AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearEthnicity in Title or Summary
Jayne Elizabeth Zanglein Investment Without Education: the Disparate Impact on Women and Minorities in Self-directed Defined Contribution Plans 5 Employee Rights and Employment Policy Journal 223 (2001) I. Introduction. 223 II. The Employer's Need for Financial Certainty. 227 III. The Participant's Need for Financial Certainty. 230 IV. Gender and Ethic Disparity. 232 A. Coverage Rates. 232 B. Savings Rates and Receipt of Benefits. 235 C. Women are More Conservative than Men. 238 D. Minorities' Risk Aversion. 242 V. Planning Increases Savings. 244...; Search Snippet: ...Journal 2001 Article Investment Without Education: the Disparate Impact on Women and Minorities in Self-directed Defined Contribution Plans Jayne Elizabeth... 2001  
Dorian L. Eden Is it Constitutional and Will it Be Effective? An Analysis of Mandatory Hiv Testing of Pregnant Women 11 Health Matrix: Journal of Law-Medicine 659 (Summer 2001) NOTHING EVOKES MORE SYMPATHY than the image of an innocent baby afflicted with a terrible disease. However, each year thousands of babies are born with diseases that could have been prevented. One such disease is HIV. This paper will analyze the current debate over the constitutionality of mandatory HIV testing of pregnant women. My argument is...; Search Snippet: ...Be Effective? An Analysis of Mandatory Hiv Testing of Pregnant Women Dorian L. Eden [Fnd1] Copyright (C) 2001 Health Matrix: The... 2001  
Phyllis L. Crocker Is the Death Penalty Good for Women? 4 Buffalo Criminal Law Review 917 (2001) As I write this essay in the summer of 2000, the death penalty is beginning to undergo a profound reexamination in this country. In particular, Americans are troubled by growing evidence that innocent individuals have been convicted and sentenced to death. The issue of innocence, in conjunction with concerns about high reversal rates, prosecutorial...; Search Snippet: ...And the Criminal Law Is the Death Penalty Good for Women? Phyllis L. Crocker [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2001 Buffalo Criminal Law... 2001  
Robert J. Franklin Jefferson's Daughters: America's Ambiguity Towards Equal Pay for Women 11 Southern California Review of Law and Women's Studies 233 (Fall 2001) Not all regression analyses are more persuasive than all moral arguments; not all controlled experiments are more persuasive than all introspections. . . . . . . [P]eople can converse on the character of their introspections, and . . . reach conclusions as precise as human talk can. But even if it were true that regression is more precise, this...; Search Snippet: ...Review of Law and Women's Studies Fall 2001 Note Jefferson's Daughters: America's Ambiguity Towards Equal Pay for Women Robert J. Franklin [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2001 University of Southern... 2001  
Megan McCarthy Judicial Campaigns: What Can They Tell Us about Gender on the Bench? 16 Wisconsin Women's Law Journal 87 (Spring 2001) Over the past thirty years and particularly over the last decade, the number of women judges has increased dramatically. Although women in robes may once have been an anomaly, today it is the courthouse without a significant representation of women that is the anomaly. Nonetheless, as women have entered the legal profession in increasingly large...; Search Snippet: ...Student Papers Judicial Campaigns: What Can They Tell Us about Gender on the Bench? Megan Mccarthy [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2001 Wisconsin... 2001  
Nancy Levit Keeping Feminism in its Place: Sex Segregation and the Domestication of Female Academics 49 University of Kansas Law Review 775 (May, 2001) I noticed seven years ago the sex-segregated coat racks at my son's elementary school, little shelves carefully labeled Mrs. Fairchild's Boys and Mrs. Fairchild's Girls. This year, my daughter started kindergarten in the same building, and was greeted by the same, although slightly more frayed, labels, still conveying the clear message that it...; Search Snippet: ...Feminism in its Place: Sex Segregation and the Domestication of Female Academics Nancy Levit [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2001 Kansas Law Review... 2001  
