AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearEthnicity in Title or Summary
Joan C. Williams The Social Psychology of Stereotyping: Using Social Science to Litigate Gender Discrimination Cases and Defang the "Cluelessness" Defense 7 Employee Rights and Employment Policy Journal 401 (2003) I. Introduction. 403 II. Some Basic Concepts. 405 III. Glass Ceiling Discrimination. 412 A. Trying Twice as Hard to Receive Half as Much: Why Women Have a Harder Time Establishing Competence. 413 1. Competence Assumptions: Are Men Assumed to Be Competent, While Women Need to Prove Their Competence over and over Again?. 413 2. Leniency Bias: How Are...; Search Snippet: ...The Social Psychology of Stereotyping: Using Social Science to Litigate Gender Discrimination Cases and Defang the Cluelessness Defense Joan C. Williams... 2003  
Sara Osborne These Are Not Our Rules: a Public Interest and Women Oriented Law School to Improve the Lives of Women Both Within and Outside the Legal Profession 46 Howard Law Journal 549 (Spring 2003) After years of advocacy efforts and political battles, two new atypical public law schools opened their doors for the 2002-2003 academic year. First, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU) reintroduced its black law school ye; Search Snippet: ...Comments These Are Not Our Rules: a Public Interest and Women Oriented Law School to Improve the Lives of Women Both Within and Outside the Legal Profession Sara Osborne [Fna1... 2003 African/Black American
Suzanne B. Goldberg Thinking about Feminism, Social Justice, and the Place of Feminist Law Journals: a Letter to the Editors 12 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 582 (2003) Dear Editors: You, like the editors who came before you, have staked a place in an invigorating and challenging conversation about the transformative potential of feminist approaches to social justice. As you envision and edit your journal, fundamental questions about the purpose of feminist scholarship and the value of retaining an autonomous...; Search Snippet: ...Serve Thinking about Feminism, Social Justice, and the Place of Feminist Law Journals: a Letter to the Editors Suzanne B. Goldberg... 2003  
Lisa A. Crooms To Establish My Legitimate Name Inside the Consciousness of Strangers: Critical Race Praxis, Progressive Women-of-color Theorizing, and Human Rights 46 Howard Law Journal 229 (Winter 2003) As a female member of our endangered species, I am searching for a relevant proof of sisterhood: I am searching for relevant proof of brotherhood hinged to that sisterhood. I want to pursue the collective, and the creative, securement of all our legitimate names for all of our, finally, legitimate lives. I need to establish my legitimate name...; Search Snippet: ...Name Inside the Consciousness of Strangers: Critical Race Praxis, Progressive Women-of-color Theorizing, and Human Rights Lisa A. Crooms [Fna1... 2003  
Vicki C. Jackson Transnational Discourse, Relational Authority, and the U.s. Court: Gender Equality 37 Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 271 (Fall 2003) Global developments in domestic constitutionalism and international human rights law have engendered a new set of dynamic relationships between and among legal systems. Scholars and jurists have taken note of transnational judicial conversations, dialogue or transjudicial communication about human rights, of a rise in world...; Search Snippet: ...Transnational Constitution Transnational Discourse, Relational Authority, and the U.s. Court: Gender Equality Vicki C. Jackson [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2003 Loyola Law... 2003  
Herma Hill Kay Uc's Women Law Faculty 36 U.C. Davis Law Review 331 (January, 2003) I am delighted and honored to deliver the annual Brigitte M. Bodenheimer Lecture, both because I knew and admired Brigitte and because I delivered a lecture here in the spring of 1979 on the occasion of her retirement. It means a great deal to be invited back to be part of the Lecture Series established in her memory. On that earlier occasion, I...; Search Snippet: ...2003 Brigitte M. Bodenheimer Memorial Lecture on the Family Uc's Women Law Faculty Herma Hill Kay [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2003 Regents... 2003  
