AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearEthnicity in Title or Summary
Rangita de Silva de Alwis , Ambassador Melanne Verveer "TIME IS A-WASTING": MAKING THE CASE FOR CEDAW RATIFICATION BY THE UNITED STATES 60 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 1 (2021) Since President Carter signed the Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (the CEDAW or the Convention) on July 17, 1980, the United States has failed to ratify the Convention time and again. As one of only a handful of countries that has not ratified the CEDAW, the United States is in the same company as... 2021  
Xuan-Thao Nguyen #METOO INNOVATORS: DISRUPTING THE RACE AND GENDER CODE BY ASIAN AMERICANS IN THE TECH INDUSTRY 28 Asian American Law Journal 17 (2021) This Article focuses on how Asian American women innovators of the #MeToo generation are disrupting the code of conduct in the tech industry. The code is hard-wired into the tech bro culture of mirrortocracy, resulting in hiring practices that perpetuate existing company demographics and statistics that show that Asian American women face 2.91... 2021 Asian American
Nia A.D. Langley #SEEHERNAME: USING INTERSECTIONALITY AND STORYTELLING TO BRING VISIBILITY TO BLACK WOMEN IN EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION AND POLICE BRUTALITY 14 DePaul Journal for Social Justice 1 (Summer, 2021) C1-2Table of Contents I. Introduction. 2 II. Intersectionality. 4 III. Intersectional Challenges In 2021. 4 A. Employment Discrimination. 5 1. Intersectionality's Legal Status. 6 2. Hair Discrimination. 7 B. Police Brutality. 12 1. Black Women and Black Men Experience Police Brutality Similarly. 13 2. Black Women and Black Men Experience Police... 2021 African/Black American
The Honorable Ashleigh Parker Dunston A CALL TO ACTION: FIGHTING RACIAL INEQUALITY BEHIND THE BENCH 43 Campbell Law Review 109 (Winter, 2021) When I was asked to write this essay for the Campbell Law Review's issue on The State Court Judges' Perspectives, I was asked to specifically share my experiences with racism in practice and now on the bench. Quite frankly, I'm a thirty-three-year-old, black woman and have been practicing law for only the last eight years and serving on the bench... 2021  
Michele Goodwin A DIFFERENT TYPE OF PROPERTY: WHITE WOMEN AND THE HUMAN PROPERTY THEY KEPT 119 Michigan Law Review 1081 (April, 2021) Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. By Harriet A. Jacobs. Boston: Thayer & Eldridge. 1861. (L. Maria Child & Jean Fagan Yellin eds., Harvard Univ. Press 1987). Pp. xxxiii, 306. $22.50. They Were Her Property: White Women as Slave Owners in the American South. By Stephanie E. Jones-Rogers. New Haven: Yale University Press. 2019. Pp. xx, 296. $30.... 2021  
Cochav Elkayam-Levy A PATH TO TRANSFORMATION: ASKING "THE WOMAN QUESTION" IN INTERNATIONAL LAW 42 Michigan Journal of International Law 429 (Summer, 2021) As feminists articulate their methods, they can become more aware of the nature of what they do, and thus do it better. Method concerns the way one thinks, not what one thinks about, although they can be related. Methods matter, and the discussion over feminist methods in international law is an important one. As Kathrine Bartlett famously... 2021  
Brittany L. Raposa ADDING A LAYER OF INJUSTICE: AMPLIFIED RACIAL DISPARITIES IN REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH CARE IN THE WAKE OF COVID-19 98 University of Detroit Mercy Law Review 351 (Spring, 2021) Imagine a woman with pre-existing health conditions getting pregnant in the middle of 2020. The woman lives in a large rural area, and her obstetrician is approximately 40 miles away. Due to the pandemic, the woman is laid off from work, and she and her partner are on a tight financial budget, as they already always struggled financially. She feels... 2021  
Rangita de Silva de Alwis ADDRESSING ALLYSHIP IN A TIME OF A "THOUSAND PAPERCUTS" 19 Hastings Race and Poverty Law Journal 63 (Winter 2021) In 2020, a team of students in the class on Women, Law and Leadership students interviewed 100 male law students on their philosophy on leadership and conducted several surveys on allyship and subtle bias. Complementing the allyship interviews, the class developed several survey instruments to examine emerging bias protocols and stereotype threats... 2021  
