AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearEthnicity in Title or Summary
Rory K. Little Guilt, Reasonable Doubt and the Reasonable Woman 6 Hastings Women's Law Journal 275 (Summer 1995) From all that appears in this special discussion issue of the Hastings Women's Law Journal, the O.J. Simpson double murder trial has made women angry. Terry Diggs assails sexual dominion, the culture of men, deadly patriarchy and its malevolent notions; she darkly asserts that only the prospect of world peace is less likely than the...; Search Snippet: ...Summer 1995 Responsive Essay Guilt, Reasonable Doubt and the Reasonable Woman Rory K. Little [Fna] Copyright (C) 1995 Hastings College Of... 1995  
Margaret Lewis Meister Help for Women and Minorities 5-DEC Business Law Today 54 (November/December, 1995) A new client calls who wants to start a small business. You've formed corporations, partnerships and limited liability companies. This business, though, will need some start-up capital. You've negotiated loan transactions and put together equity arrangements. The business will be owned by a Native American woman. In the back of your mind you know...; Search Snippet: ...Today November/december, 1995 Feature Small Business Law Help for Women and Minorities a Guide to Resources and Programs Margaret Lewis... 1995 American Indian/Alaskan Native
David Lowe Hiv Study Raises Ethical Concerns for the Treatment of Pregnant Women 10 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 176 (1995) In February 1994 the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) abruptly halted a key medical study. NIAID wanted to determine whether administering a powerful, virus-fighting drug to pregnant women who were infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) would prevent transmission of the virus to their babies. To that...; Search Snippet: ...Hiv Study Raises Ethical Concerns for the Treatment of Pregnant Women David Lowe [Fnd] Copyright (C) 1995 Berkeley Women's Law Journal... 1995  
Noelle C. Brennan Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment: the Hostile Environment of a Courtroom 44 DePaul Law Review 545 (Winter 1995) Sexual harassment has received a tremendous amount of media and legal attention in the past several years. Courts were initially reluctant to acknowledge sexual harassment as a pervasive problem, despite the alarming number of women claiming to have been harassed. The Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill debacle resulted in a heightened awareness of sexual...; Search Snippet: ...Teaching Me the Importance of Speaking out Against Injustices Facing Women and My Mother for Giving Me the Courage to Do... 1995  
Lisa Kelly If Anybody Asks You Who I Am: an Outsider's Story of the Duty to Establish Paternity 3 American University Journal of Gender & the Law 247 (Spring, 1995) When Minerva looked into the face of her child asleep beside her in the bed, she saw peace, she saw freshness, she saw the world the way it should be. Contentment slept in Kiji's lips, pink brown lips closed loosely like a small bow. In the curl of her lashes rested hope. In her balled fists, strength and vulnerability. Minerva hated to wake her....; Search Snippet: ...297 (1994) . Originally Presented at the American University Journal of Gender & the Law Symposium Gender, Family and Change: Developments in the Legal Regulation of Family... 1995  
Peter Sevareid Increase in Value of Separate Property in Pennsylvania: a Change in What Women Want? 68 Temple Law Review 557 (Summer 1995) Introduction . 557 I. Current Pennsylvania Statutory and Case Law . 558 II. Legislative History in Pennsylvania . 571 A. Willcox and Community Property . 571 B. Preface to Section 401(e)(1): The Legislative History of the UMDA . 578 C. Section 401(e)(1) . 583 III. Prenuptial Agreements . 595 IV. A Note on Tax . 598 V. Psychological Effects of...; Search Snippet: ...Value of Separate Property in Pennsylvania: a Change in What Women Want? Peter Sevareid [Fna] Copyright (C) 1995 Temple University Of... 1995  