Teresa A. Miller Keeping the Government's Hands off Our Bodies: Mapping a Feminist Legal Theory Approach to Privacy in Cross-gender Prison Searches 4 Buffalo Criminal Law Review 861 (2001) The power of privacy is diminishing in the prison setting, and yet privacy is the legal theory prisoners rely upon most to resist searches by correctional officers. Incarcerated women in particular rely upon privacy to shield them from the kind of physical contact that male guards have been known to abuse. The kind of privacy that protects...; Search Snippet: ...Law Keeping the Government's Hands off Our Bodies: Mapping a Feminist Legal Theory Approach to Privacy in Cross- Gender Prison Searches Teresa A. Miller [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2001 Buffalo... 2001  
Renée Römkens Law as a Trojan Horse: Unintended Consequences of Rights-based Interventions to Support Battered Women 13 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 265 (2001) The call to law and legal rights and their concomitant progress narratives figure centrally in late modern society. This pull is particularly characterized by an appeal to law as an instrument to bring about recognition of various social and political problems as civil rights issues. In many respects, domestic violence can be considered the premier...; Search Snippet: ...Horse: Unintended Consequences of Rights-based Interventions to Support Battered Women Renée Römkens [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2001 Yale Journal of Law... 2001  
Leslye Orloff Lifesaving Welfare Safety Net Access for Battered Immigrant Women and Children: Accomplishments and next Steps 7 William and Mary Journal of Women and the Law 597 (Spring, 2001) The United States is currently experiencing one of the largest waves of immigration in its history. Contrary to common assumptions, more than half of new immigrants are women. Despite this fact, U.S. immigration policy and most agencies serving immigrants have remained blind to gender differences and have treated all immigrants alike. Immigrant...; Search Snippet: ...2001 Article Lifesaving Welfare Safety Net Access for Battered Immigrant Women and Children: Accomplishments and next Steps Leslye Orloff [Fna1] Copyright... 2001  
Sherri A. Jayson Loving Infertile Couple Seeks Woman Age 18-31 to Help Have Baby. $6,500 plus Expenses and a Gift: Should We Regulate the Use of Assisted Reproductive Technologies by Older Women? 11 Albany Law Journal of Science and Technology 287 (2001) I. Introduction. 288 II. History of Assisted Reproductive Technology and Current Available Methods. 288 III. Procreative Rights. 294 A. Constitutional Rights. 294 B. Federal Regulation. 298 C. State Regulation. 299 IV. Individual Choice or Society's Judgment? Regulation of the Use of Assisted Reproductive Technology by Older Women. 302 A. History...; Search Snippet: ...Of Science and Technology 2001 Comment Loving Infertile Couple Seeks Woman Age 18-31 to Help Have Baby. $6,500 plus Expenses... 2001  
Becky Kruse Luck and Politics: Judicial Selection Methods and Their Effect on Women on the Bench 16 Wisconsin Women's Law Journal 67 (Spring 2001) Turn on a television these days, and you would think women judges have arrived. Click, and you have The Practice where female judge characters outnumber the men by two to one. Click. There is Judging Amy, an entire show devoted to the life of a female family court judge. Click. You hear the acerbic rantings of Judge Judy, who dominates the market...; Search Snippet: ...Luck and Politics: Judicial Selection Methods and Their Effect on Women on the Bench Becky Kruse [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2001 Wisconsin... 2001  
Regina Austin , Elizabeth M. Schneider Mary Joe Frug's Postmodern Feminist Legal Manifesto Ten Years Later: Reflections on the State of Feminism Today 36 New England Law Review 1 (Fall, 2001) Liz: On Saturday, March 31, 2001, a conference was held at New England School of Law in memory of Mary Joe Frug on the tenth anniversary of her death. The theme of the conference was Transgressing Borders: Women's Bodies, Identities and Families. Regina and I spoke at the opening plenary session. In preparation for the conference, we reread Mary...; Search Snippet: ...Borders: Women's Bodies, Identities and Families Mary Joe Frug's Postmodern Feminist Legal Manifesto Ten Years Later: Reflections on the State Of... 2001  
