AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearEthnicity in Title or Summary
Wendy Webster Williams Georgetown Hallways 1 Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law 181 (Fall, 1999) I've been thinking about the title of this Symposium, Hostile Hallways--the hallways of schools and workplaces and courts and legislatures and apartment buildings and homes--all the places where a person should be able to feel that she belongs, all the places where, when the world is right, she feels safe, competent, whole, fully human, and part of...; Search Snippet: ...One Percent of the Student Body. In 1952 the First African- American Women Came. Why They Let Us in Here Is Not Entirely... 1999 African/Black American
Isabelle R. Gunning Global Feminism at the Local Level: Criminal and Asylum Laws Regarding Female Genital Surgeries 3 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 45 (Fall 1999) This essay is one example of a Critical Race Feminist/Critical Race Theorist exploration of the impact of the implementation of international law--or norms through domestic legislation--on women of color at the local level. Global norms that have been hammered out at the international level by feminists of all nationalities are subject to...; Search Snippet: ...Feminism at the Local Level: Criminal and Asylum Laws Regarding Female Genital Surgeries Isabelle R. Gunning [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1999 Journal... 1999  
Michael H. Shapiro I Want a Girl (Boy) Just like the Girl (Boy) That Married Dear Old Dad (Mom): Cloning Lives 9 Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal 1 (Winter 1999) I. INTRODUCTION. 5 A. Life Is Hell, Especially for Human Clones, because They Are Tainted by Their Odious Origins. 5 B. The Planned Commentary. 8 C. If Cloning Is Procreation, Who Is Doing the Procreating?. 18 D. A Note on Disclosure of Clonehood. 18 II. COMMON ATTACKS ON CLONING; REMARKS ON JUNK COMMENTARY, ASEXUALITY, DUPLICATION, AND THE...; Search Snippet: ...Law Journal Winter 1999 December, 1999 Article I Want a Girl (Boy) Just like the Girl (Boy) That Married Dear Old Dad (Mom): Cloning Lives Michael... 1999  
Joan Williams Implementing Antiessentialism: How Gender Wars Turn into Race and Class Conflict 15 Harvard BlackLetter Law Journal 41 (Spring, 1999) This is in response to A.C.T. in Houston, the stay-at-home mom who complained because her husband wanted her to get an outside job. My question for her is this: Who does she think does the cooking, tutoring, sewing, laundry and housekeeping in a home where both parents work? Does she think the Keebler elves come in and cook meals, wash clothes...; Search Snippet: ...Journal Spring, 1999 the Categories of Difference Implementing Antiessentialism: How Gender Wars Turn into Race and Class Conflict Joan Williams [Fna1... 1999  
Nancy L. Cook In Celia's Defense: Transforming the Story of Property Acquisition in Sexual Harassment Cases into a Feminist Castle Doctrine 6 Virginia Journal of Social Policy and the Law 197 (Winter 1999) Introduction. 200 Part I. The Story: Something for Celia. 207 Part II. Law and Divers Diversions. 235 Interlude. 235 Overview of the Law of Self-Defense. 236 Condition Precedent Number One: Fear Celia's Reality. 237 The Law. 237 A Diversion ... Foundations of Criminal Law: Or, Monocausation, Predictable Consequences, Individual Responsibility, and...; Search Snippet: ...Story of Property Acquisition in Sexual Harassment Cases into a Feminist Castle Doctrine Nancy L. Cook [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1998 Virginia... 1999  
Berta Esperanza Hernández-Truyol Latina Multidimensionality and Latcrit Possibilities: Culture, Gender, and Sex 53 University of Miami Law Review 811 (July, 1999) This essay explores the multiple margins that Latinas inhabit both within majority society and their comunidad Latina because of their compounded outsider status in all their possible communities. Exploring the concept and theme of Between/Beyond Colors: Outsiders Within Latina/o Communities elucidates both the challenges and the possibilities...; Search Snippet: ...Inter-group Solidarity: Mapping the Internal/external Dynamics of Oppression Latina Multidimensionality and Latcrit Possibilities: Culture, Gender, and Sex (C) Berta Esperanza Hernández-truyol [Fna1] Copyright ©... 1999 Hispanic/Latinx American
