women's Programming: a Critique of a Women's Law Society Danielle Elyce Hirsch [Fnd1] Copyright (C) 2004 The... 2004  
Verna L. Williams Reform or Retrenchment? Single-sex Education and the Construction of Race and Gender 2004 Wisconsin Law Review 15 (2004) Introduction. 16 I. Legally Cloudy or Clear?: The Law Regarding Single-Sex Education and the Bush Proposal to Modify It. 27 II. Looking Backward to Look Ahead: Race- and Sex-Based Segregation in Education. 37 A. The History of Educating African Americans: Segregation Constructing Race and Gender. 39 1. Racialized Realities: Determining the Best...; Search Snippet: ...Retrenchment? Single-sex Education and the Construction of Race and Gender Verna L. Williams [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2004 by the Board... 2004 African/Black American
Deborah Brake Revisiting Title Ix's Feminist Legacy: Moving Beyond the Three-part Test 12 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 453 (2004) Introduction. 453 I. Title IX's Legacy: Explosive Growth in Girls' and Women's Sports Participation, but Deep-Seated Resistance to Challenging Male Privilege in the Structure of Sports. 457 II. Leadership Structures in Sport: More Women Play, but Fewer Women Lead. 459 III. Cuts in Men's Sports as a Remedy for Discrimination Against Women. 466 IV....; Search Snippet: ...Social Policy and the Law 2004 Articles Revisiting Title Ix's Feminist Legacy: Moving Beyond the Three-part Test [Fna1] Deborah Brake... 2004  
Elizabeth M. Bedell Search and Seizure at Airport Customs Checkpoints--third Circuit Holds That a Search Involving Inappropriate Contact with a Woman Was Routine and Did Not Need to Be Justified by Reasonable Suspicion: Bradley V. United States 69 Journal of Air Law and Commerce 177 (Winter 2004) IN UNITED STATES v. Montoya De Hernandez, the most recent United States Supreme Court case to address border searches, the Supreme Court noted that because all searches and seizures must be reasonable under the Fourth Amendment, courts must balance a search's intrusion on an individual's Fourth Amendment rights against the interests the...; Search Snippet: ...Circuit Holds That a Search Involving Inappropriate Contact with a Woman Was Routine and Did Not Need to Be Justified By... 2004  
Taunya Lovell Banks Setting the Record Straight: Maryland's First Black Women Law Graduates 63 Maryland Law Review 752 (2004) Until 1888, twenty years after the ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment, the State of Maryland, by statute, restricted the practice of law to white males. Thus, both race and gender posed insurmountable barriers to black women, white women, and black men who wanted to practice law in Maryland. Yet black and white women and black men did...; Search Snippet: ...Review 2004 Article Setting the Record Straight: Maryland's First Black Women Law Graduates Taunya Lovell Banks [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2004 Maryland... 2004 African/Black American
Kit Kinports So Much Activity, So Little Change: a Reply to the Critics of Battered Women's Self-defense 23 Saint Louis University Public Law Review 155 (2004) Prior to 1970, the term domestic violence referred to ghetto riots and urban terrorism, not the abuse of women by their intimate partners. Today, of course, domestic violence is a household word. After all, it has now been ten years since the revelation of football star O.J. Simpson's history of battering purportedly sounded a wake-up call for...; Search Snippet: ...So Little Change: a Reply to the Critics of Battered Women's Self-defense Kit Kinports [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2004 St. Louis... 2004  
Vicki Lens Supreme Court Narratives on Equality and Gender Discrimination in Employment: 1971-2002 10 Cardozo Women's Law Journal 501 (Summer 2004) In 1971 the Supreme Court held for the first time that the Constitution forbid discrimination against women. Reversing course from the earlier part of the century when it upheld protective legislation limiting women's ability to work, the Court thus entered the national conversation on women's roles sparked by the modern feminist movement. One of...; Search Snippet: ...Journal Summer 2004 Articles Supreme Court Narratives on Equality and Gender Discrimination in Employment: 1971-2002 Vicki Lens [Fna1] Copyright ©... 2004  
