AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearEthnicity in Title or Summary
Carlin Meyer Sex, Sin, and Women's Liberation: Against Porn-suppression 72 Texas Law Review 1097 (April, 1994) I. Preface Men treat women as who they see women as being. Pornography constructs who that is . . . . [P]ornography is the essence of a sexist social order, its quintessential social act. Catharine A. MacKinnon Given the cultural history we have inherited from Rabelais to Sade to Magritte, it would be foolhardy to think we can dismiss, segregate,...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review Texas Law Review April, 1994 Sex, Sin, and Women's Liberation: Against Porn-suppression Carlin Meyer [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1994... 1994  
Judith I. Avner Sexual Harassment: Building a Consensus for Change 3-SPG Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy 57 (Spring, 1994) Sexual harassment is not a new problem. Until recently, however, it has been largely ignored and allowed to flourish in our workplaces and schools. The 1991 allegations of sexual harassment against then Supreme Court nominee Judge Clarence Thomas by Professor Anita Hill and reactions to their testimony brought the issue of sexual harassment to the...; Search Snippet: ...Race, Ethnicity, or Other Factors. Two Roundtables Addressed Issues for African- American Men, One for Asian- American Women, Two for Women of Color from Diverse Race/ethnic Origins, One for African- American Women and Men, and One Joint Session for Women... 1994 Multiple Groups
Mark S. Kende Shattering the Glass Ceiling: a Legal Theory for Attacking Discrimination Against Women Partners 46 Hastings Law Journal 17 (November, 1994) In an 1873 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court denied Myra Bradwell admission to the Illinois Bar because she was a woman. Justice Joseph Bradley authored a famous concurrence in that case, stating that [t]he natural and proper timidity and delicacy which belongs to the female sex evidently unfits it for law practice. Since then, women lawyers have...; Search Snippet: ...The Glass Ceiling: a Legal Theory for Attacking Discrimination Against Women Partners Mark S. Kende [Fna] Copyright (C) 1994 Hastings College... 1994  
Beth Willinger Single Gender Education and the Constitution 40 Loyola Law Review 253 (Summer, 1994) I would like to begin my comments by placing the issue of single-sex education and the Constitution within the framework of the sex/gender system. I am a sociologist by training, so of course I look at how society informs these issues. All societies make a distinction between the roles of women and men based on sex. Sex, like age, is one of the...; Search Snippet: ...Loyola Law Review Loyola Law Review Summer, 1994 Speeches Single Gender Education and the Constitution [Fna] Dr. Beth Willinger [Fn1] Copyright... 1994  
Mary Becker Strength in Diversity: Feminist Theoretical Approaches to Child Custody and Same-sex Relationships 23 Stetson Law Review 701 (Summer 1994) In the early years of the contemporary women's movement, feminists interested in changing the legal system assumed that formal equality was the appropriate approach: Similarly situated women and men should be treated identically by governmental laws, rules, and practices. Since the publication of Catharine MacKinnon's first book in 1979, a rich...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review Stetson Law Review Summer 1994 Strength in Diversity: Feminist Theoretical Approaches to Child Custody and Same-sex Relationships Mary... 1994  
JoEllen Lind Symbols, Leaders, Practitioners: the First Women Professionals 28 Valparaiso University Law Review 1327 (Summer, 1994) America's first female lawyers, personalities such as Myra Bradwell, Clara Foltz, Antoinette Dakin Leach, and Crystal Eastman, were part of a larger phenomenon that occurred after the Civil Warthe emergence of the first group of professional women to grace the social and political life of our nation. They were both a product of and participants in...; Search Snippet: ...University Law Review Summer, 1994 Symbols, Leaders, Practitioners: the First Women Professionals Joellen Lind [Fna] Copyright (C) 1994 by the Valparaiso... 1994  