Laura P. Moyer , John Szmer , Susan Haire , Robert K. Christensen , University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, USA. Email: laura.moyer, Funding information, National Science Foundation, Grant/Award Numbers: 1654614, 1654559, 1654697, 'ALL EYES ARE ON YOU': GENDER, RACE, AND OPINION WRITING ON THE US COURTS OF APPEALS 55 Law and Society Review 452 (September, 2021) Because stereotyping affects individual assessments of ability and because of socializing experiences in the law, we argue that women and judges of color, while well-credentialed, feel pressure to work harder than their white male peers to demonstrate their competence. Using an original dataset of published appellate court opinions from 2008-2016,... 2021  
Delight E. Satter , Laura M. Mercer Kollar , Public Health Writing Group on Missing or Murdered Indigenous Persons, Debra O'Gara ‘Djik Sook’ , Senior Health Scientist, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Behavioral Scientist, Centers for Disease C AMERICAN INDIAN AND ALASKA NATIVE KNOWLEDGE AND PUBLIC HEALTH FOR THE PRIMARY PREVENTION OF MISSING OR MURDERED INDIGENOUS PERSONS 69 Department of Justice Journal of Federal Law and Practice 149 (March, 2021) Violence against American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) women, children, two-spirit individuals, men, and elders is a serious public health issue. Violence may result in death (homicide), and exposure to violence has lasting effects on the physical and mental health of individuals, including depression and anxiety, substance abuse, chronic and... 2021 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Rachel Sieder ANTHROPOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO INTERNATIONAL LEGAL APPROACHES TO VIOLENCE AGAINST INDIGENOUS WOMEN 115 AJIL Unbound 272 (2021) Since the early 1990s, the law and development paradigm of violence against women (VAW) has framed gender-based violence against girls and women, especially intimate partner violence, as a grave violation of women's fundamental human rights and a major public health problem demanding concerted state action. Although women of all ages, social... 2021 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Maya C. Jackson ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE & ALGORITHMIC BIAS: THE ISSUES WITH TECHNOLOGY REFLECTING HISTORY & HUMANS 16 Journal of Business & Technology Law 299 (2021) The use of technology has expanded tremendously in recent decades. Included in this expansion is the use of algorithms across today's internet. Although algorithms have become popular, their intended purpose is not always executed with accuracy. Algorithms have been shown to exclude people of color and women from a wide-range of activities... 2021  
W. Keith Robinson ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND ACCESS TO THE PATENT SYSTEM 21 Nevada Law Journal 729 (Spring, 2021) How likely is it that the average American will become an inventor? With a novel idea and hard work, it should be a possibility for all Americans. However, the data suggests otherwise. Most patents are obtained by inventors that work for large corporations. Small businesses, solo inventors, women, and minorities lag behind their counterparts in... 2021  
Addie C. Rolnick ASSIMILATION, REMOVAL, DISCIPLINE, AND CONFINEMENT: NATIVE GIRLS AND GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION 11 Columbia Journal of Race and Law 811 (July, 2021) A full understanding of the roots of child separation must begin with Native children. This Article demonstrates how modern child welfare, delinquency, and education systems are rooted in the social control of indigenous children. It examines the experiences of Native girls in federal and state systems from the late 1800s to the mid-1900s to show... 2021 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Elizabeth Kukura BETTER BIRTH 93 Temple Law Review 243 (Winter, 2021) Although the recent focus on maternal mortality has highlighted the problem of poor health outcomes for childbearing women and their babies, especially in communities of color, adverse outcomes are only one of many indications that mainstream maternity care often fails pregnant people and their families. Other signs that maternity care reform is... 2021  
Doriane S. Nguenang Tchenga BLACK WOMEN'S HAIR AND NATURAL HAIRSTYLES IN THE WORKPLACE: EXPANDING THE DEFINITION OF RACE UNDER TITLE VII 107 Virginia Law Review Online 272 (November, 2021) Despite the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's (EEOC) interpretation of Title VII as including cultural characteristics often associated with race or ethnicity, Black women have not successfully litigated the freedom to wear their hair in natural hairstyles in the workplace. Courts have held that racial discrimination in the workplace must... 2021 African/Black American