Shelby A.D. Moore Understanding the Connection Between Domestic Violence, Crime, and Poverty: How Welfare Reform May Keep Battered Women from Leaving Abusive Relationships 12 Texas Journal of Women and the Law 451 (Spring 2003) I. Introduction. 452 II. Facing Reality: Women in Abusive Relationships Commit Crimes Other than Homicide. 457 A. Child-Related Crimes. 458 B. Drug Offenses and Family Violence. 465 C. Property Crimes and Domestic Violence. 467 III. Battered Women: Why They Stay or the Impediments to Leaving. 470 A. Why Battered Women Cannot Leave. 471 B. Domestic...; Search Snippet: ...Violence, Crime, and Poverty: How Welfare Reform May Keep Battered Women from Leaving Abusive Relationships Shelby A.d. Moore [Fna1] Copyright ©... 2003  
David Benjamin Oppenheimer Verdicts Matter: an Empirical Study of California Employment Discrimination and Wrongful Discharge Jury Verdicts Reveals Low Success Rates for Women and Minorities 37 U.C. Davis Law Review 511 (December, 2003) Introduction. 513 I. A Review of Prior Employment Discrimination and Wrongful Discharge Jury verdict Research. 518 II. Verdicts Matter: How Jury Verdict Data Were Used to Justify the Imposition of Damage Caps in the 1991 Civil Rights Act. 528 III. The Results of a Comprehensive Survey of California Employment Discrimination and Wrongful Discharge...; Search Snippet: ...And Wrongful Discharge Jury Verdicts Reveals Low Success Rates for Women and Minorities David Benjamin Oppenheimer [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2003 Regents... 2003  
Anna Kirkland Victorious Transsexuals in the Courtroom: a Challenge for Feminist Legal Theory 28 Law and Social Inquiry Inquiry 1 (Winter 2003) Transsexual and transgendered people, despite their exclusion from most civil rights laws, nonetheless occasionally prevail as plaintiffs in litigation. What should feminist legal theorists make of these victories? The theory one uses to win has implications for future conceptions of gender and sexuality in the law as well as for understanding...; Search Snippet: ...2003 Articles Victorious Transsexuals in the Courtroom: a Challenge for Feminist Legal Theory Anna Kirkland [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2003 American Bar... 2003  
Christine Alice Corcos We Don't Want Advantages the Woman Lawyer Hero and Her Quest for Power in Popular Culture 53 Syracuse Law Review 1225 (2003) Introduction. 1225 I. The Unruly Female Lawyer. 1239 II. A Rationale for the Use of Courtroom Dramas to Critique Women's Professional Roles. 1244 III. Case Studies: Adam's Rib, The Accused, Legally Blonde. 1248 A. Adam's Rib. 1253 B. The Accused. 1263 C. Legally Blonde. 1267 Conclusion. 1270 Lawyers should never marry lawyers. This is called...; Search Snippet: ...Law(yers) in Popular Culture We Don't Want Advantages the Woman Lawyer Hero and Her Quest for Power in Popular Culture... 2003  
Joseph R. Biden, Jr. What about the Girls? The Role of the Federal Government in Addressing the Rise in Female Juvenile Offenders 14 Stanford Law and Policy Review 29 (2003) Institutionalized I sit and ask myself why Two years old locked in the system Six years old, getting locked in a closet Seven years old locked in the attic. Twelve years old, locked in my room Fourteen years old locked in YGC Why is this a place I don't mind to be? Tamika, Youth Guidance Center One headline catching attention across the country is...; Search Snippet: ...And Consequences: Juvenile Justice in America Articles What about the Girls? The Role of the Federal Government in Addressing the Rise in Female Juvenile Offenders Joseph R. Biden, Jr. [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2003... 2003  
Haneefah A. Jackson When Love Is a Crime: Why the Drug Prosecutions and Punishments of Female Non-conspirators Cannot Be Justified by Retributive Principles 46 Howard Law Journal 517 (Spring 2003) The War on Drugs initiated in the 1980s by American lawmakers and politicians with the support of law enforcement agencies, the media, and much of middle America has evolved from what could have originally been deemed a noble attempt at curtailing criminal behavior into what is now little more than a war against the poorest and most defenseless...; Search Snippet: ...Is a Crime: Why the Drug Prosecutions and Punishments of Female Non-conspirators Cannot Be Justified by Retributive Principles [Fn1] Haneefah... 2003  
