AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearEthnicity in Title or Summary
Angela Mae Kupenda For White Women: Your Blues Ain't like Mine, but We All Hide Our Faces and Cry-literary Illumination for White and Black Sister/friends 22 Boston College Third World Law Journal 67 (Winter, 2002) This essay is an experiment, seeking to facilitate honest and less defensive discussion about race and gender. Generally, discussions of race, gender and the law are difficult, but perhaps, the discourse can be facilitated through the lens of literature. My theory is that women are unable to claim a position of power because of divisive...; Search Snippet: ...College Third World Law Journal Winter, 2002 Article for White Women: Your Blues Ain't like Mine, but We All Hide Our... 2002 African/Black American
Deborah L. Rhode Gender and the Profession: the No-problem Problem 30 Hofstra Law Review 1001 (Spring 2002) It is a great honor and pleasure to have this opportunity among so many friends to discuss issues that have become increasingly central to our profession. It is a testament to our partial progress towards gender equality that Conference organizers believed that these issues were sufficiently important to showcase in a keynote address. Such topics...; Search Snippet: ...Review Spring 2002 Conference on Legal Ethics: What Needs Fixing? Gender and the Profession: the No-problem Problem Deborah L. Rhode... 2002  
Vicki C. Jackson Gender and Transnational Legal Discourse 14 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 377 (2002) Two years ago the Women, Justice, and Authority (WJA) Conference sponsored a panel on gender issues in a transnational context, whose discussion focused on how to advance and achieve gender equality. My own remarks focused on interfaces between different sources of law (state, national and international), on citizenship and on the constitutional...; Search Snippet: ...Women, Justice, and Authority Feminist Justice, at Home and Abroad Gender and Transnational Legal Discourse Vicki C. Jackson [Fna1] Copyright ©... 2002  
Katharine K. Baker Gender, Genes, and Choice: a Comparative Look at Feminism, Evolution, and Economics 80 North Carolina Law Review 465 (January, 2002) This Article compares the methodological similarities between evolutionary biology and conventional law and economics. It shows how these methodologies diverge, in critical and parallel ways, from what has come to be known as feminist method. In doing so, the Article suggests that feminists in the legal academy should be suspicious of the...; Search Snippet: ...Carolina Law Review North Carolina Law Review January, 2002 Article Gender, Genes, and Choice: a Comparative Look at Feminism, Evolution, And... 2002  
Laura M. Padilla Gendered Shades of Property: a Status Check on Gender, Race & Property 5 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 361 (Spring 2002) Approximately 75% of women between the ages of twenty and fifty-four now work, including nearly 65% of women with children under the age of six. Yet, women on average still earn between 70% to 75% of what men earn. Working women also continue to perform between two to three times as much housework as men, remain overwhelmingly responsible for child...; Search Snippet: ...2002 Article Gendered Shades of Property: a Status Check on Gender, Race & Property Laura M. Padilla [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2002 Journal... 2002  
Amy Sueyoshi, University of California, Los Angeles George Anthony Peffer, If They Don't Bring Their Women Here: Chinese Female Immigration Before Exclusion, Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1999. Pp. 184. $37.50 Cloth (Isbn 0-252-02469-9); $17.95 Paper (Isbn 0-252-06777-0). 20 Law and History Review 421 (Summer, 2002) [My father and mother live in San Francisco], in a store. [My father's name is] Tin Yung. [He has been here] about five years. When I lived with my grandfather [in China], my father sent letter to me and called me to go back to California; that he was in a store, testified fourteen-year-old Loy How in a plea to remain in America with her father...; Search Snippet: ...Book Review George Anthony Peffer, If They Don't Bring Their Women Here: Chinese Female Immigration Before Exclusion, Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1999. Pp... 2002  