Jordan Martin BREONNA TAYLOR: TRANSFORMING A HASHTAG INTO DEFUNDING THE POLICE 111 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 995 (Fall, 2021) How can modern policing be reformed to address police violence against Black women when it can occur at no fault of their own and end with a shower of bullets in the middle of the night while within the sanctity of their own home? What is accomplished when her name is said but justice is never achieved? What good does it do when her story is... 2021  
Mary A. Lynch BUILDING AN ANTI-RACIST PROSECUTORIAL SYSTEM: OBSERVATIONS FROM TEACHING A DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PROSECUTION CLINIC 73 Rutgers University Law Review 1515 (Summer, 2021) Introduction and Background. 1516 II. Local Prosecutors, Intimate Crimes, and Traditionally Marginalized Survivors. 1525 A. Local Prosecutors, Reform, and Anti-Racism. 1525 B. Intimate Crimes and Women of Color. 1533 C. Listening to the Wisdom of Survivors of Color. 1543 III. Observations and Suggestions for Anti-Racism Work and Prosecution of... 2021  
Katherine Sharpless CALIFORNIA'S S.B. 826: WILL THE SUPREME COURT GET ON BOARD? 42 Women's Rights Law Reporter 172 (Spring/Summer, 2021) This Article is the first article to discuss California's 2019 law, S.B. 826, which mandates that all publicly held corporations have at least one female on their boards of directors by 2020. This Article analyzes S.B. 826's constitutionality under the Equal Protection Clause of the United States Constitution as a gender based affirmative action... 2021  
Kenya Glover CAN YOU HEAR ME?: HOW IMPLICIT BIAS CREATES A DISPARATE IMPACT IN MATERNAL HEALTHCARE FOR BLACK WOMEN 43 Campbell Law Review 243 (2021) Black women die from childbirth at a disproportionately higher rate than white women. Despite knowing about this issue for years, medical professionals cannot attribute this disparity to a physical condition. Multiple studies show physicians' implicit biases lead to poor patient care. Overall, Black women consistently report feeling silenced by... 2021 African/Black American
Kemi Mildred Hughes CLIMATE AND GENDER JUSTICE IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA: EMERGING TRENDS POST-PARIS 2015 38 Wisconsin International Law Journal 197 (Spring, 2021) For many years, gender has been a hot topic in international environmental negotiations. Gender and climate activists have advocated for gender considerations to be accounted for in climate change adaptation and mitigation actions due to the heightened negative impacts of climate change on vulnerable groups, particularly women. The Paris Agreement,... 2021 African/Black American
Felicia Isaac CLIMATE CHANGE IS HURTING EXPECTANT BLACK MOTHERS 35-WTR Natural Resources & Environment 57 (Winter, 2021) Over the past year, our nation has grappled with many of the disproportionate obstacles faced by Black communities. One obstacle that is rarely featured in the headlines and news reports that has become all too familiar is the disproportionate effect of climate change on the maternal health of Black women. That impact and the obstacles it creates... 2021 African/Black American
Robyn M. Powell CONFRONTING EUGENICS MEANS FINALLY CONFRONTING ITS ABLEIST ROOTS 27 William and Mary Journal of Race, Gender, and Social Justice 607 (Spring, 2021) In September 2020, a whistleblower complaint was filed alleging that hysterectomies are being performed on women at an immigration detention center in alarmingly high rates. Regrettably, forced sterilizations are part of the nation's long-standing history of weaponizing reproduction to subjugate socially marginalized communities. While public... 2021  
Judge Pamila J. Brown DISPARATE IMPACT CONSIDERATIONS IN HUMAN TRAFFICKING CASES 60 Judges' Journal 8 (Spring, 2021) It is important when discussing human trafficking that we are aware of and understand an often-hidden but more-common-than-imagined reality: sex trafficking and its disparate impact on Black women and girls. The federal government defines sex trafficking as the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, obtaining, patronizing, or soliciting... 2021  