Julia Anastasio Legislative Developments in the Regulation of Insurance Coverage: Will These New Regulations Benefit Women with Breast Cancer? 7 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 55 (1999) I. Introduction. 56 II. A Discussion of Breast Cancer from Diagnosis to Treatment. 58 A. Diagnosis. 58 B. Treatment. 59 III. The Insurance Industry's Response to This New Treatment. 61 A. The Classification Between Experimental and Conventional. 61 B. Moving From Experimental to Conventional. 67 C. The Appeal Process. 68 IV. A Discussion of ERISA...; Search Snippet: ...The Regulation of Insurance Coverage: Will These New Regulations Benefit Women with Breast Cancer? Julia Anastasio [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1999 American... 1999  
Christine Rack Negotiated Justice:gender & Ethnic Minority Bargainingpatterns in the Metrocourt Study 20 Hamline Journal of Public Law and Policy 211 (Spring 1999) Small claims mediation, a process of facilitated negotitations, raises important questions about the quality and meaning of justice. This article shows how disputants in the MetroCourt study appeared to react where negotiating legal decisions was nominally voluntary. It highlights two issues in interest-based mediation that are critical to justice...; Search Snippet: ...Law and Policy Spring 1999 Guest Writer Article Negotiated Justice: Gender & Ethnic Minority Bargainingpatterns in the Metrocourt Study [Fn1] Christine Rack... 1999  
  Not Just Race, Not Just Gender: Black Feminist Readings 20 Women's Rights Law Reporter 211 (Spring-Summer 1999) Valerie Smith's focus in Not Just Race, Not Just Gender is on the intersectionality of race, gender, class, and sexuality. Intersectionality refers to the ways in which each category acts upon the others. Specifically, Smith tries to show how the ostensible dominance of one category masks both the operation of the others and the interconnections...; Search Snippet: ...Summer 1999 Book Summary [Fna1] Not Just Race, Not Just Gender: Black Feminist Readings [Fnaa1] Copyright (C) 1999 Women's Rights Law Reporter, Rutgers... 1999 African/Black American
Susan M. Sterett On Citizenship 33 Law and Society Review 777 (1999) For the last two years, I have spent Saturdays in February at lunar new year celebrations. The new year is a time for reconciliation, renewal, and house cleaning. My daughter and I go out for dim sum and watch a lion dance, startled by the firecrackers set off to scare off the past year's bad spirits. We also go to a potluck; families bring...; Search Snippet: ...On Citizenship Candice Lewis Bredbenner, a Nationality of Her Own: Women, Marriage, and the Law of Citizenship. Berkeley and Los Angeles... 1999  
Phyllis T. Bookspan , Maxine Kline On Mirrors and Gavels: a Chronicle of How Menopause Was Used as a Legal Defense Against Women 32 Indiana Law Review 1267 (1999) C1-6table of Contents L1-6 L1-5,T5Dedication 1267 L1-5,T5Introduction 1268 a. L4-5,T5what is the Menopause Defense? 1270 b. L4-5,T5the Menopause Defense as a Manifestation of Gender Discrimination 1273 I. L3-5,T5The Menopause Taboo 1275 a. L4-5,T5myths, Mystery and Misinformation: Historical Overview 1277 b. L4-5,T5nineteenth and Twentieth Century...; Search Snippet: ...Of How Menopause Was Used as a Legal Defense Against Women Phyllis T. Bookspan [Fna1] Maxine Kline [Fnaa1] Copyright (C) 1999... 1999  
Pamela J. Smith ; Part Ii--romantic Paternalism--the Ties That Bind: Hierarchies of Economic Oppression That Reveal Judicial Disaffinity for Black Women and Men 3 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 181 (Fall 1999) Preface I. Introduction II. Black Women and Economic Exploitation: No Romance and No Paternalistic Protection A. Economic Exploitation of Black Women's Labor B. Expanded Economic Exploitation 1. Exploitation Shown Through Type of Work Availability 2. Exploitation Shown Through Wage Disparities C. Black Women's Quasi-Protection Under Sex Plus D....; Search Snippet: ...Hierarchies of Economic Oppression That Reveal Judicial Disaffinity for Black Women and Men Pamela J. Smith [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1999 Journal... 1999 African/Black American