L.M. Cirando Informed Choice and Population Policy: Do the Population Policies of China and the United States Respect and Ensure Women's Right to Informed Choice? 19 Fordham International Law Journal 611 (December, 1995) Rapid and uncontrolled population growth threatens widespread famine, frustrates economic development, strains social resources, and portends ecological disaster. The Programme of Action (Cairo Programme or Programme) of the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD or Cairo Conference) offers solutions to...; Search Snippet: ...Policies of China and the United States Respect and Ensure Women's Right to Informed Choice? L.m. Cirando [Fna] Copyright (C) 1995... 1995  
Mary Coombs Interrogating Identity 2 African-American Law and Policy Report 222 (Fall, 1995) A few years ago, I would have described myself as a white Jewish heterosexual female. Today, I'm considerably less sure, because both my self-understanding and my sense of the meaning and significance of those very categories has changed. Judy Scales-Trent's book, Notes of a White Black Woman, provides a marvelous vehicle for exploring the process...; Search Snippet: ...Fna1] Review Essay Interrogating Identity Notes of a White Black Woman: Race, Color, Community by Judy Scales-trent. University Park, Pennsylvania... 1995 African/Black American
Kitt Janco Foster J.e.b. V. Alabama ex Rel. T.b.: Gender-based Peremptory Challenges 1995 Detroit College of Law Review 819 (Summer, 1995) J.E.B. v. Alabama ex rel. T.B. addresses the issue of gender discrimination in the jury selection process by use of peremptory challenges. Though the United States Supreme Court had previously decided in Batson v. Kentucky that the use of peremptory challenges, to eliminate people from the jury based solely on race, was in violation of the Equal...; Search Snippet: ...Review Summer, 1995 Casenote J.e.b. V. Alabama ex Rel. T.b.: Gender-based Peremptory Challenges Kitt Janco Foster Copyright (C) 1995 By... 1995  
Stacey L. Wichterman J.e.b. V. Alabama ex Rel. T.b.: Gender-based Peremptory Challenges on Trial 16 Northern Illinois University Law Review 209 (Fall, 1995) Why do we love this trial by jury? Because it prevents the hand of oppression from cutting you off. The American public is captivated by every aspect of jury trials, from their initial stages to the verdict and sentencing, and all phases in-between. So fascinated are we with the American way of justice, that a cable-access television network...; Search Snippet: ...Review Fall, 1995 Casenote J.e.b. V. Alabama ex Rel. T.b.: Gender-based Peremptory Challenges on Trial Stacey L. Wichterman Copyright ©... 1995  
Edmund L. Quatmann, Jr. J.e.b. V. Alabama ex Rel. T.b.: the Extension of the Equal Protection Clause to Gender-based Peremptory Challenges -- Is this the End? 39 Saint Louis University Law Journal 1349 (Summer 1995) I don't like women jurors because I can't trust them. A woman is inclined to forgive sin in the opposite sex; but definitely not her own . . . . I would want very few women. . . . Women are more punitive than men by a score of about five to one. [W]omen tend more than men to base their verdicts on the physical appearance of a defendant. THE...; Search Snippet: ...T.b.: [Fna] the Extension of the Equal Protection Clause to Gender-based Peremptory Challenges -- Is this the End? Edmund L. Quatmann... 1995  
Sheila M. Smith Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sexual Harassment Law: Will the Second Female Supreme Court Justice Become the Court's Women's Rights Champion? 63 University of Cincinnati Law Review 1893 (Summer 1995) Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who joined the United States Supreme Court in October 1993, is only the second woman in history to be appointed to the Court. Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, the first female Supreme Court Justice, has accumulated a somewhat mixed record on sex discrimination cases in her twelve years on the Court, and commentators...; Search Snippet: ...Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sexual Harassment Law: Will the Second Female Supreme Court Justice Become the Court's Women's Rights Champion? Sheila M. Smith [Fna] Copyright (C) 1995 University... 1995  
Robert Nelson Law, Markets, and Gender Inequality in Pay 10 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 61 (1995) In 1983, Judge Tanner of the Federal District Court of Western Washington handed the pay equity movement its largest legal victory. In American Federation of State, County, & Municipal Employees v. Washington, the court found that the State of Washington had discriminated against workers in predominantly female jobs and awarded the plaintiffs a...; Search Snippet: ...Women's Law Journal 1995 Symposium Panel Discussion Law, Markets, and Gender Inequality in Pay Robert Nelson [Fnd] Copyright (C) 1995 Berkeley... 1995  