Robert E. Shepherd, Jr. Girls in the Juvenile Justice System 9 William and Mary Journal of Women and the Law 31 (Fall, 2002) Over the last few years, America has witnessed a rather remarkable and unexpected reduction in crime generally, and an even more significant dip in serious and violent crimes committed by young offenders. However, while these general and substantial decreases were taking place across the board, the number of young women arrested for delinquent...; Search Snippet: ...Mary Journal of Women and the Law Fall, 2002 Articles Girls in the Juvenile Justice System Robert E. Shepherd, Jr. [Fna1... 2002  
Beverly A. Greene Heterosexism and Internalized Racism among African Americans: the Connections and Considerations for African American Lesbians and Bisexual Women: a Clinical Psychological Perspective 54 Rutgers Law Review 931 (Summer 2002) Clinical and counseling psychologists are charged with understanding the nature of human identities, evolution, and forms as a part of their struggle to understand behavior. How much of identity is fixed or fluid and what kinds of things influence how people come to see themselves and others are two of the many questions psychologists raise in...; Search Snippet: ...Vii: Race, Gender, and Sexuality Heterosexism and Internalized Racism among African Americans: the Connections and Considerations for African American Lesbians and Bisexual Women: a Clinical Psychological Perspective Beverly A. Greene [Fna1] Copyright ©... 2002 African/Black American
Alexandra Arriaga Hiv/aids and Violence Against Women 29-SUM Human Rights 18 (Summer, 2002) He used to shout at me . he beat me to get a confession, with a cane. He also demanded to have sex with me. Living in Kenya, Annette, age 25, told Amnesty International how she suffered repeated abuse by her husband and was beaten so badly that she required hospitalization, but could not afford it. Her husband abandoned her after she gave birth...; Search Snippet: ...Rights Human Rights Summer, 2002 Hiv/aids and Violence Against Women Alexandra Arriaga [Fna1] Copyright © 2002 by American Bar Association; Alexandra... 2002  
Jeffrey S. Adler I Loved Joe, but I Had to Shoot Him: Homicide by Women in Turn-of-the-century Chicago 92 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 867 (Spring/Summer 2002) During a 1914 murder trial, Chicago's State's Attorney Maclay Hoyne observed that while the honest woman, or the average woman, is less prone to commit crime than men . . . when a woman does become a criminal, she sinks lower and goes further in brutality and cruelty than the other sex. Like many of his contemporaries, Hoyne believed that women...; Search Snippet: ...Loved Joe, but I Had to Shoot Him: Homicide by Women in Turn-of-the-century Chicago Jeffrey S. Adler [Fna1... 2002  
Radhika Coomaraswamy Identity Within: Cultural Relativism, Minority Rights and the Empowerment of Women 34 George Washington International Law Review 483 (2002) For the last three decades, the concept of identity has taken center place in political, social, and cultural debates. Charles Taylor has conceptualized identity as the search for the authentic self. Anthony Appiah has argued that identity involves the playing out of narrative scripts that we have learned from childhood. Whether we root out...; Search Snippet: ...Identity Within: Cultural Relativism, Minority Rights and the Empowerment of Women Radhika Coomaraswamy [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2002 George Washington University; Radhika... 2002  
Leslie Ayers Is Mama a Criminal? An Analysis of Potential Criminal Liability of Hiv-infected Pregnant Women in the Context of Mandated Drug Therapy 50 Drake Law Review 293 (2002) As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. At birth, all children receive a gift-life. Some children also receive the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); however, the virus is not a gift. Pediatric HIV is a global issue of mammoth concern. Since recognition of the virus in 1981, more than 15,000 children have been...; Search Snippet: ...An Analysis of Potential Criminal Liability of Hiv-infected Pregnant Women in the Context of Mandated Drug Therapy Leslie Ayers Copyright... 2002  