Elpida Velmahos FERTILE GROUND FOR CHANGE: INFERTILITY, EMPLOYEE-BASED HEALTH INSURANCE, AND AN UNPROTECTED FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT 17 Journal of Health & Biomedical Law 267 (2021) Once upon a time, conception was only possible between a female and a male. Science has brought us a long way from that once upon a time. Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) first came into the medical field in the late 1970s. These technological advancements allowed people to successfully reproduce without traditional sexual intercourse.... 2021  
Holly J. McCammon , Cathryn Beeson-Lynch FIGHTING WORDS: PRO-CHOICE CAUSE LAWYERING, LEGAL-FRAMING INNOVATIONS, AND HOSTILE POLITICAL-LEGAL CONTEXTS 46 Law and Social Inquiry 599 (August, 2021) Drawing on social-movement and sociolegal theorizing, we investigate legal-framing innovations in the briefs of reproductive-rights cause lawyers in prominent US Supreme Court abortion cases. Our results show that pro-choice activist attorneys engage in innovative women's-rights framing when the political-legal context is more resistant to abortion... 2021  
Kaley Gordon FINDING FAVOR: A CALL FOR COMPASSIONATE DISCRETION IN CASES OF BATTERED MOTHERS WHO FAIL TO PROTECT 13 Drexel Law Review 747 (2021) Domestic violence is a complex issue facing millions of families in the United States. The structure of the law (as well as the mechanics of the criminal justice system) frequently penalizes women who are also victims of domestic violence by subjecting them to criminal culpability, along with their abuser, when an abusive partner harms their... 2021  
Rona Kaufman FOREWORD: A CENTURY SINCE SUFFRAGE: HOW DID WE GET HERE? WHERE WILL WE GO? HOW WILL WE GET THERE? 59 Duquesne Law Review 1 (Winter, 2021) One hundred years have passed since (white) women attained the right to vote. In the century since the Nineteenth Amendment was ratified, American women have transitioned from an existence as mere objects of history to becoming active subjects of history. In 2019 and 2020, many programs and conferences were organized to celebrate the achievements... 2021  
Renee Nicole Allen FROM ACADEMIC FREEDOM TO CANCEL CULTURE: SILENCING BLACK WOMEN IN THE LEGAL ACADEMY 68 UCLA Law Review 364 (August, 2021) In 1988, Black women law professors formed the Northeast Corridor Collective of Black Women Law Professors, a network of Black women in the legal academy. They supported one another's scholarship, shared personal experiences of systemic gendered racism, and helped one another navigate the law school white space. A few years later, their stories... 2021 African/Black American
Megan Armstrong FROM LYNCHING TO CENTRAL PARK KAREN: HOW WHITE WOMEN WEAPONIZE WHITE WOMANHOOD 32 Hastings Women's Law Journal 27 (Winter, 2021) In recent years, we have seen an influx of Karens and otherwise nicknamed white women gain infamy on the internet. Though sometimes the behavior of these women is innocuous and merely entitled, the pejorative nickname Karen has also become a term for white women engaging in racist behavior. A typical scenario involves a white woman calling the... 2021  
Bennett Capers FUTURE SEX 76 New York University Annual Survey of American Law 293 (2021) Reports of the death of utopia have been greatly exaggerated. --Caitríona Ní Dhúill, Sex in Imagined Spaces After decades of intense scrutiny and repeated attempts at ambitious reforms, our laws against rape and sexual harassment still fail to protect women from sexual overreaching and abuse. What went wrong? Thus opens Stephen Schulhofer's... 2021  
Amber Joy Powell , Michelle S. Phelps GENDERED RACIAL VULNERABILITY: HOW WOMEN CONFRONT CRIME AND CRIMINALIZATION 55 Law and Society Review 429 (September, 2021) Prior research illustrates how race-class subjugated communities are over-policed and under-protected, producing high rates of victimization by other community members and the police. Yet few studies explore how gender and race structure dual frustration, despite a long line of Black feminist scholarship on the interpersonal, gender-based, and... 2021  
Ed Finkel GLACIAL CHANGE: WOMEN IN LAW FIRM & CORPORATE LEADERSHIP 94-SEP Wisconsin Lawyer 20 (September, 2021) Why don't we see more women in law firm leadership? Why are women of color facing an even less encouraging picture? How can law firms create more supportive cultures? We talked to several law firm, corporate, and industry leaders who have a pulse on what's happening in Wisconsin and nationwide. Here's what they said in response to these and other... 2021  