Judith A.M. Scully Maternal Mortality, Population Control, and the War in Women's Wombs: a Bioethical Analysis of Quinacrine Sterilizations 19 Wisconsin International Law Journal 103 (Spring, 2001) Quinacrine hydrochloride is a drug that was developed in the late 1920's to prevent and treat malaria. It is also used to treat several other diseases including giardiasis, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis. Given its history, it is hard to imagine how this drug became notoriously known as a female sterilization agent. In the past three decades, two...; Search Snippet: ...2001 Article Maternal Mortality, Population Control, and the War in Women's Wombs: a Bioethical Analysis of Quinacrine Sterilizations Judith A.m. Scully... 2001  
Jen Miller Note: the Evolving Law of Ideas in Girl Friends Productions, Inc. V. Abc, Inc. 2 North Carolina Journal of Law & Technology 67 (Spring 2001) I. Introduction II. Statement of the Case: Girl Friends Productions, Inc. v. ABC, Inc. III. Background Law A. The Requirement of Novelty B. The Waldman Cases 1. Waldman Publishing Corp. v. Landoll, Inc. 2. Attia v. Society of the New York Hospital IV. Significance of the Case V. Conclusion This Note discusses recent developments in the law of...; Search Snippet: ...Technology Spring 2001 Note: the Evolving Law of Ideas in Girl Friends Productions, Inc. V. Abc, Inc. Jen Miller Copyright ©... 2001  
Leslye E. Orloff , Janice v. Kaguyutan Offering a Helping Hand: Legal Protections for Battered Immigrant Women: a History of Legislative Responses 10 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 95 (2001) I. Introduction. 97 II. United States Immigration Laws Historically Fostered Domestic Abuse. 100 A. U.S. Immigration Law's Roots in Coverture. 100 B. Enhanced Danger to Battered Immigrants: The Immigration Marriage Fraud Amendments of 198. 101 III. Recent Changes in United States Immigration Laws that Attempt to Decrease the Frequency of Domestic...; Search Snippet: ...Article Offering a Helping Hand: Legal Protections for Battered Immigrant Women: a History of Legislative Responses [Fna1] Leslye E. Orloff [Fnaa1... 2001  
Maxine Eichner On Postmodern Feminist Legal Theory 36 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review Rev. 1 (Winter, 2001) Postmodernism has, in the past two decades, swept through the academy. While there is no agreement regarding what, exactly, postmodernism means, it is clear that many of the principles associated with it have profoundly changed the ways that scholars in many disciplines approach the study of their fields. In disciplines such as English and...; Search Snippet: ...Rights-civil Liberties Law Review Winter, 2001 Article on Postmodern Feminist Legal Theory Maxine Eichner [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2001 by President... 2001  
Nancy G. Maxwell Opening Civil Marriage to Same-gender Couples: a Netherlands-united States Comparison 18 Arizona Journal of International & Comparative Law 141 (Spring, 2001) This Article examines and compares the legal developments in the Netherlands and the United States concerning the right of same-gender couples to marry. These two countries were selected for this comparison because, in December of 2000, the Dutch Parliament enacted legislation that changed the definition of marriage to include same-gender couples,...; Search Snippet: ...Comparative Law Spring, 2001 Article Opening Civil Marriage to Same- Gender Couples: a Netherlands-united States Comparison [Fna1] Nancy G. Maxwell... 2001  
Susan B. Apel Privacy in Genetic Testing: Why Women Are Different 11 Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal L.J. 1 (Winter 2001) Two years ago, I attended an international conference on genetic testing in Rennes, France, where one panel was scheduled to discuss privacy and genetic testing. The specific topic was whether family members ought to have access to an individual's test results. My assumption, an admittedly naive and ill-informed one, was that no one, including...; Search Snippet: ...Law Journal Winter 2001 Article Privacy in Genetic Testing: Why Women Are Different Susan B. Apel [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2001 University... 2001  
Jean Reith Schroedel , Pamela Fiber Punitive Versus Public Health Oriented Responses to Drug Use by Pregnant Women 1 Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law & Ethics 217 (Spring 2001) During the past fifteen years, the term fetal abuse has been applied to physical and developmental harms caused by prenatal drug exposure, but not to other preventable threats to fetal well-being. Although Roe v. Wade established the legal rationale for fetal abuse prosecutions, which held that a state may have a compelling interest in intervening...; Search Snippet: ...Versus Public Health Oriented Responses to Drug Use by Pregnant Women Jean Reith Schroedel [Fna1] Pamela Fiber [Fnaa1] Copyright (C) 2001... 2001  
