AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearEthnicity in Title or Summary
Patricia Hagler Minter The Failure of Freedom: Class, Gender, and the Evolution of Segregated Transit Law in the Nineteenth-century South 70 Chicago-Kent Law Review 993 (1995) On August 27, 1881, the Reverend W. H. Gray, a black Baptist minister travelling to Cincinnati from his home in Lexington, Kentucky, purchased roundtrip first-class tickets over the Cincinnati Southern Railway. His wife Silena and their small child accompanied him. Their trip to Cincinnati proved uneventful; on their return, however, the brakeman...; Search Snippet: ...Personal Liberty and Private Law the Failure of Freedom: Class, Gender, and the Evolution of Segregated Transit Law in the Nineteenth... 1995 African/Black American
Stephen J. Schulhofer The Feminist Challenge in Criminal Law 143 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 2151 (6/1/1995) Feminist criticism of criminal law and criminal justice administration has proliferated over the past decade and now touches scores of doctrinal, practical, and theoretical issues. These critiques and the associated proposals for reform are usually acknowledged to be controversial (and even radical) by proponents and opponents alike. Yet, across...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review University of Pennsylvania Law Review June 1995 the Feminist Challenge in Criminal Law Stephen J. Schulhofer [Fnd] Copyright ©... 1995  
Jordan Herman The Fusion of Gay Rights and Feminism: Gender Identity and Marriage after Baehr V. Lewin 56 Ohio State Law Journal 985 (1995) Then you should say what you mean, the March Hare went on. I do, Alice hastily replied; at least--at least I mean what I say-- that's the same thing, you know. Looking back on judicial decisions, we are nonplussed. An unexpected opinion becomes explicable after it occurs. And, after it occurs, its significance and meaning change. The opinion...; Search Snippet: ...1995 Case Comment the Fusion of Gay Rights and Feminism: Gender Identity and Marriage after Baehr V. Lewin Jordan Herman Copyright... 1995  
S. Elizabeth Foster The Glass Ceiling in the Legal Profession: Why Do Law Firms Still Have So Few Female Partners? 42 UCLA Law Review 1631 (8/1/1995) When attorney Nancy Ezold won her lawsuit the victory was hailed as a landmark. Ezold was the first female associate to take a law firm to trial for denial of partnership based on sex discrimination. In ruling for Ezold, a federal district court found that she had been impermissibly discriminated against by a nearly all-male partnership because she...; Search Snippet: ...Legal Profession: Why Do Law Firms Still Have So Few Female Partners? S. Elizabeth Foster [Fna] Copyright (C) 1995 Regents Of... 1995  
Sandra Farrington-Domingue The Intersection of Race and Gender and its Effects in the Workplace 5 Southern California Review of Law and Women's Studies 187 (Fall 1995) The workplace that I am most familiar with is the city of Los Angeles. I have been an employee of the city for more than twenty years, as a Building Mechanical Inspector and, since July 1993, as a staff member for Councilmember Jackie Goldberg. Presently, the city government is comprised of approximately forty-two departments. Of these forty-two...; Search Snippet: ...Gender and Sexual Oreintation: Comment the Intersection of Race and Gender and its Effects in the Workplace Sandra Farrington-domingue [Fna... 1995  
  The Invisible Women 108 Harvard Law Review 953 (February, 1995) In Children of Choice, John Robertson explores a variety of modern reproductive technologies from the standpoint of procreative liberty: the freedom either to have children or to avoid having them (p. 22). Robertson's thorough examination of topics from abortion to genetic manipulation is praiseworthy, but his framework is troubling. Procreative...; Search Snippet: ...Review Harvard Law Review February, 1995 Book Note the Invisible Women Children of Choice: Freedom and the New Reproductive Technologies. By... 1995  