Gretchen Ritter Jury Service and Women's Citizenship Before and after the Nineteenth Amendment 20 Law and History Review 479 (Fall, 2002) The Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution had surprisingly little impact on women's citizenship or the American constitutional order. For seventy-two years, from 1848 until the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920, suffrage was the central demand of the woman rights movement in the United States. Women demanded the right to vote in the...; Search Snippet: ...Law and History Review Fall, 2002 Article Jury Service and Women's Citizenship Before and after the Nineteenth Amendment Gretchen Ritter [Fna1... 2002  
  Justice by Gender: the Lack of Appropriate Prevention, Diversion and Treatment Alternatives for Girls in the Justice System 9 William and Mary Journal of Women and the Law 73 (Fall, 2002) The views expressed herein have not been approved by the House of Delegates or the Board of Governors of the American Bar Association and, accordingly, should not be construed as representing the policy of the American Bar Association. I am pleased to issue Justice by Gender: The Lack of Appropriate Prevention, Diversion and Treatment Alternatives...; Search Snippet: ...Of Women and the Law Fall, 2002 Articles Justice by Gender: the Lack of Appropriate Prevention, Diversion and Treatment Alternatives for Girls in the Justice System a Report Jointly Issued by The... 2002  
Doug Jones Justice for Four Little Girls 22 Alabama Association for Justice Journal 13 (Summer, 2002) On September 15, 1963, four young African-American girls, Denise McNair, Addie Mae Collins, Cynthia Wesley and Carol Robertson, died from a bomb blast that ripped into the ladies lounge of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham. The shockwave created by this senseless tragedy was felt around the world and proved to be a pivotal point in...; Search Snippet: ...For Justice Journal Summer, 2002 Feature Justice for Four Little Girls Doug Jones [Fna1] Copyright © 2002 by Alabama Association for Justice Journal; Doug Jones O N September 15, 1963, Four Young African- American Girls, Denise Mcnair, Addie Mae Collins, Cynthia Wesley and Carol Robertson... 2002 African/Black American
Vicki Lawrence MacDougall Medical Gender Bias and Managed Care 27 Oklahoma City University Law Review 781 (Fall 2002) I. Introduction II. A Wrong Without a Remedy A. Constitutional Attacks 1. Section 1985 2. The Equal-Protection Clause B. Personal Injury Actions 1. Medical Negligence Actions 2. The Doctrine of Informed Consent C. Legislation III. Medical Gender Bias A. The Genesis of Gender Bias B. The Gender Gap in Modern Medicine 1. Medical and Scientific...; Search Snippet: ...University Law Review Fall 2002 Healthcare and the Law Medical Gender Bias and Managed Care Vicki Lawrence Macdougall [Fna1] Copyright © 2002... 2002  
Robert B. Chapman Missing Persons: Social Science and Accounting for Race, Gender, Class, and Marriage in Bankruptcy 76 American Bankruptcy Law Journal 347 (Summer, 2002) There is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women, and there are families. A unit is the unit of analysis for an effect if and only if that effect is assessed against the variations among those units. [T]here is only one principle that can be defended under all circumstances and in all stages of human development. It is the...; Search Snippet: ...2002 Article Missing Persons: Social Science and Accounting for Race, Gender, Class, and Marriage in Bankruptcy Robert B. Chapman Copyright © 2002... 2002  
Joseph Cudjoe, Ph.D. , Tony A. Barringer, Ed.D. More than Mere Ripples: the Interwoven Complexity of Female Incarceration and the African-american Family 2 Margins: Maryland's Law Journal on Race, Religion, Gender, and Class 265 (Fall, 2002) An emerging theme in the United States prison system is the unprecedented growth of its inmate population. With an inmate population of nearly two million, the United States leads the industrialized world in its number of prisoners. The increasing prison population is evident at all levels of government, federal, state, and local. Masked by this...; Search Snippet: ...2002 Study More than Mere Ripples: the Interwoven Complexity of Female Incarceration and the African- American Family Joseph Cudjoe , Ph.d. [Fna1] Tony A. Barringer , Ed.d. [Fnaa1... 2002 African/Black American