Lewis A. Kornhauser , Richard L. Revesz Legal Education and Entry into the Legal Profession: the Role of Race, Gender, and Educational Debt 70 New York University Law Review 829 (October, 1995) Debt burden is routinely cited as the major force driving law school graduates to choose private practice over careers in government or other public-interest settings. In an effort to counter that force and level the playing field with regard to career choice, many law schools have developed loan repayment assistance programs. In this Article,...; Search Snippet: ...And Entry into the Legal Profession: the Role of Race, Gender, and Educational Debt Lewis A. Kornhauser [Fna] Richard L. Revesz... 1995  
Celia M. Ruiz, J.D. Legal Standards Regarding Gender Equity and Affirmative Action 100 West's Education Law Reporter 841 (August, 1995) Public educational institutions and entities have an affirmative duty under federal law to eliminate the pernicious vestiges of racial and sexual discrimination in every aspect of their programs, including the area of employment. This duty stems from Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and from decisions of the United States Supreme Court....; Search Snippet: ...West's Education Law Reporter August, 1995 Commentary Legal Standards Regarding Gender Equity and Affirmative Action [Fna] Celia M. Ruiz , J.d. [Fnaa... 1995  
Abby Brandel Legislating Surrogacy: a Partial Answer to Feminist Criticism 54 Maryland Law Review 488 (1995) Although surrogate motherhood has been practiced in some form since Biblical times, it was not until the landmark Baby M case that modern surrogacy captured public attention and became the subject of widespread debate. The intense media scrutiny of such cases, increased demand for surrogacy, and ever-improving technology have forced us to rethink...; Search Snippet: ...Law and Health Care Legislating Surrogacy: a Partial Answer to Feminist Criticism Abby Brandel Copyright (C) 1995 Maryland Law Review, Inc... 1995  
Caroline W. Jacobus Legislative Responses to Discrimination in Women's Health Care: a Report Prepared for the Commission to Study Sex Discrimination in the Statutes 16 Women's Rights Law Reporter 153 (Spring, 1995) The New Jersey Commission on Sex Discrimination in the Statutes was established, when Governor Brendan T. Byrne signed P.L.1978, c. 68, on July 6, 1978. The Commission, composed of eleven legislative, executive and community members and assisted by a three person staff, was authorized to conduct a thorough review of all statutes containing...; Search Snippet: ...Rights Law Reporter Spring, 1995 Legislative Responses to Discrimination in Women's Health Care: a Report Prepared for the Commission to Study... 1995  
Joseph P. Williams Lower Pay for Women's Coaches: Refuting Some Common Justifications 21 Journal of College and University Law 643 (Spring, 1995) A. You've Come a Long Way, Baby: Gains Made Under Title IX Poised on the brink of victory at the 1984 Summer Olympic Games in Los Angeles, Cheryl Miller, star of the gold medal-winning United States Olympic Women's Basketball Team, reflected on her rise to greatness: Without Title IX, I wouldn't be here. Miller's reference to Title IX of the...; Search Snippet: ...Of College and University Law Spring, 1995 Lower Pay for Women's Coaches: Refuting Some Common Justifications [Fna] Joseph P. Williams [Fnaa... 1995  
Mairi N. Morrison May it Please Whose Court?: How Moot Court Perpetuates Gender Bias in the "Real World" of Practice 6 UCLA Women's Law Journal 49 (Fall 1995) The spring ritual of Moot Court, in which first-year law students write and argue an appellate brief to a panel of judges consisting of both academics and practitioners, has a profound impact on each student's developing impression of what it means to be a lawyer. Moot Court disadvantages law students, particularly women students, in replication of...; Search Snippet: ...1995 May it Please Whose Court?: How Moot Court Perpetuates Gender Bias in the Real World of Practice Mairi N. Morrison... 1995  
