AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearEthnicity in Title or Summary
Sam Joyner A Planetary Survey of Feminist Jurisprudence: If Men Are from Mars and Women Are from Venus, Where Do Lawyers Come From? 33 Tulsa Law Journal 1019 (Spring & Summer, 1998) 'Tis woman's strongest vindication for speaking that the world needs to hear her voice .... The world has had to limp along with the wobbling gait and the one-sided hesitancy of a man with one eye. Suddenly the bandage is removed from the other eye and the whole body is filled with light. It sees a circle where before it saw a segment. The darkened...; Search Snippet: ...Law Journal Spring & Summer, 1998 Remark a Planetary Survey of Feminist Jurisprudence: If Men Are from Mars and Women Are from Venus, Where Do Lawyers Come From? [Fna1] Honorable... 1998  
Monica J. Stamm A Skeleton in the Closet: Single-sex Schools for Pregnant Girls 98 Columbia Law Review 1203 (June, 1998) One of the many challenges that a pregnant teenager faces is the completion of her education. Multiple hurdles stand in her way, and in response, some school districts have established separate schools for pregnant girls. These programs which apparently comply with the Constitution and the relevant federal statutes, Title IX and the EEOA, receive...; Search Snippet: ...A Skeleton in the Closet: Single-sex Schools for Pregnant Girls Monica J. Stamm Copyright (C) 1998 Directors of the Columbia... 1998  
Marcellene Elizabeth Hearn A Thirteenth Amendment Defense of the Violence Against Women Act 146 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1097 (April, 1998) Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. In 1994, with bipartisan support, Congress...; Search Snippet: ...1998 Comment a Thirteenth Amendment Defense of the Violence Against Women Act Marcellene Elizabeth Hearn [Fnd1] Copyright (C) 1998 University Of... 1998  
Jeffrey Selbin , Mark Del Monte A Waiting Room of Their Own: the Family Care Network as a Model for Providing Gender-specific Legal Services to Women with Hiv 5 Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy 103 (Spring, 1998) What were the conditions in which women lived, I asked myself . I've had this damn virus for almost ten years now. I've been taking care of everybody else and beating down doors trying to get help for me and other women with HIV. People have got to understand that we've got our own needs-- it's our turn now. As the fastest growing segment of the...; Search Snippet: ...Own: the Family Care Network as a Model for Providing Gender-specific Legal Services to Women with Hiv Jeffrey Selbin [Fna1] Mark Del Monte [Fnaa1] Copyright... 1998  
Katharine K. Baker A Wigmorian Defense of Feminist Method 49 Hastings Law Journal 861 (March, 1998) I have been asked to comment on Aviva Orenstein's paper. This is a particularly pleasant task because I agree with almost everything she said. Federal Rule of Evidence 412 is good. The recently enacted Federal Rule of Evidence 413 is bad. Social science evidence should be used to help eradicate the effects of cultural stereotypes and the use of...; Search Snippet: ...Law Panel 6 - Character Evidence Revisited a Wigmorian Defense of Feminist Method Katharine K. Baker [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1998 Hastings College... 1998  
Jeffrey Rosen After 'One Angry Woman' 1998 University of Chicago Legal Forum 179 (1998) In 1996, I set out to test a widely accepted hypothesis about race and juries: namely, that race-based jury nullification was on the rise. In the wake of the O.J. Simpson trials, the question of whether white and black jurors were capable of transracial agreement had created something of a civic crisis. The stark contrast in the ways that white and...; Search Snippet: ...Forum University of Chicago Legal Forum 1998 after One Angry Woman Jeffrey Rosen [Fnd1] Copyright (C) 1998 University of Chicago; Jeffrey... 1998 African/Black American
Valorie Vojdik Afterword: a Thought about Feminist Litigation Strategies 20 Western New England Law Review 139 (1998) As a feminist litigator, I continue to struggle with the decision of the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD) in Stropnicky v. Nathanson, which held that Judith Nathanson's decision to represent only women in divorce proceedings constitutes unlawful sex discrimination. The contributors persuasively advance a number of reasons...; Search Snippet: ...Critical Reflection on Stropnicky V. Nathanson Afterword: a Thought about Feminist Litigation Strategies Valorie Vojdik [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1998 Western New... 1998  