Jacqueline St. Joan , Nancy Ehrenreich Putting Theory into Practice: a Battered Women's Clemency Clinic 8 Clinical Law Review 171 (Fall 2001) This article describes a clinical course in which law students petitioned Colorado's governor for clemency on behalf of three women who had been convicted of homicide in the deaths of their batterers. It also describes the broader clemency project that evolved out of that course, in which volunteer attorneys submitted five additional clemency...; Search Snippet: ...Review Fall 2001 Article Putting Theory into Practice: a Battered Women's Clemency Clinic [Fna1] Jacqueline St. Joan [Fnaa1] Nancy Ehrenreich [Fnaaa1... 2001  
Christopher S. Hargis Queer Reasoning: Immigration Policy, Baker V. State of Vermont, and the (Non)recognition of Same-gender Relationships 10 Law and Sexuality: A Review of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Legal Issues 211 (2001) I. Introduction. 211 II. Historical Treatment of Homosexuality Under Immigration Law. 217 III. Marriage, Family, and Immigration Policy. 222 IV. Immigration Policy and Other Controversial Relationships--Polygamous and Incestuous Marriages. 227 A. Incestuous Marriages. 227 B. Polygamous Marriages. 229 V. Baker v. Vermont--Recognizing the Validity of...; Search Snippet: ...Baker V. State of Vermont, and the (Non)recognition of Same- Gender Relationships Christopher S. Hargis [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2001 Law And... 2001  
Gisela Webb Qur'an and Woman: Rereading the Sacred Text from a Woman's Perspective. By Amina Wadud. New York: Oxford University Press 1999. Pp. 118. $11.95. Isbn: 0-195-12836-2. 15 Journal of Law and Religion 519 (2000-2001) One cannot fully grasp the scope and significance of the work being done by and about women in Islam without reading Amina Wadud's Qur'an and Woman. This slim volume is probably the most widely read contemporary Qur'anic exegetical text in the world dealing with the concept of woman. In the decade since the publication of its first edition, printed...; Search Snippet: ...Applications: Family Law and the Role of Women Qur'an and Woman: Rereading the Sacred Text from a Woman's Perspective. By Amina Wadud. New York: Oxford University Press 1999... 2001  
Lucie E. White Raced Histories, Mother Friendships, and the Power of Care: Conversations with Women in Project Head Start 76 Chicago-Kent Law Review 1569 (2001) This Symposium marks the advent of a new feminist conver-sation about care. This is a moment that I welcome with a good deal of hope. Yet at the same time, it is a moment that I cannot help but witness with some despair. Why the mixed feelings? I feel hope because a new conversation about care is finally happening, and there are reasons to think...; Search Snippet: ...Histories, Mother Friendships, and the Power of Care: Conversations with Women in Project Head Start Lucie E. White [Fna1] Copyright ©... 2001  
David B. Mustard, University of Georgia Racial, Ethnic, and Gender Disparities in Sentencing: Evidence from the U.s. Federal Courts 44 Journal of Law & Economics 285 (April, 2001) This paper examines 77,236 federal offenders sentenced under the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984 and concludes the following. First, after controlling for extensive criminological, demographic, and socioeconomic variables, I found that blacks, males, and offenders with low levels of education and income receive substantially longer sentences. Second,...; Search Snippet: ...Economics Journal of Law & Economics April, 2001 Racial, Ethnic, and Gender Disparities in Sentencing: Evidence from the U.s. Federal Courts [Fna1... 2001 African/Black American
Clare McGlynn Reclaiming a Feminist Vision: the Reconciliation of Paid Work and Family Life in European Union Law and Policy 7 Columbia Journal of European Law 241 (Spring, 2001) The beginning of the twenty-first century is a symbolic moment to give shape to the new social contract on gender, in which de facto equality of men and women in the public and private domains will be socially accepted as a condition for democracy, a prerequisite for citizenship and a guarantee of individual autonomy and freedom, and will be...; Search Snippet: ...Columbia Journal of European Law Spring, 2001 Article Reclaiming a Feminist Vision: the Reconciliation of Paid Work and Family Life In... 2001  