Janice Schuetz, John D. Brady The Logic of Women on Trial 69-OCT Florida Bar Journal 96 (October, 1995) Famous trials are rich sources of history, socially accepted beliefs, and rhetoric. The Logic of Women on Trial: Case Studies of Popular American Trials, by Janice Schuetz, is an interesting look at these subjects through felony trials of nine women. Using rhetorical analysis, Schuetz, a professor of communication, examines: a Salem witch trial in...; Search Snippet: ...Florida Bar Journal October, 1995 Column Books the Logic of Women on Trial Janice Schuetz John D. Brady Copyright (C) 1995... 1995  
John R. Quinn The Lost Language of the Irishgaymale: Textualization in Ireland's Law and Literature (Or the Most Hidden Ireland ) 26 Columbia Human Rights Law Review 553 (Spring 1995) Introduction. 555 I. Theoretical Considerations. 566 A. Constructionism v. Essentialism. 566 B. Elaine Showalter's Model of Muted Group Discourse. 579 C. The Gaymale. 584 D. The Irishmale. 593 E. The Irishgaymale. 600 II. The Substantive Textualization of the Irishgaymale: Law. 605 A. The Sodomy and Gross Indecency Statutes. 606 B. The Norris...; Search Snippet: ...Fn340] New Zealand, [Fn341] Mesoamerica, [Fn342] Turkey, [Fn343] among North American Indians, [Fn344] Jamaican, Jewish and Chinese Women, [Fn345] and Pacific Islanders, [Fn346] in Argentina, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Hong Kong, South Africa, Thailand... 1995 Multiple Groups
Virginia G. Drachman The New Woman Lawyer and the Challenge of Sexual Equality in Early Twentieth-century America 28 Indiana Law Review 227 (1995) In 1917, Denver lawyer Mary Lathrop became the first woman admitted into the American Bar Association; in 1930, she confessed that she was tired of the equality she had achieved in the legal profession. Moreover, she yearned for the feminine privileges women lawyers had received in the past. Women have gained rights but they have lost privileges....; Search Snippet: ...Future: a Century of Legal Conflict and Development the New Woman Lawyer and the Challenge of Sexual Equality in Early Twentieth... 1995  
Julia Epstein The Pregnant Imagination, Fetal Rights, and Women's Bodies: a Historical Inquiry 7 Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities 139 (Winter, 1995) Competing historical and cultural understandings of the human body make clear that medicine and the law construe bodily truths from differing knowledge bases. Jurists rely virtually entirely on medical testimony to analyze biological data, and medical professionals are not usually conversant with the legal ramifications of their diagnoses. In early...; Search Snippet: ...In Law and Literature the Pregnant Imagination, Fetal Rights, and Women's Bodies: a Historical Inquiry Julia Epstein [Fna] Copyright (C) 1995... 1995  
Anita L. Allen The Proposed Equal Protection Fix for Abortion Law: Reflections on Citizenship, Gender, and the Constitution 18 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy 419 (Spring, 1995) I. Introduction . 419 II. Second-class Citizenship . 424 A. The Consititution on Gender . 424 B. The Meaning of American Citizenship . 426 C. Life Before Privacy and Equality: An Example . 428 D. The Trivialization of Citizenship . 431 E. German Citizenship and Abortion Rights . 433 III. Equal Protection for Equal Citizenship . 435 A. An Equal...; Search Snippet: ...Proposed Equal Protection Fix for Abortion Law: Reflections on Citizenship, Gender, and the Constitution Anita L. Allen [Fna] Copyright (C) 1995... 1995  
Deborah Jones Merritt The Status of Women on Law School Faculties: Recent Trends in Hiring 1995 University of Illinois Law Review 93 (1995) The following two articles were presented at a panel discussion entitled Women and the Law, at the Rededication of the University of Illinois College of Law. In The Status of Women on Law School Faculties: Recent Trends in Hiring, Associate Dean Deborah J. Merritt analyzes data on tenure-track hiring at accredited law schools in the United...; Search Snippet: ...University of Illinois Law Review 1995 Remarks the Status of Women on Law School Faculties: Recent Trends in Hiring Deborah Jones... 1995  
