AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearEthnicity in Title or Summary
Jacquelyn H. Slotkin You Really Have Come a Long Way: an Analysis and Comparison of Role Conflict Experienced by Women Attorneys Today and by Educated Women Twenty Years Ago 18 Women's Rights Law Reporter 17 (Fall 1996) During the 1960's and 1970's, a steadily growing number of women were raising and discussing crucial issues about the role and place of women in the United States. Women of my generation were feeling dissatisfied. Women wanted to be more than housewives and mothers. Women wanted equal status in the workplace. They were setting new goals, returning...; Search Snippet: ...Way: an Analysis and Comparison of Role Conflict Experienced by Women Attorneys Today and by Educated Women Twenty Years Ago Jacquelyn H. Slotkin [Fna] Copyright (C) 1996... 1996  
April L. Cherry A Feminist Understanding of Sex-selective Abortion: Solely a Matter of Choice? 10 Wisconsin Women's Law Journal 161 (Fall, 1995) Demographers of international population trends have found that adults prefer male offspring. This desire for male children is currently being realized by the use of both pre-conception and post-conception sex-selective reproductive techniques and technologies. While there are many ways for a woman to attempt to select the sex of her child before...; Search Snippet: ...Womens Law Journal Wisconsin Women's Law Journal Fall, 1995 a Feminist Understanding of Sex-selective Abortion: Solely a Matter of Choice... 1995  
  A Leadership Summit: the Link Between Violence and Poverty in the Lives of Women and Their Children 3 Georgetown Journal on Fighting Poverty Poverty 5 (Fall, 1995) On April 28, 1995, NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund sponsored a Leadership Summit: The Link Between Violence and Poverty in the Lives of Women and Their Children. The Summit brought together activists, researchers, lawyers, and policymakers to present and discuss the data available that demonstrates the central role of violence in creating and...; Search Snippet: ...The Link Between Violence and Poverty in the Lives of Women and Their Children Program Summary and Recommendations Copyright (C) 1995... 1995  
Lisa C. Coole A Look at Violence Against Women 59-JUN Federal Probation 74 (6/1/1995) No Safe Haven: Male Violence Against Women at Home, at Work, and in the Community. By Mary P. Koss, Lisa A. Goodman, Angela Browne, Louise F. Fitzgerald, Gwendolyn Puryear Keita, and Nancy Felipe Russo. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 1994. Pp. 344. One significant barrier in curtailing any social ill is the lack of...; Search Snippet: ...1995 Your Bookshelf on Review a Look at Violence Against Women Lisa C. Coole [Fna] Copyright (C) 1995; Lisa C. Coole... 1995  
John I. Winn, Instructor, Criminal Law Division, The Judge Advocate General's School, U.S. Army A Practitioner's Guide to Race and Gender Neutrality in the Military Courtroom 1995-MAY Army Lawyer 32 (May, 1995) In Batson v. Kentucky, the United States Supreme Court ruled that peremptory challenges by prosecutors calculated to exclude jurors of the same race as the accused violated the Fourteenth Amendment's Equal Protection Clause. Since Batson, the Court has greatly expanded the scope of its Equal Protection analysis to allow objections to racially...; Search Snippet: ...Pamphlet 27-50-270 a Practitioner's Guide to Race and Gender Neutrality in the Military Courtroom Major John I. Winn Instructor... 1995  
Stefanie Fleischer Seldin A Strategy for Advocacy on Behalf of Women Offenders 5 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 1 (1995) Julia is a thirty-six-year-old African-American woman incarcerated at the minimum security facility in Lorton, Virginia. She is serving a six-to eighteen-year sentence for writing bad checks. This is her second offense; Julia spent six months in a halfway house for picking up her boyfriend after he robbed a bank. Julia has two boys, ages seven and...; Search Snippet: ...And Law 1995 a Strategy for Advocacy on Behalf of Women Offenders Stefanie Fleischer Seldin [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1995 by The... 1995 African/Black American