Ryiah Lilith Reconsidering the Abuse That Dare Not Speak its Name: a Criticism of Recent Legal Scholarship Regarding Same-gender Domestic Violence 7 Michigan Journal of Gender & Law 181 (2001) Introduction. 182 I. Theoretical Issues. 185 A. The Non-Gendered Model of Domestic Violence. 185 B. Revisiting the Claim of Equal Frequency between Same-Gender and Opposite-Gender Domestic Violence. 190 1. Men who Beat the Men who Love Them (by David Island and Patrick Letellier). 192 2. Violent Betrayal: Partner Abuse in Lesbian Relationships (by...; Search Snippet: ...Name: [Fnd1] a Criticism of Recent Legal Scholarship Regarding Same- Gender Domestic Violence Ryiah Lilith [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2001 University Of... 2001  
Christina E. Wells , Erin Elliott Motley Reinforcing the Myth of the Crazed Rapist: a Feminist Critique of Recent Rape Legislation 81 Boston University Law Review 127 (February, 2001) Introduction. 128 I. Recent Legislative Initiatives Regarding Sexual Violence Against Women. 131 A . Laws Requiring Registration and Notification Regarding Sexual Offenders. 131 B. Sexual Predator Laws. 135 CFederal Rules of Evidence 413-415. 139 D . The Violence Against Women Act. 143 II. Deconstructing Rape. 145 A . A Brief History of Rape...; Search Snippet: ...2001 Article Reinforcing the Myth of the Crazed Rapist: a Feminist Critique of Recent Rape Legislation Christina E. Wells [Fna1] Erin... 2001  
Karen Knop , Christine Chinkin Remembering Chrystal Macmillan: Women's Equality and Nationality in International Law 22 Michigan Journal of International Law 523 (Summer 2001) I. Contemporary Relevance. 532 II. Nationality Under International And Domestic Law. 536 A. The Concept of Nationality. 536 B. Bases for Nationality. 542 III. Analyzing Women's Equality In Nationality Law. 544 A. First-Generation Issue of Equality: Nationality ofMarried Women. 544 B. Second-Generation Issues of Equality. 546 1. Ability to Pass...; Search Snippet: ...Journal of International Law Summer 2001 Article Remembering Chrystal Macmillan: Women's Equality and Nationality in International Law Karen Knop [Fna1] Christine... 2001  
  Report of the Race, Class, Ethnicity, and Gender Working Group 70 Fordham Law Review 411 (November, 2001) What should the Conference recommend to change the way parents involved with the child welfare system are treated by the system and perceived by the public, with particular emphasis on issues of race, class, ethnicity, and gender? The working group examined the way parents involved with the child welfare system are treated by the system and...; Search Snippet: ...Child Welfare System Report of the Race, Class, Ethnicity, and Gender Working Group [Fn1] Copyright (C) 2001 Fordham Law Review Charge... 2001  
Francine Banner Rewriting History: the Use of Feminist Narratives to Deconstruct the Myth of the Capital Defendant 26 New York University Review of Law and Social Change 569 (2000-2001) Those whom we would banish . . . from the human community . . . often speak in too faint a voice to be heard above society's demand for punishment. It is the particular role of the courts to hear these voices, for the Constitution declares that the majoritarian chorus may not alone dictate the conditions of social life. [W]hen you are powerless,...; Search Snippet: ...Social Change 2000-2001 Article Rewriting History: the Use of Feminist Narratives to Deconstruct the Myth of the Capital Defendant Francine... 2001  
Sally Engle Merry Rights, Religion, and Community: Approaches to Violence Against Women in the Context of Globalization 35 Law and Society Review 39 (2001) Within the burgeoning global discourse on human rights, gender violence provides one of the most important examples of the use of rights to tackle a newly defined social problem. A comparison of three quite different approaches to violence against women in a single town, each of which is rooted in a global movement, reveals sharp differences in the...; Search Snippet: ...2001 Article Rights, Religion, and Community: Approaches to Violence Against Women in the Context of Globalization Sally Engle Merry [Fna1] Copyright... 2001  