Linda L. Ammons Mules , Madonnas, Babies, Bath Water, Racial Imagery and Stereotypes: the African -American Woman and the Battered Woman Syndrome 1995 Wisconsin Law Review 1003 (1995) Introduction. 1004 I. Battered Woman Syndrome and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. 1008 A. Plight of Battered Black Women. 1017 II. The African Woman in America. 1030 A. Paternalism, Pedestals and Presumptions: No Mirror Images for African-American Women. 1034 III. Stereotypes: The Impact of Historical Cultural Representations. 1045 IV. Stereotypes...; Search Snippet: ...Fna] , Madonnas, Babies, Bath Water, Racial Imagery and Stereotypes: the African - American Woman and the Battered Woman Syndrome Linda L. Ammons [Fnaa] Copyright (C) 1995 University Of... 1995 African/Black American
Odeana R. Neal Myths and Moms: Images of Women and Termination of Parental Rights 5-FALL Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy 61 (Fall, 1995) For most of us, the word mother evokes a myriad of often conflicting images and emotions, expectations and disappointments, and gratitude and blame. What a mother is -- our own mothers and the class of people who are mothers -- means much more than that a woman has given birth. We expect mothers to provide their children with all the love,...; Search Snippet: ...Policy Fall, 1995 National Issues Myths and Moms: Images of Women and Termination of Parental Rights Odeana R. Neal [Fna1] Copyright... 1995  
George P. Choundas Neither Equal Nor Protected: the Invisible Law of Equal Protection, the Legal Invisibility of its Gender-based Victims 44 Emory Law Journal 1069 (Summer, 1995) We disagree with the trial court's assessment [that ORS 106.155 is unconstitutional in that it denies equal protection of laws in that it gives greater protection to a victim who is assaulted because of his race, color, religion, or national origin than to another person who is assaulted for some other reason.] The statute does not offer more...; Search Snippet: ...Invisible Law of Equal Protection, the Legal Invisibility of its Gender-based Victims George P. Choundas [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1995 By... 1995  
Jonathan M. Eisenberg Nih Promulgates New Guidelines for the Inclusion of Women and Minorities in Medical Research 10 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 183 (1995) Some medicines, such as penicillin, seem to benefit humans regardless of gender, race, or other demographic factors. However, other medicines and treatments have varying effects on people of different demographic groups. For example, we know that certain diet pills increase women's, but not men's, blood pressure; and that white people require...; Search Snippet: ...Recent Development Nih Promulgates New Guidelines for the Inclusion of Women and Minorities in Medical Research Jonathan M. Eisenberg [Fnd] Copyright... 1995  
Catharine A. MacKinnon Pornography Left and Right 30 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 143 (Winter, 1995) In a telling convergence between left and right, Rush Limbaugh, a conservative commentator, recently said that I say all sex is rape, repeating a lie that Playboy, a glossy men's sex magazine with liberal politics and literary pretensions, has been pushing for years. This is a lie, rather than a mistake, on the assumption that they both read my...; Search Snippet: ...Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1992) and Edward De Grazia, Girls Lean Back Everywhere: the Law of Obscenity and the Assault... 1995  
Laura T. Kessler Ppi, Patriarchy, and the Schizophrenic View of Women: a Feminist Analysis of Welfare Reform in Maryland 6 Maryland Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues 317 (1995) In July 1992, the Maryland Department of Human Resources (DHR) overhauled the state's Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program by establishing the Primary Prevention Initiative (PPI). Under PPI, women who receive AFDC are sanctioned monetarily if their children do not attend school on a regular basis, receive up-to-date...; Search Snippet: ...Legal Issues 1995 Ppi, Patriarchy, and the Schizophrenic View of Women: a Feminist Analysis of Welfare Reform in Maryland Laura T. Kessler [Fna1... 1995  