Leslie Gielow Jacobs Adding Complexity to Confusion and Seeing the Light: Feminist Legal Insights and the Jurisprudence of the Religion Clauses 7 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 137 (1995) What is religious freedom and how does the government guarantee it? These are the questions with which the United States Supreme Court has struggled throughout its history of attempting to interpret the two religion clauses of the First Amendment. No one seems happy with the results. To be fair to the Court, the words of the religion clauses are...; Search Snippet: ...Feminism 1995 Adding Complexity to Confusion and Seeing the Light: Feminist Legal Insights and the Jurisprudence of the Religion Clauses Leslie... 1995  
Kathryn J. Rodgers Affirmative Action 81-MAY ABA Journal 40 (May, 1995) The crescendo of opposition to affirmative action has reached deafening levels. Uncomfortable with economic upheaval and inevitable change, opponents are lashing out at the usual scapegoats--women and minorities. Affirmative action, of course, is neither the cause of nor the cure for these concerns. What it has been is an effective means of...; Search Snippet: ...1995 Substantive Law at Issue Affirmative Action Have Race- and Gender-conscious Remedies Outlived Their Usefulness? No: Look at the Facts... 1995  
Helen Norton Affirmative Action as a Women's Issue 1995 Annual Survey of American Law 373 (1995) Good morning. I'd like to focus this morning on women's stake in the debate over affirmative action, a subject that gets almost no discussion in the policy discourse, the media coverage, or even in the case law. I'd like to talk about why affirmative action is important to women and why its impact on women deserves more attention. I'll also...; Search Snippet: ...Division and the Arc of Narrative Affirmative Action as a Women's Issue Helen Norton Copyright (C) 1995 Annual Survey of American... 1995  
Gwendolyn Mikell African Structural Adjustment: Women and Legal Challenges 69 Saint John's Law Review 7 (Winter-Spring 1995) Political and economic anthropologists have followed closely the struggle of African women to realize greater equity within their societies and to alter their social status in a positive way. Many have documented women's use of the national courts, particularly in Ghana, to resolve some of the cultural and legal contradictions that have resulted in...; Search Snippet: ...Symposium Women's Rights as International Human Rights African Structural Adjustment: Women and Legal Challenges Gwendolyn Mikell [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1994 St... 1995 African/Black American
Julia E. Hanigsberg An Essay on the Piano, Law, and the Search for Women's Desire 3 Michigan Journal of Gender & Law 41 (1995) Pleasure in the female is not a requirement. Margaret Atwood Does my sexiness upset you? Does it come as a surprise That I dance like I've got diamonds At the meeting of my thighs? Maya Angelou The thesis of this essay is a simple one: to have a measure of control over her destiny, to have any choices, a woman must be a sexual agent, a subject of...; Search Snippet: ...An Essay on the Piano, Law, and the Search for Women's Desire Julia E. Hanigsberg [Fna] [Fnd] Copyright (C) 1995 University... 1995  
Paula C. Johnson At the Intersection of Injustice: Experiences of African American Women in Crime and Sentencing 4 American University Journal of Gender & the Law 1 (Fall 1995) Part A: What is Past is Prologue. 2 I. Introduction. 2 II. The Colonial Period. 10 III. The Status of African American Women in the Nineteenth Century. 14 A. Antebellum America. 14 B. Slave Criminality. 16 C. Postbellum America. 20 D. Crime as Resistance. 22 IV. African American Women's Experiences in Penal Institutions . 25 Part B: Images,...; Search Snippet: ...Law Fall 1995 at the Intersection of Injustice: Experiences of African American Women in Crime and Sentencing Paula C. Johnson [Fna] Copyright ©... 1995 African/Black American
Karen L. Goldstein Balancing Risks and Rights: Hiv Testing Regimes for Pregnant Women 4 Cornell Journal of Law & Public Policy 609 (Spring, 1995) Babies born to women infected with HIV or AIDS present a tremendous worldwide problem. There are now an estimated two million children born to HIV-infected parents, a number which is expected to rise to ten million by the end of this decade. In the United States, women of child-bearing age currently comprise the fastest growing segment of the...; Search Snippet: ...Note Balancing Risks and Rights: Hiv Testing Regimes for Pregnant Women Karen L. Goldstein [Fnd1] Copyright (C) 1995 by the Cornell... 1995  