Pamela J. Smith Part I--romantic Paternalism--the Ties That Bind Also Free: Revealing the Contours of Judicial Affinity for White Women 3 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 107 (Fall 1999) Preface I. Introduction II. Romantic Paternalism of Old: Law as a Cage A. Civic Disenfranchisement Under Romantic Paternalism B. Political Disenfranchisement Under Romantic Paternalism C. Educational Disenfranchisement Under Romantic Paternalism D. Economic Disenfranchisement Under Romantic Paternalism III. Broadening of Romantic Paternalism A....; Search Snippet: ...Also Free: Revealing the Contours of Judicial Affinity for White Women Pamela J. Smith [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1999 Journal of Gender... 1999  
Esther K. Arinaga Profiles of Women Lawyers Who Led the Way 3-OCT Hawaii Bar Journal 52 (October, 1999) The first woman lawyer admitted to practice in Hawaii was Hilo resident, Almeda Hitchcock. Her name was officially entered in the Attorney Register of the Hawaii Supreme Court on October 29, 1888. Hitchcock was the only attorney of her gender admitted in the nineteenth century. In the intervening years before statehood, a period of about seven...; Search Snippet: ...Journal Hawaii Bar Journal October, 1999 Centennial Celebration Profiles of Women Lawyers Who Led the Way Esther K. Arinaga [Fna1] Copyright... 1999 Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
Michelle S. Jacobs Prostitutes, Drug Users, and Thieves: the Invisible Women in the Campaign to End Violence Against Women 8 Temple Political & Civil Rights Law Review 459 (Spring 1999) We are coming to the end of thirty full years of feminist grass roots organizing, scholarly examination, and legislative and judicial efforts made to understand the complexities of the phenomenon of violence directed against women. Efforts to craft solutions to eliminate violence against women have been partially successful in raising public...; Search Snippet: ...Against Women Symposium Prostitutes, Drug Users, and Thieves: the Invisible Women in the Campaign to End Violence Against Women by Michelle S. Jacobs [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1999 Temple University... 1999  
Sean B. Berberian Protecting Children: Explaining Disparities in the Female Offender's Pretrial Process, and Policy Issues Surrounding Lenient Treatment of Mothers 10 Hastings Women's Law Journal 369 (Summer 1999) [W]omen defendants . . . appear to have received more lenient sentences, but we have not been able to determine whether the small differences observed relate just to gender, or instead reflect actual differences between men and women defendants, differences, for example, relating to [the] effect on children of incarceration . . . . Professor Vicki...; Search Snippet: ...Journal Summer 1999 Article Protecting Children: Explaining Disparities in the Female Offender's Pretrial Process, and Policy Issues Surrounding Lenient Treatment Of... 1999  
Jon Delano Provocative Seminar Raises Gender Questions but Few Answers 1 No. 7 Lawyers Journal J. 6 (7/2/1999) What's gender got to do with it? If you attended the recent Bench-Bar retreat in Seven Springs, you might have been among the 150 lawyers and judges who participated in the Women in Law's superb program on the role of gender in the courtroom. The fact that anyone could discuss this issue is a sign of some improvement. After all, thirty years ago...; Search Snippet: ...2, 1999 Both Ends of Grant Street Provocative Seminar Raises Gender Questions but Few Answers Jon Delano [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1999... 1999  
Adam Thurschwell Radical Feminist Liberalism 51 Rutgers Law Review 745 (Spring, 1999) In her last book, The Imaginary Domain, Drucilla Cornell began the project of reconciling her distinctive approach to feminist theory with the Kantian tradition of liberal political philosophy. Achieving this objective would be no mean feat, since Cornell's feminismwhich she calls ethical feminism is grounded in entirely different, and in...; Search Snippet: ...511379 Rutgers Law Review Rutgers Law Review Spring, 1999 Radical Feminist Liberalism at the Heart of Freedom: Feminism, Sex, & Equality, By... 1999  
Linda C. McClain Reconstructive Tasks for a Liberal Feminist Conception of Privacy 40 William and Mary Law Review 759 (March, 1999) If liberal conceptions of privacy survive appropriately vigorous feminist critique and re-emerge in beneficially reconstructed forms, then why haven't more feminists gotten the message and embraced, rather than spurned, such privacy? If liberal privacy survives feminist critique, does it face an even more serious threat if contemporary society has...; Search Snippet: ...Rights Law Symposium: Reconstructing Liberalism Reconstructive Tasks for a Liberal Feminist Conception of Privacy Linda C. Mcclain [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1999... 1999  