Susan Berke Fogel Morning Panel: Recent Trends and Policy Developments at State & National Levels Featuring Marjorie Shultz, Lauren Sorrentino, and Susan Berke Fogel 17 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 216 (2002) I'm glad we ended on a question of patients' rights, because I will talk about an area in which patients don't have any rights (but I will try to end with something positive). I want to talk about a largely invisible struggle that we are engaged in here in the United States, which involves oppressive and restrictive religious doctrines limiting our...; Search Snippet: ...Called Mckeon V. Mercy of Sacramento. June Mckeon Is an African- American Woman Who Is an Administrator. She Was Fired and She Sued... 2002 African/Black American
Lauren Sorrentino Morning Panel: Recent Trends and Policy Developments at State & National Levels Featuring Marjorie Shultz, Lauren Sorrentino, and Susan Berke Fogel 17 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 209 (2002) Before I begin, I want to apologize on behalf of Sharon Levin. She very much wanted to be here today. But I also want to make clear that while I am going to cover some similar topics and draw your attention to a National Women's Law Center resource before I start talking about reproductive rights, I am not speaking on behalf of the National Women's...; Search Snippet: ...The Racial Disparities--the Leading Cause of Death for White Women Aged Twenty-four to Forty-four Is Accidents, While for Black and Latina Women the Leading Cause of Death Is Hiv. So That's Just... 2002 Multiple Groups
Ruben J. Garcia New Voices at Work: Race and Gender Identity Caucuses in the U.s. Labor Movement 54 Hastings Law Journal 79 (November, 2002) Introduction. 81 I. A Brief History of Minority Voice in the Labor Movement--The Historical and Contextual Need for Identity Caucuses in Unions. 92 A. Racism, Sexism, and Anti-Immigrant Sentiment in the Labor Movement. 92 B. Black Caucuses, 1964-1975. 94 C. Rank-and-File Protest Outside the Auto Industry. 97 D. Chicano/Chicana Insurgency. 100 E....; Search Snippet: ...Journal November, 2002 Article New Voices at Work: Race and Gender Identity Caucuses in the U.s. Labor Movement Ruben J. Garcia... 2002 African/Black American
Kimberly M. Mutcherson No Way to Treat a Woman: Creating an Appropriate Standard for Resolving Medical Treatment Disputes Involving Hiv-positive Children 25 Harvard Women's Law Journal 221 (Spring, 2002) A prime function of law is to prevent one person's truth (here about health and good life) from becoming another person's tyranny. In 1998, a single mother in Maine went to family court and ultimately the Maine Supreme Court to defend her decision not to give her child anti-HIV medications recommended by a physician. In the same year, child welfare...; Search Snippet: ...Law Journal Spring, 2002 Article No Way to Treat a Woman: Creating an Appropriate Standard for Resolving Medical Treatment Disputes Involving... 2002  
Khiara M. Bridges On the Commodification of the Black Female Body: the Critical Implications of the Alienability of Fetal Tissue 102 Columbia Law Review 123 (January, 2002) Recent scientific experimentation has revealed that fetal tissue yielded from abortions has remarkable therapeutic value. This Note posits that the demand for fetal tissue likely will expand to the point where the current supply no longer satisfies it. Therefore, in order to obtain tissue from women who would not otherwise donate their abortuses,...; Search Snippet: ...Review January, 2002 Note on the Commodification of the Black Female Body: the Critical Implications of the Alienability of Fetal Tissue... 2002 African/Black American
Alafair S. Burke Rational Actors, Self-defense, and Duress: Making Sense, Not Syndromes, out of the Battered Woman 81 North Carolina Law Review 211 (December, 2002) In this Article, Professor Burke recommends an alternative approach to understanding the conduct of battered women. Current advocacy on behalf of battered women accused of criminal offenses focuses on the now familiar battered woman syndrome theory. Although the battered woman syndrome theory has enjoyed broad support when asserted by defendants...; Search Snippet: ...And Duress: Making Sense, Not Syndromes, out of the Battered Woman Alafair S. Burke [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2002 North Carolina Law... 2002  