Kristin Brandser Kalsem, Verna L. Williams Symposium Introduction: Women's Work Is Never Done: Employment, Family, and Activism 73 University of Cincinnati Law Review 361 (Winter 2004) In 1996, Dianne Hibbs was in a life-transforming accident. The car in which she was a passenger collided with another vehicle, leaving her with a severe neck injury. She underwent surgery to address the problem, which left her with acute and chronic arm and neck pain. As part of her treatment, doctors placed a metal plate with screws in her neck....; Search Snippet: ...Work Is Never Done: Employment, Family, and Activism Symposium Introduction: Women's Work Is Never Done: Employment, Family, and Activism Kristin Brandser... 2004  
Tracy A. Thomas The Beecher Sisters as Nineteenth-century Feminist Icons of the Sameness-difference Debate 11 Cardozo Women's Law Journal 107 (Fall 2004) The Beecher Sisters, by Barbara A. White New Haven and London: Yale University Press 2003. Pp. 399, $35. Barbara White's new book, The Beecher Sisters, enriches the field of women's legal history with its interdisciplinary discourse on gender and women's experience in the nineteenth century. White weaves together the lives and accomplishments of...; Search Snippet: ...Fall 2004 Book Reivew the Beecher Sisters as Nineteenth-century Feminist Icons of the Sameness-difference Debate Tracy A. Thomas [Fna1... 2004  
Alecia Humphrey The Criminalization of Survival Attempts: Locking up Female Runaways and Other Status Offenders 15 Hastings Women's Law Journal 165 (Summer 2004) listen, when i found there was no safety in my father's house i knew there was none anywhere. you are right about this, how i nurtured my work not my self, how i left the girl wallowing in her own shame and took on the flesh of my mother. but listen, the girl is rising in me, not willing to be left to the silent fingers in the dark, and you are...; Search Snippet: ...Journal Summer 2004 the Criminalization of Survival Attempts: Locking up Female Runaways and Other Status Offenders Alecia Humphrey [Fna1] Copyright ©... 2004  
Julia L. Ernst, Laura Katzive, Erica Smock The Global Pattern of U.s. Initiatives Curtailing Women's Reproductive Rights: a Perspective on the Increasingly Anti-choice Mosaic 6 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 752 (April, 2004) Introduction. 753 I. Background: Roe v. Wade in the Global Context. 755 A. The World Before Roe: Pre-1973 Abortion Laws Worldwide. 756 B. Roe-Era Reforms. 759 C. Global Developments Since Roe. 760 D. The Influence of Roe in International Fora. 763 II. Roe's Inauspicious Journey: The Gradual Entrenchment of Anti-Reproductive Rights Policies in U.S....; Search Snippet: ...Rights, and Feminism the Global Pattern of U.s. Initiatives Curtailing Women's Reproductive Rights: a Perspective on the Increasingly Anti-choice Mosaic... 2004  
Margot Mendelson The Legal Production of Identities: a Narrative Analysis of Conversations with Battered Undocumented Women 19 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 138 (2004) Introduction. 139 Chapter 1: The Social Networks Discourse, Its Critics, and the Problem of Essentialization. 150 Chapter 2: The Battered Women's Movement: Incorporating Institutional Critique. 170 Chapter 3: In Their Own Words: Driver's Licenses and Safety as Lenses. 189 Chapter 4: The Legal Construction of the Undocumented Immigrant. 202...; Search Snippet: ...Of Identities: a Narrative Analysis of Conversations with Battered Undocumented Women [Fnd1] Margot Mendelson [Fndd1] Copyright (C) 2004 the Regents Of... 2004  
Greta D. Stoltz The U Visa: Another Remedy for Battered Immigrant Women 7 Scholar: St. Mary's Law Review on Minority Issues 127 (Fall 2004) I. Introduction. 127 II. The Violence Against Women Act: Not a Cure-All for Battered Immigrant Women. 129 III. The U Visa. 130 A. Congressional Intent. 130 1. Reporting Criminal Activity. 130 2. Serving the Immigrant Population. 131 B. Qualifications. 133 1. Substantial Physical or Mental Abuse. 134 2. Information Concerning the Criminal Activity....; Search Snippet: ...2004 Comment the U Visa: Another Remedy for Battered Immigrant Women Greta D. Stoltz [Fnd1] Copyright (C) 2004 the Scholar: St... 2004  