Taunya Lovell Banks The Americans with Disabilities Act and the Reproductive Rights of Hiv-infected Women 3 Texas Journal of Women and the Law 57 (Winter, 1994) I. Introduction In passing the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), Congress acknowledged that discrimination in access to health care is a continuing problem for individuals with disabilities. Thus, it is not surprising that gaining and retaining access to health care is a major concern of individuals infected with HIV. Many AIDS...; Search Snippet: ...With Disabilities Act and the Reproductive Rights of Hiv-infected Women Taunya Lovell Banks [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1994 by the Texas... 1994  
Gretchen P. Mullins The Battered Woman and Homelessness 3 Journal of Law & Policy 237 (1994) Escape was constantly in Francine's thoughts . . . . In every plan money was a central problem . . . . Francine [Hughes] would imagine her arrival in San Francisco . . . . What would she do when she got there? Go directly to Social Services and ask for help. Yes, but what if there were a waiting period before they would give her money? . . ....; Search Snippet: ...Policy Journal of Law & Policy 1994 Policy Review the Battered Woman and Homelessness Gretchen P. Mullins [Fna] Copyright (C) 1994 Journal... 1994  
Eugenie Anne Gifford The Courage to Blaspheme : Confronting Barriers to Resisting Female Genital Mutilation 4 UCLA Women's Law Journal 329 (Spring 1994) The practice of ritually mutilating the external genitalia of young girls and women, a custom widely observed throughout the northern portion of Africa and in the Arabian Peninsula, Indonesia, and Malaysia, has recently received worldwide attention. The 1993 convictions of two Malian women in Paris for arranging to have portions of their...; Search Snippet: ...Essay the Courage to Blaspheme [Fna] : Confronting Barriers to Resisting Female Genital Mutilation Eugenie Anne Gifford [Fnaa] Copyright (C) 1994 Regents... 1994  
John C. Coughenour, Proctor Hug, Jr., Marilyn H. Patel, Terry W. Bird, Deborah R. Hensler, PH.D., M. Margaret McKeown, Judith Resnik, Henry Shields, Jr., Chair U.S. District Court, W.D. Wash., U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit, U.S. District Court, N.D The Effects of Gender in the Federal Courts; the Final Report of the Ninth Circuit Gender Bias Task Force 67 Southern California Law Review 745 (May, 1994) L1-2Preface: The Honorable John C. Coughenour 757 L1-2The Quality of Justice: The Honorable Sandra Day O'Connor 759 C1-3PART ONE: INTRODUCTION I. The Task Force's Mandate. 763 A. The Study of Gender and the Courts. 763 B. The Research Approach. 766 C1-3PART TWO: THE COURTS, LAWYERS, AND LITIGANTS II The Roles of Women and Men in the Ninth Circuit:...; Search Snippet: ...Chair, Ninth Circuit Gender Bias Task Force the Effects of Gender in the Federal Courts; the Final Report of the Ninth Circuit Gender Bias Task Force John C. Coughenour Chair U.s. District Court... 1994  
Vanessa Merton The Exclusion of Pregnant, Pregnable, and Once-pregnable People (A.k.a. Women) from Biomedical Research 3 Texas Journal of Women and the Law 307 (Spring, 1994) I. The Impact of Exclusion from Research: Woman's Health and What We Do not Know About It. 316 A. The Immediate Benefits of Trial Participation That Women Do Not Get. 317 B. How Trials Are Treatment. 320 C. The Research Not Done. 321 D. Disparity in Recognition and Treatment of Women's Health Problems. 323 E. Guesswork about the Health Needs of...; Search Snippet: ...The Exclusion of Pregnant, Pregnable, and Once-pregnable People (A.k.a. Women) from Biomedical Research [Fnd1] Vanessa Merton [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1994... 1994  
Deirdre Davis The Harm That Has No Name: Street Harassment, Embodiment, and African American Women 4 UCLA Women's Law Journal 133 (Spring 1994) L1-2Introduction 135 I. The Mechanics of Street Harassment. 137 A. Specific Acts of Street Harassment. 138 B. Normative Characteristics of Street Harassment. 138 C. Street Harassment's Role in Sexual Terrorism. 140 II. Genderization of the Street: The Effects and Context of Street Harassment. 141 A. Social Effects of Street Harassment. 142 1....; Search Snippet: ...The Harm That Has No Name: Street Harassment, Embodiment, and African American Women Deirdre Davis [Fna] Copyright (C) 1994 Regents of the University... 1994 African/Black American