Deborah W. Post Which Wave Are You? Comments on the Collected Essays from the Seminar "To Do Feminist Legal Theory" 9 Cardozo Women's Law Journal 471 (2003) I feel honored to have my work included with that of the students in the seminar To Do Feminist Legal Theory and also with the comments of so many distinguished critical scholars and law teachers. The notion at the heart of this project, in the imagining of it and in its execution, is exciting. It is as if Maria Grahn-Farley sent me an invitation...; Search Snippet: ...Comments on the Collected Essays from the Seminar to Do Feminist Legal Theory Deborah W. Post [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2003 Yeshiva... 2003  
Rachel B. Tiven Why a Feminist Law Journal? A Call for Parity 12 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 407 (2003) We began at the beginning. The opening talk of the Columbia Journal of Gender and Law's Spring 2003 symposium Why a Feminist Law Journal? detailed the career of Myra Bradwell, legal publisher and icon of American women lawyers. Bradwell famously and unsuccessfully appealed to the United States Supreme Court when Illinois refused to admit her to...; Search Snippet: ...Law 2003 Why a Feminist Law Journal? Symposium Why a Feminist Law Journal? A Call for Parity Rachel B. Tiven [Fna1... 2003  
Linda L. Ammons Why Do You Do the Things You Do? Clemency for Battered Incarcerated Women, a Decade's Review 11 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 533 (2003) Introduction. 533 I. To Grant or Not to Grant: You May Ask, But Now Rarely Receive. 535 II. Pardoning the Powerless: Battered Incarcerated Women Petition for Relief. 543 III. Mercy or Madness: Making Sense of Murderers Set Free. 547 IV. Models of Justice, Mercy, Grace?. 551 V. Just the Facts Ma'am: Recidivism and Clemency: Revolving Doors, or...; Search Snippet: ...You Do the Things You Do? Clemency for Battered Incarcerated Women, a Decade's Review Linda L. Ammons [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2003... 2003  
William Bradford With a Very Great Blame on Our Hearts: Reparations, Reconciliation, and an American Indian Plea for Peace with Justice 27 American Indian Law Review 1 (2002-2003) In a post-September 11th era riven by ethno-nationalism, territorial revanchism, and religious terror, the United States has assumed the mantle of leadership in articulating the moral, political, and legal norms that will inform reconstruction of global security architecture. Defense of human rights, whether motivated by its contribution to the...; Search Snippet: ...Indian Men off to the Northern Colonies While Keeping the Women and Children in the South . In the East, Indian Slaves... 2003 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Beverly Encarguez Perez Woman Warrior Meets Mail-order Bride: Finding an Asian American Voice in the Women's Movement 18 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 211 (2003) You know, I've never found acceptance anywhere. Not from my family, not from other kids in the playground, not from high school, and certainly not from other comediennes. I had never found acceptance until that moment. I felt real, I felt alive. I felt that for the first time in my life, I was not invisible. Many Asian Americans echo a feeling of...; Search Snippet: ...Berkeley Womens Law Journal Berkeley Women's Law Journal 2003 Articles Woman Warrior [Fnd1] Meets Mail-order Bride: Finding an Asian American Voice in the Women's Movement Beverly Encarguez Perez [Fndd1] Copyright (C) 2003 Regents Of... 2003 Asian American
Margot Klein, Michele Jochner Women Everywhere Project Proves Volunteers Can Make a Difference 17-JUL CBA Record 34 (June/July, 2003) Volunteer attorneys throughout Illinois joined together to participate in the fourth annual Women Everywhere: Partners in Service Project on May 16. The Women Everywhere Project is a volunteer collective aimed at soliciting and coordinating activities on behalf of women in need. Through the various activities of the Women Everywhere Project, about...; Search Snippet: ...2003 Wl 21953378 Cba Record Cba Record June/july, 2003 Women Everywhere Project Proves Volunteers Can Make a Difference Margot Klein... 2003  
Katherine L. Vaughns Women of Color in Law Teaching: Shared Identities, Different Experiences 53 Journal of Legal Education 496 (December, 2003) In a world undivided along racial and gender lines, we would not have the occasion to ponder the relevance of race and gender to our role as professors of law .. Women of color who teach law share their gender with their white female counterparts and their race with men of color in law teaching. But their experiences in the legal academy differ...; Search Snippet: ...2003 Taking Stock: Women of All Colors in Legal Education Women of Color in Law Teaching: Shared Identities, Different Experiences Katherine... 2003  