Nancy J. Reichman , Joyce S. Sterling Recasting the Brass Ring: Deconstructing and Reconstructing Workplace Opportunities for Women Lawyers 29 Capital University Law Review 923 (2002) The changing nature of private law practice today has been accompanied by increased rates of lawyer mobility. A study of lawyer compensation in Colorado revealed several interesting patterns women move more often than men, women move earlier in their careers than men, and women are more likely than men to make moves that are classified as...; Search Snippet: ...Recasting the Brass Ring: Deconstructing and Reconstructing Workplace Opportunities for Women Lawyers Nancy J. Reichman [Fna1] Joyce S. Sterling [Fnaa1] Copyright... 2002  
Mary Anne Case Reflections on Constitutionalizing Women's Equality 90 California Law Review 765 (May, 2002) In commenting on Kathleen Sullivan's Brennan Lecture, Constitutionalizing Women's Equality, I am, in a sense, continuing a conversation begun nearly fifteen years ago, in a seminar on Groups, Inequality, and the Constitution, which was the first course Sullivan taught as a professor and one of the last I took as a student at the Harvard Law School....; Search Snippet: ...Brennan Center Jorde Symposium on Constitutional Law Reflections on Constitutionalizing Women's Equality Mary Anne Case [Fnd1] Copyright (C) 2002 California Law... 2002  
Deborah E. Anker Refugee Law, Gender, and the Human Rights Paradigm 15 Harvard Human Rights Journal 133 (Spring, 2002) Underlying the [Refugee] Convention is the international community's commitment to the assurance of basic human rights without discrimination .. Persecution, for example, undefined in the Convention, has been ascribed the meaning of sustained or systemic violation of basic human rights demonstrative of a failure of state protection .. Canada v....; Search Snippet: ...2002 Boundaries in the Field of Human Rights Refugee Law, Gender, and the Human Rights Paradigm Deborah E. Anker [Fna1] Copyright... 2002  
Diane M. Nelson Relating to Terror: Gender, Anthropology, Law, and Some September Elevenths 9 Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy 195 (Summer 2002) Those forays into the interior are a source of strength for me. I feel close to the people there, and these moments make me forget other hurtful things in my life. I have seen new places where beauty and sorrow are intertwined, where there is a silent struggle to rise above pain and despair, to not surrender. But the miniscule changes occur...; Search Snippet: ...2002 Special Topic: Gender and War Commentaries Relating to Terror: Gender, Anthropology, Law, and Some September Elevenths Diane M. Nelson [Fna1... 2002  
Deanna Kwong Removing Barriers for Battered Immigrant Women: a Comparison of Immigrant Protections under Vawa I & Ii 17 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 137 (2002) In August 1994, Congress enacted the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA I), the first comprehensive federal legislation to adress specifically the issue of violence against women. VAWA I improved greatly the availability of overall support and resources for domestic violence survivors through (1) the creation of new criminal enforcement authority and...; Search Snippet: ...Law Journal 2002 Recent Developments Removing Barriers for Battered Immigrant Women: a Comparison of Immigrant Protections under Vawa I & Ii Deanna... 2002  
Francine R. Skenandore Revisiting Santa Clara Pueblo V. Martinez: Feminist Perspectives on Tribal Sovereignty 17 Wisconsin Women's Law Journal 347 (Fall 2002) Much has been written about tribal sovereignty. If those words have any meaning at all, they must mean that a tribe can make and enforce its decisions without regard to whether an external authority considers those decisions wise. To abrogate tribal decisions, particularly in the delicate area of membership, for whatever good reasons, is to...; Search Snippet: ...Journal Fall 2002 Comment Revisiting Santa Clara Pueblo V. Martinez: Feminist Perspectives on Tribal Sovereignty Francine R. Skenandore [Fna1] Copyright ©... 2002  
Joan Sangster She Is Hostile to Our Ways: First Nations Girls Sentenced to the Ontario Training School for Girls, 1933-1960 20 Law and History Review 59 (Spring, 2002) When industrial schools were initially proposed in late nineteenth-century Canada, they were perceived to be a common solution for the neglected and delinquent working-class boy of the urban slums and for the Aboriginal boy in need of similar education, discipline, and moral and vocational training. This undertaking briefly encapsulated the twinned...; Search Snippet: ...2002 Article She Is Hostile to Our Ways: First Nations Girls Sentenced to the Ontario Training School for Girls, 1933-1960 Joan Sangster [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2002 by Board... 2002  