Susan J. Carroll The Politics of Difference: Women Public Officials as Agents of Change 5 Stanford Law and Policy Review 11 (Spring, 1994) The year 1992, widely hailed as The Year of the Woman, saw record numbers of women run for and gain election to Congress. The election of five women to the United States Senate increased their number to six in a body where previously no more than three women had ever served simultaneously. Similarly, a record number of women were elected to the...; Search Snippet: ...Policy Review Spring, 1994 Gender Symposium the Politics of Difference: Women Public Officials as Agents of Change Susan J. Carroll [Fna... 1994  
Catherine Albiston The Social Meaning of the Norplant Condition: Constitutional Considerations of Race, Class, and Gender 9 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 9 (1994) And they had the operation voluntarily, for the good of Society. We protect these rights not because they contribute, in some direct and material way, to the general public welfare, but because they form so central a part of the individual's life. Children are not faring well in America these days. A significant proportion of children live in...; Search Snippet: ...Of the Norplant Condition: Constitutional Considerations of Race, Class, and Gender Catherine Albiston [Fnd] Copyright (C) 1994 Berkeley Women's Law Journal... 1994  
Patrick J. Guinee The Trend Toward the Extension of Batson to Gender-based Peremptory Challenges 32 Duquesne Law Review 833 (Summer 1994) Since the Supreme Court decided Batson v. Kentucky in 1986, the extent of the limitations placed upon the use of peremptory challenges has been questioned in various state and federal court decisions. The purpose of this comment is to provide an overview of one particular aspect of the limitation on peremptory challenges: Should the holding in...; Search Snippet: ...1994 Comment the Trend Toward the Extension of Batson to Gender-based Peremptory Challenges Patrick J. Guinee Copyright (C) 1994 By... 1994  
Laurence C. Nolan The Unconstitutional Conditions Doctrine and Mandating Norplant for Women on Welfare Discourse 3 American University Journal of Gender & the Law 15 (Fall, 1994) [E]ven though a person has no right to a valuable governmental benefit and even though the government may deny him the benefit for any number of reasons, there are some reasons upon which the government may not rely. It may not deny a benefit to a person on a basis that infringes his constitutionally protected interests. . . . Perry v. Sinderman,...; Search Snippet: ...Fall, 1994 the Unconstitutional Conditions Doctrine and Mandating Norplant for Women on Welfare Discourse Laurence C. Nolan [Fna] Copyright (C) 1994... 1994  
Deborah M. Thompson The Woman in the Street: Reclaiming the Public Space from Sexual Harassment 6 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 313 (Summer, 1994) I was walking to lunch with a partner, an associate, and another summer associate. The lawyers were male and the other summer associate was female. We walked past a construction site and the men working there made comments about me which I'm sure the partner (and everyone else) heard. I instantly went from feeling professional and in control to...; Search Snippet: ...And Feminism Yale Journal of Law & Feminism Summer, 1994 the Woman in the Street: Reclaiming the Public Space from Sexual Harassment... 1994  
Holly B. Fechner Three Stories of Prostitution in the West: Prostitutes' Groups, Law and Feminist "Truth" 4 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 26 (1994) What . . . people think of prostitutes is largely determined by what they think is the cause of prostitution. ---The English Collective of Prostitutes [P]rostitutes prefer it here. Prefer it to what? To being Unwomen who work in toxic waste sites. ---Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid's Tale Prostitution is a paradigmatic feminist issue with...; Search Snippet: ...Stories of Prostitution in the West: Prostitutes' Groups, Law and Feminist Truth [Fnd1] Holly B. Fechner [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1994 By... 1994  
Kathryn Abrams Title Vii and the Complex Female Subject 92 Michigan Law Review 2479 (August, 1994) There are so many roots to the tree of anger that sometimes the branches shatter before they bear. Sitting in Nedicks the women rally before they march discussing the problematic girls they hire to make them free. An almost white counterman passes a waiting brother to serve them first and the ladies neither notice nor reject the slighter pleasures...; Search Snippet: ...The Future of Title Vii Title Vii and the Complex Female Subject Kathryn Abrams [Fna] Copyright (C) 1994 Michigan Law Review... 1994  