Christine Duh Saving Bernice: Battered Women, Welfare, and Poverty by Jody Raphael. Boston: Northeastern University Press, June 2000. 184 Pp. $45.00 Cloth, $16.95 Paper. 16 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 227 (2001) Saving Bernice is a harrowing glimpse at one woman's fight to get off welfare while coping with domestic violence. The story of Bernice, a young African-American woman, challenges many of the conventional views and stereotypes of single welfare mothers. Bernice is not part of a dependent class with no motivation to work, nor is she burdened by a...; Search Snippet: ...Berkeley Women's Law Journal 2001 Books Received Saving Bernice: Battered Women, Welfare, and Poverty by Jody Raphael. Boston: Northeastern University Press... 2001 African/Black American
Julie Goldscheid , Risa E. Kaufman Seeking Redress for Gender-based Biascrimes--charting New Ground in Familiar Legal Territory 6 Michigan Journal of Race and Law 265 (Spring 2001) Efforts to incorporate gender-based bias crimes into hate crime schemes have been met with both great progress and discouraging setbacks in recent years. While it should seem self-evident that gender animus can trigger bias-motivated violence much like attacks based on other forms of prejudice, legal recognition of gender-motivated violence as a...; Search Snippet: ...Symposium: Identities in the Year 2000 & Beyond Seeking Redress for Gender-based Biascrimes--charting New Ground in Familiar Legal Territory Julie... 2001  
Roger E. Hartley Senate Delay of Minority Judicial Nominees a Look at Race, Gender, and Experience 84 Judicature 190 (January/February, 2001) An unprecedented number of nominations have been delayed in recent years-- have minorities and females, as some critics charge, been delayed longer? Since 1997, the media have focused on the issue of confirmation delays for President Clinton's judi-cial nominations. Early in the controversy, there were real concerns that these delays had impacted...; Search Snippet: ...Senate Delay of Minority Judicial Nominees a Look at Race, Gender, and Experience Roger E. Hartley [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2001 By... 2001  
Marvin Dunson III Sex, Gender, and Transgender: the Present and Future of Employment Discrimination Law 22 Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law 465 (2001) I. Introduction. 466 II. The Treatment of Transgenders in Title VII Caselaw. 468 A. Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins--A Cause for Celebration?. 475 B. Make Room for Schwenk. 479 III. The Treatment of Transgenders in State Anti-Discriminatory Caselaw. 481 A. State Cases Refusing to Extend Protection to Transgenders. 482 B. State Cases Extending...; Search Snippet: ...Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law 2001 Comment Sex, Gender, and Transgender: the Present and Future of Employment Discrimination Law... 2001  
Tanya Katerí Hernández Sexual Harassment and Racial Disparity: the Mutual Construction of Gender and Race 4 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 183 (Spring 2001) I. Introduction II. Racial Disparity of Sexual Harassment A. The Statistical Data B. Early Explanations for the Statistical Pattern III. Prostitution Paradigm as a Causal Factor A. Historical Backdrop to the Prostitution Paradigm B. The Sex Tourism Comparison: Overt Expression of Racialized Gender Stereotypes 1. Sex Tourism Defined 2. Prevalence of...; Search Snippet: ...Articles Sexual Harassment and Racial Disparity: the Mutual Construction of Gender and Race Tanya Katerí Hernández [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2001 Journal... 2001  
Lina McMeans-Muloway Should the Drug Testing of Pregnant Women Fall Within the "Special Needs" Exception to the Warrant Requirement? An Examination of Ferguson et Al. V. City of Charleston, S.c., et Al. 3 Journal of Legal Advocacy and Practice 59 (2001) On October 4, 2000, the United States Supreme Court heard the case of Ferguson Et Al. v. City of Charleston, S.C., Et Al., an appeal from the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. The Court will be confronted with the question of whether the warrantless drug testing of pregnant women falls within the special needs exception to the Fourth Amendment...; Search Snippet: ...2001 Notes and Comments Should the Drug Testing of Pregnant Women Fall Within the Special Needs Exception to the Warrant Requirement... 2001  
Alyson Dodi Meiselman , Phyllis Randolph Frye , Katrina C. Rose Slavery, Sex & Gender, and the Ancient Doctrine of Stare Decisis: a Re-examination of the Doctrine in Light of Time-influenced Legal Reasoning and the Current State of Transgender Legal Issues 2 Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law 735 (Summer, 2001) The history of slavery provides a parallel to the present struggle of transgendered individuals. Our objective is to persuade the reader to advocate legally appropriate analyses of cases, which are presently used under the guise of stare decisis to block advances in the law. Litigation over issues - including gender identity - recurs with ever...; Search Snippet: ...Of Gender and the Law Summer, 2001 Article Slavery, Sex & Gender, and the Ancient Doctrine of Stare Decisis: a Re-examination... 2001  