Gwenn O'Hara All Too Familiar: Sexual Abuse of Women in U.s. Prisons New York: Human Rights Watch, 1996. 347 Pp. $20.00 Paper. 13 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 319 (1998) The rate of women entering U.S. prisons has risen 400 percent since 1980. One of the major crises facing these incarcerated women is sexual abuse at the hands of correctional officers. All Too Familiar is a study by the Human Rights Watch Women's Rights Project. It details the problem facing women in the United States, and in particular, imprisoned...; Search Snippet: ...Journal 1998 Books Received All Too Familiar: Sexual Abuse of Women in U.s. Prisons New York: Human Rights Watch, 1996. 347... 1998  
Diane Klein Ally Mcbeal and Her Sisters: a Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Representations of Women Lawyers on Prime-time Television 18 Loyola of Los Angeles Entertainment Law Journal 259 (1998) Calista Flockhart, a Golden Globe recipient for her portrayal of the title character on Fox's Ally McBeal, is the latest actress to play what has become a familiar television role: the female lawyer in prime-time. In times past, even a woman who graduated first in her law school class might end up with Della Street's job--secretary to lawyer Perry...; Search Snippet: ...Her Sisters: a Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Representations of Women Lawyers on Prime-time Television Diane Klein [Fna1] Copyright ©... 1998  
  Alternative Sanctions for Female Offenders 111 Harvard Law Review 1921 (May, 1998) Female offenders by their very existence disrupt traditional models of criminality and punishment. The paradigmatic image of a criminal--in statistical fact, in the popular media, and in the literature of criminology --is that of a man. Female offenders' increasing presence in the criminal justice system, then, challenges traditional assumptions...; Search Snippet: ...Review May, 1998 Developments in the Law Alternative Sanctions for Female Offenders Copyright (C) 1998 Harvard Law Review Association Female Offenders... 1998  
  Appendix I. Countdown to the Millennium: a Look at the Revelation of St. John the Divine 23 Oklahoma City University Law Review 841 (Fall, 1998) Between what matters and what seems to matter, how should the world we know judge wisely? --E.C. Bentley The reader faced for the first time with the Book of Revelation, a Jesuit priest observed in 1993, is understandably bewildered. (Daniel J. Harrington, S.J., Revelation (Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press, 1993), p. xiii.) He then...; Search Snippet: ...The Opportunity Available by Seating Myself next to an Elderly African- American Woman Who Was Reading a Well-thumbed Bible. It Was Soon... 1998 African/Black American
Tonya Plank Approximating Procne : the Role of Literature in Feminist Jurisprudence and Advocacy 19 Women's Rights Law Reporter 213 (Winter 1998) In short, if literature and law are read together, despite the personal agonies that inevitably ensue, the reputed objectivity of the male world of law--and, one supposes, economics, humanities, literature--cannot long be sustained. Law informs literature as well as literature informing law. . . Scrutinizing the literary origins of societal...; Search Snippet: ...Book Review Approximating Procne [Fna1] : the Role of Literature in Feminist Jurisprudence and Advocacy a Review of Beyond Portia: Women, Law, & Literature in the United States Tonya Plank [Fnaa1] Copyright... 1998  
Kathleen Waits Battered Women and Their Children: Lessons from One Woman's Story 35 Houston Law Review 29 (1998) I. Introduction. 30 II. Mary's Story. 33 A. Background and Methodology. 33 B. Mary's Story. 34 III. Lessons from Mary's Story. 67 A. Support Counts: You Can Make a Difference in the Victim's Life. 67 B. Lawyers and Other Professionals Matter. 69 C. Attitudes Need to Change More than the Law. 71 D. Process Counts. 73 E. Do With the Battered Woman,...; Search Snippet: ...Symposium: Domestic Violence and the Health Care System Article Battered Women and Their Children: Lessons from One Woman's Story Kathleen Waits [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1998 Houston Law Review... 1998  