Eleanor Kerlow To Enhance Productivity, Firms Should Consider Child Care Subsidies for Women in Management 13 No. 8 Of Counsel Counsel 2 (4/18/1994) No one can deny that, with the ranks of law firms swelling with women associates and a growing number of women partners, it is important to have more women in law firm leadership, particularly on a firm's highest management body. Thankfully, demographics have changed enough that there are more senior women partners eligible for these positions, and...; Search Snippet: ...To Enhance Productivity, Firms Should Consider Child Care Subsidies for Women in Management Eleanor Kerlow Copyright 1994 by Prentice Hall Law... 1994  
Joan M. Krauskopf Touching the Elephant: Perceptions of Gender Issues in Nine Law Schools 44 Journal of Legal Education 311 (September, 1994) By 1990, thirty-three task forces had looked at gender bias in the courts, but none had extended its study to the practicing profession or to the law schools in the jurisdiction. Several of the reports, however, indicated that some of the unfair treatment of women found in the courts might be traced to the law school experience. For example, the...; Search Snippet: ...Education September, 1994 General Article Touching the Elephant: Perceptions of Gender Issues in Nine Law Schools Joan M. Krauskopf [Fna] Copyright... 1994  
Andrea Giampetro-Meyer , Amy Fiordalisi Toward Gender Equality: the Promise of Paradoxes of Gender to Promote Structural Change 1 William & Mary Journal of Women and the Law 131 (Fall, 1994) One of the joys of reading is that studying the words of thoughtful, knowledgeable writers helps readers rethink the way they look at the world. Those of us who read, reason, and practice in the field of law sometimes need to experience the jolt one can feel by reading literature outside the field of law. Judith Lorber presents ideas in Paradoxes...; Search Snippet: ...Of Women and the Law Fall, 1994 Book Review Toward Gender Equality: the Promise of Paradoxes of Gender to Promote Structural Change Paradoxes of Gender, by Judith Lorber, [Fna] New Haven and London: Yale University... 1994  
Nancy Ann Root , Sharyn A. Tejani Undocumented: the Roles of Women in Immigration Law 83 Georgetown Law Journal 605 (December, 1994) Long considered arcane and technical, the field of immigration law will continue to move to a center-stage role in American jurisprudence. As the United States continues to become more intertwined with the rest of the world, economically, militarily, and culturally, the values which we choose to impose upon those individuals we invite to join us as...; Search Snippet: ...Empiricism, and the Federal Courts Note Undocumented: the Roles of Women in Immigration Law Nancy Ann Root [Fna1] Sharyn A. Tejani... 1994  
Jeanne L. Vance Womb for Rent: Norplant and the Undoing of Poor Women 21 Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly 827 (Spring, 1994) Introduction. 828 I. Proposals to Pay Women on Welfare to Use Norplant. 831 A. Arguments For and Against the Norplant Bills. 831 B. The Racial Premise of the Norplant Bills. 832 C. The Norplant Bills Are More Than a Weak Incentive. 833 II. Substantive Due Process and the Norplant Bills. 835 A. The Right to Procreative Choice. 835 1. Strict Scrutiny...; Search Snippet: ...Note Womb for Rent: Norplant and the Undoing of Poor Women Jeanne L. Vance [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1994 by the Hastings... 1994  
Mary Anne Bobinski Women and Hiv: a Gender-based Analysis of a Disease and its Legal Regulation 3 Texas Journal of Women and the Law L. 7 (Winter, 1994) I. Women as an Analytic Category II. Medical Policies Toward Women with HIV: Discrimination and Gender Neutrality A. Medical Neglect B. The Law of Discrimination and Gender Neutrality III. Women as Vectors or Victims: Transmission of HIV A. The Biological and Social Determinants of HIV Transmission B. Criminal Law 1. Risk and Criminal Liability...; Search Snippet: ...Symposium on New Perspectives on Women, Health & Lawpart I Women and Hiv: a Gender-based Analysis of a Disease and its Legal Regulation Mary... 1994  