Laura Ann Foster Social Security and African American Families: Unmasking Race and Gender Discrimination 12 UCLA Women's Law Journal 55 (Fall/Winter 2001) Despite the greater dependency on social security of African Americans and women, specific elements of the social security system discriminate against these groups by penalizing dual-income couples, centralizing marriage, and linking benefits to wages. Although the redistribution of income under social security is complex and scholars debate the...; Search Snippet: ...Fall/winter 2001 December 2001 Recent Development Social Security and African American Families: Unmasking Race and Gender Discrimination Laura Ann Foster [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2001 Regents Of... 2001 African/Black American
Risa E. Kaufman State Eras in the New Era: Securing Poor Women's Equality by Eliminating Reproductive-based Discrimination 24 Harvard Women's Law Journal 191 (Spring, 2001) The U.S. Supreme Court dramatically curtailed federal provisions guaranteeing women's equality during its 1999-2000 term. Securing its legacy of heralding in a new era of federalism by restricting Congress' power to enact laws, the Rehnquist Court invalidated the Civil Rights Remedy of the Violence Against Women Act and held that states are...; Search Snippet: ...Recent Development State Eras in the New Era: Securing Poor Women's Equality by Eliminating Reproductive-based Discrimination Risa E. Kaufman [Fna1... 2001  
Elizabeth Rapaport Staying Alive: Executive Clemency, Equal Protection, and the Politics of Gender in Women's Capital Cases 4 Buffalo Criminal Law Review 967 (2001) Clemency in capital cases, once routine, has become a rare event in the contemporary death penalty era. Although the majority of state executives enjoy the traditional plenary power in clemency cases, very few have used it liberally. As use of the power has declined, the political risks of commutation have intensified. The contemporary governor...; Search Snippet: ...Staying Alive: Executive Clemency, Equal Protection, and the Politics of Gender in Women's Capital Cases Elizabeth Rapaport [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2001 Buffalo Criminal... 2001  
Kay Levine, Virginia Mellema Strategizing the Street: How Law Matters in the Lives of Women in the Street-level Drug Economy 26 Law and Social Inquiry 169 (Winter, 2001) The criminal law (indeed all law) matters . . . because it is a resource. . . . It is a source of support that people may draw on in the same way they draw on other resources in their environment such as savings accounts, accumulated human capital, and the availability of others to help them achieve their goals. Law may be an intangible resource,...; Search Snippet: ...Strategizing the Street: How Law Matters in the Lives of Women in the Street-level Drug Economy Ewick, Patricia, and Susan... 2001  
Heather Johnston Nicholson, Mary F. Maschino Strong, Smart, and Bold Girls: the Girls Incorporated® Approach to Education 29 Fordham Urban Law Journal 561 (December, 2001) Girls Incorporated® (Girls Inc.) is a national, nonprofit youth organization that inspires all girls to be strong, smart and bold. The organization's vision is to empower girls and help create an equitable society. Its roots go back to the Industrial Revolution when young women left their family farms to work in the textile mills of the...; Search Snippet: ...Urban Law Journal December, 2001 Article Strong, Smart, and Bold Girls: the Girls Incorporated® Approach to Education Heather Johnston Nicholson Mary F. Maschino... 2001  
Andrea Marsh Testing Pregnant Women and Newborns for Hiv: Legal and Ethical Responses to Public Health Efforts to Prevent Pediatric Aids 13 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 195 (2001) I. MEDICAL BACKGROUND. 199 A. EPIDEMIOLOGY OF HIV/AIDS IN WOMEN AND CHILDREN. 199 B. PERINATAL TRANSMISSION OF HIV. 200 C. DIAGNOSIS OF HIV INFECTION IN WOMEN AND INFANTS. 204 D. DISEASE PROGRESSION AND RECOMMENDED MEDICAL TREATMENT FOR CHILDREN WITH PERINATALLY ACQUIRED HIV INFECTION. 205 II. THE HISTORICAL CONTEXT OF CONTROLLING WOMEN'S...; Search Snippet: ...Feminism Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 2001 Article Testing Pregnant Women and Newborns for Hiv: Legal and Ethical Responses to Public... 2001  