Peggie R. Smith Regulating Paid Household Work: Class, Gender, Race, and Agendas of Reform 48 American University Law Review 851 (April, 1999) Introduction. 852 I. Origins of a Movement. 860 A. The Elaboration of Needs . 861 B. The Servant Problem. 864 II. To Be Free. 868 A. This Day Never Ends. 869 B. Blackstone's Forgotten Servant. 875 C. To Be White and Free. 877 III. The Business of Regulating Privilege. 882 A. Self Regulation: The Contract Solution. 883 B. The Legislative Campaign....; Search Snippet: ...Law Review April, 1999 Article Regulating Paid Household Work: Class, Gender, Race, and Agendas of Reform Peggie R. Smith [Fna1] Copyright... 1999 African/Black American
Joanna Burger Risk and Recreation: Differences Due to Gender, Age and Education 10 Risk: Health, Safety and Environment 109 (Spring, 1999) In the coming decades, the Department of Energy (DOE) will be making decisions regarding their mission for future land uses of many of its former weapons production sites in 34 states. The DOE is considering seven land use options: agriculture, residential, recreational, open space/recreation, open space, industrial/commercial, and...; Search Snippet: ...And Environment Spring, 1999 Risk and Recreation: Differences Due to Gender, Age and Education [Fna1] Joanna Burger [Fnaa1] Copyright (C) 1999... 1999  
Carrie Peterson Separation Anxiety and Boot Camp: Why Basic Training Should Remain Gender-integrated 17 Law & Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice 139 (Winter, 1999) Several members of Congress are supporting legislation to separate men and women in basic training in the military for a variety of reasons, including sexual harassment and sexual relations between men and women. The push for such legislation began with several incidents involving multiple fraternization, sexual harassment and rape charges at the...; Search Snippet: ...Separation Anxiety and Boot Camp: Why Basic Training Should Remain Gender-integrated Carrie Peterson [Fna1] Copyright (C) by the Law And... 1999  
Leslie Acoca , Myrna S. Raeder Severing Family Ties: the Plight of Nonviolent Female Offenders and Their Children 11 Stanford Law and Policy Review 133 (Winter, 1999) In the rush to make America safe by incarcerating ever-growing numbers of the population, little attention has been focused on the plight of nonviolent female offenders and their children. Their invisibility is due in part to the public's fixation on criminals who are dangerous male predators. Few women commit the types of crime that grab the...; Search Snippet: ...December, 1999 Symposium Severing Family Ties: the Plight of Nonviolent Female Offenders and Their Children Leslie Acoca [Fna1] Myrna S. Raeder... 1999  
Kilolo Kijakazi Social Security and Women of Color 16 New York Law School Journal of Human Rights 225 (Symposium, 1999) Thank you. Social Security has been one of the Country's most successful social programs. The program was responsible for reducing the poverty rate among the elderly from about 48 percent to about 12 percent in 1997. Social Security is the major source of income for 2/3 of beneficiaries age 65 and older. In addition, the program has...; Search Snippet: ...The Social Security System and Women Today Social Security and Women of Color Kilolo Kijakazi Copyright ( C) 1999 New York Law... 1999  
Allison M. Dussias Squaw Drudges, Farm Wives, and the Dann Sisters' Last Stand: American Indian Women's Resistance to Domestication and the Denial of Their Property Rights 77 North Carolina Law Review 637 (January, 1999) This article discusses the Dann sisters' struggle against the federal government for legal recognition of their right to graze livestock on Western Shoshone ancestral land. It places this struggle within the context of U.S. policy towards the Indians, policy which historically has denied the property rights of Indian women and attempted to...; Search Snippet: ...Squaw Drudges, Farm Wives, and the Dann Sisters' Last Stand: American Indian Women's Resistance to Domestication and the Denial of Their Property Rights... 1999 American Indian/Alaskan Native