  Women and Hiv: Breaking the Silence 9 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 144 (1994) On January 27, 1994, the Berkeley Women's Law Journal sponsored a forum entitled Women and HIV: Breaking the Silence to address the legal and policy issues surrounding gender, race, and class in the AIDS pandemic. In organizing this symposium, the Journal had two goals. First, we wanted to educate ourselves and others about the ways in which...; Search Snippet: ...Womens Law Journal Berkeley Women's Law Journal 1994 Symposium Commentary Women and Hiv: Breaking the Silence Copyright (C) 1994 Berkeley Women's... 1994  
Samuel Issacharoff , Elyse Rosenblum Women and the Workplace: Accommodating the Demands of Pregnancy 94 Columbia Law Review 2154 (November, 1994) L1-2Introduction 2154 I. The Travails of Working Women and Maternity . 2159 A. Wages and Continuous Workplace Participation . 2159 B. The Uncertain History of Protective Legislation . 2172 C. Pregnancy and Antidiscrimination Law . 2179 D. The Family and Medical Leave Act . 2189 E. Feminist Responses to Pregnancy Leave . 2192 II. The European...; Search Snippet: ...Wl 758472 Columbia Law Review Columbia Law Review November, 1994 Women and the Workplace: Accommodating the Demands of Pregnancy Samuel Issacharoff... 1994  
Lucinda J. Peach Women at War: the Ethics of Women in Combat 15 Hamline Journal of Public Law and Policy 199 (Spring 1994) The United States has more women in its military than any other nation. Yet, unlike several other nations, the U.S. has traditionally banned women from all combat positions. The debate over women's participation in combat roles has become particularly acute as a result of recent United States military involvement in Grenada, Panama, Libya,...; Search Snippet: ...Policy Hamline Journal of Public Law and Policy Spring 1994 Women at War: the Ethics of Women in Combat [Fna] Lucinda J. Peach [Fn1] Copyright (C) 1994... 1994  
Edith M. Hofmeister Women Need Not Apply: Discrimination and the Supreme Court's Intimate Association Test 28 University of San Francisco Law Review 1009 (Summer, 1994) DURING THE PAST several years, a growing number of courts and legislatures have confronted the tension between the constitutional right of freedom of association and the right to live free from discrimination. When state and local governments began pressuring private clubs to abandon their discriminatory policies, the United States Supreme Court...; Search Snippet: ...Review University of San Francisco Law Review Summer, 1994 Comment Women Need Not Apply: Discrimination and the Supreme Court's Intimate Association... 1994  
Allyn L. Taylor Women's Health at a Crossroad: Global Responses to Hiv/aids 4 Health Matrix: Journal of Law-Medicine 297 (Summer 1994) IN THE LAST SEVERAL YEARS the issue of women's health has begun to emerge as a powerful global political concern. Although the global impact of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is only a fragment of the story, it has been the most vivid part of the history of the recent unfolding of interest in...; Search Snippet: ...Summer 1994 Symposium Justice and Health Care: an International Perpective Women's Health at a Crossroad: Global Responses to Hiv/aids Allyn... 1994  
Linda K. Kerber 'A Constitutional Right to Be Treated like . . . Ladies': Women, Civic Obligation, and Military Service 1993 University of Chicago Law School Roundtable 95 (1993) The language of citizenship is a language of claims-claims to civic identity, to authority, to reciprocal obligation, and to mutual consent. This language has been gendered since its origins, in ways that we are only beginning to comprehend. Citizenship involves claims of rights-notably suffrage, and also the right to pursue happiness in various...; Search Snippet: ...Roundtable 1993 a Constitutional Right to Be Treated like . . . Ladies: Women, Civic Obligation, and Military Service Linda K. Kerber [Fnd] Copyright... 1993  
Deborah M. Henson A Lesbian Feminist Critique of Susan Okin's Justice, Gender, and the Family: Lesbian Families with Children as a Non-heterosexist Model for the Development of Morality and Justice 4 Hastings Women's Law Journal 249 (Summer, 1993) Consider a family structure in which both partners are the same sex and thus have to choose certain divisions of labor rather than having traditional notions of gender-based role functioning upon which to rely. Although, theoretically, the choices these two persons make would not necessarily be more egalitarian than the choices made by two persons...; Search Snippet: ...Law Journal Hastings Women's Law Journal Summer, 1993 a Lesbian Feminist Critique of Susan Okin's Justice, Gender, and the Family: Lesbian Families with Children as a Non... 1993  