Shelby A.D. Moore Battered Woman Syndrome: Selling the Shadow to Support the Substance 38 Howard Law Journal 297 (Spring 1995) According to Thelma Jean Banks's testimony, on the day of the murder of her live-in partner James McDonald (nicknamed Brother), Jean and Brother, both alcoholics, spent the day drinking and arguing. During an argument, Brother struck Jean, pushed her to the ground, and attempted to cut her with a grass cutter. In response, Jean, a large African...; Search Snippet: ...Law Journal Howard Law Journal Spring 1995 Lead Article Battered Woman Syndrome: Selling the Shadow to Support the Substance [Fna] Shelby... 1995 African/Black American
Kathleen Waits Battered Women and Family Lawyers: the Need for an Identification Protocol 58 Albany Law Review 1027 (1995) Any lawyer representing female clients encounters battered women. At any given time, at least 10% of women are being abused by a current or former husband or boyfriend; 50% of American women will experience violence in an intimate relationship at some time in their lives. So, whether they realize it or not, corporate lawyers, estates and trusts...; Search Snippet: ...Reconceptualizing Violence Against Women by Intimate Partners: Critical Issues Battered Women and Family Lawyers: the Need for an Identification Protocol Kathleen... 1995  
Jonathan Boyarin Before the Law There Stands a Woman: in re Taylor V. Butler (With Court-appointed Yiddish Translator) 16 Cardozo Law Review 1303 (January, 1995) Because texts do not reflect the entirety of their authors or their worlds, they enter a field of reading as partial provocations, not only requiring a set of prior texts in order to gain legibility, but -- at best -- initiating a set of appropriations and criticisms that call into question their fundamental premises. I begin with a story I heard...; Search Snippet: ...And the Postmodern Mind Before the Law There Stands a Woman: in re Taylor V. Butler (With Court-appointed Yiddish Translator... 1995  
  Berkeley Women's Law Journal Celebrates Ten Years 10 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 11 (1995) Berkeley Women's Law Journal celebrated its tenth anniversary this year. To commemorate ten years of publication, the Journal hosted a symposium entitled, Underrepresented Women in the Law: Looking to the 21st Century, on November 5 & 6, 1994. Approximately 200 people braved torrential rain to hear the presentations of more than thirty...; Search Snippet: ...Law Journal 1995 Symposium: Looking to the 21st Century Berkeley Women's Law Journal Celebrates Ten Years Copyright (C) 1995 Berkeley Women's... 1995  
Hope Lewis Between Irua and "Female Genital Mutilation": Feminist Human Rights Discourse and the Cultural Divide 8 Harvard Human Rights Journal 1 (Spring, 1995) We are transformed, individually, collectively, as we make radical creative space which affirms and sustains our subjectivity, which gives us a new location from which to articulate our sense of the world. Wherever you are in the world and you are in trouble, one of those sisters will come to your aid. Irua, or traditional female genital surgery...; Search Snippet: ...Journal Harvard Human Rights Journal Spring, 1995 Between Irua and Female Genital Mutilation: Feminist Human Rights Discourse and the Cultural Divide Hope Lewis [Fna... 1995  
Nancy S. Marder Beyond Gender: Peremptory Challenges and the Roles of the Jury 73 Texas Law Review 1041 (April, 1995) Should any peremptory challenges be allowed now that peremptories are no longer permitted on the basis of race or gender? Professor Nancy Marder argues that the answer should depend on whether peremptory challenges help or hinder the jury in the performance of its various roles. One of the jury's roles is to make public value decisions;...; Search Snippet: ...362894 Texas Law Review Texas Law Review April, 1995 Beyond Gender: Peremptory Challenges and the Roles of the Jury Nancy S... 1995  