James Martin Truss The Subjection of Women . . . Still: Unfulfilled Promises of Protection for Women Victims of Domestic Violence 26 Saint Mary's Law Journal 1149 (1995) I. Introduction. 1150 II. Macrocosm: A Culture of Violence and Domination. 1157 A. A Man's Right to Chastise His Wife: The Common-Law Rule of Thumb and Other Devices. 1157 B. Modern Institutional Abuse Against Women. 1160 III. Microcosm: The Battering Relationship. 1165 A. Profile of the Abuser. 1166 B. Abused Women and the Battered Woman...; Search Snippet: ...Journal Saint Mary's Law Journal 1995 Comment the Subjection of Women . . . Still: Unfulfilled Promises of Protection for Women Victims of Domestic Violence James Martin Truss Copyright (C) 1995... 1995  
Rosemary C. Salomone The Ties That Bind: an Interdisciplinary Analysis of Gender, Ethnicity, and the Practice of Law 3 Virginia Journal of Social Policy & The Law 177 (Fall, 1995) Over the past decade, fueled in part by Carol Gilligan's controversial book, In a Different Voice, both feminists and scholars of color have critically examined the law from the outsiders' perspective. Stretching methodological bounds, this interrelated body of scholarship has utilized narrative form to question the gender and racial implications...; Search Snippet: ...1995 Essay the Ties That Bind: an Interdisciplinary Analysis of Gender, Ethnicity, and the Practice of Law Rosemary C. Salomone [Fn1... 1995  
Joseph D. Kuborn The Unconstitutionality of Gender Based Peremptory Challenges 78 Marquette Law Review 1069 (Summer, 1995) Peremptory challenges by definition permit both the plaintiff and the defendant to strike a limited number of potential jury members without stating a reason. These challenges, which allow the striking party to remain silent on the reasons behind the strike, provide a potential platform for unconstitutional discrimination in the jury selection...; Search Snippet: ...Review Marquette Law Review Summer, 1995 Note the Unconstitutionality of Gender Based Peremptory Challenges the United States Supreme Court's Review Of... 1995  
Ramona L. Paetzold , Rafael Gely Through the Looking Glass: Can Title Vii Help Women and Minorities Shatter the Glass Ceiling? 31 Houston Law Review 1517 (1995) I. Introduction. 1518 II. Long-term Employment, Promotion, and Advancement. 1521 A. External and Internal Labor Markets. 1521 B. Is Opportunistic Behavior Blind to Color and Gender?. 1524 III. Title VII and Nontraditional Workers in ILMs. 1526 A. Proof Framework and Standards. 1528 1. Disparate treatment. 1528 2. Disparate impact.. 1531 B....; Search Snippet: ...Review 1995 Through the Looking Glass: Can Title Vii Help Women and Minorities Shatter the Glass Ceiling? Ramona L. Paetzold [Fna... 1995  
Matthew L. Daniel Title Ix and Gender Equity in College Athletics: How Honesty Might Avert a Crisis 1995 Annual Survey of American Law 255 (1995) There is a crisis threatening the future of college sports in America. And the unfortunate truth is that this crisis has emerged from the solution to the gender equity problem confronting institutions of higher education. After decades of inequities against women in educational fora, Congress, through the 1972 Educational Amendments (commonly...; Search Snippet: ...Survey of American Law 1995 Title Ix Title Ix and Gender Equity in College Athletics: How Honesty Might Avert a Crisis... 1995  
Anika Rahman Toward Government Accountability for Women's Reproductive Rights 69 Saint John's Law Review 203 (Winter-Spring 1995) Introduction: Women's Realities A woman from the Fiji Islands once said, I have six children and I am about to have my seventh one. I do not know how to explain to my husband that I do not wish to have any more. My mind would go racing as soon as I hear him climb into bed, all tired, he would start having sex with me. I don't know how long I can...; Search Snippet: ...Women's Rights as International Human Rights Toward Government Accountability for Women's Reproductive Rights Anika Rahman [Fna] Copyright (C) 1994 St. John's... 1995  
Katharine T. Bartlett Tradition, Change, and the Idea of Progress in Feminist Legal Thought 1995 Wisconsin Law Review 303 (1995) It often seems to me the progress of feminism is very much like that of psychoanalysis. Roughly speaking, there are two parts to analysis. First comes insight--collecting data on the damage within. Then comes extrication from the personality that has developed in response to the damage. The first part is easy, the second part hell. Insight comes in...; Search Snippet: ...Review 1995 Tradition, Change, and the Idea of Progress in Feminist Legal Thought Katharine T. Bartlett [Fna] Copyright (C) 1995 University... 1995  