D. Kelly Weisberg Professional Women and the Professionalization of Motherhood: Marcia Clark's Double Bind 6 Hastings Women's Law Journal 295 (Summer 1995) [T]he Simpson case has become far more than a murder trial. It is a primer on society, whether the topic be race relations, the justice system or working women. In the background of the O.J. Simpson trial lurks a mini-drama. This drama will have long-lasting consequences but not for O.J. Simpson. Rather, it will affect the lives of two small boys...; Search Snippet: ...Womens Law Journal Hastings Women's Law Journal Summer 1995 Professional Women and the Professionalization of Motherhood: Marcia Clark's Double Bind [Fnd... 1995  
Valerie Fontaine Progress Report: Women and People of Color in Legal Education and the Legal Profession 6 Hastings Women's Law Journal 27 (Winter 1995) Formal barriers to entering legal education and the legal profession have crumbled over the past twenty-five years, but serious problems of gender and racial bias remain. Although the numbers of women and people of color who are law students, professors, and practitioners have increased dramatically, equal access across gender and racial lines to...; Search Snippet: ...Law Journal Hastings Women's Law Journal Winter 1995 Progress Report: Women and People of Color in Legal Education and the Legal... 1995  
Kevin R. Johnson Public Benefits and Immigration: the Intersection of Immigration Status, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class 42 UCLA Law Review 1509 (8/1/1995) Introduction. 1510 I. Menaces to Society: Public Charges, Welfare Mothers, and Criminal Aliens'. 1519 A. Immigrants and Public Benefits: A History of Fear. 1519 B. The Ineligibility of Undocumented Persons for Most Major Federal Public Assistance Programs. 1528 C. Outlaw Aliens': Benefit Recipients and Criminals. 1531 D. Immigration Benefit...; Search Snippet: ...Public Benefits and Immigration: the Intersection of Immigration Status, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class Kevin R. Johnson [Fna] Copyright (C) 1995 Regents... 1995  
Walteen Grady Truely , Martha F. Davis Public Education Programs for African-american Males: a Gender Equity Perspective 21 New York University Review of Law and Social Change 725 (1994-1995) Introduction I. Education Proposals Addressing the Crisis of African-American Males. 728 A. The Range of Proposals. 729 1. System-Wide Education Restructuring. 729 2. African-American Male Advocates. 730 3. Single-Sex Schools. 730 B. Research on Single-Sex and Single-Race Schooling. 731 II. Women's Educational Equity Concerns. 732 A. The Nature of...; Search Snippet: ...A Colloquium on Public Education Reform Public Education Programs for African- American Males: a Gender Equity Perspective Walteen Grady Truely [Fna] Martha F. Davis [Fnaa... 1995 African/Black American
Jenny Rivera Puerto Rico's Domestic Violence Prevention and Intervention Law and the United States Violence Against Women Act of 1994: the Limitations of Legislative Responses 5 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 78 (1995) [O]ur judicial systems are currently ineffective instruments in their intervention in situations of domestic violence against women. They do not offer, for now, alternatives or remedies to women victimized by this form of violence. Annually, three to four million women are targets of violence by their intimate partners or spouses. The women who...; Search Snippet: ...Prevention and Intervention Law and the United States Violence Against Women Act of 1994: the Limitations of Legislative Responses [Fnd1] Jenny... 1995  
Derk B.K. VanRaalte IV Punitive Policies: Constitutional Hazards of Non-consensual Testing of Women for Prenatal Drug Use 5 Health Matrix: Journal of Law-Medicine 443 (Summer 1995) Charleston , Oct. 5, 1993 - In the first case of its kind in the nation, the Center for Reproductive Law and Policy today urged the federal district court in South Carolina to enjoin a racially discriminatory program that threatens prosecution of pregnant women or women in labor who test positive for cocaine. The $3 million class action lawsuit...; Search Snippet: ...Note Punitive Policies: Constitutional Hazards of Non-consensual Testing of Women for Prenatal Drug Use Derk B.k. Vanraalte Iv [Fnd] Copyright... 1995  