Heather Tonsing Battered Women Syndrome as a Tort Cause of Action 12 Journal of Law and Health 407 (1998) I. Overview of Battered Women Syndrome. 409 A. The Battering Cycle. 411 B. Learned Helplessness. 412 C. Other Factors Affecting Battered Women. 413 D. Health Implications of Battered Women Syndrome. 415 II. Battered Women Syndrome in the Criminal Context. 417 A. Self-Defense and Expert Testimony on Battered Women Syndrome. 418 B. Battered Women...; Search Snippet: ...And Health Journal of Law and Health 1998 Note Battered Women Syndrome as a Tort Cause of Action Heather Tonsing [Fn312... 1998  
Martha M. Ertman Commercializing Marriage: a Proposal for Valuing Women's Work Through Premarital Security Agreements 77 Texas Law Review 17 (November, 1998) com-merce . . . 1: social intercourse: interchange of ideas, opinions, or sentiments 2: the exchange or buying and selling of commodities on a large scale involving transportation from place to place 3: SEXUAL INTERCOURSE syn see BUSINESS The dictionary definition of commerce reveals the close, sometimes synonymous, relationship between finance and...; Search Snippet: ...Review November, 1998 Article Commercializing Marriage: a Proposal for Valuing Women's Work Through Premarital Security Agreements Martha M. Ertman [Fna1] Copyright... 1998  
Sabina F. Crocette Considering Hybrid Sex and Age Discrimination Claims by Women: Examining Approaches to Pleading and Analysis - a Pragmatic Model 28 Golden Gate University Law Review 115 (Spring 1998) Many mid-life to older women face employment discrimination that does not fit easily into already existing categories under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (the ADEA), or the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII) because the discrimination often involves a fusion of both age and sex. The discrimination cases brought by older...; Search Snippet: ...1998 Comment Considering Hybrid Sex and Age Discrimination Claims by Women: Examining Approaches to Pleading and Analysis - a Pragmatic Model Sabina... 1998  
John Garrett Penn D.c. Circuit: Study of Gender, Race, and Ethnic Bias 32 University of Richmond Law Review 765 (5/1/1998) Matthew J. DeVries The District of Columbia Circuit became the first federal circuit to establish a Task Force on race and gender bias. In 1992, the Task Force, which was comprised of judges from the D.C. Circuit, created two committees--the Special Committee on Gender and the Special Committee on Race and Ethnicity--to assist the Task Force in its...; Search Snippet: ...May 1998 Symposium the Federal Courts D.c. Circuit: Study of Gender, Race, and Ethnic Bias the Honorable John Garrett Penn [Fna1... 1998  
Paula C. Johnson Danger in the Diaspora: Law, Culture and Violence Against Women of African Descent in the United States and South Africa 1 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 471 (Spring 1998) Prologue I. Introduction II. Comparison of the Systems of Oppression in the United States and South Africa III. Comparison of the Systems of Oppression Against Black Women in the United States and South Africa A. Overview B. Social Status of Black South African Women C. Social Status of African American Women IV. Gender Violence and Constructions...; Search Snippet: ...Article Danger in the Diaspora: Law, Culture and Violence Against Women of African Descent in the United States and South Africa... 1998 African/Black American
Paul Steven Miller Disability Civil Rights and a New Paradigm for the Twenty-first Century: the Expansion of Civil Rights Beyond Race, Gender, and Age 1 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Labor and Employment Law 511 (Fall, 1998) The struggle for equal opportunity and civil rights is etched in America's collective consciousness. Images of fire hoses aimed at peaceful protesters, lunch counter demonstrations, and women marching in the streets helped move this nation away from policies of Jim Crow and gender inequity in the workplace. American law and public policy finally...; Search Snippet: ...Twenty-first Century: the Expansion of Civil Rights Beyond Race, Gender, and Age Paul Steven Miller [Fnb1] Copyright (C) 1998 By... 1998  
Zanita E. Fenton Domestic Violence in Black and White: Racialized Gender Stereotypes in Gender Violence 8 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 1 (1998) I. Introduction. 1 II. StereotypesSex, Power, Gender, Race. 10 A. The Formation of Stereotypes. 10 B. Stereotypes Formed. 19 C. Domestic Violencea Point of Culmination. 26 D. The Persistence of StereotypesPerspective, Juries, and Justice (or Just Us). 31 III. Pitting Race Against GenderThe Choice. 37 A. The Dynamics of Power. 37 B. The...; Search Snippet: ...And Law 1998 Domestic Violence in Black and White: Racialized Gender Stereotypes in Gender Violence Zanita E. Fenton [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1998 by The... 1998 African/Black American