Leslie Pearlman Transsexualism as Metaphor: the Collision of Sex and Gender 43 Buffalo Law Review 835 (Winter 1995) [W]e [transsexuals] and the professionals should stress that there are many sexes and genders, and try to change the legal and popular view of sex from a dichotomy to a continuum . . . to have sex reassignment as acceptable as moving from New York to Los Angeles. I've been treated so bad as a drag queen. If I get a pussy, I'll be treated fabulous....; Search Snippet: ...1995 Comment Transsexualism as Metaphor: the Collision of Sex and Gender Leslie Pearlman [Fnd] Copyright (C) 1995 Buffalo Law Review; Leslie... 1995  
Donna E. Young Two Steps Removed: the Paradox of Diversity Discourse for Women of Color in Law Teaching 2 African-American Law and Policy Report 270 (Fall, 1995) The term affirmative action provokes passionate reactions in people across the political spectrum. In 1995, affirmative action was a major political issue in the United States and continues to be in 1996. Despite the heated debate over affirmative action, many American law schools have supported efforts to diversify law school faculties by hiring...; Search Snippet: ...Two Steps Removed: [Fn1] the Paradox of Diversity Discourse for Women of Color in Law Teaching Donna E. Young [Fnd1] Copyright... 1995  
Julia Ernst U.s. Ratification of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women 3 Michigan Journal of Gender & Law 299 (1995) Introduction. 300 I. Summary of the Terms of CEAFDAW. 302 II. General Difficulties with Ratification by the United States. 308 A. History of Ratification Procedures. 308 B. The Slow Pace of Ratification. 311 C. Complete Prior Compliance with the Terms of the Convention. 313 D. Fear of the Encroachment of International Law upon Domestic Law. 315 E....; Search Snippet: ...Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women Julia Ernst [Fna] Copyright (C) 1995 University of Michigan Law... 1995  
Teree E. Foster , Sandra M. Fallon West Virginia's Pioneer Women Lawyers 97 West Virginia Law Review 703 (Spring 1995) I. Introduction. 703 II. West Virginia College of Law Early Women Graduates: 1895-1899. 706 III. West Virginia College of Law Early Women Graduates: 1899-1969. 709 IV. West Virginia College of Law Modern Women Graduates: From 1970 and Onward. 715; Search Snippet: ...West Virginia Law Review Spring 1995 Symposium West Virginia's Pioneer Women Lawyers Teree E. Foster [Fna] Sandra M. Fallon [Fnaa] Copyright... 1995  
Ruth L. Gana Which "Self"? Race and Gender in the Right to Self-determination as a Prerequisite to the Right to Development 14 Wisconsin International Law Journal 133 (Fall, 1995) [The principle of self-determination] has become the peremptory norm of international law, capable of overriding all other international legal norms . The project in this Article is critical, and the object of the critique is the structure and methodology of human rights discourse as it relates to the protection of collective rights. This Article...; Search Snippet: ...Wisconsin International Law Journal Fall, 1995 Which Self? Race and Gender in the Right to Self-determination as a Prerequisite To... 1995  
Ruth Colker Whores, Fags, Dumb-ass Women, Surly Blacks, and Competent Heterosexual White Men: the Sexual and Racial Morality Underlying Anti-discrimination Doctrine 7 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 195 (1995) Dr. Jean Jew, an Asian American woman, is a tenured professor at the University of Iowa College of Medicine. In the 1980s, she was subjected to a relentless campaign of racial and sexual slurs because of her purported relationship with her supervisor, Dr. Terence Williams. Jew was referred to as a slut, bitch, whore, and chink, and denied...; Search Snippet: ...Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 1995 Whores, Fags, Dumb-ass Women, Surly Blacks, and Competent Heterosexual White Men: the Sexual And... 1995 Multipe Groups