Jacqueline Mertz Women of Color--what Their Voices Teach Us 9 Cardozo Women's Law Journal 205 (2003) It was 1970; I was seventeen, pregnant, and just about to graduate high school. My boyfriend was twenty and in the army. What do I do? My boyfriend's solution to our predicament was to punch me in the stomach so that I would abort. Luckily, the abortion law had just passed in New York, and I was able to have a legal abortion. Unable to attend...; Search Snippet: ...Women's Law Journal 2003 Student Essays Part I. Defining Feminism Women of Color--what Their Voices Teach Us [Fn1] Jacqueline Mertz... 2003  
Jayne Huckerby Women Who Kill Their Children: Case Study and Conclusions Concerning the Differences in the Fall from Maternal Grace by Khoua Her and Andrea Yates 10 Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy 149 (Summer, 2003) The disparate treatment of white, middle-class women and poor women of color in the criminal justice system and contemporary popular discourse has been well documented. However, less attention has been given to how this harsher treatment of poor women of color manifests itself in the media coverage of cases of infanticide. This paper aims to begin...; Search Snippet: ...Summer, 2003 Tenth Anniversary Issue: Gender and Criminal Defenses Essay Women Who Kill Their Children: Case Study and Conclusions Concerning The... 2003  
Gretchen Ritter Women's Citizenship and the Problem of Legal Personhood in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s 13 Texas Journal of Women and the Law L. 1 (Fall 2003) I. Introduction. 1 II. Equality. 5 A. The Development of Equal Protection Doctrine Applied to Sex. 6 B. The Reed Brief. 8 C. Race and Gender. 10 D. Equality and Individualism. 12 E. Jury Service. 14 III. Privacy. 16 A. Privacy and Birth Control. 17 B. Griswold. 20 C. Eisenstadt. 22 D. Roe and Doe. 24 E. The Doctor. 28 F. Privacy Beyond Roe. 31 IV....; Search Snippet: ...2003 Symposium: Subversive Legacies: Learning from History/constructing the Future Women's Citizenship and the Problem of Legal Personhood in the United... 2003  
Candace Kruttschnitt, Rosemary Gartner Women's Imprisonment 30 Crime and Justice Just. 1 (2003) Incarceration of women in the United States is at a historic high, but understanding of women's experiences in prison, their responses to treatment, their lives after prison, and how changing prison regimes have affected these things remains limited. Individual attributes, preprison experiences, and prison conditions are associated with how women...; Search Snippet: ...2003 Wl 22834255 Crime and Justice Crime and Justice 2003 Women's Imprisonment Candace Kruttschnitt Rosemary Gartner [Fna1] Copyright © 2003 by University... 2003  
Lenora M. Lapidus 30 Years of Women's Rights Litigation: an Evolving Constitutional Standard of Review 23 Women's Rights Law Reporter 237 (Summer/Fall 2002) Hello, everybody. I am thrilled to be here to celebrate with you the 30-year anniversary of the Women's Rights Law Reporter. It is a special celebration for me and for the ACLU Women's Rights Project as well because it is also our 30-year anniversary. The Project at the ACLU was founded in 1971 by Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who was just transitioning...; Search Snippet: ...For Women's Rights: Past, Present, and Future 30 Years of Women's Rights Litigation: an Evolving Constitutional Standard of Review Lenora M... 2002  
Andrew E. Taslitz A Feminist Fourth Amendment?: Consent, Care, Privacy, and Social Meaning in Ferguson V. City of Charleston 9 Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy 1 (Summer 2002) I. Introduction. 2 II. Ferguson's Factual Basis: Helping Addicted Moms. 7 III. The United States Supreme Court's Opinion. 10 A. Schneckloth Voluntariness as Consent. 10 B. The Ferguson Court: The Return to Waiver. 13 C. Mirandizing Schneckloth: Autonomy and Equality Re-enter Center Stage. 13 D. Contextualizing Consent. 18 1. The Physician-Patient...; Search Snippet: ...Gender Law Issues in Healthcare: Privacy and Paternalism Articles a Feminist Fourth Amendment?: Consent, Care, Privacy, and Social Meaning in Ferguson... 2002  