Jacquelyn H. Slotkin Should I Have Learned to Cook? Interviews with Women Lawyers Juggling Multiple Roles 13 Hastings Women's Law Journal 147 (Summer 2002) An assistant U.S. Attorney in San Diego was driving her six-year-old son to a weekend soccer game. She asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up. He announced, policeman, fireman, professional soccer player. She asked, But don't you want to be a lawyer? He responded, Oh, Mom. Only girls are lawyers! Women have indeed come a long way....; Search Snippet: ...2002 Article Should I Have Learned to Cook? Interviews with Women Lawyers Juggling Multiple Roles Jacquelyn H. Slotkin [Fna1] Copyright ©... 2002  
Barbara Aronstein Black Something to Remember, Something to Celebrate: Women at Columbia Law School 102 Columbia Law Review 1451 (October, 2002) In this issue the Columbia Law Review joins in the celebration the 75th anniversary of the admission of women to the Columbia Law School. I am grateful to the editors of the Review for inviting me to contribute, and for the open-endedness of the invitation (or, in other words, what follows is my fault, not theirs). This has been an opportunity for...; Search Snippet: ...October, 2002 in Commemoration Something to Remember, Something to Celebrate: Women at Columbia Law School Barbara Aronstein Black [Fna1] Copyright ©... 2002 African/Black American
Nicola Y. Pinson The Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Program: Accepting Inequality for Undocumented Women? 17 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 122 (2002) On January 1, 2002 the recently enacted California Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Program (BCCTP) began funding breast and cervical cancer treatment for low-income, uninsured, and underinsured women in California. The new program expands the former Breast Cancer Treatment Program (BCTP) to include women with cervical cancer, and takes...; Search Snippet: ...Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Program: Accepting Inequality for Undocumented Women? Nicola Y. Pinson [Fnd1] Copyright (C) 2002 the Regents Of... 2002  
Deanna Rae Reitman The Collision Between the Rights of Women, the Rights of the Fetus and the Rights of the State: a Critical Analysis of the Criminal Prosecution of Drug Addicted Pregnant Women 16 Saint John's Journal of Legal Commentary 267 (Winter 2002) An estimated 375,000 infants are born each year affected by maternal drug abuse during pregnancy, requiring up to $100,000 of intensive medical care per child. A $37.5 million price tag has compelled courts and legislatures to take action, many imposing criminal sanctions against pregnant drug users. The use of criminal sanctions to deal with...; Search Snippet: ...Commentary Winter 2002 Note the Collision Between the Rights of Women, the Rights of the Fetus and the Rights of The... 2002  
LaMont Flanagan, J.D. The Female Offender: a Victim of Neglect 2 Margins: Maryland's Law Journal on Race, Religion, Gender, and Class 209 (Fall, 2002) There is no such thing as love anymore; the kind that is so strong that you can feel it in your bones. You know we used to feel that emotion when we looked into the faces of our mother, father, sisters, brothers, family and friends. There is no such thing as love anymore. At least not the deep satisfying kind that sits on your heart and influences...; Search Snippet: ...On Race, Religion, Gender, and Class Fall, 2002 Article the Female Offender: a Victim of Neglect Lamont Flanagan , J.d. [Fna1] Copyright... 2002  
Jason P. Conti The Forgotten Few: Campaign Finance Reform and its Impact on Minority and Female Candidates 22 Boston College Third World Law Journal 99 (Winter, 2002) Campaign finance reform attracts intense political, academic, and media attention. The debate swirling around the McCain-Feingold legislation in 2001 is evidence of the power of the issue. Despite the intensity of the spotlight, commentators and politicians often overlook an important element of any proposed reform: diversity. This Note...; Search Snippet: ...Few: Campaign Finance Reform and its Impact on Minority and Female Candidates Jason P. Conti [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2002 by Boston... 2002  