Ruth Colker Bi: Race, Sexual Orientation, Gender, and Disability 56 Ohio State Law Journal 1 (1995) [W]hat is there about a continuum that is unsatisfying? frightening? Why must lifeand webe seen in either black or white, with no shades in between? The category which most closely reflects the individual's recognition in his community should be used for purposes of reporting on persons who are of mixed racial and/or ethnic origins. In this...; Search Snippet: ...Journal Ohio State Law Journal 1995 Bi: Race, Sexual Orientation, Gender, and Disability Ruth Colker [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1995 by The... 1995 African/Black American
Adrien Katherine Wing , Eunice P. de Carvalho Black South African Women: Toward Equal Rights 8 Harvard Human Rights Journal 57 (Spring, 1995) Similar consideration must attach to the equally important question of the emancipation of the women of our country. It is vitally important that all structures of government, including the president himself, should understand this fully, that freedom cannot be achieved unless the women have been emancipated from all forms of oppression. On...; Search Snippet: ...Journal Harvard Human Rights Journal Spring, 1995 Black South African Women: Toward Equal Rights Adrien Katherine Wing [Fna] Eunice P. De... 1995 African/Black American
Lucretia P. Murphy Black Women: Organizing to Lift…to Climb…to Rise 4 Texas Journal of Women and the Law 267 (Summer, 1995) The colored woman of today occupies, one might say, a unique position in this country. [S]he is confronted by a woman question and a race problem, and is as yet an unknown or unacknowledged factor in both. I don't understand how you can see me as only parts of you, except that I let you. The first time that I recognized the implication of my...; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Women and the Law Summer, 1995 Note Black Women: Organizing to Liftto Climbto Rise Lucretia P. Murphy... 1995 African/Black American
Donna L. Laddy Can Women Prisoners Be Carpenters? A Proposed Analysis for Equal Protection Claims of Gender Discrimination in Educational and Vocational Programming at Women's Prisons 5 Temple Political & Civil Rights Law Review 1 (Fall 1995) In the words of one survey, [c]orrectional programs for the female offender are still heavily steeped in the myths of appropriate female behavior and traditional sex roles. Another recent survey reports that [a]dequate, specific funding for female offender programming is lacking . . . . [A]ll too frequently, programs established to serve men and...; Search Snippet: ...Review Temple Political & Civil Rights Law Review Fall 1995 Can Women Prisoners Be Carpenters? A Proposed Analysis for Equal Protection Claims of Gender Discrimination in Educational and Vocational Programming at Women's Prisons Donna L. Laddy [Fna] Copyright (C) 1996 Temple Political... 1995  
Beverly Baker-Kelly, Cliff Hocker China: Nba Women Take Rights Issues to Beijing 9-DEC NBA National Bar Association Magazine 32 (November/December, 1995) Five representatives of the National Bar Association (NBA) travelled to Beijing, China to ensure that the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women, held September 4-15, 1995, would not ignore issues important to African Americans. The Chair of the NBA International Law Section, Dr. Beverly Baker-Kelly, an international human rights lawyer...; Search Snippet: ...Bar Association Magazine November/december, 1995 Department International China: Nba Women Take Rights Issues to Beijing Beverly Baker-kelly Cliff Hocker... 1995 African/Black American
Ashley Kissinger Civil Rights and Professional Wrongs: a Female Lawyer's Dilemma 73 Texas Law Review 1419 (May, 1995) I. The Dilemma Created by Gender Bias in the Legal Profession A. Sex-Based Stereotypes B. Sources of Bias and Harm to Client Interests C. Law Firm Discrimination and Harm to Female Attorneys II. Civil Rights: Does a Female Lawyer Have a Cause of Action Under Title VII? A. Discrimination in Case Assignment: A Basis for a Cause of Action 1....; Search Snippet: ...Review May, 1995 Note Civil Rights and Professional Wrongs: a Female Lawyer's Dilemma [Fnp1] Ashley Kissinger Copyright (C) 1995 by The... 1995  
Lynne Soine , Mary Ann Burg Combining Class Action Litigation and Social Science Research: a Case Study in Helping Homeless Women with Children 3 American University Journal of Gender & the Law 159 (Spring, 1995) Historically, this society's homeless were men. The stereotypical Bowery Bum was a reasonably accurate reflection of those who were chronically homeless. As recently as forty years ago, an estimated 3% of these homeless were women. Homeless families were even more rare than homeless women at that time. In stark contrast to this history, homeless...; Search Snippet: ...And Social Science Research: a Case Study in Helping Homeless Women with Children Lynne Soine [Fna] Mary Ann Burg [Fnaa] Copyright... 1995  