Sneha Barot Ecofeminist Natures: Race, Gender, Feminist Theory, and Political Action. By Noël Sturgeon. New York: Routledge, 1997. Pp. Xii, 260. $70.00 (Cloth), $18.99 (Paper). 30 New York University Journal of International Law & Politics 417 (Fall-Winter 1997-1998) Noël Sturgeon's Ecofeminist Natures contains a critical analysis of the theory and practice of ecofeminism. This movement links elements of environmentalism and feminism, arguing that the patterns and beliefs that lead to gender, race, and class exploitation are similarly related to those which cause environmental degradation. Sturgeon attempts to...; Search Snippet: ...Politics Fall-winter 1997-1998 Book Annotations Ecofeminist Natures: Race, Gender, Feminist Theory, and Political Action. By Noël Sturgeon. New York: Routledge... 1998  
Cynthia A. Prado Effects of Gender Differences on Physician-assisted Suicide: Practice and Regulation 8 Southern California Review of Law and Women's Studies 101 (Fall, 1998) Many feminist critics of bioethics claim that bioethical discussions are almost always conducted with an androgynous patient in mind--rather, gender is out of mind. Professor of Law and Medicine, Susan M. Wolf describes this discussion as a focus on the genderless generic patient. Although discussions of genetic research, organ transplantation...; Search Snippet: ...Of Law and Women's Studies Fall, 1998 Article Effects of Gender Differences on Physician-assisted Suicide: Practice and Regulation Cynthia A... 1998  
Judy Scales-Trent Equal Rights Advocates: Addressing the Legal Issues of Women of Color 13 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 34 (1998) On February 21, 1991, reporters and television cameras crowded into a small conference room in San Francisco to hear an announcement by representatives of three local public interest law firms--Asian Law Caucus (ALC), Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF), and Equal Rights Advocates (ERA). The media had come to hear about...; Search Snippet: ...Journal 1998 Equal Rights Advocates: Addressing the Legal Issues of Women of Color Judy Scales-trent [Fnd1] Copyright (C) 1998 By... 1998  
Jane Maslow Cohen Equality for Girls and Other Women: the Built Architecture of the Purposive Life 9 Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues 103 (Spring 1998) For reasons that stack into different sizes and shapes, American contributors to the current wave of feminist theory seem to be down, down, and further down on gender-related demands for equal justice. The positions that account for this trend vary from equality-criticism to equality-skepticism to equality-nihilism, whether or not the legality or...; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues Spring 1998 Article Equality for Girls and Other Women: the Built Architecture of the Purposive Life Jane Maslow Cohen... 1998  
Caryn Lerman Ph.D., Beth N. Peshkin M.S., Chanita Hughes Ph.D., Claudine Isaacs M.D. Family Disclosure in Genetic Testing for Cancer Susceptibility: Determinants and Consequences 1 Journal of Health Care Law and Policy 353 (1998) The isolation of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes has made it possible to identify women at increased risk for breast and ovarian cancer, thereby facilitating informed decisions about surveillance and cancer prevention options. Despite these potential medical benefits, the identification of carriers of deleterious mutations raises numerous psychological...; Search Snippet: ...That Patterns of Family Communication about Brca1 Testing Differ Between African American and Caucasian Women. [Fn31] in a Recent Study, Caucasian Women at Increased Risk for Breast Cancer Were Significantly More Likely than African American Women to Communicate about Genetic Testing with a Spouse and a Parent. [Fn32] Specifically, 1998 African/Black American
Laurie Schaffner Female Juvenile Delinquency: Sexual Solutions, Gender Bias, and Juvenile Justice 9 Hastings Women's Law Journal 1 (Winter 1998) The beginning of delinquency in girls is usually an impulse to get amusement, adventure, pretty clothes, favorable notice, distinction, freedom in the larger world which presents so many allurements and comparisons. The cases which I have examined (about three thousand) show that sexual passion does not play an important role, for the girls have...; Search Snippet: ...Womens Law Journal Hastings Women's Law Journal Winter 1998 Article Female Juvenile Delinquency: Sexual Solutions, Gender Bias, and Juvenile Justice Laurie Schaffner [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1998... 1998  