Amy E. Pope A Feminist Look at the Death Penalty 65-WTR Law and Contemporary Problems 257 (Winter 2002) The death penalty has its fervent defenders and critics. In all the debate about the procedure, however, no one has suggested how a feminist perspective might improve the discussion. Feminist theory can be helpful in several ways. First, we can learn from the lives of the women embroiled in the process. Indeed, fifty-four women currently live on...; Search Snippet: ...Contemporary Problems Law and Contemporary Problems Winter 2002 Article a Feminist Look at the Death Penalty Amy E. Pope [Fna1] Copyright... 2002  
Cristina Carmody Tilley A Feminist Repudiation of the Rape Shield Laws 51 Drake Law Review 45 (2002) I. L2-5,T5Introduction 45 II. L2-5,T5The Original Justifications for Rape Shield Laws 48 A. L3-5,T5Introduction 48 B. L3-5,T5The Legislative History of the Federal Rape Shield Law 53 1. L4-5,T5The Stated Goals of Rape Shield Proponents 53 a. The American Bar Association. 53 b. The National Organization for Women. 54 c. Michigan Women's Task Force...; Search Snippet: ...31938760 Drake Law Review Drake Law Review 2002 Article a Feminist Repudiation of the Rape Shield Laws Cristina Carmody Tilley [Fna1... 2002  
Betty W. Taylor A History of Race and Gender at the University of Florida Levin College of Law 1909-2001 54 Florida Law Review 495 (July, 2002) Long before the Spanish first settled in St. Augustine, Florida, in 1565, Native Americans roamed the area now occupied by the University of Florida Levin College of Law. Located about 100 yards west of our campus and south of Southwest Second Avenue is an aboriginal burial mound built ca. A.D. 1000 by Alachua tradition peoples, ancestors of the...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review July, 2002 Essays a History of Race and Gender at the University of Florida Levin College of Law 1909... 2002 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Marjorie E. Kornhauser A Legislator Named Sue: Re-imagining the Income Tax 5 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 289 (Spring 2002) When America's Founding Fathers gathered to establish the legal framework for the new republic, Abigail Adams wrote to her husband John Adams asking him to remember the ladies. For countless generations lawmaking had occurred this way; when the vote was called, the answering voices were always male. Women were heard only indirectly through the...; Search Snippet: ...That the Meanest Thing Is to Give a Boy a Girl's Name!). . Professor of Law, Tulane Law School. I Would... 2002  
Kenneth W. Mack A Social History of Everyday Practice: Sadie T.m. Alexander and the Incorporation of Black Women into the American Legal Profession, 1925-1960 87 Cornell Law Review 1405 (9/30/2002) This Article presents a humanist social history of the everyday professional lives of Sadie T.M. Alexander and her peers at the early twentieth-century black women's bar, contending that a finely-detailed analysis of quotidian law practice reveals the methodological limitations of the reigning interpretations of the history of the American bar...; Search Snippet: ...Everyday Practice: Sadie T.m. Alexander and the Incorporation of Black Women into the American Legal Profession, 1925-1960 Kenneth W. Mack... 2002 African/Black American
Brian Johnson Admitting That Women's Only Public Education Is Unconstitutional and Advancing the Equality of the Sexes 25 Thomas Jefferson Law Review 53 (Fall 2002) Feminists of many theoretical orientations would concur that the false stereotyping of women by wrongly ascribing personality traits and behaviors to them solely based upon their biological sex has historically retarded and still currently retards the equality sought by and owed to females in America. They would likely also agree that equality in...; Search Snippet: ...Review Thomas Jefferson Law Review Fall 2002 Articles Admitting That Women's Only Public Education Is Unconstitutional and Advancing the Equality Of... 2002  
Raquel Donoso Afternoon Panel: Coalition-based Strategies for Improving Health Access and Outcomes for Underserved Women Featuring Raquel Donoso, Lisa Chiyemi Ikemoto, and Latonya Slack Barriers Facing Latina Women 17 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 224 (2002) Good afternoon. I'm going to start off by talking a little bit about Latino Issues Forum and then go into some of the work that we've been doing and look at some of the challenges we're facing. For Latinos in California specifically, there are a lot of challenges that involve reproductive health rights and access to abortions. Also, we need to...; Search Snippet: ...Based Strategies for Improving Health Access and Outcomes for Underserved Women Featuring Raquel Donoso, Lisa Chiyemi Ikemoto, and Latonya Slack Barriers Facing Latina Women [Fnd1] Raquel Donoso [Fndd1] Copyright (C) 2002 the Regents Of... 2002 Hispanic/Latinx American