STACY CAPLOW Still in the Dark: Disappointing Images of Women Lawyers in the Movies 20 Women's Rights Law Reporter 55 (Spring-Summer 1999) For many of us, Atticus Finch, the principled hero of the movie To Kill a Mockingbird, was our first positive legal role model. We may have heard of Clarence Darrow or known that Abraham Lincoln was a country lawyer before becoming president, and we may have even read Harper Lee's unforgettable book, but it was the dignified, sagacious, and...; Search Snippet: ...Summer 1999 Article Still in the Dark: Disappointing Images of Women Lawyers in the Movies Stacy Caplow [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1999... 1999  
Jay C. Carlisle Synopsis of the Report of the Second Circuit Task Force on Gender, Racial and Ethnic Fairness in the Courts 19 Pace Law Review 431 (Spring 1999) The recent Report of the Second Circuit Task Force on Gender, Racial, and Ethnic Fairness in the Courts (Taskforce) observes some biased conduct toward parties and witnesses based on gender or race or ethnicity has occurred on the part of both judges and lawyers. Biased conduct toward lawyers based on gender or race or ethnicity, has occurred...; Search Snippet: ...Of the Report of the Second Circuit Task Force on Gender, Racial and Ethnic Fairness in the Courts Jay C. Carlisle... 1999  
Pamela J. Smith Teaching the Retrenchment Generation: When Sapphire Meets Socrates at the Intersection of Race, Gender, and Authority 6 William & Mary Journal of Women and the Law 53 (Fall, 1999) The story of black women law professors in the legal academy has yet to be [fully] told. This [Article continues] . . . the process of creating a record of our experiences as teachers, scholars, administrators, and participants in the law school culture. This Article is about perceptions and the negative sociological factors that feed these...; Search Snippet: ...Generation: When Sapphire Meets Socrates at the Intersection of Race, Gender, and Authority Pamela J. Smith [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1999 College... 1999 African/Black American
Edward J. McCaffery The Burdens of Benefits 44 Villanova Law Review 445 (1999) FAIRY tales typically have happy endings, and these typically involve the creation or recreation of a stable, patriarchal nuclear family. The Prince rescues the Damsel in Distress, the two get married, and everyone lives happily ever after--the no-longer distressed damsel to stay home and bear children, the Prince to ascend to the throne and...; Search Snippet: ...Mary Joe Frug, Entitled Still Hostile after All These Years? Gender, Work & Family Revisited. I Thank the Conference Organizers and Participants... 1999  
Margaret A. Cain The Civil Rights Provision of the Violence Against Women Act: its Legacy and Future 34 Tulsa Law Journal 367 (Winter, 1999) I. Violence Against Women in America. 368 A. Rape. 369 1. The Problem of Rape in America. 369 2. Inadequacy of the State Response to Rape. 371 a. Definitional Problems. 371 b. Misperceptions of Rape Victims. 373 B. Domestic Violence. 375 1. The Problem of Domestic Violence in America. 375 2. Inadequacy of the State Response to Domestic Violence....; Search Snippet: ...1999 Comment the Civil Rights Provision of the Violence Against Women Act: its Legacy and Future Margaret A. Cain Copyright ©... 1999  
Deborah Brake The Cruelest of the Gender Police: Student-to-student Sexual Harassment and Anti-gay Peer Harassment under Title Ix 1 Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law 37 (Fall, 1999) I. Title IX's Treatment of Peer Sexual Harassment: Why Does School Inaction Discriminate on the Basis of Sex?. 43 A. Before Davis v. Monroe County Board of Education: The Lower Courts' Approaches to Discrimination. 44 B. The Meaning of Discrimination in Davis: Did the School Cause the Discrimination?. 47 C. School Inaction Causes the...; Search Snippet: ...In Schools March 4, 1999 Article the Cruelest of the Gender Police: Student-to-student Sexual Harassment and Anti-gay Peer... 1999  