Cynthia Grant Bowman , Elizabeth M. Schneider Feminist Legal Theory, Feminist Lawmaking, and the Legal Profession 67 Fordham Law Review 249 (November, 1998) THIS essay addresses the interrelationship among feminist legal theory, feminist lawmaking, and the legal profession. We describe a complex interaction between theory and practice that has two main arenas: (1) the interaction between feminist legal theory and the development of feminist lawmaking and substantive law, and (2) the impact of...; Search Snippet: ...The Legal Profession: the Impact of Law and Legal Theory Feminist Legal Theory, Feminist Lawmaking, and the Legal Profession Cynthia Grant Bowman [Fna1] Elizabeth... 1998  
Lucie E. White Feminist Microenterprise: Vindicating the Rights of Women in the New Global Order? 50 Maine Law Review 327 (1998) The subject of this symposium is Law, Feminism & the 21st Century. What are the greatest challenges for feminism in the coming century and how can the law help to meet them? I want to begin this essay by asking that question from two radically different vantage points. The first is very far removed from the usual starting point for feminist...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review 1998 Symposium: Law, Feminism & the Twenty-first Century Feminist Microenterprise: Vindicating the Rights of Women in the New Global Order? Lucie E. White [Fna1] Copyright... 1998  
Drucilla Cornell Freedom's Conscience 24 New York University Review of Law and Social Change 149 (1998) In his masterful work, Women, Gays, and the Constitution, David Richards proposes a moral interpretation of the nineteenth century Reconstruction Amendments. This reading is inspired by abolitionist feminism, Richards' name for the philosophy developed by men and women who extended their opposition to slavery into a fight against all forms of...; Search Snippet: ...Of Law and Social Change 1998 Book Review Freedom's Conscience Women, Gays, and the Constitution. By David Richards. Chicago, Illinois: University... 1998  
Julie Yuki Ralston Geishas, Gays and Grunts: What the Exploitation of Asian Pacific Women Reveals about Military Culture and the Legal Ban on Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Service Members 16 Law & Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice 661 (Summer 1998) In September 1995, two U.S. Marines and a U.S. Navy seaman gang-raped a twelve-year-old Japanese girl in Okinawa, Japan, where the men were stationed. This rape brought international attention to the extensive U.S. military presence in the Pacific, including Japan, South Korea, Thailand, and until recently, the Philippines. Also, the rape initially...; Search Snippet: ...Geishas, Gays and Grunts: What the Exploitation of Asian Pacific Women Reveals about Military Culture and the Legal Ban on Lesbian... 1998 Asian American
Melissa E. Fraser Gender Inequality in in Vitro Fertilization: Controlling Women's Reproductive Autonomy 2 New York City Law Review 183 (Summer, 1998) This Note attempts to add to those voices currently critiquing the new reproductive technologies by suggesting a two-step analysis which (1) analyzes how a specific reproductive technology can create inequitable power structures for women who turn to it, and (2) places that reproductive technology within a larger pattern of controlling all women's...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review New York City Law Review Summer, 1998 Note Gender Inequality in in Vitro Fertilization: Controlling Women's Reproductive Autonomy Melissa E. Fraser [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1998 New... 1998  
Hope Lewis Global Intersections: Critical Race Feminist Human Rights and Inter/national Black Women 50 Maine Law Review 309 (1998) My life stories influence my perspective, a perspective unable to function within a single paradigm because I am too many things at one time. Say, I remember, when we used to sit in a government yard in Brooklyn . As an African American feminist law professor who is visually impaired and the daughter of immigrants, I am often torn as to which...; Search Snippet: ...Law, Feminism & the Twenty-first Century Global Intersections: Critical Race Feminist Human Rights and Inter/national Black Women Hope Lewis [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1998 by the University Of... 1998 African/Black American