Berta Esperanza Hernandez-Truyol Concluding Remarks Making Women Visible: Setting an Agenda for the Twenty-first Century 69 Saint John's Law Review 231 (Winter-Spring 1995) The Women's Rights as International Human Rights Symposium (Symposium), sponsored by the International Women's Human Rights Project of the Center for Law and Public Policy at St. John's University, focused on the roles played by rules of law and by the conflation of economic, social, political, religious, cultural, and historic forces in the...; Search Snippet: ...Symposium Women's Rights as International Human Rights Concluding Remarks Making Women Visible: Setting an Agenda for the Twenty-first Century Berta... 1995  
John F. Harvey Constitutional Law 29 Suffolk University Law Review 315 (Spring 1995) The Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees crimi nal defendants the right to trial by an impartial jury. To further this end, the judicial system provides both the prosecution and defense with a number of peremptory challenges to remove prospective jurors without cause. In J.E.B. v. Alabama ex rel. T.B., the Supreme Court of...; Search Snippet: ...Constitutional Law Further Restricting the Jury Selection Process by Prohibiting Gender-based Peremptory Challenges-- J.e.b. V. Alabama ex Rel. T.b., 114... 1995  
William J. Mitchell Constitutional Law--fourteenth Amendment--the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment Prohibits Discrimination in Jury Selection Where the Sole Basis of a Peremptory Challenge Is Gender. J.e.b. V. Alabama, 114 S. Ct. 1419 (1994). 73 University of Detroit Mercy Law Review 103 (Fall 1995) The State of Alabama, on behalf of T.B., filed a complaint for paternity and child support against petitioner J.E.B. On October 21, 1991, in the District Court of Jackson County, Alabama, the case was called to trial and jury selection began. Eventually, the state used nine of its ten peremptory challenges to remove male jurors. Consequently, all...; Search Snippet: ...Selection Where the Sole Basis of a Peremptory Challenge Is Gender. J.e.b. V. Alabama, 114 S. Ct. 1419 (1994). William J... 1995  
David M. Seitz Constitutional Law--jury Selection--peremptory Challenges--the United States Supreme Court Held That Intentional Gender Discrimination by State Actors When Exercising Peremptory Challenges in the Jury Selection Process Violates the Equal Protection Clause 33 Duquesne Law Review 1033 (Summer, 1995) A complaint for paternity and child support was filed by the State of Alabama (the State) on behalf of T.B., the mother of a minor child, against petitioner J.E.B. (the Petitioner) in the District Court of Jackson County, Alabama. A pool of thirty-six potential jurors was available when the matter came to trial, three of whom were subsequently...; Search Snippet: ...Peremptory Challenges--the United States Supreme Court Held That Intentional Gender Discrimination by State Actors When Exercising Peremptory Challenges in The... 1995  
Frank S. Ravitch Contextualizing Gender Harassment: Providing an Analytical Framework for an Emerging Concept in Discrimination Law 1995 Detroit College of Law at Michigan State University Law Review 853 (Fall, 1995) C1-3TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 853 I. UNDERSTANDING GENDER HARASSMENT 861 II. CAUSES OF ACTION FOR WORKPLACE HARASSMENT RECOGNIZED UNDER TITLE VII 864 A. Hostile Work Environment 864 B. Quid Pro Quo 871 III. ANALYZING GENDER HARASSMENT CLAIMS 872 A. Placing Gender Harassment in the Appropriate Context 872 B. Comparing Gender Harassment With...; Search Snippet: ...Law at Michigan State University Law Review Fall, 1995 Contextualizing Gender Harassment: Providing an Analytical Framework for an Emerging Concept In... 1995  