Tara McGraw Swaminatha The Violence Against Women Act 5 Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law 269 (Spring, 2004) I. VAWA '94. 270 A. Background. 270 B. The Civil Remedy. 272 1. Background. 272 2. Remedy Outside the Reach of Congress' Power. 272 3. Reinstating a Civil Remedy: New Proposals. 273 C. VAWA '94 Provisions Surviving Morrison. 274 1. Criminal Remedies Surviving Post-Mormon Constitutional Challenges. 275 D. VAWA '94: Friend or Foe?. 277 1. Victim's...; Search Snippet: ...Sexuality Law Crime and Punishment Law Chapter the Violence Against Women Act Tara Mcgraw Swaminatha Copyright © 2004 by the Georgetown Journal... 2004  
Elisa Facio , Maura Toro-Morn , Anne R. Roschelle Tourism, Gender, and Globalization: Tourism in Cuba During the Special Period 14 Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 119 (Spring 2004) I. Introduction. 120 II. Methodology. 121 III. Pleasure Island: Tourism in Pre-Revolutionary Cuba. 122 IV. The Cuban Revolution: Gender and Work. 124 V. Rectification Process: Tourism as a Global Economic Strategy. 125 VI. The Special Period and Tourism. 128 VII. The Consequences of Tourism as a Global Strategy: Research Findings. 131 A. Women...; Search Snippet: ...The University of Iowa College of Law Cuba Today Tourism, Gender, and Globalization: Tourism in Cuba During the Special Period Elisa... 2004  
Jill E. Adams Unlocking Liberty: Is California's Habeas Law the Key to Freeing Unjustly Imprisoned Battered Women? 19 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 217 (2004) A life of abuse, there seems no use. I've been beaten & choked, made to feel it's a joke. Arrested & tried, they say I lied. No expert allowed, no truth to be heard, She couldn't have been abused, How absurd! Police knew the truth, the photos existed. My physician's testimony, Was negated and twisted. 15 to life, was all that was heard, my prison...; Search Snippet: ...California's Habeas Law the Key to Freeing Unjustly Imprisoned Battered Women? Jill E. Adams [Fnd1] Copyright (C) 2004 the Regents Of... 2004  
Sarah M. Wood Vawa's Unfinished Business: the Immigrant Women Who Fall Through the Cracks 11 Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy 141 (Spring 2004) Domestic violence is a crime that does not recognize racial, cultural, or socioeconomic barriers. Between 1992 and 1996, there were an average of 960,000 incidents of violence between partners in an intimate relationship per year; most of these victims were women. The case of the Latin American immigrant community is examined later in Part IV of...; Search Snippet: ...Law & Policy Spring 2004 Note Vawa's Unfinished Business: the Immigrant Women Who Fall Through the Cracks Sarah M. Wood [Fna1] Copyright... 2004 Hispanic/Latinx American
Lucille M. Ponte Victims of Gender Discrimination or Disgruntled Employees? The Evolving Role of Candid E-mails in Gender Disparate Treatment Cases 19 Wisconsin Women's Law Journal 47 (Spring 2004) In the modern workplace, direct evidence of gender discrimination is seldom available to help support disparate treatment claims under Title VII and other related state anti-discrimination laws. With the growth of digital technologies in the workplace, plaintiffs' attorneys have turned to mountains of e-mails in an effort to find evidence to...; Search Snippet: ...Journal Wisconsin Women's Law Journal Spring 2004 Articles Victims of Gender Discrimination or Disgruntled Employees? The Evolving Role of Candid E-mails in Gender Disparate Treatment Cases Lucille M. Ponte [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2004... 2004  
Linda Diane Henry Elrod Washburn Law School Celebrates a Century of Welcoming Women 42 Washburn Law Journal 853 (Summer 2004) In past years Washburn Law School has graduated some women who have made good in the legal profession. And prospects are good that the number will be increased in the future. Washburn Law School opened its doors in September 1903. From the beginning, those doors were open to women. Women enrolled in some of the first classes. At the time Washburn...; Search Snippet: ...Issue Articles Washburn Law School Celebrates a Century of Welcoming Women Linda Diane Henry Elrod [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2004 Washburn Law... 2004  