Leslye E. Orloff , Deeana Jang , Catherine F. Klein With No Place to Turn: Improving Legal Advocacy for Battered Immigrant Women 29 Family Law Quarterly 313 (Summer, 1995) Cecilia came to the United States from South America. Her husband José is a lawful permanent resident. Throughout their 18 year marriage, José has physically abused Cecilia. When she was pregnant he would hit her in the abdomen. He hit her with his fists leaving bruises all over her body, he grabbed her, shook her, threw her against the wall, and...; Search Snippet: ...No Place to Turn: Improving Legal Advocacy for Battered Immigrant Women Leslye E. Orloff [Fna1] Deeana Jang [Fna1] Catherine F. Klein... 1995  
Laura N. Gasaway, Judith W. Wegner Women at Unc and in the Practice of Law 73 North Carolina Law Review 705 (January, 1995) Laura N. Gasaway has been director of the Law Library and professor of law at UNC since 1985. She received her B.A. and M.L.S. degrees from Texas Woman's University and her J.D. from the University of Houston. Prior to coming to Chapel Hill, she was director of the law libraries at the University of Oklahoma and the University of Houston. She...; Search Snippet: ...Of Themodern Law School: Crucial Trendsthat Bridge past and Future Women at Unc and in the Practice of Law Laura N... 1995  
Tracy Huling Women Drug Couriers 9-WTR Criminal Justice 14 (Winter, 1995) Despite drug couriers being a key target of drug enforcement efforts and subject to harsh sentencing policies across the globe, only limited information on them is available. What is known, however, suggests that women drug couriers should be a population of particular concern to policy experts examining the effects of the global war on drugs....; Search Snippet: ...1995 Wl 410382 Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Winter, 1995 Feature Women Drug Couriers Sentencing Reform Needed for Prisoners of War Tracy... 1995  
Nikolaus Benke Women in the Courts: an Old Thorn in Men's Sides 3 Michigan Journal of Gender & Law 195 (1995) Introduction 196 I. Gender Discourse, Patriarchy, and Rule Making 198 A. Making and Remaking Gender 198 B. Basics of the Patriarchal Program 201 C. Example: See This Case; It Tells Us a Rule 202 II. Carfania's Case: An Archetypal Story 203 A. The Momentous Example of Carfania 203 B. Carfania's Case Reveals the Patriarchal Arsenal 208 III. Carfanian...; Search Snippet: ...Of Gender and Law Michigan Journal of Gender & Law 1995 Women in the Courts: an Old Thorn in Men's Sides Nikolaus... 1995  
Carole Shapiro Women Lawyers in Celluloid: Why Hollywood Skirts the Truth 25 University of Toledo Law Review 955 (1995) In 1872, the U.S. Supreme Court in Bradwell v. Illinois upheld an Illinois law that prohibited women from joining that state's bar solely on the basis of their sex. Justice Bradley, in a concurrence joined by two other justices, stated that: The paramount destiny and mission of woman sic are to fulfil sic the noble and benign offices of wife and...; Search Snippet: ...Of Toledo Law Review University of Toledo Law Review 1995 Women Lawyers in Celluloid: Why Hollywood Skirts the Truth Carole Shapiro... 1995  
Jennifer A. Freyer Women Litigators in Search of a Care-oriented Judicial System 4 American University Journal of Gender & the Law 199 (Fall 1995) Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can. Point out to them how the nominal winner is often a real loser -- in fees, expenses and waste of time. As a peacemaker, the lawyer has a superior opportunity of being a good man. Never stir up litigation. A worse man can scarcely be found than one who does this. Who can...; Search Snippet: ...Law American University Journal of Gender & the Law Fall 1995 Women Litigators in Search of a Care-oriented Judicial System Jennifer... 1995  
Victoria L. Radd, Associate Counsel to the President ; Janet Reno, Attorney General of the United States ; Jamie S. Gorelick, Deputy Attorney General of the United States ; Eleanor D. (“Eldie”) Acheson, Assistant Attorney General, Office of Policy Develop Women of Justice: Reflections 18 Harvard Women's Law Journal L.J. 1 (Spring, 1995) The following is a compendium of personal essays written by six of the women leaders at the United States Department of Justice, reflecting on their experiences as women in the nation's top law enforcement posts. The section begins with an introduction by Victoria Radd of the White House Counsel's Office. During the 1992 Presidential campaign, Bill...; Search Snippet: ...Womens Law Journal Harvard Women's Law Journal Spring, 1995 Essay Women of Justice: Reflections Victoria L. Radd , Associate Counsel to The... 1995  