Sarah Berger, Angela Olivia Burton, Peggy Cooper Davis, Elizabeth Ehrenfest Steinglass, and Robert Levy Hey! There's Ladies Here!! 73 New York University Law Review 1022 (June, 1998) When the 2,000 Year Old Man was asked about the origins of sex, he recalled Bernie's Discovery: One morning, the 2,000 Year Old Man said, Bernie woke up smiling, and he said, Hey! There's ladies here!! There have been significant numbers of ladies in law school classrooms for more than thirty years. Although the Supreme Court held in 1873...; Search Snippet: ...1998 Essay Hey! There's Ladies Here!! Reflections On: Becoming Gentlemen: Women, Law School, and Institutional Change by Lani Guinier, Michelle Fine, and Jane Balin Women in Legal Education: a Comparison of the Law School Performance and Law School Experiences of Women and Men by Linda F. Wightman, Law School Admission 1998  
Jennifer A. des Groseilliers In re Kasinga: "'When the Axe Came into the Forest, the Trees Said the Handle Is One of Us."' 24 New England Journal on Criminal and Civil confinement 89 (Winter, 1998) The memory of their screams calling for mercy, gasping for breath, pleading that those parts of their bodies that it pleases God to give them be spared. I remember the fearful look in their eyes when I led them to the toilet, I want to, but I can't. Why Mum? Why did you let them do this to me? Those words continue to haunt me. My blood runs cold...; Search Snippet: ...Of Joy Tells the Story of Tashi, a Tribal African Woman, Who Followed Her Tribal Custom and Voluntarily Submitted to the Practice of Female Genital Mutilation (Fgm). See Generally Id Alice Walker Has Worked... 1998 African/Black American
Tonya M. Evans In the Title Ix Race Toward Gender Equity , the Black Female Athlete Is Left to Finish Last: the Lack of Access for the "Invisible Woman." 42 Howard Law Journal 105 (Fall, 1998) Although each of us is defined by race and gender, those of us who are neither white nor male often experience invisibility as a result of our dual subordinate status.... Black women have been disproportionately located at the lower end of the economic hierarchy and, therefore, have been unable to afford private golf, swimming, or tennis lessons....; Search Snippet: ...Journal Fall, 1998 Comment in the Title Ix Race Toward Gender Equity [Fn1] , the Black Female Athlete Is Left to Finish Last: the Lack of Access for the Invisible Woman. [Fn2] Tonya M. Evans [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1998 Tonya M... 1998 African/Black American
Margo Schlanger Injured Women Before Common Law Courts, 1860-1930 21 Harvard Women's Law Journal 79 (Spring, 1998) How did early American tort law treat women? How were they expected to behave, and how were others expected to behave towards them? What gender differences mattered, and how did courts deal with those differences? These are the issues this Article explores. My aim is to illuminate the common law of torts and its relation to and with ideas about...; Search Snippet: ...Womens Law Journal Harvard Women's Law Journal Spring, 1998 Injured Women Before Common Law Courts, 1860-1930 Margo Schlanger [Fna1] Copyright... 1998  
Peter Kwan Invention, Inversion and Intervention: the Oriental Woman in the World of Suzie Wong, M. Butterfly, and the Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert 5 Asian Law Journal 99 (May, 1998) The construction of the Oriental Woman--a fictional character of the Western imagination--can be dissected, according to Professor Kwan, by means of a cosynthetic analysis. The cosynthetic analysis is a means of understanding how certain stereotypes emerge out of a confluence of racial, sexual, gender, class and other identities. These identities...; Search Snippet: ...Journal May, 1998 Article Invention, Inversion and Intervention: the Oriental Woman in the World of Suzie Wong, M. Butterfly, and The... 1998  
Cassandra Shaylor It's like Living in a Black Hole: Women of Color and Solitary Confinement in the Prison Industrial Complex 24 New England Journal on Criminal and Civil Confinement 385 (Summer, 1998) Angela Tucker awoke at six a.m. cowering in the corner of her cell, shaking uncontrollably, unable to breathe. A fifty-four year old African-American woman, Tucker suffers from hypertension, diabetes, and asthma. Though she was confined alone in this cold, dark cell for six months, she finally had reached her limit. She repeatedly called for guards...; Search Snippet: ...Women in Prison It's like Living in a Black Hole: Women of Color and Solitary Confinement in the Prison Industrial Complex... 1998 African/Black American