Antoinette Greenaway When Neutral Policies Aren't So Neutral: Increasing Incarceration Rates and the Effect of the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 on the Parental Rights of African-american Women 17 National Black Law Journal 247 (2003-2004) About a hundred years ago, one of the most famous of all graduates of Harvard University, W.E.B. DuBois, in what is probably his most famous book, The Souls of Black Folk, wrote what is probably his single most famous line: The problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color-line. What metaphor would DuBois use if he were writing...; Search Snippet: ...Safe Families Act of 1997 on the Parental Rights of African- American Women Antoinette Greenaway [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2004 National Black Law Journal... 2004 African/Black American
Mary A. Celeste A Brief Herstory of Colorado Women Trailblazers in the Law 32-DEC Colorado Lawyer 29 (December, 2003) There has been an ongoing debate about who was the first woman licensed to practice law in the state of Colorado. Some have argued that it was Pearl King; others have argued, Mary Thomas. The Historian for the Colorado Bar Association (CBA) is now prepared to put the issue to rest. Upon investigation, Dave Erickson reviewed Pearl King's obituary,...; Search Snippet: ...Colorado Lawyer December, 2003 Feature a Brief Herstory of Colorado Women Trailblazers in the Law [Fna1] Mary A. Celeste [Fna2] Copyright... 2003  
Judith Resnik A Continuous Body: Ongoing Conversations about Women and Legal Education 53 Journal of Legal Education 564 (December, 2003) How has the conversation changed? That was a central question animating a conferenceTaking Stock: Women of All Colors in Legal Educationconvened in June 2003 by the American Association of Law Schools and by the Section of Legal Education and the Commission on Women of the American Bar Association. In a room of about 150 people, mostly (as usual)...; Search Snippet: ...Colors in Legal Education a Continuous Body: Ongoing Conversations about Women and Legal Education Judith Resnik [Fna1] Copyright © 2003 by Judith... 2003  
Felice Batlan A Journal of One's Own? Beginning the Project of Historicizing the Development of Women's Law Journals 12 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 430 (2003) Since the 1970s, feminism has helped transform the university and the production of knowledge. Not only have increasing numbers of female students, professors, and administrators entered universities, they have also created women's studies programs and courses, which have been slowly integrated into the various disciplines and university curricula....; Search Snippet: ...One's Own? Beginning the Project of Historicizing the Development of Women's Law Journals Felice Batlan [Fna1] Copyright © 2003 by Columbia Journal... 2003  
Tania Cruz & Eric K. Yamamoto , Esther K. Arinaga and Rene E. Ojiri A Tribute to Patsy Takemoto Mink 4 Asian-Pacific Law and Policy Journal 569 (6/1/2003) Patsy Takemoto Mink's life generated a wave of praise for her work as a congressional and community leader. Upon her passing, numerous politicians, women's groups and civil rights organizations reflected on her lifelong accomplishments, celebrating what an inspiration she had been to women and minorities throughout Hawaii and the nation. As the...; Search Snippet: ...For Patsy the Obstacles in 1951 Were Formidable: She Was Female, Married, and an Asian- American. Unable to Find Work as an Attorney, She Returned To... 2003 Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
Gregory A. Bullman Abuse of Female Sweatshop Laborers: Another Form of Sexual Harassment That Does Not Fit Neatly into the Judiciary's Current Understanding of Discrimination Because of Sex 78 Indiana Law Journal 1019 (Fall, 2003) I want better treatment from employers to ensure the minimum wage. I feel like I'm killing myself. Every day I'm working harder and harder and making less, and it seems to me I'm running out of strength. . . . We come here and they treat us like dogs. I'm always scared. The supervisor yells and screams at me and I start remembering the others who...; Search Snippet: ...Law Journal Indiana Law Journal Fall, 2003 Article Abuse of Female Sweatshop Laborers: Another Form of Sexual Harassment That Does Not... 2003 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Sally F. Goldfarb Applying the Discrimination Model to Violence Against Women: Some Reflections on Theory and Practice 11 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 251 (2003) A major contribution of the modern battered women's movement has been to identify domestic violence committed by men against women as a form of sexism. In Professor Elizabeth Schneider's words: [H]eterosexual intimate violence is part of a larger system of coercive control and subordination; this system is based on structural gender inequality and...; Search Snippet: ...By Elizabeth Schneider Applying the Discrimination Model to Violence Against Women: Some Reflections on Theory and Practice Sally F. Goldfarb [Fna1... 2003  