Michelle J. Anderson A License to Abuse: the Impact of Conditional Status on Female Immigrants 102 Yale Law Journal 1401 (April, 1993) Maria was born in the Dominican Republic. She married a United States citizen, immigrated to this country, and obtained conditional resident immigration status, which enabled her to remain legally in the United States provided that she stay wedded to her spouse. Soon afterward, her husband began to brutalize her physically. One time I had eight...; Search Snippet: ...A License to Abuse: the Impact of Conditional Status on Female Immigrants Michelle J. Anderson Copyright (C) 1993 by the Yale... 1993  
Barbara Allen Babcock A Place in the Palladium: Women's Rights and Jury Service 61 University of Cincinnati Law Review 1139 (1993) When any large and identifiable segment of the community is excluded from jury service, the effect is to remove from the jury room qualities of human nature and varieties of human experience, the range of which is unknown and perhaps unknowable. My father, who liked to call himself a country lawyer, once took in lieu of a fee a nineteenth century...; Search Snippet: ...1993 Feminist Jurisprudence and Procedure a Place in the Palladium: Women's Rights and Jury Service [Fna1] Barbara Allen Babcock [Fnaa1] Copyright... 1993  
Sara E. Lesch A Troubled Inheritance: an Examination of Title Iii of the Violence Against Women Act in Light of Current Critiques of Civil Rights Law 3 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 535 (1993) The United States Congress is currently considering the Violence Against Women Act (the VAWA or the Act). The VAWA would set up a series of programs and initiatives to decrease violent crime against women. The Third Title of the Act would create a civil rights cause of action for women who, through violence, are reduced to symbols of group...; Search Snippet: ...Inheritance: an Examination of Title Iii of the Violence Against Women Act in Light of Current Critiques of Civil Rights Law... 1993  
David Frazee An Imperfect Remedy for Imperfect Violence: the Construction of Civil Rights in the Violence Against Women Act 1 Michigan Journal of Gender & Law 163 (1993) I. Developing the Models 171 A. The Gender Gap in Current Federal Civil Rights Laws 171 1. Conspiracy, State Action, and Private Violence 2. Deprivation of Rights and State Involvement 3. Gender-Motivated Violence and Citizenship 4. The Title III Remedy B. The Gender Gap in Current Bias Crime Laws 188 C. Three Public-Private Splits 197 1....; Search Snippet: ...Violence: the Construction of Civil Rights in the Violence Against Women Act [Fnd1] David Frazee [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1994 by The... 1993  
Leslie Bender An Overview of Feminist Torts Scholarship 78 Cornell Law Review 575 (May, 1993) Tort law cries out for feminist insights, methodologies, critiques, and reconstructions. Because tort law is mostly common law, that is, law made by judges in response to particular cases (rather than rules made by legislative, executive, or administrative actions), it is flexible enough to respond quickly to feminism's critiques. Feminist legal...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review Cornell Law Review May, 1993 an Overview of Feminist Torts Scholarship [Fna] Leslie Bender [Fnd] Copyright (C) 1993 By... 1993  
Pamela Goldberg Anyplace but Home: Asylum in the United States for Women Fleeing Intimate Violence 26 Cornell International Law Journal 565 (Symposium, 1993) Nora Nora was born into a working-class family in Cortes, Honduras on June 19, 1952. She attended school to the sixth grade, then went to work in a poultry packing factory to supplement the family's income. In October 1988, at the age of fifteen, Nora married Francisco, the seventeen-year-old son of a locally prominent, well-to-do family. One night...; Search Snippet: ...Orientation Anyplace but Home: Asylum in the United States for Women Fleeing Intimate Violence Pamela Goldberg [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1993 By... 1993  