Francisco Valdes Queers, Sissies, Dykes, and Tomboys: Deconstructing the Conflation of "Sex," "Gender," and "Sexual Orientation" in Euro-american Law and Society 83 California Law Review 1 (1/1/1995) Foreword Notes on The Conflation'. 11 I. The Conflation as Triangle. 12 II. The Conflation, Language & Common (Mis)Understandings. 20 III. The Conflation & the Law. 23 IV. The Conflation, This Project & Legal Theory. 28 Chapter One Modern Culture: Codification & Internalization. 36 I. The Conflation of Sex, Gender & Sexual Orientation. 36 II....; Search Snippet: ...Queers, Sissies, Dykes, and Tomboys: Deconstructing the Conflation of Sex, Gender, and Sexual Orientation in Euro-american Law and Society Francisco... 1995  
Angela Browne, Ph.D. Reshaping the Rhetoric: the Nexus of Violence, Poverty, and Minority Status in the Lives of Women and Children in the United States 3 Georgetown Journal on Fighting Poverty 17 (Fall, 1995) Angela Browne is a social psychologist with a particular expertise in family violence. Over the past 15 years, she has published and spoken on patterns of physical assault and threat in couple relationships, post-traumatic effects of physical and sexual assault on women and children, and homicides between intimate partners. Since 1988, she has...; Search Snippet: ...Of Violence, Poverty, and Minority Status in the Lives of Women and Children in the United States Angela Browne , Ph.d. Copyright... 1995  
Susan Girardo Roy Restoring Hope or Tolerating Abuse? Responses to Domestic Violence Against Immigrant Women 9 Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 263 (Spring, 1995) Elizabeth McCandless Murray had been the victim of domestic abuse at the hands of her Irish immigrant husband for almost all of the eleven months of their marriage. She had done everything recommended to protect herself: she took self-defense courses, got a job and developed financial independence, and left her husband, initiating divorce...; Search Snippet: ...Hope or Tolerating Abuse? Responses to Domestic Violence Against Immigrant Women Susan Girardo Roy [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1995 by the Georgetown... 1995  
Michael E. Solimine , Susan E. Wheatley Rethinking Feminist Judging 70 Indiana Law Journal 891 (Summer, 1995) For nearly two centuries no woman served on the United States Supreme Court and very few served on either the lower federal courts or state courts. Today, Sandra Day O'Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg are members of the U.S. Supreme Court, and burgeoning numbers of female judges have joined them on other federal and state courts. Contributing to this...; Search Snippet: ...370235 Indiana Law Journal Indiana Law Journal Summer, 1995 Rethinking Feminist Judging Michael E. Solimine [Fna1] Susan E. Wheatley [Fnaa1] Copyright... 1995 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Maria L. Ontiveros Rosa Lopez, David Letterman, Christopher Darden, and Me: Issues of Gender, Ethnicity, and Class in Evaluating Witness Credibility 6 Hastings Women's Law Journal 135 (Summer 1995) When California's heavy rains of 1994-95 washed out the only direct road between my home and my office, my commute escalated to three hours a day. Driving alone in the closed cocoon of my car, listening to the O.J. Simpson trial on the radio, much about the trial struck me as intensely personal. As a lawyer, I was naturally interested in the trial...; Search Snippet: ...Rosa Lopez, David Letterman, Christopher Darden, and Me: Issues of Gender, Ethnicity, and Class in Evaluating Witness Credibility Maria L. Ontiveros... 1995  
Kingsley R. Browne Sex and Temperament in Modern Society: a Darwinian View of the Glass Ceiling and the Gender Gap 37 Arizona Law Review 971 (1995) I. Introduction. 973 II. Sex Differences and Evolutionary Theory. 985 A. Natural Selection and Evolutionary Psychology. 985 B. Evolution of Temperamental Sex Differences. 990 C. Evidence of Differential Reproductive Strategies in Our Evolutionary Past. 1000 D. Evidence for the Continued Existence of the Evolved Psychological Mechanism. 1006 III....; Search Snippet: ...Society: a Darwinian View of the Glass Ceiling and the Gender Gap Kingsley R. Browne [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1995 by The... 1995  