Janice L. Kopec Avoiding a Death Sentence in the American Legal System: Get a Woman to Do it 15 Capital Defense Journal 353 (Spring, 2003) The death penalty in America has traditionally been a masculine affair. American socialization is imbued with the world view that women are the more genteel and the less culpable of the sexes. This persistent reluctance to impose the ultimate sanction upon the gentler sex has resulted in a gender disparity in our capital system that has an adverse...; Search Snippet: ...A Death Sentence in the American Legal System: Get a Woman to Do it Janice L. Kopec [Fna1] Copyright © 2003 By... 2003  
Barbara Stark Baby Girls from China in New York: a Thrice-told Tale 2003 Utah Law Review 1231 (2003) I. The First Telling: Where Do Babies Come from?. 1238 A. State Narratives. 1238 1. The Population Crisis. 1238 2. Women's Equality. 1240 3. The One-Child Policy. 1241 B. Birth-Parent Narratives. 1242 C. The Laws. 1243 1. Chinese Policy on Foreign Adoptions. 1243 2. International Human Rights Law. 1248 D. Disruption. 1254 II. The Second Telling:...; Search Snippet: ...23522000 Utah Law Review Utah Law Review 2003 Article Baby Girls from China in New York: a Thrice-told Tale [Fna1... 2003  
Leslye E. Orloff, Mary Ann Dutton, Giselle Aguilar Hass, Nawal Ammar Battered Immigrant Women's Willingness to Call for Help and Police Response 13 UCLA Women's Law Journal 43 (Fall/Winter 2003) This Article examines the barriers that battered immigrant women face when contacting the police for assistance in stopping or escaping intimate partner violence. It analyzes partial results from a large-scale research project undertaken by Ayuda, Inc. from 1992 to 1995 meant to assess the needs of immigrant Latinas in the Washington D.C....; Search Snippet: ...Journal Fall/winter 2003 December 2003 Recent Development Battered Immigrant Women's Willingness to Call for Help and Police Response Leslye E... 2003 Hispanic/Latinx American
Melissa M. Beck, Ana Bermudez and Martha King Because Everybody Thought That I Wouldn't Be Able to Do It: Gender-responsive Services for Court-involved Girls and the First Year of the Girlrising Program 18 Wisconsin Women's Law Journal 117 (Spring 2003) Today girls are entering the justice system at younger ages and for more violent offenses than in the past, when girls were more commonly arrested for nonviolent status offenses--curfew violations, running away or truancy. While juvenile crime has decreased overall, girls have come to comprise the fastest growing segment of the juvenile justice...; Search Snippet: ...Everybody Thought That I Wouldn't Be Able to Do It: Gender-responsive Services for Court-involved Girls and the First Year of the Girlrising Program [Fna1] Melissa... 2003  
Karen K. Narasaki, Vincent A. Eng, Terry M. Ao, National Asian Pacific American Legal Center, Mark A. Packman, Attorney of Record, Jonathan M. Cohen, Robert Thoron Taylor, Joel E Greer, Gilbert Heintz, Randolph Brief of Amici Curiae National Asian Pacific American Legal Consortium, Asian Law Caucus, Asian Pacific American Legal Center, et Al. , in Support of Respondents in Barbara Grutter, Petitioner, V. Lee Bollinger, et Al., Respondents and Jennifer Gratz, et 10 Asian Law Journal 295 (May, 2003) The National Asian Pacific American Legal Consortium (NAPALC) is a national, nonprofit, nonpartisan organization whose mission is to advance the legal and civil rights of Asian Pacific Americans. NAPALC is committed to supporting affirmative action as a way of ensuring equal opportunities for women and minorities. Joining NAPALC as amici curiae...; Search Snippet: ...See Cynthia Kwei Yung Lee, Beyond Black and White: Racializing Asian Americans in a Society Obsessed with O.j., 6 Hastings Women's L.j. 165, 181 (1995) (Beyond Black and White); Spencer K. Turnbull, Wen Ho Lee and the Consequences of Enduring Asian American Stereotypes, 7 Asian Pac. Am. L.j. 72, 74-75 (2001... 2003 Multipe Groups