Amy C. Christian Joint and Several Liability and the Joint Return: its Implications for Women 66 University of Cincinnati Law Review 535 (Winter 1998) For sixty years the Internal Revenue Code has imposed joint and several liability on taxpayers who file joint returns a filing status available only to married couples. Of course, under joint and several liability, each spouse is responsible for any tax deficiency attributable to either spouse. The government need not seek payment from the spouse...; Search Snippet: ...And Several Liability and the Joint Return: its Implications for Women Amy C. Christian [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1998 University of Cincinnati... 1998  
Paula Gaber Just Trying to Be Human in this Place: the Legal Education of Twenty Women 10 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 165 (1998) Coming back after fifteen years out of school, I sort of thought it would be the brave new world of gender rights and racial equality; that it was a politically correct world and that, at least educationally, that would be how things would operate. During my second semester of law school, I was telling a second-year friend of mine about how unhappy...; Search Snippet: ...Be Human in this Place: the Legal Education of Twenty Women Paula Gaber [Fnd1] Copyright (C) 1998 Paula Gaber Westlaw Lawprac... 1998  
Toni J. Ellington,, Sylvia K. Higashi, Jayna K. Kim,, Mark M. Murakami Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Gender Discrimination 20 University of Hawaii Law Review 699 (Winter, 1998) Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Ginsburg) began arguing that the strict scrutiny standard should be applied to gender discrimination cases when she was a law professor at Columbia University. Women's rights groups from all camps hoped she would continue to argue for strict scrutiny in gender discrimination cases once she was appointed as...; Search Snippet: ...Winter, 1998 December 1998 Comments Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Gender Discrimination Toni J. Ellington Sylvia K. Higashi Jayna K. Kim... 1998  
Jason M. Skaggs Justifying Gender-based Affirmative Action under United States V. Virginia's "Exceedingly Persuasive Justification" Standard 86 California Law Review 1169 (October, 1998) While affirmative action has been a hot topic over the course of the past decade, much of the commentary and litigation associated with the issue has involved race-based programs. In fact, the Supreme Court has never examined a gender-based affirmative action program under the Equal Protection Clause. This lack of guidance has resulted in a split...; Search Snippet: ...California Law Review California Law Review October, 1998 Article Justifying Gender-based Affirmative Action under United States V. Virginia's Exceedingly Persuasive... 1998  
Angela Mae Kupenda Law, Life, and Literature: a Critical Reflection of Life and Literature to Illuminate How Laws of Domestic Violence, Race, and Class Bind Black Women Based on Alice Walker's Book the Third Life of Grange Copeland 42 Howard Law Journal L.J. 1 (Fall, 1998) [A woman] who is sensitive and accustomed to an environment of breeding, education or culture might be severely affected and harmed by [domestic abuse] considered minor by one hardened by harsh treatment . . . . Dat man ober dar say dat women needs to be helped into carriages, and lifted ober ditches, and to have de best places ... and ain't I a...; Search Snippet: ...How Laws of Domestic Violence, Race, and Class Bind Black Women Based on Alice Walker's Book the Third Life of Grange... 1998 African/Black American
Pemela Scheininger Legal Separateness, Private Connectedness: an Impediment to Gender Equality in the Family 31 Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems 283 (Spring, 1998) The standards of the law are standards of general application. The law takes no account of the infinite varieties of temperament, intellect, and education which make the internal character of a given act so different in different men. Formal legal systems are characterized by standards of general application, not individualized rules. Their laws...; Search Snippet: ...Problems Spring, 1998 Legal Separateness, Private Connectedness: an Impediment to Gender Equality in the Family Pemela Scheininger [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1998... 1998  