Abbe Smith Criminal Responsibility, Social Responsibility, and Angry Young Men: Reflections of a Feminist Criminal Defense Lawyer 21 New York University Review of Law and Social Change 433 (1994-1995) I. Short Stories and Court Stories . 433 A. A Crime of Passion . 433 B. A Crime of Self-Defense . 437 C. A Crime of Despair . 440 D. Which Story is Heard . 443 II. The Context of the Stories . 450 A. The Immediate Context: A Hostile Criminal System . 450 B. The Broader Context: Individual Responsibility in an Out-of-Control Society . 457 III. When...; Search Snippet: ...Responsibility, Social Responsibility, and Angry Young Men: Reflections of a Feminist Criminal Defense Lawyer Abbe Smith [Fna] Copyright (C) 1995 New... 1995  
Holly Maguigan Cultural Evidence and Male Violence: Are Feminist and Multiculturalist Reformers on a Collision Course in Criminal Courts? 70 New York University Law Review 36 (April, 1995) While both feminists and multiculturalists have advocated for inclusion of a wider variety of voices in American jurisprudence, they have recently perceived themselves to be on opposite sides of a vigorously disputed issue: whether to permit criminal defendants to introduce cultural evidence. Some feminists argue that any admissibility of cultural...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review April, 1995 Cultural Evidence and Male Violence: Are Feminist and Multiculturalist Reformers on a Collision Course in Criminal Courts... 1995  
Naomi Cahn , Joan Meier Domestic Violence and Feminist Jurisprudence: Towards a New Agenda 4 Boston University Public Interest Law Journal 339 (1995) In the last twenty years, litigation, legislation, activism, and, to a lesser extent, social services for battered women have proliferated. In that time society has moved from virtual denial of the existence of domestic violence to a somewhat grudging acknowledgment that it is a pervasive and serious problem with legal, sociological, and...; Search Snippet: ...Approaches to Poverty Law, Teaching, and Practice Domestic Violence and Feminist Jurisprudence: Towards a New Agenda Naomi Cahn [Fna] Joan Meier... 1995  
Gloria Valencia-Weber , Christine P. Zuni Domestic Violence and Tribal Protection of Indigenous Women in the United States 69 Saint John's Law Review 69 (Winter-Spring 1995) The essential Navajo value is that while men and women are distinct, they relate as complementary equals. That kind of relationship creates, or should create, an environment that views violence toward women as deviant behavior. Under Navajo common law, violence toward women, or mistreatment of them in any way, is illegal. A man who battered his...; Search Snippet: ...International Human Rights Domestic Violence and Tribal Protection of Indigenous Women in the United States Gloria Valencia-weber [Fna] Christine P... 1995  
Lisa A. Crooms Don't Believe the Hype: Black Women, Patriarchy and the New Welfarism 38 Howard Law Journal 611 (Summer 1995) Demonizing single motherhood and welfare encourages one to think of these mothers as them and not us, and to contemplate policies for them that we would never consider for ourselves and our children. At worst, such women are viewed as a menace to society, or as a public enemy. At best, they are viewed as sociological cripples whose...; Search Snippet: ...Howard Law Journal Summer 1995 Don't Believe the Hype: Black Women, Patriarchy and the New Welfarism Lisa A. Crooms [Fna] Copyright... 1995 African/Black American
Renee M. Yoshimura Empowering Battereed Women: Changes in Domestic Violence Laws in Hawaii 17 University of Hawaii Law Review 575 (Fall, 1995) Domestic Violence is the leading cause of injury to women in the United States between the ages of 15 and 44. Every fifteen seconds, somewhere in the United States, a woman is beaten by her husband, ex-husband or boyfriend. Half of all married women will be beaten at least once by their spouses. Women are in nine times more danger of a violent...; Search Snippet: ...Of Hawaii Law Review Fall, 1995 Recent Development Empowering Battereed Women: Changes in Domestic Violence Laws in Hawaii Renee M. Yoshimura... 1995 Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
David M. Zlotnick Empowering the Battered Woman: the Use of Criminal Contempt Sanctions to Enforce Civil Protection Orders 56 Ohio State Law Journal 1153 (1995) The Nicole Simpson murder has focused public attention on domestic violence as never before. Yet despite an unprecedented level of media coverage and a proliferation of proposed legislation, domestic violence remains the leading health risk for American women. No issue in domestic violence reform is as critical as the need to stop the repeat...; Search Snippet: ...Law Journal Ohio State Law Journal 1995 Empowering the Battered Woman: the Use of Criminal Contempt Sanctions to Enforce Civil Protection... 1995  