Lisa Chiyemi Ikemoto Afternoon Panel: Coalition-based Strategies for Improving Health Access and Outcomes for Underserved Women Featuring Raquel Donoso, Lisa Chiyemi Ikemoto, and Latonya Slack Redefining Reproductive Freedom to Build Multicultural Coalitions 17 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 229 (2002) Good afternoon. My name is Lisa Ikemoto. I've been working with a non-profit community-based organization called Asians & Pacific Islanders for Reproductive Health. The acronym is APIRH so I'm going to refer to the organization as APIRH throughout this presentation. One of the questions that I always get when I tell people about the work that I do...; Search Snippet: ...Based Strategies for Improving Health Access and Outcomes for Underserved Women Featuring Raquel Donoso, Lisa Chiyemi Ikemoto, and Latonya Slack Redefining... 2002 Asian American
Latonya Slack Afternoon Panel: Coalition-based Strategies for Improving Health Access and Outcomes for Underserved Women Featuring Raquel Donoso, Lisa Chiyemi Ikemoto, and Latonya Slack Unheard Voices: Defining Black Women's Advocacy Agenda 17 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 236 (2002) My name is Latonya Slack, and I'm the Director of the California Black Women's Health Project. We're a statewide policy advocacy organization organized to educate and improve the health of Black women and girls in the State of California through education, policy advocacy, and prevention. We are the State arm of the National Black Women's Health...; Search Snippet: ...Based Strategies for Improving Health Access and Outcomes for Underserved Women Featuring Raquel Donoso, Lisa Chiyemi Ikemoto, and Latonya Slack Unheard Voices: Defining Black Women's Advocacy Agenda [Fnd1] Latonya Slack [Fndd1] Copyright (C) 2002 The... 2002 African/Black American
Louise Feld Along the Spectrum of Women's Rights Advocacy: a Cross-cultural Comparison of Sexual Harassment Law in the United States and India 25 Fordham International Law Journal 1205 (June, 2002) Pornographic e-mails circulate like wildfire through the e-mail system of an Australian corporation. A male Division Commander in the Korean Army repeatedly corners a female lieutenant in his office and forcibly kisses her. Male students in Ireland vandalize the classrooms of two female teachers with sexually explicit graffiti. An Indian social...; Search Snippet: ...International Law Journal June, 2002 Comment along the Spectrum of Women's Rights Advocacy: a Cross-cultural Comparison of Sexual Harassment Law... 2002 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Christina L. Brandt-Young Ayelet Shachar, Multicultural Jurisdictions: Cultural Differences and Women's Rights. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. Xiv + 193. 24 Michigan Journal of International Law 241 (Fall 2002) Introduction. 241 I. ICCPR Article 27: The Right of Members of Minorities to Enjoy Their Cultures, Languages, and Religions. 247 A. The Lovelace Case. 248 B. The Kitok Case. 253 II. ICCPR Article 14: Trial by an Independent and Impartial Tribunal. 257 A. A Suit at Law . 258 B. Santa Clara Pueblo v. Martinez and Group Court Review. 261 III....; Search Snippet: ...And International Levels Ayelet Shachar, Multicultural Jurisdictions: Cultural Differences and Women's Rights. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. Xiv + 193. Christina L... 2002  
  Battered Women & Feminist Lawmaking: Author Meets Readers, Elizabeth M. Schneider, Christine Harrington, Sally Engle Merry, Renée Romkens, & Marianne Wesson 10 Journal of Law & Policy 313 (2002) Panelists Author ELIZABETH M. SCHNEIDER is the Rose L. Hoffer Professor of Law and Chair of the Edward V. Sparer Public Interest Law Fellowship Program at Brooklyn Law School. She is the author of Battered Women and Feminist Lawmaking (Yale University Press 2000), which won the 2000 Professional/ Scholarly Publishing Award of the Association of...; Search Snippet: ...Law and Policy Journal of Law & Policy 2002 Symposium Battered Women & Feminist Lawmaking: Author Meets Readers, Elizabeth M. Schneider, Christine Harrington, Sally... 2002  