Peter C. Alexander Building 'A Doll's House': a Feminist Analysis of Marital Debt Dischargeability in Bankruptcy 48 Villanova Law Review 381 (2003) MUCH has been written about divorce in this country, the feminization of poverty that may be fairly attributed to the rise in divorce rates and the resulting financial hardship that often occurs. Less noticeably, a feminist discussion has evolved concerning the intersection of divorce and bankruptcy, specifically the discharge of marital debts in...; Search Snippet: ...Villanova Law Review 2003 Articles Building a Doll's House: a Feminist Analysis of Marital Debt Dischargeability in Bankruptcy Peter C. Alexander... 2003  
Berta Esperanza Hernández-Truyol Building Bridges V-cubans Without Borders: Mujeres Unidas Por Su Historia 55 Florida Law Review 225 (January, 2003) I. L2-4,T4Introduction 225 II. L2-4,T4A Brief History of Women in Cuba 231 A. L3-4,T4Mambisas: The First Women's Movement in Cuban Society 231. B. L3-4,T4Early Legal Changes Favoring Women 233. 1. Property and Family Rights. 233 2. The Rights to Vote and to Equality. 236 C. L3-4,T4The Castro Revolution and Beyond 238. 1. Women Join the Fight for...; Search Snippet: ...Latina Tracks the Dominant Paradigm's Construction of Sex. Like All Girls, Latinas Are Socialized to Be Feminine, to Be Mothers and Wives. Society Mandates That Their Most... 2003 Hispanic/Latinx American
Mary L. Clark Carter's Groundbreaking Appointment of Women to the Federal Bench: His Other "Human Rights" Record 11 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 1131 (2003) Introduction: Carter's Pathbreaking Achievement. 1132 I. Carter's Judicial Appointment Reforms Were Critical to His Success in Naming Women to the Bench. 1134 A. Carter's Commitment to Judicial Reform as Governor of Georgia and 1976 Presidential Candidate. 1134 B. Traditions Governing Federal Judicial Appointments Before Carter. 1135 C. Carter...; Search Snippet: ...Policy and the Law 2003 Article Carter's Groundbreaking Appointment of Women to the Federal Bench: His Other Human Rights Record Mary... 2003  
Caroline Rogus Conflating Women's Biological and Sociological Roles: the Ideal of Motherhood, Equal Protection, and the Implications of the Nguyen V. Ins Opinion 5 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 803 (May, 2003) The role of women in our society is shaped in significant part by our legal system, and the legal rights recognized by our courts. When the government creates laws based on traditional notions of what women's roles should be, and the Supreme Court upholds such laws, such stereotypes are legitimized, making it more difficult for women to act in...; Search Snippet: ...Of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law May, 2003 Comment Conflating Women's Biological and Sociological Roles: the Ideal of Motherhood, Equal Protection... 2003  
Gila Stopler Countenancing the Oppression of Women: How Liberals Tolerate Religious and Cultural Practices That Discriminate Against Women 12 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 154 (2003) For centuries, arguments based on religion and culture have been used to justify and perpetuate both sex and race discrimination. In the American South in the nineteenth century, white slave owners justified their right to subjugate the black race based on religious precepts. All major religions in the world have historically supported and...; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Gender and Law 2003 Countenancing the Oppression of Women: How Liberals Tolerate Religious and Cultural Practices That Discriminate Against Women Gila Stopler [Fna1] Copyright © 2003 by Columbia Journal of Gender... 2003 African/Black American
Sarah F. Russell Covering Women and Violence: Media Treatment of Vawa's Civil Rights Remedy 9 Michigan Journal of Gender & Law 327 (2003) Introduction 328 I. Press Coverage 334 A. Pre-Litigation Press Coverage 338 B. Litigation Press Coverage 343 1. The Court's Decision 343 2. Coverage Before the Court's Decision 345 C. Conclusions About the Press Coverage 352 II. The Debate in the Press 355 A. Pre-Litigation Debate 356 1. Commentary 356 2. Editorials 363 B....; Search Snippet: ...And Law Michigan Journal of Gender & Law 2003 Articles Covering Women and Violence: Media Treatment of Vawa's Civil Rights Remedy Sarah... 2003  