Marion Crain Women, Labor Unions, and Hostile Work Environment Sexual Harassment: the Untold Story 4 Texas Journal of Women and the Law L. 9 (Summer 1995) I. The Dynamics of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. 15 A. Why and How Male Workers Harass. 16 1. Quid Pro Quo Harassment. 17 2. Hostile Work Environment Sexual Harassment. 18 B. How Women Respond. 22 C. The Effects of Sexual Harassment on Women. 27 II. Union Attitudes Toward Sexual Harassment of Female Members. 29 A. Unions in Traditionally...; Search Snippet: ...Law Summer 1995 1994 Symposium on Women in the Workplace Women, Labor Unions, and Hostile Work Environment Sexual Harassment: the Untold... 1995  
Leti Volpp (Mis)identifying Culture: Asian Women and the "Cultural Defense" 17 Harvard Women's Law Journal 57 (Spring, 1994) The cultural defense is a legal strategy that defendants use in attempts to excuse criminal behavior or to mitigate culpability based on a lack of requisite mens rea. Defendants may also use cultural defenses to present evidence relating to state of mind when arguing self defense or mistake of fact. The theory underlying the defense is that the...; Search Snippet: ...Journal Harvard Women's Law Journal Spring, 1994 (Mis)identifying Culture: Asian Women and the Cultural Defense Leti Volpp [Fna] Copyright (C) 1994... 1994 Asian American
Miriam H. Ruttenberg A Feminist Critique of Mandatory Arrest: an Anallysis of Race and Gender in Domestic Violence Policy 2 American University Journal of Gender & the Law 171 (Spring, 1994) Men have beaten their wives and partners for centuries with no retribution from the criminal justice system. Only recently has domestic violence been targeted by the government as a problem warranting criminal sanctions. For example, in the past two decades many states have enacted mandatory arrest statutes. These statutes are designed to send the...; Search Snippet: ...American University Journal of Gender & the Law Spring, 1994 a Feminist Critique of Mandatory Arrest: an Anallysis of Race and Gender in Domestic Violence Policy Miriam H. Ruttenberg [Fna1] Copyright ©... 1994  
Julie Mertus , Pamela Goldberg A Perspective on Women and International Human Rights after the Vienna Declaration: the Inside/outside Construct 26 New York University Journal of International Law & Politics 201 (Winter, 1994) For the first time ever, violations of women's human rights were specifically recognized by the United Nations at its World Conference on Human Rights in June 1993. The final Declaration and Vienna Declaration that arose out of the Vienna conference (the Vienna Declaration) specifically recognizes the human rights of women as an inalienable,...; Search Snippet: ...Journal of International Law & Politics Winter, 1994 a Perspective on Women and International Human Rights after the Vienna Declaration: the Inside... 1994  
Anita F. Hill A Tribute to Thurgood Marshall: a Man Who Broke with Tradition on Issues of Race and Gender 47 Oklahoma Law Review 127 (Spring, 1994) This colloquium gives me an opportunity to express my own feelings of respect and appreciation for the contributions to principles of equality made by Thurgood Marshall as a judge and, prior to his appointment to the Supreme Court, as an attorney. As well, it gives me an opportunity to learn from my colleagues here at the University of Oklahoma....; Search Snippet: ...Man Who Broke with Tradition on Issues of Race and Gender Anita F. Hill [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1994 by the Oklahoma... 1994  
Walter B. Connolly, Jr. , Jeffrey D. Adelman A University's Defense to a Title Ix Gender Equity in Athletics Lawsuit: Congress Never Intended Gender Equity Based on Student Body Ratios 71 University of Detroit Mercy Law Review 845 (Summer, 1994) I. Introduction . 845 II. An Overview of Title IX . 849 III. The Intercollegiate Athletic Provisions of Title IX . 854 IV. OCR's Interpretation of the Intercollegiate Athletic Provisions of Title IX. 856 V. Judicial Interpretations of the Intercollegiate Athletic Provisions of Title IX . 868 VI. University Responses to Title IX Audits and Private...; Search Snippet: ...Review Summer, 1994 a University's Defense to a Title Ix Gender Equity in Athletics Lawsuit: Congress Never Intended Gender Equity Based on Student Body Ratios Walter B. Connolly, Jr... 1994  