Barbara Phillips Sullivan The Gift of Hopwood: Diversity and the Fife and Drum March Back to the Nineteenth Century 34 Georgia Law Review 291 (Fall, 1999) The term diversity is a curious word appearing with increasing frequency at a time when popular opinion and the judiciary are signaling a hostility toward equality claims by African-Americans. The term and the debate about its value as an institutional interest play a significant role in federal court decisions that address issues of equality and...; Search Snippet: ...Equal-protection Violation by Providing a Sex-segregated Program for Women at Mary Baldwin College While Continuing the Male-only Admission... 1999 African/Black American
Osa A. Benson The Intersection of Race, Sex, and Parental Status: Employment Discrimination Against Single Black Women with Children 4 Howard Scroll: The Social Justice Law Review 37 (Fall, 1999) In the United States, Black women work in a White male-dominated labor force where they may encounter both racism and sexism. This combined effect of racial and sexual discrimination creates a social and economic condition for Black women that is often worse than that of Black men or White women. The result is that Black women are the lowest paid...; Search Snippet: ...Race, Sex, and Parental Status: Employment Discrimination Against Single Black Women with Children Osa A. Benson [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1999 Howard... 1999 African/Black American
Berta Esperanza Hernández-Truyol The Latindia and Mestizajes : of Cultures, Conquests, and Latcritical Feminism 3 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 63 (Fall 1999) Who is your mother? is an important question. . . . Failure to know your mother, that is, your position and its attendant traditions, history, and place in the scheme of things, is failure to remember your significance, your reality, your right relationship to earth and society. It is the same as being lost . . . . La historia del pueblo cubano,...; Search Snippet: ...Promote its Anti-subordination Ideals. Iv. Latcritical Feminism One Leading Feminist American Indian Scholar Has Observed That the Cultural Lens Through Which Popular... 1999 Hispanic/Latinx American
Jon Gould The Triumph of Hate Speech Regulation: Why Gender Wins but Race Loses in America 6 Michigan Journal of Gender & Law 153 (1999) I. Sexual Harassment Law and Campus Speech Codes 156 II. Disparity in Judicial Treatment 164 A. Sexual Harassment 165 B. Hate Speech Codes 168 III. Traditional Explanations for the Disparity 170 A. Employment vs. Educational Settings 170 B. Special Status of Colleges and Universities 178 C. Universities Overstepping Their Own...; Search Snippet: ...Law 1999 Articles the Triumph of Hate Speech Regulation: Why Gender Wins but Race Loses in America Jon Gould [Fna1] Copyright... 1999  
Jennifer Gerarda Brown To Give Them Countenance: the Case for a Women's Law School 22 Harvard Women's Law Journal L.J. 1 (Spring, 1999) In November 1997, I was privileged to attend a summit on women in legal education hosted by Mills College and its Women's Leadership Institute in Oakland, California. As Janet Holmgren, president of Mills College, explained in her introductory remarks, the summit grew out of her conversation with LaDoris Cordell, a member of Mills's Board of...; Search Snippet: ...1999 Essay to Give Them Countenance: the Case for a Women's Law School Jennifer Gerarda Brown [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1999 By... 1999  
Taunya Lovell Banks Toward a Global Critical Feminist Vision: Domestic Work and the Nanny Tax Debate 3 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 1 (Fall 1999) I. Introduction II. The Under Regulation of Domestic Labor A. Domestic Work Is Not Real Work B. Domestic Work Is a Private Matter C. Domestic Work as Women's Work III. Legislative Narrative: Framing the Public Policy Debate A. The Legislative Debates About Employees B. The Legislative Debates About Employers C. Public Debates: What's in a...; Search Snippet: ...Race and Justice Fall 1999 Article Toward a Global Critical Feminist Vision: Domestic Work and the Nanny Tax Debate Taunya Lovell... 1999  
Douglas D. Scherer Unbending Gender: Why Family and Work Conflict and What to Do about It. Joan Williams. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. 338 Pp. $30.00. 3 Employee Rights and Employment Policy Journal 349 (1999) Unbending Gender: Why Family and Work Conflict and What To Do About It breaks new ground with its analysis of the disadvantages faced by family caregivers in the American workplace and its advocacy of family-friendly employer practices. Professor Joan Williams also offers a probing critique of feminist jurisprudence as it relates to work and family...; Search Snippet: ...Employee Rights and Employment Policy Journal 1999 Book Review Unbending Gender: Why Family and Work Conflict and What to Do About... 1999  