Margaret McIntyre Sex Panic or False Alarm? The Latest Round in the Feminist Debate over Pornography 6 UCLA Women's Law Journal 189 (Fall 1995) For nearly two decades, feminists have debated whether pornography causes harm to women and what, if anything, should be done about it. Although the word pornography ostensibly refers to a relatively narrow class of sexually explicit material, the debate is more fundamentally about how to eliminate the social practice of defining women solely in...; Search Snippet: ...Sex Panic or False Alarm? The Latest Round in the Feminist Debate over Pornography a Review Essay on Catharine A. Mackinnon's... 1995  
Kathryn Abrams Sex Wars Redux: Agency and Coercion in Feminist Legal Theory 95 Columbia Law Review 304 (March, 1995) What consequences flow from characterizing women as pervasively constructed by male aggression? Over the past decade, dominance feminism has become the ascendant feminist legal theory, shaping the socially transformative legal claim for sexual harassment and helping women see the systematic oppression cloaked and perpetuated under the guise of...; Search Snippet: ...Review March, 1995 Sex Wars Redux: Agency and Coercion in Feminist Legal Theory Kathryn Abrams [Fna] Copyright (C) 1995 Directors Of... 1995  
Jodi Danis Sexism and "The Superfluous Female": Arguments for Regulating Pre-implantation Sex Selection 18 Harvard Women's Law Journal 219 (Spring, 1995) If, in the space of a generation or two, we have secured to mankind a better equilibrium of birth-rate, we shall have helped to make the world a far better place, and totally abolished that crying social evil, the superfluous female. -Mrs. Monteith Erskine, 1925 Current reproductive technology foreshadows a world populated with designer...; Search Snippet: ...Law Journal Spring, 1995 Recent Development Sexism and the Superfluous Female : Arguments for Regulating Pre-implantation Sex Selection Jodi Danis [Fna1... 1995  
Robbie D. Steele Silencing the Deadly Ritual: Efforts to End Female Genital Mutilation 9 Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 105 (Winter, 1995) As may be a drop of water in the ocean, or yet a teardrop in the sea, WE MUST proclaim out loud what all women murmur in thought denounce the crimes committed against women, mutilations that women endure with resignation offer resistance at every level active resistance effective resistance to all oppression whatever its source-unremitting Only by...; Search Snippet: ...Winter, 1995 Note Silencing the Deadly Ritual: Efforts to End Female Genital Mutilation Robbie D. Steele [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1995 By... 1995  
Fred Von Lohmann Single-sex Courses, Title Ix, and Equal Protection: the Case for Self-defense for Women 48 Stanford Law Review 177 (11/1/1995) Stanford University first began offering Issues in Self-Defense for Women, in the 1980s, as an attempt to teach women how to defend themselves against sexual assault. As its title suggests, this course is open to women only. Despite a recent resurgence of interest in single-sex education, the concept of providing a limited number of gender...; Search Snippet: ...Ix, and Equal Protection: the Case for Self-defense for Women Fred von Lohmann [Fna] Copyright (C) 1995 Board of Trustees... 1995  
Elaine Golin Solving the Problem of Gender and Racial Bias in Administrative Adjudication 95 Columbia Law Review 1532 (10/1/1995) Administrative Law Judges (ALJs) preside over hundreds of thousands of adjudications every year and their decisions affect the lives of millions of Americans. As the decisionmakers in the on-the-record hearings of federal administrative agencies, ALJs play an important role in overseeing the enforcement of federal law and the distribution of...; Search Snippet: ...Columbia Law Review October 1995 Note Solving the Problem of Gender and Racial Bias in Administrative Adjudication Elaine Golin Copyright ©... 1995  
Beth E. Richie Stigma, Stereotypes, and Gender Entrapment: Violence Against Women and Poverty 3 Georgetown Journal on Fighting Poverty 35 (Fall, 1995) Beth Richie is an Assistant Professor at Hunter College in New York City. She held a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the University of Illinois at Chicago's Center for Research on Women and Gender and, since 1994, has served as Program Director for the Undergraduate Program in Community Health Education at Hunter College. In 1993, Dr. Richie was the...; Search Snippet: ...Journal on Fighting Poverty Fall, 1995 Symposium Stigma, Stereotypes, and Gender Entrapment: Violence Against Women and Poverty Beth E. Richie Copyright (C) 1995 by The... 1995  