Molly McDonough Damaging Disrespect 89-DEC ABA Journal 56 (December, 2003) In the past decade or so, more than 40 jurisdictions in the United States have created task forces or working groups to identify ways to eliminate, or at least reduce, bias in the nation's courtrooms. Among their efforts, those task forces have produced various studies of how those who come into contact with the justice system are affected by the...; Search Snippet: ...Journal December, 2003 Feature Aba Connection Damaging Disrespect Minorities and Women Still Experience Bias in the Justice System, Though it Isn't... 2003  
Jenny B. Davis Distinction with a Difference 89-APR ABA Journal 43 (April, 2003) Attorney kim askew of dallas stands out from the crowdespecially when the crowd is the local Junior League. I always smile when people snicker at my involvement with the Junior League, says Askew, an employment partner at Hughes & Luce. But, Askew adds, she has won clients through her involvement in an organization many assume is an odd match...; Search Snippet: ...2003 Feature Law Practice Distinction with a Difference Minority and Female Lawyers Find Standing out Can Be Outstanding When it Comes... 2003  
Nancy E. Dowd , Kenneth B. Nunn , Jane E. Pendergast Diversity Matters: Race, Gender, and Ethnicity in Legal Education 15 University of Florida Journal of Law and Public Policy 11 (Fall, 2003) I. L2-5,T5Introduction 12 II. L2-5,T5The Context 18 A. L3-5,T5Legal Education, the Profession, and Legal Services 18 B. L3-5,T5Prior Surveys/Studies 21 III. L2-5,T5The University of Florida Survey 23 A. L3-5,T5Design 23 B. L3-5,T5Summary of Survey Results 25 1. L4-5,T5Themes/Patterns 25. 2. L4-5,T5Detailed Summary 27. a. Race Differences. 27 b....; Search Snippet: ...A Dedication to Chesterfield H. Smith Article Diversity Matters: Race, Gender, and Ethnicity in Legal Education Nancy E. Dowd [Fna1] Kenneth... 2003  
Twila L. Perry Diversity, Discourse, and the Mission of the Feminist Law Journal 12 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 466 (2003) Why a feminist law journal? In recent years, there has been a proliferation of law school journals. At present many schools have, in addition to the traditional law review, journals which focus on race, environmental law, gay and lesbian issues, or international law. In such a context, there seems little need to feel that one has to offer a...; Search Snippet: ...And Enduring Marginality Diversity, Discourse, and the Mission of the Feminist Law Journal Twila L. Perry [Fna1] Copyright © 2003 by Columbia... 2003  
Kristin Bebelaar, Stacy Caplow, Patricia Fersch, Betty Levinson, Jennifer L. Rosato, Elizabeth M. Schneider, Anthony J. Sebok, Lisa C. Smith Domestic Violence in Legal Education and Legal Practice: a Dialogue Between Professors and Practitioners 11 Journal of Law & Policy 409 (2003) KRISTIN BEBELAAR is an Associate with Gulielmetti & Gesmer, P.C., where she practices family law, real estate law, and general civil litigation. Prior to law school, she was the Children's Program Coordinator at La Casa de las Madres, a San Francisco shelter for battered women, and she later worked in a special project of the San Francisco District...; Search Snippet: ...For One of the Banks, an Absolutely Beautiful, Stunning, Intelligent African- American Woman, Married to an African- American Man. They Had Two Boys, Eight and Ten Years Old... 2003 African/Black American
Sarah M. Buel Effective Assistance of Counsel for Battered Women Defendants: a Normative Construct 26 Harvard Women's Law Journal 217 (Spring, 2003) The Gideon decision is a solid precedent, hailed from all corners of legal philosophy. The current Supreme Court, even while narrowing other rights of criminal defendants, has described the right to counsel as fundamental. There is just one trouble. In the real world, the promise of Gideon is not being kept. Poor men and women in large numbers go...; Search Snippet: ...Section: Violence Against Women Effective Assistance of Counsel for Battered Women Defendants: a Normative Construct Sarah M. Buel [Fna1] Copyright © 2003... 2003  