Carole H. Hofstein African American Women and the Limits of Law and Society 1 Cardozo Women's Law Journal 373 (1994) Everybody was in the position to give them orders. White women said Do this. White children said Give me that White men said come here. Black men said Lay down. The only people they need not take orders from were black children and each other. In order for people to achieve equality, the laws of this country must recognize that no two...; Search Snippet: ...Cardozo Womens Law Journal Cardozo Women's Law Journal 1994 Note African American Women and the Limits of Law and Society Carole H. Hofstein... 1994 African/Black American
Anne-Marie Leath Storey An Analysis of the Doctrines and Goals of Feminist Legal Theory and Their Constitutional Implications 19 Vermont Law Review 137 (Fall, 1994) To read is to empower To empower is to write To write is to influence To influence is to change Women are seeking change; they (we) are seeking equality. But who defines equality? Is it possible that the search should not be for equality after all, but for power? Is there a difference between equality and power? These are questions that women must...; Search Snippet: ...1994 Note an Analysis of the Doctrines and Goals of Feminist Legal Theory and Their Constitutional Implications Anne-marie Leath Storey... 1994  
Vivian Sue Shields , Suzanne Melanie Buchko Antoinette Dakin Leach: a Woman Before the Bar 28 Valparaiso University Law Review 1189 (Summer, 1994) One hundred and one years ago, Antoinette Dakin Leach challenged Indiana's constitutional and statutory provisions restricting the practice of law to voters and won for Hoosier women the right to practice law before the courts of Indiana. Mrs. Leach was a lawyer, business person, politician, and activist. Her life spanned the last half of the...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review Summer, 1994 Seegers Lecture Antoinette Dakin Leach: a Woman Before the Bar Vivian Sue Shields [Fna] Suzanne Melanie Buchko... 1994 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Peter Margulies Asylum, Intersectionality, and Aids: Women with Hiv as a Persecuted Social Group 8 Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 521 (Fall, 1994) Immigrants with HIV exist at the intersection of blame, pity, and abdication. These intersecting impulses have shaped the United States' HIV-related immigration policy, which excludes people with HIV as having a communicable disease of public health significance, subject to a number of discretionary exceptions. Blame stems from a convergence of...; Search Snippet: ...Georgetown Immigration Law Journal Fall, 1994 Asylum, Intersectionality, and Aids: Women with Hiv as a Persecuted Social Group Peter Margulies [Fna1... 1994  
Lani Guinier, Michelle Fine, Jane Balin, Ann Bartow, and Deborah Lee Stachel Becoming Gentlemen: Women's Experiences at One Ivy League Law School 143 University of Pennsylvania Law Review Rev. 1 (November, 1994) Am I to be cursed forever with becoming somebody else on the way to myself? -Audre Lorde In this Article we describe preliminary research by and about women law students at the University of Pennsylvania Law School-a typical, if elite, law school stratified deeply along gender lines. Our database draws from students enrolled at the Law School...; Search Snippet: ...Review University of Pennsylvania Law Review November, 1994 Becoming Gentlemen: Women's Experiences at One Ivy League Law School Lani Guinier Michelle... 1994  
Marion Crain Between Feminism and Unionism: Working Class Women, Sex Equality, and Labor Speech 82 Georgetown Law Journal 1903 (July, 1994) What common ground exists between feminism and labor unionism? Is there an overlap between feminism's sex equality goals and unionism's goal of wealth redistribution to the working class? This article explores the interstices between feminism and unionism, where working class women struggle to survive. Feminism's concern with sex equality has been...; Search Snippet: ...Law Journal July, 1994 Between Feminism and Unionism: Working Class Women, Sex Equality, and Labor Speech Marion Crain [Fna1] Copyright ©... 1994  