L. Mara Dodge Mary E. Odem, Delinquent Daughters: Protecting and Policing Adolescent Female Sexuality in the United States, 1885-1920. 42 American Journal of Legal History 100 (January, 1998) Mary E. Odem offers a wonderfully rich and vibrant account of the complex relationships between moral reformers, state officials, adolescent girls, and their working-class families. Although she highlights the activities of female moral reformers, each of these groups is conceived as fully active protagonists in the cultural struggles over...; Search Snippet: ...Legal History January, 1998 Book Review Mary E. Odem, Delinquent Daughters: Protecting and Policing Adolescent Female Sexuality in the United States, 1885-1920. Chapel Hill: University... 1998  
Lori Tripoli More than You'd Think. Not as Many as You'd Hope Partnership Chances Increase for Women at Major Firms, Survey Data Shows 17 No. 9 Of Counsel Counsel 7 (5/4/1998) On the one hand, the news is sort of good: A glance at the numbers of women elevated to partnership status last year shows the glass ceiling has shattered at some large national firms. In fact, women are making partner, and women partners are attaining managerial positions, in fairly impressive numbers, according to data gathered for the annual Of...; Search Snippet: ...Not as Many as You'd Hope Partnership Chances Increase for Women at Major Firms, Survey Data Shows Lori Tripoli Copyright ©... 1998  
Devon W. Carbado Motherhood and Work in Cultural Context: One Woman's Patriarchal Bargain 21 Harvard Women's Law Journal L.J. 1 (Spring, 1998) Of course, your mother is not only that woman whose womb formed and released you . But naming your own mother (or her equivalent) enables people to place you precisely within the universal web of your life, in each of its dimensions: cultural, spiritual, personal, and historical. Paula Gunn Allen, Who Is Your Mother? My mother mothered. That is...; Search Snippet: ...Spring, 1998 Essays Motherhood and Work in Cultural Context: One Woman's Patriarchal Bargain [Fna1] Devon W. Carbado [Fnaa1] Copyright (C) 1998... 1998  
Michele M. Contreras New York's Mandatory Hiv Testing of Newborns: a Positive Step Which Results in Negative Consequences for Women and Their Children 20 Women's Rights Law Reporter 21 (Fall-Winter 1998) Imagine the tragedy of a mother who rushes her sick infant to the hospital because the child is suffering from chest congestion and fever and learns that her child is infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), the causative agent of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Imagine the greater tragedy when the mother also learns that,...; Search Snippet: ...Newborns: a Positive Step Which Results in Negative Consequences for Women and Their Children Michele M. Contreras [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1998... 1998  
Aviva Orenstein No Bad Men!: a Feminist Analysis of Character Evidence in Rape Trials 49 Hastings Law Journal 663 (March, 1998) Introduction. 664 I. The Current State of Character Evidence. 668 A. Doctrine. 668 B. Reasons Behind the Rules. 669 II. The Challenge of Rape Trials: A Feminist View. 672 A. Denial of Rape. 672 B. The Cultural Paradigm. 677 (1)Cultural Profile of the Rapist. 678 (2)Cultural Profile of the Survivor. 679 C. The Paradigm in Action. 682 III. Evaluating...; Search Snippet: ...Law Panel 6 - Character Evidence Revisited No Bad Men!: a Feminist Analysis of Character Evidence in Rape Trials Aviva Orenstein [Fna1... 1998  
Karen B. Brown Not Color- or Gender-neutral: New Tax Treatment of Employment Discrimination Damages 7 Southern California Review of Law and Women's Studies 223 (Spring 1998) To support a host of tax give aways offered as a palliative to small businesses required to pay a higher minimum wage, Congress eliminated a venerated Internal Revenue Code (IRC) provision that supported exclusion from gross income of damages received on account of race- and gender-based employment discrimination. Congress' 1996 amendment of IRC...; Search Snippet: ...Law and Women's Studies Spring 1998 Article Not Color- or Gender-neutral: New Tax Treatment of Employment Discrimination Damages [Fnd1] Karen... 1998  
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