Connie M. Mayer Unique Mental Health Needs of Hiv-infected Women Inmates: What Services Are Required under the Constitution and the Americans with Disabilities Act? 6 William & Mary Journal of Women and the Law 215 (Fall, 1999) The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) began receiving reports about a condition eventually known as Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) in 1981. By 1983, scientists had identified a new human retrovirus called HIV, or Human Immunodeficiency Virus, that was responsible for AIDS. Since that time, the number of persons with HIV infection and...; Search Snippet: ...Fall, 1999 Article Unique Mental Health Needs of Hiv-infected Women Inmates: What Services Are Required under the Constitution and The... 1999  
Lisa A. Crooms Using a Multi-tiered Analysis to Reconceptualize Gender-based Violence Against Women as a Matter of International Human Rights 33 New England Law Review 881 (Summer, 1999) According to a recent U.S. Department of Health and Human Services report, child abuse and neglect are on the decline. In 1997, the number of reported cases decreased to just under one million. Three-quarters of all reported cases involved parents and one-third were linked to substance abuse. The relationship between child abuse and neglect, on the...; Search Snippet: ...Summer, 1999 Article Using a Multi-tiered Analysis to Reconceptualize Gender-based Violence Against Women as a Matter of International Human Rights Lisa A. Crooms... 1999  
Curtis Nyquist, Patrick Ruiz and Frank Smith Using Students as Discussion Leaders on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Issues in First-year Courses 49 Journal of Legal Education 535 (December, 1999) One of the authors, Nyquist, is a nongay white biologically male law teacher. Ruiz is a heteroqueer evolved-male (the now-antiquated term is transsexual) Hispanic law student. Smith is a gay white biologically male law student. Both Ruiz and Smith are active in the Les-Bi-Gay-Trans Caucus at the New England School of Law and have been involved in...; Search Snippet: ...Article Using Students as Discussion Leaders on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Issues in First-year Courses Curtis Nyquist Patrick Ruiz... 1999 Hispanic/Latinx American
Ilene Durst Valuing Women Storytellers: What They Talk about When They Talk about Law 11 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 245 (1999) I urge literature upon lawyers and law students to teach how the culture of the law attracts and repels those who enter its province. Novels are profoundly useful tools to study human nature, and I teach these books as a strategy, not a panacea, to counter many of the ills attributed to legal education and lawyering today. Here, I offer two...; Search Snippet: ...And Feminism Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 1999 Article Valuing Women Storytellers: What They Talk about When They Talk about Law... 1999  
Laurie Schaffner Violence and Female Delinquency: Gender Transgressions and Gender Invisibility 14 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 40 (1999) Elizabeth Martin, a bright, blonde, sixteen-year-old valley-girl from suburban Northern California, was detained in a juvenile probation facility when I met her. She gave the following explanation for her current situation: I was in detention in Oakland and my dad came to pick me up from there. On the way home, I told my dad, Give me the cell...; Search Snippet: ...Law Journal Berkeley Women's Law Journal 1999 Article Violence and Female Delinquency: Gender Transgressions and Gender Invisibility Laurie Schaffner [Fnd1] Copyright (C) 1999 Berkeley Women's Law... 1999  
  We Want Bread, We Want Roses an Interview with Drucilla Cornell 51 Rutgers Law Review 1031 (Symposium, 1999) In this interview, Professor Cornell discusses the complexities of her vision of freedom, namely: the imaginary domain; affirmative action; language rights; international women's rights; teaching law; and the future of feminism. Deborah Milgate : For you, to arrive at the heart of freedom, we must begin with the demand that women, and indeed,...; Search Snippet: ...For the Fact That We're Born a Man or a Woman or African American or White, or That We're Poor. The Kantian Position Is... 1999 African/Black American