Isabelle R. Gunning Stories from Home: Tales from the Intersection of Race, Gender and Sexual Orientation 5 Southern California Review of Law and Women's Studies 143 (Fall 1995) I am very pleased to be a part of this Conference, and especially to be part of a panel that explicitly marks the fact that talking about being a lesbian -- like talking about being a woman -- must be about intersectionality. Most of you are already familiar with the recent debates within feminist thought and jurisprudence concerning gender...; Search Snippet: ...Article Stories from Home: Tales from the Intersection of Race, Gender and Sexual Orientation Isabelle R. Gunning [Fna] Copyright (C) 1995... 1995  
Patricia Ireland Strategies for Taking Action: Political and Institutional Solutions to Poverty and Violence Against Women 3 Georgetown Journal on Fighting Poverty 49 (Fall, 1995) Patricia Ireland is the president of the National Organization for Women, the largest feminist organization in the United States. Ms. Ireland's major contributions to NOW include organizing NOW activists to: defend women's access to abortion from violent attacks; elect a record number of women to political office; work more closely with other...; Search Snippet: ...Action: Political and Institutional Solutions to Poverty and Violence Against Women Patricia Ireland Copyright (C) 1995 by the Georgetown Journal On... 1995  
Trlica Cosby Strictly Speaking: Viewing J.e.b. V. Alabama ex Rel. T.b. as Sub Silentio Application of Strict Scrutiny to Gender-based Classifications 32 Houston Law Review 869 (Fall 1995) I. Introduction. 869 II. Recitation. 872 III. Analysis. 877 A. Background: Method and Procedure of Jury Selection. 877 B. The Development of a Standard of Review for Gender Classifications. 879 C. Laying a Foundation for Strict Scrutiny. 884 D. Reconciling Taylor v. Louisiana with the J.E.B. Decision. 888 IV. Future Effects on Peremptory...; Search Snippet: ...Rel. T.b. as Sub Silentio Application of Strict Scrutiny to Gender-based Classifications [Fna1] Trlica Cosby Copyright (C) 1995 Houston Law... 1995  
Peter Michael Collins Taking Batson One Giant Step Further: the Court Prohibits Gender-based Peremptory Challenges in J.e.b. V. Alabama ex Rel. T.b. 44 Catholic University Law Review 935 (Spring 1995) The United States Constitution grants to every criminal defendant accused of serious crimes the right to a jury trial, and preserves for every civil litigant the right to a jury trial where it existed at common law. The jury selection process is a complex mechanism designed to ensure that those selected will be fair and impartial decision-makers....; Search Snippet: ...Note Taking Batson One Giant Step Further: the Court Prohibits Gender-based Peremptory Challenges in J.e.b. V. Alabama ex Rel. T.b... 1995  
Martha I. Morgan The Bitter and the Sweet: Feminist Efforts to Reform Nicaraguan Rape and Sodomy Laws 26 University of Miami Inter-American Law Review 439 (Spring/Summer, 1995) I. Introduction. 440 II. The Road to Reform. 444 III. Of Reform: Changes Regarding Rape and Related Sexual Offenses. 449 IV. Of Repression: Changes Regarding Sodomy. 459 V. Transformative Uses of Law. 472 A. Legislative Reform as a Tool for Social Change. 472 B. Litigation as a Tool for Social Change. 480 VI. Conclusion. 488; Search Snippet: ...Law Review Spring/summer, 1995 the Bitter and the Sweet: Feminist Efforts to Reform Nicaraguan Rape and Sodomy Laws Martha I... 1995  
Katherine M. Franke The Central Mistake of Sex Discrimination Law:the Disaggregation of Sex from Gender 144 University of Pennsylvania Law Review Rev. 1 (November, 1995) Contemporary sex discrimination jurisprudence accepts as one of its foundational premises the notion that sex and gender are two distinct aspects of human identity. That is, it assumes that the identities male and female are different from the characteristics masculine and feminine. Sex is regarded as a product of nature, while gender is understood...; Search Snippet: ...Mistake of Sex Discrimination Law:the Disaggregation of Sex from Gender Katherine M. Franke [Fnd] Copyright (C) 1995 University of Pennsylvania... 1995  
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