Leslie Espinoza Garvey Beyond the Matrix: the Psychological Cost of Fighting for Gender Justice in Law Teaching 11 Southern California Review of Law and Women's Studies 305 (Spring 2002) In 1999, on the cusp of the millennium, the Association of American Law Schools organized a conference about women in the academy. Certainly, implicit in the organizing of this conference was a celebration of the presence of women in the legal profession and academy. As women law professors, we gathered to assess ourselves at this auspicious moment...; Search Snippet: ...Article Beyond the Matrix: the Psychological Cost of Fighting for Gender Justice in Law Teaching Leslie Espinoza Garvey [Fna1] Copyright ©... 2002  
Mary Becker Care and Feminists 17 Wisconsin Women's Law Journal 57 (Spring 2002) I. Introduction. 58 II. Franke's Postmodern Objections to Care. 64 A. Linking Reproduction to Dependency and Sex to Danger. 65 B. The Repronormativity of Motherhood. 67 C. The Maternalization of Women's Identity. 71 D. Commodification Anxiety. 71 E. Child Raising as The Creation of a Public Good. 73 F. Unfairness to Taxpayers Who Are Not...; Search Snippet: ...Relation in the Shadow of the Law Article Care and Feminists Mary Becker [Fna1] Copyright © 2002 Wisconsin Women's Law Journal; Mary... 2002  
Mary L. Clark Changing the Face of the Law: How Women's Advocacy Groups Put Women on the Federal Judicial Appointments Agenda 14 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 243 (2002) Given the significant involvement of women judges and members of women's advocacy groups in the Women, Justice, and Authority conference, I thought it fitting to pursue some legal history for this occasion on the impact of women's advocacy groups on women's judicial appointments, looking in particular at Article III judgeships. Like Linda Kerber, I...; Search Snippet: ...Justice and Authority Changing the Face of the Law: How Women's Advocacy Groups Put Women on the Federal Judicial Appointments Agenda Mary L. Clark [Fna1... 2002  
Kathleen M. Sullivan Constitutionalizing Women's Equality 90 California Law Review 735 (May, 2002) The U.S. Constitution is the only major written constitution that includes a bill of rights but lacks a provision explicitly declaring the equality of the sexes. Since 1946 the French Constitution has provided that [t]he law guarantees to the woman, in all spheres, rights equal to those of the man. Article 3 of the German Constitution declares...; Search Snippet: ...2002 the Brennan Center Jorde Symposium on Constitutional Law Constitutionalizing Women's Equality Kathleen M. Sullivan [Fnd1] Copyright (C) 2002 California Law... 2002  
Phyllis Goldfarb Counting the Drug War's Female Casualties 6 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 277 (Fall 2002) This article explores the impact of the drug war on women's lives. In Part I, I examine the usage of the word war and its connotations. In Part II, I illustrate the impact of the drug war on women's lives by detailing a dozen federal cases in which women have served--or, in several instances continue to serve--long mandatory sentences for drug...; Search Snippet: ...Race and Justice Fall 2002 Article Counting the Drug War's Female Casualties Phyllis Goldfarb [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2002 Journal of Gender... 2002  
Ellen Marrus Crack Babies and the Constitution: Ruminations about Addicted Pregnant Women after Ferguson V. City of Charleston 47 Villanova Law Review 299 (2002) WHAT should society do in response to a pregnant woman who uses crack? The dangers to the fetus in such cases vary from no addiction, to mild dependency, to severe neurological damage and convulsions or even death. Most people's initial reaction is revulsion--how can a woman expose her unborn child to such serious risks? This often triggers...; Search Snippet: ...Article Crack Babies and the Constitution: Ruminations about Addicted Pregnant Women after Ferguson V. City of Charleston Ellen Marrus [Fna1] Copyright... 2002  