Reva B. Siegel Text in Contest: Gender and the Constitution from a Social Movement Perspective 150 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 297 (November, 2001) The American feminist movement has twice mobilized for constitutional change. The constitutional amendment secured by the first-wave feminist movement is no longer of consequence, while the constitutional amendment sought by the second-wave feminist movement was never ratified. Yet today, courts and commentators agree that the Constitution...; Search Snippet: ...2001 Symposium Social Movements and Law Reform Text in Contest: Gender and the Constitution from a Social Movement Perspective Reva B... 2001  
Laura T. Kessler The Attachment Gap: Employment Discrimination Law, Women's Cultural Caregiving, and the Limits of Economic and Liberal Legal Theory 34 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 371 (Spring 2001) Title VII has prohibited employment discrimination on the basis of pregnancy since 1978, when Congress passed the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA), but it does not require employers to recognize women's caregiving obligations beyond the immediate, physical events of pregnancy and childbirth. The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA)...; Search Snippet: ...Reform Spring 2001 Article the Attachment Gap: Employment Discrimination Law, Women's Cultural Caregiving, and the Limits of Economic and Liberal Legal... 2001  
Nimish R. Ganatra The Cultural Dynamic in Domestic Violence: Understanding the Additional Burdens Battered Immigrant Women of Color Face in the United States 2 Journal of Law in Society 109 (Winter, 2001) The women's movement has made significant progress on many issues over the past thirty years. Included among the accomplishments are the gains achieved by the anti-domestic violence movement in making violence against women a crime and a growing concern for society. However, not all of the intended beneficiaries of the anti-domestic violence...; Search Snippet: ...Dynamic in Domestic Violence: Understanding the Additional Burdens Battered Immigrant Women of Color Face in the United States Nimish R. Ganatra... 2001  
Devon W. Carbado , Mitu Gulati The Fifth Black Woman 11 Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues 701 (2001) This symposium raises a pointed question about intersectionality: What is its future? The short answer is that the future of intersectionality is promising. In part, this promise derives from the foundation intersectionality has laid for the construction of an entire set of new theories of discrimination. One such theory is identity performance. In...; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues 2001 Article the Fifth Black Woman Devon W. Carbado [Fna1] Mitu Gulati [Fnaa1] Copyright (C) 2001... 2001 African/Black American
Janet C. Hoeffel The Gender Gap: Revealing Inequities in Admission of Social Science Evidence in Criminal Cases 24 University of Arkansas at Little Rock Law Review 41 (Fall, 2001) The history of the admission of Battered Woman Syndrome and Rape Trauma Syndrome evidence reveals more than the favorable disposition of courts towards women as victims of violence. It reveals a more basic bias in the application of the rules of evidence in a criminal case. Whereas the evidentiary pendulum is in theory weighted to swing in favor of...; Search Snippet: ...Altheimer Symposium the Impact of Science on Legal Decisions the Gender Gap: Revealing Inequities in Admission of Social Science Evidence In... 2001  
Erin Meehan Richmond The Interface of Poverty and Violence Against Women: How Federal and State Welfare Reform Can Best Respond 35 New England Law Review 569 (Winter, 2001) [V]iolence affects poor women in two critical ways: it makes them poor and it keeps them poor. In the United States, violence against women has reached epidemic proportions. The National Clearinghouse on Domestic Violence reports that in the United States men batter three to four million women a year. The United States Congress has allocated...; Search Snippet: ...Winter, 2001 Note the Interface of Poverty and Violence Against Women: How Federal and State Welfare Reform Can Best Respond [Fna1... 2001  
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