Peter A. Gaudioso Batson's Incomplete Legacy: Gender Discrimination and the Peremptory Challenge 3 Seton Hall Constitutional Law Journal 475 (Fall, 1993) In the seminal case Batson v. Kentucky, the Supreme Court of the United States held that in criminal prosecutions, the state's exercise of peremptory challenges to exclude African-Americans from the jury panel violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Shortly thereafter, in a series of decisions rendered on the heels of...; Search Snippet: ...Hall Constitutional Law Journal Fall, 1993 Comment Batson's Incomplete Legacy: Gender Discrimination and the Peremptory Challenge Peter A. Gaudioso Copyright ©... 1993 African/Black American
Dianne Olivia Fischer Bray V. Alexandria Women's Health Clinic: Women under Siege 47 University of Miami Law Review 1415 (May, 1993) I. Introduction. 1415 II. The Interpretive History of the Ku Klux Klan Act. 1421 A. Legislative History. 1421 B. Judicial History. 1422 C. Modern Application. 1424 1. collins v. hardyman. 1424 2. griffin v. breckenridge. 1425 3. united brotherhood of carpenters and joiners v. scott. 1427 III. Anti-Abortion Violence Takes to the Streets. 1429 A....; Search Snippet: ...Of Miami Law Review May, 1993 Comment Bray V. Alexandria Women's Health Clinic: Women under Siege Dianne Olivia Fischer Copyright (C) 1993 by The... 1993  
Elvia R. Arriola Coming out and Coming to Terms with Sexual Identity 68 Tulane Law Review 283 (November, 1993) Not so long ago, a person taking an interest in the study of homosexuality had to search in the hidden corners of libraries and bookstores for works that even remotely had a positive outlook on lesbian and gay culture. I remember how, during my own coming out period in the early 1980s, I found only one book, in the psychology section of a major...; Search Snippet: ...Coming out and Coming to Terms with Sexual Identity Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers: a History of Lesbian Life in Twentieth... 1993  
Carla M. Perugini Constitutional Law--antiabortion Blockades to Prevent Women from Accessing Abortion Clinics Undergo Section 1985(3) Challenge--bray V. Alexandria Women's Health Clinic, 113 S. Ct. 753 (1993) 27 Suffolk University Law Review 145 (Spring, 1993) Title 42, section 1985(3) of the United States Code affords a federal cause of action against individuals conspiring to deprive any person or class of persons of equal protection of the laws. To prove a § 1985(3) conspiracy, a plaintiff must show that the conspirator intended to discriminate against a protected class on the basis of race or class...; Search Snippet: ...Spring, 1993 Case Comment Constitutional Law--antiabortion Blockades to Prevent Women from Accessing Abortion Clinics Undergo Section 1985(3) Challenge--bray V. Alexandria Women's Health Clinic, 113 S. Ct. 753 (1993) Carla M. Perugini... 1993  
Suzanne Sangree Control of Childbearing by Hiv-positive Women: Some Responses to Emerging Legal Policies 41 Buffalo Law Review 309 (Spring, 1993) Introduction. 311 I. The Historical Context of Controlling Women's Childbearing. 319 A. Early Twentieth Century Eugenics. 320 B. Post-Eugenics Reproductive Coercion. 323 C. Fetal Protection as a Form of Control. 326 II. Outlawing Pregnancy For HIV-Positive Women. 333 A. The Experts Speak. 335 B. Expert Opinion Reflects and Influences Medical...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review Spring, 1993 Control of Childbearing by Hiv-positive Women: Some Responses to Emerging Legal Policies Suzanne Sangree [Fna1] Copyright... 1993  
Elizabeth F. Defeis Equity and Equality for Women-ratification of International Covenants as a First Step 3 Seton Hall Constitutional Law Journal 363 (Fall, 1993) The struggle to attain the often elusive goal of equal rights for women continues not only in the United States but throughout the world. At the recent World Conference on Human Rights in Vienna, a global campaign for women's human rights lobbied and achieved unprecedented recognition for women's rights as human rights. Placing the United States in...; Search Snippet: ...Hall Constitutional Law Journal Fall, 1993 Equity and Equality for Women Ratification of International Covenants as a First Step Elizabeth F... 1993  