Edward McGlynn Gaffney, Jr. Curious Chiasma: Rising and Falling Protection of Religious Freedom and Gender Equality 4 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 394 (January, 2002) My thesis is a simple one. Both religious freedom and gender equality deserve serious protection against official state action. The reasons for doing so run deep in American history. In many ways, religious freedom has defined the American experience from the dawn of the republic. To treat it dismissively or with the contempt heaped upon it...; Search Snippet: ...Curious Chiasma: Rising and Falling Protection of Religious Freedom and Gender Equality Edward Mcglynn Gaffney, Jr. [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2002 The... 2002  
David B. Cruz Disestablishing Sex and Gender 90 California Law Review 997 (July, 2002) Introduction. 999 I. Conceptualizing Gender on the Model of Religion. 1005 A. Gender as Ideology and Organization. 1006 B. The Extra-Human Authority of Religion and Gender. 1011 C. Psychologies of Religion and Gender. 1016 D. Neutrality, Equality, and Democratic Citizenship in the United States. 1020 II. Disestablishing Gender in Theory. 1027 A....; Search Snippet: ...Review California Law Review July, 2002 Articles Disestablishing Sex and Gender David B. Cruz [Fnd1] Copyright © 2002 David B. Cruz Table... 2002  
Robert J. Aalberts, Thomas E. Boyt, Lorne H. Seidman Do Race/ethnicity and Gender Influence Criminal Defendants' Satisfaction with Their Lawyers' Services? An Empirical Study of Nevada Inmates 2 Nevada Law Journal 72 (Spring/Summer 2002) The American legal system embodies the values, history, and culture of American society. Within this system are the courts, an indispensable institution and tool of public policy designed to settle disputes, as well as to create and interpret the law. In recent years, the confidence of the American people in their court system has been in question....; Search Snippet: ...Law Journal Spring/summer 2002 Article Do Race/ethnicity and Gender Influence Criminal Defendants' Satisfaction with Their Lawyers' Services? An Empirical... 2002  
  Dueling Fates: Should the International Legal Regime Accept a Collective or Individual Paradigm to Protect Women's Rights? 24 Michigan Journal of International Law 347 (Fall 2002) University of Michigan Law School Room 250 Hutchins Hall Saturday, April 6, 2002 STEPHANIE BROWNING: Good morning. My name is Stephanie Browning; I'm the Editor in Chief of the Michigan Journal of International Law. On behalf of the Journal, I am pleased to welcome you to the Dueling Fates Symposium. Our next day and a half together promises to be...; Search Snippet: ...Legal Regime Accept a Collective or Individual Paradigm to Protect Women's Rights? Copyright (C) 2002 University of Michigan Law School; Hamid... 2002  
Nadine Lanctôt, Marc Le Blanc Explaining Deviance by Adolescent Females 29 Crime and Justice 113 (2002) The gender gap in deviance is well known. Why women's offending levels are much lower than men's is less evident. Three theoretical perspectives are influential. The first perspective applies mainstream criminological theories, typically based on male offenders, to female samples. The second perspective focuses on gender differences to explain...; Search Snippet: ...And Justice Crime and Justice 2002 Explaining Deviance by Adolescent Females Nadine Lanctôt, Marc Le Blanc [Fna1] Copyright © 2002 by University... 2002  
Naomi Cahn Faithless Wives and Lazy Husbands: Gender Norms in Nineteenth-century Divorce Law 2002 University of Illinois Law Review 651 (2002) The article examines the nature of marriage and the expectations of husbands and wives in nineteenth-century America by analyzing trial reports of famous nineteenth-century divorce cases. The article argues that the textured history of divorce law in the United States shows how the law has affected gendered marital roles through its regulation of...; Search Snippet: ...Illinois Law Review 2002 Article Faithless Wives and Lazy Husbands: Gender Norms in Nineteenth-century Divorce Law Naomi Cahn [Fna1] Copyright... 2002  
Kathryn M. Stanchi Feminist Legal Writing 39 San Diego Law Review 387 (Spring 2002) I. Introduction. 387 II. The Characteristics of Conventional Persuasive Legal Writing. 389 III. The Characteristics of Antilanguage. 399 IV. Feminist Legal Antilanguage. 402 A. Relexicalization. 405 B. Negation: Irony, Paradox, Sarcasm, and Reclassification. 408 C. Poetic Devices: Metaphor, Figures of Speech, and Rhythm. 416 D. Narrative Standpoint...; Search Snippet: ...Diego Law Review San Diego Law Review Spring 2002 Article Feminist Legal Writing Kathryn M. Stanchi [Fna1] Copyright © 2002 San Diego... 2002  
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