Zandy Dudiak HOMER S. BROWN DIVISION OFFERS THREE VIRTUAL CLE PROGRAMS THIS SPRING 23 Lawyers Journal 1 (April 23, 2021) In light of last year's Black Lives Matter movement, the ACBA's Homer S. Brown Division is offering three virtual CLE programs this spring that focus on current issues: challenges faced by Black women lawyers, natural hair discrimination and developing the skills to be an ally to minority groups. We want to keep the conversations going after all... 2021 Multipe Groups
Julia T. Crawford IMPOSTER SYNDROME FOR WOMEN IN MALE DOMINATED CAREERS 32 Hastings Women's Law Journal 26 (Summer, 2021) There isn't a country on earth where women have achieved true equality, and the barriers they face look different in different places. But no matter where you are in the world, understanding these barriers is the first step in dismantling them-and that requires making a concerted effort to gather data about women and their lives. --Melinda Gates... 2021  
Tomiko Brown-Nagin IN MEMORIAM: JUSTICE RUTH BADER GINSBURG, THE LAST CIVIL RIGHTS LAWYER ON THE SUPREME COURT 56 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 15 (Winter, 2021) There are many ways to describe Justice Ginsburg's historic achievements. This essay considers one enduring descriptor. When President Bill Clinton nominated her to the Supreme Court, he noted that some called Ginsburg the Thurgood Marshall of the women's movement. Through this essay, I engage with and complicate that comparison. I do so to... 2021  
Roxana Akbari , Stefan Vogler INTERSECTIONAL INVISIBILITY: RACE, GENDER, SEXUALITY, AND THE ERASURE OF SEXUAL MINORITY WOMEN IN US ASYLUM LAW 46 Law and Social Inquiry 1062 (November, 2021) Advocates have long observed that sexual minority women are treated less favorably than sexual minority men under US asylum law. However, there has been little empirical examination of these claims in a US context. We offer the first systematic comparative empirical analysis of 199 asylum decisions for cisgender sexual minorities. Using... 2021 Multipe Groups
David A. Grenardo IT'S WORTH A SHOT: CAN SPORTS COMBAT RACISM IN THE UNITED STATES? 12 Harvard Journal of Sports & Entertainment Law 237 (Spring, 2021) Racism has stained this country throughout its history, and racism persists today in the United States, including in sports. Sports represent a reflection of society and its ills, but they can also provide a powerful means to combat racism. This article examines the state of racism in society and sports both historically and today. It also provides... 2021  
Jessica Brown LEADERSHIP IN A YEAR OF CRISIS AND GROWTH 50-JUN Colorado Lawyer 4 (June, 2021) This is it: My final President's Message. What a year this has been. It seems like a lifetime ago that my leadership mentor Patricia Jarzobski encouraged me to apply for this role. Patty had preceded me as president of the Colorado Women's Bar Association (CWBA) and went on to serve as CBA president in 2016-17. Notably, she was the first female... 2021  
Ana Condes MAN CAMPS AND BAD MEN: LITIGATING VIOLENCE AGAINST AMERICAN INDIAN WOMEN 116 Northwestern University Law Review 515 (2021) The crisis of sexual violence plaguing Indian Country is made drastically worse by oil-pipeline construction, which often occurs near reservations. The man camps constructed to house pipeline workers are hotbeds of rape, domestic violence, and sex trafficking, and American Indian women are frequently targeted due to a perception that... 2021 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Jamillah Bowman Williams MAXIMIZING #METOO: INTERSECTIONALITY & THE MOVEMENT 62 Boston College Law Review 1797 (June, 2021) Introduction. 1798 I. The Law Continues to Fail Women of Color Thirty Years After Kimberlé Crenshaw's Intersectionality Insights. 1809 A. Intersectionality Theory. 1811 B. Federal Protection Disproportionately Excludes Women of Color. 1814 C. Mandatory Arbitration Silences Women of Color. 1818 D. Women of Color Are Marginalized Due to False... 2021  
Dan Subotnik MAYBE LAW SCHOOLS DO NOT OPPRESS MINORITY FACULTY WOMEN: A CRITIQUE OF MEERA E. DEO'S "UNEQUAL PROFESSION: RACE AND GENDER IN LEGAL ACADEMIA" (STANFORD UP 2019) 37 Touro Law Review 739 (2021) By the fall, 14% of law schools will have Black women in the dean's suite. There is a very complex dynamic going on in the black community where we are encouraged to have a certain sense of cultural fellowship, we are encouraged to not forget the people who we left behind. All of this is perfectly understandable. But unfortunately, a byproduct of... 2021  