April L. Cherry The Free Exercise Rights of Pregnant Women Who Refuse Medical Treatment 69 Tennessee Law Review 563 (Spring, 2002) Pregnant women do not generally refuse to follow the treatment plans outlined by their attending physicians. Therefore, when they do refuse to submit to medical procedures that physicians deem are either beneficial to pregnant women or their fetuses, legal and ethical issues may arise. Law Professor Michelle Oberman has recently noted, At the...; Search Snippet: ...Review Spring, 2002 Articles the Free Exercise Rights of Pregnant Women Who Refuse Medical Treatment April L. Cherry [Fna1] Copyright ©... 2002  
Celesta A. Albonetti The Joint Conditioning Effect of Defendant's Gender and Ethnicity on Length of Imprisonment under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Drug Trafficking/manufacturing Offenders 6 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 39 (Spring/Summer 2002) During the last three decades, numerous studies have focused on the effects of extralegal defendant characteristics on sentence outcomes. Much of this research has examined the effect of the defendant's gender and/or the effect of the defendant's ethnicity on sentence severity. These studies have produced important findings establishing a...; Search Snippet: ...American Drug War Article the Joint Conditioning Effect of Defendant's Gender and Ethnicity on Length of Imprisonment under the Federal Sentencing... 2002  
Linda C. Morrison The National Association of Women Judges: Agent of Change 17 Wisconsin Women's Law Journal 291 (Fall 2002) Introduction. 292 I. Women in History and Law. 293 A. Background. 293 B. Founding the National Association of Women Judges. 294 C. Women Judges Before the 1970s. 294 1. Separatist Strategy Among Women Professionals. 295 2. Women Lawyers. 296 3. Work on Gender Equality Issues. 297 D. Women in the Judiciary. 298 II. History as a Tool for...; Search Snippet: ...Women's Law Journal Fall 2002 Article the National Association of Women Judges: Agent of Change Linda C. Morrison [Fna1] Copyright ©... 2002  
Jill Elaine Hasday The Principle and Practice of Women's "Full Citizenship": a Case Study of Sex-segregated Public Education 101 Michigan Law Review 755 (December, 2002) Introduction. 756 I. Heightened Scrutiny, Full Citizenship Stature, and Legal, Social, and Economic Inferiority . 759 A. The Uncertain Reach and Reasoning of Heightened Scrutiny. 759 B. Full Citizenship Stature and Legal, Social, and Economic Inferiority . 769 II. Sex-Segregated Public Education: A Case Study in Using History to Inform an...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review December, 2002 Articles the Principle and Practice of Women's Full Citizenship: a Case Study of Sex-segregated Public Education... 2002  
Josephine Ross The Sexualization of Difference: a Comparison of Mixed-race and Same-gender Marriage 37 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 255 (Summer, 2002) The past prohibition of mixed-race marriages in many U.S. states is often cited by those who support civil recognition of same-sex marriages. Advocates and scholars reason that just as it is no longer legal to deny marriage licenses on the basis of race, it should be illegal to deny marriage licenses on the basis of sex. Unfortunately, the...; Search Snippet: ...Sexualization of Difference: a Comparison of Mixed-race and Same- Gender Marriage Josephine Ross [Fna1] Copyright © 2002 by President and Fellows... 2002  
Sally F. Goldfarb The Supreme Court, the Violence Against Women Act, and the Use and Abuse of Federalism 71 Fordham Law Review 57 (October, 2002) I. INTRODUCTION. 58 II. A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN ACT'S CIVIL RIGHTS PROVISION. 64 III. THE VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN ACT AND FEDERALISM. 78 A. VAWA's Civil Rights Provision as a Model of Cooperative Rights Federalism. 79 B. VAWA's Civil Rights Provision and State-Federal Legislative Dialogue. 87 C. Judging VAWA's Civil Rights...; Search Snippet: ...Review October, 2002 Article the Supreme Court, the Violence Against Women Act, and the Use and Abuse of Federalism Sally F... 2002  
Ratna Kapur The Tragedy of Victimization Rhetoric: Resurrecting the "Native" Subject in International/post-colonial Feminist Legal Politics 15 Harvard Human Rights Journal J. 1 (Spring, 2002) Through traveling to other people's worlds we discover that there are worlds in which those who are the victims of arrogant perception are really subjects, lively beings, constructors of vision even though in the mainstream construction they are animated only by the arrogant perceiver and are pliable, foldable, file-awayable, classifiable....; Search Snippet: ...Victimization Rhetoric: Resurrecting the Native Subject in International/post-colonial Feminist Legal Politics Ratna Kapur [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2002 by President... 2002  