Deborah J. Merritt , Barbara F. Reskin , Michelle Fondell Family, Place, and Career: the Gender Paradox in Law School Hiring 1993 Wisconsin Law Review 395 (1993) The percentage of women on law school faculties grew steadily during the last two decades. Women, however, still begin teaching at significantly lower ranks than men and are significantly less likely than men to obtain jobs at the most elite schools. Observers often blame these discrepancies on women's commitment to their families and on their...; Search Snippet: ...Review Wisconsin Law Review 1993 Family, Place, and Career: the Gender Paradox in Law School Hiring Deborah J. Merritt [Fna1] Barbara... 1993  
Sharon Elizabeth Rush Feminist Judging: an Introductory Essay 2 Southern California Review of Law and Women's Studies 609 (Spring, 1993) Feminist jurisprudence is scary. It scares both men and women. It scares men so much that it seems most of them prefer not to have anything to do with it. This may explain why few, if any, men enroll in seminars on Feminist Jurisprudence and also why so few men attend conferences focusing upon feminism. But feminism also scares women. Listen to the...; Search Snippet: ...Law and Women's Studies Spring, 1993 Women and the Courts Feminist Judging: an Introductory Essay Sharon Elizabeth Rush [Fna1] Copyright ©... 1993  
Katherine M. Culliton Finding a Mechanism to Enforce Women's Right to State Protection from Domestic Violence in the Americas 34 Harvard International Law Journal 507 (Spring, 1993) This Article will examine the enforceability, under international human rights law, of American women's fundamental right to state protection from domestic violence. A serious and widespread problem of domestic violence directed against women exists in the United States, as well as in Latin America and the Caribbean. Domestic violence is the...; Search Snippet: ...International Law Journal Spring, 1993 Finding a Mechanism to Enforce Women's Right to State Protection from Domestic Violence in the Americas... 1993 Hispanic/Latinx American
Myrna S. Raeder Gender and Sentencing: Single Moms, Battered Women, and Other Sex-based Anomalies in the Gender-free World of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines 20 Pepperdine Law Review 905 (1993) C1-3TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION. 906 II. WHO ARE FEMALE OFFENDERS?. 909 III. DID FEMALE OFFENDERS RECEIVE PREFERENTIAL SENTENCING BEFORE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE GUIDELINES?. 916 IV. THE GROWTH OF THE FEMALE PRISONER POPULATION. 922 V. DOES SENTENCING DISPARITY CURRENTLY EXIST?. 930 VI. LIMITATIONS ON USING OFFENDER CHARACTERISTICS IN GUIDELINES...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review 1993 Symposium Issue on Women and the Law Gender and Sentencing: Single Moms, Battered Women, and Other Sex-based Anomalies in the Gender-free World of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines Myrna S. Raeder... 1993  
Susan McGee Bailey , Patricia B. Campbell Gender Equity: the Unexamined Basic of School Reform 4 Stanford Law and Policy Review 73 (Winter 1992/1993) Gender and the relative roles and valuing of women and men have always influenced the structure and conduct of schooling. Until these issues are examined and understood within the context of twentieth-century U.S. elementary and secondary public education, the significant and wide ranging school reforms envisioned by many in education will not be...; Search Snippet: ...1992/1993 Education Symposium Strategies: Providing Accountability and Ensuring Equity Gender Equity: the Unexamined Basic of School Reform Susan Mcgee Bailey... 1993  
Myrna S. Raeder Gender Issues in the Federal Sentencing Guidelines and Mandatory Minimum Sentences 8-FALL Criminal Justice 20 (Fall, 1993) What roles do most women play in conspiratorial criminal activity with their male intimates? How do battering, coercion, and abusive behavior affect female criminality? Who minds the children when a single mother is incarcerated? If males and females function differently in criminal activity and are differently affected by gender neutral...; Search Snippet: ...1993 Wl 592051 Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Fall, 1993 Feature Gender Issues in the Federal Sentencing Guidelines and Mandatory Minimum Sentences Gender Neutral Sentencing Wreaks Havoc in the Lives of Women Offenders and Their Children Myrna S. Raeder [Fna] Copyright ©... 1993  
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