Sarah E. Burns Engendered Change: Review of Balos' and Fellows' Law and Violence Against Women 1 Clinical Law Review 665 (Spring, 1995) What are the words you do not yet have? What do you need to say? What are the tyrannies you swallow day by day and attempt to make your own, until you will sicken and die of them, still in silence? Law and Violence Against Women: Cases and Materials on Systems of Oppression by Beverly Balos and Mary Louise Fellows departs dramatically from...; Search Snippet: ...Change: Review of Balos' and Fellows' Law and Violence Against Women Law and Violence Against Women: Cases and Materials on Systems of Oppression. By Beverly Balos... 1995  
Elizabeth M. Schneider Epilogue: Making Reconceptualization of Violence Against Women Real 58 Albany Law Review 1245 (1995) This symposium, Reconceptualizing Violence Against Women by Intimate Partners: Critical Issues, highlights the enormity of the problem of domestic violence and the range of important activist and academic work that has been done and is being done on these issues. As the contributions to this symposium document, the good news is that there is an...; Search Snippet: ...Intimate Partners: Critical Issues Epilogue: Making Reconceptualization of Violence Against Women Real Elizabeth M. Schneider [Fna] Copyright (C) 1995 Albany Law... 1995  
Brian E. Leach Extending Batson V. Kentucky to Gender and Beyond: the Death Knell for the Peremptory Challenge? 19 Southern Illinois University Law Journal 381 (Winter, 1995) Historically, attorneys have had absolute discretion when exercising their peremptory challenges. In 1986, the Supreme Court of the United States limited the unrestrained nature of peremptories when it held that prosecutors may not exercise peremptory challenges based solely on the race of a prospective juror in Batson v. Kentucky. Subsequently,...; Search Snippet: ...Law Journal Winter, 1995 Comment Extending Batson V. Kentucky to Gender and Beyond: the Death Knell for the Peremptory Challenge? Brian... 1995  
Jennifer S. Madden Family Caps Threaten Women and Their Children 10 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 171 (1995) The public's image of the welfare system is guided by societal constructions of the deserving and undeserving recipients of public aid. Those whom society deems worthy of public aid include the elderly, veterans, and the disabled, while single women with children are viewed as burdens on an already overloaded system. One part of the welfare...; Search Snippet: ...Berkeley Women's Law Journal 1995 Recent Development Family Caps Threaten Women and Their Children Jennifer S. Madden [Fnd] Copyright (C) 1995... 1995  
Roy L. Brooks Feminist Jurisdiction: Toward an Understanding of Feminist Procedure 43 University of Kansas Law Review 317 (1/1/1995) I. Introduction. 318 II. The Structure of Critical Feminist Theory. 320 A. Common Objective. 321 B. Methodology. 322 C. Values and Assumptions. 326 1. The Concept of Sexual Equality. 326 2. Other Values and Assumptions. 331 D. Epistemology. 334 1. Rational/Empirical. 334 2. Standpoint. 335 3. Postmodern. 337 4. Positionality. 338 E. Summary. 340...; Search Snippet: ...Kansas Law Review University of Kansas Law Review January 1995 Feminist Jurisdiction: Toward an Understanding of Feminist Procedure Roy L. Brooks [Fna] Copyright (C) 1995 Kansas Law... 1995  
Beth A. Deverman Fourteenth Amendment--equal Protection: the Supreme Court's Prohibition of Gender-based Peremptory Challenges 85 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 1028 (Spring, 1995) In J.E.B. v. Alabama, the United States Supreme Court held that the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits the exercise of peremptory challenges based solely on the gender of a potential juror. The Court applied a heightened scrutiny test, the traditional equal protection analysis prescribed...; Search Snippet: ...Review Fourteenth Amendment--equal Protection: the Supreme Court's Prohibition of Gender-based Peremptory Challenges J.e.b. V. Alabama, 114 S. Ct. 1419... 1995  