Kathryn Boockvar Beyond Survival: the Procreative Rights of Women with Hiv 14 Boston College Third World Law Journal L.J. 1 (Winter, 1994) Increasingly, women's autonomy over their bodies is being threatened as courts and legislatures play paternalistic roles. Women have been forced to have surgical procedures against their will, often to the detriment of their health. They have been forced into temporary or permanent sterilization, and have been prosecuted for child abuse or neglect...; Search Snippet: ...Law Journal Winter, 1994 Beyond Survival: the Procreative Rights of Women with Hiv Kathryn Boockvar [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1994 by The... 1994  
Sherri Snelson Haring Bray V. Alexandria Women's Health Clinic: "Rational Objects of Disfavor" as a New Weapon in Modern Civil Rights Litigation 72 North Carolina Law Review 764 (March, 1994) As the debate over the morality of abortion rages on in classrooms, churches, and legislatures throughout the country, women in cities throughout America are under siege. Between 1977 and 1990, the National Abortion Federation (NAF) collected reports of 829 acts of violence directed at abortion clinics: 34 were bombed, 52 were targets of arson, 43...; Search Snippet: ...North Carolina Law Review March, 1994 Note Bray V. Alexandria Women's Health Clinic: Rational Objects of Disfavor as a New Weapon... 1994  
  Comments by Crystal Mason: Hiv-positive Women in Prison 9 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 149 (1994) I am going to start by explaining why I work with women prisoners with AIDS. When I moved here to San Francisco, I got involved with ACT-UP San Francisco. But even before I joined ACT-UP, I believed that people, especially women, have the right to information and the right to health care. We all deserve the opportunity to live a good life, but this...; Search Snippet: ...1994 Symposium Commentary Comments by Crystal Mason: [Fnd] Hiv-positive Women in Prison Copyright (C) 1994 Berkeley Women's Law Journal I... 1994  
  Comments by Jennifer Burroughs: the Politics of Statistics 9 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 152 (1994) I will start by talking a little bit about my own experience. I have been a nurse practitioner for seven years. I started out working with homeless people in Boston and New York, and that is where I first saw HIV infected men and women. Then I took a job in an AIDS clinic. When I first started working there in 1989, about one in ten of our new...; Search Snippet: ...That Ranged from Three to Thirty-five Times Higher for African American Women than for White Women in Rural Areas. [Fn6] in Texas it Was Three Times... 1994 African/Black American
Marion Crain Confronting the Structural Character of Working Women's Economic Subordination: Collective Action Vs. Individual Rights Strategies 3-SPG Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy 26 (Spring, 1994) Women constitute a substantial majority of the working poor in the United States. In large part, this condition is attributable to the assumption that women will be provided for through private arrangements with male breadwinners. The U.S. wage labor system is structured around the vision of an ideal worker, a male primary breadwinner with a...; Search Snippet: ...Policy Spring, 1994 Feature Confronting the Structural Character of Working Women's Economic Subordination: Collective Action Vs. Individual Rights Strategies Marion Crain... 1994  
Stacy A. Dowling Constitutional Law - Fourteenth Amendment -- Equal Protection Clause Prohibits Litigants from Exercising Peremptory Challenges on the Basis of Gender - J.e.b. V. Alabama ex Rel T.b., 114 S. Ct. 1419 (1994). 25 Seton Hall Law Review 756 (1994) The Supreme Court has historically exalted the peremptory challenge as an important element in achieving a fair and impartial jury trial in both criminal and civil cases. During voir dire, the system gives litigants the opportunity to strike potential jurors in two ways: for cause or peremptorily. Litigants employ the challenge for cause to...; Search Snippet: ...Prohibits Litigants from Exercising Peremptory Challenges on the Basis of Gender - J.e.b. V. Alabama ex Rel T.b., 114 S. Ct. 1419... 1994  
46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60