Hope Lewis Embracing Complexity: Human Rights in Critical Race Feminist Perspective 12 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 510 (2003) Is feminist human rights scholarship prepared to address the current crisis in international law and politics? Globalization, the reassertion of deep cultural divides, war, armed conflict, terrorism, the HIV/AIDS pandemic, the appalling economic status of women in the Global South, desperate flows of migrants willing to risk death for economic...; Search Snippet: ...Privilege, and Membership Embracing Complexity: Human Rights in Critical Race Feminist Perspective Hope Lewis [Fna1] Copyright © 2003 by Columbia Journal Of... 2003  
Jane C. Murphy Engaging with the State: the Growing Reliance on Lawyers and Judges to Protect Battered Women 11 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 499 (2003) The passage of the federal Violence Against Women Act of 2000 (VAWA II) marked an important milestone in the evolution of the domestic violence movement. VAWA II created, among other things, a complex system for state and federal funding in all fifty states to provide civil legal assistance to battered women. Its passage completed a process that...; Search Snippet: ...The Growing Reliance on Lawyers and Judges to Protect Battered Women [Fna1] Jane C. Murphy [Fnaa1] Copyright (C) 2003 American University... 2003  
Gary R. Roberts Evaluating Gender Equity Within the Framework of Intercollegiate Athletics' Conflicting Value Systems 77 Tulane Law Review 997 (March, 2003) Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits gender discrimination by educational institutions receiving federal funds and has become the focal point for a bitter three-cornered debate among supporters of women's sports, men's nonrevenue sports, and the high profile men's sports of football and, to a lesser extent, basketball. This Essay...; Search Snippet: ...Tulane Law Review Tulane Law Review March, 2003 Essays Evaluating Gender Equity Within the Framework of Intercollegiate Athletics' Conflicting Value Systems... 2003  
Tom Lininger Evidentiary Issues in Federal Prosecutions of Violence Against Women 36 Indiana Law Review 687 (2003) In the last decade, the federal government has played an increasing role in the prosecution of violence against women. Beginning with the passage of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) in 1994, Congress has established several new federal offenses involving violence against women. The number of charges filed under these statutes has steadily...; Search Snippet: ...2003 Article Evidentiary Issues in Federal Prosecutions of Violence Against Women Tom Lininger [Fna1] Copyright © 2003 by Trustees of Indiana University... 2003 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Laura Dugan , Daniel S. Nagin , Richard Rosenfeld Exposure Reduction or Retaliation? The Effects of Domestic Violence Resources on Intimate-partner Homicide 37 Law and Society Review 169 (March, 2003) Rates of homicide involving intimate partners have declined substantially over the past 25 years in the United States, while public awareness of and policy responses to domestic violence have grown. To what extent has the social response to domestic violence contributed to the decline in intimate-partner homicide? We evaluate the relationship...; Search Snippet: ...Relationship to the Offender. Larger Decreases Have Occurred for Males, African Americans, and Married Victims (Including Ex-spouses) than for Females, Whites, and Unmarried Intimates (Greenfield et Al. 1998; Rosenfeld 2000... 2003 African/Black American
Darren Lenard Hutchinson Factless Jurisprudence 34 Columbia Human Rights Law Review 615 (Summer 2003) Professor Terry Smith has written a very important work on the inadequacy of juridical approaches to antidiscrimination law in the context of Title VII litigation. Smith argues that the anti-retaliation provisions of Title VII can serve more broadly as a mechanism for protecting workers of color from prohibited racial discrimination. Smith contends...; Search Snippet: ...H. Rehnquist Court. See, E.g., Judith Resnik, Categorical Federalism: Jurisdiction, Gender, and the Globe, 111 Yale L.j. 619, 624 (2001) Demanding... 2003  
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