Colleen Campbell MEDICAL VIOLENCE, OBSTETRIC RACISM, AND THE LIMITS OF INFORMED CONSENT FOR BLACK WOMEN 26 Michigan Journal of Race and Law 47 (Winter, 2021) This Essay critically examines how medicine actively engages in the reproductive subordination of Black women. In obstetrics, particularly, Black women must contend with both gender and race subordination. Early American gynecology treated Black women as expendable clinical material for its institutional needs. This medical violence was animated by... 2021 African/Black American
Christopher J. Ryan, Jr., Meghan Dawe MIND THE GAP: GENDER PAY DISPARITIES IN THE LEGAL ACADEMY 34 Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics 567 (Summer, 2021) Differences in pay between women and men in the same jobs have captured the public's attention in recent years. However, public interest in and press coverage of salary differences on the basis of gender--or any other ascriptive class--in the learned professions are wanting. Moreover, few studies have spoken directly on the gender pay disparities... 2021  
Jonathan Riedel MIRRORED HARMS: UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES IN THE GRANT OF TRIBAL COURT JURISDICTION OVER NON-INDIAN ABUSERS 45 American Indian Law Review 211 (2021) Rates of domestic violence are astonishingly high in Indian Country. More than half of Indian women have experienced physical violence in their lifetimes. They are twice as likely to experience rape as white women and to experience more violent rape when it occurs. Their plight is also deeply intertwined with race: 90% of women reported that the... 2021 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Jill Wieber Lens MISCARRIAGE, STILLBIRTH, & REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE 98 Washington University Law Review 1059 (2021) Each year in the United States, millions of women's pregnancies end not with the birth of a living child, but in miscarriage or with the birth of a dead, stillborn child. Marginalized women face a higher risk of these undesired endings. Compared to white women, Black women are twice as likely to suffer a late miscarriage and to give birth to a... 2021  
Daniel E. Alemayehu MULTIPLE LEGAL ORDERS IN ETHIOPIA: AN IMPEDIMENT ON THE ENFORCEMENT OF WOMEN RIGHTS 19 Northwestern Journal of Human Rights 38 (January 22, 2021) C1-3Table of Contents I. Introduction. 39 II. Multiple Legal Orders Under Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Constitution. 41 A. Recognition of Customary and Religious Laws. 41 B. Subject Matter, and Personal Jurisdiction of Customary and Religious Laws. 42 III. Multiple Legal Orders and Challenges on the Enforcement of Women's Rights. 43 C.... 2021  
Karmen Fox, Web Content Editor, ACC NASCAR'S LEGAL DREAM TEAM: THE FAST LANE TO PROGRESS 3/8/2021 ACC Docket 2 (March 8, 2021) While the NASCAR fanbase is predominately male and white, the auto-racing company boasts a diverse staff, one with a women-led legal department. These six female in-house counsel share how the sport has supported them as women and people of color. NASCAR's mission to strive for inclusion has rallied dedicated employees and fans alike, regardless of... 2021  
André B. Rosay , Professor of Justice & Associate Dean, College of Health, University of Alaska Anchorage NATIONAL SURVEY ESTIMATES OF VIOLENCE AGAINST AMERICAN INDIAN AND ALASKA NATIVE PEOPLE 69 Department of Justice Journal of Federal Law and Practice 91 (January, 2021) When one in three Native American women will be raped in their lifetimes, that is an assault on our national conscience; it is an affront to our shared humanity; it is something that we cannot allow to continue. Advocates, researchers, practitioners, and policymakers are increasingly working together to raise awareness on the level of violence... 2021 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Amanda M. Fisher NEW BEGINNINGS: A FEMINIST EVALUATION OF GENDERED STIGMA IN THE MODERN LEGAL PROFESSION 19 Rutgers Journal of Law & Public Policy 161 (Fall, 2021) The modern woman lawyer faces many of the same challenges that women in law faced during their earliest entry into the profession. While circumstances have certainly improved for women in law, gendered stigma is still prevalent in the profession. In this article, gendered stigma refers to circumstances resulting from one's gender as a salient... 2021  
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