Pam Frasher Fulfilling Batson and its Progeny: a Proposed Amendment to Rule 24 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure to Attain a More Race- and Gender-neutral Jury Selection Process 80 Iowa Law Review 1327 (July, 1995) Courts traditionally have exalted the peremptory challenge system as fundamental to achieving a fair trial by jury. The peremptory challenge system allows parties to eliminate persons from the venire whom they believe are incompetent or biased. In addition to helping litigants secure an unbiased jury, the peremptory challenge system gives the...; Search Snippet: ...Rules of Criminal Procedure to Attain a More Race- and Gender-neutral Jury Selection Process Pam Frasher [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1995... 1995  
Kathleen Daly Gender and Sentencing: What We Know and Don't Know from Empirical Research 1995 Federal Sentencing Reporter 862010 (12/1/1995) Many claims are made about gender differences in sentencing. I review what we know and don't know from empirical research on judicial paternalism and the more lenient treatment of women compared to men. I then challenge several arguments made by Ilene Nagel and Barry Johnson on equal treatment, special treatment, and gender-neutrality in sentencing...; Search Snippet: ...Reporter Volume 8, Number 3 November/december, 1995 Kathleen Daly Gender and Sentencing: What We Know and Don't Know from Empirical... 1995  
Jennifer L. Henderson Gender Equity in Intercollegiate Athletics: a Commitment to Fairness 5 Seton Hall Journal of Sport Law 133 (1995) I. Introduction. 134 II. Title IX History. 135 A. Relief Under Title IX. 139 III. Recent Developments. 143 A. Gender Equity and the Response by The National Association of Collegiate Women Athletic Administrators. 143 B. Gender Equity in Athletic Leadership Roles. 145 C. The Concern of University Presidents. 146 D. The NCAA Reform Attempts. 148 E....; Search Snippet: ...Of Sport Law Seton Hall Journal of Sport Law 1995 Gender Equity in Intercollegiate Athletics: a Commitment to Fairness Jennifer L... 1995  
Phyllis J. Newton, Jill Glazer, Kevin Blackwell Gender, Individuality and the Federal Sentencing Guidelines 1995 Federal Sentencing Reporter 862007 (12/1/1995) Historically, gender has played an important role in determining sanctions for criminal and delinquent conduct. The direction of that role, i.e., mitigation or aggravation, has varied. Often for status offenses, such as running away from home, young female defendants received stiffer sanctions than did their male counterparts. On the other hand,...; Search Snippet: ...Volume 8, Number 3 November/december, 1995 Phyllis J. Newton Gender, Individuality and the Federal Sentencing Guidelines December 1, 1995 Phyllis... 1995  
Carol Sanger Girls and the Getaway: Cars, Culture, and the Predicament of Gendered Space 144 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 705 (December, 1995) The auto is the link which binds the metropolis to my pastoral existence; which brings me into frequent touch with the entertainment and life of my neighboring small towns, -- with the joys of bargain, library and soda-fountain. Christine McGaffey Frederick (1912) The People's theory is that the acts of sexual intercourse . . . were the result of...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review University of Pennsylvania Law Review December, 1995 Essay Girls and the Getaway: Cars, Culture, and the Predicament of Gendered... 1995  
Cynthia Fuchs Epstein, Robert Saute, Bonnie Oglensky, Martha Gever, Graduate Center, City University of New York Glass Ceilings and Open Doors: Women's Advancement in the Legal Profession 64 Fordham Law Review 291 (11/1/1995) Foreward 295 Executive Summary 302 A. Method 302 B. Findings 302 I. Introduction 306 A. Background 306 B. Method 307 C. Issues 309 1. Multiple Ceilings 309 2. Changing Career Opportunities 309 3. Generational Differences 310 4. Social Processes That Influence the Advancement of Women 311 D. Historical Context 311 II. Gender Representation in the...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review November 1995 Report Glass Ceilings and Open Doors: Women's Advancement in the Legal Profession a Report to the Committee on Women in the Profession, the Association of the Bar of The... 1995  
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