Linda L. Ammons What's God Got to Do with It? Church and State Collaboration in the Subordination of Women and Domestic Violence 51 Rutgers Law Review 1207 (Summer, 1999) In this Article, Professor Ammons explores the role of Judeo-Christian institutions, ideology, and doctrine in promoting women's subordination and in condoning domestic violence. Professor Ammons traces how the dogma of male supremacy is construed from Biblical narratives, becomes part of church codified hierarchical gender roles, particularly...; Search Snippet: ...With It? Church and State Collaboration in the Subordination of Women and Domestic Violence Linda L. Ammons [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1999... 1999  
Elizabeth Bernstein What's Wrong with Prostitution? What's Right with Sex Work? Comparing Markets in Female Sexual Labor 10 Hastings Women's Law Journal 91 (Winter 1999) This article stems from an interest in some of the recent debates in American feminist theory over sexuality and empowerment. By the late eighties, participants in the already polarized sexuality debates had formed two clearly demarcated camps around such policy issues as pornography and prostitution, and around the underlying questions of power,...; Search Snippet: ...With Prostitution? What's Right with Sex Work? Comparing Markets in Female Sexual Labor [Fnd1] Elizabeth Bernstein [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1999 Hastings... 1999  
Louise B. Raggio Women Lawyers in Family Law 33 Family Law Quarterly 501 (Fall, 1999) We have to keep moving. The danger is to think we've got it made. The story of women in law this century has its roots in the last century. In 1872, Myra Bradwell of Illinois had a case appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court with the absurd proposition that she was a person as defined in the Constitution. She wanted a license to practice law in...; Search Snippet: ...Family Law Quarterly Fall, 1999 Family Law and American Culture Women Lawyers in Family Law Louise B. Raggio [Fna1] Copyright ©... 1999  
Slema Moidel Smith Women Lawyers: a Century of Achievement 9-WTR Experience 24 (Winter, 1999) NAWL's earliest decades marked the entrance of women lawyers into the life of the organized legal profession. NAWL's second half-century has demonstrated the increasing role of women lawyers in the profession and society. Now let us review a few highlights of the association's recent decades. NAWL has been a constant participant in the...; Search Snippet: ...Experience 24 1999 Wl 361430 Experience Experience Winter, 1999 Feature Women Lawyers: a Century of Achievement the Centennial of the National Association of Women Lawyers Slema Moidel Smith [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1999 by The... 1999  
Russell Nieli Women, Gays, and the Constitution: the Grounds for Feminism and Gay Rights in Culture and Law 44 American Journal of Jurisprudence 163 (1999) David Richards has written another book. Like two of his earlier works in a similar genre, the book under review is an ambitious attempt to combine historical analysis, constitutional interpretation, and a rights-based version of moral theory that has been heavily influenced by the writings of Ronald Dworkin and John Rawls. Both the constitutional...; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Jurisprudence American Journal of Jurisprudence 1999 Book Review Women, Gays, and the Constitution: the Grounds for Feminism and Gay... 1999  
Mary Louise Fellows A Feminist Interpretation of the Law and Legitimacy 7 Texas Journal of Women and the Law 195 (Spring, 1998) I am actually going to continue Professor Ead's discussion on procreation and think about it in a slightly different way. As an inheritance law scholar, the definition of the parent-child relationship has obvious importance to me because it determines who is an heir. As a feminist scholar, the definition is also significant to me because the legal...; Search Snippet: ...1998 Symposium on Family Law: Emerging Issues Symposium Remarks a Feminist Interpretation of the Law and Legitimacy Mary Louise Fellows [Fna1... 1998  
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