Celina Romany, Katherine Culliton The Un World Conference Against Racism: a Race-ethnic and Gender Perspective 9 No. 2 Human Rights Brief 14 (Winter, 2002) Over 10,000 delegates attended the United Nations World Conference Against Racism, Xenophobia, and Related Forms of Intolerance (WCAR) in Durban, South Africa at an historic moment. Only seven years earlier, the mobilization of worldwide protest condemning racism as a crime against humanity through the UN system played a significant role in the...; Search Snippet: ...The Un World Conference Against Racism: a Race-ethnic and Gender Perspective Celina Romany Katherine Culliton [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2002 By... 2002  
Monica Pa Towards a Feminist Theory of Violence 9 University of Chicago Law School Roundtable 45 (2002) While feminism has pushed to show that there is little difference between the sexes save biology, recorded criminal behavior had remained a stubborn exception to this rule. However, over the last ten years, women have broken through the glass ceiling of violent criminal offending. Women are now carjacking: in San Francisco, 14- and 15-year-old...; Search Snippet: ...University of Chicago Law School Roundtable 2002 Articles Towards a Feminist Theory of Violence Monica Pa [Fnd1] Copyright © 2002 University Of... 2002  
Sumi Cho Understanding White Women's Ambivalence Towards Affirmative Action: Theorizing Political Accountability in Coalitions 71 UMKC Law Review 399 (Winter 2002) I once attended a media-training workshop on affirmative action designed to enhance communications skills necessary to discuss affirmative action in the post-Proposition 209 climate. The consultants presented focus group data the most and least effective ways of swaying people to support affirmative action. Workshop attendees were instructed that...; Search Snippet: ...The Connections among Systems of Subordination Responses & Commentary Understanding White Women's Ambivalence Towards Affirmative Action: Theorizing Political Accountability in Coalitions Sumi... 2002  
Rebecca J. Huss Valuing Man's and Woman's Best Friend: the Moral and Legal Status of Companion Animals 86 Marquette Law Review 47 (Fall 2002) I. Introduction. 48 II. Philosophical Basis for the Moral Status of Animals. 52 A. Historical Views. 53 1. Greek History. 53 2. Religious Traditions. 55 B. Modern Theories on Animal Rights. 60 1. Contractualism. 60 2. Utilitarianism. 62 3. Inherent Valuation. 65 4. Other View Points. 67 III. Current Legal Status of Animals. 68 A. Property. 68 B....; Search Snippet: ...Review Marquette Law Review Fall 2002 Article Valuing Man's and Woman's Best Friend: the Moral and Legal Status of Companion Animals... 2002  
Chimène I. Keitner Victim or Vamp? Images of Violent Women in the Criminal Justice System 11 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 38 (2002) Why are our bodies soft and weak and smooth, Unapt to toil and trouble in the world, But that our soft conditions and our hearts Should well agree with our external parts? -Kate, The Taming of the Shrew, Act V. Sc. II The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages...; Search Snippet: ...Gender and Law 2002 Victim or Vamp? Images of Violent Women in the Criminal Justice System Chimène I. Keitner [Fna1] Copyright... 2002  
Petra Sami Watered down Constitutional Rights: a Hospital's Role in Prosecuting Pregnant Women for Drug Use in Ferguson V. City of Charleston 16 Saint John's Journal of Legal Commentary 767 (Fall 2002) In the wake of the dramatic rise in the use of illicit drugs in modern society, the resulting war on drugs, and more specifically, the prevalence of drug use among pregnant women and the media attention on the rise of crack use and poignant stories of crack babies, states began prosecuting drug-using pregnant mothers for such crimes as child...; Search Snippet: ...Watered down Constitutional Rights: a Hospital's Role in Prosecuting Pregnant Women for Drug Use in Ferguson V. City of Charleston Petra... 2002  
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